>trying to deliver a package
>had a good amount of cargo on me at the beginning
>some yellow guys scan me from afar and start throwing spears at me
>lose some packages but manage to make a escape since they turned their attention to them
>it starts raining
>i need to pee
>bt monster gets me and blows me up
>go to Hades and escape without retrieving all my packages because Mads fucked me up
>my legs hurt
>got to a resting point finally
>literally no supplies because other Sams on the area do not care about connections and helping out
Sounds like an awful game.
Even looked terrible in the last trailer.
Bravo Kojima
>>some yellow guys scan me from afar and start throwing spears at me
Fuck spear chuckers
>quickly run over to your rest point
>start tea-bagging the guy who lost all his supplies
yep I'm buying it
I am worried it might be really hard to make a game with such mechanics not feel boring after a while, Kojima will need to add a lot of secondary stuff in order for the player to keep his interest.
Come on, the game looks better than RDR 2 graphically.
The gameplay looked terrible. Graphics were okay.
>america finally elects a female president
>abortion is now completely legal
>apocalypse starts because of that
>the government needs to dispose of millions of aborted fetuses to hide them away from God's wraith
>Hades wants to stop your feminist quest in order to take his share of souls to punish during the Judgement Day
This is the real plot of Death Stranding
I like the theory that DS is a true sequel to MGS4.
How so?
>order a new daughter/wife on Amazon in the year 2050
>Was cheaper to order as a fetus so I got that
>Delivery is supposed to take 30 minutes
>Amazon slave gets loaded up at the factory and sent off to my house
>Gets attacked by yellow guys with lightning spears
>drops my package and has to go back to Amazon to get terminated
this desu
up until the last trailer it looked really good
last trailer made the gameplay look so boring
I like the gun's UI in Hades, but that's it. Everything else was painfully dull.
I think she's just got hit by the time rain.
>Yellow guys are literally Amazon prime workers who you have to fight for delivery contracts
Why is Kojima such a fucking hack?
I've never a played a Kojima game? Any guesses on what to expect?
The perfect immersion of the player in the experience of the character
Is Death Stranding going to be depression core like MGS4 is?
reminder kojima thinks smoking makes you look cool
I imagine it will have a somewhat hopeful story based on what Kojima has been saying about it. Probably depressing in terms of what happens to the characters but he seems like he's writing a story about building a better future.
That sounds like 4, does it not?
I'd want a dart too if my only friends were skeletons and I was covered in black goop
Weird shit, which is probably to high for you
it looks cool but it's unhealthy
It does, though, sadly.
Kind of I guess. I was typing it out I kind of realized the same thing. I think 4 was more depressing than this will be though because part of the sadness for 4 comes from having known many of those characters for years through the earlier games. I feel I am likely to be less attached to Sam than I was Snake but it's obviously impossible to say until I play the game.
He saw how Nier married co-op interactivity and how seemless it was. He saw the Souls series and lamented how everyone enjoyed fucking each other over instead of helping each other. He saw Journey and enjoyed how well 2 players could connect without actually knowing anything of note about the other.
But he will do it terribly. The world isn't ready for the type of cooperation he is trying to force onto people. The entire game is going to be a grief engine the likes of which the galaxy has never seen
Remembered me, about the mgs4 installing-screen
I like weird shit though
I actually had a female co worker tell me I looked cool while taking a drag from a ciggie.
I told her to keep it in her pants (until we clocked out).
Smoking will always be a good way to communicate a certain level of humanity because it's wholly unnecessary but makes people addicted feel better. It make a character come off as human while also communicating a feeling of stress or "I need a break but this is all I'll get". If Kojima just added it to be cool then that's retarded but his tweet doesn't necessarily say that.
Good for you then
>I added smoking to his character after I saw him smoking on break
It’s definitely about how it looks.
>If Kojima just added it to be cool then that's retarded
how so though? whats wrong with adding something to a game solely for cool factor
>Homo Demons
>Edge Nut city
You're projecting so hard. The predominant interactions in dark souls ARE helping one another, coop accounts for the vast majority of dark souls play time, players helping each other overcome bosses, which the games let you do almost from the get go. Invasion by compararison is niche as fuck, which the game gatekeeps even further with pvp covenants being much more difficult to find and join
More like time to stop aborting
But it makes sense for the character. Could you not see some jaded operator who fucks around with paranormal shit not wanting a smoke every once in a while?
>he doesn't like things for the cool factor
>someone left ladder to 2nd floor in ruins
>aw yee some supplies
>fucking BTs
>go to canyons areas
>someone left a ladder
>just want to go to top for resting point
>fucking BTs again
>trapped on the top of the cliff
>no one left rope to get down
>suddenly timefall
can you stop doing this. this is not how we're supposed to play Death Stranding
Yeah, it could add to the character. But the character was probably already like that smoker or not. Kojima actually said himself he added smoking after seeing him smoke.
You guys now that you will controll your arms and legs with the shoulder buttons right?
If you think the point in the trailer where he caught the ember out of the air to light his cig wasn't cool you're a faggot
Yeah white girls hit the 30's hard
- con
regular safe roll against cancer
Thay makes no sense
Will the homo demons focefully make me gay?
I didn't say there's something wrong with making a character cool. I just happen to agree with the Kamiya quote where he said something like "If you don't know how to make a character cool hacks just make them smoke". I don't think smoking is inherently cool. That's just not how I view a smoker. I view them like I just said, desperate for some relief. Relief from their addiction that also helps give them relief from the stress of the world. When I see someone smoke they seem vulnerable to me, I see someone who is tired and wants a break.
But it's not the smoking that was cool, it's how he lit the cigarette. That's like saying shaving is cool because the part in DMC5 where Dante shaves off an enemy's blade is cool. It's not the act itself, it's how the character did it. In this case it shows Mads is a bad ass who doesn't mind the pain of singed fingers and also that he's smart enough and quick enough to know he can grab one of those embers and use it as a light.
drop me a BB please i don't even care if it's a fake one mads fucking wrecking me
My ass. Sorry, it's just that the animations look like they are based on inputs. Like the way Sam walks and puts his hand on his mouth don't seem like canned animations but bound to some mechanism.
Screencap this and call me a fag if it turns out false.
the sequel to mgs4 is mg rising
I can't tell if you are saying he just thinks it looks cool or if you are saying he saw Mads do it on a break and thought it communicated a similar concept of wanting to rest. Because to me it could be either, Kojima doesn't say and he's also speaking in a second language making what he said a little harder to derive meaning from.
He might've seen him smoking and thought about how this fits the character in many ways, that's why the image itself was striking.
they're not even that weird. You play as an army guy doing stealth stuff and then a boss shows up who has super powers and now you have to fight him
>communicating a similar concept of wanting rest
You’re just looking too much into it now. It’s a cigarette, not a cry for a break from the world.
Well, I currently on my phone, so no screencap
but I see your point, but this doesn't mean that you use the shoulder-buttons for that
How is abortion a bad thing? We're (as in, the whole fucking world) already overpopulated as is. If anything, we should encourage it and not shame them.
There are so many retards unfit for parenthood and yet they keep popping out miniature retards who start out life without a chance.
that's why sam seems to be falling over and controlling himself in some trailers
you have to master QWOP type movement
If only you were aborted. Sad you got the chance to become the faggot you are tho.
He was literally smoking it during his break in real life. You can say I'm looking into too much but it's not like I am the first person to suggest that a cigarette can imply a character is stressed, tired or worn out. It's a pretty common thing to use smoking for in a story.
Ask the church
(to be honest, not totally against it, just only think, that late term ones should be illegal, and there is also condoms and such)
cutscenes are filmed now, not fully hand animated
He's saying it leads to an apocalypse, it's a religious fantasy plot. Not that abortion is a bad thing for logical people in a logical world
>master QWOP type movement
Here we go boys. The true challenging game
Just got done looking in the mirror and felt like projecting, huh?
>How is abortion a bad thing?
it doesnt involve curbstomping
Also, overpopulation is more of a problem in africa and asia
hey yeah the latest trailer have sam doing dodging move like he got yanked
the game has bridge babbies so you can come back to life after you die, I don't think abortion is the theme of the game
desu a big part will be hiking, so making it more involved doesn't seem so unrealistic. The game is not about killing, so why should the control layout be like a shooter?
What is, if you need abortioned children to come back to life
Irrelevant I'm afraid.
>expecting tards to use contraception.
They won't. Might as well loosen the stigma on abortion. It's the only way.
Once they've gone through one they might act more responsible next time.
Recording data to use as bass for animation is not filming. It wasn’t filming in rotoscoped animation, it sure as fuck is not now, sorry, Neil.
You also shoot sometimes
Man I hope you can avoide the BT-ridden areas like that forest in the trailer. It looks almost impossible to see which side they are facing...
It's global. Immigration spread it all around.
Ye, I think a lot of DS’s sadness is going to come from witnessing the desolation of the natural environment, not from really any character interaction, other than possibly Sam. It it is going to be like Swans’s Soundtracks To the Blind, just an atmosphere of pure depression
I doubt retards would also do abortion
(and the only ones who might do one, do it by themselves)
A majority of abortions are done by blacks and latinos. Christcucks wants burgers to be le %30 and throttle stem cells research. Truly a cucked religion
>PS4 exclusive gold armor
I don't like the fact that random faggot demons will appear and break your immersion from the environment. I hope the encounter rate is really low.
Sometimes, yeah. And it looked pretty generic, but maybe the mechanics change based on equipment?
Maybe i am just hoping to hard that the movement will be more expansive than breath of the wild.
Isn't recording something with a video camera filming by definition
Cringy surrealism and over-acting.
Open your eyes
but the environments look beautiful
in the long run, those immigrants only starts wars, so it will solve itself
do you really think Kojima can pull of desolation?
My guess is that the game will constantly comunicate stuff to you
Who says that beauty, desolation, and sadness are mutually exclusive. It is a beautiful desolation
What's wrong with BotW movements?
it was ok
I want to be a homodemon
for me
Overpopulation is a problem primarily in the west, The niggers and rice niggers just need to be left to die on their own.
Meanwhile, we have shitty food because we need to produce absurd amounts of it for as little money as possible in order to compete with all the other shifty food sources, our plants are filled with poison, our milk is filled with estrogen, our meat is filled with poison and estrogen, mutts’ water supply is filled with estrogen and other hormones because they mass dump that shit and source their water from fucking sewers, our shitty market revolves about selling as many shitty things mass marketed to the lowest common denominator and our economy is entirely based on constant expansion, leading to mass importing subhumans to fill out jobs. Not to mention fucking housing.
The world would be a better place in the west if we decimated our population, in Africa and Asia it would be much the same because they live like gypsies anyway.
how do you get by BTs. the player in the new trailer was doing a good job but he still got caught
>Kojima getting high off of Assley Woodpecker's infamously bad paint applications
That's hilarious
I was going to argue, but Kojima is enough of a pretentious hack that he might actually use film.
I think it has to do with the unbilical cord
breath of the wild has the same climbing animation regardless of what surface it is
This game will be worse than MGS2, won't it?
Ye, he seemed to be able to pull off such desolation in 4 with Shadow Moses and to some extent, Eastern Europe. I am confident in his ability to do it this time
>they don't even have a cone of sight or a hearing radius, you just need to navigate through organic mazes of STRANDS while not getting too close to the BTs
Yeah it was okay, but it was middle of the road between action controlls and exploring so neither the combat or hiking had any depth. I would just like to see some actual inovation in game controls like when from nailed 3rd person melee but focused on hiking because btw i'm kinda bored of pure action games.
I mean, I can see that as being jarring if the animation is extremely detailed otherwise, but come on.
>focused on hiking because btw i'm kinda bored of pure action games.
That's one of my dream games. A wilderness survival game with an emphasis on mechanics other than combat. The Long Dark is probably the closest I've ever gotten. Kind of the old Lost In Blue games as well I guess.
We should encourage responsibility, not abortion. People need to either keep their dicks in their pants or practice safer sex. At least use the pull out method you fucking mongs.
on my pc now, did the screencap, you requested
we already do encourage responsibility and yet people still get pregnant by accident
although the amount of people who fuck randoms without condoms is wild
What about rape? What about when contraceptive was used but it failed? Genuinely curious what you think about these situations because they have pretty much nothing to do with responsibility.
another one
filthy gook, go home and die
Nice... i guess? Can't wait for the first Real gameplay reports.
How can your packages go to hades? It's not like they can have some kind of metaphysical form.
What if the cargo was alive?
How can your packages jump out of your pack when the enemy pokes you with a cattle prod?
How do your hazmat-wearing enemies dropping suitcases when you punch their hazmat-equipped heads?
Naked Mads is following me again. What do?
offer him a cigarette, he'll stop and smoke it.
>"this bad"
>"no, u mad"
>"he's a gook, also look at my image i posted to show how not mad i am"
Stop using adult words for this dumb baby shitflinging garbage, fag.
I'm guessing when you see bts your gonna wanna go around. All the bids have the guy going towards them I ain't doing that shit. you got to think like an on foot mail man
Smokers are pretty far from being cool people but it does make for a good picture.
>I told her to keep it in her pants (until we clocked out).
That's the coolest thing you could've said so I'm convinced it never happened or you stuttered the line.
2 questions
1) What's the meaning of the double blink between every cut of the name cards in the latest trailer?
2) Why does Norman Reedus turn into what looks like that other actor later in the trailer? I can't place that fucker's name and I can't remember the movies he was in but it looks like his model gets swapped entirely.
>later in the trailer
gotta be more specific than that
Here for one.
What is the babby thing? Is it like you clone yourself and the babby just inherits all your memories via a "connection" and then they just stick it out in the time rain until it cooks into a new you?
Oh by a large part kojima deffinitely follows what is cool. I don't think it's bad though, I would even argue that unapologetically stealing stuff that feels cool to him from all over is one of his strongest points. Stuff that he wants to explore on intellectual/conceptual level often has a japanese thing of being of high concept yet not all that grounded in the execution like poetry that goes after colorful words that fails to grab your soul.
I also want to add in defense of the cool factor: sure, you can strive to explore and understand why a particular cool thing works but realistically it's absolutely overwhelming. Like imagine an actor does 30 cool expressions a day that vaguely match the situation. You may spend weeks trying to understand what each expression conveys and how it will fit a situation and may not ever reach a satisfying conclusion and be left without a thing to ship or you put situation and expression that feel appropriate and cool together and let the "magic" play out.
That still looks like Norman.
yeah, no. still norman.
He got a haircut.
Maybe I'm just a dumb fuck who has face blindness because I swear he looks like another actor whose name I can't place.
It depends on whether or not we should give moral status to potential intelligent life or not. It's certainly not as self-evidently morally permissible as some people make it out to be.
it's just the pony tail. hair isn't covering the sides of his face, and just the pulled back hair makes him look different. but all in all, face is the same.
it's Norman. He just looks way cleaner because his facial hair is all neat and his hair is tied back.
I think you're just not used to seeing his face and head without the framing of his usual hairstyle. A lot of people don't seem to realise how much such a small thing can change.
nice wojack meme how long did it take you to draw that?
>those eyes
>that background
looks like when a character model is missing their eyeballs. unsettling.
Don't breathe
Pro-choicers aren't (or at least shouldn't be) pro-abortion. Saying that pro-choicers are encouraging abortion is like saying that Norway encourages euthanasia by making it legal and should therefore be called pro-deathers. It's bullshit. All pro-choicers agree (or should agree) with what you're saying.
Pushing the idea that people who want to make it a legal option as people who *want* abortions, and think abortions are a good thing to have, just radicalizes both sides.
>smoking makes you look cool
it does
That's kinda just how Reedus looks.
>tfw you're so ugly, your own eyeballs left your body
>monkey sounds
does kojima code or do any "grunt" work
>delivering mail simulator
fucking why? I work at a post office. Everything about mail is awful.
yeah, man. he codes the thoughts and ideas for the games bro. hard work bro
Nearly everything about being a solider is pretty awful when you're actually at war but you're one in every other game.
I'm a postman
wouldn't say it's awful
not the best, but not the worst either
I mean being the creative force in games like his is of equal importance to the technical side imo.
Because it does, tobaccolet.
Postman seems like the ultimate comfy job if you like to be left alone and walk.
I bet Mads makes sex look cool haha
smoking is undeniably VISUALLY cool. sadly it's really dangerous.
imagine bragging about smoking
Isn't it 95% orders from internet shops or something
I still have to deliver normal mail (most of it is just advertisement, bills, and office-letters)
Some guy on /r9k/ used to (and probably still does) make daily threads laughing at people for not smoking, always with the same Dana White pic.
smoking killed this thread