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Shame if someone blew it up
>don't see a single Mujahideen fighter in the entire game
fucking this
game wouldve been great with ruskies and sand niggers randomly fighting during missions
90% of the story scenes were in this trailer
still havent played it
So how badly did Konami mandating this game for PS360 fuck it?
Did MGSV add anything to Big Boss?
>you were a fake big boss the whole time
Fucking fpbp.
They were in MSG4.
They also exist in the logs, I think they were just left out due to time constraints.
Finding out that fake big boss was the big boss in the first metal gear game was kind of cool though.
so where was the real one?
He is in it, he is just in disguise.
Out setting up Outer Heaven.
the game should have been about big boss and what led to the creation of Outer Heaven, but it was basically one long side story
You see him for like 2 minutes talking to Ocelot in the last mission (which is literally the prologue, nothing added except these 2 minutes of dialogue)
a pretty great easter egg on how big boss survived the original 80s metal gear though! talk about a throwback
absolutely based
big boss surviving MG1 didn't need an explanation, and it sure as hell didn't need the last MGS game by kojima to explain it
Venom's addition to canon is cool, but the way it was all handled was poor at best
I'm disappointed they didn't do more with Solid Snake. I actually like him better than Big Boss as a character.
>quite literally clone Big Boss three times over
>they all go off the rails
>Hypnotise a random paramedic into thinking he's actually Big Boss
>he becomes a perfect leader and valued partner
why didn't they just do that in the first place
>TFW MGSV was inspired by Minions
If you think about it, it's really silly that they want to clone him so bad and that it's such a major plot point. I get that he was a good soldier but that was due to training from The Boss.
the entire existence of MGS3 and The Boss is a retcon, the MGS1 manual where the cloning plot was centred had him as a self-made mercenary without a country since the early 60s
it's almost as if it was a poorly realized shitheap of a game with an stupid amount of development devoted to a girl Kojima was infatuated with.
To be fair after it's established that Naked is Big Boss at the end of 3, every game after that is just long ass filler -- though some of them is a very good filler -- because we already knew what makes Naked disillusioned and became what he is in MG1/2 and MGS4.
cmbined with this trailer:
They presented a game that never existed, still fucking mad.
Its futile user, fanboys are unable to grasp retcons.
I liked the game in spite of everything but Afghanistan was really dead as fuck
You meet one in a mission, the mute who tells you where the Stinger is.
Doing the exact same thing as the fake Big Boss, but his base is in land instead of an oil platform.
People are unable to accept the fact that Kojima didn't give a single fuck about the lore nearly as much as the "message" of the games.
That's why MGS4 was so shit, because it focused entirely on the lore and the story of the game, instead of being something like MGS2.
that's the real phantom pain
i hate to be that guy but mgsv is my first metal gear game but im really into it, what do you need to do to earn s++ rank recruits, all my sectors are around like level 50 mark, really want to reach level 60s to unlock some better shit, not so good at this game
it still hurts...
Did not MGS4 have a message of let dying things die, except it was not as blatant as with MGS2?
>First two hours of the game drop 90% of the quotes from the trailer.
I felt the same way whenever I went for a walk and suddenly stepped into something slippery, knowing perfectly what it was, but still having to look down to confirm.
Kojima has great taste in movies they said...
*Writes your franchise for you and gets zero credit
>entire franchise
He only wrote MGS1-3, and the only one that had a decent plot was 3, and I wonder how much the strong ending influenced that, because I don't remember much of the rest.
This guy really did keep Kojima inside the lines. Everything after MGS3 has been a pretentious mess.
i found this out at the start when you zoomed in to the helicopter window and saw the avatar you made
>not the biggest pretentious piece of crap ever made
And lets not forget about MGS1, the game where the villain's motivation is that he has no fucking idea about how DNA works.
Absolutely retarded.
>gets zero credit
>is literally credited as a writer in the game credits
Not sure why anyone would want to be credited as a writer of one of the most laughably poorly written franchises ever though.
Not big enough to have any wildlife apparently
Inside the box that falls down on you when you stand too long in MB.
The timeline is fucked though because Portable Ops ended with BB creating FOXHOUND. Be Kojimbo is autistic that a canon MGS being made without him that he choose to ignore it and made Peace Walker, with start off with BB with a new group. MGSV completely fucked it up even more Diamond Dogs by fake BB because in MG1, BB is the leader of Foxhound. So if the real BB is setting up outer heaven, who died in MG1? when does BB rejoin Foxhound? where is Diamond Dogs during MG1? Fucking Kojimbo
I always thought that on some level Big Boss was super human. Beyond just being the perfect soldier, the amount of punishment that he has taken and the times he's "died", not to mention that Liquid with his dominant genes only died because of a virus designed to kill him, suggests some kind of inherent durability to me.
>have same voice as Big Boss/Ishmael
>be forced to create an avatar for yourself at the start of the game
>character inconsistencies
>Peace Walker robot that knows everything about the real Big Boss comes out and says outright "Jack, it's not you, is it?"
I'm sure i'm forgetting even more obvious points, but i knew from the start we weren't playing as the real Big Boss/Jack. And so did a lot of people in those unforgettable MGSV theory threads.
>Still remember when everyone thought MGSV was going to be about Big Boss going fucking bonkers with war crimes and about languages/ethnicity/race because of this trailer and the nuclear trailer
>The game is just about a paramedic who doesn’t actually commit war crimes and literally words that kill, also the actual Big Boss has like 5 minutes of screen time
bravo kojima
I remember theorizing that 5 minutes into the trailer was the part where you find out that you're not the real Big Boss
I wish i was wrong :(
who got the plat?
>dominant genes
MGS survival equal to MGSV, parasite and shit.
The message of the game was despite the fact that Venom is not the same entity as Naked, they're both the real Big Boss, despite what everyone other than Naked says.
>I'm Big Boss, and you are too.
>From now on...
>You're Big Boss.
hot take
Venom is not a fake of Big Boss
That was a message for the players too.
Yeah, but in the canon, Big Boss would have said something similar.
Nobody says that
can i get a based?
>empty wasteland
>no battles
>cut battle of Diamond dogs vs Sahalenthropus
>empty Africa and cut toto
Yes I’m still mad at this game years later
Recreation of Big Boss from Solidus body and Liquidocelot motivation was total bullshit.
Death Stranding will be even emptier.
he has that fat hack del toro in his game, he has shit taste in films.
Not really, it was just a bunch of valleys with unclimable mountains.
I know. That’s why I’m happy to watch a YouTube movie of it.
to be fair the other online players are supposedly going to fill the void of the empty terrain in Death Stranding... y'know, until the playerbase dies off. Then it'll be as empty as MGSV
>Kojima only made Solid Snake a genetic clone of Big Boss because Solid Snake himself needed to fight someone stronger than Big Boss
How would the story play out if Solid Snake was never a clone of Big Boss in the first place?
We're going to see his smile at E3, r-right?
lol no
Only he can save the franchise
I want Big Boss to fuck me!
>Blow your entire game budget on a hollywood actor who gives no shits and phoned in all two of his lines and a thot who phoned in all two of her lines
How much better would MGSV been without queefer and juice?