Are the gunvolt games good?
Are the gunvolt games good?
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They're amazing if you get into a score attack mindset since they're designed to be replayed for high scores. If you just want to get through the levels once, you can brute-force them and they're just okay.
Graphics, music and story are all pretty nice and have clear effort put into them.
Is Hard mode better than Normal mode?
Copen is good to play, now gunvolt himself is meh
Its like a really boring Inti Creates style Mega Man but with nice sprites.
No, they always kill the cute girls.
Wondering if the lightning samurai is actually a clone of Gunvolt.
Also how the hell Adepts went from oppressed minority to oppressing majority? They better give a good explanation for it.
It's not too different if you're going for high scores since you're going to want to avoid getting hit anyway, but it makes casual playthroughs properly challenging, yeah.
It's an alternate timeline created by Xiao with the muse pendant and Blade is an alternate female version of Gunvolt.
Oh. That's something.
Also I'm shipping Copen with Kohaku. Guy needs some love and he can't run on vengeance only.
She's a cute girl in a Gunvolt game, man, she's already marked for death
Man, he can't catch a break right?
>Oh. That's something.
It's speculation by the way. Nothing concrete yet but the fact that Copen is searching for the "Butterfly Effect" lends credibility to the alternate timeline/time travel theory.
I believe this is the first good look we get at the Sumeragi Falcon on the right.
I don't get why people are so "meh" on these games. I know that at first the 3DS ran it like shit, which soured a lot of people right from the start, and that it was also a victim of the Mighty Number 9 hype train that blinded a lot of people at the time.
But now, years later, after its been ported to other platforms that run it better, gotten a sequel that refined and mixed up the gameplay and also broke out of MN9's shadow (really due to MN9's own fault more than anything), and even beating Megman 11 at its own game, I feel like people should be recognizing it as the successor that Megaman really deserves.
It oozes with style and offers its own unique gameplay system that I think is just as fun as charging a buster. I was always the kind of person who defaulted to using the standard buster in 99% of situations in older Megaman games, so I remember fighting Copen for the first time and realizing He was the one gaining the powers of enemies who you defeated and thinking that was such a neat and interesting twist on the Megaman formula instead of thinking that it was limiting the gameplay in any way.
Maybe Ix will finally be the game that makes people realize how good this series really is.
That artstyle reminds me of someone...
>can’t run on vengeance only
Bruce disagrees
... but Kohaku is a cute.
>Bruce disagrees
At least Copen doesn't have a no-kill code.
This, desu. I'm glad they made a Copen only game.
That's quitter talk, GV could be just as fun with a few adjustments.
not really
Why doesn't Copen just get an Adept gf so he can have a relationship based around vengeance?
>I don't get why people are so "meh" on these games.
It ain't MMZ.
People are really attached to MMZ
That's it.
But yeah they're good.
>Maybe Ix will finally be the game that makes people realize how good this series really is.
Maybe, i hope so.
YET. Give it time. Between his sister being an Adept throwing him for a paradigm shift and Kohaku’s super bubbly personality he’s gonna go season 3 arrow
g-gunvolt 2 is coming to pc right guys?
Xe's a bigender adept called Zonda. (avoid original localisation at all costs)
They're only good if you go for the score attack, otherwise they're way too easy.
There's no way to get a version of the first game without the re-translation unless you're getting it on 3DS in Europe.
>an Adept gf
All that hate-sex...Just joking. Would never ever want a Adept gf, but that wouldn't stop a female adept being attracted to him. Or he'd have an Adept gf, but she'd hide that fact from him out of love.
>YET. Give it time.
His little sister is a wholly different thing. Unless he finds an Adept that, like Gunvolt, isn't some madman/madwoman, has nothing against humans and actually does good with his powers...and more of such Adepts (because one isn't enough) then he'd actually have to reconsider his views. And even that won't be an easy thing.
Dunno if ever. For now this game and Blaster Master are coming to Steam.
Is there not? I have it on 3DS in Europe so yeah I thought that you could still get the original translation in other places.
What was this about anyway?
Part of 8-4's wonderful screwjob.
Gender confusions about her that aren't present in japan.
In japan it's just like "her original form is a little girl" and that's it.
It is present in the options in other releases such as Switch and Steam, but the game defaults to the retranslation. By the way, the retranslation only exists in English, if you try playing the game in another European language, you still get the shitty butchered one.
I've avoided the series for years because of this.
Wait so if you've got the Switch EU version...but you play in english, you get the retranslation?
Or there's an option somewhere?
In the first game, there is a boss that can switch forms between a male and a female form at will. The first translation of the game went full tumblr on it despite the Japanese version specifically stating they were separate, gendered forms. The game later got a more accurate retranslation by the producer himself that avoided the meme pronouns.
>In japan it's just like "her original form is a little girl" and that's it.
This was only revealed in the second game.
No, some faggot shilled it to me, telling me it was like MegaMan Zero, is nothing like it, first the sprites are terrible, too fucking big and pixelated, then the gameplay is just holding buttons while evading while fucking anime music plays at full blast in the background. Terrible
Go to the options and select the "English - Japanese Voices" language option. Congratulations, now you are playing the real game with all the text and voices intact.
I’m almost willing to bet Kohakus gonna be a secret adept
>Kohaku's gonna be a secret adept
>the guy who has a giant penis sword was just a perverted loli the whole time
Zonda is cute, but man she is lewd as heck.
A lot of the level and enemy design is focused primarily on score rankings rather than a more direct challenge, so it ends up underwhelming to most players (aside from a sudden difficulty jump for the final boss).
Oh, you mean the voices, i tought you were exclusively talking about the text.
Ok, sure.
It's the text AND voices. If you select the regular "English" option or any other European language, on top of getting the shitty original translation, around 90% of the text in the game will be missing. This includes conversations with Joule and almost all the mid-level conversations that take place during gameplay. If you select the English - Japanese Voices option, all that text gets reinstated alongside the accompanying voice acting, and the translation is accurate.
>the best playable character is /pol/ incarnate
I wish his personality was less shit, desu. He's so satisfying to play as.
The next game (being a spinoff) has the roles completely reversed.
He literally lives in it's own worst nightmare, so i guess he's justified in that setting.
I mean it fits, Ciel was a little girl from the opressor group helping the opressed after all, and Inti can't resist repeating MMZ story beats which this game has all over it.
>next game is purging the heretics and taking back the world
He’s getting slightly more tolerable?
I'm still on the fence about buying gv2. I really wanna try Copen out but gunvolt's gameplay sucked in the first game. Should I just wait for iX or get gv2?
Why does the writer for this series like making all of the characters miserable?
Heìs fun in GV2 but you gotta unlock him first.
Just wait for iX i suppose, it's just around the corner.
True art use SUFFERING
Is it? Did they announce a release date?
Welcome to inti creates.
Making plots where everyone is miserable since MMZ.
Non adepts don't deserve happiness. They deserve to be burnt alive.
Thats adept talk
September 26th.
Literally perfect.
Based producer realizing filthy gaijin would take any project they could to force stupid bullshit. I look forward to iX being an unfiltered mess of copen being hyper racist and probably justifying the Falcons actions against him. There's bound to be one Falcon that's just Lawful Stupid and Copen is clearly a threat to adepts everywhere if he's able to off the badass ones like them in-canon with relative ease.
I don't know how Tenjian managed to hold himself back for so long.
By unlock that user means "beat the intro stages for both characters" so it's not really all that much of a hassle.
Still I'd wait for iX if you really hated GV's gameplay, it's bound to have a demo sometime in the future anyways.
Inti has a suffering fetish on its more "serious" games, only Blaster Master Zero has been allowed to have full on happy endings.
I can't stop staring at this pic whenever it gets posted and it makes me hard as it makes me mad.
Reminder that the same will happen with any images of this game's girls by the time it ends. Never get attached to the girls in this series, or any non-protagonist character while we're at it.
Wonder how Copen would handle that...
Death is the quick way out of potential suffering though
His hate for Adepts stems from his dad getting killed by one and the whole human and adept wars (as well the world going bonkers when the adepts fought each other). This will require a lot of stuff to affect him...but mostly himself.
Then again wasn't his dad murdered by a Azure Striker that had a massive beef with the former?
>bizarro timeline
>tfw hoping they go with the cliche that the hero still exist and fights for good
C'mon GV. Copen needs your help. At least show up when he's getting his shit pushed in by the true final boss.
Sounds like an excuse to be a little bitch.
Why would GV want to help Copen?
Why would GV allow the innocent and weak to be hunted down like dogs?
Wonder how he is going to sufferand how much more worse GV's life can get
Dr. Kamizono was killed when Asimov's powers went berserk and escaped. Kinda funny how he probably thinks GV killed his father when he's the one that ended the real culprit.
If Blade is alt GV, does that mean we will get to unlock him as an alternate playable character?
That’s true
Also i just realized we're slowly going full circle to the point where we'll just get a Zero equivalent fighting with a sword all over again.
No matter what we do it seems like Zero always pops up one way or the other.
Go back to your unmarked grave, Asimov
Quinn is a regular human, so was Mytyl (who he keeps telling himself is Joule to cope), now remember the setting of this game, there you go.
>Heìs fun in GV2 but you gotta unlock him first.
No? You can select his story right from the get-go.
Not only that but his father was a piece of shit who was doing life endangering experiments on his own daughter and orphans
Blade's voice sounds girly. Either intentionally done with a VA or he's actually a she.
The greatest timeline is upon us. Adepts rise up and stop that filthy monkey from ruining our glorious utopia.
Oh yeah I know, he really needs to knock that prick down the figurative pedestal, heck I'm shocked he still hasn't after he learned what he did to Mytyl (unless GV going through The Garden is the canon route, in that case he never found out).
How are the 3DS versions compared to Switch? I heard you have to sing in one part, can you fool the 3DS' microphone?
>GV shows up for the final Blade fight
>Get to play as a re-designed GV with gun AND micro-luxcalibar or something for a single fight and its a total shitstomp against Blade
>GV is now unlocked for New Game+
Would be hype as fuck but the director wouldn't shaft their pet out of being better than not-GV in his own titled game
Man, I loved those haiku each character had for their special attack, is there a link with a compilation of them?
The trailer refers to him as a he.
But yes, the VA is female.
This is pretty common in japan tho and doesn't necessarily mean anything.
Could be a case of a girl presenting as male or nothing could come out of it.
Hoping Blade's a girl, just to see the launch of crack ships with Copen.
No reason to play them unless you only have a 3DS (30fps vs 60fps on games this fast is very noticeable), you can just blow into the microphone or whistle the song's melody and it works anyways (switch version removes the scene).
ASG2's Gunvolt boss fights in one image.
>Gunvolt 3: Punished GV
They should all be on the wiki in each bosses gallery section but I could whip together an image including them.
>Can't run on vengeance
Frank Castle disagrees.
>that sudden English
It’s entirely possible he doesn’t look up to his father anymore, but is so warped by his vendetta he can’t go back on it
Frank is Frank. He's too damaged to look for a new path. He lost everything and only vengeance is his nourishment for his soul and existence.
Copen still has his little sister.
What doesthat hack have to do with anything here?
Was this Paradise Lost or Eden's Presence?
It's referencing fallen ones returning so pretty sure it's Eden's Presence.
Is the sequel on steam yet or is it just the first game and the third
Still no ASG2.
I liked it until I died for the first time against a boss.
Then Gunvolt resurrected, got freaking invincibility and some idol started singing for the rest of the fight.
One of the fastest 180° I've ever done in gaming.
That only happens sometimes and it tanks your score when it does.
If you're going for a decent score, you can't let that happen.
The game is treating you like a retard because you're playing like a retard.
>and even beating Megman 11 at its own game
I like both series, but what the fuck are you even on about?
You know since there's already an option to disable Prevasion I'd really like one to disable Awakening from the start that didn't also inhibit kudos singing, sure I can just retry from checkpoint after a death but I'd like the option nonetheless.
>check wiki out of curiosity for the game
>nearly all bosses are under 18, okay
>check her page
>11 (eleven) years old evil mastermind, played totally straight until her death
It's like they grabbed "nip games is all teenagers" meme and doubled it down. How long until someone puts a genocidal 6 years old inside a mecha suit?
Not a complaint
>the 11-year-old is the embodiment of lust
What the FUCK did Japan mean by this?
DEFINITELY not complaining about that part either
Bought the collection on switch because there was nothing else to buy, they're ok, the collection may be worth 15$.
>Zonda spends the whole first game making sexual remarks to Gunvolt throughout her stage
>the meme dub made it even more sexual
angry cute
People said this before in the thread, but it has to be asked again:
Do you all think Luminous Avenger iX is the series true first breaktrough?
Do you think it will finally elevate Gunvolt from the "it's just good" quagmire it's stuck in, to "this is a must play" status?
The elements are there
>more interesting setting via the what if scenario
>more interesting protagonist everyone loves
>better gameplay (because of hist playstyle)
>potentially better alt playable character (speculation)
Is this it?
Is this the game that finally makes Gunvolt break it's niche and expand, in terms of audience and recognition?
Hopefully. Gunvolt being meh to play as and the meme localization really hurt the game's reputation originally.
Zonda would have raped Julie if Nova himself was not keeping an eye on it.
There was also the fact that they pretty much promised Julie to Viper but lest be honest here He could not have done a thing against Zonda.
i doubt it will become less niche
even a new mega man isn't a big seller nowadays and that has nostalgia going for it
>no doujin of her getting HUMAN'D in loli form
Truly the wrong timeline.
Why'd you bring him up for no reason?
Don't think so and make no mistake, Copen is just as dull as GV with the added problem that his "muh father reeee" schtick gets old even quicker, people will still put up with him because he's gameplay is so much fun however.
Copen is such an X-Men antagonist.
>more interesting protagonist everyone loves
I wonder which under evolved chimp is behind this post.
Yeah no need to tell me I was playing like shit, I knew that because I was dead, genius.
It still made a really bad impression.
Gee Tenjian, why do you get two haikus you fucking snowflake.
I know this is going to get many people here mad this game needs a sword character or a melee character in general to get to that point.
Dude there is no doujin of nothing ever about this game!
>no wholesome doujin about the few happy days GV and Julie had together.
>no doujin about Jibril trying to dominate the azure striker and ended up being dominated herself in the process
>no doujin about Copen and his maid and AI having a treesome
Sometimes you have to wonder why things like unddertale get thons of material when all girls are meh while this top noch stock get forgotten in the sands of time.
What is it with Japan and Alice in Wonderland motifs?
>even a new mega man isn't a big seller nowadays
X Legacy Collection 11 managed to sell just under 1 million copies in a few months. That's not bad in the slightest.
I enjoy the unpowered hero that gets by on his mind and his grit to fight toe to toe with powered people.
But Copen being a psycho kinda puts a damper on him
>Dude there is no doujin of nothing ever about this game!
There's a yaoi one for copen, I know that much.
>Sometimes you have to wonder why things like unddertale get thons of material when all girls are meh
Because the material isn't about the girls.
And that's also the reason why one of the most known doujin about gunvolt is the one where Copen has his asshole forcefully enlarged.
Now do one for the first game.
>And that's also the reason why one of the most known doujin about gunvolt is the one where Copen has his asshole forcefully enlarged.
I did not need to know this.
What's up with the screenshots i've seen floating around with GV having an alternate skin?
Is it a normal feature, something you unlock, or...?
You want doujins user? Have some Copen yaoi and 2 non scanned Joule NTR ones.
Fuck this timeline
Blade being an unlockable character and playing like MMZ Zero would seal the deal for me, even if he's not Copen's still kino as fuck and this game seems to make other improvements on top of that like removing crafting.
>played both games several times and never really bothered with equipment
>Copen is just as dull as GV
>people will still put up with him because he's gameplay is so much fun however.
When people call GV dull, they're talking about his gameplay, so no, Copen is not as dull as GV is to a lot of people.
That one was pretty hot desu, better than no doujin at all
But why? arent man the largest consumers for porn by a large margain?
Just cheeked my page there is only a single doujin and is that one… godammit this is not better than nothing.
Not that user but Inafune helped design some character from the original game including GV himself also the shitty narrator on all trailers was also his idea.
Looks like this is the PC version, could just be a mod.
>tfw no robo-waifu to sleep with
But can you play as a cute girl?
You can dress up a cute girl in the upcoming game and a cute girl follows you around durif you get gud enough in both that and the second game.
You also get to murder plenty of them in all games
How does being male imply what their taste is like? There are more fetishes than there are stars in the galaxy only because someone is into them.
*during gameplay, fuck my typing is getting worse
dude you asking the equivalent of being the black guy in an 80s horror film
last time I cheked the most common fetish for man were woman
That artist is based as fuck
not bad but i guess it depends on what you see as big seller. and still. MM is a well known IP.
gunvolt just doesn't have that
speaking of sales.
anyone know how blaster master zero 2 did ?
By thag logic we wouldn't get nothing but vanilla shit.
The overwhelming majority of drawn porn is still het, that doesn't mean other tastes stop existing or that they won't be pandered to by like-minded people.
Never ever gonna get it.
It was among top downloads for a bit so probably decent to good, don't worry all too much as GV2 was alleged to have sold like shit yet we're still getting this. Inti does not need all that many sales to justify sequels.
>arent man the largest consumers for porn by a large margain?
2 + 2 = dick
it's more the simple fact blaster master zero usually got art everytime it reached certain sales barriers.
yet. nothing for the sequel so far...
So. yeah. even if they need little. i do kinda worry for BMZ3
Wait, that Grand Strizer wasn't in the first game, was it? Also, Acura had 2 or 3 ougi's in the first one, right? I could swear it was more than one.
Do you think it was awkward for Gunvolt to kill her the second time? I bet she made it weird.
Oh, hey, it's best girl.
Deadass Elise and all her forms are meant for Copen's chad human cock.
GV used to have artwork for milestones as well (not as detailed as the seasonal wallpapers but it was there), there was none for GV2 so I repeat, don't worry.
>though it taint my heart
Though it TAINTS my heart.
Copen needs to learn the difference between taint and taints.
Pretty important distinction.
Acura is for kissing Roro while getting pegged by Nowa tbqh.
>that purple guy that curses you out in English during all of his attacks
I knew he was saying "up yours".
Copen had only one, you might be misremembering due to seeing the non-localized one which was called Lust Doppler instead of Doppler Desire.
>But can you play as a cute girl?
You play as a cute girl in every inti creates game.
Even especially when the MC is supposed to be a guy.
could probably beat her by a gentle pat on the head and turn her into his horny stalker
White Knight Chronicles had mechs piloted/ powered by babies
Zero + Copen + copious amounts of titty skittles = Empress
That and a spanking she won't forget for Zodan should be the canon ending.
>loses his father
>almost lost his sister as well
>ended with a ponytail pretty boy as his rival that also wants to bang his sister
>slowly turned into a lolicon
>the world now is filled the things he hates the most
Will Copen ever be able to get his life back on track?
Even after 4 years I still can't wrap my head over the first "localization" Gunvolt had
Like, what were they expecting from it? And I'm not talking only of the "xer" thing but also cutting almost all dialogue or changing what the characters were saying. It was 2014, not the 90s, did they seriously expect no one would notice, no one would play the JP version of the game, or no one would compare them at all?
The only explanation I can think is they cut everything they could to reduce the localization budget, but then they still localized it in additional european languages for the EU release which are usually the first thing to be ignored when you cut the translation budget
It's baffling, but at least they did make a new localization even if the series still suffers from the botched one up to this day
>That and a spanking
she'd flood the floor. and not with blood
Pc version has a Hardcore mode.
That makes the game Mega-man X level hard.
I wish they would've changed the names back to the originals for the second game. Fucking 8-4 faggots shit legacy still lives on to this day.
As for what they wanted, my guess is that they hated everything about the game, so they tried their best to turn it into something else. You know how these people are, they hate games, hate Japan, and they think they know better than the creators' vision.
I still don't get why the character names are so botched? Like from Acura to Copen, how do they mess that up?
The first Gunvolt had a pretty rocky localization history because both of fuckery by the localization team but ALSO because of complete misunderstandings from the jap team itself.
For example, i'm sure most people remember here, but initially they wanted to change GV design in the west, by having him show less skin, and removing his ponytails.
Everyone involved had very weird ideas on what westerners supposedly "liked" and how to make it more "palatable" for them.
GV needs a fundamental shift in his playstyle.
He has one already.
How would US Gunvolt fire bullets if his hair are the bullets?
Yes. They are amongst the better Megaman/Zero clones these past few years. Some people really didn't like the hero gameplay (I find it fine), so they even introduced a second playable character in gunvolt 2.
There are very few action/platform games anyway, so why don't you play them?
Covering him up was a good change desu. The hair change was dumb. Either way, that's very different from removing entire sections from the game. The character names changes were also completely unnecessary, to put it nicely.
I seriously don't understand how even the developer got roped up into this reasoning, the game's weeb as fuck, there was no way to make it more "palatable" for the west unless they changed every single thing about it, the muse's entire existence already alienates more of this imaginary audience they were supposedly targetting than GV's ponytail and midriff ever could.
>I wish they would've changed the names back to the originals for the second game. Fucking 8-4 faggots shit legacy still lives on to this day.
simply reading this makes me think of Esty Dee and my day is immediately ruined
Maybe they wanted to ape the 90s style of localization which meant changing every character and location for the simple reason they thought westerners were too stupid to understand a game set in a different nation or something
Hold on to up then hold y so that GV charges up a Naga shot.
No one with the 3DS version would ever use bullets not named Cerberus.
Good except for the second chance mechanic, glad they got partly rid of it in 2.
Empress is literally if Corrin from Smash Bros had a Mega Man game
This user is right, I hate and suicide every time I die and Anthem happens. The X games didn't have that kind of mechanic and it removes a layer of danger that I want to keep, otherwise I won't get a real chance to git gud.
More like level design.
GV plays fine. His power set doesn’t really lend itself to speed running
I think there good. I like Graphics, the artwork, music and while the Gameplay could use some improves I think it's fine for the most part.
So I'm guessing this alternate timeline stuff will have Blade turn out to be a female clone of GV who will die for this installment, fullnazi GV be final boss and Copen undoes the time fuckery and returns to his world with even more reasons to want to put down GV for good.
That makes him even more interesting.
>20 minutes after the trailer.
How do I get this fast bros?
Just give GV a sword ala Zero and his gameplay will be so much better.
And it is done. Looking forward to the haikus for Chronicles.
>that fucking Dieku
Well...yeah, that's the idea here.
>The british adept is a violent, gang running, masochistic midget magneto based off red riding hood, but is so much of a metalhead that she wears a spiked choker, her best move is a hell in a cell match with every one of her attacks are named after iron maiden tracks.
Bless this sexually repressed idiot.
More like rest in peace this sexually repressed idiot
>ywn snuggle Elise, Elise, and Elise
But I love the Song of Diva.
It's just like my Japanese anime. I don't think you get it at all.
I seriously hope they don't actually pull a switcheroo with Blade for this very reason.
You forgot that one end game mech.
>Get to the final boss
>fucker brings a Kushala Daora
how am i supposed to stay in the fucking platform now?
She got what she wanted in the end. To be pounded by gunvolt.
Don't worry, I was just as stupid as you. I looked up a youtube video and instantly questioned my IQ.
But i did that, and fucking thing still dropped me off. Whatever, my save ended up being wiped out due to me being a retard anyways.
Mash dash, not just press it once. Not like it matters anymore
Empress is literally my wife
More the artwork for the these games is so nice to look at.
They're really fun to speedrun. I don't really like Mega Man games, but I did really like these games. Probably because they're a bit easier and more geared toward speedrunning.
look at all these dead people
Why does Zonda keep talking about love? If you were a human, could you get her to calm down with a hug?
but there's more.
>a hug
If you take her other two forms into consideration, she'd need a lot more than a hug to be satisfied. I think Tenjian provides her with suitable emotional support anyway.
Child thinks she has it all figured out after finding porn on the internet. In any other game she would get her crap beaten out and sent to the naughty corner.
That little shitposter will not be missed. Shame about the others though.
Okay, but why the penis sword?
>I think Tenjian provides her with suitable emotional support anyway.
>tfw reading their backstory
Fuck humans.
Wouldn't a spanking work better?
>What if Inti Creates did Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
It’s as funny as a kid discovering naughty words for the first time.
Honestly amazed China wasn't into "Eat them and gain their power" shit like they are for basically any thing else
Because it's so ludicrous.
>That Copen and Viper
Is this confirmed to be an alternate type reality/route? It feels weird for Adepts to go from minority of dangerous individuals thanks to their powers, to the majority who hunts down those without powers.
If this was set like many years after, maybe I could understand, since the idea is that people are naturally transitioning into being born with powers more often than not, but Copen still seems fairly young, so I doubt it.
I think Inafune was also executive producer for the first game
>You know, what if these people that did some really fucked up shit to us had fucked up shit happen to them in the past and this was an endless cycle of fucking up innocent lives like ours were?
>lol no bro let's do the ultimate fucked up shit instead
tfw everyone forgot about dragon marked for death and I only have 1 jp guy I play with every day.
Not confirmed anywhere, only thing thats certain its set after GV2 since Lola has her Idol form.
Of course it isn't, but it's likely the case.
If you were basically one step below a god and could punish these bugmen faggots and flourish your better and less shit superhuman race, wouldn't you?
>"Let's hunt the people with superpowers."
>"What could go wrong?"
>tfw these are the closest games we can get to mmz
>Copen still seems fairly young
He sounds a bit more older though and seems to have earned a name for himself by the time of this game, Luminous Avenger iX.
What the fuck was his problem? Why did the maid even help him with this shit, by basically handing him ultimate power for free? He says he doesn't want to do anything nasty with it, but he's an immature brat with a grudge, and power corrupts quite easily.
Things add up so little despite being set in the same universe according to the game's site it's a very likely possibility given what we know. Heck Xiao wears 3 watches for some reason and we never knew what his septima even was.
At the end of the day adepts are still humans and their behavior reflects that. Everyone in the world of GV is fucking retarded just like the humans with their biased for mutants in Xmen. One half are salty faggots who are upset they don't have powers or peeved about muh power scale and the other is wronged by the salty faggots leading to them lashing out and giving the salty faggots a reason to lash back. I doubt we'll ever get a truly happy end due to the flawed nature of man.
>mfw humans should really consider themselves lucky they haven't wronged an omega level adept that could fuck them all sideways with a single snap
I really like it because its gameplay and aesthetics appeal to me but the level design could be a lot better.
>Steam release
Wait. Does that mean they'll be making a PC port for 2 as well on PC?
Because WINK you can WINK trust me WINK.
The Megaman X games aren't hard. Now if you mean Megaman Zero hard, now we're talking.
Maid just wanted Mytyl to not be hunted for being the muse. If the current speculations end up being even slightly true that proved to be a monumental mistake.
What if he’s an adept born without powers? Humans won’t accept him for his lineage yet he’s also useless in combat. Jealousy runs through him.
I loved and supported that game but EVERY PATCH
The devs are making that game worse and worse.
Westerners hate the changes.
Japanese people hate the changes (look at the comments in their japanese twitter patch notes and translate them, it's pure rage).
It's bleeding players in the west AND in japan and the same time because the devs aren't listening to anyone, they're not making the singleplayer experience better, they keep making drops incredibly rare, they keep presenting bosses that are HP sponges 1hit kill idiotically designed.
The playerbase keep asking them to go the completely OPPOSITE direction, and they aren't listening.
The team lives in this strange alternate reality where all their decisions makes sense and won't listen to reasn even when there's only 2 people left playing.
I'm sorry, i tried to support this game.
I really, really, really tried, but the team on it is small, retarded, and just won't fucking listen.
The game is fucked.
And don't answer "i like it".
"I like it" won't bring people back to it.
"I like it" won't give you a sequel.
"I like it" will keep this game spiraling into the forgotten niche of a failed experiment that never took off, even tho it would've been relatively easy to tweak and fix into a better experience if only the devs would fucking listen to their own majority of players.
Where are you guys getting this from? I don't remember it from Gunvolt 2 and I played the game fairly recently.
The problem wth GV is that he is way too overpowered but at the same time doesn't have the movement options to blitz through the stages like Copen. The most fun I had with him was hard mode in the first game because enemies are actually a threat and prevasion is more likely to get you killed than helping you.
What does the fundamental difference between humans and adepts anyway? The only difference I see is that adepts have septima while humans dont't.
Watch the secret ending on youtube
I would help destroy humanity for a chance to smash this.
Mega Man Zero?
>those hips
Adepts in the localization is used only to refer to people with powers, that means access to the Seventh life wave which grants those, some of them are stronger than others and it also depends on how they use their Septima (Carrera could've been the ultimate anti-Adept, easily outclassing even the likes of GV, Nova and Zonda, but he was a retard).
So basically mutants from X-Men, normal humans can also be infused with Septina if they're compatible with it.
Wow, I had no idea there was something like this in the game. How do you unlock it anyway?
80% Challenge completion, then beat the last level (can't remember if you need it for both characters or just the one you're playing as).
MGR is just MMZ in 3D.
...well, almost.
Honestly a MGR-like MMZ in a collaboration with Platinum Games would be the ONLY CORRECT way to translate MMZ to be a true 3D action game.
It'll probably never happen tho.
I think Copen would've been disgusted with that.
>they keep making drops incredibly rare
That's my only problem with the game, I've been playing since day 1 and I still have nothing to resist instant death.
>add a crafting system in one of the patches
>but you still need several rare drops to craft things
What's even the point?
Ok, this thread convinced me to give this series another chance after the idol song of shitty ratings scared me away.
Gj anons.
>Wanting to bang a perverted loli
Zero is great, but the series got a definite ending. On the other hand, I would kill for a new ZX title.
>TFW Zangetsu from Bloodstained is the bonus character.
It seems all the Zero and GV games' shitty crafting ideas seeped into DMFD after being expelled from GV with the upcoming iX.
I mean after all Inti did make the best version of Bloodstained that clearly is superior to it's shitty, trashy 2.5D overhyped counterpart
Truly the Ninja Gaiden of Gunvolt games.
the dark souls of the megamans
If I love Mega-man Zero will these games be worth how much they are on switch? 40 for some indie games seems steep.
I am all for Humanity Fuck Yeah in games but these make it really hard to sympathize. It's not like they have a different language, culture, inhuman looks like some mutants do or their powers are inherently ticking bombs. "Racism" is one thing, but either try to not anger your pseudo-mutants when they can do shit like this or never stop until every last one of them gets eradicated.
No, I wouldn't.
I would second this though, then it would be a worthy sacrifice.
Maybe they'll port the Striker Pack instead since 2 had that 3DS microphone bit at the end
The pack comes with both games.
Especially the second one is worth it.
Generally speaking you'll probably specifically like playing as Copen in GV2, as he's essentially the Zero of this series.
Either get the pack, try around with the first game and then focus on Copen in GV2 if you don't like GV himself, or perhaps wait until september for Luminous Avenger iX.
As other people have said the biggest problem Zero fans face with this game is that it's projectile focused rather than melee focused (but has many gimmicks that don't quite make it as boring as just shooting shit as X, per se, it's more involved and atypical than just that).
There's stuff here for MMZ fans, but not -all- MMZ fans, some won't like much about it.
Fuck you, Teseo is based and literally /ourguy/.
>his boss fight in MGB
I've only seen some footage of what I think was the first Gunvolt but the player character screaming in anime all the time got annoying
I really dig the style and music and I did play the demo on my 3ds back in the day. The projectile based combat for Gunvolt dind't feel too bad since it was more than just like mashing out pellets and all. If Copen's even more Zero feeling then I think I'll like these games just fine. I'm not even a diehard Zero fan it's just the only Mega-man games I stuck with and I got nostalgia for 'em.
>ywn scold and spank Zonda for her inappropriate behaviour
Why live?
Is this ever getting a happy ending? GV at least has been going into a spiral of depression just from the outcome alone:
>Find someone who changes your mindset, and makes you want to protect them
>Save her, be betrayed by your long time mentor figure for refusing to go with his genocide plan and killed for it, she died too, resurrected at last minute by her but she dies for real in the process murder him for it, have the the girl's power stay with you, you can hear her voice, and she can give you power, but she is basically just there in your head
>Continue doing good despite all that shit
>New villains know how to work around that power, destroy your link to her, and try to use her power to start another stupid shit
>Murder every single one of them, at the end she's entirely absorbed by the leader, use remaining part of power to block off no escape attack and kill her too, she fuses with a girl and either defends you, you defends the guy who wants you dead, when she starts talking she completely forgets everything, met again later on by coincidence, she says you sort of look like an angel to her, play dumb so she doesn't get involved with you any longer and move away letting her continue her life like that
I mean, if this trend keeps going, Luminous avenger is gonna end with Kohaku and the children in hiding all dead, and Copen going in a furious rage murdering the final boss.
At least GV has Quinn/Ouka there for him, hoping Luminious is indeed some alternate reality type shit or simulation, cause she might be dead otherwise.
Gunvolt 1 sucks ass.
The rest are good.
If you generally like the game and you didn't completely mind CV's gameplay then yes, it's safe to say, it'll definitely give you the fix that you need.
Compared to MMZ playing the game casually is much easier, but going for higher ranks requires much, much more out of you, so keep that in mind.
>Is this ever getting a happy ending?
Where do you think you are?
You see this shit?
It stands for "despair".
which version should I get and which should I avoid?
>Gunvolt 3
>Copen finds out his father was a faggot and his whole crusade was a mistake
>Lola gets a virus
>the maid dies
>the main villain is Joule; Gunvolt and Copen have to kill her
>at the end of the game, the writers come in and kick them both in the balls repeatedly before pissing on them
>the next game is somehow still even sadder
Blaster master Zero 1 and 2 are both games that have bumps in the road, but they end with a happy note though.
And Megaman Zero ends more bittersweet than sad, considering he saved everyone at the cost of his own life.
What, you don't want to farm for Rivalis's and Amica's gear at the end of June? Featuring tedious quest design (looking at you Cavern of Torment), low drop rates, and an overall unrewarding/progression-less time investment until or if you ever get that drop.
If you wanted someone to blame though, it's probably Ryota Ito as Director and Takuya Aizu & Yoshifumi Hashimoto as Producers.
Switch version's the best one that has everything.
>which version should I get
>which should I avoid?
If i'm not mistaken the PC version of GV was patched not to suck at some point and match it to the Switch version?
But i haven't tried it myself, so i can't fully judge it.
To suffer, obviously. Knowing her cute butt will forever remain unspanked is the true 4D vengeance on humanity.
>If i'm not mistaken the PC version of GV was patched not to suck at some point and match it to the Switch version?
Yes but it's still missing the second game, which is much better and isn't on PC, at least not yet.
I unironically want to beat the absolute shit out of them for being so stubborn.
Not because i necessarily want the game to be the way -I- want it to be, but because i've never seen a team so completely shutting off player input from a game that relies hevily on the multiplayer factor and community.
It's just...wasted, it's a completely wasted new IP that never had any chance to shine.
It's alienating it's own audience for absolutely no reason.
It's so painful to watch, it would've been so easy to avoid this disaster by simply listening at least a bit.
Why the fuck be so stubborn?
They can see the nubmers, i know for a fucking fact this game isn't selling even compared to any other inti title, and they know the playerbase is dead as a direct consequence to their actions, so why the everloving fuck do they refuse to listen?
I still don't get how Eve is supposed to be a robot. She sweats, gets infected by a biological type mutant, has her boobs expand for some reason, has parents that worry about her (which if they are all just machines, it's kind of a weird system), hair grows and everything. Isn't she just supposed to be an alien with high intellect or something?
I mean, how are they gonna have babies otherwise?
This is the first time I've seen Gunvolt's official art, and I have to say, it feels weird to see all this overly cutesy and silly stuff, considering how grim and edgy it tries to be on the game itself.
She's probably a "robot" in the same way Android 18 is or some shit. An enhanced human basically.
>All these dead girls...
Not even the player is safe from this despair.
I guess she's an artificial life form but not necessarilly mechanic, like the replicants from Blade Runner.
yeah. even cries.
she seems pretty much human in almost every way.
Oh God, I've finally made the plunge and bought a sealed copy from eBay for £28 (normally £40). Is it really that fucking awful, from what I've skimmed from some of the patch blog posts I thought they made good changes?
It's fundamentally just not fun to play.
You play the game, have an ok time, reach the endgame, and ask "now what?"
And the team tells you "now you grind forever for a 0.00000001% drop in submediocre designed levels that we expect you to replay 600000000 times.
Also here's bosses that oneshot you if you are 1 pixel off and take a million hits to kill, and to make them less painful you need that rare shit...that drops from them in the first place.
It's called Dragon marked for DEATH, user. It's meta.
I play the witch and I think I might be doing better than most players because I have a background in fighters like mvc2 at a high level. I see absolutely no way a casual player would ever be able to dial in her shit as fast as I do. On top of that the drops are kinda shit. I lucked out and got a windscroll +3 at the start but I can see how bad this game would be if I wasn't able to pull off the quick spells. I only have this 1 jp guy I can ever play with online. Nothing else is up. I have no idea how good the game was before the patches.
>You play the game, have an ok time, reach the endgame, and ask "now what?"
What if I'm the type of person who just wants to play through the game and beat it? I've never cared for post-game challenges or high scores in vidya.
The game was kinda built upon replay value. It sucks for anyone that actually plays it for that.
Here's your Inti Creates lead-writer.
>What if I'm the type of person who just wants to play through the game and beat it?
Then you're better off sticking to any other game inti has ever made.
Dragon Marked for Death is designed as a sort of side scrolling diablolike that is focused on multiplayer (dead) and replay value (gutted by terrible design decisions).
You can wrap it up but it'll leave you painfully unsatisfied compared to any other proper SP experience Inti has made, it's not worth the price tag when played like that.
Jesus fucking Christ. No local and the online's dead, what the FUCK WERE THEY THINKING? WHAT THE FUCK WAS ***I*** THINKING?
I mean it has local. Just not same console. Ironically the wii u would have been able to do local same console. Kinda sucks that nintendo fucked that console.
I really enjoy Witch's magic system, it ticks my boxes about elements and feels good rythmically, but the bosses end up having too much health and turn into slogs. I imported a JP copy at launch having enjoyed almost every Inti game before now, but this one unfortunately isn't as good for me.
>Just not same console.
So it doesn't, plus I already knew that.
>I play the witch and I think I might be doing better than most players because I have a background in fighters like mvc2 at a high level. I see absolutely no way a casual player would ever be able to dial in her shit as fast as I do.
It's actually not that difficult when you realize it's just motions that one can remember via muscle memory.
It makes visual sense on the buttons rather than remembering a "string".
Once you figure it out you can input as fast as you want.
However they fucked up the wich in a different way, by making enemies and bosses more resistent to subsequent spells of the same type, wich is something that wasn't a thing in the base game, essentially plopping down an artificial limitation to your core gameplay that makes everything more tedious for no reason.
Just yet another stupid, pointless decision in a long list of many such decisions, that doesn't enrich the gameplay at all and just pads and slows things down.
I was always wondering why I'd be be popping something with wind and then drop an iceblock on it and it just does like 5x as much then goes back to doing nothing again.
Shortcut commands and exchanging 20 Crab Shells for 1 Crab Claws means they're listening to some degree, but they seem very defensive over the current drop rates (and the dumb Black Market material grind), going as far as spending the last livestream (our next one is 6/26) to invest LUC and showcase how they obtain Dragon King's Crystal easily.
With like a month since the last patch and still content to release (like the remaining 2 element contracts, Lv. 100), who knows if this is intentional or padding until the game's "complete".
The biggest example of the poor gameplay loop is the Cavern of Torment quest featured in Ver. 2.1.0. It's a B90F dungeon with bosses on each 5th and 10th floor, and waves of monsters inbetween, but you can start on any _1st floor you've cleared up to (checkpoints).
B65F and B75F in particular have the most damage sponge-y bosses, since they're based on Named Monsters (Lv. 100 superbosses meant for Online Multiplayer) and clearing just 10 of these floors is lengthy for a bad drop that you can at best sell for consumables to tackle it again; lot of effort for little reward.
The art style is always cute if you separate it from the edginess and the artist is really fond of cutesy girls, he was probably given more rein for these works. It's kinda cheap promoting like that for new players but for old ones it's a nice bonus (even Hitler was nice to his dogs and yadda yadda)
Oh you...
>artwork is cutesy and sunny
>start up the game
>everyone fucking dies
It's adorable and hilarious.
This, damn does it suck. Iris was JUST the beginning
what gunvolt is most known for
God, I want to fuck them.
How can she be so ridiculously sexy? Any more official art with her?
some gameplay
Holy shit, whoever the artist is, he makes them all look so insanely soft
When is this set to drop? I don't remember this
September 26th
26th September.
It's right here, goddamn:
September 26th.
For fuck sake:
>In stage-dialogue now has an actually decent UI placement instead of blocking a lot of the action.
At least I hope that's what's going on and it's not relegated only to Lola's comments on your performance like it seems to be here (the last GV2 demo before the release didn't have stage dialogue integrated IIRC).
Surely this can't be good for my heart but thanks, user.
It's the love she wants you to feel.
It's because the games were originally made for the 3DS and it's tiny screen. Thankfully, that thing's no longer gonna hold it back.
That wasn't really a good excuse, they could've shoved the portraits to the bottom screen and only have small text on the game screen like Kid Icarus Uprising did (which also gave you an option to put everything on the bottom screen if you wanted). It was a shitty UI design choice, that's all.
chill out dudes, i couldn't get the video to play at first. Must have just uploaded.
If I pirated the 3DS versions to try out for myself and happened to like it, I'd consider getting them on Switch. It's not a bad idea is it?
Just treat it like DMC and restart either to the last checkpoint or the whole stage when it happens.
That is indeed a good way of seeing if you like it or not.
Seeing Copen having a normal chat when faced with an Adept instead of having his gun do the talk is insanely bizarre.
Now this is one hell of a Gwen Stacy.
>Sparks and feathers when the boss dies
You also see a bunch of dark feathers falling on the cover. He's the leader of Sumeragi, though I assume he's the regular/bad end last boss and the secret boss will be someone else. Since the "girl" has the Azure Striker, he might have a different septima.
So let's see, we had:
>Overly campy good boy protagonist
>Cute loli daughterwaifu with alter ego boobs diva
>Lazy shit man
>Battle junkie man
>JUSTICE military man
>Actual junkie with hunger problems man
>Crystal Boner man
>Angry revenge man
>Obsessed stalker man
>A doormat, a stuck up bitch and an insane genocider who can revive people girl
>Supposedly strongest Adept alive, who's actually not really that strong man
>God form man who's strongest adept alive, who's being empowered, but ends up being easier than his first form man
>I have the same type of stand man
>Still campy MC
>Cute loli is in your head, and is now a diva all the time
>Too good to be true ojou waifu who wants your dick
>Still angry revenge man
>Cute mute sister
>Cute robot sphere, who turns into lewd hologram diva
>Stoic maid who's into cute things
>Wannabe seer foreigner girl
>Ocean fucker man
>Psychopath murderer blood falls in love girl
>Stoic puppeteer who runs into his giant robot against a human man
>Muh ice cold past man
>You might say my Rhymes, are entirely sublime man
>Lewd organization boss girl
What's it gonna be in Luminous?
>They're called the falcons
>GV is represented by a white falcon in GV1's ending
>Black falcon and black feather imagery in the key art
>Ace member has electric septima
They're not being exactly subtle about it.
Why is she such a lewd girl for being so young? Coming up with two overly lewd personas, one with a literal dick made out of crystal, and the other one being basically giant boobs lady, you'd think she was a unmarried woman who never fucked anyone over 25.
I don't think he's blade. Either Sumeragi managed to make the Gunvolt project successful in this timeline (perhaps that's the difference from it and the regular one), or that person got the Azure Striker septima and Gunvolt got something else.
The reason I think he won't be using electricity is because we already fought Asimov in the first game and he already had all the relevant moves Gunvolt would have.
But he didn't have a sword. That changes everything.
See but your guess is as good as any.
I don't think he is either, Blade's a huge red herring, but there's still enough imagery that implies he's involved in some other way.
>but ends up being easier than his first form
I'd say Nova's first form is much easier than the second.
You assume blade is Gunvolt, which I'm ruling out by default.
I'm ruling it in by default because Gunvolt needs a sword, so he might as well be the same person and not have someone else cramp his style.
Firstly, the date's in the fucking thumbnail, secondly the video is a few days old, and thirdly, it was in the THIRD FUCKING POST OF THE THREAD.
I wish female Zonda would have the penis and the male would have the tail instead.
It's too obvious for him to be Blade, as well as the different VA and the fact that we can't even tell if it's a girl or not because the chest is hidden. Either way, there's no way to know until the game comes out.
>guy = dick
>girl = tail dick
She's already into some kinky stuff
the girl must have been spending long times online
These enemies appear to have the same Septima as Nova
I for one am glad to finally see adept mooks that openly use their powers instead of regular weapons due to their septima being too weak like Eden's mooks were.
Some people discover sexuality at a really young age. Maybe if they were still young and nearly worshipped instead of meekly little shits, a few would be annoyingly loud about it.
I would kill to be her portable stool.
Is there any word on a physical release for Luminous Avenger?
>adult female zonda
No physical copies outside of Japan, but they may do one in the future.
Inti replied to multiple people on Twitter on this matter with "we're working on it but nothing's confirmed".
For now it's only confirmed for Japan, they're looking into options for the western release but nothing concrete yet (if it gets one it'll probably release way after the actual release like DMFD did).
>No physical copies outside of Japan
Not confirmed yet.
That's basically the case, when it came to let going of his hate to be with his sister or to keep going, He chose the latter.
Maybe from Limited Run, but the JP physical should have an English anyway.
she might take your offer
she had many designs
Is that really the case? I have some jap shit ordered that releases in september/october, might as well bite the bullet for the bonus shit that a western release won't get since it shouldn't add much to the shipping cost anyways.
The Striker Pack and DMFD physicals both came with English, and as they're all releasing on the same day, I should think this one will too. The bonuses are very nice as always.
Weren't adepts rare in the original timeline? It makes sense for mooks to have septimas in this case since they're the majority, but in the other games, it was a different situation.
All Eden members are adepts, it made sense for Sumeragi mooks but it was kind of a bummer the mooks of the adept-only organization were mostly the same.
You're right in that more adepts gives a bigger chance of getting adepts with stronger septimas as regular mooks however.
and the last one
Threesome with Lola and Kohaku
anyone know where you can preorder the jap version, from the US?
Amiami, that'd net you the second bonus image of the ones listed.
oh yeah. she appeared in the artbook too
Amiami, Amazon and other shops ship internationally; for any of the tapestries, you'd need a forwarder.
It'd be amusing if this really is some alternate timeline shit, and a big plot point of GV3 is trying to avert all the death and destruction that's happened to 2 games worth of characters.
>What's it gonna be in Luminous?
One is a explosive crabman barber and the other is a red thread convict that makes stuff out of said thread.
We already know for sure one is a fluffy sheep man.
Wouldn't they be fundamentally different characters though?
I'm a sucker of dual bosses and the clone Pantera fight is one of the most fun fights I had
Cute kitty
It's like she really want to seduce Copen...
She's feeling the primal desire to repopulate the normalfag race.
That's the best part about him though, it's rare to see MC's like that, it's fun once in a while
need someone to make her a striped pajama outfit and give her some sumeragi hate mark
all part of the plan
OF COURSE THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Why would there be anything good in a Inti game? At best it will be something bittersweet like in case of MMZ3.
Just look at that thigh gap
>Pulls off 2 happy endings in a row in an Inti game
It just dawned on me. This is coming for PC. Someone can make a modication to make her fully nude if they want. Pic unrelated.
Any news on this getting censored in the west somehow?
It seems exactly like the type of thing that would get some people pretty pissed off.
Any comment from Inti on this?
I don't want a post-launch patch that fucks things up because some groups REEE'd too hard.
>Cuts off right before they say they love each other every time
Are they allergic love filled words?
Inti does not give a flying fuck as far as I know, they also make Gal Gun. At most I'd worry if you're planning to get the PS4 version.
>Nintendo now accepts games like Senran Kagura without batting an eye, with every single lewd mini game intact
>Sony goes full faggot mode and censors every single mild thing to appease people who don't buy their games
What the fuck is even happening anymore? Did we enter a reverse world portal? Cause i'm pretty sure Nintendo was the prude company before this.
Turns out BMZ 1 ending wasn't that happy.
jason is just too based
>What the fuck is even happening anymore?
The Switch is the new Vita.
Except not dead and actually functioning as intended.
All the weebs should get a Switch.
There's goddamn multiple Otome games on the Switch being sold right now alongside a bunch of 100% senran tier pure fanservicefests (one of wich, hilariously, has in it's description "THIS IS NOT A PORN GAME" because the screenshots might fool a couple of normies), that's how much of a weeb platform it has become.
A fluke. Also if Kohaku and Copen ever did it, then it would be a blatant deathflag since sex=death in this situation.
Bonus tragedy if Kohaku dies and its found out she was pregnant with Copen as the father.
I just got the Striker pack.
Played GV1 on pc with a controller but never played 2, anything I should know?
They backlash they got for previous Treehouse-related shenanigans coupled with the change in leadership seems to have been the catalyst in Nintendo's end. Sony is the logical conclusion of moving the HQ to California.
He deserves happiness damnit. Even X and Zero didn't get fucked over this hard
It was happy though, he confesses, they live together, she learns to cook and everything is fine for a while until the infection starts to take effect, and even then it doesn't lead to tragedy, and is fixed in the sequel.
I still don't get how she went from slightly above average boobs to cow tits in one sequel. What even made that happen, Infection somehow made her bust increase in size? Or maybe it was the hormonal increase from all the sex they were having and boob massages.
hope he continues it
they'll find a way to increase copen 's suffering somehow
Ending of 2 where he's going out with the girl is the happiest he's going to get. She can't replace Joule, but Joule's gone. Her physical body is long dead thanks to the Ass, her spirit is fused and forgotten with Mytyl, and beyond that the Muse septima was absorbed by the maid and given to the little brat who's name I forgot.
And if we're being real, living on as a spirit is no way to live. GV would be tied down to Joule, who would in turn feel guilty like she's holding GV back.
Watch him find the butterfly effect he's looking for, only for it to make things even worse at the end.
>And if we're being real, living on as a spirit is no way to live. GV would be tied down to Joule, who would in turn feel guilty like she's holding GV back.
Sounds like a better deal than waifufags and those already exist.
She was taking vitamin D.
>Moving the HQ to California
I guess that kinda explains it, but what about all the shareholders, or Japanese people that would probably find work over in that HQ? I don't see why they wouldn't favor placing people from their older HQ as the leading group in the new main one, or did they all just not want to go there in the first place?
Isn’t Sheep Faggot’s septima basically just Life Fibers?
>Infection somehow made her bust increase in size?
indeed. just that
mutants have no need to explain
>turns out Asimov is the one in charge of Sumeragi and exterminating humans
>pic related will be Acura, to a Gunvolt and Cyan leading a happy life in the alternate dimension
Technically, Joule was not even a real person in the first place, and being fused with Mytyl made her whole again, since she is basically just her sepitima given a human body.
I wonder what's gonna happen if we get Gunvolt 3 though. The power should be pretty much gone from him, so how are they going to replace the Diva shit with him?
God I want to inseminate Joule's muse form
Copen plays very differently from Gunvolt. The idea is to avoid landing on the ground for as long as possible by managing your bullits. You lose a bullit every time you air dash, but you gain one back every time you bounce off a wall, floor, ceiling, or enemy, so you can stay in the air indefinitely by continuously bouncing off the floor. Gunvolt plays pretty much the same as he does in the first game, but you'll want to find the two new EX skills hidden in two of the stages that don't reset your kudos when you use them.
Honestly it was a shitty deal for both parties given what we were told in supplementary materials.
>Joule thinks it's not that bad since she'll always be with him.
>GV is so broken he outright tells her she's just a ghost and not really Joule
>Joule pretty much realizes she's become a constant grim reminder of his loss and can't even get out of this shitty deal
>Then Quinn comes in and fixes GV
>But then the antics of the base conversations in 2 are a thing
This but with the original
>GV is so broken he outright tells her she's just a ghost and not really Joule
When does this happen?
>TFW secret ending is Ciao talking about how bloody this attempt was, to try and find a way to balance things out in the world, as if the entire Luminous game was just his attempt at "something", and that granting lots of people powers is not the way either, and talking about having to try again
1. A fragment of Cyan remains with him
2. The time/dimension fuckery in this game makes fragment of her return to Gunvolt, creates another version of her based on the alternate timeline (think of Zeno-sama from Dragon Ball Super) or somehow places a fragment of her on Gunvolt
3. The third game starts with Gunvolt rescuing another character with similar powers, or Mytyl herself
4. They give him the sword and overhaul his entire playstyle, no more Anthem (highly unlikely imo, especially since the songs starting at 1000 kudos are a staple of the series. But maybe they'll do it with Blade and then do it like that for him next game too)
5. Quinn will sing for him and the power of breastmilk will awaken him from the dead
Xiao stole the muse's power, heck you can even argue Joule's trapped in that pendant for all we know since her being a living glaive and all could imply her personality can't be fully split from the powers.
Thanks user
But Cyan was a normal girl who got implanted with the Cyberdiva. You're thinking of Morpho, who's now been separated from her and shoved into a gem. Therefore, she can come back and hook up with him.
hard to get over her
>not both forms
Are you one of these homosexuals I've heard about?
>GV is so broken he outright tells her she's just a ghost and not really Joule
I don't remember that ever happening. He just finds himself hurt for not having saved her if I remember right.
What does Lumen's swimsuit say?
Side story in Striker Pack Drama CD, I was paraphrasing, he doesn't exactly say that but says almost the same thing.
Would she actually have the courage to attempt this if she lived for long?
She played Monster Girl Quest and thought it'd be funny to lure a human in for Hora Hora time only to give them the crystal cock instead.
>rest of the pics
Oh, okay
Seems so.
Morpho, her japanese name.
Cyan is an artificial human created to be basically a living glaive for the Muse's powers.
No, she was a human girl.
Damn, that's dark
>the drama CD where Joule plays some MMO because everyone at school was
>quite possibly the worst player
>as her team is about to die on a raid, she somehow channels her muse power into the game, becomes god tier, and kills the boss
>GV naturally made her stop playing because it's too easy to track her down if she does that
>ended with something like "legends still tell of the level 1 elf who defeated the final boss"
See 1:53, Xiao's wording doesn't make sense if she was just another human infused with Septima like other artificially created adepts.
Oh yeah I get that he went through a lot but I really wanted to punch the fucker in the face after listening to that the first time, poor girl fucking died and is now trapped within you, stop making shit even worse you asshole.
So what are the chances Inti makes another Mighty game?
MN9? At the very most, a 2D sequel down the line.
Mighty Gunvolt? Maybe a bit down the line after GV3.
This pic needs shredding sounds.
Yes, it was a special infusion.
>Go check Pixiv to see if I can find anything cute
>Feminization fetish porn pictures in almost every page
Well, someone is dedicated.
First they should roll out ASG2 on Steam
Do they have pegging or yaoi? If it's the former, based. If the latter, absolutely disgusting.
Maybe Inti should stop drawing their boys as girls and their girls as future corpses
Share with the class, user.
To be fair there are more boys becoming future corpses in both games than girls dying, the games just have a huge murderboner in general.
Yeah but nobody cares when boys die
I hate the primary mechanic of tagging and zapping. Tedious and gimmicky. Who wants to stand around while you do slow DoT to everything?
>stop drawing their boys as girls
copen is probably more up your alley
I expect 12 adept bosses, those 6 represent the 6 of the 12 zodiac constellations
>Aires (puffy haired guy
>Leo (blue/purple guy on crossarms)
>Taurus (yellow guy)
>Libra (cyan woman on the top)
>Cancer (orange guy with pincers)
>Virgo (pink girl)
I wonder why Lola's voice is not digitized anymore when singing, it sounds extremely clear compared to 2.
I've seen Gunvolt 2 footage of him, I wish they would have released that one on PC.
Nobody, that's why you are more mobile when you're zapping things.
12 bosses would be amazing but I don't think they'll be that generous.
Luminous Avenger is all about him and it's releasing on Steam
Gunvolt/Blade are probably Gemini
Acura will probably be considered one of the zodiacs
Last boss will be another
Secret boss another
So you have 2 left, that could be cutscene only or allies (maybe Kohaku being one)
I want them to make another Mighty Gunvolt Burst game.
>Maybe Inti should stop drawing their boys as girls
Or maybe they shouldn't.
>Secret boss
There's going to be a secret boss?
The true final boss, like Asimov and Gunvolt/Copen
Mighty Gunvolt Burst is one of the best recent megaman games.
But megaman fans will never have the balls to admit it
There was one for the two previous games, it's safe to assume there will be one here too.
I want Jason as a playable character, we never get to use all Blaster Rifle shots in sidescrolling mode.
I guess he means a True Ending boss, both previous games had those so it's a pretty safe bet to assume this one will as well.
>Adepts took over the world
what the fuck happened after 2
It would be if the levels themselves werent fucking boring.