Is this game actually decent nowadays?
Battlefront 2
It probably always was.
the hate on this and BFV is entirely a made up online meme.
It's okay, the gunplay is not satisfying whatsoever and you'll never get to play as a hero in 20v20
>made up
It's fun until you encounter The Broken One
I've just reinstalled it and I think it's pretty decent now. There is a mode where you only play in the clone wars era and it's a long lasting battle on both land and starships.
I think the opposite. Tha battles would be so much better without the fucking jedi and sith. The shooting part is perfect with variety of weapons.
No, but Jedi Academy: Movie Battles is awesome
Needs a 50v50 mode
Eh it's always been really good at giving you the feeling of being in a proper battle instead of a multiplayer match
beyond that it's pretty shite though
massive contrarian cope
I got it the other day and...ehh its fine. Still has the problem of people who have played for longer having better shit than you. Campaign is bugged and laggy. And you shouldnt buy if you dont like Clone Wars because thats the only era you play 98% of the time.
>The shooting part is perfect with variety of weapons.
There needs to be more blasters. It gets repetitive after awhile
This. Nothing better than seeing lasers flying about everywhere exactly like in a Star Wars movie. Its really satisfying.
>cross era heroes and weapons
>vehicles are on rails still
Its fun, but theres basically zero strategy to be had
It's literally just zerg rush until you win if you're on offence
Star Wars: Battlefront
Star Wars: Battlefront II
Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)
Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017)
Hate this thing.
I agree, instead of hero card weapons they should add more main weapons.
>make a game about laser pew pew.
>make shooting the worst aspect of the game.
uhm no have you tried having sex sweetie?
what is the starfighter combat like? i've heard it's the best thing about hte game.
>still no good arcade mode
No, now stop asking
has less content than the original bf2
BF2 has great presentation but is as shallow as a puddle. Not a problem for SW fans but an issue for people getting it for gameplay.
BFV has potential, but DICE undermined the setting and EA made them make it in 10 minutes for Xmas sales. Women soldiers were a political trap, there were 10 other things that also sacrificed the ww2 setting but low IQ incels fell for the trap and focused on that, turning into a “MUH RETROACTIVE EQUALITY.” The game then fell short of expectations and EA massively dropped funding for the BFV team for its updates. It’s why it only got a new map 6 months after release.
The attrition system had potential, but the general player base wants arcade gameplay so they all but removed it. The movement system is way more interesting, I like it. Customization would’ve been cool if they kept it real. If they were given more time maybe we could’ve actually had a WW2 game with Russians, Americans, and Japs, but we didn’t. I’m waiting for the pacific theater announcement that’s all but confirmed now.
You cant do the loop-de-loop to turn back thing which really sucks.
Dis.. Moviebattles is better on almost every part except for grapichs
Just bought it and played a couple matches, I'm having fun so far but I feel I might get bored quickly since I'm a shitter who only got it for the star wars name