ITT: We post "villians" who were actually the heroes of their respective games.
ITT: We post "villians" who were actually the heroes of their respective games
Kessler did nothing wrong.
Haytham was great and honestly should have been the main character all the way through
Even after finding out the Templars killed his dad, kidnapped and raped his sister, he still stuck with them. It's like he knew he was fucked then and there. There's no alternative, no other secret society would have him.
He cucked himself and took the mantle of the villain so his son could end him. And he wanted to reach the end when he couldn't get through to his son due to his autistic injun genes.
Haytham sure was better than Connor "What would you have me do" Lastname.
I like Haytam and Shay
Probably the only good Templars in the entire series
Rest are retards
Kessler like Infamous Kessler? Didn't that dude fucking murder his own wife just to teach himself a lesson?
Hey that's not fair, Shay's first mate was awesome.
Van Helsing got bored of hunting old Vlad, huh?
Father is a ruthless pirate/assiassin
Haytham is a calm Templar
Son is a ruthless indian/assassin
inFAMOUS Kessler game when?
Haytham deserved better
You mean John.
Based. He was right to call the retreat since both forces would have been defeated by the Archdemon. He literally did nothing wrong.
Him choosing to raze the entire city was an asspull, and was basically character assassination. Not a valid counterpoint.
>leviticus cornwall did nothing wrong
Inb4 retard
If you side with the scumcloaks, your "villan" was right about everything. The Thalmors only wanted to weaken more the empire with the civil war, and independize Skyrim they succeed.
Haytham is my animal spirit
>did everything because he thinks it's not a real blight
>it was a real blight
Seems pretty wrong to me
Haytham was based AND correct about everything (which Connor only realized long after he killed him).
Bluecoats and Washington threw Connor and his indians under the bus the second they started winning against Brits.
not to mention all the shit he did in the game to cripple the progress of the only people who could stop the Blight.
So after I kicked his ass, I killed him
>Pulling out of Ostagar was half because he was butthurt at Cailan courting an Orlesian
>Has the Grey Wardens hunted down despite them being the only ones who can kill the darkspawn and archdemon because obviously it's just a fairytale despite the darkspawn being real and the archdemon being real
>Consolidates power solely by appointing moustache twirling villains as members of his inner circle and poisoning everyone who disagrees
>Also allows Redcliffe to be attacked by a zombie horde because ?????
The best route is to marry his Daughter, fuck Morrigan and then kill Alistair
Want some crab rangoon, user?
I can never get over how much Haytham looks like my dad. It's uncanny
He was right to retreat after ostgar, but wtf was his plan afterwards? Spent more time being evil than ending the blight.