Death Stranding Discussion

Lets have a proper thread instead.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why does America look like Iceland for one?

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is that a body you're delivering?

i sure cant wait to walk around and empty open world where nothing happens for minutes at a time

Global scale natural disaster + time fuckery

Are we really going to the moon?

>a walking simulator with lynchian story themes and lovecraftian monsters
I think this might be the first good walking simulator.

Ladders are just bridges that go up.

This but unironically.
You know, kinda like Shadow of the Colossus.

the rain and these huge explosions. they literally spell it out for you, you dense faggot

What was with that part of the trailer when it became first person with the flappy hand in the corner?

Kojima doesn't know what a good story is.

A game like this which is focused entirely on the story is going to be terrible.

>President of Jack Shit
>Edge Nut city
>Homo Demons
>Diehard Man
Was this written by a 10 year old? Cringe.

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Kojima is a hack and you're all falling for his bullshit again like MGSV.

That's the BT sensor.
It's "hades" something to do with time travel, you got taken to WWI.
While later towards the end you see Mads in Vietnam.
I think you'll be traveling through various set pieces because of the cable that connects time.

people use the walking sim meme a lot, but i would honestly ok with this actually being the case.
the trailer with the asylum song had such an unbelievable atmosphere. these landscapes and the loneliness feel just too good. i really hope the game has no music outside of battles and that the battles can be 100% avoided.
i just want to walk through these landscapes and watch 50 hours of cutscenes, gasping at plot twist after plot twist.


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what happen if there's too many voidouts?
I know you fuckers shit at games and gonna gets captured all the time for the knack of it

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Why does gameplay look like reskinned retard-tier games like batman, mgsv and uncharted in empty openworld?

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Everyone ignored this in the other thread. It's 5AM and I don't have all my mental faculties, so it's not the most concise picture but bear with me.

One of Death Stranding's themes is mirrors. Mirror world. Phantom pain in amputees is alleviated by using mirrors. This game will be Kojima's cure for the Phantom Pain he left in our hearts after MGS V.

Attached: big boss in Death Stranding.png (1920x2200, 996K)

I hope he can actually deliver in something moody in an open world setting though, because god knows he failed miserable with TPP in doing that. It had virtually no atmosphere that game, and the menu designs were all horrid.

I hope this blends together the story progression better, I don't wanna spend a bunch of time in bad menus or helicopters, I hope it just feels coherent, I wanna feel part of the world.

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because of rain

>story progression
I think Kojima said it was something like Morrowind or such where you can follow the main plot or just fuck off and do whatever as you like.

Was anyone else let down by the trailer?

What did you want from it?

that ww 1 shit is the other side caused by big baby, a state referred to as trance

It's the grass and moss. Probably the plants best suited to rapid aging of time acceleration.

the 3rd one is god-tier but HEARD YOU CAAALLL MY NAAAAMEEE is the best song

Maybe some actual gameplay?

You can't left dead bodies around. It attracts BTs


I mean it actually explained more of the plot then I thought it would, glad it wasn't just random shit with no answers again

The fuck? That's not what I was trying to post or who I was replying to. The fuck you doing Hiro.

I'm glad it was a glorified movie trailer that explained more of the plot to the upcoming cinematic experience.

>that image has no mention of "chirality" or "chirals"

We know morons on Yea Forums like you would, you faggots loved BotW

Death stranding you mean METAL GEAR SOLID???

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Ah shit I forgot about that, thanks user. I'll revise the image after I've slept.

what song is that?

nice try, JIDF

What do you guys think of the suits? They all serve their own purpose.

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One is for snow probably.

Graphics aren't everything but hot damn if that doesn't look straight outta 2011

I bet you're not autistic at all.

Death Stranding is SIlent Hills


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>President of Jack Shit

Why does no one understand that this is fucking Sam saying "hey america is fucked and you don't rule over anything anymore". Shes not the literal president of "Jack Shit"
Edge Nut is fucking abysmal though

what's the connection with Silent Hills?

What is in the tape? Remind me, please.

what the hell is Edge Nut City even supposed to mean? It sounds so dumb.

not everyone is retarded, user

>Edge Nut is fucking abysmal though
That one is also a fake joke Einstein. And before you ask, no patrick they aren't really called homo demons either.


what's the joke?

The joke is he miswrote the real name to a similar sounding silly word Edge Nut City. He was pretending to be of your intelligence for a laugh.

Look at the baby

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What is his purpose

Is the real name Edge Knot City?


Trailer 3 > Trailer 5 > Trailer 2 > Trailer 1 > Trailer 4

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Isn't it Edge Nought?

this pic lines up perfectly with Fragile calling Sam out in E3 2018's trailer
>'the past just won't let go'
>' have DOOMS, like me'
i assume people left behind the Death Stranding 'event' have Sins loaded up upon them. that said its my assumption that the DS is kind of a rapture in biblical sense

>Why does no one understand that this is fucking Sam saying "hey america is fucked and you don't rule over anything anymore". Shes not the literal president of "Jack Shit"
Wait, please tell me you wrote this as a joke. You were doing a "I was only pretending to be retarded" thing, right? You wrote this as a troll thing to get people upset, right? You didn't ACTUALLY feel the need to explain this, did you? I thought you were joking but on second thought I'm not sure, and if you weren't, may god have mercy on your fucking soul.

yeah that shit is perfect.

Go listen to the latest Beastcast and watch Abby genuinely think that her official and real title is "President of Jack Shit"

There are six trailers. And the newest one has an American and Japanese variation.

just link the clip here. timestamped preferred

>it's another movie game
I certainly won't be getting the ps5

Trailer "5" is hardly a trailer, it's just a short tease reveal for Troy Baker's character. It was never even officially released on the KojiPro youtube, they just showed it on TGS and put up a shitty twitter video for it.

Am I the only one excited to hear that it is a "Cinematic" game? I'm happy to hear that Kojima is hopefully back to making games the way he used to, giving is a lot of cutscenes and story material. I hated how TPP was handled, the few cutscenes and billions of tapes spread over the course of a fucking 100 hour game. I really hope this one is more concise and focused.

who's the pregnant woman in a photo with sam?

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I hope that maybe there will be an option to play as Mads

ugly glasses, desu.

>DMCucks get blown out twice in one year
Isn't it magical?

I'm falling for it again. Kojima's been letting me down since 2008, and here I am again getting incredibly hyped for this game, only to most definitely be let down when it drops.

At least there is some glimmer of hope this time, since it's a new IP, there's no baggage. Please be good.

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Honestly this looks like its going to be extremely comfy and scary at times

that alone has gotten my pretty hyped

>wanna come work for me?
>no way fag

based feedus deleedus

as long as it properly commits to it and doesn't haphazardly do it. I just want this game to feel like it communicates some kind of feeling through its desolate world, I really do.
I can see Kojima undermining everything though, but I hope he doesn't. TPP literally had no feeling of a sense of place, it had no atmosphere, it was just a boring setting that felt completely uninspired. This looks more inspired.

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Have they given us any idea what it is we're carrying around yet?

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The real question is who will get more SFM porn, Margaret Qualley or Lea Seydoux?

Are all the environments nondescript because of the dynamic craters in the game? is that why we haven't seen much in terms of design? I still can't wrap my mind around the crater concept to be honest, they're massive and can supposedly happen anywhere on the map? or I guess the BT's are strategically placed but still.

Do people in this game have superhuman strength or something?

Closer looks at the character model show metal exoskeleton support.

Can anyone recommenced a good tv to play 4K games on, gonna buy one later this year

Does 4k really make that much of a difference?

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The dynamic craters seems weird especially since Kojima said the map has edges and limited and also not procedurally generated.

Man it really shows that this is a game Kojima really wanted to make, unlike MGS4.

I think it will be the most interesting game this decade.

wait a second, is that what I think it is?

there was some gameplay, a bit more in the jap trailer

All my telepathic friends are on vacation. What DO you think it is?

yeah you could tell Kojima just wanted to end MGS and start something new

If this is good then it pretty much confirms Kojima is a great game director when hes left to his own devices

I'll be so happy if that suit makes it into the game. It looks so sick.

One of the DLC is armor, but I don't think it'll be effective against a force of nature(?) that turns things to dust. It'll probably be for human enemies, or wild animals or robots or whatever.

Yup it is

>mgs3 doesn't exist

Maine and Alaska have places like that

Death Stranding is the prequel for Starcraft.

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God I hope that this and moonman suit are actually a thing in-game, too cool for just KojiPro merch.

Fuck, I'm gonna have to buy a ps4 for this game, aren't I?
Does the PS4 let you install discs? I wanna buy the physical version of this game, but if I can't install it then I probably won't, because I don't wanna deal with the spinning noise of the fucking disc.

There are so many things in the trailer that no one has mentioned.

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i love that design. much better than the shitty "futuristic" skin tight or boxy spacesuits you get in most futuristic games. is this in the game
too bad a lot of the other costume designs look like shit

>here's your Bloodborne 2, senpai

>In b4 Death Stranding is a Snatcher prequel

ps4 slim is incredibly quiet

it's even more quiet if there isn't a disc spinning.

Ludens is something crucial. The watch for sale says "From Sapiens To Ludens". Homo Sapien is us and Homo Ludens is a reference to game theory which is meta video game le reference tier material. Our modern culture of technology and entertainment while all being connected leading to a cultural chasm we can't recover from.... So Kojima is saying VIDEO GAMES ARE ART, LITERALLY, YOU CANNOT REFUTE THIS BAKA GAIJIN FUCK YOU. Just in a more subtle way.

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You say that now, but games need more than atmosphere or cutscenes to stay engaging. I guarantee you that even the best crafted walking simulator gets boring pretty fast, simply because there's virtually nothing to engage your brain, it'll start to feel like a slog before long. So I hope you're wrong. Otherwise you might as well play Dear Esther, or watch a LP on youtube.

Being a baby

"You'll be able to go anywhere you want
Even the moon" - Cliff

Why doesn't Cliff get a thematic name like everyone else?

All games are installed, they don't run from the discs. After installing they only spin up once when you boot a game for verification purposes.

Fucking Cliff Bazinga

went to the moon
got me some cheese
saw my family
beep beep im a jeep

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im just letting you know bro. if silence is your main priority then read a book

I pity the fools who don't know the Star Child reference of the BB design as well as the implication thereof. Kojima has ascended to pleb filter tier on yet another level that was previously unimaginable.

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Neither did Sam

You do know cliffs are things, right? Think about it.


He gets the Bridges name.
Higgs references physics higgs boson commonly called the god particle. Christ user come on.

dude there was plenty of bullshit coincidences like this in the run up to MGSV and we know how that turned out just stop already

The only reason the Japanese release date reveal trailer was 20 seconds longer than the English trailer was because the song Path Vol. II is 20 seconds longer than Path (Vol. I).

y-yeah, I knew that!

Kojima is ripping the fuck off EOE for Death Stranding yet I seem to be the only one whose noticed this

I'm disappointed. I was expecting Silent Hill and I got Sony Cinematic Open World Adventure Game #2719 featuring. Hideo Kojima

Tell me why I'm wrong or how I'm wrong. I'd be happy to be wrong.

the game clearly got many moments from horror to WW2 action to peaceful ambient ladscapes.

fuck off shill troll faggot

sam could very well be representative of uncle sam, aka america

It's mostly the gameplay I'm disappointed in. The combat looks fucking terrible and seeing it's another take on politics makes me a bit turned off

sorry, here's the completely different american version of the article

Every single Kojima game has been political, what did you expect?

Maybe early game will be about running away often until you get good weapons, so they programmed the AI (maybe only human NPCs) to not frustrate the player too much.

A man gets dumped into an Lovecraftian landscape with no memory of he is with a bunch of weird shit going on. Not going to lie I haven't been following this since the reveal trailer.

>College of mine hates dogs
>says he respects wolves more because they're noble creatures
>replay MGS and get to Sniper Wolf death scene
>"Wolves are noble creatures, they aren't like dogs"
is my colleague Solid Snake?
Also what the fuck does Kojima have against dogs? am I autistic, I don't understand, how are dogs not noble? we've literally bred them to be our best friend.

There was a delay in the hits that's a bit awkward. It feels like they get hit first then a second later the effects of the hit take place

Nobles aren't servants

Holy shit can the retarded XCucks please gtfo haha


So why did MGS1-3 have great consistent writing, MGS4 was trash and MGSV was inconsistently great? Who was responsible for this?

I hope Kojima shows up for Geoff's youtube e3 show and gives us a proper long gameplay demonstration.

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Better chance of a demo at Tokyo Game Show.

mgs4 was intended to be the end of solid snake saga and japanese notoriously can't write endings.

What exactly was "inconsistently great" about the MGSV story? It was shit all the way through, while it made less capital offenses to the overall canon, I'd say it is even worse than MGS4 is in terms of writing.

MGS4 was tasked with the impossibility of following up MGS2, a game which was never meant to have a sequel, an ambitious clusterfuck of a metanarrative. MGS4 stood no chance of having a good story, it could have been a lot better but it probably couldn't have been great.

I'm guessing Mama is a scientist and is experimenting with the BTs? But what are the handcuffs for?

Literally the dumbest fucking theory out there

Kojima was tired of making metal gear, Konami was not the only thing that made that game's story a trainwreck

I have no idea why anyone would care about the overall canon of MGS when every game has retconned the last and the people making them obviously didn't give a shit about consistency.

So why are aircraft no longer a thing?

I swear to god, that blurry face looks like Adam from funhaus

Still a better theory than "Death stranding takes place in the same universe as MGS"

>people actually voting for the most recent trailer
how the fuck does anyone like that one

What if it's actually The hard man

Im usually a physical edition whore, but there is enough on tge digital deluxe edition for me to get that.

Pretty sure it's not a handcuff but a bracelet.

>Main villains/evil force are literally neutrals from TGT

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can't wait to go to the blue lagoon in death stranding

It's Italian, dumbass.

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you absolute what

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no pc version?

prob in mid 2020

Probably, but not till later. Pic related, screenshot of a player wearing the exclusive gold plated PS4 armor.

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Lmao thankfully no, pc cucks can eat shit

oh, nice.

ill just wait for an emulator if they dont release it for pc

The PC can barely emulate PS3 games now. Are you willing to wait 20 years?

sure, im in no rush
im also waiting for berserk to finish before i start reading it

>Go listen to the latest Beastcast

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>Death Stranding Discussion
What's there to discuss? Even with the new trailer we don't know shit

>Trailers keep using Kojima's current favorite songs from his Spotify playlist
>The instrumental main theme is way better.
I want weirdo sci-fi, not music videos for 90s music.

based korg

homo sapiens, the thinking man
homo demens, the mad man
homo ludens, the playful man

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You should play something that was actually made in 2011, then.

>shows a pic from PT
>"It's Metal Gear!"
What did he mean by this?

TGA 2017 still blows my mind to this day
>tfw you realized the guy was trying to kill himself but can't and the eery music starts playing when gravity fucks up

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Controversial opinion, but I'm honestly not much of a fan of how Kojima uses licensed music for his trailers, he just kind of makes his trailers look like music videos at times and that's not good.

The only one I really liked was MGSV's Elegia trailer, but that trailer is also a massive lie about what was actually in the game.

after 20 years I'm pretty sure USA will be rebuilded

The baby is you.

My dude.
Best trailer for sure. Such an incredibly well directed scene.

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Please Geoff, give us more this e3

The way the bridge baby animates is absolutely top tier, it looks so god damn good.

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>Introduce Mama in a trailer
>Show her dying in the same trailer

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you already saw her dead in another trailer user

this BB expression looks exactly like an ed edd n eddy reaction image

She wasn't dead on that trailer either. You're both stupid.

The fact that he's carrying someone arouses me

i didn't say she was dead in the last trailer user

Just so you guys know, the american release of this is heavily censored so you might wanna get an asian english copy.

You dont have to believe me, just hold on til after release

They keep talking about how the HOMO DEMONS attack towns and settlements but I think that's a load of shit

I don't think there are that many people around, in fact much like Half-Life 2 I believe people can no longer give birth

>your'e out on a stroll and these niggas show up
what do you do?

Attached: Death Stranding - Trailer 4 - E3 2018.mp4_snapshot_06.23.841.jpg (1920x1080, 589K)

quality bait

I wanna know how the baby ends up inside of Sam.

Is there any proof to the claim that craters are procedurally generated? That wherever you die, you'll form a crater? I've seen the idea thrown around but I don't believe for a second that a AAA game studio would make a game in which you can delete the whole map.

>international version of the trailer cut the Higgs licking Fragile scene
That pretty much confirms it, Sony is fucking to fuck this up again and Kojima will have to butcher the game in the last minute otherwise it won't ship.

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Who is this?

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[Phill Collin noises intensifies]

I think we both know the answer to that question.

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Rewatching the trailer and you know what. It looks pretty okay. The beginning is a bit preachy with the America shit.

They have stressed the fact that you won't die. Nobody knows yet what killing living enemies will do, but I doubt it'll actually leave a crater. It'll probably be something related to properly disposing of the bodies, otherwise it attracts BT's, just like EVERY SINGLE TRAILER has shown.

>ywn h*ld hands

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It was in a copy-pasta from a "leak" posted here a while ago. Some things turned out to be true, like going in first-person view when you're in Hades and other stuff like that.


I too am unable to discern reality from fiction and will shit my pants every time a video game character mentions my country's name.

This s BB, say something nice to him.

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looking good, bean baby

the babies seem like a pretty solid source for reaction images

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That's such a cool spess muhreene armor

XD have sex

if the gameplay is anything close TPM in terms of mechanics, player freedom and tightness/responsiveness then this game is going to be Kojima's magnum opus

the focus on storytelling and maintaining a 'cinematic' narrative is absolutely a good thing and only zoomers who don't remember MGS claim otherwise, my only concern is the open world
I wish the game was linear or divided into hubs, the open world meme needs to die

I totally forgot he was carrying a woman in this trailer. Now we know it's Mama

Which trailer?

Hopefully there won't be any tapes.

>you came to a kojima trailer expecting concrete answers?

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>"So as you saw in the trailer, you saw the crater, and when you come back, it’s still there. Most games would’ve taken you back to before the crater was made. So depending on the player, you might have a lot of craters all over the place -- depends on each player."
I'm sure there will still be some parts of the world where it won't happen though.

Yoji Shinkawa is one of the best in the industry.

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how about 2008

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>le wtf is going on meme
If you can't grasp the basic concept for the game by this last trailer then you are in fact retarded.

nicolas winding refn as Heartman
kojima is in his show Too Old To Die Young

>lets have a proper thread about retarded shit


He's fucking giving his all in this game, the art design is genuinely top tier.

so how about that gameplay huh

Yeah, I apologize profusely user. It was merely an excuse I used to post the reaction image. My apologies. I do hate the "le wtf is going on le crazy gaym WAOH" meme surrounding this title.

Get a Samsung Q9F or Q90R if you have money.
Get a Samsung Q6F is you are a poorfag.
Get an LG OLED C8 if you like a disposable display which looks amazing but you have to throw out after 2 years thanks to burn in.
Don't get any other TVs because they're not worth your money.

You can walk, shoot, and drive cars, isn't that you retards want in every game?

i thought it was "homo demons," this makes a lot more sense.

>This one had 17 years.
>MGS2 was released 13th November 2001
>Death Stranding will release 8th November 2019

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It's okay friend, just don't do it again.

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thats a cute bug


Man I hope you can avoide the BT-ridden areas like that forest in the trailer. It looks almost impossible to see which side they are facing.


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i guess it depends on the mission. you might have to deliver some stuff in time so think about which route do you take: the fast and dangerous one or the slow and safe. who knows

It is homo demons.

its way funnier this way

You guys eat up GTA V and shit, what's missing?

brainlet here
I get that your goal is to help 'reconnect' America with the strand stuff, but how the fuck does it work? Does it literally mean establishing communication between different cities and states like the internet? Or is it about connecting everything to the parallel dimension where the demons come from?

>you guys eat up
What the fuck are you on about? GTA is shit too.

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nobody actually knows for sure

>I never forget that strand.
what did he mean by this?

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This place from the 1st gameplay trailer looks curious.

Attached: Death Stranding - Trailer 4 - E3 2018.mp4_snapshot_05.38.003.jpg (1920x1080, 884K)

So my understanding is as follows
>Some science guys do some wacky science thing to improve the world in some way, with "cable." Sam and the rest of Bridges may have been the ones that did it.
>The thing they did calls forth some kind of otherworldly invasion, be it demonic or alien or whatever
>The BTs are responsible for timefall in some way
>The massive change in the American landscape and infrastructure plus the danger of travel give rise to delivery companies
So how do the WWI stuff and the little tardigrade-looking dudes factor into all this shit?

>maybe if i post a picture of ghost babel people will think I know what the fuck I'm talking about when I moan about muh gameplay
Answer the question.

Bridge Baby Recovery System

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whoever made this should quit the internet

Acid rain

I answered your question, faggot. 8th gen is mostly shit because of storyfags. And apparently it worked because you realize I know what I'm talking about by putting Ghost Babel.

Decima engine was a godsend

The cable thing is just talking about our world. Like how everything is hooked with cables.

Kojima sacrificed an entire engine dev studio to the BT's so he could make his game.

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>Delivery game
>Enemies are literally yellow Amazon Prime workers

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>so what's the gameplay like

No, you retard, I was being facetious, and even then the story in that game is considered the best in the series. You still haven't explained how the gameplay in that game is any good, or what is good gameplay to you. Are you just stupid or are you actually devoid of the ability of expressing yourself?

to indicate current health status, if you watch the trailer where Sam with 2 other's are caught in the struggle, one of the dudes tries to stab himself and as he does that the bracelet changes color

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There's a fucking helicopter in the latest trailer, are you guys actually stupid?

>What type of game is it?
>This type of game
>I don't like that type of game so your answer doesn't count

All kinds of shit I think, everything from rations to important assets to literal people.

They tried to outfit Australia with fiber optic, and Australians shitposted so hard they summoned Cthulhu

You didn't see the platforming stuff where you have to climb shit and be mindful of your character's balance? There's probably a mario party-like mechanic where you have to make sure your character is balanced while walking over the ladder or something. If the game was mostly that you'd also complain about it being a walking simulator.

Maybe I'm retarded but it seems unclear to me: Does ANYONE dying result in a voidout, or is Sam special?

I miss when games were faceless and you didn't know the developers. Reading Kojima's shit on twitter makes my insides hurt.

Maybe this one but she looks alive to me so i dont know

>real world is covered in cable so people can have power and use the internet
>woah wtf do they meen by cable?? like literal cable connecting ppl 2 ppl???/
Holy fuck, how does this happen to someone? Can you take something so literally?

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I think the WWI and II stuff is part of the upside down hell dimension, you gotta have a baby to escape it

Is someone forcing you to use twitter and read his posts?

Fucking aussies, man

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I'll clarify myself. Third person action gameplay isn't inherently bad. The problem is that it's ubiquitous these days because it's being used as a placeholder to create an interactive movie game like Last of Us, Uncharted, and Death Stranding. The gameplay is lazy because it's an afterthought. MGSV is a perfect example because it embraced this style of gameplay while neglecting everything before that made the gameplay fun.
>regenerative health instead of life bar
>sprinting instead of fixed speed
>cutscenes weaving into "pressing a button to make a choice"
And that's all considering it didn't have that many QTE's or shooting behind cover like third person actions shooters have. I say this because first person shooters are more difficult since you can't see the enemy while you're behind cover, but that's another discussion of FPS vs TPS. My general point is that these games are a fucking bore. It's one giant interactive cutscene that puts "cinematics" over actual gameplay. Ghost Babel is great because it puts you in the game right away like the original MSX titles. The game itself is the main attraction and whatever dialogue it may have is a condiment on the main course. Cutscenes are the afterthought. It's okay to have a story to drive the gameplay, but if it's the focal point then I'd rather watch a movie. By all means, enjoy your walking simulator that will be labeled as "art" just because it looks like a generic scifi movie.

Attached: deathstranding.png (802x1200, 830K)

BTs represent the paradox of late capitalism wherein our world appears to be more interconnected than ever, but in fact our social fabric is decaying and destroying itself from within through increasingly compartmentalised and fragmented identities
it's hard to discern what Kojimbo's message is, since on one hand the ideal of a universally connected society is portrayed as one with immanently destructive characteristics, but on the other hand our sole motive in the game is about re-establishing a cohesive community despite the terror it brought onto the world

maybe we'll have a choice of joining Mass Mikkelsen's group and abandon the romanticised dream of a united world in favour of fragmented city states

When the BT's catch you, that's when you end up in the naked underwater sections, but nobody knows what happens when a living enemy kills you. As far as you killing living enemies, I think you have to properly dispose of corpses, like how it happens in that convoy trailer they showed.

Yeah your mom

Go be a video game journalist if you want to spew your poorly formed opinions when nobody fucking asked for them.

Show your proof that they're explicitly talking about electrical wire.

>the heavier your load, the slower you're allowed to change direction or speed, and the shakier your step
>changing direction too fast or failing to compensate for shaky steps causes you to topple over
>when you fall, you lose equipment off your back, enemies catch up to you, or you can even fall to your death
this isn't actually confirmed but it would make perfect sense and make the game absolutely fucking ludo

Attached: 1429125057928.jpg (220x220, 17K)

Well, she is a bitch.

see here the seething ninceldo

Oh I also forgot to mention with regards to MGSV being a numovie game
>weapon classes instead of on site procurement
>casual slow motion handicap
>bases you sneak into are tiny outposts instead of being consumed by a giant labyrinth with locked doors and patrols

>When the BT's catch you, that's when you end up in the naked underwater sections
wrong, that's what happens when you die
when BTs catch you, you get grabbed by the ghoulies, and if they pull you into the sludge, they then drag you to a boss fight against your will, at which point you could be killed
watch the JP cut of the release date trailer

your opinion still boils down to "I don't like third person shooters"
and the gameplay in TPM was actually very solid, it's just that the game as a whole was barren and soulless, with none of the narrative and pacing of the previous games

This cunt asked for it. Don't cry when I give it to (You).

Fuck Nintenbro. They like to say gameplay over graphics but their games aren't fun. It's casual kiddy shit.

>MGSV had the best gameplay of any Kojima game even if it was disappointing overall
>people keep parroting the gameplay in DS will be terrible or minimal

My only problem with DS so far is that I'm pretty sure we already saw 60% of the cutscenes just in the trailers getting bad MGSV vibes

It's a snoy exclusive, so it has to be a movie-game like Uncharted. Not that I believe that, but these cocksuckers are about as original as the sony-owned studios and just keep repeating themselves over and over again.

Attached: sony pony 3.png (1050x1125, 1.62M)

There nothing we with reusing your own work especially if the concept was originally scrapped.

>your opinion still boils down to "I don't like third person shooters"
That's a part of it, but if that's all you got out of it then you're a retard.
>and the gameplay in TPM was actually very solid
It's a mediocre Call of Duty game, but it's a garbage Metal Gear Solid game. There is no gameplay. It's running around an empty open world with nothing to explore. It doesn't help that it's also extremely fucking easy, short, and repetitive.
Make an argument instead of using buzzwords you learned from Yea Forums.

I'm still optimistic, I'm pretty sure cucking us with the tapes was Konami's idea since they didn't want backlash regarding too many cutscenes like with MGS4

Who said there was anything wrong with it?

and I thought florida had shit weather

Yea Forumsintendo

really shows the intelligence of people who say "snoy" that none of you fuckers had the brain to coin "basedny"

have you even played other MGS games? how in the fuck is TPM a step down from, say, MGS3?

Fucking saved. Great image that sums up what modern Playstation has fallen to.

I bet you feel really stupid right now.

> Ghost babel
> The worst game in the MGS saga

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wait what I can't say turnips any more what the heck

MGS had close to no cutscenes though

Oh man this is new levels of embarrassing myself to be honest

from re watching the crash trailer i noticed that when the guy stabs himself the bracelet goes from blue to yellow to red, it must be a health indicator like in dead space
i want to play this fucking game kojima

Personally, not a big fan of MGS3. At least there's bosses unlike MGSV's bullet sponges. But the level design of MGS, MGS2, MGGB, MG, and MG2 all have linear condensed level designs and an actual necessity to be stealthy that is crucial to staying alive. MGSV gives you an empty sandbox with custom weapon classes, a fucking partner, and a God damn helicopter and says "here go run around". It's either lazy or poorly made. I don't Kojima knew how to go open world and stealthy. The game doesn't even require you to be stealthy. You're probably thinking "oh that means you have options" but the entire game itself is acting as if it expect you to be stealthy and reward you for good you are at it. You can clear the level where you go up to confront Skullface by speeding in with D-Walker. I had to force the game to be hard by turning off the HUD and slow motion in the options to force myself to play it right (and only come in naked with one shitty pistol). Also the entire Chapter 2 is THE SAME AS CHAPTER 1 with added difficulty and fetch quests. Fuck that piece of shit. the fact that you think MGSV is a step up to any previous MGS is a fucking zoom joke. If this is bait, then congrats.

Again, faggot. See nutendo is garbage for whatever gameplay they claim to have. Stop thinking with a console war identity and take a step back.

shit taste

That's only a minor bonus. The gameplay is what I'm talking about.

That's such a simple thing, yet some people treat it like it's such a big deal.

is that a Odyseey to Space reference?

>complain about third person shooters being bad
>proceed to sperg out about level design
make up your mind you fucking autist
the whole argument was about the fact that MGS5 had very solid third person action and stealth mechanics that were the best in the series, literally nobody mentioned the open world

tga2017 trailer is fucking masterpiece unironically.
I hope the game will be at least half of this epic

>you can only pick one reason to hate a game
Brainlet need nap time? And if we're talking about best third person shooter in MGS, as much as I detest it, then that titles goes to MGS4.

I'm just gonna leave this image right here where I'm sure that absolute no contrarian piece of shit "no fun allowed" knee-jerk faggotrons will take issue with it whatsoever.

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Caramel get OUT

seethe harder

I'm just pointing out your obvious backpedalling since you must have realised your original point about third person shooters being movie games is retarded

Are you seriously expecting literally anything from the gameplay of a Kojima game? Where the hell have you been for the last 30 years? The so-called gameplay in all of them is just an excuse to show cringe cutscenes with nonsense dialogue delivered by overacting performers playing ridiculous characters. If the gameplay in DS ends up being anything more than wow-it's-nothing then that would be a first, and maybe the only piece of evidence to suggest that Kojima has ever had any interest in actually making videogames as opposed to pretentious avant-garde B-movies.

Look bro I'm JUST sayin' I think this game will be it's own little game BUT at the same time it will tell a parallel story of the Metal Gear franchise in a way that circumvents all copyrights.

There's a goddamn septrillion references to MGS in Death Stranding so far, like come on. Why is this such a controversial opinion?

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i have more respect for flatearthers than "DS is in the MGS universe" fags

It's obvious that Kojima is recycling old stuff into DS but I don't know why people are sperging out about it so hard

The discussion shifted to you asking why I don't see MGSV as improvement to MGS3. Where is the backpedalling? lrn2discuss. And no, I still think third person movie games are shit. I'm not saying third person shooters are inherently bad you illiterate retard like I said here I'm saying this new "cinematic movie" game that is plaguing PS4 is shit.

nigger the MGS games were literally years ahead of the rest of the industry in terms of gameplay at the time

Who comes up with this shit?

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bitch baby

the discussion in the first place was about the core gameplay, not level design, you're the one who has chosen to incorporate it into your argument

going by your logic the old MGS games are movie games while MGS5 is not, since the former have a much more prominent emphasis on story and narrative while in MGS5 the gameplay takes centre stage

Kojima of course

Level design is a huge part of the gameplay in stealth games you dumb ass. The fact that I have to explain this to you shows you're out of your element.
>going by your logic the old MGS games are movie games while MGS5 is not
Quality over quantity. To you, MGSV has a lot of gameplay if you consider running around an empty feel as gameplay. You're actually doing shit to advance in MGS, hence, better gameplay. And I skip the cutscenes if they go on too long.

The reason I don't think it's JUST references to MGS is because this guy's been crying about wanting to get away from Konami and MGS for well over a decade now. And now that he's his own free agent, can do whatever the fuck he wants... he blasts Death Stranding up the ass with connections to MGS, PT, Silent Hills... it feels like it was deliberate.

Like I said here , I don't think it's a direct sequel to MGS or that Konami didn't actually fire Kojima, I just think that Kojima felt like it'd be cool and a huge fuck you to Konami if he told a parallel storyline about The Boss before MGS3 or The Patriot AI reassembling itself after MGS IV, or maybe even both - WHILE also giving a 2deep4u unique Death Stranding story to the average player.

But there's always contrarians like this asslord who comes along kicking and screaming like a child whenever someone wants to have fun and speculate on this kind of shit.

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going by your logic then you must be a fan of metal gear survive

I miss codec, I hope something like that is in this game. Completely optional, of course.

I bet Kojima is a big fan of Kinobyl, you seething Xcuck

is the ludens guy just a mascot or do you think it's actually norman and we're going to the moon to beat the evil ghosts

Go outside.

Kojima stole the WW2 shit from The Darkness

Kojima stole the extinction event and human evolution premise from Evangelion

pretty much it

now i need a smug Sam singing 'wagie wagie get in the cagie' while running away from them

>Evangelion invented catastrophic events
based retarded anime poster

it's clearly sam
what probably happens is that the death stranding starts in the sea, coming up from the earth itself, then once humanity realises they can't stop it or survive it they have to go to the moon to escape

Die-Hardman is wearing the Ludens mask. The armor will be in the game.

Because the photogrammetry assets they bought were taken in Iceland by that one company who released that trailer with the hover car

I really hope sniper rifles won't be in the game

I really hope sniper rifles will be in the game

Margaret Qualley new waifu 10/10

They're gay and trivialize the gameplay

>Level design is a huge part of the gameplay in stealth games you dumb ass
how does that pertain to the claim that modern third person games are movie games?
MGS5 levels are shit, but how are they 'cinematic'? You say that TPM is a prime example of a game where gameplay is an afterthought, I claim that this is bullshit, despite its shortcomings you just can't class TPM as something similar to TLoU where the narrative is a priority since there is no said narrative to speak of

I really hope we get weapon customization in the likes of mgs4 or V's wacky underbarrel attachments

an extinction even that triggers the next stage of human evolution was invented by EOE dumbass

and the fact that its an anime makes it more likely Kojima "borrowed" that idea

I can't wait to see one together...

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except dead people attract BTs, noise attracts chasers, and resources as well as backpack space are limited (meaning a sniper rifle is one less ladder or other tool at your disposal)

>an extinction event that triggers the next stage of human evolution was invented by EOE

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yep this looks like a ps4 game

Someone has the theory that it is actually the ocean floor of the planet hence dead sea life, beaching themes, etc.
But then it wouldn't make sense for Sam to be be there unless he was connecting different continents

He said that he hopes battles can be avoided. Which has been true for all MGS games except boss fights (and even some boss fights can be skipped or killed without having to shoot at them). According to Kojima you don't have to fight and if you do it will have consequences whatever that means, so I hope it means we are going to play survival horror.


Years and years of porn, and this is hands down one of the sexiest and arousing pictures I've ever seen. It's almost a masterpiece.

Whenever I see a spear in space I have to think of the spear of longinus. Based Kojima making a NGE reference. That fucker probably even knows what happen in 4.44 and when it will come. He is mocking us!

>Implying I don't actually love it and am hype as fuck for cuhrazy kojima shit
Rused softly

>That aliasing on the water

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know that feel
I just, wouldn't go so far, and call it the sexiest ever seen

i see kojima took notes on mass effect andromeda

It looks exactly like MGSV graphically. Which doesn't surprise me, since kojima and sony chosen not to delay Death Stranding to release of PS5.

>That got censored
What the fuck?

Attached: 20190603054713_1.jpg (2560x1440, 341K)

It's been cut from the international trailer, you can only see it in the Japanese one because Kojima had the final cut on that one.

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>lists fucking sprinting as a trait of a "movie"
Lmao. You have no idea what the hell you're talking about. None of those things or a combination of them have remotely anything to do with cinematic shit. That's just design that you don't personally like.

kys my nignog

>how does that pertain to the claim that modern third person games are movie games?
It doesn't because we were discussing gameplay. Are you even following the conversation? And TLoU and MGSV have similar gameplay but not for the same reasons. I'll give the benefit of the doubt it's because MGSV was either rushed or aborted halfway in development. We never even got to see the island level in Chapter 3 or Venom going to Manhattan to confront Zero in Chapter 4. It's an unfinished mess. TLoU, while being a finished game, still retains the same shitty gameplay elements of MGSV now with extra cutscenes. If MGSV was finished, it would be no different than TLoU in regards to muh story and cinematics.

Attached: Creatively bankrupt movie garbage.jpg (870x1218, 751K)

Nintenfatlard mental illness

Attached: Nintendo fanboy mental illness.png (2048x1074, 581K)

see I was talking about the shitty gameplay in these "movie" games.

autistic screeching is not an argument

>And TLoU and MGSV have similar gameplay
Absolutely not you retarded faggot

MGSV shits all over Bore of the Ubishit in gameplay.

Oh God, is this all you faggots have? I took the image from a guy in another thread. Nintendo kiddy games are shit and I've been saying that this whole thread. They think they have good gameplay but they're casual kid games.

I'm so god damn sick of these offset cameras in games that don't need them.

You are right, 2011 games look better than this shit.

Attached: 2014-02-04_00002.jpg (1920x1080, 392K)

They do. If you're blind to then there's no helping you.

Because it's in a sandbox with vehicles. Wow, big difference. Go play GTA then.

MGSV shits all over Bore of the Ubishit in gameplay.

did the script bot malfunction?

>Does 4k really make that much of a difference?

Considering PS4 Pro barely does 4K not really

>And TLoU and MGSV have similar gameplay but not for the same reasons
>TLoU, while being a finished game, still retains the same shitty gameplay elements of MGSV now with extra cutscenes. If MGSV was finished, it would be no different than TLoU in regards to muh story and cinematics.
There isn't any semblance of proper categorization in your arguments, and you sound completely clueless. This is like a watching a train wreck in written form.

MGSV shits all over Bore of the Ubishit in gameplay.

He's an absolutely clueless Nintenfatlard who hasn't even touched the game he spends hours every day criticizing. He actually thinks TLOU and MGSV are in any way or form similar.

Get a load of this faggot. Classic Playstation and SEGA arcade is where it's at. Keep reaching, moviecūck. I came from /vr/ to laugh at you.

I don't know what you want me to do. I'm putting my reasons in plain fucking english and you're getting dizzy by shifting topics and relating answers to different questions I asked before. Now you have nothing to come back with.

Attached: Die-Hard-Arcade-C.jpg (1000x1506, 262K)

You're an absolutely clueless nintenfat for thinking MGSV and TLOU are in any shape or form similar. Go back and kill yourself.

Okay now you're insane. PS4 moviecûcks are just as bad as nintencels. I don't know what to tell you. 8th gen gaming was a mistake. Don't even get me started on Xboners.

Keep seeth little nintenfat. You have played neither MGSV or TLOU to think they're similar in any shape or form.

Or worst, maybe you have and is geniunely dumber than your whore mother.

>If MGSV was finished, it would be no different than TLoU in regards to muh story and cinematics.
so you're saying that if MGSV was finished it would be a game with a story? You know, like the previous MGS games? the fuck kind of argument is that?

meant for

>you will never be margaret qualley
it's not fair

>reeee you play n-nintendo even thought you shit on it
This is hilarious. I have played both on my PS3. I refuse to buy any 8th gen console because they are all shit. Both were similar experiences for me. Is this the part where you say I'm lying? What would I get out of doing that? I don't know what else to say other than you think I'm something I'm not.
>Or worst, maybe you have
And I have. Yes, give me your rage 8thgen cück. It's delicious.

My argument still stands, nintenfatty. You're dumber than your whore mother for thinking TLOU and MGSV are similar in any shape or form.

Pal, like I said, all 8thgen consoles are bad. I fucking hate Nintendo so why are you still saying that? Take a deep breath and stop typing so hard. Read what I'm saying. All 8th gen consoles are shit. All of them. Switchshit, Moviegamestation4, Xbone, all of them are shit. Did you hear me? SEGA still is the king actual games. Wait, maybe you're a nintendo fan? Is that what this is?

No, because the gameplay is still different from the previous games.

That looks like shit.

because they played the final version of the game right?
damn youre retarded

>president of Jack Shit
This is some idiocincrasy type sarcasm?

They probably also have something to do with transporting valuable cargo, such as handcuffing yourself to a briefcase. It seems like standard issue for Bridges company.

>I don't know what you want me to do
I quoted you directly, and you said nothing. You're simply asserting shit without any logic behind it. MGSV and TLOU aren't remotely similar other than the controls for aiming/shooting and camera perspective. Mission and narrative structure, pacing, character abilities and progression all differ to an extreme degree.

DS has less development time than TPP

>MGSV and TLOU aren't remotely similar
>proceeds to say what makes them similar
>all differ to an extreme degree.
The HOW differs, yes of course, but both of them are still movie games. MGSV was a precursor to what Death Stranding is now. Since of the fucked up development, all Kojima did was transfer what would've been hours of cutscenes to make towards the cassette tapes. Now that he has time and resources, he can finally join the ranks of other nuPlaystation titles that pretend to be movies, or "cinematic adventures".

We've been doing this shit for years. The real answer is he just likes referencing past works, or maybe they're just red herrings.

MGSV gameplay is nothing like TLOU you dumb nintenfatty

unironically this, that would be really awesome

less cutscenes than your precious Xenoshit nincel

Attached: xenobladecutscenes.jpg (1019x174, 68K)

I knew it, you were a nintencel this entire time. Listen nintentoddler, if you come near me with that switchshit or moviestation4, I'll have to go full Sanshiro-san on you.

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Don't reply to ACfag

"Edge Knot" not "Edge Nut"

Attached: fragile.png (721x368, 344K)

Top: Vita Games

Bottom: Next Gen

I wonder which will sell more.

People are too obsessed with originality. The best artists realize that reusing ideas and building upon them or presenting them in a different way is the best thing to do, you have to draw inspiration. This has always been the case, fucking everything is derivative.

Attached: 1559406823122m.jpg (1024x732, 84K)

user do you fucking realize that EVERYTHING is inspired by something. No one steals anything, every artist takes from other artists.

Look at this nintencück showing me links to his movies and kiddy games. Feel the power of blast processing.

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why would you ever reply to acfag
stop it

Attached: acfag.png (1918x3712, 2.19M)

Not reading that shit

V bend over backward to go full circle with how Kojima ended the series or wanted to end the series in 2.
2 was Raiden rejecting the player and Snake telling us that he doesn't have the answers, but he'll keep on going till he finds them.
V was Venom.. and Big Boss to some extent embracing the player and if Venom is a stand-in for the player and Big Boss is a stand-in for Kojima. You could go as far and say that it's him saying thanks, being humble and telling us that its not his, but our legacy.

Can we not for like one thread?

tie a strand in a knot, and it is the one on the end of the strand (the edge)
This is essentially saying the city at the end of the strand

>proceeds to say what makes them similar
Just because two things share a few commonalities (and very basic ones at that), doesn't mean they're the same category. That's like saying a house and a supermarket are indistinguishable because both have walls and a ceiling. I'm sorry you're too retarded to understand that simple concept.

If your criteria for a "movie game" is simply the shooting/aiming controls and a camera perspective, you're either too dedicated to shitposting, or a braindead monkey. Not much difference between those two.

Don't reply to ACfag

From what i gathered this is a game about apost apocaliptic UPS man that uses a baby to run away from floating black people.

>can't come up with an argument
>tries to label me as a tripfag with an autistic wall of screenshot text
The absolute state of Yea Forums

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go home Doug

>If your criteria for a "movie game" is simply the shooting/aiming controls and a camera perspective
I'm saying that's one aspect. Incorporate that into one giant cutscene and you have modern gaming in a nutshell.

Why did you take personal offense with that? He never even replied to any of your posts.

outed yourself

I know what he was implying.

As the /vr/ tourist.

wanted to buy only the Path song from apocalyptica, accidentaly purcahsed the whole album

this is another basdass song from the Cult album of Apocalyptica

this one is more mellow

thank you based Kojima

Attached: 12838721.jpg (656x732, 60K)

I agree! Nintenbros are falling into the same mistakes as nuSony. It's game over for gaming as we know it.

>that unwarranted self-importance
outed yourself LOL

Does anyone else thinks Kojima put entire Earth into a game? Would it be doable? Thoughts?

i wish path did more weird instrumentation like at the start instead of doing it once and then repeating the same motif 8 times

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Death Walker


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Of course I'm important because I am in a board of plebs to spread the gospel of 4th gen gameplay and fun. I'm trying to show you the way out.

Abby is a fucking air head.

>Of course I'm important
You're not, you self-absorbed narcissist brainlet.

graphics are literally the last thing you can try to nitpick on this game

god i want to see pussys and dicks

Attached: Doyoubelieveinmagic.jpg (240x160, 5K)

nope. US only, or at least parts of it.


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imagine taking the time to download and post this picture actually thinking it will prove your point when it does the exact opposite

Repent zoomer. Your casual movie games do no good to me. THE POWER OF SEGA COMPELS YOU.

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Nice fuck him he shitposts in every MGS thread with thief shitposting

Can't wait to play it on PC.

stop rubbing it in, user.

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Girl at the beginning is cute to me I don't know why. Probably cause she resembles someone I know.

there's maybe 5 games here that haven't been directly superceded by newer games with superior iterations on the same mechanics

Lets be honest here, if this game was made by someone other than kojima would it still get this same amount of attention?

Yes because of the cast and the mystery-packed trailers.

What are the best Lea Seydoux movies? Kojima has inspired me to marathon a bunch of them.

what a dumb argument

no you are dumb!

If this shitpost was made by someone other than you would it still get the same amount of replies?

I know, which is a damn shame. As much as I love SEGA and hate Nintendo and Playstation, I can still admit that at one point in time they cared about the game itself over making a movie or "art". What gaming has become and who it caters to is what has changed the most. I'm a cynical boomer, so don't take everything I say so personally.

MGSV plays well, the character controls and animations are responsive and fluid, shooting mechanics are great, you're provided a massive array of tools to go about encounters as you see fit, the AI and A life is good and actively adapts to your playstyle, and the fulton mechanic adds another layer of depth when it comes to tactics since the player will need to strategise around which enemies they want to extract
all of this is an improvement upon the old MGS games, but the fact that the level/world design is so simplistic and empty makes it shit, just like the lack of story

that's what people mean when they say MGSV has the best gameplay in the series, and it sure as fuck isn't a movie game like uncharted or TLoU

shit pretentious game made by a gook.

the one where she visits a fucking dentist to fix her horrible teeth

Attached: 1555505745209.gif (280x296, 1.61M)

>Lets be honest here, if this game was not made by the director everyone likes would it still get this same amount of attention?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'm gonna go with probably not

>I'm saying that's one aspect
But it's not, you dumbass. The camera isn't even expected to be a static element in any movie, so how the fuck does a direct behind the shoulder perspective relate to cinema, you bumbling retard?

In fact, you get even more similarities when comparing an FPS game to a movie shot in first-person/POV perspective. Also, cutscenes and point and click games with tons of exposition have been a thing for decades. That's not exclusive to modern gaming by any stretch. Virtually every game is an "interactive movie" by your stupid criteria.

>mask inside a mask

wow so cool

get laid


No, fuck off faggot.

papa when?

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user, they're a bunch of walking simulators with the priority being a cinematic experience over the actual game being fun to play. The entire "game" is played out like an interactive cutscene. TLoU, Death Stranding, and Uncharted all share this same quality of emphasizing story over anything else. If I wanted to watch a movie, I'd rather do that instead.
>Also, cutscenes and point and click games with tons of exposition have been a thing for decades.
Of course, but they were never the focal point of the game itself. Cutscenes were a mistake because it eventually led to this shit we have now.

Attached: cinematicadventure.png (1040x831, 109K)

>zero indoor locations,just mountains, trees and empty fields and fenced
>animu gotta save the planet and my waifu (and she shows up in my dreams omg) story
>animations looks like shit and the hand to hand combat looks disgusting
>shit boring boss designs
>stupid character names

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go to another thread then, raz0rfisted

damn she ugly

If you take away all the cutscenes and cinematic 2deep4u shit, you're left with fetch quest walking simulator the game.

yeah gimme call of duty honestly

That part is so haunting.

looks like a fuckable porndoll

The delusion is too fucking thick holy shit

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Remember when Kojima gave a fuck about boss fights

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>tfw quit my anti-depressants
>cried 3 times replaying MGS1 today
Jesus christ. Otacon saying "Life isn't all about loss, y'know" made me all teary eyed. I'm a fucking mess.

Anyone got any theories on these five mystery niggas? They're the most fascinating part of this game for me, t b h but I have no idea what they could be.

>ahead of the industry in terms of gameplay

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grow a dick fag

they are ludens, supernatural beings that with incredible paranormal powers
Sam is also a ludens and his Job was to kill his 5 brothers or something

Kojima ripped of some sci-fi soviet era novel

I don't. Having unavoidable boss fights with combat being the only strategy in your stealth game means you never gave a shit about any aspect of gameplay.

She reminds me of a priest guy from farcry.

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>ahead of the rest of the industry in terms of gameplay at the time

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high estrogen?

Literally never cried to MGS1 before, but my brain is all imbalanced now. Fuck you.

MGS2 will fuck you up too. Otacon always had the sad ending poor man.

perhaps glasses

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garbage game kys

I just quit the anti-depressants, my brain is weird.
Not sure if I'll replay MGS2 or any other title. I was just in the mood to play MGS1, desu.

I see people mention how she looks like the person being carried the Highs reveal trailer which makes her look to not have arms so perhaps this scene leads to that?

Stop try so hard ACfag. You're still an obnoxious narcissist by day's end.

In the next tweet, he makes the connection between PT and MGSV.

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also, the Otacon ending is much better, I regret saving Meryl, desu. It's more feel good, but Otacon belongs with Snake in that end, it's a more impactful ending having meryl die.

>tfw meryl was raped

I need to know more about the shoulder illuminator detector thing. What can it do exactly? In one of the trailers it even deflected Higgs gunfire.
And why does Higgs even have one.

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meryl only gets raped when you give up

midnight in paris

Walking simulators seldom have combat of any kind. The lack of it is actually what defines a walking simulator. That doesn't even fit TLOU or Uncharted. Stop using words you don't understand the meaning of. Also
>relying on worthless marketing labels

>The entire "game" is played out like an interactive cutscene
Except you still haven't established a reliable definition for interactive cutscene/movie. When pushed into a corner, you ignore all the points I made and never go into any detail.

>TLoU, Death Stranding, and Uncharted all share this same quality of emphasizing story over anything else
>Of course, but they were never the focal point of the game itself
>story was never the focal point of point and click adventure games
You what, nigger? Also, cutscenes have been a thing since the 80s.

based schizo

She gets raped in both cases and dies if you give up

Visual novels are not games and I was referring to cutscenes.
>Also, cutscenes have been a thing since the 80s.
I know.

It felt so weird watching the ending to MGS1, like being transported back in time to where the canon was simple and neat, the story wraps itself up in such a neat bow, everything feels so simple, Secretary of Defense gets arrested, he was behind it all and you get to have your happy ending. It feels so weird knowing what was to come, how many fucking layers there is to the story, and how this was just the beginning.

MGS1 shows some very slight hints at the patriots, but damn. Everything was so simple and sweet, kind of like life was back then. I love MGS1, lads.
Saving her is the only way you'd ever find out she was raped, if you give in and she dies, you'll never hear about her rape.