So P5R is bad because it's supposedly sjw. Yea Yea Forums isn't hating on p5 Because of it's rise in popularity sure.
So P5R is bad because it's supposedly sjw. Yea Yea Forums isn't hating on p5 Because of it's rise in popularity sure
Other urls found in this thread:
P5 story was awful.
desu all Persona stories are awful.
>it's supposedly sjw.
cringe & unbased
cringe & unbased
cringe & unbased
cringe & unbased
All stories are awful
Persona's popularity has always been "OK" at most, it's not like it's an absolute top seller even in Japan.
very very true
I wish more fans of a series would be as forthcoming about their series bad aspects as you user
best selling JRPG in the west
No 15 year-old looks like this. It's impossible
I still would not exactly call it mainstream, it didn't even break three million sold copies worldwide.
Care to explain why it's SJW?
Akechi is terrible.
P5 has been as mainstream as it gets from quite some time, so I don't see that rise in popularity you're mentioning.
Rent free
>What is Final Fantasy
>What is KH's
>What is Pokemon
You tried, though.
Cope, Ryan.
>it's supposedly sjw
Considering it makes fun of gays, people of color, beta-males, cross-dressers and sexualizes the female characters constantly... I dont see how that's true.
p2 and p3's stories were great though you brainlets
Adachi was a better villain than you.
Action-JRPGs have been much more popular, Nier Automata has sold over 4 million units worldwide and Kingdom Hearts 3 is still the best-selling game of this year
Right. Because angry incel is such a convincing villain.
I fucking love P5 combat and want more of it.
>P1 ~ P3
>P4 ~ P5
Yeah, that magnificent gameplay flow of "hit enemy weakness and do an all out" is wonderful hahaha
Nier sold better than P5 despite being an even niche-r franchise.
>Look at this oh so subtle suicide allusion
>did I mention death is the theme of the game
Yes indeed, very layered, subtle storytelling.
this I can agree with. P1-P3's stories had soul to them.
P1 and 2's gameplay is so fucking shit though like holy fuck. Imagine if P2 got a remake with P5's combat, it'd be pure brilliance
More convincing than daddy issues
P5 combat was boring as hell, mechanically.
>Spam weakness
>"One More!"
>Lacking the right element? Baton Pass!
>Abuse physical skills
>Overload of SP recovery items thanks to Takemi
It was quite mind numbing. Hard Mode doesn't improve this either. Especially not Merciless, since just about everything gets blown away in one hit. That is, with the exception of proper bosses. Even then it's piss easy.
>subtlety = good
Very cute and funny scene.
Good for you, because it's the same shit you have in every Persona game but with Baton Pass
>So P5R is bad because it's supposedly sjw.
You aren't gonna explain this, are you?
Ah, so pedophiles like this game. Makes sense.
yes, death is the theme of the game. what's bad about that? people die when they are killed user
Since when do themes and storytelling have to be subtle? P3 had a great story (The Answer not included).
>Look at this oh so subtle (not) reference to society being shit
>Did I mention that "We live in a society" bros? RISE UP JOKER!
Anyone can simplify the ever living fuck out of something, user. Apply yourself.
>+1000 year old eldritch abominations
>guess enemy weakness, spam to every single enemy, all out attack, instant win
>this is good combat according to p5 babies
Even fuckin SouthPark has an even better turn based combat than P5.
>All these Ryanfags failing to cope with the concept that P5 is a good game
Far superior than P3 aka The Answer and FES destroyed the theme of the story, and P4's Scooby Doo antics. That's for sure.
I told you to fucking cope, Ryan. Don't make me repeat myself.
Interesting projection
Persona 5 is just a bad game, that's all.
Cope, Ryan
>h-haha ur just projecting
Way to expose yourself as a pedo. Thanks for making it easy with the filename.
It's pretty pedophist of you to assume that desu.
What does the N stand for?
ARPGs aren't JRPGs
oh no. i've been found out.
Pokémon is as derivative from SMT as Persona is
So just like P4's story?
>ARPGs aren't JRPGs
>even if they are Japanese
This planet is awful
A JRPG and WRPG just means where they are from.
You can have a ARPG that was made in the east, that would be a JRPG.
You can also have an RPG that was made in the west, that would be a WRPG.
All I know is that I want to try and impregnate this gymnast.
This universe is awful
This is supposed to be a high school student right? Why is she such a sex object?
Where the hell are you getting that? Yea Forums has a giant boner for this series. The only ones "hating" on it are SMTfags and XB2 fags complaining about why there favorite series isn't as popular.
first and foremost she is a hot anime girl
Target audience
>Trying to start shit
XB2fags, SMTfags and Personafags are all pretty chill. It's the same faggots posting console war wojacks like it's the funniest thing on the fucking planet that're throwing shit.
All the people claiming the game is SJW are retards. Real problem is that they are adding another OC Donut Steel character to the game, it's gonna be P4G all over again.
They all have some interesting points, but maybe I'm just a chuuni.
This may shock you, but teenagers are horny as fuck.
Akechi does suck, but his English VA killed it during the unraveling. That fight was some great voice acting.
>Target Audience
>Most of the love interests are older woman
Exactly, part of the reason Futaba is so popular is she has that niche all to herself. Making the new girl and the Twins romancable is balancing the scales.
I haven't seen anybody say that.
Build your strawman elsewhere.
Yes, but P5's was unenjoyable
I could at least enjoy P3 and P4's, for all their flaws.
Something about P5's was really weirdly paced at every level, from the overarching plot to the internal plots of each dungeon.
Personally, I think it's humorous that people keep complaining about a game that isn't even out yet. I'm gonna buy it and like it, just like the PSP re-releases, FES and Golden
Hey fuck you. Marie was shit even from the start and the game made her even worse.
Ryan I know you are in this thread, you seriously need to accept P5 is s good game and fuck off back to your Discord before I get really mad
Hold on, Sony is allowing that?
That's a lie. Stop revising history. Yea Forums has always disliked animu games, and P5 is just about as big an offender as Xenoblade, SMT, KH, or any other trash JRPG. The story is somehow worse than P4, the gameplay is boring, and the characters are embarrassing. Let it go.
I haven't played Persona nor ever took interest in it, but is that fanart or official character design?
Just give me some new Kawakami scenes. That's literally all I want.
XB2fags also double dip the shitposting due to P5 not coming to Switch. There are the envious Xenofanboys and the envious Switchfags in this mixture.
I love my wife Kasumi!
Romance isn't confirmed but you can at least take them out to hangouts. And already in the base game their dialogue with Joker after their NG+ boss fight has blatant sexual tension and Lavenza explicitly says she loves him.
There is precedent.
You are the one that is revising history. Yea Forums has been fill on animu games since its fucking creation. Stop talking out of your ass because you came here after 2013 and think yourself an oldfag.
You weren’t here for P4’s release and it shows.
I find hilarious the regression of the velvet room grills. In P3 you get to fuck her in P4 she kiss you and in P5 they confess.
Rent-free in your mind as always
This board is shit. Period.
Yea Forums is more disgustingly sjw than any video game could be.
This character has a really bad design that doesn't fit with the lore of the game
The majority of people here dislike anime games, user. It has nothing to do with being old, or new. Persona 5 is weebshit at its finest degree, and it's quite truthfully an incredibly mediocre game. Just because you blocked out any form of criticism for the game, doesn't mean people liked it. You can sit inside your little bubble and claim "Yea Forums" loved it, but at the end of the day it gets shitposted to death like anything else here. Revise less, and cope more.
That isn't the point, you fucking fag. Yea Forums has existed for longer than 5 years you fuck. Only because this place became normalfag central doesn't mean jack shit other than now it is full of people like you that don't seem to understand that the site has a history really tied with anime and that it shows in the taste of most of the main boards ever since 2004.
ITT: Yea Forums is unable to grasp the concept of demographics. Wow X% of Yea Forums like weeb games, and X% of Yea Forums dislikes weeb games! What a novel concept!
>The majority of people here dislike anime games
And they all need to go back
It's at least better then everything else that came out this decade.
It's not really. The main cast are just a bunch of rebelling teenagers from lost generation Japan that feel wronged by society. They do however brainwash their adversaries into doing things against their will "for the good of society", most of their enemies are however pretty awful people.
I don't really understand what people see in this game, that makes it better than its prior titles. Was this the first JRPG people played, or something? Outside of the overly praised, flashy visuals, it's nothing impressive.
As basic as you could get, except it's even easier than that. The formula boils down to, spam weakness, get extra turns, continue to spam weaknesses, Baton Pass, fight over. There's hardly any strategy, or difficulty involved. This doesn't even begin to cover Social Links that make the game even more broken, like Tae. You'll virtually have unlimited SP, so long as you have the money to afford her items. On top of that, she's an early Social Link, so there's no excuse to not have her ranked up properly.
The first time the series has had proper dungeons, and they were absolutely boring outside of their cool aesthetic. Stealth is broken, so you can literally hold onto any form of object available, and enemies will downright bypass you and leave themselves open for ambush. That's bad game design. Even worse is how the puzzles are incredibly easy, and your party literally won't let you roam the dungeon for 5 minutes to explore without interrupting you with hints.
Another can of worms, but to simplify things.. The only relevant villains in the game are quite simply Shido, and Yaldabaoth. If the game were to skip directly to the PT's getting framed, and Shido's dungeon in general, you wouldn't be missing anything important. The story meanders too much, and doesn't have a clear focus outside of villain of the week tier "antagonists". All in all, it feels like Hashino snatched plot elements and themes as inspiration for P5's story, and made a worse game, plot wise. It's ridiculous. I don't have faith in Persona 6 either, since his partner Wada is supposedly going to be working on the game, and he's only done the dancing games. This series continues to steadily decline.
In a game where the student can fuck his teacher, a patient can fuck his doctor, and a loli confesses their love for you, she is the problem?
I really like how you not only sound upset, but you're moving the goalpost to being about normalfags, as if that makes P5 look like a better game. It's not, and you need to let it go.
>sexualizing a 15 year old
Why can't Japs stay away from doing this kind of stuff?
Jesus Christ that belly
You are in trouble for stopping a "rape" and the bad guy is Orange Man Bad.
>OP image
about to pull a kamoshida
I am not talking shit about P5, the game may suck ass for all I care, I just hate retards like you that think "Yea Forums has always hated anime games" bullshit. It is fucking bullshit, Yea Forums has never hated a game based for its anime aesthetics or at least it hasn't until fags like you came here and try to make everyone else think Yea Forums is like any other internet forum. Go back to redit or Facebook you fucking fag.
>a thousand sonybros spamming generic japanese MC game #91238749123749873249127398417239
>he says posting from a country that hires literal 15 year olds to do modeling.
>the bad guy is Orange Man Bad.
Reflect for a moment that you're accusing a Japanese game originally scheduled for a 2014 release of being a deliberate jab at American politics.
All women are sex objects. That's literally their only purpose in life.
A game that came out a month and a half before the 2016 election
I like to think it's cuz of three things. The music, graphics, and the right time it was released.
*is best Persona in your path*
>At least it's better than everything else that released this decade
As expected, no actual evidence was listed because you know that's untrue. P5 down to its core, is nothing more than a rehash of plot, and character elements from its previous installments. Xenoblade Chronicles 1 blows it out of the water in just about everything, except maybe characterization.
It's not but liberals clung to it hoping to convince weebs that Japanese media leans left until SHE happened.
Because she has been drawn that way by fans
Hashino wrote the game expecting Trump to win.
puffu volvo
Dude, reading comprehension. I said that P5R is gonna have same problem as P4G, new shitty unneeded character.
The concept story of P5 being about traveling across the world, doing heists, and occult Persona shit sounded far better than what we got. Instead, they played it safe and did another boring high school setting with no creativity.
Because it upsets you.
That's blatantly false, and you need to accept it. You seem to be seething out of your mind though, so I'll give you time to recompose yourself. If anything, JRPG's are for normalfags now, since they apparently ate up P5.
>with P5's combat
I'd rather SMT combat thanks
Get your mind out of the gutter, user.
I can't say shit against XB since I've never tried it and refuse to touch XB2 but P5 it's fact P5 blew up in popularity when it got release. It got JRPG if the year, got featured on Conan slightly, sparked a bunch of concerts, has an anime, a couple manga adaptations, a shit ton of merch, a shit ton of spinoffs nobody cares about outside me, and got featured in the celebration of video games in Smash bros. which received a lot of good resumption and is arguable but then you got folks like Snake and Cloud so it's all up to you for that.
Press Turn is equally as bad as "One More". Maybe if they limited the amount of extra turns you get for critical hits to 2, it wouldn't be as big of an issue.
Yeah expose the weakness and buff up my party for various turns. Its the same gimmick shit.
B-but I don't want to cheat on my waifu
A game being popular and receiving acclaim, doesn't automatically mean it has proper quality. I'm sure most of these people only viewed it from a surface level, or watched the anime to bandwagon the hype.
No one is telling you to
>Abusing weaknesses
>Gimmick shit
This applies to most JRPG's, and RPG's in general for that matter. What actual gimmick?
I'm just arguing the fact it blew up not that it's quality is very good it's enjoyable at best and it's a good introduction to JRPGs but I still prefer P3 over it anyday despite its shit gameplay.
Because when they set the arbitrary age that it becomes okay to think people are hot, they set it way too high.
"gimmick" means "mechanic in a game I don't like"
As expected, no actual evidence was listed by this faggot user.
I don't think either one more or press turn are shit, but I do think one more is more tedious
Why is her design so bland? She doesn't look nearly as designed as the other PT's. It's like Joker's design, except worse. Nice body, though.
P5R is bad because the original is a 90 hour game with serious pacing issues, and it already has two fucking beach episodes and they are cramming even more episodes on top of all the existing bullshit there there's no way this story can maintain any semblance of structure after being jammed with even more content. The $60 price tag doesn't help, either. I'll probably play this in five to seven years, when I forget about how obnoxious the pacing in this game is.
My bad I meant to say it's same gimmick for SMT and Persona.
The anime is shit. Do you see XB receiving anything remotley similar to P5's success?
teenage pusy!!!
>Buahhhhhh I want daddy to notice me
For starters, the world of the Bionis alone is far more immersive and engaging to interact with, and explore over the lifeless corridors that make up the dungeons in P5. After you're through with the designated Palaces, your only source of gameplay is Mementos. That alone is disgusting since it's a tedious, randomly generated dungeon full of empty space, and dead ends. The gameplay isn't the best since it's the first Blade title, but it still manages to have challenge, and requires you to pay attention or else you will lose. As other people have mentioned, all you really do in Persona is spam weaknesses, get extra turns, and proceed to blow enemies apart with little difficulty. I guess this isn't exactly fair, since Persona is VN first, gameplay second, though.
How the fuck is this "evidence"? You one of those folk that take their opinion as fact? How pathetic can you be?
Because is not on shitch.
Akechi made me laugh throughout the entire game.
Again, a game being successful doesn't always speak volumes for it's quality. Pokemon continues to sell massively with every single one of its mainline entries, but that doesn't mean they can be remotely considered "good" when you begin to play through them. As far as Xenoblade's success, it's doing quite well. The studio that made said series, Monolith Soft has received multiple new studios because of how well XC2 performed. It didn't reach P5's 2.7 million, but in the past 2 years that it has released, it's sold over 1.5 million. Not bad, for a JRPG that is.
Isn't that the reason why botw is shit for your kind?
Again only arguing over the success not the quality. XB2 is enough proof of that for me.
I can play zorba: fart of the shitch on PC
>Asks for evidence
>Gives small summary about aspects of the game
>user starts sperging out
Embarrassing. I'm not going to compare every single element there is between both series, only for you to chimp out and continually disagree. At the end of the day though, both P5's dungeons, and it's gameplay are as basic as you can get, when you get down to it. Hopefully Royal improves this, but I doubt it.
The message of the game is "ADULTS BAD, KIDS GOOD". It's a typical belief shared by all children. Kids want to believe they can run things better than adults. The game constantly reinforces the idea that adults are fuckups and that the kids need to take charge and save the world.
And I can play shitsona 5 on the pc, your point?
As you've run out of any real arguments to make, I accept your concession, user. I don't know what you tried to prove with that .gif when it's an optional side quest that isn't part of the main game, but do you my man.
*Okay now this is cringe. You still haven't explained how your opinions about a game are fact. I showed you the impact of the series. Just because you have a specific opinion on something doesn't mean a majority of people share the same opinion as you. I really struck a nerve calling you out like that. Then good nobody even wants to hear the words of a "unique critique" on this God forsaken board of a site.
Nice try, Thighs thot. I am loyal to my wife Ann though.
Im not arguing anything with that gif im just agreeing on you that it's doesn't matter if something's popular the quality isn't always good.
That's the issue here, user. I never stated that my opinions on the game were objective facts. You just assumed as such because you apparently wanted "objective" evidence, when everything comes down to subjectively at the end of the day. I'm only speaking from my personal experience between both games, and I easily found P5 more underwhelming in terms of gameplay. This isn't even me shitting on the game. It's just overly simplistic. If anyone is cringe here, it's you for chimping out so heavily. All you've really done thus far is whine, and your point just isn't coming through. I'm sorry.
Second worst phantom bitch with Haru being the first
Enjoy your back broken wife
Kasumi is cute
a B tier waifu
Shut up, Makoto fag.
S tier
she's flexible
>"I showed you the impact of the series"
>Somehow impact = good
By this logic, anything new that gets gobbled up by normalfags or casuals is good for the simple reason that it was babby's first experience with said type of game
Okay let's talk about this civilized then. What do you fine to be "evidence" for a series to be good or not?
Oh. Why the gif though, user
I hate this bitch already, I can already tell she’s going to be an annoying moral high ground piece of shit with a weak story meant to pander and people will turn on her after release besides only the most absolute of virgins, same case as Marie. I’m buying P5R but I don’t think the game will change my mind on this topic
>Orange Man Bad.
The rape bit is a jab to nip politics idiot.
A nip politician raped a journalist.
I bet she eats a lot of protein.
nah, she's a Mary Sue
people are already disliking her
Reading threads on Yea Forums where they try to discuss a game's story is always a laugh.
It's Eric. But seriously I did state with evidence with the shitty spinoffs and media attention. You're just listing your opinions. Stop embrassing yourself.
You can't just call any character you don't like a Mary Sue. First Makoto now this.
A Japanese game. Shido is a pretty mediocre villain, but he's absolutely not based on Trump.
> saggy grandma tits
Where is she even going to fit in the group chemistry? P5 already had little as it was.
It's called being bra-less.
We don't know a thing about how she will be presented in-game yet, though. We don't know if she's a mary sue yet and won't until Royal comes out.
Oh she eats. A lot. She has to if she even wants a chance at Ren's affection.
Will Royal let me eugenic-fire emblem my party members? Ryuji with Makoto, Yusuke with Haru, human Morgana with the new Mary Sue and Futaba and Ann for me.
I want her to step on me
Pictures of Kasumi eating.
will date her
>most Yea Forums loves persona 5 when it was released
>now they hate every persona
I miss when this board was not nintendoland
The impression that Kasumi gives, from the very little information that we have, is that she'll be the respectful underclassman type. The PTs don't really have a underclassman since Futaba doesn't fall into that niche.
she's still underage
your pedo
You mean contrarian shitkids that thinks it's Yea Forums culture to pettily hate everything.
Nothing overly major. I just expect it to build off of its previous entries in both its writing, and gameplay aspects. I wasn't seeing that in P5, at all user.
All P5 did was include new elements, and introduced Baton Pass. Otherwise, this wasn't really a major step up. It still resulted in the same abuse weaknesses, and gain extra turns to win gameplay that we've seen before. There wasn't anything overly new to make the combat more mechanically fluid, or challenging.
I'll save you the essay, but this truthfully it feels like the plot, and characters in these games have been getting steadily worse. Plot wise, all I'm seeing are poorly executed themes, and rehashed elements from previous games. Especially the characters. They're given far too little focus to develop after their introductory dungeon, and are left ignored on the sidelines afterwards because of how many team members there are. I still say P3 handled its development of characters the best out of the newer generation of Persona games. You continually see the characters lives beyond the MC's perspective, hours later into the game, and everyone grows continually.
Persona and Shin Megami Tensei are both embarrassing le ebin >DUDE ALL RELIGION IS BAD! YOU ARE GOD! garbage.
What does Nintendo have to do with anything you clown? Persona Q2 is on a Nintendo console, but people still shit on it. That's just the nature of this board. Mass contrarianism, and shitposting. Cope, Ryan.
cope fags. I love how the main defense by p5niggers is that every game is awful and therefore p5 is justified. Have some pride in your shit taste
Are you familar with the Pokemon formula? All that boils down to sadly is that if it ain't broken don't fix it. P5R looks like it may change the formula but your argument is very valid.
>she's a Mary Sue
How so?
You tried to sound like you had a point, but you've likely never played the games, and only read retarded comments from brain dead anons on this board as a basis. Try not to feel too bad, though.
Then share your opinion with us user. What's your favorite game?
The thing is, Akechi IS terrible, and the game spends every possible waking moment dabbing on him. At no point is he ever considered a real threat that the PTs have not gotten ten steps ahead of.
The only embarrassing thing here is you complaining about games you've never played before.
Fatherless story wise I can't see story being topped every time when you have to stick to one theme. I love P3 better because of the theme of death and the final boss fight literally being impossible even with the "power of friendship" bullshit. Its just one of those anime game cliches I just get use to.
This shit is right under Richard Dawkins on the fedora wearing r*dditor scale.
Say whatever you need to cope.
I wouldn't say Persona gameplay is broken, but it definitely needs improvising. I don't hate the series, and I enjoyed prior entries, but P5 left me disappointed. Maybe I'm expecting too much, gameplay wise. Who knows.
because most Yea Forums are nintendo fans and they shit on every sony exclusive
Why do you continue to embarrass yourself? You aren't even going to tell us what you find quality, or what JRPG's you consider good. Just save us the trouble and pop your meds. Try not to feel too bad, though.
If human Morgana is real I'm not buying this game. It shits on his character, unless of course it's an elaborate dream sequence or a fake-out
Dude you can legit get to the point where some enemies don't even get turns.
The same thing applies in vice versa, though. Stop taking console warriors seriously you penis.
anons thirsty over a sexualized 15-year-old girl
It's a dream the trailer spoiled that. Imagine getting cucked by the cat if you went with Ann?
the twins lust over joker in pq2
>muh old women meme
Nobody actually cares about them
Hmmm this seem to be the incels thread of the week lol
whats your point
...your point?
What's wrong with sexualizing a 15-year old polygons?
Isn't it just the same game again with two new characters and a bunch of events?
Damn, meant to reply to
You got the sauce for this image, lad?
Kasumifags btfo
No Yea Forums says its bad because of seething nintendies and pcpoors
Was he originally meant to die, or something, if your social link with him wasn't high enough?
But I'm a pcpoor and I have nothing bad to say about it.
If you ever want the series specifically about going to highschool to leave the high school setting you're not going to win you fucking idiot.
You might want to read the whole thing.
>big noms girl
I wasn't expecting to like Kasumin so much bros fuck
She's a big girl.
you fucking schizo faggots are almost as annoying as the resetera trannies
she in P5? If so how do I meet her?
I want a Kasumi edit of the DB panels where Krillin pulls down Bulma's top.
>if your social link with him wasn't high enough?
I wish, there's so much potential with the SL system but Fatlus' Persona Team is so fucking lazy when it comes to anything slightly more complex than usual
just ignore /pol/, they think any game where you take down a corrupt politican is a stab at their idol.
Hell, they think MGR is like that and MGR is like a 2013 game.
Who said anyone wanted the high school elements to disappear completely though you dick guzzler
She’s just going to be Marie 4.0 (or 5.0? I can’t keep track). Seriously why does Atlus keep adding these characters in the remakes, they never become popular.
You're so mindless, Ryan
Kasumi already feels better than Marie, from what we've seen dialogue wise
Just cope with the fact that you're a homosexual and go to sleep
She's not in the original game
>Ryantranny telling anyone they're gay
Which one friend?
she's the "the royal" girl
Cope, Ryan
She will be in the upcoming enhanced version of Persona 5 and join the Phantom Thieves
In 2014?
Trump didn't announce his candidacy until June 2015.
By then, the first gameplay trailer was months old, and the story was already set in stone.
I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt because I'm a dumbass, but watching the trailers I really don't see anything interesting about her
>meant to "represent the game"
>petite kouhai that needs rescuing from mean old men
>also a gymnast prodigy who likes to show-off and help little kids
>her quirk is that she eats a lot
I know it's a cashgrab but I hope there's more to her. Her being a true individualist who genuinely disagrees with the PT would be interesting but she's probably just being manipulated by the real big bad.
Yeah but 4 kinda ran with it, 5 feels like it takes itself too seriously
I still think new girl could do with a skirt of some sort.
Over leotards? No thanks.
Like the one 2B has.
So how much are they going to overhaul? I assume there will be at least one new palace seeing as we're getting Janurary-March now instead of it being a timeskip.
>Trying to make Kasumi a 2B clone
I told you to fucking cope, Ryan. This is your last warning.
She already has a big cover with that long jacket so I guess it might look too busy
>she in P5? If so how do I meet her?
She is only in the Royal version of P5
Who the fuck is Ryan
And I'm not trying to make her a clone of anything. If I actually had any experience with character design, I'm sure I could come up with something more fleshed-out that "like what 2B has", maybe even provide visuals myself.
But for now, I'm using that as a baseline.
every anime game ever
Atlus shit is literally always western style SJW cancer. Retards.
Probably the Sony influence.
Who the fuck is Ryan
I honestly think that jacket is fucking dumb. I don't like a single detail about it aside from the fact that it's not part of the leotard, and the shoulder and sleeves.
For a skirt-having design, I think I would end up re-attaching it to the leotard, or fuck around with detached sleeves.
I love Anne
hard to say, I have seen it thrown around in several Persona threads. I think it might be a form of /vg/ shitposting
Are you still seething over people calling you out, Ryan? Holy cope Batman.
It looks like all the dungeons might get some form of revamp due to Joker now using his grappling hook to get around.
Just replace any instance of Ryan with any of Yea Forums's countless other boogeymen.
Does it make less sense? More?
Conclusion: it doesn't fucking matter who Ryan is or what Ryan did or who is or isn't Ryan. Ryan, at this point, is a buzzword you can throw at anyone you don't like, an excuse to shit up the thread while acting morally righteous about it. And if you disagree, you're Ryan.
I looked at Persona General over on /vg/, "Ryan" is apparently anyone who thinks P3P is the best Persona.
>thread is full of /vg/ shitters
I already thought it was worse than normal.
>if I call others Ryan, they won't suspect me!
How Ryan of you.
Kill yourself Ryan
fuck off ryan
please please PLEASE kill yourself
FUCK I finally see what's missing
It's not a skirt, skirts can fuck right off, I was wrong about those
The fucking jacket is too damn short at the front. It should be much longer, at least mid-hip. It's open anyway, so it doesn't really cover much, but I think it would genuinely help balance her design with the other Phantom Thieves, balance her top half with her bottom half, and balance out the fucking jacket itself.
Shout out to my boy Ryan.
>Kat is somehow SJW now
This is your new final boss theme.
And there it is. I dared to imply that flinging around Ryan left and right isn't the fucking height of moral righteousness, and now I too am Ryan. I wonder why I'm not surprised.
You know, shitting up threads like this is pretty Ryan of you, Ryan.
>Outsmarted by his dad
>Outsmarted by the pt
>Public forget him
>No one cares about him , not even as a threat
Fuck off Ryan.
I was joking with what you just said user.
It's kinda sad how Yumi just doesn't have the breath anymore to sing her songs.
Based Ryan
Now shut up before I run in your house and fuck your hoe
Is there any way Royal can fix his trainwreck of a character?
Getting sick of redditfugees.
>Kimi no Kioku not being the grand finale anymore
What the fuck?
Your joke played right into my narrative, Ryan
Real Ryan hours
Nah, that's way too dark and daring for modern persona. That actually happens to the main heroine in Devil Survivor 2 if you don't have her Fate link at 4 on a certain day
Why are sjw's such American imperialists?
I've been playing since Eternal Punishment, and this is very true.
I know. Also happens to Kazekage in FE IF.
Rank3 being close to 4 is enough for her to survive.
>So P5R is bad because it's supposedly sjw
Who the fuck said that?
Persona has always been shitposted.
You're a lier. Persona 3, and Persona 4 are beloved here. It wasn't until P5 bringing in newfags, that made it a hated series. Cope, Ryan.
>Why is a mid-to-late teenage girl designed to be sexually appealing
Because she's a teenage girl. Kids are sexually active in their teens and many actually take care of their bodies so they can show them off, dressing to impress for their peers.
That you focus so heavily on her being a "sex object" makes you come off like a creepy fucker.
I felt like you did because what you said sounded a bit specific. Never played that FE
My mistake
Persona 5 had multiple dumbass fake out deaths. It was probably just for the lolz.
Ryan is a party member in an SMT game.
>most Yea Forums loves persona 5 when it was released
When it was released most persona fans here found it underwhelming, not to remember the "HE FUCKING DIES" spoiler posting.
The fuck is with this revisionism?
He's such a lame villain.
>FATLUS edits were Persona being "beloved"
do you hear yourself
Good game
So is Ryan like this new criticism scapegoat?
I don't have a console but I bought a physical copy of Persona 5 to support physical copies.
I'll buy a physical copy of P5R too to support physical copies.
>So is Ryan like this new criticism scapegoat?
apparently so.
Thought it was gonna transition into I'M NOT A PRINCESS
My summary of Persona games is:
"thin skinned teenagers with minor first world problems start acting like hot shit after figuring out the obvious and gaining a stand ability because of it"
Kasumi and Futaba are the patrican taste schoolgirls in the game
Ann Takamaki > Tae Takemi > Haru Okumura > every other P5 girl
Ya know Megatan has games with better gameplay right?
Futaba's an unironic smelly weeb who's only one step above keeping piss jars in her room
Yea Forums despises western games retard
Ignoring the fact that most of Yea Forums is on PC according to every poll, can you explain why Persona 5 did so well on the vidya awards then?
Futaba is canonically a well groomed girl who goes back to high school by the end of the story.
And calling a Japanese person a "weeb" is really fucking stupid, newfaggot.
Prime breeding age
Pathetic false flag you leftist retard
How do you feel knowing that you waifu Ann is a whore?
Absolutely fine. She is whore only for me, after all.
Imagine a world where forced diversity was always as cute as Kat. That'd be a perfect world
>literally broken torso
When will anime artists learn the basics?