Oookay. I guess I'm an AMD customer now.
Oookay. I guess I'm an AMD customer now
Other urls found in this thread:
>giving your PC aids vs causing it to explode
I guess I'm a console gamer now.
where did it all go so wrong
AMD's not much better.
Face it. Everything is fucking terrible.
> Gay rights!
What rights do they not have bros?
Not even trannies look this manly jesus christ
I've always been a staunch AMD loyalist, not because their shit is great but because I dislike Nvidia
Is AMD still awful? Do AMD users still have to pray fervently that a new game will work on day 1?
pedo rights
Has Nintendo made a Pride announcement yet? I've seen Sega, MS and Sony but not Nintendo, if they've made one.
I'm more interested in what the difference between gay and queer is.
amd is fine if you don't mind going into the driver panel and click the "auto-undervolt" button.
I feel likes homos should be offended for their orientation being used as nothing but a marketing buzzword
Nintendo is strictly against politics in their games so maybe they will keep that standard. Too bad I don't care about any of their games except Bayonetta
>United by our love for gaming
Trannies and gays dont actually like video games though
I don't get what he means.
these chucklefucks always spout systemic racism but they never provide an example
More like
>The left ruined everything I like so I decided to look into wtf happened
>Discover they've been doing this for centuries
>It's just for money and power
>Sjws are useful idiots
>This shit leads to societal collapse
>It's actually the Jews
Nothing made me more sad than when I found out /pol/ was right
That is exactly what happened actually
>opinions about history
Literally what the fuck?
History is history.
>muh amd is bad thread
i've been running an OC'd 2600x w/ OC'd 8gb 580 for a year now and this thing slays everything I throw at it. got both during a Fry's sale, so paid practically nothing and will be good for the next 5 years.
imagine being this fucking delusional
gamergate was just about hating women and minorities in video games...right?
>obvious ads targeted for fags
I mean, it's not like they were hiding it, but do gays really fall for such blatant advertising? We like you the way you are, oh and buy our product by the way?
That's not even a historical event, we were there and we know exactly what happened.
When it comes to real history you know what happens because you real up on documents from the time.
How can you have a fucking opinion about it?
Its not like their shit but AMD can't into opengl and tends to perform poorly in VR. Also if you're into emulation then an Intel CPU is practically mandatory
I dont hate AMD but they generally get less community support for their hardware for whatever reason
jewbook-tier meme but accurate
based and ethicalconsumptionpilled
wait, are you seriously telling me a corporation is trying to raise profits by taking advantage of a month socially designated towards a certain group by advertising to said group in order to expand its customer base because profit driven business entities put profit over ideals?
fucking shocker
Proud to be white.
Really celebrate by putting it in the wrong spot where it doesn't do anything except give your computer aids
>UUUHMMMM they are being murdered for being gay in [some arab shithole where people hang for all kinds of trivial shit]
pink. money.
>we also want them in our country because diversity you islamaphobe
The right to be a bunch of AIDS ridden pedophiles that can do anything they want without anything even remotely resembling repercussion for the sole reason of enjoying dicks up their asses and down their throats.
>Pride Month
Hol up.
Since when has it been an entire month?
>you know what happens because you real up on documents from the time.
You're pretty short-sighted. In 100 years, the cockroaches that rise from the ashes of nuclear armageddon will see our Twitter posts and journalist articles and "know what happens" during the gamergate era where women and minorities were hated. That's how history works.
last game I emulated was P5 w/ rpcs3 and it performed better than I expected it to. haven't tried the ps2 and dolphin emulators, but I read AMD is not a great option for it.
regardless, this PC has been a blessing after I spent so long running an i5-4750 w/ 7850. was considering a 8700k, but the current prices were around $360 and I really wanted to keep it under $250(slightly regret not waiting and getting the 2700x)
Only if that's actually what happened.
More importantly, when do the other deadly sins get their months?
I can't fucking wait for Lust Month.
Being a regressive homo hater doesn't make you cool, interesting, or right. It just shows your bitter nature and lets the rest of humanity know to ignore you.
>lust month
>implying you don't jack off everyday
and if you don't, you don't belong here
Heartily kek'd.
also when is pride month?
It feels like every month is pride month now...
So you are saying that Hitler might have been right all along?
>he says, posting a character from a tranny game
Yeah but not in public and with celebration and acceptance.
t. corporations lover
Be glad when this trend dies
Not only that, he was far right
America is a 3rd world country
>not in public and with celebration and acceptance
this should be a thing
This is unironically how WW2 started
Oh their price to performance definitely trashes Intel and nvidia, and their upcoming CPUs are looking to outpace on the high end as well. But until their market share drastically ups then people are still going to prioritize other hardware.
If they could just figure out opengl they'd be in a much better place
das gay
Jesus fuck! What board got infected?
>imagine a parade float going down the street during lust month
>it's a bunch of incels cranking their yanks
Being a homo doesn't make you cool, interesting or right neither. You're just a dude with a loose butthole.
It litterally says /bant/ in the image user and thise are shitposters
Yep. Check out the schnoz on that Semite in the Twitter pic too. It's all so tiresome.
Seems to be /bant/
>x objectively happened
>person a: I think x happening was bad for group z
>person b: I think x happening was good for group z
wow opinions about history, that was so fucking hard to conceive of.
okay thats it, AMD LIFE!
it's just bantz calm down love
>A tranny in time
Irony ain't in your vocabulary eh
>mfw not American
>But German
The left got a little too PC and now I am a literal Nazi for having the same opinions that made me liberal 10 years ago.
literally what happened here
Those are opinions on morality and philosophy not opinions about history.
Different people value different things but that has nothing to do with the sequence of events that occurred over time.
They want to be above the law, simple as that.
Of course ya don't
Yeah it's only genuine until someone calls you out, then it's ironic.
He's making fun of people that say they used to be pretty liberal until someone called them racist so instead of ignoring them those people "become racist" due to being called racist. It's like an arab becoming a terrorist because memes
Couldn't handle the banter.
>he deleted his posts
He's making fun of the fact that people are so tribalist when it comes to their political parties that you're always going to be grouped or labeled based on the popular choices of your political party instead of having your own individual ideas about each topic.
Like how all Republicans have to be pro-rape
or how Liberals have to be crazy trannies
Pride Month is every month with these dumbass companies trying to sell shit to just one audience because their Jewish boss tells them to.
My opinions never changed and apparently I went from a a bleeding heart liberal to a hard-right in a few years.
What happened?
only african, muslim and slav countries don't celebrate pride month. white people really like debauchery
Glad I don't have a 2080, my computer is not gay like yours
Good idea. You should also destroy all the NVIDIA cards you currently own, that'll show those libcuck SJWs
some of them are
Soon this shit will be global and mandatory, mark my words.
Based anti-tranny jannies
Glad someone gets it
lmao nerd
>I'm more interested in what the difference between gay and queer is.
Gay is simply homosexual and male. Queer is kind of a collective term that can be used for anything can't strictly be categorized as lesbian, gay, bi or trans but still break conventions in terms of sex(uality) and gender. Drag queens for example are queer as they are male and not trans, but like to assume female stage personalities or whatever. Queer and gay usually go together as many drag queens are also gay but don't have to. Although let's be honest you obviously have to be quite a bit gay to be a fucking drag queen
Fags aren't the problem. Most fags don't even want to be this celebrated. It's only twitter trannies that are desperate for attention and latch on anything that remote resembles a rainbow or their cancer flag.
>Most fags don't even want to be this celebrated.
>Drag queens for example are queer as they are male and not trans
You can be male and trans
fags aren't the problem in germany. the netherlands is gay as fuck and their economy is fucking booming, despite that and having a fuckton of immigrants and refugees and whatever the fuck like we do.
at least we're not being invaded by "trannies" that actually only have a self-feminization fetish and aren't actually trans.
Gays arent blacks. Most gay people just want to live a regular life while getting fucked in the ass and not behave like flaming rainbow loving pink fur wearing leather faggots.
>Need almost a year for RGB GPUs
So thats Super, huh?
Wähl AfD
Now Nvidia cards are flaming in more ways than one
The point is the same, he wants people to stop making a big deal out of arbitrary characteristics and just treat people as individuals.
Doesn't matter if you're gay or black. You're just you, shut up about it.
I meant MtF trans specifically, my bad.
Honestly FtM trannies are somehow so "rare" compared to MtF that I keep forgetting they exist. I honestly think the current wave of MtF transsexuals is a result of autogynephilia somehow being more common. You're not trans if you're in your twenties and suddenly decide you want to be a little girl, like Cosmo for example.
Are you dutch?
is there suppose to be a difference? They all fall under "being male" though.
God i wish i was gay, it sucks being white and straight, at least if i sucked dicks itd be illegal to bully me.
At least I still got my anime tiddies.
>t. Yea Forumssetera
Based amd supporting the muslim hordes
german studying in the netherlands.
planning to move here after I'm done with uni.
Tits or gtfo
A difference between what?
>linker nigger sagt "alles ist ok"
Wer hätte das gedacht.
Tell that to the people that use gayness as their sole means as an identity. Do you think those faggots are cool, interesting, or right?
I would have a lot less of a problem with pride if it was just about LGB rather than LGBT. There's nothing to be proud of for being a mentally ill transoid
I didn't mean FtM i meant eddie izzard who calls himself trans but he just cross dresses alot, keeps his same name, and hes biologically male. all official sources for the word transgender do not only mean transitioned people with gender dysphoria diagnosis, but literally anyone who identifies as such, which is a farce, it should be only real trannies
what's there to be proud of any sexual orientation either?
dammit user
reminder that the LGBT movement is being slowly taken over by dog fuckers and kid fuckers
How is that a bad thing?
Well if they are truly inclusive then they have no choice
>dog fuckers
They deserve the right to fuck a canine.
Not the case
why are you so angry, user?
Honestly if some PR thing like this discourages from buying something, you're a moron.
because the public is stupid enough to accept them all rather than collectively burn them at the stake
The right to exist without being hated for being gay.
I've met plenty of nice, sane gay people in my life, but never met a tranny who isn't a nutjob.
I don't know how to explain it to you, but I understand the humor and irony of on a deep, profound level. It's like... watching a kid go have a tantrum in the mud because another kid's being bossy, instead of ignoring the bossy kid like all the other kids.
ich weiß nicht mal was du damit versuchst zu sagen.
gewählt hab ich übrigens noch nie in meinem leben, ich interessiere mich eigentlich nicht für politik weil sich in deutschland sowieso nichts ändert. jeder scheiß politiker versucht sein bestes den beschissenen staus quo aufrecht zu halten weil deutsche anscheinend zu autistisch sind um irgendwas zu ändern. hauptsache mutti merkel ignoriert alle probleme und tut so als ob wir noch in den scheiß 90ern leben.
in den niederlanden haben die ihren scheiß besser zusammen obwohl ihr politisches system theoretisch noch nicht mal vollständig entwickelt ist.
is mir doch scheißegal was politiker über neger und schwuchteln denken, solange probleme adressiert und gelöst werden können die jeden tag 10 negerschwänze pro tag lutschen. deutschlands ökonomie geht den bach runter, die straßen sind alle im arsch trotz konstant erhobener kfz-steuer, nix wird gebaut, "flüchtlinge" und ihre unerzogenen dreckskinder rennen rum und machen was se wollen und kriegen auch noch geld dafür nutzlos zu sein. und besoffene deutsche penner betteln immer noch in ihren vollgepissten hosen an jedem scheiß versifften, graffibeschmierten bahnhof rum.
ich hab die schnauze voll von deutschland. selbst polen ist mittlerweile besser dran. traurig.
TLDR for english cunts germany is fucked and politians won't do shit because they have terminal autism. everywhere else is better than germany.
Sounds like you'd fit in there. Move.
>all official sources for the word transgender do not only mean transitioned people with gender dysphoria diagnosis, but literally anyone who identifies as such, which is a farce, it should be only real trannies
That's bullshit.
Who hates fags, generally speaking? To the point of their lives being negatively affected?
The party of science and technology that was so happy to argue in favor of evolution has more or less abandoned it recently. They're all talk of climate change, no more discussion of evolutionary biology because it means a tranny might be wrong.
But they were perfectly happy to espouse the exact opposite when Christians challenged evolution in the early 2000's.
Just downright hypocrisy from the left it seems.
That's what they were from the beginning, though.
Your existence negatively affects my life because you're wasting my oxygen.
>you have the right to have people be forced to like you
Wait, where's mine?
Nobody is really saying that anymore
Nice strawman though
>Nobody is really saying that anymore
You couldn't be more wrong
Shouldn't be an issue in the first place. I shouldn't be judged for my sexuality but you do it anyway.
gays and lesbos are aight as long as I don't have to see them or interact with them
the rest of the lgbraap can burn
Well, do show it to me then
Good thing that some gay people are realizing that
>Transgender is an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity, gender expression or behavior does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth. Gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense of being male, female or something else; gender expression refers to the way a person communicates gender identity to others through behavior, clothing, hairstyles, voice or body characteristics. “Trans” is sometimes used as shorthand for “transgender.” While transgender is generally a good term to use, not everyone whose appearance or behavior is gender-nonconforming will identify as a transgender person.
Have sex
it's called protection from discrimination
>it's getting hot like summer
>turn down all settings to minimum so my gpu doesn't overheat and break (so it can survive until winter when i can play in max settings again)
>nvidia pulls this gay shit
>now i can't wait until my 1060 kicks the bucket so i can go team red
>turn all settings to maximum in my games
People discriminate against me for being a gamer
Gamer rights when?
That's not why you are hated, you are hated because you are an annoying prick about it
Holy shit never ever do this
manually drop it -100mv +50% power limit this will be fine on 99.9% of gpus. if its not for whatever reason set it to -75mv
Pinkwashing retards.
Too late.
You're free to start that movement.
There are literally people replying to the post you just replied to saying that.
>as long as I don't have to see them
How are you going to avoid that, brainlet
Gays and lesbos have to leave their house, you'll see plenty of them in your lifetime. you've probably already seen hundreds of them in public, you just didn't know that they're fags
Don't act like a fucking tumblr baby who wants to have trigger warning on everything, deal with this shit like an adult
Fucking manchildren
I am definitely moving to AMD for my next card. Fuck nvidia.
You cut it off already?
People don't hate you for being straight, retard, nor do they claim their religion means you don't have a right to exist or get married.
Oh, Im sorry, does making a post on a Chinese message board annoy you? So sad.
Right to not be called faggot
lol this shit is a trend, movements actually get shit done and isn't used in favor of the people they are moving against. Its literally a gay stepping stone foe big businesses.
Being a gamer is a choice. It's a social stigma you assigned to yourself.
I'm gay, that means I like men who like men. Wanting to be a girl because you hate dicks is more your jam.
>you just didn't know that they're fags
exactly my point
Yea Forums - Edgy kids outraged about multi million dollar companies PR
It was generally speaking about everyone who makes a big deal out of pride shit but yeah your annoying personality is why people hate you, keep it to yourself and no one cares or hates you.
>Not being hated means people have to like you
>I base my choice of GPU on who gets to suck dick.
right to molest kids
Maybe these braindead faggots should look up what the fuck the word "trans" literally means. Queer would be a way better term for what they describe as "trans".
Welcome to Yea Forums, enjoy your stay newfriend
I see threads on this shithole EVERY DAY about "OH NO BETHESDA PUT A GAY FLAG ON THEIR TWITTER AVATAR I WONT BUY THEIR GAMES ANYMORE!" does that answer your question?
Outrage culture is too deeply ingrained here.
Who is giving you that right? Being free from hatred is not a natural right.
>taken over
Shit that will never happen for 500, when everyone is hated for existing for many reasons. Stop being a special snowflake because you need to tell the world you like to fuck man ass.
Whats your identity user? Maybe a trump supporter? Oh maybe you are a real gamer! Oh maybe you're an edgy tech-savy guy! Oh, no wait, your a stupid fucking sexless crybaby bitch who spends thier time talking about social justice on a fucking videogame forum that is also a chinese bot-net.
End your life.
I've been on Yea Forums since 2009, this site is always getting worse, but I can tell you since 2016 its getting a lot shittier a lot faster.
Everyone that doesn't want to fuck them.
ich geh lieber selber in die politik anstatt diesen verblendeten geschichtenerzählern ne stimme zu geben.
I've never one had anyone give me shit about being gay, because nobody gives a shit.
Don't act like an idiot and be a decent person.
Stimme dir 100% zu, ich dachte nur du willst sagen die Scheisse die jetzt abgeht wäre gut.
And yet its never been a crime to be straight. Imagine that.
It's unavoidable that you'll find out here and there, though. Why would they deliberately hide the fact that they're fags just cause it makes you mad? Would you bother hiding the fact that you have a gf cause it makes some sperg upset? Cause I sure as fuck wouldn't. Doesn't mean I want to fuck my gf in front of them to make them mad but no one can stop me from kissing her in public.
Kid, I dont have to leave this fucking thread to find people who give you shit for being gay.
... He's a transvestite, not a transsexual, you muppet.
Hab geschlächtsverkehr, unfreiwilig enthaltsamer
>Natural right
user can you explain to the rest of the thread what you think a natural right is?
You could show it to the most unbiased person in the world and still, seeing a man kiss a man would cause disgust in that person, as a natural reaction to something unnatural and wrong. Gays are nature's mistake and it's really not that hard to understand. You should be happy out of your mind that you are not simply shot on the spot, what else do you want?
>Twitter thread is about political outrage and gossip instead of video games.
Twitter threads need to be banned.
If that's true then how come you've never been persecuted for being straight?
Geh arbeiten du Lappen
hes transgender
90% of threads on the catalog right now are not about video games.
>The right to exist without being hated
Not a right
It's a natural right.
quick hes crying
burn the constitution
If this was an issue of specific laws against you, tell me what they are. If it is an issue of people not liking you, then it is their right to think that way wrong or not.
>Waits until gay marriage is legal to support the LGBT community
What people don’t realize is that it’s just for money. If hating gays was the morally acceptable thing, these companies would hate gays. Big companies will do whatever they can to make the big bucks from the largest demographic, even if it means not getting business from other demographics.
They have all the rights to worship Slaanesh and Nurgle.
Durpy durp durp
After you tell me the first straight pride month
You're not original in thinking this.
99% of statistics are made up on the spot.
>between 24% and 90%
What the fuck does that even mean?
von mir aus können politiker regenbogenanzüge und makeup tragen wenn se wollen. mir egal wie sehr schwuchteln oder sonstwer gefeiert werden, solange man so einen scheiß nicht als ausrede benutzt um echte probleme nicht anzusprechen.
wie gesagt, holland is ziemlich schwul im vergleich zu deutschland (die haben als erstes land die homoehe legal gemacht) aber das is mir eigentlich scheißegal weil deren land nicht am versiffen ist. was für mich heißt dass schwuchteln nicht der sündenbock sind, jedenfalls nicht hier. was in den vereinigten staaten abgeht is wieder ne ganz andere geschichte :^)
You are 3 years too late
You'll get Straight Pride Month right after you get I'm-Not-Deaf-Or-Blind-Haha Pride Month.
Those are Catholics.
>unfreiwilig enthaltsamer
Muhammed pls
Depends on the study
Dumb. Gays can’t afford high end GPUs. They have to spend their money on HIV medication
Yuck it up fag, you only live to about 40 on average, so don't take too long.
To make your own decisions. You are not free from what others think about you making gay life choices just as how I am not free from being banned if I tried to post my opinions on gay people on any other social media.
May as well say we dont fucking know instead of giving a 66% margin
Turning a blind eye to posters like and pretending they don't exist is not "I've never one had anyone give me shit about being gay," You can ignore them, but you can't say it didn't happen.
Thoughts =/= acts
>You are not free from what others think about you making gay life choices
We should be.
cooking food is not natural either, vaccines are not natural, chemo is not natural, wearing pants is not natural, what the fuck does natural even mean?
Point out what exactly about his post is wrong?
AMD users aren't stupid enough to buy a game on day 1.
>Things to live longer and healthier
>Putting your dick in shitholes and die from super aids
One of the two goes against natural behaviour
You projecting you own ugliness onto other men isn't my problem, neckbeard.
Is that a dead video card being photographed on the street?
With the rainbows of blood illustrating Nvidia's seething hatred of all things homogenous?
And this is why bifags are based chads. they aren't homo sexfreaks or crazy lesbians, they just love the people they love, no matter who they are.
more like united by your wallet
>centrist of sexuality
the truth is they can't commit and control themselves
100 seems awfully conservative. this is what mine looks like. Default is 1200mV in state 7.
Do you live in any of those places?
You start with the claim "being gay is nature's mistake" but you don't take it anywhere. There are plenty of mistakes in nature, such as mutations -- millions or more of which led our species to where it is currently.
You can make the claim that it's unnatural all you want, but until you do something with it -- until you push it further -- that is just a meaningless distinction you use to make yourself feel better about being bigoted.
>he thinks modern lifestyle is healthy just cause we live longer
Modern humans are fucking freaks
The way we live, especially now with the internet, is the most unnatural thing that exists. Why do you think mental illnesses are running rampant these days? We aren't supposed to live like that. We aren't supposed to interact with thousands of people a day on the internet with no consequences. It's turning people into social cripples.
Why should they need to though?
>Be me
>Head of big vidya corporation
>Finds out gay marriage is popular and legal
>Pic related
Are you pretending that those places don't exist? I hate to break this to you, but gay hate still exists. I know, who knew, I'm shocked too.
Smoking isnt natural either
Cars are not natural
Having a dog pet is not natural
come on, entertain me.
Wrong. They know exactly what they want.
Not committing and not being able to control themselves is exactly what gays do. They are the ones that have literally hundreds of sexual partners.
Just found out about gay hate. Shit’s wack. Now where’s my free pussy haha?
both of the two go against "natural" behavior actually! and your inability to understand why someone would do one is not an argument, it's just you complaining about what people who arent you are doing.
>Holy shit never ever do this
Why not?
Obergefell v. Hodges was decided on June 26, 2015, but corporations want to extend the "celebration" for a whole month to put rainbows on their Twitter icons and take advantage of gays and lesbians for a whole month of good PR.
>t. involuntary celibate incapable of believing someone can support a position without pursuing some underhanded goal
I think gays are disgusting and that is my opinion, no amount of depserate shilling will change my mind on that
Only the 2080 is gay?
>one of the deadly sins
>together with lust
if you're gonna try to make a joke at least have it make sense
That's fine, I'd rather have gay pride month forever anyway and you're meaningless.
I'll give you an example of racism that is actually codified in the law of the US and is still used to this day. When I fill out an application for college or a job a person with darker skin than me will get to fill the position before me because of their race, even if by merit alone I should have got the position.
Of course. The 1080Ti is female.
...That's not a 1080.
There's no such thing as a natural right
2080TI i mean
Men should get that right too. :^)
Not physically, no, but concepts exist as concepts. That's why, you know, they're called concepts.
All homosexual couples that adopt are confirmed pedophiles.
Tick tock fag, HIV is awaiting
You do.
That's actually not true at all. It's white supremacist propaganda. Go try to find that law and post here.
Alimony awaits you.
When company’s wanna move there products
she cute!
Imagine getting triggered by colors
Imagine getting triggered by words
It's better than playing video games
All of capitalism is fake and gay, OP
I apologize for nothing. Blame microsoft for not having webm thumbnails in explorer. Or linux for just plain not having a good file picker at all. Either one works I use both.
Using an inferior product in my PC build to trigger the libs.
imagine getting triggered by not being pandered to
it's okay when chris does it.
>People discriminate against me for being a gamer
You mean it wasn't always like that? I don't believe you
drop the pride month thing and I won't hate you
straights are inferior
Explain the logic behind this stance, in detail.
I'd rather you stay mad, faggot.
Smells like projection.
Don't waste time telling others what you'd like to do for yourself.
it took 10 million years in mspaint for a straight brain to make this
If it's just projection why are you still crying right now?
That's the power of manually resurrecting a dying company by motivating your engineers to reach their full potential by offering them some degree of creative license.
it's still like this you retard. stop acting like people don't use rainbow colors for other things anymore. It still shows up plenty in games and such.
Also the bottom left image is clearly shopped, are you even trying? Got a laugh out of me though, fucking NAMbLA
You seek attention and believe you deserve special treatment just because you stick your dick in someones asshole. You believe this is being progressive when in reality it's unclean and disgusting.
Who would have imagined 100 years ago that the foremost topic imposed on us would be the celebration of, at all social levels, quite literally taking a dick up your ass?
Not even the same user; you're the one that's heated
Who knew that "people" would today still hate anal
>no u
Good one
Why are all gays also pedos? Does degeneracy know no bounds?
Are you fucking retarded? Pride is one of the deadly sins not homosexuality
wtf I buying AMD now!
Glad to see Nvidia celebrates Clown Awareness Month.
You can do anal without announcing it to the four winds as an achievement of which to be proud.
Let's agree to disagree.
I don't care what animals I have around me so long I get to watch the world burn.
So you just have some kind of fucking ocd hygiene obsession?
What I announce is that I'm attracted to men and that there's nothing wrong with that, feminist. Not everything is about women.
AMD, Intel and NVidia all have their own ridiculous diversity gay faggot shit which is probably the reason cpu and gpu tech as a whole has been stagnant.
The queers know companies don't give a shit about them and are just putting on their rainbow pants to get more money out of them, right?
unironcailly based
amd sells to iran btw
>gay people are why GPUs aren't faster
This board can't get any stupider.
You're so ignorant it hurts. There's a ton of disorders that can cause dissolution of gender in an individual, and they're studied and documented. Psychologists are the niggers you're after, they do soft "science" and have a serious replication crisis. Medicine (pharma) also has a replication crisis. You just haven't entertained the idea of continuously educating yourself.
The mature ones know, the young and foolish don't, but then again, thats more of immature naivete than gay naivete.
That already exists. It's Destroy Dick December
I don't think its ocd to not want to stick your dick in a septic hole.
That wasn't really the message you were supposed to get, champ.
>People don't hate you for being straight, retard
And people don't hate you for being gay, they hate you for being a faggot.
I think they are celebrating White Pride, user
Nobody cares that your attracted to men either, vessel
u w0t m8
>there's nothing wrong with that
The social celebration of it is very wrong.
lmao, nobody has the right to not be hated you fucking imbecile. And now I hate you for being dumb AND gay
>he thinks all gays have anal sex
No we don't. It's just so poltards give them free publicity and good boy points. Works every time, and for cheap.
If that's true there wouldn't be any posts about how being gay is wrong.
Who gives a damn either way?
Along with Wojak
Did you even read this thread or did you mind just block out all the anti-gay posts
I'm not American so I don't now much about your laws, but isn't that exactly what affirmative action is?
The message I got from you is you don't mind sticking your dick in a septic hole, its not hygienic ocd me being against such things.
There's wouldn't be any posts about it to begin with if you kept your sexuality to yourself.
You being alive is very wrong but I have to put up with it anyway.
It's amazing how blatantly obvious big corporations make it that they're only taking advantage of the month because of money and people still eat that shit up
what does any of this shit have to do with video games or Yea Forums? these companies do not give a single solitary fuck about gay rights or abortions or whatever the fuck they post about on twatter, its all FOR MONEY MONEY MONEY.
take your gay ass stealth politics thread back to twitter you inbred aids ridden faggot
Nice circular logic, I wouldn't have to keep it myself if you didn't find it wrong. I'm not going to keep that I like hamburgers to myself, do you have a problem with that too?
I was never left wing on most of these issues, excluding economics. Also, I don't have opinions on things that don't exist like systemic racism.
>inb4 poz cum Turkey baster webm
verified twitter users sure can't meme
>its not hygienic ocd me being against such things.
If that was true you wouldn't have made multiple posts about how unhygienic it is.
>Please do not do that.
>bath time timmy!!!!
>n-no! I don’t like bath time anymore I want my mommy!
>Timothy we’ve been over this time and time again, you do not have a mommy!
>robert get over here
>[naked, aroused and balding robert begins chasing timmy around the house]
>hold him down robert while I take his clothes off
....30 min later
>ok timster time to wash your ass hole!
Every day.
Literally what will happen. The rate of pedophilia among gay men is like 80%.
Diversity quotas mean more qualified people get passed on jobs over faggots and shitskins. How can you claim that doesn't affect the quality of the product the company makes?
do I get a free 2080ti if I suck a dick?
ironic, coming from someone who straight out ignored his point. This is why people hate FAGGOTS that think people are out to get them. The majority of this planet couldn't give a shit what you fuck.
You can be a gay person that deals with his sexuality in privacy, or a full blown FAGGOT that uses his sexuality as an identity.
Imagine being THIS disingenuous
And what is their quota?
The right to resist a meanie head president and all his bigot supporters
I wonder if this is something like T Kaz was talking about. Where liberals feel bad because they're empowered to feel bad and rather than behaving generally altruistically they instead parade around virtue signalling to boost their self-esteem? I really don't understand it in this case especially. Normally it's a question of galvanizing the public (which this has done effectively, garnering 348 posts from 157 people). Considerations breach that though. There are some 3-5% of the US population that are openly gay enough to self-identify in anonymous reports. Despite that people estimate something like 30% of people are gay when asked.
Is there an agenda in over-representing homosexuals, or is it just misguided virtue signalling? Is it just marketing? I wonder if once the next Dem gets elected if we'll see less of this and more of the opposite?
>The majority of this planet couldn't give a shit what you fuck.
>full blown FAGGOT that uses his sexuality as an identity.
So you don't give a shit who I fuck but I'm a full-blown faggot if fucking men is part of my identity? You can't have it both ways kid. Unless you don't give a shit about faggots, in which case what the fuck are you wasting my time for
B-but its GAY user, like rubbing 2 penises together! Weiners are gross I can't buy those graphics cards
Fuck off faggot.
Catholics do have that right already. No reason to fight for it. It's the faggots that are fighting to get the same treatment.
Just came off the boat from Reddit? I'm not even the guy you were originally replying to. By the way its not ocd, its just normal hygiene.
What's their quota?
imagine getting triggered by not being pandered to
>I'm not the same guy but Im going to say the exact same fucking thing anyway as if me being a different person changes anything
It doesn't, I'm still holding you accountable for retardation.
That will never happen. People will hate you no matter what. Even if you weren't gay, someone else would hate something else about you. They would hate your skin color, or your hobbies, or your politics or your weight or because you drive the "wrong" car. People will hate each other for all sorts of reasons and gay acceptance won't stop the hate you'll get. It'll just change subject of what they hate about you.
You can, at least, safe face and stop pretending to be retarded.
If you constantly get an ANNOYING and INVASIVE agenda shoved down your throat by the same people it is used to represent, then it gets very annoying at some point. Even the biggest LGBTQ(P) supporter should understand this. People don't see others in what they fuck. But when it's the only thing they constantly symbolize and represent, then you need to deal with the repercussions when people finally think you're a clown.
Gee I don't know how many shitskins they hire exactly. It's obvious that its happening and every time a company starts hiring with muh feefees over merit is when a company starts going into the shitter.
i haven't had any issues with my RX580 8GB since i bought it last year. everything has run smooth as butter
>*faps to loli porn*
>Gee I don't know
I know, I just wanted to see how long it took you to admit it
Anonymous teenagers on the internet - apparently the most powerful and dangerous group on the planet.
Whoa, where you going with those goalposts?
The right to encourage boys aged 8-14 to become gay and explore their sexuality, of course!
Oh my God
But you're the retard claiming it is ocd to not want to stick your dick in poop? I'm sorry man but you're entire argument has been retarded from the start.
Leftists will defend this.
You're not even bait posting anymore. You're just a full blown retard.
Sure Pedo
If they have a website for diversity hires they're obviously making diversity hires. Even if that means they only employ one person to fill a diversity quota that's one person that doesn't deserve that job.
The correct answer was "Nobody with any god damn sense"
Shouldn't you be picketing against the anal category on pornhub?
Now provide evidence that the person they hired isn't actually qualified.
I hope the scary Gay Pride month doesn't personally INVADE you anymore!
If you bigots want to have illegal opinions on the internet you'll have to get through me.
i'd say 100%, they aren't in it to be a married couple, they are in it to be able to adopt a young boy, to brainwash and use as fuck meat 100% fact. Why don't they adopt a young girl? They don't like girls, they love little boys butts 100% fact.
If they cared more about that persons skin color than their qualifications then it's more likely that they weren't qualified.
>systemic racism doesn't exist!
Sure it does, just not in ways you're capable of perceiving. It boils down to "black culture" which was largely, if not exclusively curated and sponsored by whites. Let that trend upwards for a couple of decades unabated and now you've got literal subhumans guiding opinions of what were/are potentially decent people. Lil' Wayne isn't a good role model. Lil Wayne isn't a good public image for blacks, but when you're sorting categories by race, Lil Wayne is black. Likewise XXXTENTACION is a shitty role model and a shitty PR person, yeah?
That isn't evidence, that's supposition. You have to actually show that there was a case where "You're not qualified, but we're hiring you anyway because you're different" happened.
This doesn't make any sense. I love anal and i'm straight but assuming that all gays have anal sex is dumb is all I'm saying. Going "well uh who cares anyway" is moving the goalpost, considering the original post was about "hurr why are we celebrating icky buttsex?"
All those posts are about OCD, which wasn't the point. Why are you obsessed with OCD? Is it the OCD?
So whites are responsible for blacks' own culture that's harmful to them?
Lol rainbows I love the gays please buy my shit
>a whole month of being proud because you can't get enough cock
It's moving the goalpost to a more sensible area. Plenty of gay people anal sex, so what the fuck is arguing that some don't going to accomplish anyway? Are you just trying to argue that the ones that don't have anal sex are the good ones? What the fuck kind of goal post is that?
You re the one who brought up ocd, not me. If its not the point you should admit you were wrong to frame it in such a way.
There wouldn't need to be a diversity hiring agenda if these people were qualified otherwise. The whole shit started because these tech companies were 99% white and asian and it made it look like other races can't into technology which didn't serve the agenda that all people are the same so it needed to change.
The hygiene part was more important, Mr. OCD.
>opinions and stances on different issues are largely unchanged from a few years ago
>left has gone so far off the wagon that my mostly left views would get me labeled as an extreme right winger because its not far left enough
Guess I'm a Nazi now.
>I love anal and i'm straight
You're a closet gay, that's all
I'm enjoying my life and forseeable future. I hope you can say the same while you keep pushing people away from your life because they realize the empty husk of a personality you've become. And maybe in the end you'll realize that after all, people hated you for being an annoying cunt instead of you taking nigger dick up your ass.
Glad you agree that you were wrong Mr. Faggot.
I haven't forgotten that you haven't even shown the quota you know. You linked a page that says they don't only hire straight white men. That's not the same thing as hiring unqualified people. Or maybe it is to you.
I'd rather love men than have OCD, even if you are an embarrassment to our gender.
The point is pride month or any other kind of celebration of gay people isn't the celebration of, quote, "quite literally taking a dick up your ass". That's just strawmanning.
It's EEO:
They can be held in breach of EEO standards if they don't perform adequate systematic "mitigations." It's less a question of the business themselves, but of demographics. When blacks and hispanics don't apply for degrees you end up with a bunch of Anglos, Indians, and Asians. They get doubleplus PR points for having a diversity splash page, and a barrier from the feds.
Welcome to the club.
>I'm enjoying my life
You mean as long as July doesn't INVADE you
>taking the bait on outrage marketing
history has to be written by people, and no matter how much you try you will never be able write your history from an objective standpoint
>me enjoying to please my gf who has an anal fetish by fucking her in the ass means I'm a closet gay
Should make for good fireworks.
That doesn't answer my question at all, which is what endgame were you hoping to get out of announcing that not ALL gay men have anal sex. The best you could hope for is that he'd say "Oh, then I guess not all gay men are disgusting." Which we all know wasn't going to happen. Pick your goals better.
It certainly is. That's all it boils down to. Can a gay man be best friends with a woman? Yes. Then why wouldn't he marry her? Because he has to take dicks up his ass or he'll literally die. Homosexuality is purely a sexual fetish and nothing else. Celebrating it might as well celebrate autoerotic asphyxiation, zoophilia, pedophilia, feetfags, or any other impure or degenerate fetish.
>Achieves the same as a nog who got a booster seat throughout all of academia.
>No white man's foundation to help him pay his way through college
>no diversity quotas he can fulfill.
>achieved everything through his own efforts
>Stinky Jamal in sweatpants and a doo rag who came 20 minutes late and forgot to bring a pen or paper to the interview.
I hope Jamal doesn't run out of straw!
can you?
That's what we thought about trannies when they tried to shoehorn themselves it, but with the odd, mass, unanimous support of the media, here we are.
Sounds like you actually need to be oppressed instead of moaning about your imaginary struggle for rights you already have.
No one has the right to exist without being hated for [blank]. Gays already have equal rights in this regard.
me under the bed
>whitoid is this full of himself for why no company wants him
Says somebody who has never been afraid to come out as straight out of fear of being disowned
I wish we could just talk about FUCKING VIDEO GAMES
What does gay rights in some islamic shitholes have to do with you?
E3 next week, you'll be able to talk console wars and nintendo games to your heart's content for about three days :)
Ever heard of empathy, kid?
More or less, yeah. You promote shitty role models into a minority culture that is bound to follow them at the core of the demographic (read: majority of blacks) the mass of the race will identify and modify their behavior as such. What's more is the value signalling that is promoted in the aforementioned rap culture, supercars, gold chains, orgies and drugs. Then there's those that warn against certain behavior that accidentally glorify it.
But hiphop was never about guns, glory, drugs, women. It was beats, MCs, dancing and graffiti. Most of that has been suppressed to low-level indie labels and sees virtually zero radio play. You're ultimately targeting the wrong enemy, being distracted by the short for the long game. Welfare is a pittance compared to MIC spending or subsidized corporations. It's a drop in the bucket when you consider the tax breaks companies and CEOs get. When you consider the amount CEOs reap compared to the workers that toiled in the dirt for them.
>more libtard propaganda
embarrassing, I'm getting sick of these virtue signalling ads
i'm gay. ama.
My personal favorite is Envy month.
>26.8 per cent of its workers are women
>and around 14.6 per cent are minorities
Did you quote the wrong post
>Having to choose between two flavors of equally shitty ass cancer like they're mutually exclusive and not done by the exact same people
Y'know what, you deserve to be fucked by a rake made of other, smaller rakes.
I think everyone can see you like to get fucked in the ass, you don't need to remind everyone how much you love men.
She doesn't have an "anal fetish" and the only reason she let you near her asshole is because you wouldn't leave her alone about it, and since your dick is small she let you do it, so she can get you to shut the fuck up about it.
You're mentally ill and it will only be a matter of time before you start fucking men.
Again what do that have to do with gays in Western countries like you specifically?
Feels good bruh.
>that (((nose)))
I heard killing yourself feels good also brother, you should give it a try.
The Left got so PC that social issues and fringe progressive shit is the only thing they really care about.
>someone saved my edit
No one has the right to not be hated.
Wow, so you seriously have no empathy.
It's this little phenomenon where you feel bad for people who AREN'T you because they're going through hard times.
Feeling bad for them has to do with me. I don't like how it's illegal to be gay in some places and that's depressing. That's how it affects me.
You're depressing too, because you're such a fucking retard but you're still allowed to make posts anyway.
If I did that, I wouldn't be able to make you mad by being alive, and making you mad feels pretty good!
HIV treatments won't feel as good bruh. Trump pulled funding on it and most insurances don't cover it anymore.
I literally never gave a shit (pun not intended) about anal before my gf, though.
Also there is nothing wrong with gays and bisexuals. They can fuck who they want and you're incredibly insecure about your own sexuality if you think otherwise.
Oh, well, then remake it so it actually answers my question
And yet it's violated every single day.
Men rule the world.
Epic non sequitur bait faggot. No wonder people hate fags.
I don't hate you for being gay, but why do you have to be so vocal about liking dicks in your butt. No one else has disgusting sex parades through the city to show that the like fucking women. Why do you insist on making your sexual preferenses part of your public identity?
No one wants to know what your fetishes are. You come off as a disgusting pervert when you introduce yourself that way.
TL;DR: It's okay to be gay, just don't be such a disgusting faggot about it. It's not our fault that we find you and your behaviour disgusting. Have some decency.
>gays are disgusting
Genuinely wondering what straight people ITT think about this. What specifically is gross to you?
Of course you think nothing is wrong with it, you're a homosexual. This is normal behavior for you.
Okay, what is your point, faggot?
Mad? Why would I be mad about some dude putting his dick in a shit hole? I'm disgusted far more than I am mad, as are most normal straight people.
>How does gays being killed for being gay affect you?
>It makes me feel bad that it happens
That's how most people feel.
You can see that with how quickly they express it when they feel safe.
Okay, then replace mad with disgusted, and my post stays the same. Stay mad.
Oh yeah, she blowin. Keepin' my clocks high.
That's not possible, unless you unironically want death squads purging people for thinking negatively about homosexuals.
You don't give a shit about a right to not be hated because you've never been hated for your sexuality.
In this case they want revisionism like making sure everyone knows that Gandhi was a racist and whatever he did or accomplished is meaningless now so we should all hate him now.
are gays who arent intrusive and dont act like flamboyant sissy faggots that support lgbt meme based?
asking for a friend
>my sex junk's better than bagels with lox!
(((WHO))) could have written these lyrics?
>That's not possible,
I can still fight for it. It happens on too high of a scale.
The whole thing.
It's a natural aversion, just like people have with insects and spiders.
It's not something you can explain without the evolutionary biology approach, which I'm sure you faggots aren't a fan of.
Holy shit, I just had a fucking epiphany.
Gays are pedos because they've been sexually repressed in their youth, hence being sexually stuck in their childhood because they couldn't live out their sexual tendencies when it's healthy for children and teens to do. It's EXACTLY the same reason why so many catholic priests are pedos. This makes way too much sense, what the fuck?
Welcome to cyberpunk 2019. Where the corps only care about your identity if they can make a little extra money off of it.
Probably the fact that almost every pride parade has several flaming faggots acting like absolute retards.
The only thing you're proving with this image is that niggers and kebabs are the real evil bigots that you should despise, but any time you faggots are faced with that fact you whine about racism.
Wow I just had a fucking epiphany, Yea Forums armchair psychology is hilarious.
>ib some kind of "Did I hit a nerve?" type of shit
I get hated for plenty of other things, probably more than your faggot ass gets hated for being gay. Which I'm not convinced is even very common in the vast majority of developed nations.
I'm not trying to legislate my way out of bad feelings.
Atheists like me are mistreated in Arabic countries too but you won't see me whining about it.Stop being a whiny pussy getting upset over shit that happens in countries that aren't yours.
Also why are fags like you wanting to import Muslims into the West when you know how they treat fags in their own countries.
The only thing I'm proving is that you belong in mudhut Africa.
Sounds like homophobia. I don't see what's gross about two guys kissing.
Keep your sex life contained to your home and you're fine
80s-10s: lets make gaming fun
2010's+: lets make gaming gay