Is it good?
Is it good?
Why don't you just pirate it and find out
100%'d it in 12 hours, doesn't really have too much replayability compared to other roguelites
Looks nice and the VA is entertaining
90% of the enemies are completely harmless and you will only die if you come across the other 10% unprepared
I don't feel like I wasted my money though
Why don't you just fuck off from video games board if you don't want to talk about them?
Enemies can shoot around corners that you cant see them past, which is absolute bullshit, and made me drop the game
Game is easy even on hard, I managed an entire play-trough without being dead once.
I had fun for ~10 hours.
It's not on GOG so i can't really say since i am not buy games that are not on GOG.
Also stronger enemies are just color swaps which is kinda disappointing.
Some weird balance decisions like the fact that ships on fire are deadly as fuck even with the damage reduction upgrade, they're so deadly 90% of enemies in it die before you even see them.
Also a couple of very useless guns like the shield.
Other than that it's one of the better FPS Roguelites out there but the genre barely has any competition because most of the time the FPS part sucks. Here the weapons have a good feeling, it's pleasing aesthetically and the few enemies have an interesting design.
I love it but I can't say it's worth 30 burger bucks unless you really like the scavenging aspect
>Other than that it's one of the better FPS >Roguelites out there but the genre barely has any competition because most of the time the FPS part sucks.
Have you played Ziggurat?
I didnt like it
enjoy your no refunds
who's the robot's voice actor? he sounds familiar
Stanley Parable guy
Yes, also Immortal Redneck, Rogue Shooter (don't buy that one, it sucks), Heavy Bullets, Tower of Guns, Paranautical Activity and Illuminascii.
I guess it all boils down to what you're expecting of the genre and if you're looking for more of an FPS or a Roguelite. Ziggurat and Immortal Redneck were fun games but if I had to judge them solely on the FPS part I wouldn't rate them very high (although Redneck had some very fun verticality to it).
The games I listed above are basically 90% of the library of that genre which is why I think Void Bastards is worth a try.
2 hours of content and the rest is repeated. its a rougelite with no random events really.
it's pretty good so far, im on the fourth objetive and I like the enemy variety and even when they have reskin they still feel diferent, it can feel repetitive but you don't have to do every ship you find and when you get too much material you can skip searching parts for the objetive and just craft it.
>talking about video game with people who haven't played video game
There's also City of Brass that was released not long ago but I haven't played it.
Is Mooncrash any good? or even related to fps roguelikes?
>all the recolors just have more health
>except scribes which get mines and homing shots
>enjoy your no refunds
I don't need refunds since i try before i buy.
>inb4 you are just a pirate
Nope. I buy a lot of games on GOG. Right now i am waiting before i go on the summer sale to see if they announce the preorder for Cyberpunk 2077 this E3.
holy crap louis
It's free on the Game Pass. It was ok, kinda reminded me of a cross between Portal 1 and Time Spliters.
there is also eldritch, which is pretty good
and mothergunship, which is very fun until you get to the point, where you are simply overpowered and the loadout basically stays the same everytime. would sill recommend. for the 16 hours that i played it, it was extremely fun building more and more powerful guns and flying around using their recoil.
i'm playing city of brass right now. it comes across a little slow and clunky at first, since attack animations are a little slow/delayed, but that is very much on purpose. learning to use the whip is essential. once you got that down, you'll have alot more fun playing. im happy, i stuck around long enough to see its worth
What does ironman mode do? I wish it was selectable from start.
it gives me a kind of tower of guns impression with the disposable heroes
there is hardly any punishment for dying
like you can just cycle through characters without any real worries
>free on the Game Pass
That's not "free" retard
It's great for the first 3 hrs.
Then it gets very, VERY samey and you know exactly what's going to happen all the time
Fuck you, Rogue Shooter is charming.
And higher difficulty.
Game on Normal is a joke and poses little to no challenge, unless you play with controller..
it's shallow as fuck
ok, it's included on the game pass. Not that it maters, to me it was free. I paid 1€ for 3 months. I pretty much stole the game.
Probably not
On the last difficulty it provide some tense situations and force you to retreat sometimes. Although in that case pirates are instadeath.
Not with that cancerous tumblr artstyle.
They are criminals from the spacejail, there are no divercity bullshit in the plot or gameplay.
It's called Superjail
watch youtube
character walks around like a snail
not even going to pirate absolute trash
the main purpose in having a proper FPS game without retard-era ADS, is dodging things by moving
instead you just 'slink slowly backwards'
how does anyone work this hard on something and decide to release it like this
What are you on about, shield is great for early pirates, they just shred themselves.
It is not about shooting willy-nilly, it is a bit more tactical.