I have leak from a respectable source at Square Enix that there will be changes to the story and they implement a plot point late in the game where the player can actually save Aerith’s life but they must choose between saving her life or Tifa’s.
FF7 Remake
Okay I believe you
>thinking they would ever go against Advent Children
If you're going to lie online at least make it fucking believable.
I have a leak from a reputable source that says you're a cock sucking faggot. Fuck off retard.
I'd be fine with this.
They wouldn't have the balls to make waifufags fight even further over which choice is morally better
these "leaks" and these "I got a reliable source" is the most cringy thing of the past years in Yea Forums
>they must choose between saving her life or Tifa’s
So no-one is going to notice any difference.
Photoshop a pacifier into the mouth of Aerith please.
now shut up
I have leak from a respectable source at Square Enix that OP is a faggot
fuck off, turbosperg, how about instead of asking other people to do things for you, you actually learn how to edit images yourself? you'd have what you wanted by now, bizarre concept, i know, but you zoomies are severely lacking in the brain deprtment
Not true, but would love to see Tifa getting impaled
>Save Aeris
>Doom the planet
Sure thing user
Canonically happened before the final battle.
This, desu. Aerith doesn't even seem like she's that inconvenienced by "dying". She just became a Force Ghost or something.
We all know Aeris as a permanent character will be DLC
>ensuring bad ending 50% through the game with a single decision
i sure hope
cant wait for aeris sfm
No. You do it for me.
Will Zack be playable in flash back type sequences?
Why wouldn't he? He was playable in the original as well.
He just had a Cloud model, but you still played as Zack in the flashback.
You leak loss all credibility since you put [/spoiler] on it