If a game isn't fun to play with cheats or mods then it was never fun in the first place.
Pic related is just a shitty platformer with no substance when stripped to it's bare bones. Prove me wrong.
If a game isn't fun to play with cheats or mods then it was never fun in the first place
Other urls found in this thread:
You're not wrong.
Lol, get gud.
>Cuckhead fans with no way to argue and resort to outdated memes
Like pottery.
>this is your average pc gamer
This is why you fags will always be a joke, never to be taken seriously.
>He bought a console
>And he thinks PCs are bad
>While phoneposting
>He also has no argument
Get dabbed on, Console Cuckheads.
>Pic related is just a shitty platformer
Stop, you've never touched the thing.
t. shit at cuphead
>The contols are bad, the story's bad and eveything looks like shit BUT DEH DISE BOSS IS GUD :DD
That's what you sound like. Pic related is literally you.
Face it, cuckhead fan. The game sucks and it has no soul.
all credibility lost
Imagine being a PC cuck and a frogposter. What a fucking embarrassment...
Get good
No. The purpose of games is a series of challenges to overcome. Cheats ruin this. Nothing is fun with cheats period.
>Imagine liking Cuckhead
>Imagine seething over cartoon frogs and drawings of some white guy
>Imagine NOT owning a PC
>Imagine not using cheats for games and instead dealing with a set hand some braindead Video game designers give you
I pitty you guys. Hope you can get a life some day if not today.
Get good
>Twitch memes
Go back
You can still appreciate a game for what it tried to do without the gameplay being good. The gameplay felt pretty bad but you have to give it props for trying something "new" aesthetic-wise.
I beat it on pc because I'm not crippled. Using cheats makes everything unfun.
The gameplay was great you fucking zoomer.
>trying something "new" aesthetic-wise.
It's literally outdated 1930's Rubber hose animation. I don't think there's anything new going for this. Ok music tho.
Disregard this zoomer using internet lingo he doesn't understand.
Megaman is a fucking classic. If you don't like run and guns you have shit taste.
>The contols are bad
Just remap them and they're good. It's not 1997 anymore.
>the story's bad
Go whack off to the Witcher 3 or whatever reddit game you dumbfucks are infatuated with
>eveything looks like shit
The best looking 2D game in a long time
>The gameplay was great you fucking zoomer.
Play any other platformer. Cuphead felt sloppy and not tight at all in my opinion, there's no need to get so defensive about it. Not saying the game wasn't fun, but I expected better.
Why do you think I put "new" in quotations? It's not a new art style, obviously, but it's rare that a game studio actually goes outside of the mould with their art style. Their style of animation took so much work, I appreciate that.
If you have to cheat in videogames you're a retarded zoomer with no ability. Games are very easy.
The game is easy. That's why I used cheats, retard.
That makes no sense. It's not a hard game, but that means you don't need to cheat. There's no reason to cheat in easy games. Why would anyone cheat in Kirby's Epic Yarn? That would be retarded.
Get good
>If you take away all of the game, the game isn't fun
How can you actually be this retarded?
git gud fag
Never played a game that was fun to play with cheats, at best I'd just fuck around for an hour and drop the games forever. Bringing up mods is just fucking weird though, wut.
Cuphead is better than the majority of platformers. Blows every recent mario out of hte water for example.
We were trying to keep it a secret from you that games were actually not fun, and hid this fact behind the gameplay. You figured it out though. Once you strip away the game elements, it actually not fun. Sorry you had to find out like this.
Guess you should find another hobby and board to post on.
Get good
>the game is easy, that's why I used cheats
>I know how to drive, that's why I went down a one-way street
You unironically have to be a light-speed zoomer if you don't see any appeal in a retro run-and-gun styled on Fleischer Bros cartoons. Back to Fromshit with you.
In Cupheads case its use of absolutely gorgeous visuals overrides its admitted mechanical simplicity. If Metal Slug didn't have 10/10 aesthetics it would also be a very boring game.
Imagine being so bad at a game that you have to complain that it's boring without cheats. Go back to mobile games cuck
>Rent free
Don't use terms you barely understand child.
You too.
Cuphead isn't even a platformer.
It's a run and gun sidescroller with emphasis on boss fights.
Since when does a game, an action game of all things, need mechanical complexity to be good? MS has good challenging level design, they'd still be fun without the graphics being amazing.
OP here.
This thread's gone on long enough for me to admit I've never played this game. Thanks for replying everyone!
as if we didn't know that
>If Metal Slug didn't have 10/10 aesthetics it would also be a very boring game.
Confirmed continue spammer.
Did you though? Did you really?
Indiefags should be shot.
Could you imagine how Metal Slug would be if it didn't have GOAT Sound Design and Visuals? I can give you a hint it'd be more like Alien Hominid or one of the Weaker Contra games.
Anyone who thinks games rely purely on mechanics are straight up delusional. The window dressing of visuals is essential in immersion.
A platformer when stripped to it’s bare bones is still a platformer. All platformers are fundamentally the same.
Gta San Andreas has the best cheat codes of all time.
>every game needs an in-depth story
look and laugh at this fag
You're a shit tastes retard if you think Hard Corps Uprising is weak in ANY sense, that game is fucking awesome
What you wanted from contra like game?
I don't like the shitty low-poly art style which comes off as bland to me now and the music sucks. Rather play Run & Gun with SOUL.
Gunstar Heroes is quite possibly the greatest run & gun of all time. It's not a fair comparison.
Ah yes Gunstar Heroes, a shitty padded boss rush game with a retarded dice game, terrible shmup section and flat uninspired levels, sure is soulful around here. It's no wonder you don't like HCU, it's a game for patricians
>everything looks like shit
None of your other points are even worth addressing but this one actually makes me mad. Cuphead is gorgeous.