Why is this thing selling so well still?

Why is this thing selling so well still?

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to make you seethe

Why does it matter? The more you complain the less shit is being pirated.

Because it has good games retard

>most of them are ports from other old platform games
>most of them are literal remakes disguised as new games

I can’t upload so I’m gonna hijack this thread. Is there an option in hollow knight that enables god mode and infinite money? My save all of a sudden had this shit and I don’t wanna lose my progress by getting a new save.


The Switch is selling well because of zoomers, not even joking

Think about it, late 90's and early 2000's zoomers were still in school when GCN/Wii/Wii U came out and where underage, so they couldn't buy the consoles for themselves. They only had their parents who could buy them for them.

But today, zoomers are over 18, they have money, jobs, NEETS, they can do anything now as an adult to get more money compared when they where children. Zoomies like Nintendo, so they buy Nintendo and their games.

It finally has some games coming up, even if they are just 20 year old ports.
Im not really sure how baldur's gate would work on a console but I would be interested to play some of those games on a portable.

Zoomers like fortnite and other free shit and Bernie Sanders and anyone else who will hand over free gibs

I mean, if that's true that would be better, games should appeal to young audiences

Beat BoTW, played Smash extensively, what else is worth playing on this?

you know there were other generations before zoomers, right?

Nincels why else


Price Cut / Switch XL when?

The Switch is selling well cause it's like a fucking gameboy, it's like all handheld systems

Because even if you hate every game on it so far, there is a bunch of good looking ganes coming out this year.

My last Nintendo console was the 64. I can say from my own personal experience that they've brought back some of the magic to their brand. Here are some examples;
-1st party games. This is always Nintendo's biggest strength and probably the only reason the wiiu sold any copies at all. Nuff said.
-Most of my life Nintendo has struggled with 3rd party support (basically since n64) and when they launched the switch I was skeptical but since then its become clear that this will get pretty much all the major IPs that the 3DS had and the 3DS has one of the best game libraries ever.
-It's stylish. I loved the 64 but I can see now it was definitely catering to teen boys. The switch is classier than that but without looking like a soccer mom's fucking internet router like the wii. It's a perfect balance between gaming device and sleek, minimalist tablet (depending on your choice of joy cons).
-Marketing. This is where they shit the bed with the wiiu. Launching it on a normie talk show (Jimmy Fallon) with the highly enthusiastic and personable Reggie was a fantastic move. Even people rolling their eyes in the audience who have no interest in gaming would have been lured in by Reggies charm enough to think "but maybe my nephew would like that" etc. This is where they might struggle pivoting to Doug Bowser. There'll be no more mid life cycle Reggie charm offences so the games had better be on point in order to sell themselves.
-Portability. For the first year I played docked. Its just what I was used to. Since then I've started straying further from the tv and man it feels good. At my last shitty job id even take it on cold, bleak night shifts for some comfy octopath. For such a dark time in my life this thing provided me with some warm fuzzy feels back then. Being able to take any game with you feels great. But highly addictive shit like a mainline Pokemon? Man, that's gonna be something else.

>Nintendo has been a household name since the NES
>BrO wHy iS tHiS nInTeNdO cOnSoLe SeLlINg sO wElL

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>most of them are ports from other old platform games

Joke's on you, I haven't played a lot of games made in the past ten years so they're all new for me.