>E3 is in 3 days...
E3 is in 3 days
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pc will win E3 again
Well, she's right. Such blatant consumerism as to be excited to watch advertisements is stupid.
Why is Ellen Boddeker such a cunt?
Honestly if the bitch acted like that towards me i would just tell her fake pussy to fuck off
wtf I was thinking about this pic at work today
why is Touch Longham such a faggot?
grrrrr haha I'm so angry at this totally not fabricated story haha, literally fuming here, that's what we do here at four channel dot org, am I right fella's?
lmao incel btfo
if he had responded with suck my dick bitch there she'd be all over his cock
3 Days?
>I shouldn't know what I buy, I should just support a brand and pay for everything, blindly.
fuck off, slave.
Suppose you made such judgements after the game has released based on recommendations of people you personally trust, or at least the general player feedback. Hype for unreleased games, obsession of playing the latest games at release (maybe you even pre-ordered!) and swooning over advertisements seen in E3 and elsewhere is the sheep mentality you are talking about.
>look at me, im a grill gamer!
why are girls so mean bros?
They aren't if you're Chad
2019 Electronic Entertainment Expo will begin on
, 11 June
and ends on
, 14 June
That is the physical expo, the streams, the actual stuff we care about, starts in the 9th
actually. starts in the 8th with EA
I'd probably just copypasta her first post.
>Implying someone genuinely watches the EA stream
>When the only good thing that EA made in the last years is Unravel 1 and 2
Just because you don't have an e3 showing this year doesn't mean everyone else isn't gonna have fun, snoy
Obsessed. How's 2nd and 3rd place?
>ellen getting mad after getting exposed as a fake gamer
Persona 5
I don't know, how is it now that the PS4's already been outsold by the onions machine in its home country?
>well she's right
Fucking white knights. She probably thinks snapchat counts as a fucking video game.
>implying any stream other than the PC gaming show is good
lmao, casual
We only watch console E3 to laugh at how shit it is
>A re-release with 1 social link and maybe 10 hours of extra content at most
Your point? No one rushed to defend Super Mario U Deluxe as a """new""" switch title, why are you doing the same with an obvious re-release? Atlus play you retards like a damn fiddle and it works every time.
what am I missing
E3 starts on the 11th and it's the 3rd, that's 8 days
check the actual stream schedules faggotlord
>streams start in 5 days
nevermind I'm a dummy but that's still not 3 days
Here's all the streams. Sony isn't doing one this year for whatever reason, and EA is having its own thing thats on June 8th but will probably be shit anyways.