Holy fuck what a beast they made
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>1299.99$ + tip
But radeon 7 is a piece of shit that cant ray trace?
welcome to last decade
From the makers of PS4, the supercharged PC!
Cute girl.
This is the next gen of smug posting
Upscaled from 1080p at a silky smooth cinematic 24fps. Remember, when you get a spec boost you need to use it all to pump the pretty grafics, since framerate doesn't show up on promotional screenshots and trailers.
Only like 3 of these things are new.
And with an average 15-20 fps YAAAAY.
>No PS1, PS2, PS3 Backwards playability
At this point Giving these guys money is a waste. They are already uping their PS+ Yearly to $100
Finally in modern era I see, and it only took 10 years!
Maybe when displaying images
>Ray tracing
If it did not fooled the master race, it will surly work on console plebs!
Only really good thing that PS5 can do is streamlining VR production and allowing for mass availability in market
>up to 8k
fooling people is so easy
So a PC with obsolete specs and anime tiddies locked out?
>supporting snoy after the shit they pulled
I don't understand why is resolution even a sell point these days. Sure when games run 200p "HD" was a huge step forward but barely anyone fucking owns a 4K tv let alone 8 fucking K. Why not advertise FPS? Resolution is up to developers to implement but so it the FPS. When devs wanted even PS360 games rand at 60 but everyone opts in for resolution for some reason.
This is why I skipped this gen and got a PC. Frames are way more important than resolution tome
So they went from unique machines specialized for games
To a mere cheap AIO computer with locked everything only capable of running games
Why did they do this?
>tfw the only options left for uncensored Japanese games are Nintendo and non-Steam PC
>Game devs never use features and just upscale.
non-Steam PC is unironically great.
>only westacuck games
>console niggers have to pay extra on top of their internet bill to play online
this shit boggles my mind
Only PS4 BC? If they don't want to put it on the new system release a new PS2 or 3 with it. At least a PS2 with an HDMI and DS4 compatibility, since I'm pretty sure they don't support or produce the DS2 or 3 anymore.
What if the PS5 is VR focused and it just has a TV mode like the Switch? that's the only way ""8K"" makes sense, it also would make it at least unique.
b-but it says ULTRA HIGH SPEED
joke's aside, it's apparently a PCI-E 4.0 SSD so that's up to 5gb/s read / 4.5gb/s write speeds
it's nothing new - the ps4 and xbone were exactly the same
that's the reason why all PS4 games work on the PS5, it's essentially just like a PC.
That makes too much sense.
Remember what average PS/Xbox buyer looks like and you realize they do not even need to try.
Especially since Xbox is dead.
>It's a highspeed super computer with tech that has never been used before that's better than everything else available - for a couple hundred bucks
Why do people keep falling for this with every new console generation?
I've been playing my 360 and games just haven't evolved at all in one gen, we don't need another one. Seriously, though, why do you all care so much about graphics when they're fine the way they are? I mean sure faces could look a little less goofy but unless we don't switch to L.A. Noire technology they won't, there's no life in those eyes
>still 30fps games
I'm good with my PS2
To add to this, I bought a 4K TV this year and there's no difference at all when looking at 4K videos. I already saw people's pores in 1080, I see them just the same now
i hate this meme, this guy is ugly as shit and i can feel my food coming back to me every time i see him
because most people (and especially console-only owners) are technologically illiterate, but it is still fun to throw around the latest big meme buzzwords like "ray tracing, 8k, 7nm" in an attempt to at least seem somewhat knowledgeable about the matter
unrelated, but the same shit happens everywhere, like in business IT (which is not even a cs degree) and their "big data" shit being thrown around all the time without having a clue what the hell it really is, or what you can actually do with those datasets
yes i'm a little salty
"CPU AMD Zen 2 8 Core 8nm"
>no specs
>"GPU AMD Raden Navi 7nm"
>no specs
>"3D Audio"
Just like in 1999
>Up to 8K output supported
So blu-ray only or shitty upscales
>PS4 Backwards Compatibility
Actually a good thing
>Blu-ray Disc
Physical media is about ten years out of date but I guess it's fine
>Ray Tracing
complete meme
>"SSD Ultra High Speed"
Only a decade late
Real-time Ray-Tracing, SSD, VR, LOLBLURAY, 8K are already existing things and backwards compatibility is a feature that got removed once and is making a return.
First you won't be playing games in 8K and most certainly not respectable resolution/framerate with ray-tracing. Do you remember when the PS4 was a 4K capable machine, yet you needed to upgrade to a pro to play silky smooth not-actually-4k-resolution?
The only good thing about this image is Zen 2, Navi is basically a 1080ti which said strength of card has been around for 3 years now, it's an excellent card.
The sonybros want to go full circle, user. The movie-games aren't in their final form yet. They want them to become actual movies so their barely functionning brains don't have to even touch the controller
Explain. They pulling a nintendo online?
>3D Audio
unironically reminded me of this
shit was pretty good in Thief though
4K just seems like it's shaping up to become the standard for at least the next 2 decades after everything starts being released on it, it will force them to focus only on display tech so we get rid of LCD next.
>no ps3 backwards comparability
>concept specs
Sound Blaster Live! master race
Most PS3 games will be playable on PC in a few years so I wouldn't worry about it
PC with these specs would cost like 10k $
>8k ultra
Big lie, fake news
It isn't that fast anymore m.2 NVME is the same price and x6 the speed at a smaller form factor and less heat.
>Real Time Ray Tracing
Can't even get 60fps on 1080p get out of here with that dumb shit
>PS4 Backwards shit
I may buy it for this alone assuming ps now also works but honestly this should have been a standard thing last gen. They are only doing this because microshill has 10000x games from opening up their compatibility. If anything playstation needs to restructure their OS to allow more fluid and dynamic system updates with new features being added down the road.
>they just bullshit the trailers and show the game off at 60FPS then release the game at 30FPS
>zen 2
outdated on release
Too bad nobody makes good sound for console games outside of Battlefield because everyone expects them to go from shitty TV speakers.
except they aren't you fucking retard
>They are already uping their PS+ Yearly to $100
>up to 8K output
All this means is 8K video at 30hz, meanwhile the GPU is probably only going to be able to handle fake checkerboard 4K at 60fps and MAYBE native 4K at 30fps in some games.
>zen 2
>radeon gpu
It's just a fucking locked down pc at this point. Why would anyone bother? How long can they keep up this charade of offering a valuable platform? Honestly they should just stick to game publishing.
>Spending thousands of dollars to hear a lil better
May as well remove the 8K meme and RTRT, aint happening. Screencap this.
>PS4 backwards compatability
So it can play all 0 of my PS4 titles??
I think it's going to happen but it will have a pricetag of $800
PS5? More like PIS5
I PRESENT TO YOU, A GPU CAPABLE OF MATCHING A GTX 1070 (non ti, underclocked slightly to keep OK temps) BUT WITH EXTRA VRAM (12 GB), FEAR ME!
>framerates ommitted
And it's STILL way behind the average PC performance options when it launches, at around the same price point.
Face it consoletards, you're paying for the privilege to unga bunga no brain required your video games.
>Blu-ray Disc and SSD
Trapped in the past. Don't they know soldered eMMC and digital only is the future?
Xbox does 16k
what pc fags forget is moore's law stopped working since around 14nm generation started, and for that reason clearly PC hardware, especially GPU and CPU price, also stopped declining except for SSD.
which means maybe you want to compare a console's spec with PC's one, but that comparison will end up nothing in the future because GPU evolution speed will be also stagnant. rather than raw spec, what is more important is the cost per the spec/power, and considering generally consoles are in better position over PC in terms of procuring products from these smiconduct partners by better price compared to end users, consoles have a great chance to dominate the gaming market, even erode PC market.
>zen 2
>when zen 3 is coming out
>I've been playing my 360 and games just haven't evolved at all in one gen, we don't need another one. Seriously, though, why do you all care so much about graphics when they're fine the way they are? I mean sure faces could look a little less goofy but unless we don't switch to L.A. Noire technology they won't, there's no life in those eyes
What went so right with the 360?
Zen 2 is the next generation of Ryzen chips, we're currently at Zen+. Not that it means anything, they're likely to produce a downgraded chip that's even worse than the entry solutions they're selling to retail customers. Just like with all their console CPUs before.
The step between gens back then was something game-changing. Now, we've almost peaked, so all you see (aside from Nintendo introducing new ideas) is a slightly better version of everything. The 360 had it all, online implanted in the HUB, great HUB, achievements, profiles, etc. Along with amazing new technology
that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg
You kind of have a point, most games even coming out now could have ran on 360 at 720p/540p low-medium settings. More to your point I remember hearing that the 360 and PS3 CPU's in many aspects are actually more powerful than the Xbone/PS4 CPU's. If that's even close to true that would be depressing.
How are they putting Zen 2 chips if dev kits for PS5 have been out for a while? I guess since new consoles are more regular PCs than ever been it doesn't matter
What a fucking meme.
Do TVs capable of 8k even exist?
im kinda burnt out on new games
kinda just wanna buy a ps2, gamecube, and a gaymen pc
>Backwards Compatibility required a patch from the devs
Bloodborne never got a Pro Patch, so I guess a PS5 patch isn't happening.
I was talking to Gabe and he's actually convinced you can just launch a .exe on Sony ps5, this is insane.
>The 360 had it all, online implanted in the HUB, great HUB, achievements, profiles, etc. Along with amazing new technology
Wasn't the PS4 successful because they copied the 360?
Yeah, just rent out a movie theater, goyim.
Realistically tho I can’t imagine a screen under 60 inches that would show 8K at full fidelity
I had a talk with my friend over this too. There's this autistic focus on resolution as opposed to playable framerates. You have hardware which can 'theoretically handle 4k' at 'reasonable framerates', so why not just stick to 1080p but get higher framerates and better graphics? My PC can't even do 4k at 30 FPS without noticeable input lag, what makes console devs think they can pull it off?
>what makes console devs think they can pull it off?
Ignorant consumers
>PC but with censored games
Yeah I'll stick to PC this gen, fuck Sony
The only interesting part is how they do the SSD. It might be soldered to the motherboard and have a controller integrated into the SoC even to reduce cost, and it'll surely have the shittiest/cheapest 128-layer nand possible (not that it matters for games, it's just intersting how they'll do it for cost). I'm assuming 128GB for capacity.
> blu ray
Archive disc when?
>tfw localization companies are censoring shit on the switch now to make the switch version equal to the ps4 version
i hate these people with all of my soul
Fuck off moron
They are. They just announced an increase for Japan and its equivilant to nearly $100 US dollars.
Final nail in Nintendo's coffin right there. Say your prayers, soitch bitches.
I can't tell if posts like these are ironic shitposting.
No one with 2 brain cells would pick intel or Nvidia at a time like this, you'd have to be mentally retarded
[citation needed]
>"PS3 is going to be a monster!"
>hardware performs serviceably at best
>"PS4 is going to be a monster!"
>hardware performs serviceably at best
>"PS4 Pro is going to be a monster!"
>hardware performs serviceably at best
>"PS5 is going to be a monster!"
I can believe that at least the loading times will be improved, but they still have to deliver 1080p at 60fps across the board - something they were promising 15 years ago.
Post the real picture OP
>no ape escape 4
Nope. It has been confirmed that it is not just a PCI-E 4.0 SSD it is beyond that as well. It uses SRAM for its embedded housekeeping controllers instead of DRAM and it also has a bunch of other optimizations. They said something about it using the embedded memory for planning the location of the installations on the bigger thing so even if you delete the game it will still remember the registry of where all the batches of data goes and the hardware solution they are using is apparently good for write little read alot which is something PS5 can fully utilize because you don't need the fast NVME SSD "cache" to have anything but games installed on it. This way you can also upgrade your regular sata HDD to several terabytes with very little to worry. Another thing they are working on is to have transfer between the SSD and the HDD happen without interfering with the main CPU. So it has a tiny extra processor for the moving data task that works behind the scenes and only notifies when the data is ready.
Pretty interesting stuff.
Also proof that this shit could NEVER EVER be done on PC as PC's needs its storage to be utilized by any kind of data. This is what Sony means when they say 'super charged PC architecture' because they do these optimizations that can significantly reduce the bottlenecks of their individual components.
>I can believe that at least the loading times will be improved, but they still have to deliver 1080p at 60fps across the board - something they were promising 15 years ago.
What about 8K at
>no mention of games
12 TERAflops of processing power
But what's the point of all that power if they won't render boobs?
see you at the reveal with the actual specs lol
anything faster than a regular sata SSD is just placebo anyway
there will be no bottleneck from the drive, with or without this snake oil over engineered shit you described
What was the point of the PS4 PRO?
the games will still look marginally better than PS4, if at all
>Quantifiable better performance is snake-oil
I'll wait for the ps5 slim
>more instant than instant
Those 8k games are going to look so fucking sweet on 1080 60hz tvs
Wowee it's the future
>PS4 backward compatibility
People want PS2 and PS3 backward compatibility you retards. Just bruteforce emulate them if your PS5 is so powerful
>not waiting for the ps5+ slim pro X, enhanced edition
>iiiss insstaahnt!!
I think im done here.
>ray traciing
Enjoy never EVER getting above a tasble 30 fps with the next gen
user, I don't think the PS5 will be all that powerful, but it doesn't say on OP's image anything about the radeon 7, it says radeon navi 7nm, 7nm being the manufacturing process.
Not even top PCs can do this without input lag.
Not to even mention that displays are not able to this in a reasonable price.
>meme words
Sony is done. prepare for the return of the 360 days.
>4k60FPS, or 8k 30
>super advanced SSD technology not seen yet on PCs with 10gb/s read/write
>world renowed playstation store
>barely breaks 1080p60fps
>Sata SSD with 200mb/s read/write
>have to chose between getting jewed by steam or epic
Holy fuck PC gaming is finished when this comes out.
PC also keeps up in the past with their shitlord services like GoG while PlayStation lead us into the cloud while playing games catering to the very best progressive values.
PC has no future.
Based and PiSs pilled
>consolefags actually believe this
You do realize we're getting the exact same tech thats in the PS5 on PC right? said tech will also preform much better on the PC as well.
Also keep dreaming Sony won't hike the price of the PS5 higher then 500 dollars
>You do realize we're getting the exact same tech thats in the PS5 on PC right?
You will never get the custom developed and perfectly balanced components that go into making a console.
PC is still unable to beat the PS3 cell architecture in some respects.
PC is just retard strength. Years later you can brute force the kind of performance that consoles had years earlier. Weird flex.
13 TFLOPS is much higher than a 1070.
In fact that is around a 1080Ti.
Jesus look at this delusional post you made user.
>custom developed and perfectly balanced components
tell that to the PS4, which had a okay-ish GPU but a completely garbage CPU that held the whole system back, same with the Pro, which for some reason they thought a better GPU would somehow fix its main flaw.
>PC is still unable to beat the PS3 cell architecture in some respects
I don't believe this is true, but even if it is, neither can the PS4 or PS5.
Consoles now are just budget build PC's or, at best, mid to low range PC's with compromises in several places. If the PS5 is really going to be a "beast" of a console, you can bet your ass Sony will charge more then the PS4 on launch. Also, 4K 60fps isn't happening on the PS5, not unless they use their good old checkerboarding.
You forgot a 9 on the PS5 price. Then I would believe you.
All this literally doesn't matter when every game is still locked to 30fps.
>Cherrypicking the games present at PSX 2015
LMAO pc faggots are so desperate.
>Sony is going to have an advantage next gen....So that means they are dying!
Persona 5 PC? When will the meme die already.
Why are sony tards tech illiterate as well as terrible shitposters ?
emulate it
Damn, ps4 backwards compatibility? It may be the first play station I buy then.
even vega 56 can ray trace, it's software optimization problem to solve not that hardware
do not trust nvidia marketing. ever.
They'll find a way to fuck up the SSD.
Like by having it connected through SATA rather than M.2
This is all head canon like PS5 having ray tracing, they never said any details like this, like wise they only said PS5 has audio ray tracing
It's going to be a SSD in a PCIE 4.0 bus, nothing more
Because for most games the input lag difference is irrelevant and the extra fidelity is gorgeous.
And you can have the best of both worlds. Mk11 is 4K/60 FPS on XBONE and PC pretty easily. Dynamic resolutions allow devs to find a good middleground and more games even let you choose what you prefer to prioritize.
all GPU's support ray tracing, but Cerny only mentioned 3D audio ray tracing, hardware accelerated ray tracing is Nvidia only for now
>100$ for PS+
How about no?
Ps go fuck yourself
>super charged PC architecture
>runs games at 30fps
>perfectly balanced
>runs games at 30fps
AMD TFLOPS are not the same as Nvidia TFLOPS
Fucking why?
Making Landwhales and Skinny Jean wearing faggots happy isn’t going to help your bottom line
>It uses SRAM instead of DRAM
where the fuck did you read this shit?
SRAM is not an "external" component, it's embedded into the CPU itself and because of this has limited size
there is no way SRAM will replace DRAM, they both work together in tandem.
absolute tech illiterate posts like these is what makes people believe shit like
If PC can't even run 4k 60fps without a monster rig no way
>Ray tracing
Again even with a monster PC rig, it's not happening.
It’s ironic shitposting
Neither Sony nor Microsoft would attempt a handheld because they’ll get drowned out with
“Why is it not like the switch?”
You should propably learn to fucking read.
The SRAM is in the embedded controller for the SSD you fucking full retard. Not the system ram.
> a beast
> with a tiny little SoC
Pretty much
“Wow I got an 8K tv but it looks the same as my PS4 what the fuck Sony?”
>Oh Goyim you need a new TV to see 8K how’s taking out a second mortgage on your house?
Underage and 3rd worlders
If Sony isn’t pulling a Todd this console sounds like it over a 1K in price
If they are expected a PS4 Slim Pro
>all things pc could do years ago
wow wha a beast!
cant wait to pay annual fees for censored games and blocked crossplay too!
:Looks around:
It's not 8k when they launch it's 4k
The 8k is an update in the future,like PS4 pro.
The price tag is going to be 499.99
Release date is 2020, this year they will release information on it to hype up people.
As for older PS games on disk probably not, it's on PSN network and you have to redownload and pay for the service.
PC has no games, though.
You wish best believe they’re gonna try to push that price up to 600
PS4 never supported 4k and they never claimed the PS4 would support 4k. It was rumored because no one know how the HDMI controller worked in the PS4 (hence why they updated it to be able to do HDR at a later date) but for PS5 they have flat out confirmed that it will support 8k out of the box. I believe most 2d indie games should be able to do 8k without much issue.
It's a big eye-catching number that jumps out at the average consumer
Half of these boomers on 1080p sets have dvd players hooked up to them via composite cables and think they're getting the HD experience.
why would indie games bother with 8k when nobody has an 8k display
>I believe most 2d indie games should be able to do 8k without much issue.
That's kind of interesting to think about.
>$500 max
unfortunately it'll be shit
what a fucking meme and waste of resources. Literally no benefit over 4k unless you go over 130 inches.
4k projectors with HDR supported are already close to US$1000, or less. So its only a matter of time when 8k drops the price would reduce also. Playing on 10' screen as Kratos or zipping thru New York as Spiderman is really great experience. 8k would be dope
>SATA rather than M.2
It would just prove that they know more than you.
Its literally using a mix of the old architecture and the new one. Its gonna be shit.
especially when you consider that people sit 10ft away from their TVs. It's so pointless. And then consider that base PS4 can barely do 1080p, you'd have to be delusional to believe that the next step up for only a few hundred dollars more will output literally sixteen times the amount of pixels than the PS4. Not to mention there is only one consumer display I know of that displays 8K, and it costs like $5000 (youtube.com
Supporting 8k is as trivial as putting in the resolution number in most engines.
Oh fuck off, all of these are still $60 in their respective country when converted to USD and if it goes higher than $60 USD when converted it's because their currency is stronger than USD.
Hell, China's 12 Year is less than $30.
get out normie
Another reminder that "8K" is not real 8K, they are doubling pixels at 4K and then applying hq2x.
And I bet Sony actually thinks this will fool pixel counters...
>zipping thru New York as Spiderman
What are you a marketer?
>PS5 was supposed to be releasing this year (2019)
>was using a Vega based GPU with Navi features
>Sony realized Navi was going to be delayed and had to scrap their PS5 teaser even at PSX 2018 and their official reveal at E3 2019
>decided to shift to a Q3 2020 release instead
>changed from Vega/Navi based GPU to an architecture more heavily based on RDNA with less GCN features, but still including limiting GCN features
As for Microsoft
>word on the street is they they're using a heavily cut down pure RDNA GPU based on the Navi 20 architecture
>signed off on an unprecedented deal with AMD for these GPU but the contents of the deal are still very much unknown
>probably relating to specific server customizations
All the power needed to censor things your child eyes shouldnt see
rendering light beams on the fly to make sure 85% of every scene is covered.
Puritanical standards that extremists praise!
>lol just press the 8k button
I didn't say that the game would run perfectly if they did that. Optimizing those games for high res is trivial depending on what type of rendering tech you have got going.
This is just embarrassing.
reminder to never support the cancer that is sony
Same as every generation, if they standardize 60fps across all first party games, I'll pick it up for full price.
If they don't, I'll just gloss over everything about that system for the whole generation.
If you settle for less than 60fps, you're a visuals over gameplay casual. Fact.
I love how they can slap an 8K-capable HDMI port on this thing and flaunt "WOW 8K" in the advertising material as if that's what the console will actually output.
You know they want. Cinematic experiences don't need 60fps.
sony always lie about this shit. on the ps3 they said it would have 2 hdmi ports and all games would be 1080p and have 4d graphics. sony talk the most shit of any company.
The console will output its main menu in 8K :^)
It used to be less than what it is, and they're inevitably going to increase it
>and all games would be 1080p
The thing is that they sometimes use the upscaling output as "proof" that it really is doing 1080p, regardless of the actual internal resolution of the game.
>Physical media is about ten years out of date
Digital only fags are a cancer
* 4k** upscaled
** 1920x2160 checkerboard 4k
Piss off, shill.
>BC to PS4 but not the other 3 systems
So this stupid thing is just a modified PS4, right. Kinda like the pro but with better hardware.
whats the fucking point not like they'll make any good games to take advantage of that tech.
i mean even now there are barely any playstation games that actually push the console to its limits.
what makes you think having slightly higher specs will make a difference?
there is no such thing as an 8K-capable HDMI port because a single hdmi port does not have enough bandwidth to stream 8K content at a reasonable framerate. As far as I can tell Sony is pulling the wool over everyone's eyes
>what makes console devs think they can pull it off?
They know the consoles can't, but advertisements use still frames, not videos so higher resolutions let you show off more.
>there is no such thing as an 8K-capable HDMI port because a single hdmi port does not have enough bandwidth to stream 8K content at a reasonable framerate.
t. brainlet
hdmi 2.1 (the one in the xbox one x) can stream 8k60 or 4k120 and has additional features like support for variable refresh (gsync/freesync).
>Dragon Quest Builders
It's on the Switch, but the PC doesn't have it.
oh yeah and it's 8k60 with HDR
oh shit, you're right. That's my bad I was misinformed
When will the general 30 fps performance end? Some of us can do with compromised visuals you corporate scums.
even if sony could, they wouldn't. the only reason anyone even uses psnow is for those ps2 and ps3 games so you can be damn sure they won't offer those games to you for free via back compat. even MS offers it for free.
>buying PorikoreStation after 2018
Sony shilled products will never be 60fps. Sony just wants that cinematic experience with the most photo realistic graphics possible for the console. This also means PS5 will have even less games than PS4 - probably one first party tripple A exclusive every 1-2 years average due to ridiculously high development costs.
hunger is on pc and kh 3 is on x bone
>Snoy SafeStation
That's a hard yikes from me, family.
i wanted to buy ps4pro? i'm not sure which version i should buy tho but ps5 will be release soon so i don't know anymore
i guess i will stay with my pc for next couple of years
>PS4 backwards compatability
>all 4 games
>Inb4 1300$
actually they stole it from the sand niggers
>Higher resolutions instead of higher framerate
Will they ever fucking learn? 4k to 8k is a negligible increase. With this power they can make 60fps the standard
Probably played in pc in what they use to make those games.
Only problem I have with modern consoles is that they'll eventually put out a "pro" version in a few years.
I got my PS4 Pro when it had already been the "current" model for about a year. Not looking forward to having to make the decision of either waiting years for the better version or possibly buying two consoles.
I can still play alot of games without ps plus online.. you don’t really need it. It’s a quality of life thing
Still much weaker than a pc.
Do console fanboys understand that consoles are like mini-pc's made just for gaming?
Does it even have a 4K blu ray player?
Even the fucking Xbone X has one and that's made by Sony's competition.
>the most photo realistic graphics possible for the console.
I wish photorrealism would fucking die already. It's boring as fuck. A game with a unique and distinct artstyle is always going to be more memorable than "DUDE LOOK AT THESE HYPERREALISTIC BEARDS AND HAIR PHYSICS".
I genuinely can't tell if people who make these threads believe this crap or are they just pretending, I hope it's the latter
>bluray disc
Isn't it time for an upgrade to physical media format? Bluray reading times are abysmal, hence why games have to be installed despite owning a disc.
Based retardbro. Steam is the future for lewd jap games.
The Xbox version of KH3 looks better too
>PCf*ts have to put up with steam
hope you ready for another playstation generation of this
If you can't see your consoles faults then you need do better than support a corporation blindly
Hows Bloodborne without PSN+?
And I've been there since amiga vs super nintendo/sega. And then came ps1 and the shit hit the fan. But now as old grumpy man I still don't get it why people even argue about this, because basically they are just pc's. If only someone made an OS to turn pc into console.
and 20fps, such beast!
wow, it's nearly like a 500 dollar PC now which will be 200 dollar when that shit release.
more like $1,500 m8ty
Can you build a pc for the same price as a ps5 based on the specs they churned out?
unironically have sex
8 core CPU from a generation that goes up to 16 cores!
Completely unspecified Navi GPU!
>SSD that everyone already had since before PS4 launched
Feel the power!
We don't know what GPU PS5 will use
like dark souls prepare to die not remaster edition on steam
you can still enjoy the game without online features
yeah fucking right, theres no way this shit is selling under 500 dollars unless they are telling lies again
Dark Souls has online play on both versions on PC
>PChads have to put up with the best gaming store
They didn't churn out any specs, only buzzwords.
>another year of award winning smash hits with unique gameplay
>another year of award winning smash hits
Look at this dude
>PCeethers on suicide watch because they have to put up with the storefront with the monopoly, that they've been brainwashed with EPIC SALES into thinking is the best for any other reason than there being next to no other options for them, being being attacked by another storefront thats creating a walled garden containing all the games they want to play
>After shitting on the Microsoft backwards compatibility for years suddenly So(n)yggers claim this is the best thing ever
What other online stores does PS4 have user? can you play Bloodborne without paying to play online?
Literally who shits on backwards compatibility that isn't shitposting?
No Ps1, Ps2, Ps3 Backwards compatibility
No buy
Sony having the only storefront of their console is fine, as is Microsoft having the only storefront on theirs. You are buying their console.
PC is hailed as the "Free Man's Platform" since everyone thinks you aren't tied down as a consumer when it comes to software, when in reality they're so dependant on valve at this point that they've become delusional and will support the anti-consumer bullshit that they preach their platform doesn't have
>mfw forced to buy games at a 90% discount
In the age of day one patches, mandatory installs, and season passes, there's not much reason to go physical. The disc is more of an authentication key than it is a copy of the actual game.
Physical is fine for films, shows etc because digital (well, streaming) really sucks there. It's completely unnecessary for games though.
it will most likely support the new 4 layer Blu Ray discs sony released last year.
I might just skip the upcoming generation entirely. Shit’s gotten so bad.
i stopped reading when you said having one store on a console is fine, this is why Sony can get away with raising the price on PS plus
can't wait for all the ultra realistic sjw cinematics. sony is cucked.
>Ad hominem instead of actually refuting the point
Case in point (this example is a shit game, so you'll dismiss it as not actually counting or not mattering, but): Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5. There's literally nothing on the disc, and the entire actual game is included in the day one patch.
>Do you not think it's weird that we spend all this money on hardware but can only buy our games from a single company's storefront that mostly full of absolute garbage and scamware, and anything we do buy has to stay digitally on their installer and theres little to no customer support and it's constantly breaking an-
>OH WOW! I got this 3 year old shitty indie game i'll never play that costs $15 for just $5!!! Valve is EPIC! xD Thank you gaben! I love steam! I can't wait to not install this game when I get my account recovered from the russian who hacked it
You had no point for the get go, just some asinine poor understanding of the difference between physical and digital media.
CONTROL is not a PlayStation exclusive
>its a quality of life thing
no its literally companies fucking you in the ass by making you pay twice for internet
Funny how you escape to the imaginary reality in your head because that's the only place where you can win a debate.
>support for a game goes away
>"ha. Take that digital only fags! Good thing i'm a 3000IQ and bought the physical copy. No one can take away my games!"
>puts in disc
>This game requires the latest update. Install?
>Error. Could not install update. Please try again later.
>"b-but, muh disc... I have... disc"
Xbox One 2 will be even more powerful, so this means nothing
>imaginary reality in your head
You're genuinly brainwashed if you can't see this isn't the current landscape of PC gaming. It's gotten so bad that the only counter to is an equally shitty company doing something as equally shitty.
>all this advanced tech for a onions console
Enjoy your censored games faggots
For what purpose ?
Even 4k is pointless, just give me good looking games with steady framerates
Delusions you formed on Yea Forums are not "current landscape of PC gaming".
GOG exists. Legitimate Steam key resellers like Humble Bundle and Fanatical exist. Pretty much every other storefront is either just an additional layer of DRM (Uplay, Windows 10 Store), or an exclusive shop for that publisher's games to keep them off of Steam (Battlenet, Origin).
The benefits of physical of yesteryear are no longer a thing. It's tangible only in the sense that it's a physical object you can hold. The data isn't tangibly located on the disc. If you care about showing off a collection (aka, shrine of involuntary celibacy), I guess that's neato.
>exiting a generation in which the most powerful console got absolutely shit on
>not realising the vast majority of people who buy consoles now do so for the games they can only play on that console and because of thier loyality to the brand
>anything to do with specs beyond "it's better than the last one" is meaningless to them
If you're decision on what console to buy comes down to which one is more powerful, just buy a PC
Discredit my point then. All you have to show for yourself is "steam good cuz me get sales" and when that's challenged you default to "you just not right cuz u not right!"
Discredit what, your retarded ramblings about how sales are somehow not good because you said so? If you want a serious reply, fucking earn it by actually making a point.
What gets me is that he immediatly starts crying. I was expecting it to be at the point you see the deathstar chunk or something but nope, waterworks as soon as the video starts. How far gone must you be to have that kind of reaction, especially after TLJ?
And that will be $699.99 before tax
>Infinite being a fan of Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly seems very appropriate
PS1-4 disc-based back-compat would make me preorder right now.
hahahaha I fucking knew you'd try to worm your way out of actually supporting your own stance. Tbh i'll give you credit for misrepresenting what I said and then adding the extra spice of "you need to EARN my responses, kiddo". Fully expected you to go with the classic "yea well I cba explaining it to you".
>he doesn't know
Amazing. I bet you sincerely believe you just won something.
Wait what is that true?? If so dont think I will be using the service anymore 1200 a year is crazy I can buy a really good pc 2 years for that price
>They are already uping their PS+ Yearly to $100
Source on that? Fuck Sony if they're actually doing this.
I'm just over the moon knowing theres still people on this board that think saying things like "you're point is poopoo so i don't need to refute it" doesn't make you look like a complete joke. If a point is bad/poorly conveyed, it can be easily refuted. In not doing so, you're eithing admitting the point isn't as bad as you imply it it, or that you're genuinly too stupid to make a counter.
>it has physical copies
Is a feature now, fuck this timeline and fuck Valve for starting this shit.
>Physical media is about ten years out of date but I guess it's fine
BDXL can hold 100gb or 128gb.
I'm pretty sure the Blu-ray association already has a spec for a blu-ray that can hold 300gb. Sony Opitcal Disc Archive gen 2 system uses cartridges filled with 300gb optical discs that aren't blu-rays but supposedly very close.
>paying for a download
That was never in date and it comes with many cancers that have negatively affected gaming.
Paying for digital is a mental illness. Don't care about physical copies? Fine, then you should be exclusively pirating.
Ok so you're a brainlet. Patches is one of the reasons they pushed digital, digital and having you connected to some online platforms allows and encourages them to release games needing a patch
They also do it as a way of tricking you into paying for digital. Patches shouldn't exist
Same with season passes, they shouldn't exist to begin with and allowing season passes to exist is one of the reasons digital was pushed and digital only further encourages season passes to exist.
I don't see the problem as long as the game is being installed from the physical copy and not being downloaded. Having to keep the disc in sucks because that is a form of DRM. It would be nice to have the option to install or play from disc, whichever you prefer, but I think the files for playing straight from disc vs installing would require the game to be on the physical copy twice, one for install and one for play.
My DRM free physical copies for PC just install from disc or flash drive and I don't need to keep them in, I don't see the problem with it since the entire game is on the physical media, it is an actual physical copy
>completely unneccessary
Valve shill, do you not see all the damage that just having the option of paying for digital has done?
>only PS4 support
pc has more ps retrocompatibility than ps5 lmao
I don't give a FUCK about PC trash. This is going to be sweet. The PS5 will absolutely annihilate just like the PS4 did. And I get to keep my physical PS4 games. Fuck yeah nigga.
Have you considered that you might actually not be worth the time? Or is your ego to fragile to allow that thought?
lmao if I wasn't worth your time you wouldn't have responded this many times and so quickly.
Stop writing yourself into corners.
Why would I buy Censorstation 5 when I can play the same games uncensored with boobs physics on PC?
Ray Tracing sounds like Blast Processing desu.
I just enjoy you making a complete ass out of yourself. The funniest part is you don't even notice.
PS1 emulation is trivial
PS2 is a mess of a console but i'm sure Sony will make a decent emulator for that too
PS3 is the beast that's yet to be tackled. Let's hope.
But RT is an actual thing. Blast Processing never meant anything
Which they did on purpose to push digital. They know what they are doing and subhumans like you are why they do it. Valve pulled the same shit on PC over a decade ago.
>still replying
>"oh i've just been replying ironically all this time hahah don't you look dumb hahaha"
Now THIS is Cope
It’s 80 fucking dollars in Australia which is absofuckinglutely ridiculous.
>4years dated technology
>pushing 8K when your previous hardware can't maintain stable 60 fps at 1080p let alone 4K
what a fucking joke, it's literally a fraud scheme to get people to buy more expensive TV's in the future and to have an excuse not to optimise your games for smoother fps, 4K itself is a massive meme yet it's shilled everywhere and it's going to get even worse in the next generation
It seems a tame breast to my decades-old PC. At least, it is a good start.
8k ray-traced shit is still shit.
>physical PS4 games
Based, I wish PC still got physical copies. I don't have a PS4 but I do have some PS4 games because I buy physical copies for consoles to support physical copies.
PS4 has no games, though
4K TVs aren't being used anywhere near their full potential as is because everyone just streams. Streaming """""services"""""" like Netflix' "4k UHD" is not 4k UHD, it has a fraction of the bit rate of a blu-ray, let alone a 4k UHD blu-ray, some don't even have the quality of what a DVD can provide.
the graphics used in he upcoming PS5 will most likely be Navi, a new hybrid GCN-Arch from AMD. it promises better texture and pixelfilrate than older GCN cards like Polaris or Vega.
something like 13TFLOP isn't too far off. Vega can already do that but it's a rather heavy compute heavy arch instead of a gaming arch which doesn't need much of that. together with a low level API like Vulcan we gonna see some really nice visuals and thanks to Zen2 a better AI for enemy's.
real 4k 60fps will be possible without any dynamic resolution or checkerboard graphic shenanigans. variable rate shading will be introduced, good shit if your Devs know what they are doing; minor loss in graphic quality for objects out of focus or in background but the main scene remains sharp.
PS5 gonna be good.
grab one for 499$
Cerny filed a patent just for that. check for backward compatibility + cerny
people who play exclusively on consoles are literally too dense to know anything about computer hardware and/or are just lazy fucks who want a 100% streamlined streamline experience
you can own a console to play exclusive titles, but if PC isn't your main platform you're just technologically illiterate and are willingly spending more money for an inferior experience (pc has generally cheaper games, frequent discounts, no online costs and it's easy as fuck to pirate)
You sucked him in but he’s basically right there’s no reason to defend a position if there’s no meaningful attack
but where is the games?
it's not the old fart GCN but a 'so called' hybrid variant with higher pixel/texturefillrate and fixed frontend
>Image doesn't even mention a frame-rate
Looking forward to my 20gb of storage
We all know what it means. It means it will have 8K output support but will not be able to run any real game at that resolution.
Don't expect miracles. Navi is going to be somewhere above RTX 2070 performance, which isn't really sufficient for 4K 60FPS in all games, event the current ones. It's going to be within reach in simpler games or with certain compromises in other places regarding graphical quality (which console games are more than happy to make, mind you). Mostly however I don't think the console crowd is actually interested in frame rate and most console game developers seem more interested to push and market graphics than FPS, so I'd expect to see maximum graphical quality at the typical 25-30FPS as the standard instead of less pretty graphics but running 60FPS.
Console gamers clearly aren't bothered by playing games at 30FPS and it's much easier to market graphics than it is to market game performance.
>ps5 will be using mid-range pc hardware
omfg sony wins!!!!!!
Based Sony using AMD.
Fuck INTcels.
It doesn't matter if it is quantifiable. Of course there is a huge perfomance gap between sata and pci-e, but it won't make a difference in most games. NVME SSD's are meant for fast transfer of large files not quicker loading screen.
>13 tflops for $499
So triple the power of the PS4pro for only $100 more? Kek keep dreaming fanboy
>but it won't make a difference in most games.
If Sony's entire platform next gen is going to benefit from this, developers can design their entire game engines around it. At the very least first party games are going to be outshining the competition beyond anything prior.
>NVME SSD's are meant for fast transfer of large files not quicker loading screen
It isn't just an average NVME obviously. There is a reason why Mark Cerny said:
>“The raw read speed is important,“ “but so are the details of the I/O [input-output] mechanisms and the software stack that we put on top of them"
>willingly spending more money for an inferior experience
Odd how most people who play on PC don't apply that mentality to the games themselves and instead financially reward being charged for a download which has degenerated gaming as a whole. Anyone that didn't switch to piracy when PC went digital only is mentally ill and a casual.
>cheaper games
>frequent discounts
>no online costs
PC games are extremely over priced, you get nothing in return for your money. Low cost =/= cheap or a good deal. Using your logic, a restaurant charging $10 for a sip of water is a great deal because it is only $10.
Paying for digital is no different than console cucks paying for online, you are paying to use the internet connection you already pay for either way.
>easy as fuck to pirate
If you play on PC then you should be pirating, but you are defending shit like being charged for a download which makes me assume you don't pirate and instead give glorified donations to Valve
Let's just wait until the ps5 comes out guys. THEN WE CAN JUDGE IT
Once again playing catch up to PC.
Where this picture?
>Real time ray tracing
did AMD confirmed this?
Those games all sound shit.
cant wait for another gen of sub 30 fps games
>censorstation 5
yeah thats a big no for me.
Nothing is confirmed. They don't even have a prototype ready.
AMD confirmed it and Sony confirmed it.
It is as likely to happen as Sony is likely to release a next gen PlayStation.
please spoonfeed a newfag with the source of this image
Having a powerful hardware isn't all about graphics its all about rendering in more shit to do and see too
they are talking 'real time ray tracing' sorta like rtx. AMD hardware supported this before Nvidia hardware, they just didn't put dedicated hardware in it. Casting 'one ray' just like fucking rtx isn't using a real ray tracing rendering still has them saying 'real time ray tracing'.
>MAYBE native 4K at 30fps in some games
You mean like the current XboneX?
What funny about this is that Sony made a big deal about how great the PS5 specs will be, and like a week later we find out the next Xbox will still be more powerful.
>buying the types of games they're currently trying to censor
>announce your new console will be more powerful than the old one
>xbox announce theres will be more powerful
>everyone still buys your console because it actually has games on it that people want to play
Happend this gen, will happen next game.
The next Xbox will literally have to be able to suck your dick to have any hope is stopping all the PS4 owners to transition over to PS5
who the fuck needs 8k
>zen 2
Outdated on release
>Navi's logo is literally Navi from Zelda
They really did anally vore Nintendo...
Sony developed a retarded God Complex after the PS2's success. It looks like the same thing is happening again thanks to the PS4's success. I would not be surprised if the PS5 ends up costing more than $600 with Sony telling you to, "Please Understand."
Graphically it'll be about twice the power of the XboneX, so realistically they could keep the graphics the same, and run the games at 4k 60fps if they wanted to.
Except that the PS4 was more powerful than the Xbone? Remind me again, who is bringing 14 first party games to E3, and who isn't even showing up because they don't have any new games to show?
You can swap out HDD on the ps4 for a ssd so it isn't really anything new
>500gb SSD for 100gb Games
It's barely helps though.
Where the video games OP? WHERE THE VIDEO GAMES?
Please excuse my ignorance but isn't using an SSD to store games that are usually 50GBs+ not a good idea?
These components are gonna be weaker mass-production variants to the ones sold in retail to keep costs low.
It's 1tb, most likely.
>No PS1-3 BC
>No 4K
thats not enough
modern systems should come with at least 2tb
>No 4K *Player*
not a tech head but I think the big issue with storing big files on SSDs is that it's unwise to have low space on one; due to how they wear down
>priced to high=low sales
>low sales=a lot less revenue from PS+
>low sales=low revenue from games sold
it will propably launch at 599$ and drop to 499$ during holiday sales. no fuck off
499-599$ won't get you anywhere serious in PC business
will there always be workarounds for playing old pc vidya on new pc's?
right for Zen2, those are bottom of the barrel chips clocked very low
wrong for GPU part: leaks suggest that the GPU will have 56 compute units while the mainstream desktop part will use 40CU's, so the latter are actually cut down parts when the full chip doesn't work properly or have defective parts
but it's just that, a leak. we won't know for sure until it's revealed
Tldr: yes.
Windows Xp to windows 95:
And parctically any console older than PS4 have plis minus emulators already. Heck 3DS games can be emulated and played on android (your smartphone).
8k slideshow? They can hardly get 1080p 60 fps, let alone 4k 30 fps.
>new hardware will perform same as old
ok, retard.
There's no need for virtualization, bar a few exception I guess.
>you need a 1200 dollar computer just to have something as powerful as a console
Why the fuck do consolefags believe this? Is it just coping?
>old hardware failed to full promises
>new hardware will definitely fulfill promises though
The world needs more gullible niggers like you.
The games will be smaller. The can use compression with zen2.
Historically consoles have alwas failed to deliver on their promises. PS5 won't change anything.
Yes, of course. It's not like consoles where the manufacturer can decide to remove all emulation and backwards compatibility.
99% of modern decent ssds already have space reserved.
yeah cool but video games
stay mad Jamal. someday, when you steal another console to play on, you will praise the built hardware
2018 alone has more exclusives than entire ps4 library of exclusives.
12 fps, just like the cinema
You literally need a 60 inches TV to actually enjoy 4k,and it's all useless because if you don't want eye cancer you've got to sit at 10 feet from it.
8k is literally useless other than for businesses.
>All these consoletards paying extra to play games they dont own and defending subscriptions and shitty consoles
Sunken cost fallacy in action. Its idiots like you that keep snoy and censorstation in business
It's a hdmi standard for connection with tv/monitor, not the actual game resolution.
8K is a gigantic meme regardless. visual enhancements come from advanced particle effects, shaders, ray tracing, etc. over simple resolution improvements after 4K
>being this naive...
In 2009 he would have been dead wrong, but now he's right.
RAM is still a cartel, nvidia runs a monopoly on the only good midrange videocards and a good CPU is already $150.
Add a mobo and all the other pieces to that and you've got a pc that on modern games struggles at 1080p.
>look at how many stores i can buy from on my trannystation!
>implying I'm a console nigger
Why would I spend $300~600 on a movie machine? I can get the Playstation experience with a $25 chromecast and youtube.
Kek. replace the ram with fps. I'm sure they'll flip out hearing that they can play their games in full continuous 30fps
8k is basically equivalent to 20/20 human vision. You don't need a 60inch screen to get the benefit of the resolution bujt it would have to be over 30" for it to matter. 4K at 27" (a common size for monitors) gives rather high PPI which is great for image quality.
4k 60 fps never. Only people who have no clue about gpus etc would believe this.
Now when it comes to 8k... cmon guys really?
Okay. Now remove all non-exclusive games
>1 game left
wew PC gaming fucking sucks huh?
Try removing every movie from the PS4 and see what's left
12 years old c2q pc with $130 rx 570 will be almost as powerful as ps4 pro.
If you remove all non-exclusuve games from ps4 there will be like 10 games, what's your point?
>8k 30fps
>30 fps
I cant even look at that low framerate without getting nauseous these days, you console peasants have my complete pity
>world renowned PS store
dont you mean only available PS store? Also, what do you even buy there? Dont you pay monthly to suck snoy's cock so that you can play THEIR games?
Sorry but PS4 doesn't have a 4k movie drive. It only plays games ;)
My point? My point is that PC is no better than anything else.
>PC is no better than anything else.
The framerate alone makes it objectively superior
They WOULD be, but modern games are not optimized at all, so you NEED a $250 1060 ti 6GB to get 1080p 60fps on a console port, and 16 GB RAM at modern ram prices.
Look at RE2 and DMCV, the benchmarks are out.
>one genre left of several popular games called RTS
suck it
>PS4 only plays games
Good bait
>PC is no better than anything else
>60fps and thousands of games you can get for cheap or even free by pirating dont matter
People seem to be really misinterpretating the 8k thing. It's probably just that it supports hdmi 2.1, so basically some retarded suit asked "what's the maximum resolution it can do" and the tech guys said "well it has this new standard so up to 8k". Not that it will be 8k and most certainly not that any game would be designed with it in mind. It's like how every shit box pc from the last decade "can" do 4k if it has displayport.
Zoo tycoon
999 hgames
Truck simulator
What do you have? Bloodborn?
you are truly earning that bitcoin.
>250 1060 ti 6GB to get 1080p 60fps on a console port
You don't if you are making it look like a console game with worse lod, shadows and filtering.
>PS4 Backwards Compatibility
Considering the way the PS4 and Pro handle games etc. could this mean that the PS5 would be able to run PS4 games even better than the PS4 Pro (in terms of framerate etc.)? It's not like they'd outright re-release PS4 games for it like God of War, Spider-Man, or Death Stranding, right?
>duhhh, no, the beast console cant do as well as we said it could, but, uhh..., NEITHER CAN PC!!!!
snoytards at it even before their fabled console released
>decades-old PC
>better than even a PS3
Doubtful, my reddinigger.
Castle vidcons is the gift that keeps on giving.
He said yearly, not monthly
Look at RE2 on the Pro and then some videos of people playing it on a i5 and 1060ti.
Apart from vomit inducing mouse aim the game is the same.
Now Total War games, THOSE would never run on a ps4.
But modern ports look almost the same at medium settings, except for some little tricks there and there.
And you still can't build a 4k capable computer for $499 unless you mean 4k Team Fortress 2.
>mobo $90
>500 GB SSD for fast games $50
>matx case $50
>PSU $60
>gtx 1660 $220/1060ti $180-200 if you're smarter
>cpu ryzen $160 w/ stock cooler
>16 GB RAM 60$
Around $600 for a mid tier 1080p gaming machine with a very small HDD.
Again, I built my second serious gaming pc in 2008 and I remember laughing at console fags, but things have changed.
>60fps and thousands of games you can get for cheap or even free by pirating dont matter
>The best games like Diablo 2 are locked to 23fps at low res
>It's not like they'd outright re-release PS4 games for it like God of War, Spider-Man, or Death Stranding, right?
>Apart from vomit inducing mouse aim the game is the same
Meant vomit-inducing joystick aim of course, m+kb is superior.
>Based physical copies!
>Puts in the Spyro disc
>50gb download
>Truck simulator
>All these lowres 20fps locked games
>This one game from twenty years ago that has fps and hi res mods is why your PC is shit and those other thousands of games dont matter
The absolute state
Yeah then we get some garbage shitty empty game like FFXV to go with it. Hard pass. Hmu when Warhammer gets a AAA
Reminder that all PS5 games will be censored versions suitable for feminists and 5-year-old children.
>he sold all his old consoles
Holy fuck, you are retarded.
>seething PC ucks in this thread
You're never going to get Bloodborne on PC lmao
I can play Diablo at higher res and fps
>an inferior experience
Most pc gaymers have garbage pc only fit for playing esports at low res.
The only ones claiming pc is good are the vocal minority. Who the hell will proclaim to the masses that they're a gaymer with a shit pc? No one. Only decked out ones flaunt theirs.
dont worry they have a payment plan called paid online
So can I. And thousands of other games that were releasod on your cucked console and other consoles as well, in addition ot PC versions and PC only games. Your point?
>t. butthurt redditor playing FIFA on his oversized dust collector
Great argument faggot.
>So can I. And thousands of other games that were releasod on your cucked console and other consoles as well, in addition ot PC versions and PC only games. Your point?
You are literally lying. It is impossible to play Diablo 1 and Diablo 2 at anything above the set framerate the game was created at. Same goes for resolution.
When you get a computer?
And the games?
>any low end ryzen because no matter what it'll be better than the garbage in consoles
Building a 1080p 60 fps machine is relatively cheap.
what game?
>Look at RE2 and DMCV, the benchmarks are out.
You mean games that run at 1080p60 on high settings on an RX 470?
The latter of which runs at 1080p60 on medium settings on an R7 370?
>PS5 will be 4K/60fps with next gen visuals, even though the 2080 Ti can't do that with many current gen games
>Now please purchase a PS5
Fuck off Marketer
No game pushing next gen visuals will do 4k/60fps
FFXV was pretty fun IMO.
M8, RE2 on consoles uses low settings for some things
The volumetrics look pretty bad on consoles compared to PC
imagine the massive autist behind this post
so basically you're admitting that it's too late but you buy physical because you like having the equivalent of a tactile install code that is more of a pain than just downloading a game? that's pretty autistic user, maybe you should have convinced people 15 years ago. buying physical does nothing now. you might as well just buy game related merch.
>30 fps
today i will remind them
RDR2 is a current gen game
>all those optimizations
>Game still runs at 30fps
you're a faggot
>devs actually compressing games
Your never getting Bloodborne 2 either
Such immense insecurity.
sony california doesn't make games they censor them
This is outright retarded (unless it's upscaled, but who the fuck markets upscaled resolution?), but native 4k30 is pretty much confirmed.
Interesting, easier to believe if they're sticking with 1080p, but I guess we have to wait and see.
>with unique gameplay
oh DS you mean? Timed exclusive, get fucked. So much for insecurities.
>shill marketer is also a mass replying faggot
No surprise there
Your game still runs at 30fps and your valuable exclusives come to PC for cheaper prices anyway. your console is a fucking joke
Not him, but my ps1 and my ps3 have died already.
thats still not how physical media works
>May as well remove the 8K meme
They literally put that there because it will use a version of HDMI that supports 8K output for videos and shit.
This is just Sony being their usual scummy and deceptive selves when it comes to marketing.
Technically it can output 8K content, so they're going to advertise the PS5 as if the games will run in native 8K
The last time any Playstation delivered on power out of the gate was the PS1.
That isn't a physical copy then, and it requiring a download is because of digital distribution.
>he doesn't know
Even if all this inane bullshit were true, it's not, but I'll humor you for a momentwhat the fuck makes you think this won't be surpassed by new PC hardware within 6 months to a year at most?
Also, why the fuck did spoilers stop working for me?
lmfao what a meme
The PS4Pro box says it can do 4k, isn't this false advertising?
ok, lets hear it. whats wrong with steam and why do consolefags have it better?
>Has to grasp at straws over a 4-year-old, since then, redacted QA from a guy who worked at Sony EU who got fired afterward for doing it and won't say anything about it now.
>Kojima Productions have since then adopted proprietary Sony technology and most likely signed extra deals to keep the game exclusive.
Even the PS4 has 120fps games on PSVR no less. Why are you saying unreleased hardware will not have fps beyond 30? Even Uncharted 4 and God of War has a 60fps mode.
>Valuable exclusives
Like Beyond Two Souls? All the actually valuable exclusives are still exclusive ;)
Because PC is only going to start adopting m.2 and PCI-E 4.0 NVME shit, and they are for a fact not going to use 'write little, read often' tech because PC's needs to be flexible for any type of data at any time. Unless of course Nvidia, Gigabyte or asus or something, teams up with Samsung to come up with their "ultra leet gamer SSD" that requires games are compatible with that storage device PLEASE DON'T INSTALL ANYTHING OTHER THAN COMPATIBLE™ GAMES.
Sure it will be surpassed down the line, but that means only high-end rigs have it and devs that aren't putting their game on PS5 is most likely not going to implement it properly in their games. They have a large range of hardware to take into account, like the lower powered SKU Xbox (Lockhart?), etc.
Maybe he is also releasing his game on Robert De Niro since he also took a pic with him.
Not anyone you quoted but your wojack makes my eyes glaze over and murders my interest in your side completely.
Your tiny dick and low confidence in yourself also murders chicks interest in you as well.
>what the fuck makes you think this won't be surpassed by new PC hardware within 6 months to a year at most
On server hardware yeah, but good luck ever getting such a specialized setup on a platform that took 5 years to implement NGFF on mid-range motherboards as a standard.
>Maybe he is also releasing his game on Robert De Niro since he also took a pic with him.
See MGSV, Kojimas visit and keep coping you massive faggot.
>Hurr Durrrrrr 4 = 5
>Even the PS4 has 120fps games on PSVR no less.
Actually, PSVR uses interpolation to hit 90 FPS from a base framerate of 45 FPS (or interpolation from 60 FPS to 120 FPS), and as a result it's extremely jittery.
based Pilkington-poster
Death Stranding isnt ps exclusive
not this time Sony.
The PS4 has the most stable framerates of all base consoles available. You can try to deny it but it's a fact.
No I think that's more my asexuality.
Must be nice to live in a fairy tale land where the real world doesnt exist. Especially considering the comment you replied too explained it. In anons' scenario devs can make a game require an update to start the game, and you dont have the update (if you don't go online).....so you cant play the game, even though you have the physical media.
it's still only 30 fps and we both know they'll aim for 30fps AGAIN with the ps5.
PS4 or PS4 pro?
PS4 framerates are dog shit
Thats what he said, silky smooth (aka stable) 20-30 fps.
>new architecture
>new cpu
>new ssd
>new design / look
>no games
Google Stadia, new Xbox, new Switch coming and will be cheaper than Sony's Censorstation. Looks bad for Snoy unless they are willing to go below $400.
>Is a feature now, fuck this timeline and fuck Valve for starting this shit.
It was inevitable
It is purely about profit. Physical discs require more effort than digital by a long run.
>no specs
>garbage upscale, enjoy your 5 fps
>PS2 already did that
>woooow bluray, literally no other console does that
>10 years late
>supported by 3 games
that piece of shit won't even run current gen games at 60fps no matter the hardware
all because they need a "remaster" when it's already a standard on PC
Nope. Sony has mandated that all games run at LEAST at 60fps and that they enable 120hz interpolation. The Headset has 3 settings and cannot run any other way. 60fps interpolated to 120, 90, and native 120. Nothing outside of those 3. You can ask any developer who has looked at PSVR devkit.
Konami wanted MGSV on all platforms even including last gen consoles.
Nice cope brother.
It took you ten minutes to come up with "cope"? Jfc.
Yeah sure, when 1080p60 is still a wet dream for current consoles.
>Konami wanted MGSV on all platforms even including last gen consoles.
Kojima wanted it on PC from the get go but said because of "datamining" it will release at a later point. But little does he know, you can data mine PS4 too.
Independent Studio, Kojimbo decides wether it comes to PC or not. Visiting Gabe is only business see MGSV.
tl;dr keep coping
>Sony has mandated that all games run at LEAST at 60fps and that they enable 120hz interpolation.
I already know that that's incorrect because even From Soft's recent VR game doesn't run at 60 FPS on PSVR.
Sony can "mandate" whatever they want, but their word, much like yours, is meaningless.
Because Console players are deluded by this.
I've lived with/around people who basically only played console games and their lack of awareness of how terrible aliasing is or how blurry console games are is really bad.
They notice when FPS dips hard below 30s...but they barely can tell why it's an issue at 30 in the first place.
It's the same as PC users who don't think 120hz+ matters. They really have to experience it first hand to really notice how wrong they are.
What did you do to them? Run them 24/7
Mime still work like new.
If you ever were to buy one for whatever reason - how much are you willing to pay for PS5 ?
my limit is 500
My limit would be "what games are on it?"
Be proud my fellow asexual.
Uncharted 4 doesn't have a 60fps mode & GOW never hits 60fps on Pro
I live in a hot and humid country. The shitty soldering of my fat PS3 died, my PS1 lense died of age.
With full backwards compatibility? €600, with only PS4 €400.
no launch titles they said they are doing backwards compatibility
AAA development is finished pretty much for this Gen, you'd have to wait another 5-8 years to see new PS5 titles
Yeah but you have no source on this. Also datamining is possible on ps4 and xbox one games so that is the dumbest thing i have ever heard. How did you think they found all those bloodborne bosses years later?
Nope. They screen all games before they are released on the platform, and it is literally rejected if it isn't solid 60fps or above.
>and it is literally rejected if it isn't solid 60fps or above.
It literally isn't considering even their own VR games have trouble maintaining 60fps.
Be honest user, why do you feel the need to talk out of your ass so much?
>Because PC is only going to start adopting m.2 and PCI-E 4.0 NVME
Because PS5 exists right now? console gamer logic
And it shall have a whole 3 games
>Yeah but you have no source on this
I do but really cba spoonfeeding you
Stop (You)ing me and thinking there's any reason to care about the read exclamation mark.
I didn't know they had 12 year PS+.