Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
He isn't wrong and nothing he said could be interpreted as controversial.
inb4 verified twiggers share the same opinion latch onto him.
How is what he said wrong?
Also fuck whoever made the article for using an Alpha Protocol pic when it's not relevant. It got my hopes up.
Fuck off, Billy
>its a billy spams his articles on Yea Forums episode
how many more threads do you want?
>Not being political propaganda
Uh huh
Fuck you assholes. When anybody else posts this shit he's always given dozens of (you), why don't you just fucking replies? And don't tell me that the bait is too obvious because i know that in a hour or two there will be the same OAG thread with the same reply but hundreds of (you). Be less hypocrite
Unironically based
>OP actually seething that his thread is failure
Have a pity you for your trips.
At this point crossposters (double entendre, means both trannies and people who shill from outside places) are so obvious it's scary, they're completely exposed.
Nice trips
have sex!
Yikes and cringepilled.
It’s wrong because “hurrrr entertainment should never contain certain any messages” is downright stupid and impossible
You’re not part of the discord raid group, OP.
>“hurrrr entertainment should never contain certain any messages”
Except Avellone never said that faggot.
oh no the entire board is becoming clickbait shit
>i want everything to be propaganda focused on promoting my religion and i am going to disingenuously misconstrue anything anyone says that doesn't go along with it
>it's a "i feel that the source discredits the material therefore nobody should ask questions and just shut up, fellow bootlickers" episode
not an argument, resetera discord tranny
Okay, but then why does Chris Avellone keep writing games that feature at least three or four lesbians, and the only romances are between NPCs?
For reference, see New Vegas and KOTOR 2.
What does lesbians and NPC romance have to do with politics.
says the faggot that knows the only way it can continue to spread it's social contagion is by forcing it on people
what the fuck is wrong with california !?
that place is such a cesspool and its where the big gaming companies are.
no wonder its all soulless trash nowadays.
1 nuke for california and 1 big heart for our weeb bros
did you just come out of a time capsule so(y)boi ?
the whole nature of this new internet comunication is setting these incetives.
he is not that crude about it.
if you knew what these shrill harpies and so(y)bois demand you would definetly set the treshold lower for Avellone.
It's funny because if he puts one black anywhere in that game Yea Forums would automatically count that as political
Ave for voicing his opinions instead of just working on the game.
Even if the jap motives were wholesome as fuck, he eventually backed off from doing that. That's very noble of them.
>Don't push your view as correct, instead give the player the chance to form their own opinion and course of action within the context of the game world
Seems sensible, but I also think that stating that games should be apolitical is weird. Most forms of entertainment are influenced by the perspectives of the writers/designers. Why is it OK for other mediums to engage with political questions but not games? Do people get worked up when a book has "forced diversity" in the form of outspoken characters who have views that you disagree with, or gay/black/whatever protagonists?
i suddenly feel hope for VTM:B2
what are you talking about, the share the message with others at the end of automata is in the game
maybe the first pass was a bit less subtle.
I really dislike how "political" in the gaming sphere just means "do you or do you not want brown/lesbian/trans people in your games?" .
>tranny vampires chinkstore boogaloo
still hard pass
Sjws for being retarded and Chris for being a shit overrated writer still riding off planescape torment.
>Alpha Protocol pic when it's not relevant
Didn't he write Alpha Protocol?
I mean... He's not wrong... Chris Avellone says that he tries to be apolitical, but how is Alpha Protocol not political? Chris Avellone is a good dude with plenty of SJW friends that is, in fact, working with SJW developers right now in Bloodlines 2. Just seems kind of weird and like mixed signals.
Nate is right.
California needs more than one nuke my friend
White wolfs VTM is deeply political, where most issues make no sense in a vampire theme world, which is exactly what Avellone is against.
I don't know if VTM:B2 can be saved from that
About the only political in Apha Protocol is the MIC and even then it uses kid gloves and tries not to impose a message. AP was very apolitical for a game based on a covert government agency and international terrorism
"Political propaganda" only count's when is the "le evil SJW", when is about America Team Number One, the neocon wet dreams of imperialism then it's fine. Everything is a bit of political or moral "propaganda" by it's creators, whom try to sell the viewer their point's of view. I mean, if the guy was involved in the making of fallout, he was involved with political propaganda (nukes are bad, nuclear war sucks, the us and other imperialistic states sucks and so on).
Someone needs to ask him if he agrees with the developers of Bloodlines 2 in regards to politics, because it sure seems like their statements are incompatible.
Avellone only came in Fallout with the second one. His contributions to Fallout have always been extremely weak. (See: Ulysses).
I don't think people are normally lashed on to their workstations working 24/7 and are committing flagrant work violations when they do anything else.
I thought he made the entire Reno.
Nate is retarded and doesn't understand what Avellone is saying
you're retarded
"Apolitical" in this case does not mean "cannot be political in nature"
It means "I'm not making you pick my/the "correct" side"
stop posting that retard's clickbait
Substantiate your claims. How is choosing between joining a corrupt defense contractor or shooting him in the head NOT a political decision?
So, as long as you get a choice, it's not political? Fair enough, I suppose. I just think it's a weird definition of apolitical.
The player is applying their own biases to the narrative, not the writer.
Social media is such a viper pit anymore, why would anyone bother? You'd think he would know better.
The problem is is these fucks intentionally misconstrue what people mean when they say they don't want to put political messages in games.
Avellone isn't saying you can't have themes like 'maybe people should be free to choose their own destiny' or 'maybe corporations shouldn't be entirely unregulated'.
He's saying stuffing shit like 'le orange man bad' in your medieval fantasy game makes you look retarded and dates the story.
Political biases. It's still a political situation that relates to the real world.
>comparing a juden to a jap
Not a fair comparison, in honesty
You could say that about almost any game. The whole point of what he's saying is not to impose your personal politics and frame them as objectively correct.
Left is never right.
You don't get it. A certain viewpoint isn't being forced upon you is what Avellone is saying.
That's not what he said you illiterate retard
Its how english works. Meaning is derived from context cues, and different meanings can be reached feom the same word.
Never heard of the guy, but I like his quote. He's surprisingly eloquent.
>You could say that about almost any game
Yeah, which is why the statement "Games should be apolitical" is very stupid.
>The whole point of what he's saying is not to impose your personal politics and frame them as objectively correct.
What games do this, anyways? Like, does the original Deus Ex do this? It gives you no choice and you have to fight against UNATCO. Does that mean it's political in the "bad" sense of the word?
It's crazy that naughty dog used to make uncharted and now they make generic zombie games loaded with lgbr bs.
>I just think it's a weird definition of apolitical.
It really isn't, when you think about it. One is presenting options, while the other is telling you what a thing is or should be.
>It's still a political situation that relates to the real world.
Then I don't think you understand what's this about at all. It would be political to have ONE specific decision that is completely laced with and is indistinguishable from your own political viewpoint. It is not political to offer the character options, all of which are probable in that world. That's what you're missing here, the separation between that fictional world and your world.
avellone isnt working on vtmb2 retard
People are mostly just tired of the faggot shit, let's be honest.
>Like, does the original Deus Ex do this? It gives you no choice and you have to fight against UNATCO. Does that mean it's political in the "bad" sense of the word?
This really didn't come up much back in the day, because people used to understand that just because you write about something, doesn't mean you whole-heartedly believe or support it. Nowadays that reasonable doubt has been rescinded.
>Nowadays that reasonable doubt has been rescinded.
Which is stupid. People are looking for outrage bait. It's funny how people say "I just want the good old times back where I didn't have to get politics shoved down my throat" yet they're just as culpable as the SJWs for it.
hol up
the point is you bring your own politics into it; the game doesn't force them on you
If you play CRPGs he might have worked on one of them.
He's right. It's why I only play Japanese games now. Fuck you and your political message.
What's political about vtmb2 other then Rudi, who iirc isn't in the game?
He's half-right but I hate how everyone is tip-toeing around the obvious:
>your writing is shit and your understanding of politics is shit you literally have nothing to say so just do us the courtesy of shutting the fuck up
Seriously it's just bizzare how the whole "debate" about politcal or apolitical in vidya even on Yea Forums always focuses on the abstract and steers clear of outright saying: shit writers just can't and will never be able to pull off politics. And vidya writers are shit. Whether they should or not, whether their politics are right or wrong. Vidya industry has the lowest bar for writing that exists within the known universe outside of fanfiction.net.
It's like debating about art renovation in a 17th century church when the only painter you have available is the bitch who did pic related anyway.
If you think that Nier: Automata wasn't filled with political messaging then you're a brainlet.
What does it matter what his stance on their politics is?
>It's like a fucking checklist of wokeness
>Admits they're contradictory ideals but no one can stop him because he's too speshul.
End me.
I'm just tired of being lectured by some entitled hip faggots.
But then the problem is not politics. The problem is writing quality. We're having the wrong discussion.
I think you're getting it backwards. If anything, that's retaliation, but if you've been hanging around fandom circles, you'd know that the first stage of this wasn't even pure SJW nonsense, but rather crowds that asserted that what you write is what you believe in, as well as some full retarded interpretations thanks to Death of the Author. Things just ended up spinning out of control aterwards.
He's outright said he was one of the writers on it.
>Character in Copenhagen being relevant to a story in Seattle
Please tell me what games endorse conservative values, I'll wait
I get the impression that Avellone expressed himself poorly here, and is really saying "politics are fine, but not if you jam them down the player's throat." In other words, a comically evil bad guy that stands for the real-world politics you don't like and an immaculate hero that champions the real-world politics you do like is trash tier writing.
Conversely, that doesn't mean portraying things that trigger /vpol/ like LGBT issues, minority issues, etc is bad, just that it should be done in a way that doesn't turn the game into a pulpit (which is not to say you should engage in >muh both sides are valid faggotry either).
Please explain the politics then
>He's outright said he was one of the writers on it.
yeah just like he was one of the writers on pillars of eternity, tyranny, pathfinder kingmaker and divinity original sin 2
it just means he's a marketing tool that writes a character AT MOST. fucking insignificant.
>that's retaliation
It's bad retaliation. Anita Sarkeesian went on about how games are political and have messages and we have to take everything at pure face value. If the woman is always the one being saved, then that means the developers think women are weak.
What we should have done in reply to that is say "No, it doesn't" and let that be that
I recall someone saying that the person who made him supposedly based him off someone they knew who was actually gay and Muslim.
California is a tumorous cancer for your country, get rid of it with one of your nukes before it spreads and rots the entire body
>current year
He's not wrong. Games, like film or music, are entertainment first. Having politics is fine but if your intention as a game developer is to preach to your audience before you entertain them you're just a hack.
>dying light
>iconis series
>eternity, tyranny, pathfinder kingmaker and divinity original sin 2
Didn't he write at least one character for each of those? For Tyranny iirc he just came up with the concept and shit.
Neil Druckman does the same thing and you faggots were lambasting it. Enough with the double standards
>SJW ridicule
Translation: SJW know they are on the wrong, want to bitch anyways, resort to personal attacks
you can always safely assume that sjws are in the wrong
he wrote durance and grieving mother for PoE1, and was part of the initial design doc for tyranny but didn't write any of it. he only wrote 2 characters in PoE1 cause he was part of the company.
he has done fuck all since he left. wrote a character background for divos2 (undead race, designed fane but didnt write him), and wrote some midget companion in kingmaker. wrote a lesbian questline in prey 2
Yeah. Plus the last thing he did for NV was that absolute faggot Ulysses, which isn't saying much. And personally I never thought Kreia was that amazing, she's okay for a character in a shit universe.
I am not Americano and I prefer GI Joe, the real American hero before all your woke crap
mutt propaganda is at least more entertaining for non USANOS than your cucked soifiction
>But then the problem is not politics. The problem is writing quality.
That's basically 100% correct. Note the similarity between the concept of "forced politics" and things like
>criticism of "melodramatic" (i.e., forced drama)
>"trying too hard to be funny" (i.e., forced comedy)
>pretentious (i.e., forced profoundness)
>kitsch (i.e., forced beauty)
Literally all facets of all artforms deal with criticism like this and people who aren't autistic have long since figured that the critics don't mean LITERALLY that art shouldn't try to be beautiful or comedy should stop being funny.
i want to kiss a girl
>what we did is we started using her exact same retarded logic.
I initially thought it was suppose to be ironic
Like trying to show them an example of how dumb they look.
This line of argument is retarded
>I declare a thing is true so it is
>But what if thing isn't true
>Well you're Hitler because we established already it is true.
As for Avellone he means if you want to use politics like 'authoritarian leaders are bad' you have to ensure your character fits your story so it makes sense. Not just jam in a shitty trump expy to show your friends you know best.
He isn't wrong and that's extraordinarily well said. Games should explore ideas rather than preach a side.
Vr tech still has a long way to go
Didn't say it was a good thing, just that it's a thing. I honestly think people have in general gone way overboard in assuming SJW influences where there's hardly any, but that's another topic.
>What we should have done in reply to that is say "No, it doesn't" and let that be that
People did and people still do. Unfortunately, however, outrage clicks were in full effect by then, so all of it got swept aside. Did you ever see an article on Polygon etc ever questioning her, especially on blatant bullshit like Hitman? No. About her stealing artwork? No. Any instance where she gets legitimately pressed by someone on her points, instead of pure fluff? No.
Yeah it's all a shitshow now one way or another, but pretending like people were just outraged and not blatantly ignored in many cases is disingenuous at best.
>New Vegas
You know you can fuck both Sarah Weintraub and Red Lucy right?
You don't fuck them although you kind if force fuck with Visa I guess? but it's pretty clear both Handmaiden and Visa want your dick.
That's probably how it started.
I agree with you
>I honestly think people have in general gone way overboard in assuming SJW influences where there's hardly any
This happens way too often here. It feels like it's incessant.
All he really did was succintly sum up proof of him not understanding what the fuck this is all about.
Point out in fallout where you are forced to watch two dykes making out.
i want to kiss a real girl, hold her hand and tell her i love her
Literally what does that have to do with politics
Neither are entirely right or wrong. People should be allowed to make whatever the fuck games they want. That includes SJW political propaganda as much as it includes anime titty ninjas. People should make the game that resonates with them, or at least brings in a salary, whatever their views are.
because he doesn't want to write virtual gfs for virgins
Hes just going to bring up that you get cucked out of a alcoholic roastie if you side with the cuck faction.
As long as your brain cant tell the difference it's real
Every story is political and if the writer says he does not want to put in politics in his story, it just means he's a poor writer.
Look at this recent TV series Chernobyl that's getting rated as one of the best writing and the best TV show on IMDB ever, the entire show was written as a scathing commentary on the Trump administration and despite it's political slant, both sides of the political spectrum loves the story as it deals with real political matters properly.
fuck off back to Yea Forums with your mediocre misery porn shit
>as a white person
Who the fuck says that?
>and the only romances are between NPCs?
Did it somehow not sink in that both Sion and Atris are madly in love with you, just on different, but equally unhealthy levels?
*They* do
jewish people
>girl in dead money who can't speak
Status: Carpet Muncher
>NCR soldier who gets raped
Status: Ultra Dyke Carpet Muncher
>status, le quirky quipping carpet muncher
>only two women in the game who show interest in you
Status: One cucks you and the other just has a one night stand
Feel free to kill yourself any time now.
Veronica was voiced by Felicia Day so that alone means she's a shit NPC. Remember Felicia Day, kids?
Is this a Jewish false flag?
why the fuck did they put her in NV anyway
>the entire show was written as a scathing commentary on the Trump administration
Are you stupid?
literally doesn't understand what Avellone was saying. most likely did this on purpose so they could come off as a paragon of the downtrodden
She was cute before the wall.
>Every story is political
This is probably the quickest way to inform the people around you that you're a fucking insufferable person.
>the neocon wet dreams of imperialism then it's fine
it's actually sjw's that are imperialists. they demand everything is changed for their needs. it wasn't her turn, hillbot, america's boy donny won, and he'll win again in 2020. start your subscription for your extra large adult diapers.
If Cass couldn't be bothered to spend a few minutes looking for you rather then humping on some literal who's dick then you fucking dodged a bullet there my friend.
She was in a lot of "geek" shit around that time. Someone on the dev team probably REALLY wanted to fuck her despite her goblin face and general lack of talent at most things. Thoroughly okay at singing, I'll hand her that much.
She was only ever cute from a specific angle, and not even "very" cute at that. At best she was 6/10 solely for being a non-hideous ginger and not being obese. Her entire brand was built around being a "sexy geek girl" when she wasn't even as sexy as Morgan Webb or that one girl who became an "actual" actor and was in the X-Men or something whose name I forgot.
I am not even participating in this argument, I just wanted to let everyone know how much I hated Felicia Day.
no she wasn't
The game explores a lot of themes such as war, imperialism, pacifism, religion, human self-identity and the duties of humanity as a whole. Some of these are political subjects in and of itself, while others heavily influence political decisions.
Taro himself has talked about the fact that how the current political climate might have influenced him during the creation of the game:
This interview also helps a bit with understanding Taro's thoughts:
>Please explain the entirety of a game that requires multiple playthroughs
Google it so another brainlet can walk you through it
>Asks when do you have to watch two close up of two dykes kiss
>"W-Well you don't but theres dykes so hah!"
>a decent game writer
>mentally deranged entitled brats who can't even flip burgers with a diploma
I wonder who has more authority when it comes to game writing?
what a mouth breathing fucking retard
jews, and often enough that even as a nonwhite i notice it
>Game presents to you a family on the run from a despotic king
>They plead for you to hide them and/or kill/bribe said king
>Upon talking to said king the family had committed a breach of honor and he wanted them executed for besmirching his family name, and will pay you a tidy sum for bringing them in
>Figure out your own personal moral compass and learn a neat lesson
>People running from King
>"He's an orange cheeto haha"
>Only option in a talk with him is to mock him or let him rant
>Huge "lesson" about rising up against authoritarian leaders and how asylum seekers never do anything wrong
The director/writer said he's written the series about Trump, it's obvious if you watch it.
>the entire show was written as a scathing commentary on the Trump administration
See this is what I find hilarious though. They're hitting the right notes on the wrong target. Chernobyl is shockingly accurate of the ludicrous nature of USSR internal politics and apart from stubborn leadership, doesn't actually have that much to do with Trump. What do you even call a situation, where the actual portrayal is correct, but the internal 'message' barely fits?
>Games are all political by nature
What is the political standpoint presented by Tetris? Katamari Damacy? Shadow of the Colossus? Super Mario 64?
when the fuck did game devs get so stuck up their own asses that they feel its their job to force feed everyone morals, like they have the high ground and NEED to be heard because they're fucking pixel pushers?
I thought that series was on failures of communism
But she was. And she was pretty hot in her teenage years.
Ah, but when Warhorse studio makes a game about medieval bohemia with no negros, it is being condemned.
Don't forget that LA is a literal shithole!
Liberal Boomer vs Leftie Zoomer
Which is more pathetic and sad, place your bets!
Same reason a bunch of cock snots become teachers.
They know games are mostly played by kids and it's easier to forcefeed a kid some political bullshit, you'd be shocked how many people bought the Obama Change bullshit until, well, it didn't happen.
My teachers wouldn't shut the fuck up about it, and being a dumb high school kid, I bought into it
Communism is a failure because no matter how much you build, every completed project just disappears thanks to the nature of the system requiring constant building and production to be kept afloat, duh.
>Katamari Damacy
Gay monarchy leads to huge balls.
>Shadow of the Colossus
There's actually a lot here to be said but I am a brainlet. The messaging in SOTC is probably mostly about nature, but it's very subtle and you have to consider environmentalism a political issue instead of an inherently human or spiritual one.
>Super Mario 64
Mario has a red hat which means he is a representative of the working class, duh.
>Shadow of colossus
The Colossi are trump (even though it doesn't work) the girl is asylum seekers, PC is white guilt.
Bowser is Trump, Peach is dreamers, mario is your nostalgia bashing the fash.
No, he understands perfectly. He's saying that if the game doesn't support his specific politics it's evil. If you presented him with something actually apolitical he'd just tell you that in and of itself was making a political statement. It's all just ideology.
>It's actually real
wtf i hate chernobyl now
Nostalgia is a fascist spook.
why are lefties so intent on killing art?
they all only use it as a tool, they don't care about their works longevity. just mediocre shit to pump out to send a message, forgotten in a week or a month, they move onto the next thing and do the same.
Tetris has a score system which puts people that perform better at the game above people who aren't as good. It's quite easy to draw parallels to real world political structures here.
SotC is more about selfish personal desire leading leading to ruin, even if it is for good intentions. Wander just wanted to revive his waifu, but ignored taboos and ended up working for the wrong person, and his mess needed to be cleaned up by the people he had forsaken.
Now that i think about it, this could be applied to immigration and letting in floods of refugees
People like this are honestly just sad.
Art asks questions
Propaganda answers them
Pretty easy to spot
Trump being elected was a disaster on the scale of Chernobyl and the fallout of the election being deal with my the people who bravely sacrifice themselves in order to mitigate the damage that's being done to the world and america itself.
The show depicts misguided soviet people who believe in a broken government who sacrifice themselves under the false concepts of nationalism for a government that lies and cheats it's own people just like the current american government. Americans today have fallen too far for propaganda that stops them from doing the right thing to stop corrupt governments.
It's very simple how the show is a scathing critique on the current Trump administration more than the failures of anything else really.
do lefties really think people voted for trump because they believe in the system? I thought it was because they wanted to "burn the whole thing down" or whatever
Honestly guys, answer this question.
If you had an EMP button in front of you, and you knew it would wipe all the fucking data from the internet and destroy all machines in the world - including our precious vidya gaems and 4channel - would you press it?
At this point, i'd give my fucking arms up to wipe out twitter for good. i'd gladly be a stump man if it meant no more self righteous drivel from the self absorbed masses
"I want to cover the world in boobs" - Hideo Kojima
>Trump being elected was a disaster on the scale of Chernobyl and the fallout of the election being deal with my the people who bravely sacrifice themselves in order to mitigate the damage that's being done to the world and america itself.
Goddamn what a crock of self-congratulating shit. I actually think that the show itself is pretty damn good at its depiction, but if people in the US think that it's a 1:1 transition to current times, boy, I really fucking envy that sort of retardation, because it must be a comfy existence.
large chunks of the populations believed that trumps administration would return old school values to the system, ala ronald reagen, which trump has outright stated he was trying to emulate
The virgin "Games shouldn't be political"
The chad "Games shouldn't be liberal"
I would not press it, no.
>everything is political
This is why no one likes you. Fuck off, pea-brain.
>old school values
what does that even mean?
Holy shit that goalposting was terrible, moron.
Will Avellone deliver on Dying Light 2 though? That's his current big writing gig right?
Importing 5 million mexicans and giving them citizenship
Fighting Israel's wars with American lives
Selling out to lobby groups
Papa Raegen was so blessed xD
And your reasoning is?
As much as we would lose, i think the world needs a hard reset. Twitter and politics aside, i think we're entirely too dependent on technology now. Any valueable information that would be lost in the shut down - medical research, records, etc. - should've been written down if it was that important. the world would rebuild its tech network soon enough, and stronger with more fail safes. lots of people would die, sure, but that happens everyday anyway, and for far less noble reasons.
the "me me me" decadence of the 80's
america comes first, everyone else is either secondary at best or an enemy at worst
>The show depicts misguided soviet people who believe in a broken government who sacrifice themselves under the false concepts of nationalism for a government that lies and cheats it's own people just like the current american government
Jesus. Nodoby believed in communism here since 1970s. People just lived their lives and got cought in a disaster.
How the fuck is Dying Light iconic?
when you write shit like this, do you expect to be taken seriously?
so shit that nobody actually voted for trump for?
i doubt you could find many who voted for trump for that reason in particular, closer to wanting america to focus on america, and stop unnecessary foreign warmongering.
daily reminder tim cain is cringe and blue pilled
>And your reasoning is?
I like vidya
I think a difference between NieR and stuff like TLOU is how it's presented.
>NieR: "So there's that. How about that? What do you think about that?"
>TLOU: "So there's that. Here's why it's good/bad!"
>Legendary writer Chris Avellone
when people use the term, they generally are refering to all the good things that the average person in america could find in the 1940-50's. Finding jobs without needing a fuckload of requirements to acquire it with in house training, friendly neighborhoods, a market where prices didnt increase every month if not week. However these beliefs are seen with rose tinted glasses where they refuse to be reminded of the fucked shit that was also happening at the same time, like the legitimate fear of nuclear holocaust and a threat that if you didnt stay in line with societal standards it meant either being ostracized or being beaten to death
Ass is unity
More proof that women just follow peer pressure
In the 90s they hated trannies, but in the 10s they loved them, because the media tells them it's a good thing
>vg 24/7
Why would he even talk to those retards
and that cope is pathetic
he isnt even the main writer on DL2 lol
>the 14 pokemon id most like to fuck
then you're in the wrong place, sweaty
The SJW trannies are in the wrong.
Do you want to see something truly Orwelian? Turn on your TV or browse Twitter/Facebook. These are the purest form of 2 Minutes of Hate from 1984, which takes all of your pent up anger and focuses it on a target they see fit. It not only makes you rage at their political opponents, but also makes you lose energy to deal with actual problems with society. Radicalisation of the political sphere, increase of mass shootings, consolidation of power.... These can all be attributed to mass media. So when you bark about ineptitude leading to disasters on a Polinesian throat singing image board, at least don't quote the people who are burning the whole world just for more ad revenue.
He spends his time posting on rpgcodex. This is a straight upgrade.
>a few female artists
>no designers
>no programmers
>female employees were especially hostile towards trans
Either they just managed to get especially vitriolic female artists, or this fuck can't keep a story straight for a single slide.
What he actually said was something to the tune of, we should keep it within the politics of the world and on top of that, make it a balanced perspective so the audience can make a decision for themselves about what they think of the issue.
You can share a message, but it doesn't actually have to be a possitive one. You can send stuff like "give up already" or "this game sucks"
You can talk shit in the messages you fucking brainlets.
All of this internal projection is solely based off western narcissism.
kill yourself, kotaku wannabe
It's about lies and the truth, which is relevant to the current political climate. It doesn't go into failings of communism outside of that aspect
People generally don't have a problem with politics in games, what they mean is they don't want propaganda. One tells you what to think and the other displays the information to you so you can make a decision for yourself. This video does a great job at showing the differences and used the Witcher 3 as an example.
>Deadspin, Gizmodo/io9, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Kotaku, Lifehacker, Splinter
>worth 1.5 Billion in 2006
hopefully buzzfeed, netflix and twitter follow.
Buzzshit has been laying off staff since the end of last year, accelerated by the Covington scandal and the RussiaGate falling apart. They've been also having plenty of smaller scandals in the last few months and are branded a disinfo entity. In due time, in due time.
Too big to fail when they are in 20 billion in debt.
Bu this IS the failure of communism. More exactly, communism failed because the party believed that the ends justify the means, and as long as anything is done for the betterment of the party, it's morally fine. Mass murder of political dissents was fine, censorship was fine, destruction of all prior culture was fine etc. In this case, hiding the danger in order to look good was justifiable as it served the party. Same applies to fascism and to modern oligarchy in the US.
Will take time
Never gonna happen
Americans are so tiresome creatures. Imagine being only able to see and interpret the world using political spectrum as basis? How can they go on living like this without heavy dosages of anti-depressants everyday?
his gf didn't deserve to be squished
The guy basically said that the only good political writing is one that questions everything whether good or bad and doesn't force a narrative on the player, instead letting them choose for themselves.
The only kind of people who would find fault in what he says are fundamentalist shitfaces and shitbrains who have an infallibility complex and a god complex.
>224 replies
>111 IPs
Eat shit faggot.
how do you fuck up reading a two paragraph quote?
I mean, it's literally what the quote in the OP's pic tells you, I don't know what you were expecting user?
but that requires the writer to be willing to challenge his own beliefs and detach himself somewhat. something too many """artists""" nowadays are completely incapable of.
godwin's law just got rewritten
now it's about trump
It's a political situation to the player which is enabled by the apolitical mindset of a writer enabling clear and defined choices that are not ensnared in trying to pull you either way.
The entire point of apolitical writing is that you need to be fucking apolitical and detached to give a diverse and clearcut palette of political choices to the player across the spectrum that all have both positive and negative outcomes and inbetween.
yes the shilling is out of control, poor quality bait for /pol/tardettes and pedogaf tourists
get some self awareness
they are allowed to do that but is it a quality game in that case, many people would say no
Almost every advertisement on TV is for a new miracle drug that will solve all your problems (and also melt your brain). Shit's fucked, mate.
Some anons love die-hardman though
He did, yes, but the article has nothing to do with the IP.
>politics affects me so it should affect you! pay attention to me! If you hate talking to me because I'm incapable of shutting the fuck up then you're a racist misogynerd
Kiss my ass you loathsome cunt. This is why I'm glad I don't have to actually associate with the people I vote with
>before onions: looks like a school shooter
>after onions: got fat but looks way more happy about life in general
man i'm gonna drink a lot of onions milk now that I know this trick
All joking aside, I just think this is cowardise and quite impossible to have this kind of neutrality when writing about a political situation, you're never neutral yourself, you have a moral compass and moral and political opinions about all kind of stuff, be it the economy, technology, work, and so on
for exemple if a videogame tells you that there is a faction of slavers and that another faction who is against slavery
is that really "forcing a narrative" to say that the slavers are a bunck of wankers ?
The game could (and even should, imo) give you the option to be an edgelord and join the slavers but it's pretty clear that you've joined the bad guys. And I don't think it's not serious to say that you could present this as a "morally grey" situation unless you, yourself think that slavery had a point.
Avellone does grey area stuff like that beggar in Kotor 2 asking for money, getting mugged and Kreia lecturing you he doesn't just push one view
I've never heard anyone on Yea Forums say "I want more politics in my video games!"
Full disclosure: I did not read this thread.
I never realized how stuck up and preachy westerners were until I moved to America.
Why is everyone so sanctimonious here?
>I just think this is cowardise
Playing Devil's Advocate is not cowardice, it's the very definition of Critical Thinking.
>and quite impossible to have this kind of neutrality when writing about a political situation
Speak for yourself. It's the level of neutrality and detachment that you are capable of having which defines how good a writer is. It's one of the few objective traits that can be defined as to what makes a good writer, and it is tough of course. It requires actually researching cause and effect, not just rendering judgement which cuts you off from certain strains of information or causation you would otherwise see clearly.
>for exemple if a videogame tells you that there is a faction of slavers and that another faction who is against slavery
is that really "forcing a narrative" to say that the slavers are a bunck of wankers
Here's where your narrative falls apart:
Slavery of black people bad but slavery of white people good DURR.
Also define slavery, there's shitloads of both positive and negative form of it. Criminals and pedophiles are slave labor in prisons for instance.
Already we come upon a problem in your argument, your inability to be detached forces a narrowminded form of slavery as if it's the only possible one and belongs to an absolute. You user, would be a shit writer. The author in OP's pic who argued, would be a good writer who has a wider specter of thought.
decades of affluence and applied sociology/psychology.
When people have no real problems, people will make problems, and greedy people will exploit that.
Yeah sure okay. I still think they would have to talk about stuff like economics and geopolitics if they wanted to showcase what made it fail
Why not just start the thread with the interview itself instead of shilling this faggot?
americans just love posturing
he LITTERALY said games should focus on being entertainment and not statements. he also said that you can make statements but that shouldn't be the singular focus and that it's best done in a way that player can fill things in himself instead.
reading comprehesion please.
>scathing used yet again
You should vary your adjectives more, it makes you look like you just learned a new word.
You're thinking of Olivia Munn who played Psylocke.
Name one thing Trump has actually done that is in the scale of the Chernobyl disaster.
>is that really "forcing a narrative" to say that the slavers are a bunck of wankers ?
It depends on the game and what's trying to do.
If the game is focused on the gameplay or just want to use the slavers as some kind of easy targets for the player to kill who gives a shit (this is the kind of writing nobody would call political).
If, on the other hand, the game is trying to explore the theme of slavery more seriously it should give it the respect that it demands. That is not all slavers are this Saturday morning cartoon villain, but they are people who own slaves, and if there is some kind of debate in-game between a slaver and anti-slaver don't make one of the two some kind of webcomic strawman, but make both of them intelligent people who can argue their position.
You're right. She was hotter than Felicia Day.
>She was hotter than Felicia Day.
Just don't look her up how she looks today.
Hence the use of "was" deliberately.
>Playing Devil's Advocate is not cowardice, it's the very definition of Critical Thinking
and once you've played devil's advocate what is left of your thesis ? do you think writing a story is fucking highschool philosophy ?
Critical thinking isn't abou't saying: "drunk driving kills a lot of people but also helps a lot of people get to work on time so it's impossible to say if it's bad or not" It's about working through the contradictions and reaching a conclusion that yes, in fact, drunk driving is bad.
and even then is storytelling about "Critical thinking" ? not it's fucking not
and your little statement on "good slavery" just means that you're a spineless idiots who, because he believes that you write story the same way you're supposed to write bad philosophy, wants narratives that don't actually challenge him but only present him a list of choices so that he can choose whatever he already thought was the correct option
I get your point, but ultimately it is my belief (so it doesn't mean much but still) that there is no reasonable case for slavery. the way I would proceed if I were to write on this would probably that the slavers shouldn't "just" be slavers and that you could write a lot about the other things that they do so to make them more humanes and less one-dimensional but they're still slavers.
I would slam that button like the fist of fucking divine wrath. The human race is simply not ready for the stream of groupthink, censorship and banhammering, and shit spewed out of the internet 24/7. It's having a corrupting influence on everything and is warping everyone's tiny fucking minds. It'll be a mercy to be rid of it.
>I get your point, but ultimately it is my belief (so it doesn't mean much but still) that there is no reasonable case for slavery.
And a well written story about the theme of slavery should be able to challenge that belief.
I've already anticipated your stupidity and covered everything you said in advance:
In fiction: successful writers spark debate while shitty writers shut down debates with a "shut your brain down and follow the flow" mentality.
If a writer can get you to question both the moral and immoral preconceptions in your mind by providing situations where you actually have to think or are actually distracted from your original principle, that means they've used apolitical means to challenge your fucking low IQ and EQ and trigger their growth.
You've just basically argued that challenging concepts is spineless, the only end result is that your accusation of spinelessness and cowardice is wrong while you've unearthed yourself as narrowminded and mentally lazy. MENTAL LAZINESS and rigidity of thought, that's your sin and why you would be a shitty writer.
What's great about Binary Domain is that you had a character who didn't have all the time in the world to do everything right, nor would reality allow such a thing, therefore he was met with people with complex circumstances having a complex specter of interactions with him and whether you chose the good or the bad option you would often find it with results varying from your original expectations, or rather your ingrained expectations of what you wish would happen as opposed to what actually happened, because it turns out that morality is not infallible.
Binary Domain therefore used apolitical methods to put the player into situations where he doesn't have the fucking time of the Internet to make choices and is faced with both routes where moral choices fuck him over and evil choices actually turn out beneficial and also vice versa and also grey variations of end results.
The entire point of the original topic in this thread is that being apolitical means creating a diverse and complex picture which plays with morality and cause and effect, and you obviously don't have the personality for it- ergo shit writer.
This is a natural point in the evolution of humanity, user. Reset as much as you want, we'll always get to a point of complacency were we're caught up in our own bullshit.
Deleting the internet won't change a thing, just delay.
The female employees were all in HR, marketing, and production, they didn't contribute anything to the games themselves.
>but ultimately it is my belief (so it doesn't mean much but still) that there is no reasonable case for slavery.
The only thing hindering you from thinking up reasonable and varied cases for slavery is creative bankruptcy which is fueled either by your lack of emotional maturity to pursue it because you are afraid of twisting your own principles or the opinions of others, or plain and simple laziness to do so. That's the whole fucking point.
If it was easy to do it, then there would be no fucking standard to differentiate between good, mediocre, and shitty writers.
>Trump being elected was a disaster on the scale of Chernobyl
No. Just No.
Trump is a fucking wet fart of a President as much as people go USI about "WE DID IT /pol/!" aboyt him getting elected because he been hilariously ineffective at enforcing his promises and like half the world is just flat out mocking and hardwalling him with "LE ORANGE MAN", Chernobyl was major and undeniable "wake-up call" about nuclear power, safety and ecological effects technology can have that shaped how people look at Energy generation and was a major kick-off for a search of alternatives.
>being so salty you reply to a post made hours ago
You for posting this trash.
>I've already anticipated your stupidity and covered everything you said in advance:
>I'm not going to argue with you because obviously i'm right and you're wrong and stupid: the post
also I'm not arguing that "challenging concepts is spinleless", you're the one who went on to talk about "Critical thinking" and "playing the Devil's advocate" just so that if somehow you disagree with a statement being made by the writers you could retreat in an opposing statement to avoid engaging with the previous one. As I understand it you're asking for videogames writers to give you a metaphorical escape pod from their morality and their ideas in the form of a "nah nevermind maybe it's totaly the opposite of what we've just said"
I don't think there is any point in making a story about "slavery but this time this is good actually". I may be wrong but I honestly don't see the point outside of a "the ends justify the means" bullshit.
How the fuck is that personal politics you brainlet? It's simply accurate history.
Of course they tie the black guy with dumb shit politics.
Well yeah, why do you think he's in there?
>It's about working through the contradictions and reaching a conclusion that yes, in fact, drunk driving is bad.
So you're not challenging anything either. You're just saying "this is bad, no need to think why by yourself".
By delivering a conclusion you're robbing the player of finding one himself and promoting lazy herd mentality.
I play video games to escape from reality, indulge in some wish fulfillment and entertainment. Not for political bullshit.
And yet they act like they own the place. Both of those cancerous groups have completely tanked this board, it's a damn a shame. At least the cancer from before was our cancer, now we have people who stake their entire lives and identities on shit flinging over political leanings invading from outside and shitting the place up with their dumbass fight.
>chink store
It’s not epic exclusive you retard
Why is Avellone so based
>As I understand it
You don't understand shit. I'm asking from writers to be creative.
Pushing a specific moral agenda because you have the brain of a Churcher who only accepts preaching in one direction as opposed to questioning and creating new connected ideas, is what you are preaching when arguing against the apolitical writer.
>I don't think there is any point in making a story about "slavery but this time this is good actually".
Because you are mentally bankrupt. So in the end we have finally validated that you only argument against the entire topic is
>i'm too lazy to think
>i'm too afraid to challenge my preconceptions
>i think there is no point unless a single narrative is being pushed
You are literally the most boring kind of person that should never write a story ever in their life because all you'd write is generic predictable trash because you've already established that your belief is more important than challenging your belief. You are a religiousfag in body and soul even if you don't ascribe to one of the existing churches.
Oh my fucking god, I'm still in the fucking Berenstain universe with you weird ass motherfuckers, huh?
I hate you people. The fact that everyday speech for me is now considered SJW is retarded.
Isn't it ironic? In the end black people are no more than puppets to be paraded by white people to showcase how progressive they are.
You mean Berenstein.
No, that was the reasonable one.
>everyday speech
I suggest moving to a more IQ-friendly part of the world where the English language isn't butchered by highschool dropouts and prison culture seeping out into real life.
I was talking about "critical thinking" because that user was clearly missing the point of what it is.
I went on to say later that even with this kind of definition of critical thinking you can't apply it to videogame's story in this way, because critical thinking is a logical intellectual process and not in any way similar to storytelling.
about storytelling itself however lets say that i'm making a game/writting a story about drunk driving being bad, I don't ask of the reader/player to stop right there and to repeat after me "drunk driving is bad", maybe he disagree with me, he as every rights to. This kind of argument really ooze of distrust of others and distrust of their abilities to apply, well, critical thinking.
alright go on then make your story about "good slavery" (because you so believe that this story is possible and even desirable).
I may be a "boring religious churcher" but throughout this whole exchange you've done nothing but namecalling me and you actualy never actually refuted anything I said. For someone who appears so hellbent on making other people challenge what they think you've done a terrible job at it here.
You fucking wot user? I think you're letting your racism get in the way of your ability to actually think.
>and even desirable).
But isn't the whole point to challenge ideas? Not being welcomed or wanted is to be expected.
Low IQ posts
Low IQ tweet
>alright go on then make your story about "good slavery"
You are the one who brought up slavery in the first place as your meme argument.
I'm not a good writer, i've already given the prison solution as an example. Enslaving a nation which invaded yours first but lost the war and has to pay reparation through slave labor under a limited term is one of the general positive outlines i can think of in 3 seconds.
>but throughout this whole exchange you've done nothing but namecalling me
I dare you to directly argue how calling someone who said there is no point in being creative and diverse, a creatively bankrupt person or lazy, is not a legitimate callout. I double dare you.
The entire topic of this thread is what constitutes creative writing and you've done nothing to make a single coherent argument on the topic, your only retort in all your posts is "there is no point". You've admitted that you are religious about your beliefs so you've already retorted yourself out of the discussion on what constitutes creative and good writing, i didn't need to do shit. Being apolitical means having the ability to ceaselessly think outside of the box and seek answers beyond the norm or generic specter, and that's also the definition of creativity. The player chooses, while the writer issues the challenges and makes the route that the player chose coherent within the player's expectations yet also filled with challenges. This is good writing and this is apolitical writing. You've done nothing to argue this point which is the point of the writer.
>alright go on then make your story about "good slavery" (because you so believe that this story is possible and even desirable).
If it can be made why wouldn't it be desirable? More food for thought instead of mental atrophy like you seem to find desirable.
We only type the Queen's English, here.
It is. Why the fuck do you think socjus fags adopted it? Their nigger fetish, of course.
>I believe it's possible to do apolitical games
Not sure this was ever in question but okay
>I also don't condone developers who want to do political games or make a statement
I'm sorry but I honestly don't give a shit. You can condone it or not, it's going to happen either way.
>I think a game is served better by asking a question, providing a range of perspectives on the question, but then leaving the answer to the player. I try to frame an politics in the parameters of the world, the lore, the franchise.
I guess it depends on what your goal is with the game, which we'll getting to in a second.
>The reason I take this approach is because I view games as entertainment.
Not everybody shares this view, like it or not. Some people view games as vehicles for stories, and not all stories are "entertaining". I don't particularly find watching movies about the holocaust to be entertaining, but I still get value out of doing so. This need to feel constant delight in video games undermines other roles games could play in our society beyond being simple toys.
>If you're purposely pushing an agenda or point of view in your game - especially a real world one that's clearly divorced from the game world - and you're dictating that perspective as correct vs. asking a question or examining the perspective more broadly, then it's left the gaming realm and the 'game' has become a pulpit.
... and? I'm not seeing the problem.
TL, DR; Chris Avellone has opinions. Awesome. I disagree. Thanks for reading.
If my life CANT avoid politics, wouldnt it make more sense for me to welcome a story that isnt a political message itself so I can get a fucking break for a change? This faggot is a worthless idiot that doesnt get shit.
I'm glad I grew up in the last generation that still had genuine subcultures based in music and hobbies instead of these cringy new political subcultures.
Hobby based culture still exists my dude, you're just looking in the wrong places for them. This board has lost to the retarded and pointless culture war these autists are "fighting".
You can tell someone kys with your message.
>but how is Alpha Protocol not political?
What he is saying is that he don't want to push his politics onto others! He want the playing to think by themselves and form they own positions.
The wants to make "games" not "pulpits".
>Enslaving a nation which invaded yours first but lost the war and has to pay reparation through slave labor under a limited term is one of the general positive outlines
but it isn't though, because in the end slavery is about owning peoples, it's about taking another human being and denying is freedom. if I were to go deeper about it, does a young conscripted man who didn't kill anybody in that war got to be a slave because of a war he didn't wanted ? Can you really say that an entire nation is to be enslaved on the ground of a war that i'm sure as shit not all of them wanted ? and even if they wanted it, ultimately they lost, their homeland was probably as ravaged as is the homeland of the victors haven't they've been punished enough ?
you can make a case for slavery because you already believe that there can be some kind of "good slavery". if I'm to write about slavery I'm going to be against it. none of us is challenging anything here, we're not challenging what we ourselves think, we're not challenging the other because you and I already have a strong opinion on the matter
>I dare you to directly argue how calling someone who said there is no point in being creative and diverse, a creatively bankrupt person or lazy, is not a legitimate callout. I double dare you.
I won't however I will dare you to argue that i was arguing agaisnt creativity and diversity in writing.
>Being apolitical means having the ability to ceaselessly think outside of the box and seek answers beyond the norm or generic specter
oh yey, you're so smart user-kun~
>mental atrophy like you seem to find desirable.
what is it with you people and linking not agreeing with Avellones and wanting stories to be dull, when and where did I said that ?
You're a fucking low IQ retard with zero reading comprehension if you think Avellone said that.
Sure it does but it's far more common for kids nowadays to be coopted by these culture war faggots.
Political writing is self-insert.
Apolitical writing is not self-insert.
The problem with apolitical writing is creeping oversaturation which can create too much work for game devs and might lose itself in the complexity.
The problem with political writing is that the people these days who self-insert, especially leftists, are politically dumb people who spend more time on Twitter than they do reading various literature which should be their job as a writer; or retards whose literature background is Twilight and gender studies theories as opposed to actual philosophical and political classics and their modern counterparts.
Pic related is who writes the SJW shit in games today, as opposed to the learned and literary educated people before the Twitter and Facebook and Instagram age.
why are all leftfags constantly using strawman fallacies?
wtf I love Chris now
that guy is based and deserves an award, fuck SJWs
based and antisemetic pilled
Nothing, it's just a meme.
>but it isn't though
It is though. Your nation attacked another one, induced great damage, and you are complicit as a citizen alongside others in the formation and general nature of the currentl government and politics of your nation which resulted in suffering towards another one.
If you have any sense of responsibility you will do your reparation as slave labor during the agreed tenure, and if the end of the contract is followed truthfully by both parties then justice has been served and you can go back to building better relations. If you have no sense of responsibility, you are slotted in the category of immoral people because irresponsible people are usually immoral people or those people who have no sense for the bigger picture.
So now we are both engaging in challenging writing and giving multiple perspectives on the same notion, and that's what's good writing and apolitical writing that 1 writer can create. 1 good apolitical writer can create both of us or more, and our arguments here, and implement our dogshit into the story while polishing it.
Twitter's been bleeding users for a while, it's getting so bad they're trying to weaselword themselves out of it by "redefining" what an user is - stuff like considering an "user" an "user" only if they purchase adspace and the likes.
>Every message is political.
That’s not what he said. Reading too hard for you dumdum ?
Forcing one's politics is always bullshit. New Star Trek shows are shit in part because of it. People might argue that old trek was political. It was, but more often than not it had a certain tact in it's discourse to make sure neither side was infantilize down to a boogeyman. When old Trek did do this, which they did from time to time, it made for the worst episodes of ToS. TNG, and DS9. Modern media is stuck in this mode and it's annoying as shit.
Are they going to another platform or are people finally realizing it's not healthy?
>an user
it is pronounced you-sir not ooo-sir
Read again carefully. He said he doesn’t want to preach the message,but to let the players decide for themselves if there was any kind of message to pick up within the medium.
I’m not even English native and I understand this just from one reading. Did you skip all classes and just smartphone gaming all day ?
American culture is amazing. Such obsession with sex and gender fear from right and left. A whole generation has been grown on gender-opinionated garbage nazi this - sjw that. Literally scrambled their brains for life.
>If you think that Nier: Automata wasn't filled with political messaging then you're a brainlet.
The Japanese need to have sex. Japan will collapse if men have no reason to work long hours.
galaxy brain iq post
I am liberal myself, and i want to strangle the entire current generation of "liberals" in America, UK, Australia, the Anglosphere which has the common syndromes for whatever reason, for what they've done to the movement.
It used to be sexual liberation. Now it's Feminists spouting the same shit Conservatives did in the 80's and 90's.
It used to be sexual libertarianism, now it's sexual authoritarianism and combining Instagram culture with Sexual Identity to produce this corrupt and twisted form of "pride".
Shit's pushing my blood pressure up.
>have sex
I had it... 7 years ago. It's so fucking overrated.
Was it with a guy or girl?
>stuff like considering an "user" an "user" only if they purchase adspace and the likes.
Wouldn't that make user count even lover?
A lot of black slang was taken from white southerners.
Even the word nigga ironically is the most obvious example of this.
Im not sure, i didn't ask they/them what they identified as.
Yeah, niggers lifted a lot of southern shit. That's where they're from.
Isn't it strange how their game design philosophy, RPG with many paths and choices vs linear movie game, is reflected also in their personal views?
I'm not a faggot, it was grill
Don't impersonate me, faggot.
But Billy thinks censorship is based now
I argued this same point in a thread a few days ago myself.
Even though I think I struggle with this too.
I've been or tried to be very self-analytic.
But it's very hard to notice what buases you have because to you these thongs seem like absolute truths, so you dont even notice them.
It's like a fish in water, it will never be able to understand that it's always surrounded by water.
No need for a nuke. They'll catch the plague or die of dysentery soon enough. We Californians are literally bringing back Medieval diseases.
This completely assblasted Yea Forums and I love it.
Twitter would probably be the first fucking thing they bring back so no.
Do you have screencaps by any chance?
He's right.
It's not entirely the fault of politics though.
Subcultures in general died out with the internet becoming mainstream.
I grew up right around the time when a lot of those subcultures died off.
The only one that's still around irl is skater culture and that's due to the culture revolving around physical activity.
A lot of other subcultures like scene, punk, etc moved online and died out .
Check the archive or go there now, I bet they are still whining.
I don't get it. People haven't changed, I don't see how that's a controversial statement. Or targeted, for that matter.
It was a guy, he was very gentle and i wasn't sure about my own sexuality back then.
The latter.
The internet having an effect on mental, societal and in some cases physical health is a topic that's popped up in 1 or 2 places in mainstrean discourse.
Unfortunately those very problems are stopping the discussion from moving into the spotlight.
Social media was especially harmful but 99% of users are still brainlets so it'll be a while before any progress is made.
They want to redefine it that way exactly so the number of non-payers don't matter.