>trusting kickstarters
I seriously hope nobody thinks this game is going to be good.
>le kikestarter
>Yakuza clone
It's been 18 years since shenmue 2, surely a few months more wait isn't going to change much
I’m just glad it’s even a thing.
Death Stranding releases just a couple days earlier, this is dead on arival
it's ok, people with nothing to play because they don't have a PS4 will get shenmue to cope
It still blows my mind that people pretend Shenmue 1 and 2 were good games
if you bought a dreamcast and played that launch and they defined your childhood, you'd probably think that as well
1 is garbage but 2 is good.
I did all those those and still saw it as a shallow boring game. Next you retards will start saying Blue Stinger was a good game
I'm okay, at least we're getting a sequel, oh and I also didn't fund it
Yea Forums loves "cinematic experiences" as long as they aren't sony exclusives.
I'm pretty sure Shenmue fans are used to waiting anyway.
Even if it was delayed for 2 more years I wouldn't even think of that as long.
Years go by so quickly at this point, I doubt Shenmue fans are 12 year olds
>not being able to afford the 2 games.
That's not the point you imbecile.
I'll buy Death Stranding for my PS4 and pirate Shenmue for my PC, it's a win-win for me
Kil yourselves zoomers, you know jackshit about Shenmue, Yu Suzuki put his heart and soul into this game and you make fun of him?
Fucking zoomers deserve death
I still need to get around to finishing Shenmue 1. It was really novel figuring out how to progress in some areas, but the similarity of each task was getting kind of dull.
I was actually really hyped for this game, now it may as well never come out. This is what, it's 3rd delay? Forget it.
Yu Suzuki is a has-been who had to beg at E3.
Toshihiro Nagoshi surpassed him decades ago.
I doubt there is much crossover between the two groups
The two groups are people who own a PS4 and people who don't so you're right
I first played them a year ago, they're still good.
>implying anyone was interested in this in the first place and people didnt just back it because kickstarter was popular at the time and people wanted nerd gamer cred XD i helped bringing shenmue 3 to life guys iam such a gameeer!
nobody will buy shenmue 3 the remakes of 1 and 2 didnt sell well either because these are just shitty games that got outdone by yakuza
>apples and oranges
When was this game announced, like 2015 or something?
Why do the chinks always announce their shit so many years early. I'm also waiting for the FF7 release date at E3, only to get pushed back by a year
Given that both are PS4 games they will definitely fight over for attention, PC is still safe for Shenmue but it is a smaller market for the game than the PS4
It'll probably be an Epic Games exclusive given Deep Silver
All this delay and I can assure you it'll still be broken with less than a 10 hour campaign
I thought Kingdom Hearts fans were bad
Nov 2022
What's the appeal of this series? All I know is some dude punches a kid's dad to death and now it's taken 3 games for him to track the killer down and finish him
Well the first two weren't any good either.
Are people still pretending to like Shenmue? We get that you wanted a PS2 but got a Dreamcast, but this coping mechanism has gone too far. It is time to let go.
>Yakuza clone
huh. ok. Never noticed that. Thanks I guess.
>It'll probably be an Epic Games exclusive given Deep Silver
I won't be surprised if that happens
i owned a dreamcast and played shenmue back in the day, zoom zoom. it only doesn't get called a "movie game" because it was made before 2010 and wasn't a sony exclusive.
i doubt you've actually played it, otherwise you'd know it was a cinematic walking simulator with long cutscenes and qtes out the ass.
All the people that pre ordered on the kickstarter are probably freaking out