I know I am falling for a meme but, Why do games with hyperrealistic graphics tend to be more soulles and boring to look at?Maybe is nostalgia but I feel more aroused for games with PS2 graphics like the original Battlefront 2 rather than the photorealistic games like EABattlefront 2. What do you think Yea Forums?
I know I am falling for a meme but...
>oh boy time to escape reality into this wild fictional world
>it looks exactly the same as the view out the window
Generally a greater reliance on a decent art style in older games to counteract the poor graphics. Newer games don't have this problem hence soulless.
Because you see realistic graphics all the time while awake. Possibly also while dreaming.
Personally for me, it's because i associate photorealistic graphics with AAA garbage made to appeal to the widest audience possible, a product made just for raking in big bucks, with not much in the way of SOUL.
This and also your imagination takes over more with lower detail graphics.
How do you remember call of duty?
Some dudes shooting some other dudes, not much to imagine.
How do you remember Halo CE?
Probably in more detail than was actually there.
Was there grass? Was there clouds in the sky? What was on the horizon? What was on the bottom of that cliff? Did it really matter?
You know what it is supposed to be and that's all that matters, your brain fills in the gaps with what you think is best.
The biggest problem I have is when its too cluttered, sometimes its hard to read the space of the level.
Some games still do it very well with a very realistic and advanced look, managing a clean and imaginative design. Some older games had trouble too, the more mediocre titles could have a really messy look.
Graphics peaked during the 360/ps3 era of games. Vast majority of games on Xbox one and ps4 look like over saturated clay plastic
>Fucking this
For me the down hill started at 2011-2013
>adds more than 3 colors
this is exactly why I hate games that push for photo realism
higher detail leading to muddied palettes
this, but unironically
for his weebum?
red dead 2
That's just a remaster that butchered the color coding. Show me CoD 4 vs CoD 4 remastered comparison and it's a straight up 100% upgrade, no soul/soulless meme bullshit.
>nightmare goggles
If this were a good argument, it would also apply to movies and other media. It really doesn’t, the vast amount of movies are real people doing realistic things, because that’s what people other than Yea Forums contrarians want to see. Games are no exception, and you’ll never find someone outside of Yea Forums bitching that graphics are “too realistic.”
have sex
I always liked the scenery/backgrounds in Bungie's games. Good stuff
This meme was never funny. Stop forcing it.
>you shouldn't have an opinion because normies don't have that opnion
This is Yea Forums culture now
You mean when every second game was a combination of grey and brown because muh realism?
Graphics peaked at PS2 era, zoomer, when faces no longer were flat textures and possibility of facial expressions became a reality. Everything else after are just needless detail that sacrifice visual clarity in favor of muh realism and detail. Look at fucking BFV, the game is a shitshow because of all the garbage on the ground, it's nearly impossible to see mines and sometimes enemies.
Load of nonesense that brainlets love to repost.
>generation kill is bad because it imitates reality
>star wars episode 2 is good because it's a lot of fantastical CGI nonsense
>crysis is bad because the trees look great and sway when you shoot a rocket through them
>generic forgettable scifi game is good because it doesn't imitate reality
>Not including the OG xbox version
>generic forgettable scifi game is good because it doesn't imitate reality
but the most forgettable scifi games tend to be that way because they try going for that gritty realist look
You're the real brainlet, user. Sorry for your loss.
No, RDR2 and the new Modern Warfare look soulful as fuck. It's all in the art design, which is why halo original looks better than the remaster.
Friednly reminder that when Gearbox ported the original Halo for PC they broke most of the textures and bump mapping making the game look bland as fuck. This was used to 343's advantage when they made anniversary and MCC to add more contrast and make it look like they actually did more than they did.
The flaws stand out MUCH more, and the nice details don't stand out as much.
I feel like you have to be a zoomer to think this. Games from that era were obsessed with looking brown as fuck
They had to do their damndest to make something that would last, that would look good, play better and get people enchanted with Halo.
The bottom is just a paint job over all of that work.
>Be me
>Playing Halo 1, just got out of the escape pod
>Look outside
>Looks exactly the same as in the video game
>Squint my eyes, see the faint outline of the Halo i'm on
>Panic and run to my door to open it
>Door is locked
>It was then I realized the walls were covered in scratches
>shitty green clouds spew from my airducks following a couple flood pod infectors breaking through the vent
>one sucks my dick while the other watches and I cum the hardest I ever did in my life
>I'm now playing halo in co-op while getting my cock eternally sucked off and having those little tendrils playing with my balls.
T-thanks user.
Those look pretty nice. Second one seems a little washed out colour wise though
same reason people like fapping to anime, the less detail the more imagination assumes perfection/ideals