Based Nintendo supporting incest
Based Nintendo supporting incest
I honestly thought you were trolling all this time. It's a real tweet LMAO.
>Their first two most recent activities are retweets from guys that mentioned their wives
>A heterosexual marriage
Get fucked OP
based retard
This is fake. Now fuck off.
>its real
you mean nintedo
Trannies are just a giant barrel of firecrackers, or it's better to describe them as higher-maintenance babies. Dealing with a baby for the first 2 years is hard enough for some people. Dealing with a drugged up adult baby who starts shitting itself and crying just because of pronouns, and this baby needs to be treated like one for DECADES, is not something any normal person wants to deal with.
What's beautiful about the present world is that there's 7.7 billion people on this planet. Coupled with the average lifespan having ~2.5 billion seconds, straight away you can write off 5 billion people from your list of potential acquaintance during this life and this is not even pushing it. You get a freedom of choice from an extensive list of humans to waste your limited lifespan on with far less baggage and retardation than trannies. We can afford to be picky with acquaintances more than ever before in history and stuff whole categories into an exclusion list without having to give a shit about individualism and "exceptions-to-the-rule". A choice of quality, always choose higher from the pile as opposed to lower where trannies are located. Even autists are better on the baggage scale than trannies. Use this luxury of the current age when you can write off entire human groups as irrelevant because your lifespan is too short to accommodate them mathematically and realistically. Nobody should dictate who you waste your lifespan on or prioritize in your life, and anyone who calls you a bigot for excluding certain groups is a bigger bigot themselves for attempting to dictate how your most precious lifespan is spent because they are narcissistic entitled mutts who think being a tranny is a value onto itself worthy of respect when it contributes nothing to anyone except misery and retardation.
Corporations corporating
is this real?
Holy fuck lmao, fake but funny regardless do
As a member of the LGB, I hereby announce that the T is not part of our group, has no logical connection to us, and should take a hike off a building's roof. The T is an insult to our collective and undermines our every step with its mental retardation. Thank you and have a nice day/evening.
>it's actually real
have they been hacked or something lmao
Keeping computers 'putin.
Dumb Americans, incest is fine in civilized parts of the world.
>legal for minors
Thank god shit like this will never be real because Nintendo is still based and hates fags.
It just means that minors face no criminal charges for it. As of same sex siblings I suppose it's because they can't procreate.
Found the retard
>twitter screen cap thread
>not just twitter screen cap thread but literally fake account twitter screencap thread
just burn this board
Incest among males isn't a problem, as offsprings with genetic defects cannot be produced from them. You cannot argue against it with facts, only with feefees.
They dont hate fags. They're just apolitical with the whole gender thing.
ITT retards who can't read
Incest among siblings of opposite gender isn't a problem. Just wear a condom + birth pills
what's preventing me from getting my pussy eaten by my older brother? it's not like we're making babies lol
incest should be legal
is this real?
Based and homopilled
offsprings (sic) with genetic defects can be produced from anyone
you fell for (((their))) propaganda
>Incest isn't a problem
no blood?
Based France acting retarded as always
please god be in zimbabwe
usa aka degenerate shithole
>running damagecontrol
I don't know, maybe?
They're responsible for half of gamers coming out as gay. You think Bowser being on everybody's fuck list is just coincidence?
>Legal for same-sex siblings and minors
Wtf Hans
technically SHOULD be the only way. like "it's only legal for minors" because minors are stupid and can end up in that sort of thing without really knowing much. So they shouldn't be jailed and punished, just educated.
As a Gay who unlocks superhuman senses during the month of June, how do you straights deal with having boring human senses all year?
Did they choose the month when children are on vacation because of a special reason?
Can you magically fit a 10inch dildo up your ass in June or what kind of superpowers are we talking about?
You're practically right, but opposite-sex incest isn't a problem either, so as long they simply use a condom. It might be a hassle to fight with because of potential unwanted pregnancy, but it's still not a problem.
america needs to burn
can't you see his clothes turned red from all that blood?
nintendo users are fags who would have thought that before???????
hmm fair point
does your aids make you feral in june or something?
LGBT is filled with pedofaggots, everyone knows this already.
I can hear a "YAS kween" whispered within a mile radius. I can clack a fan loud enough to shatter ear drums. I can turn a straight gay literally just through eye contact
The 10-inch dildo I can do all year
t. Masturbates to loli and posts cunny threads
Show tits and pussy.
Pos gays literally gain super strength
>Yea Forums defending incest
idk who is more disgusting?
>legal if it doesn't provoke public scandal
That's a different thing user, it doesn't spread AIDS and Allah wills it.
Where is the tweet, I can't see it.
Eh, that's nothing new. Fire Emblem has featured several brother/sister pairings who either marry in the end or seriously consider it at some point.
I think “public scandal” is some kind of legal term that has a definition different from what it would mean in everyday context.
Italy is based and, dare I say it, redpilled
got under your skin pretty fast eh pedohomo
>gay incest
>Merely pretending to be retarded
Keep this bullshit up, nobody who doesn't already agree with this madness will be won over by it. The complete opposite however is happening and otherwise neutral parties are becoming redpilled to the sheer degeneracy of SJW identity politics. Let faggot and tranny blood flood the streets from the collective suicides after Trump's inevitable 2020 victory.
Get Woke Get Rope
Gay incest is only gross because it's gay. I have no qualms with regular incest as long as it is between consenting adults. Parent/child is a bit weird though.
Isn't Incest in Japan illegal?
Yeah I'm gonna need an extra order of yikes with a side of oof and a large cringe for this one
LGBTQP+ movement is child abuse by pedos.
It's illegal in the states too.
That's nothing new though
It's practically only A BIT different from strangers having sex. The only difference is that you're having sex with your parent.
Why must it be considered "disgusting", even when it's not?
Its a parody account retards
Just like white people are all mass shooters, right?
no verified check mark beside the name and also the account is spelled nintedo
What's the other part of the name?
Only whitoids support this shit
>Gay acceptance becoming more and more widespread
>Gay marriage just legalized in Taiwan, Japan is en route to legalize it next
You already lost.
>not only gay but also incest
Nintendo is disgusting
>Japan is en route
Really? :D I hadn't heard this news
It’s a parody account, dipshit
Support for gay marriage is rapidly increasing in Japan, it’s only a matter of time
That's what you'd like huh nintendie?
b-but muh based Nihongo will never give in to western degeneracy....
Not how it works
Support for uncensored porn is also huge but here we are
Oh no no
I'm not into drag by any means but I really want drag to stay separate from LGBTQBBQ bullshit. It's not the same at all, it's entirely different and completely unrelated. Jesus fuck.
>Legal for same-sex siblings and minors
Fucking Germany
Oh but it's not like legislation on the way :/
>Legal in most fucked up eurocountries
I bet in America is legal in most places too
It's mostly a gay thing. It's funny how much the straights freak out about it
Everyone who likes incest, reminder to kys and post results.
when did people start taking fag month seriously?
bullshit, its just a small subculture within the faggot community like many others
Yea Forums steams about it all year
Based aidscarrier
Nintendo is the company that caused all this with the release of the N64
>The straights
That's an odd way to refer to 98% of the world, faggot.
Tips on farming this motherfucker?
I'm with 3 friends and everyone has a good weapon
Drag isn't even about sexuality. It used to be a bunch of straight people doing it too. Of course gays did it but it wasn't /about/ that. More of a hobby, a community of people, not necessarily getting off or wanting to be women but more so generally a bunch of dudes getting together to do something. I'm 53 years old, i'm a fucking dinosaur, and while drag wasn't ever really "Accepted" it was done for fun.
It's not, it's a parody account.
yep, im thinking sony is back
did you just assume their wives genders?
They are all sexual deviances so
>Can't read
As expected from someone who owns a gaystation
>T is not part of our group, has no logical connection to us
The gender is and always has been gender.non-conformity.
You're stuck
Okay straightbrain
Yeah it's mostly a performance but I just find it funny how much straights freak out over a man putting on a dress and make up. That's not even the weirdest drag there is
when did you realize the nintendo onion memes were snoyboys projecting?
There are trannies in japan despite what weaboos say about "xD based japan literally nuttin wrong"
they even elect them to office
When privileged white liberal westcucks started going haywire after ~2011 and then went double haywire after 2016.
It's so tiresome that i need to shit on them whenever they appear to regain some form of mental peace just like i did on MLPfags.
yes, it is a real tweet on a parody account
>legal for same-sex siblings and minors
Checks out.
Please be in Japan
It's cute that you think that
No need to opine, you are an example.
What people do in their bedroom shouldn't be anyone else's business, as long as they leave it there.
because sacrifice your first born to moloch that's why you priviliged straightscum
Sweetie if you've ever been to a pride you would know that the counter-protesters are part of the tradition of pride. Every year we have Christcucks with signs saying "Homosex is sin" and I love taking pictures with them. So you "owning" the LGBT community is nothing new or special. We had it much harder then than we do now so your "epic own age" is trite by comparison.
Okay then can you tell the straights to stop this shit I can't believe they put this shit in children's movies
what's scandalous in italy?
>being offended by fiction
Just don't watch it thin-skinned nigger.
Kill yourself, my man.
I caught my sister bating on her webcam to some dudebro when I was 14. Am I going to jail?
Okay then just don't watch us, snowflake straightbrain
Hm no
I don't care about Christcucks, they are old news. The fact that you fags always divert every problem you yourselves as a collective have like pedofaggotry on Christcucks only shows to me that you are not interested in self-regulation, only being unhinged faggots much like Christcucks. Infallibility is a sign of corruption and stupidity.
So "Sweetie", let me end by saying that just like MLPfags you've got your own containment board yet you still pollute spaces outside of it like /pol/fags. You are about equal on the cancer spectrum, and you dumb Western LGBT folk who live in 1st world countries don't know shit about "having it bad".
I don't when I can avoid it. The problem is your fagotry is being pushed outside of fiction too.
Why would it be illegal in the first place?
No, but your sister is for exposing herself to a minor (you)