Post your score.
Post your score
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck is Semeron Online?
>serpent over the flat earth map
It's still fucking broken.
Refresh it. Their shitty redirection works 50% of the time.
>Put it in google
>No results other than the gaming addiction shit, a band, a pizza place, and some medical stuff
Is this a trick question?
>pick 'I do not consent'
>game over
>first question
>binary genders
This study must really be for "gamers"
A trick question to weed out trolls
>world health trannies
>17. Are you competent in English language?
I noticed that too
Does it actually work this time? I don't want to waste minutes of my time filling up shit that won't even give out a result.
Fucking hell, the questions make it sound like it's about alcoholism or heroin addiction. Is this really the way boomers see vidya?
You haven't played semen online?
Desu, that makes sense as this test is also for an addiction. Any diagnosis that doesn't meet the criteria means that you're fully functional.
Fuck of meowie
This sounds grammatically wrong
Do you get some kind of autismbux reward after you get 20/20?
I rp'd as a 50 yo neet doctor that hates his family and plays mmos all day
literally who
the link doesnt even work
Too many questions for my short attention span.
WHO is a fucking joke at this point. No person with common sense would never listen to them.
How does it feel gamers? A dilating tranny is more mentally well than you are?
Do you love international socialism?
Can I get disability bucks from my gaming disorder?
Above 90%. Maybe I should cut back a bit on gaming and get a job. I mean... It is 5:46 am and I should be getting out of bed, not into it ;_;
Seems like their servers weren't ready for this kind of traffic and everyone is getting server timeouts when trying to send them the data after the last question.
Who knew there were so many gaymers nowadays?
I hope not. I got 19/20 and I want my disability check.
Listen to who?
There will come an era when the UN and its branches like the WHO will control the entire planet.
Fuck me then
Literally who
should i kill myself?
>only 12
normie out
Friendly reminder that this is WHO you're listening to.
>I notice very quickly when my counterpart on the Internet is pretending.
What is this supposed to mean exactly? Just noticing you're acting fake on the internet?
post pic
To WHO. They see sodomy and other negative mental conditions as normal while playing videogames as a bad thing. Wondering when will they declare being straight being a mental disease? They even made transgender stop being listed as a mental disease.
As long as there will be people with common sense, then none of this will come to pass. And if this time will indeed come to pass, then reality will swiftly make short work of them.
This fucking URL grates me as grammatically incorrect even though it's not. I fucking hate this.
Funny how no one seems to care about working too much.
I feel like the only reason I even got a 4 was because I said I play for about 25 hours a week. The rest of the questions felt like they were more addressing depression and social anxiety than they were playing too many games.
this literally doesn't make any fucking sense
unless it's because of political reasons
but why ?
>chopping your dick is off is fine
>playing bing bing wahoo is mentally ill
Maybe refering to "Roleplaying"
>Cum now my lord
>Your data could not be saved.
I said i played 50 hours a week, and it gave me a 17/20
WHO, WHO and WHO. I remembered a small text from a person that used to work in there and was one of those that voted for removing homosexuality as a mental diseases. She now says that they made a horrible mistake.
Simple. To create a new human to rule over.
why bother if you don't go for the high-score, eh?
Can someone tell me the results
Damn thing wont load
>needing a website to tell you and not your own mother
You're all fucking casuals.
Too many questions about muh feelings.
They are in no way comparable.
>The United Nations’ health agency approved a resolution to remove “gender identity disorder” from its global manual of diagnoses, in a move that will have a “liberating effect on transgender people worldwide,” says Human Rights Watch. According to the newly-revised version of the International Classification of Diseases (known as ICD-11), published by the WHO, “gender identity disorders” have been reframed as “gender incongruence.” Gender nonconformity is now included in a chapter on sexual health, rather than being listed with “mental disorders” as was the case previously.
>“When you have a system that sets up someone’s very existence and identity in a diagnosis as a mental health condition, that feeds an enormous amount of stigma and drives people away,” Kyle Knight, researcher in the LGBT rights program at Human Rights Watch, tells TIME. “We have interviewed transgender people in Japan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Indonesia to name a few countries, and they don’t even want to begin to undergo the process of legal recognition because it requires them to go see a psychiatrist who will tell them they have a so-called mental disorder; something that they don’t feel corresponds with their own reality. People don’t feel like their gender identity is something diagnosable or needs a diagnosis.”
Gaming disorder isn't "playing bing bing wahoo for a couple hours a day":
>Gaming disorder is defined in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as a pattern of gaming behavior (“digital-gaming” or “video-gaming”) characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences.
They came for gamers GAMERS
that's a pretty broad definition
What does this shit have to do with video games? I swear these pseudo-science peddling retards can’t even keep a consistent narrative. If anything video games would make you feel those things less.
This is seriously a transparent attempt by old politicians to pin the woes of the youth on something that “””normal””” people won’t defend.
>Literally Who
don't pretend like this shit isn't because some faggot in WHO is ass mad about gamer gators.
I've taken the survey twice and both times the fucking thing wouldn't load my results. I'm not doing it again.
what a normie test
I can't answer most of these questions because I don't do anything else other than sit at my computer every day for more than 10 years
Sadly, humans are really weird. We don't get the "same disease". The common cold is caused by a bunch of different viruses but still referred to as "common cold". People will experience gaming disorder in different ways, but generally, it seems to have to do with losing control over your life while playing a lot of video games without being able to stop playing.
>We stopped diagnosing mentally ill people as mentally ill because they didn't feel like they were mentally ill and didn't like to be referred to as such
Oh, okay then.
>literally a videogame shilling survey
fuck off
"characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences."
Well this is actually my case to some degree. So it's not so incorrect on labeling it as some form of irregularity.
>take a kitchen knife and chop your dick off - you’re a healthy and brave individual that should be praised and celebrated
>play video games for couple of hours at evening after work - you’re now considered a disgusting, mentally ill piece of shit that should be killed off
How can anyone think that this is sensible? God, I just wish that this sick world would burn.
kek what a bullshit, why the fuck do they need a new category? why can't they put these people under existing disorders like social anxiety, depression, etc...? it is so clearly not gaming that causes any of these things, it is more like they use gaming as a escape goat and if you remove gaming they will surely fill the void with something else
and i specially have a problem with questions like this one
>Have you deceived any of your family members, therapists or others because the amount of your gaming activity?
it is screening for people who hide their true intentions like a drug addict, but i absolutely did lie to the people around me because they are idiots, reminds me of when i was in school, other students would harass me for my "gaming habits" but in the end they were the ones getting grade fucked because i actually knew the subjects, and they could only talk stupid shit and copy their homework from one another, and sometimes even ask to copy mine right after talking shit about me because that was considered to be "social", god that was so hilarious
>It will make them feel bad for being labled as having mental problems, which might make people avoid them (even tho people will potentially still avoid them regardless), so we're removing it.
Wasn't the concept of "science and facts don't care about your feelings" something to strive to uphold for the sake of clarity and better understanding of the world around you? Imagine if that's how they'd act for everthing. >We've removed gaming disorder from the list of disorder because gamers felt like this disorder didn't corespond with their own reality, proplr don't feel like their hobby can be classified as a disorder, or that it needs to be diagnosed.
Sorry, correction. Common cold is caused by one virus with a bunch of different strains/serotypes. Analogy still stands.
If the goal is to make the best of everything and have every person become a functioning member of society, putting a larger burden on them probably isn't very helpful. It's still going to be treated in the most effective way, and since it seems (I say this on a very limited scientific basis) like gender dysphoria commonly occurs with depression, there's still mental disorder involved.
This is similar to how you don't really help solve the black crime problem in America by posting the "despite only making up 13% of the population" copypasta, if you understand what I mean.
Science doesn't care about feelings, but applying science is usually done for the better of mankind, especially when it comes to medicine.
Thats what they want you to think user.
>bacherlor's degree
I mean I don't go out because of self shame, social phobias and a utter lack of interest in most outside world hobbies. Gaming just makes sense for a shut in like me, I earn my pay, eat my food, play my games and carry on, if there's an emergency I'll go, if it's leisure activities, I turn them down if I have no interest in them, which I almost always do. I get that this isn't a good way to "socialize and make friends/find a girlfriend." but I don't want one untill I've worked through other problems that make me feel unworthy of a relationship as of yet.
That just means gaymer are now literally more oppressed than trannies.
What a world we live in honestly.
White men are the main audience for video games, so attacking video games is an excellent way to attack white men too. First off they will label people who play video games mentally ill, then they will try to ban video games altogether just to spite white men.
This is the same shit my doctor gave me when I went there for physical symptoms. I answered "some of the time" to one of them and they diagnosed me with depression.
It's some generic shit they use to attribute your symptoms to stress so they don't have to treat you. It shouldn't even be on this "Gaming addiction" test these fuckers don't know what they're doing.
I don't like how they always make it as if not wanting social interaction beyond formal transactions in the real world is somehow bad.
To expand. My guess is that video game addiction can be solved like most other addictions, by slowly decreasing the amount the person plays video games, and giving them other things to do, while gender dysphoria or whatever it's called now has more complexity to it, and the way it's classified could have negative effects on people. Keep in mind that "gaming disorder" isn't the same as playing games for a hobby.
Just don't be like these guys Maliciously misrepresenting words to more easily play victim is definitely an incurable disorder.
Is this their new web page after closing down the old one, ""?
have sex
Is "everything was an effort" supposed to mean you're struggling or you've been working hard?
Technically not different things but they have different connotations.
I got a 4/20. No clue if that's good or not.
That's because that is unhealthy you fucking autist.
everyone has to socialise the same way on social media user.
they will label men and women that pursuse non mainstream pursuits like selfeducation, classical art and music, anything not pop as introverted anti-social terrorists.
It means you're a casual. Git gud.
i know this guy who is starting a onions only diet. im gonna see first hand the effects of how consuming onions can turn you into a tranny. i feel bad for his girlfriend though.
oh right filters. §0ýlent i meant to say
So I guess this just teaches us all that the WHO are quite frankly a fucking joke and should be mocked instead of listened to.
so are media and news but you still have people believing every word they say
Sounds alot like damage control, user. And again, if you're willing to question and desire to understand and all they give you is something like that, you can probably understand how some, might not buy it.
reminder the FIRST reaction to being told your mentally ill, is denial and making it seem like the claim is stupid
gaming addiciton is real
I hate games too much like most people on Yea Forums to ever be effected by it though
got bored 2 minutes in and couldn't finish survey
lmao I don't have gaming addiction. I havent played a game since March. I do have Yea Forums addiction though.
Brainlet; the post. Who gives a fuck about humans? Bad or not, at least the Nazi Germany had a good idea on how to solve such matters with faggots and subhumans.
Welcome to clown timeline.
Daily Reminder this is the same organisation who's leaders legalised faggotry and are now pushing to legalise and normalise sexualisation of children
you are mentally ill
why isnt tv addiction a thing
So I am a complete casual who sometimes actually enjoys some competition, I guess?
"Gaming disorder" is dumb anyway.
WHO is a political organization.
well its not called addiciton its a disorder and has less to do with playing too much and what it does to your brain when certain people play too much
But TV is passive entertainment while video games are active, its a huge difference in how our brain reacts to it.
>do the entire fucking thing
>cannot send data to server
>all the answers are gone, 0% progress
What a garbage piece of shit. I feel bad for people who actually need help and try to use this survey.
I don't really care about the results since I did it for self-reflecting on the questions, but it still pisses me off. Probably made for $100 by some fucking indian "coder".
Rookie numbers.
I have that problem but with browsing Yea Forums instead of gaming
This is some true clown world shit right now.
Jesus fuck.
I never had a problem with fags but that ain't right.
like getting out of bed this morning was an effort its like a depression thing
why do you care? thats a minority kid, not even a human
They also have that document regarding Sexual Education standards which specifies the program for literal toddlers.....
hello fellow alien
Not addicted so
>When you have a system that sets up someone’s very existence and identity in a diagnosis as a mental health condition, that feeds an enormous amount of stigma and drives people away
Right. It's not that they claim that 2+2=5, or that they look freaky, or that they're walking timebombs for suicide, it's the words that drive people away. Because some white people calling blacks niggers decades ago stopped other white people from befriending blacks.
The lunatics are running the asylum.
>when you're too stupid to understand big words so you call the scientists lunatics
I don't avoid social interaction with women because of games. I avoid it because of my small penis.
same link
They teach you at college (or at least they should) of examples of certified genius scientists that were mentally insane.
this is why anyone with a brain doesn't trust scientists just for being a scientist.
How did I do Yea Forums?
Why, yes! My score is 20/20!
Walić Trzaskowskiego za wprowadzanie tego...
Is borderlands really that short, Is new vegas really that short, maybe I just play slowly, but those numbers seem to low for a full playthrough, unless it's rushed a bit.
Yeah, I understand where the skeptical people are coming from, but if they need to forge lies and use strawmen, they either don't believe themselves or have a set idea of how things should work.
Gender dysphoria, just like many mental illnesses is super complicated, and when the result is to make these people functional, presenting the immediate truth to them might not be the best solution.
Just because no one cares about you, and you don't care about anyone, doesn't mean that the rest of humanity subscribes to that sentiment.
Yep. Trust your (or your favorite youtuber's) feelings instead.
Oh also the survey makes no fucking sense to me.
>Don't play online at all
>Tell them so multiple times
>Really just play because it's fun
>Somehow for fun isn't the highest score
I don't like people and would say I'm fucking anti-social if anything.
Taste the rainbow user.
>i'am an alarmist faggot who has no fucking idea what he's talking about
fuck this shit
addicts don't get neetbux, they get locked away in a rehab center
70+ is short for you? What the fuck kind of slowed-down world do you live in? A short game lasts two hours, an average game lasts ten hours and a long game lasts forty hours. A game worth playing for more than 50 hours or some comes maybe once every five years, if that. If you have more than a hundred hours in a game, you're dealing with a brain-dead timewaster and should think better before you indulge in that shit again.
fuck off, normie
What was the point of this question again?
Asking me if I can read the other questions?
This is a very stupid test.
>Have you continued your gaming activity despite knowing it was causing problems between you and other people?
It literally just answered it didn't affect shit, so what the fuck?
Yes, playing online games makes you anti-social, just like normal people become really anti-social when they use facebook or get stuck on their phones in their favorite social-networking website.
Yea Forums makes you anti-social too.
>presenting the immediate truth to them might not be the best solution.
Yeah, keep lying to them that they are cute girls and with a bit hormones and snip snap, they'll pass as females.
As long as I'm not expected to call a guy a girl, or pretend like they are a girl. I'd just end up avoiding them, because I'd feel like I'm lying and I have a reall serious problem with lying, I don't even pick LIE options in RPGs, I always try to be honest, in a polite and nice way, Do you have any idea how awkward it would be for me to have to interact with some one who expect me to call them a girl when they were born a man.
All online tests are about as serious as astrology, you just take them to have fun talk about stupid shit with anons.
because it would be bad for that sweet media bucks, same why having a (((gender issue))) is not considering being mentaly ill anymore all of that to get milk more money
Now watch more documentaries telling you you should hate white skin and your penis and die for Israel, you stupid goyim!
Poster of that pic here. I actually played every single side quest in Borderlands 2
>But TV is passive entertainment while video games are active, its a huge difference in how our brain reacts to it.
You have to answer the question, not dodge it. Why isn't there a TV watching disorder for people who prefer to watch TV instead of doing other stuff?
>phone fags btfo
ffs did the same for me. I did the extra questions too so this took me a good 20-30 minutes
If the idea is so bad, why do you have to completely change what they said and attack that stance instead of critiquing what they're actually doing?
>inb4 that's basically what they're saying
Do you feel like you're lying if you call a guy named William "Will"? I see where you're coming from, but there's basically no situation where you'll have to explicitly say what gender someone is anyways, and most transgender people aren't the screeching neon-haired lunatics you see here or in a lot of anti-trans videos. As long as you don't intentionally mislabel people, you're never gonna run into a problem with transgender people in your entire life.
Just refer to people by the name they request of you, basically. That feels like it's been human decency for millennias.
how do you guys focus on questionnaire that takes 30 minutes? I got bored after a minute and closed tab
Literally who
>Have you continued your gaming activity despite knowing it was causing problems between you and other people?
The fuck is this? It's like the "Have you stopped beating your wife?" question.
Have you stopped playing video games after your gf ordered you to do it or did you continue being problematic?
Well, have you stopped beating your wife user?
in reference to pic, it seems completely understandable that students doing work should have priority over those playing games. don't see a problem with that
Well, fuck this shit then, i got that too.
You do the extended questions?
g-guys help, I can't get passed the problem asking about percentages
I find it amusing that we rather permanently alter and mutilate a mental ills body than curing said mental illness. Fuck John Money and his Jewish experts. Hitler had the right idea of burning hirschfelds books.
It's unironically ran by clowns
>chopping your dick off or raping children are healthy human behaviors
>playing vidya games are not
this is like some shitty comedy skit
>your gf ordered you
Imagine being such a cuck that you take orders from your wife.
If humanity falls into degeneration, then it will be their fault.
user, if you choose your video games over your wife and her son you need some serious help with your addiction.
I made it bros, I am the normie now
I spend pretty much all my free time playing video games and answered the survey honestly, and I got a 9/20.
Gotta say, guys, I think this survey might be kinda fucking stupid. Most of the questions were more more about mental disabilities that had nothing to do with how much you play video games.
>8. Are you a professional gamer (i.e., making a living playing video games)?
why did nobody else notice this normalization tactic
it' doesn't mater how much you play vidya, it's the fact that you can't do anything else but play vidya that makes it a disorder, like any other addiction
>Do you feel anxiety
Yeah, because I have to defend an essay in a week you idiot, not because of videogames
I love how half of the questions can be something produced by other means but they insist in "video games" without allowing to give another answer
I'm already just allowed to play when she and Tyrone play adult games, then I can go to the World of Warcraft. :^)
>I find it amusing that we rather permanently alter and mutilate a mental ills body than curing said mental illness.
I'm gonna repeat the same thing I said to the other guy:
If the idea is so bad, why do you have to completely change what they said and attack that stance instead of critiquing what they're actually doing?
Literally spend 10 minutes on google searching for "gender dysphoria treatment" and you'll find that almost every (or in my case, every single) website starts treatment with therapy or counseling of some kind.
Give 1 (one) suggestion of how to "cure" this mental illness that isn't listed on those websites, which you find more suitable.
Do you think pills that help decrease occurrence of suicidal thoughts in depressed people with pills that make them sleepier than usual, too? Nothing's going to be perfect for these people.
What you're saying is essentially "Why do we put metal thread and glue in people's mouths to fix their teeth instead of actually addressing the issue".
>that everything was an effort?
What the fuck does that mean? I don’t speak bong
>almost all questions have an odd number of possibilities to pick as answers
That's completely stupid. Amateurs.
Just look at this
>I felt bad last week
1 totally agree
2 agree
>don't know
4 disagree
5 totally disagree
People who are unsure or just can't decide will pick the wishy washy middle option EVERY time. Only the last couple of questions had an even amount of answers.
Most of this survey is worthless. As in the data that they will collect will be junk.
>website goes down as I finish and it is send my results
>website goes back to the first page
I guess I'll never know if I'm truly a loser loner
>double negative
Lmao kys, brainlet. You need some Who.
It probably means that you need 20 minutes of mental preparation just to force yourself take out the trash, then you play an hour of vidya to recover.
>starts treatment with therapy
Meant talking therapy
>world health trannies
how are they trannies when they willingly made the decision that dysphoria is not a mental illness meaning trannies can no longer have their medical expenses covered and will have to pay out of pocket?
Yeah but how do you therapy something that isn't an mental illness? They now think they are normal and fine.
The who. Listen to some great music
AAAAHHHH. OK, gonna listen to them.
Read and never make a post about gender dysphoria or transgender people on my Swiss clock-making forum ever again.
What do you mean? It's a pretty legitimate question to ask. Maybe you haven't noticed, but video games are a multi-billion dollar entertainment industry and a huge number of jobs are involved directly with it.
I have about 3 gaming binges a year and don't really play outside of those.
I play roughly 500 hours over those 3 binges.
If you include YGOpro tho, than I might get 800-900 hours a year.
>accidently put 70 hours because i misread steam time
>still get a 5/20
it may be basically my only hobby but i still do all the shit i need to do first
Yea Forums disorder is a more serious problem. Please let me fucking go
Its time for gamers to rise up and pick up the NEETbux that they deserve
>“gender incongruence.”
more like mental incongruence lmao
I got an 11/20 because I play fighting games and they listed it as, "competitive and recreational motivation" even though I play about 12 hours a week. This test is low quality.
that's because it sounds like it treats "videogames" as a collective and therefor singular when games is normally plural and should therefor use "many" instead of "much". I think it may actually be correct in this case it just sounds wrong.
>Gaming disorder is defined in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as a pattern of gaming behavior (“digital-gaming” or “video-gaming”) characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences.
Literally me. Guess liberals can't make fun of me anymore!
Isn't gender dysphoria still recognized, just not the transgenderism itself? At least that's what an user told me when I initially laughed about it.
fuck me i should've proofread that before posting. I can't believe i used "therefor" twice. I'm a huge faggot apparently.
Based WHO
That means retards have to committ srs cash to pass or not do it all. No more half assing chris chan clones
Let's be honest, no one is gonna want to socialize with people like us.
>world health organization
>can't be bothered to have proper spelling in the title of their website
yeah I don't buy it
>Have you continued your gaming activity despite knowing it was causing problems between you and other people?
Holy shit what a loaded question.
>I avoid it because of my small penis.
You are not alone, user.
If you answer no they’ll probably disregard your survey, or at least weight the data differently.
I think WHO is probably dead-on with this shit desu. If you can’t do basic day to day tasks or socialise because you’re playing vidya you probably have a problem.
addiction is a serious health problem yes
i aint giving my stats to this cabal
Did I break it?
Yet, they'll ignore social media addiction which is 10xmore plentiful and harmful?
You're too emotionally stable please gain an appreciation for Spanish soap operas
I only play a few hours a day, and responded negatively to most questions about gaming affecting my personal life but apparently this is enough to classify me as a mentally ill freak.
I got 13/20. Although not turbo-autist tier, I'm surprised how high I score comparatively to most other people.
>"94 % of the participants have a lower score than you."
I wasn't ready for these feels. Despite having a good job, paying rent and going to the gym regularly playing the vidya is the only escape I have from a generally miserable life.
>tfw no gf
Your value 4/20
0 % of the participants have a lower score than you. 560 persons have already participated in this study.
Blazed right through that.
This, it's been an ongoing and serious problem where car accidents happen more due to retards looking on their phones than accidents caused being under the influence of alcohol. Meanwhile cases for video game related deaths due to addiction are extremely fucking rare, you have more chances dying from a snake bite.
>survey is about video game addiction
>also asks some questions about social media use
>”they’re ignoring social media addiction”
How have you come to this conclusion?
You're obviously lying user, you can't cheat this test
>barely even play games anymore
Save controlling that fucking bird...
video game disorder*
>94 % of the participants have a lower score than you. 560 persons have already participated in this study.
I got the same score, except I don't go to the gym. I don't have any relationships to destroy though, and I don't want one because I know I'll destroy it instantly with my gaming.
Get destroyed, all you other casuals below me.
You are supposed to think the questions through you brainlet, if you're just answering mindlessly you might as well be spinning a roulette to get any given result
Dysphoria is still considered a mental illness. The WHO removed Transgenderism as a whole from being considered a mental health issue. Transgenderism and Gender Dysphoria are still considered to be different things and that you do not need to experience dysphoria to be Transgender.
Based WHO making video games into a clinical disorder, how long before we get the neet bux for playing too much vidya
>how long before we get the neet bux for playing too much vidya
I've been curious about this, but I'm not going to do anything to "cure" myself of this "ailment". I'm going to be playing video games until the day I die and no amount of bribery in the form of NEETbux will change that.
>Implying your government will feel forced to give you a penny for your neet status
I had way higher score than I thought I'd have.
Huh, I might be a normie.
Yeah it's a pretty big long shot, I agree. We can dream though, can't we?
On a separate note, I'm surprised they didn't have any questions regarding over-eating while playing, or skipping meals entirely in order to play more.
>recreational is highest at 12/15
This actually made me think about how bad vidya is for me, I guess I need help
Am i a normie? says i play for social/recreational/competition
free money for alcoholics and fat fucks are ok but not for my glorious vidya disorder? bigot
Well nothing I didnt know about before
Paying for digital distribution is a mental illness.
I spend too much time playing and wasting time on the internet but I think its mostly because of other problems and I would simply waste time doing something else if I couldn't do that
The real issue is lack of purpose, not video games
>taking a survey without being compensated >20 cents per minute
I scored 8 points even tho I play 12-16hrs a day lol
No, it's more to gauge if you're having personal problems. Gaming addiction is more that you're forgoing important opportunities to your life for vidya. Like imagine if you're turning into Chris Chan levels of fuckup.
Well, most studies find that it's not exactly productive to label it as a mental health issue (because it doesn't exactly play out like one), but that social stigma definitely has an affect on their mental health (as it would anyone else's) and if the aim is to provide people with the most comfort in the most effective way, then classifying it as a mental illness and putting them through all sorts of therapy will not help them at all and could negatively affect their mental condition. What research does show is that giving these people the opportunity to transition is the quickest and most effective way of helping these people with any issues they may be having.
I cant believe im in the same thread as the most emotionally stable person on Earth.
Fucking this. You never know when you are hitting bottom hardly enough.
>that you're forgoing important opportunities to your life for vidya.
If I didn't have vidya I would have taken up another form of addiction or killed myself years ago.
Middle of the road, pretty expected.
My Vidya habits don't really interfere with my life, but they take up the majority of my recreational interests.
Seems like I turned into a filthy casual.
I don't really like video games.
That is pure bullshit
>What research does show is that giving these people the opportunity to transition is the quickest and most effective way of helping these people with any issues they may be having.
[citation needed]
This whole situation is like if people who believe their hands are cursed by Satan and want to cut them off, were allowed to cut their hands off under the logic that it's the most expedient way to make them feel better, and telling them they're crazy and forcibly medicating them would make them feel bad. Yeah, I'm sure it would make Patient Satanhands feel awful - but it's the right thing to do anyway because the objective isn't to make him happy, the objective is to cure him.
I got 4 out of 20 too.
>98% of the participants have a lower score than you
fucking casuals. Anyways wheres my disability bucks
if we are lucky they might start sending out death squads to round up and execute gamers in the streets desu. god imagine that...
I put in about 40ish and got 4/20. I think it's because I mainly put in responsible answers like always doing what I need to do, having a job, family doesn't have an issue, etc.
Boring survey
>68% higher
>13/20 takes pleasure in skill
>10/20 recreation fun time
I guess I got it good.
The test wasn't idiotic like I expected at all.
A lot of these questions are bullshit and give "gaming" a negative connotation regardless of how you answer.
Facts on god
S-should I see a doctor?
I hate my life, whats there to be surprised about.
so what was the porn section for?
>"gaming" a negative connotation regardless of how you answer.
yes, and? gaming is bad desu, doesn't mean I don't enjoy it.
Yeah, at least the survey seems to ask more questions related to personality and feelings that I expected and take that into account
I don't want to do anything else, after all.
I guess I'm on the gay-men-a-dick-shun spectrum.
Fuck WHO and fuck the entire field of psychology. Just because a personal habit isn't making Shekelburg money doesn't mean its a disease. When is the WHO going to classify working too much as a disease?
What does it mean?
nice meme
lmao this is bullshit.
I answered no and disagree to all questions about online games because I never play online games and the questionnaire at the end said I was "mostly a social gamer who plays to get to know others"
It just assumes any mental health problems you have are to do with gaming, pretty shit survey
I've annotated the graph to help you understand what your results mean
Well, that's a while fucking lot of loaded questions.
>tfw 20chads
I got 11/20 on the overall score. Going through this, it makes me think the whole 'gaming addiction' thing is a tad bit overly dramatic. I spend a lot of my time playing video games, but I have other interests like music and history. I don't think gaming itself is an actual addiction but I do think over reliance on it is indicative of other personal problems that need to be addressed.
Why, yes! I did get 20/20 on the survey! How did you figure it out?
Is someone playing video games in any capacity a gamer though? Really trying to single out a group there. Read a certain way, if you're known to play video games in your spare time, but are using the computer for school purposes, you can still be freely kicked off.
Can't tell if this is good or bad
Blaze it faget
That's the way I look at it. We wouldn't accept the "solution" of self mutilation to treat delusions in any other case. Why is it deemed acceptable when the delusion is about gender?
I got a 7/20
>reminder the FIRST reaction to being told your mentally ill, is denial and making it seem like the claim is stupid
That's a kafka trap. Your ability to defend yourself has been taken away from you, because denial itself is considered proof.
The only thing that fucks me up with games is I never eat because I feel preoccupied and am disinterested in taking the time to get up and eat. I now only eat one meal a day regularly.
I'm just mostly a miserable kind of guy. I don't think it's that bad.
Asking if you have personal problems and if they're related to gaming isn't assuming anything.
But I socialize all day here.
>these three questions alone will make or break this survey for you
fuckin casuals
So how many points before it is problematic? Or this just for gathering data hoping not too many trolls will mess it up?
Not bad I would say, and I got recreational and social motivations for gaming it seems, which is nice
12/20 i'm above every 90% of the pleb.
Don't answer to my post if you have a lower score.
im 14/20
get off my site normie
This desu, eating is fairly boring.
Y-yes master wizard.
God dammit. Why do they keep changing which side is agree and which is disagree. How hard is it to keep it the same all the way through.
Question about hentai games.
>If anything video games would make you feel those things less.
the point of it is to diagnose an addictive personality where games don't make you feel those things less anymore. For WHO it would be bringing more attention to addictive personalities, for politicians it would be about stopping evul vidya. maybe you shjould get into politics since you only see it as the latter
20/20 chad here, get out.
I didn't know it was this bad bros
I'm married, have a kid and a full time job
it's to recognize people picking all one side of the answer field so it can disregard their obvious lies
Am I a disgrace?
>Not a single place to dump comment in the whole fucking survey
My favorite video game is I was raped as a kid and video games saved me from killing myself.
10/20. I think I'm alright.
To assess problematic responding (Robinson-Cimpian, 2014) a sham item; “In the past year I have played the game Semeron Online” was used to check if participants were excessively or carelessly selecting indicators during self-report. Because Semeron Online is the title of a fictitious game participants could not truthfully report that they had recently played the game. Those who reported recently playing it were coded as mischievous (1) whereas those who did not were coded 0. In Study 1 the prevalence of mischievous responding was 1.47% (95% CI [0.95%–2.00%]), and in in Study 2 it was 2.27% (95% CI [1.99%–2.57%]).
Guess that makes sense.
I'm a game developper so I shouldnt do this survey, right?
Why not? Can you not tell work and play apart?
It’s ok, just tweet at them saying niggers
Scores of greater than 5 count as having gaming disorder according to the score page.
To be fair, bing bing wahoo guys usually act as if suffering from a mental illness
I put in playing about 10 hours a week, yet still scored as having gaming disorder.
Do I get a tax break?
Hello CIA.
>Do you watch pornography online?
If what way does that have to do with "gaming disorder"?
It's used to see if the issues addressed are not potentially related to gaming.
Whoever wrote this shit is like English as their fifth language or something. Can they not get someone who knows basic grammar to write a fucking questionnaire?
Also I told it that I spend 40 hours a week playing Vidya and it said I was fine. 9/20.
Fuck this test, here's some cunny.
this is such an awful test, like why the fuck do I have to answer how much my habits cause problems with others if I don't have any to begin with and other shitty questions, did they just want to call other people retards and call it a day, 6/20 btw
5-20/20 is classified as gaming disorder user.
not great, not terrible
all it needs now is a diagnosis for shitposting on korean basket waving forums
Literally WHO
Do I get gamur bucks along with my autism ones?
>98 % of the participants have a lower score than you
7/20 here. i put 35 hours
Not according to the results it gave me. :^)
Though I did select female as my gender.
How amusing
10/20, over 80%
Do you guys think I got a better score, because I played a female character?
i am a better person than all of you
>main stat is agreeableness
beta as fuck
I'm 9/20 we're both normal mate, deal with it
the test still says we might be oppressed gamers. RISE UP
>Human Rights Watch
Wow, Most people who are depressed spend time playing video games
Who fucking knew?
I got 10/20, What does that mean?
you have a disorder
hello my fellow emotionally stable friend.
7/20 seems to be the cutoff for sanity. If you are 8/20 or higher you are mentaly ill and need to seek help.
Not really? The line is blurry. I often play game to get new specific gameplay ideas, new setting ideas, check the graphism etc.
Half of the time I cant even focus on a game because I'm wondering how this lightmap was baked, what asset is bought, where the texture is from etc.
Do I pass?
>“When you have a system that sets up someone’s very existence and identity in a diagnosis as a mental health condition, that feeds an enormous amount of stigma and drives people away,” Kyle Knight, researcher in the LGBT rights program at Human Rights Watch, tells TIME. “We have interviewed transgender people in Japan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Indonesia to name a few countries, and they don’t even want to begin to undergo the process of legal recognition because it requires them to go see a psychiatrist who will tell them they have a so-called mental disorder; something that they don’t feel corresponds with their own reality.
Yeah no fucking shit that's how someone who's mentally ill feels
It does not FEEL GOOD TO BE TOLD, BY A FUCKING DOCTOR, THAT THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU THAT YOU'RE NOT SEEING. I've been through that shit, nobody likes being told they have anxiety because fuck you, I'm not some weakling who can't handle being behind a wheel because he's afraid of crashing and getting hurt. Nobody LIKES being told that they have some disease that isn't visible to the human eye that's stopping them from living normally, because it makes you feel weak. Makes you want to prove to yourself that you're NOT weak. But you have to do it, because that's the FIRST STEP of getting better, admitting that you have a problem and that you want to change. And at that point, you really do want to change, because you realize you're never going to feel happy until you get over these fucking feelings. You'd just be living trying to grapple with it forever, when you could be taking steps to feeling better.
God fucking damn, it's like they want trannies to kill themselves. Instead of trying to get them to be okay with being "weak" and accepting the path to becoming "stronger" will take work, but they'll be a better, happier person for it, they just enable the fucking behavior that makes them sad in the first place, like it's not wildly irresponsible
9/20 score btw
Stupid. Since you can just pick the answer in the middle (they are so retarded and gave you a middle)
9/10 so i am functional, but a bit disordered
>Yes I play semen online, how can you tell?
>kissless virgin
>haven't had friends since elementary school
>failed at every hobby I tried that isn't mindless consuming
>same score
This is a fucking joke lmao. I was going to do it but 17% in I closed out. The 'WHO' are clowns that don't know shit about health.
Nothing to do with me, you retard. There are people who can't tell how they feel or don't want to think about a question for very long.
If you have this
2 slightly agree
3 slightly disagree
You have no faggy choice in the middle. You're forced to go one way or the other.
WHO gives them an easy way out,:neutral, don't know etc. Fucking idiots and you're the dumbest one. This is survey shit 101.
This is not just for you. If you want to make it properly and get useful data you give a participant an even amount of choices for a question. They did that too, but only at the end for a couple of questions
It's an interesting game theory move with respect to trans, and while I acknowledge such a thing as "gaming disorder" is legit, anything can become an addiction, the question is how it's treated and whether or not the consequence isn't just getting what amounts to a bunch of males on the public dole so they're as dependent on the tranny that can't even afford a stolen dick.
>tax dollars went to overpay incompetent monkeys to classify gaming addiction as a mental illness, and make a site like this
When are we finally going to take all politicians and put a bullet through their heads?
This test seems to be for people who look at gaming as the source of their problems rather than a symptom.
>Think it through when the settings aren't tangible enough to include an actual living thought process. It's a bag of generalisations.
>Photoshopped non-existant person plays a fake game
It's like pottery, it rhymes.
so technicaly if you enjoy any form of entertainment that takes more time than the other forms and it's not productive activity you're a retard?
I play 20hrs a week on average, have a job, not a tranny, and i don't play too cope with real life drama.
Not bad......
I play enough games every week to be considered a full time job and still only got a 6. I'd imagine you need to be a complete emotional wreck to actually score high on this thing. Also trannies are mentally ill and the credibility of the WHO is in question. Is this an "official" survey?
Honestly I’m probably more addicted to the internet than gaming.
>11/15 on recreational use
what does it even mean
imagine actually having time to play video games
These questions could honestly be applied to almost any form of recreation. It's more of a "do you blow off responsibilities to have fun" survey than anything specific to gaming.
most games only have pic related of actual content
So, anyone with coding skills want to help me create an MMORPG called Semeron Online?
maybe because playing video games 12 hours a day is kinda normal is you are a youtuber
No, but if that's how you interpret it, you are. You can play video games for 8 hours a day and not have a "gaming disorder". If you can't stop, though, and it consumes your life in unhealthy ways, it might be classified as one.
Maybe they've concluded that it's more effective for people with gender dysphoria to transition than to try to get rid of the gender dysphoria. I don't know if you can ever get rid of depression, so whatever way to relieve the most discomfort, that's probably the best solution. And just like depression, it probably helps if people around you aren't assholes about it, which reclassifying the disorder might help with.
I don't know much about gender dysphoria or whatever it's called now, but I think it's received more attention lately than ever before, and better ways to help these people are without a doubt being tested and researched, regardless of how it's classified.
>barely play any games for the past few years
>somehow get a score higher than 86% of the participants
Being a depressed outcast who can't decide on anything doesn't mean I have a gaming addiction fucking retards
I don't give a shit, though.
enjoy having to pick fruits under the table to be able to more than rice and beans
Scored 14/20. Yep I'm fucked.
That's nice.
What should I do?
what a nice shape
Based cunnyposter.
>What should I do?
So why even associate these questions exclusively to gaming?
But I try, I try
This is fucking retarded.
From this day onward, I'll live as an apricot. You can't tell me I'm crazy or you are a bigot.
Interesting, will take a look at the data once published.
Aint giving you my data chink
this is what having a job does to your gaming score
I don't even play games anymore. I'm just here to shitpost
My problem with this new push is that there is such a thing as gaming addiction and companies like Actiblizz and a whole new generation of smaller companies have been profiting dearly from it, encouraging it even, and not just mobile and gacha shit (remember Activision hired addiction psychologists to make WoW and CoD and other games MORE addictive, and that expertise then bloomed into a whole new field in tech where it's euphemistically called "retention" and used to gamify social media platforms like FB to make them more addictive). Epic seems to be the latest to turn to cheap tactics like this, which is sad since it seemed to be on a decline for a good while as people lost interest in stuff like WoW.
BUT this is still a minute subset of videogames, the overwhelming majority of which are not designed to be addictive to make money, but simply to let players have fun, unwind, play together, compete, educate even, and relax. So initiatives like this are likely to do more damage than good here since the industry's major players, like Actiblizz and EA, will just push back and claim innocence under the banner of "GAMERS UNITE!" when they really are the major culprits and have been pushing mtx, lootboxes, "retention", p2w etc. as hard as they possibly can. If any actual studies were to be carried out into gaming addiction I wouldn't be surprised if games designed to be addictive would turn out to be the overwhelming majority of the problem while normal games simply aren't problematic in the least, quite the opposite. Even if theoretically one could mess up their life on anything, even binge reading books, good games are simply too fulfilling for people to binge play them like WoW or Fortnite or whatever.
>, like Actiblizz and EA, will just push back and claim innocence under the banner of "GAMERS UNITE!"
Don't worry. Gamers have very long memories. They are like Warhammer Dwarfs. They rarely forget, and even more so forgive.
>apache helicopter argument
You know that most people who accept the existence of transgender people would accept you as an apricot if that occurred more commonly, right?
Do you honestly believe that these people would damage themselves and in several ways make things more complicated for them for some recognition or attention (or in a lot of cases not even that, just feeling better because they despise their bodies and can feel a little better by transitioning into the opposing gender)?
You're the equivalent of a person who tells depressed people to "just cheer up".
are you the latest 3ds update?
>You know that most people who accept the existence of transgender people would accept you as an apricot if that occurred more commonly, right?
Yes, and I think that's bullshit and you are a faggot.
he he
>all motivations 4-5
>except recreation which is maxed out
>13/20 score
w-wew ?
Went for full but idk what they meant by headache
The question about transrace people has been discussed, and because there are few people who claim that they feel like they were born the wrong race, it's not really considered a disorder. If it was more common, I'm sure the same people who accept transgender people would have to accept transrace people on the exact same basis.
You're right, maybe "transkingdom" is a bit of a stretch to believe, but give me one good reason why I shouldn't accept transspecies people if I accept transgender people, if there were the same number of people of both kinds.
Fucking bing bing niggers, I've already risen up.
>getting a job and having to ration gaming hours somehow turns me into a normalfag
You don't get it WHO, I would play 24 hours non stop if I had the fucking chance
>he didn't get into the Semeron Online private beta
You just have self control
Is it an addiction if I only play games because nothing else holds my interest?
Like I don't stay up all night or skip work or shirk my responsibilities to play games, but a majority of free time is dedicated to gaming because I simply have nothing else to do.
I suppose my spending on games is a bit reckless. I'm always buying new games and dropping them fairly quickly to move onto a new one.
It's just cause I'm chronically bored.
have sex
I know what disorder is user, but that's what they make it sound like
You can make depression sound like someone's just a bit under the weather with the right wording.
I'm not addicted to video games, but I have major depression.
I dont get it is my score good or no
i scored 17/20
>Gaming addiction is more that you're forgoing important opportunities to your life for vidya.
I can see that, but then again, if it wasn't for video games I wouldn't have developed my interest in computers, learned a different language, get to know foreign cultures and de facto get my current job. I don't think you could gain the same through alcohol or drug addictions.
if anything i'm addicted to technology/the internet in general rather than just video games
>75% of the test is unrelated bullshit
>answering honestly to things like "do you feel sad :(" just leads to the test saying IT'S THE GAMES!!!! even if it has nothing to do with it
Yeah fuck off.
>Yea Forums breeds the most emotionally stable people on earth
wow who knew this place was so good for your psyche
I got a 16/20 and this is my meme chart.
cool, are they still the ONLY thing keeping you alive?
What's the definition of social network?
A cancerous online shit like steam.
snapchat, instragram, facebook, etc
based 15/20 chads, we're in this together bros.
So I take it you said no
Does Yea Forums count as a social network?
nigger none of us know each other i hope so no probably not
At least i'm not a tranny
No it's technically a forum
12/20. Said that 90% was lower than me so am I mentally disabled?
That's the Openness score, you morons. It basically just means that you didn't mark as many questions as "Neutral/I don't know" as other people did.
12 baybee
I don't get it
Go to school for vidya gayems, get low score. Well this is kind of fucked but okay
>mfw too tired for vidya
Well that's what I'm saying, you could replace the word "gaming" with nearly any hobby/leisure activity.
No, what he’s saying is “Why do we legislatebthat no dentist tells a patient that they have an over or underbite and instead simply have them start a treatment on themselves to attempt to fix what THEY identify as the problem”
this is kinda cool desu
>560 people
>30-40% is from Yea Forums alone
>you still surpassed them
How do you live day by day user?
the 560 people number hasn't updated for a while
I imagine everyone's scores would shift % wise when they're update
Is Yea Forums(nel) a social network?
IT's not for you specifically, chief. Gaming Disorder is the problem with people like these:
>“When you have a system that sets up someone’s very existence and identity in a diagnosis as a mental health condition, that feeds an enormous amount of stigma and drives people away,”
This is like saying it's offensive to call an actual psychopath a psychopath because it creates negative image of the person. The way western liberalism is shaped up these days is like a classic example of being a schizoid.
It's the same way with those surveys taken at the end of a service call. If you answer anything other than "totally satisfied" then the service agent gets reprimanded as if they cursed the customer out. These questionnaires give you the idea that there is some kind of middle ground, but they always deal in absolutes.
how did I do senpai?
why do most of you faggots score so low?
whatever, at least i'm more emotionally stable than most people
is this bad or good?
wtf i love the WHO now?
Getting real personal with the porn questions, man
Maybe the difference is that psycopath-behavior can be minimized by being made aware that you're a psychopath, while self harm caused by gender dysphoria can be minimized by allowing people with the disorder to be considered the opposite gender by society and themselves.
It's not western liberalism, it's making damaged people as good as possible.
I only got 12.
I need to practice and come back for the high score.
That's what it looks like.
Literally who?
how did you make it black?
I've honestly never been suicidal or truly depressed in my entire life, and I listed >30 hours a week in video games, it gave me an 8/20 for addiction so I think this survey actually knows what it's talking about and doesn't just say you're addicted if you play a lot of games
>Your value 20/20
>99 % of the participants have a lower score than you. 560 persons have already participated in this study.
>Extraversion 5/40
What do I win?
>Maybe the difference is that psycopath-behavior can be minimized by being made aware that you're a psychopath
Plenty of psychopaths all around the world who aren't a threat to anyone, yet they're also being made aware of. How are trannies any different exactly? There have been violent attacks and outbursts from trannies before. So maybe actually recognizing them as mentally ill would also be for the better?
Personally, I don't want to pretend that a man who chopped his dick off suddenly became a woman. Or vice versa.
Highest score in the motives is recreation at 13/20, everything else being between 10-12/20
Then the last bit, emotional stability and openness to experience being 32 each, everything else is around 20 except extraversion which is at 11.
>there’s a mental illness that makes you believe something untrue
>the best good is through perpetuating said untruth, leaving it unquestioned
>he IS Napoleon Bonaparte
>chopped his dick off
Oh, you don't actually care about the discussion. You should have started your first post with that.
>Your value 4/20
blaze it
That's probably the most surface level take I've heard on any mental disorder, but yeah, let's go with that.
>you treated the discussion with less than 100% medical terminology, you are invalid and I am right
Fuck off with that shit.
>Oh, you don't actually care about the discussion.
How exactly? By making fun of people like that? Just because I'm being a dick about it doesn't mean I'm not serious. You on the other hand seem to be overly defensive about the topic for some reason.
I see, I was playing checkers, and WHO was playing chess.
Would you have us maintain a double standard of what is true when someone is outside of a discussion?
>posting on Yea Forums
>not a loser loner
no need to take survey and remember: you are here forever
>all those questions geared towards whether or not you consider games to be competitive
I wonder if they give you points for not being a passive eunuch.
>tfw people that are "succeeding" at life are more addicted to vidya to me even though I slack my ass off
I got a 6/20 and play like 30 hours a week in fighting games with recreational and competition motivation highlighted
You need to learn to love yourself, user
>o I think this survey actually knows what it's talking about and doesn't just say you're addicted if you play a lot of games
It says anything above 5 points is showing signs of videogame addiction and I'm pretty sure all you need to get that is play enough videogames where it's obvious that it's one of your main hobbies.
Prestige skin.
Night/Dark mode browser extensions.
8/20 and play about 5 hours a week
I don't know. Maybe that's how you think transitioning actually works (which we've already went thought earlier, it doesn't) and if you do believe that (as well as thinking treatment for one mental disorder works on every mental disorder), I figured there's nothing good that could come of the discussion, because it felt to me that you'd already made up your mind and/or didn't care. Sorry if that's not at all how you feel.
Maybe reclassifying also helps the violence you speak of? Maybe the violence against transgender people is a greater threat and de-stigmatising it in the eyes of the public helps both? Maybe reclassifying psychopaths would help them as well since that word has a disproportionally amount of negative connotations to the effects of the disorder? Maybe this is a young topic and is blown out of proportion and needs a lot more research, so holding off on questionable treatment methods is a good thing? There's a lot of depth to this issue which I think neither of us are qualified to assume much about, but I want to believe that the intention is to make it better for everyone.
12/20, top 10th percentile.
I suspect very little violence againstbthe transgendered population is centered around them being mentally ill and much more around being identifying them as bizarre and out of place, which would not be changed if it stopped being classified as a mental disorder. The stigma of transgendering is entirely separate from its medical classifications.
I do have a problem.