Are VNs video games?
Are VNs video games?
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If it was a video game you could kill her and decapitate her and spin her drooling head around and slap her big tits.
>dyed hair
That's a no from me
>decapitate her
headfucking is a god tier fetish.
>no "open the door, get on the floor everybody walk the dinosaur" option
>are visual NOVELS video GAMES?
I don't know. What I do know is that art looks like shit. Why are you playing this garbage?
Yes, they are, they are videogames about reading a story and following a plot with varying degrees of interaction. If Wikibedia says they're videogames, they are, regardless of how unorthodox they may be for the average z00mling
Visual novels are not inherently video games, but some visual novels are also video games.
To be a video game and a visual novel, it needs to unambiguously contain elements of both, such as strategy, choices (not like "eat the burger" or "eat the soup", more like "go to this area first and then when I conquer it I'll hold a conference to see how my allied territories feel about continued conquest") and randomness
So something like Monster Girl Quest is a visual novel and a game, and Sengoku Rance is a visual novel and a game.
>Visual novels are not inherently video games,
Incorrect, they are video games by definition.
ugly nigger SJW garbage
who bitch dis is
So what's so game-y about a sound novel like Umineko?
And don't tell me it's trying to figure out what's going on, that's like telling me Sherlock Holmes is a game because you're trying to figure out who the culprit is
No. They're PNGs that you can occasionally interact with.
Does it have video?
Does it have game?
Therefore VNs are video games.
Im sure the same weebs who shit on snoys movie games will say they are.
are VIDEO games GAMES?
Feel free to actually read the definition of "video game" and come back when you aren't just making an ass of yourself by assuming your personal definition to be correct.
>what's gamey about Umineko
You making the conscious choice to read the shitty answer arcs and losing all the time you invested is definitely a gamble
In reality any game with choice is as much a game without if you still interact with it digitally
I wouldn't exactly call these tough life choices the pinnacle of gameplay.
In fact I wouldn't call it gameplay at all.
Therefore I wouldn't call it a game either.
"cuddle" is an intransitive verb
Ok, you're free to be wrong. Your opinions don't change facts.
sometimes yes and sometimes no
being a game is not a distinction of quality
VN's are ergodic literature desu
if you read a book instead of just anime garbage from time to time, maybe you'd know
So in other words: they aren't video games and should be discussed on Yea Forums or reddit
let me guess, you're still in high school?
he doesn't need high school he's in ben shapiro university
>wake up
But if you have the choice to cuddle her you are already awake.
I mean sure, you can have your definition of video game include anything that requires a man to machine interface as well as any form of video, and you can sit on your high and mighty throne for doing so too if that's what you please.
But frankly walking simulators aren't games. In fact, they only are when you're being stubborn for the sake of logical consistency.
So you'd rather be retarded than wrong.
She seems thirsty i'll glass her
it's a dream
it depends
they are literature in the sense that they are texts, but in media theory discourse the word "text" is a very lose term often applied to things like algorithms, websites or even videos, kind of like "artefact" but with a bigger emphasis on its virtuality as opposed to physicality
But then you wouldnt have a choice in the first place. Unless its a lucid dream.
It's funny to me that you have to attempt to save face on an anonymous forum instead of just accepting you were wrong and moving on.
Blah blah blah blah.
calling something you read and click to advance the text, and maybe sometimes you pick 1 out of 3 irrelevant choices, or maybe sometimes you pick 1 out of 3 paths to continue the story, is too little interactivity for me to call it a game
games like Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, etc are puzzle games to me, they do have a nice story and a ton of text, but it all comes down to you absorbing all that information and looking at the evidence to find the inconsistencies, so I consider them games, if you take these parts away from them, then all that's left is a VN
I prefer to associate the word book with the physical object of a book, I call e-books e-books, not books, and I'd call Fate a visual novel, but I get what you mean with the way you're using the word book in that image
Source? That's a delicious brown girl. She reminds me of Meena and Maya from Dragon Quest. Pic related.
>he can't wake up on command
get good user
Mods say so. That being said your game still looks like shit.
I could argue choose your own adventure books are actually single player board games.
you haven't made a single substantive post in this thread
go mcfuck yourself
yeah in critical circles (journals, conferences etc), extrapolating and arguing over definitions is pretty much frowned upon and seen as childish.
discussing the specific properties and nuances of each individual text is what matters, no one gives a shit about what you think qualifies into your ultra-specific definition or not
I actually have a few times, but its usually right when something bad is going to happen. I just suddenly notice this shouldnt even be happening and wake up.
>make choices that affect the outcome of the story
no, you simply traverse nodes in a graph. you actually don't change the story at all. making choices is also not what makes something a game, which is why picking a television channel isn't a game.
I think we can all agree that AAA shit isnt games though.
>t. pleb who didn't know media theory exists until today
But in your "real video games" you also traverse nodes on a graph, for instance in Donkey Kong you either jump or you don't jump and it leads to a different story.
why would someone in a low iq field populated by people poor enough to qualify for government food assistance portend to call anyone a pleb
>you must press the right buttons to progress further and reach the end
>it's not a video game
I don't think it's even real
it looks like promotional art for the crappy clickbait ads on facebook
By definition they are videogames. Even just clicking to change the text on screen is enough to classify any entertainment program as a game.
>are first person SHOOTERS video GAMES?
This is your level of autism.
VN is VN more like interactive book. You can hate me.
Your fallacy is that you assume reading "The Warlock of Firetop Mountain" is not a game, literally the cover of the book calls it a GAMEBOOK, because it's a GAME. Guess what genius, if you take a GAMEBOOK and make it DIGITAL, it becomes a DIGITAL GAME aka a VIDEO GAME.
I want a purple haired brown girlfriend to wake up next to so bad
agreed the national socialists were the real socialists
Fate/Stay night HAS choices on the level you ask for retard, there are literally 40 different ways to lose, most of which end with you dying, generally when you fail at a fight.
Also it's super autistic for you to pretend "Randomness" is required for it to be a game. So you are retarded enough to say Chess is not a game? Is Super Mario Bros not a game, since there's no true randomness in it? Every tile is the same every time, and speedrunners literally program TASbots to do inputs perfectly and the bots are perfect every time because there is no randomness involved, so I guess Mario isn't a videogame character anymore.
Ok so Yea Forums is a video game
You click to advance the story. That's all you need to make it a videogame, clicking is no less valid than holding the w key in a hallway simulator game.
no because it isn't a game at all
you can make games using it, but it isn't itself a game
That "tough life choice" makes the difference between ruining the MCs relationship with his girlfriend and closest friend and letting him be happy for a while, autist. There's more of an impact in that choice than in 90% of the gameplay in any of those pre-set "videogames" you play, where you shoot the guys and move forward and nothing you do actually matters because you can't alter the plot in any way.
So by shitposting on Yea Forums instead of playing video games, Yea Forums is actually constantly playing vidya.
>posts his definition for a videogame
>uhhh n-no Yea Forums doesn't count despite fitting the criteria exactly
in fact, Yea Forums is more interactive than Umineko, for example, it's more of a game than some VNs
I didn't realize Yea Forums stood for semantics. Why can't you autists just play games and let other people play the things they call games? There is no point in being pic related.
>Wake up and leave
The fuck's going on if he's asleep then? Is he in a dream?
i'm not that other poster you stupid fuck
that person is an immense retard, and you accepting his conclusion when he doesn't satisfy the requirements of the first two words is simply dumb
>no, you simply traverse nodes in a graph. you actually don't change the story at all.
In standard "videogames" you traverse nodes in a straight line, nothing you do in Call of Duty has any impact other than how quickly you get to the next story node.
snake eater
why don't i play a game of rounding you up and putting you in camps
Yea Forums isn't a program or a game, autist.
If you are braindead, and the only reason you are still alive is there is a machine that helps you maintain a pulse, you will never recover from this state, and you will never be able to "live" without this machine, would you call that being "alive"?
I wouldn't. Just because you manage to hold a pulse with some assistance does not qualify you as holding the same faculties as a healthy thirty year old taking vacations every other month.
Now that we have this in mind, is such a basic, reductive, and functionally useless definition valid?
If you truly think so, then I'd advise your family to pull the plug on your life support machine, and see if you're really alive in the first place.
>just clicking to change the text on screen is enough to classify any entertainment program as a game
Yea Forums is a video game according to this
so web games aren't games?
This is moronic.
You're assuming that "eat the burger of don't" isn't a strategic decision. Maybe it's not a high-level decision, but it affects how the game plays out. Your strategy is in how you navigate the routes.
you don't even understand what you are talking about so you can stop replying with your garbage because i'm not interested in your incoherent blather
>u dumb u retard u dumb u retard
Arguing with Yea Forums is the real game.
>a machine that helps you maintain a pulse, you will never recover from this state, and you will never be able to "live" without this machine, would you call that being "alive"?
So, you are currently dead, then?
what defines a game? go on, give me your definition and you'll see it's far from simple
>his definition
>literally the dictionary definition google pulls when you type "videogame"
Yea Forums doesn't fit the definition at all autist, it's not a program and even if you want to call a chat website a program you can't call it a game because it's intended purpose is not a game, unlike visual novels which are sold as games by game stores, not as books in book stores.
Keep your retarded shit up, you can call dogs videogames too if you want because "HURR DURR IT'S INTERACTIVE!!"
Visual Novels are games that are digital, aka videogames. Yea Forums isn't a game, even if it's digital autist. even if I won this debate
guess I'm checking this shit out
How about we use this instead?
Got a heartbeat. Good.
Can't see shit. Can't move. Can't smell anything. Can't feel anything.
Are you really alive at this point, or are you a log?
buddy after your display of illiteracy i suspect everything is far from simple for you
>insert smallbrain wojack
Yea Forums is a program you dumb fuck
you can do better than that I'm sure, no need to be angry because your arguments are shit
visual novels are video games but not kinetic visual novels since you don't make any choices
>fits the description
>instead of pointing out where it supposedly doesn't, just say it doesn't
what the fuck does that word even mean
I've seen it start popping up lately
demonstrate that you have the ability to read or kill yourself
Games are not about story, but about win/lose conditions and states.
Protip: you can play with things that are not games. An action figure is not a game, yet you can play with it.
So, Visual Novels would be more like the "Choose your own adventure" books. Do you consider those a game? That they are played on a videogame console does not make them games. I can read comics on the Nintendo Switch, does that mean those comics are a game?
it's a term coined by key for vns without choices
keep digging your hole nigga
kinetic novels are linear visual novels
so novels with arts
you are unironically the stupidest person in this thread
I wasn't expecting somebody to be autistic enough to take this apart into semantics as hard as you are, so let me be more clear.
"Eat the burger" or "don't" in this case could be anything that has no impact on the greater scheme of the story whatsoever. Think of a choice between naming yourself "My Ass" or "Ah Shit I" in Pokemon. That is the level of story change that goes on.
Yea Forums is code, but it is not by definition a program, it's a website. If there was a standalone Yea Forums app, that would be a program, but you access Yea Forums through programs like your internet browser or an unaffiliated app, which is the actual program while Yea Forums is just code that program runs for you.
VNs are still videegames btw
>Games are not about story, but about win/lose conditions and states.
so walking simulators like edith finch aren't games?
But you can lose in a visual novel
>code run by windows is a program and can be a game
>code run by a browser is not and can't be a game
what is this arbitrary non sense
Don't bother, they're retarded.
Yea Forums is by definition a program you english major dropout
god you could make a movie out of this
>Visual Novels would be more like the "Choose your own adventure" books. Do you consider those a game?
When they have choices leading to alternate endings and sometimes even failstates, then yes I'd consider them games, as do the creators of many of those books, which often call them "Gamebooks". See pic related, the book is clearly labeled as a "Gamebook" because you are intended to read it as if you are "playing" through the story, instead of passively reading a preset story you CHOOSE your OWN adventure.
If you take a "Gamebook" and make it digital, it becomes a digital gamebook, note that it is now both a game and also digital, hitting the 2 criteria for a "Video game".
Hell yeah you could, and I would watch that shit too.
Nobody said code run by a browser can't be a game autist, but Yea Forums isn't a game because it's just not a fucking game. When you go to Yea Forums to shitpost about videogames, do you say "oh yeah I've been playing Yea Forums recently"? No, because you'd sound fucking retarded.
welcome to the real hell
Nah, most of them are novels. It says it in the name.
If it has gameplay however, like Rance and Ace Attorney, then it's a game.
And no, pressing a button to pick a choice is not gameplay.
Why the hell people even continued, holy shit.
way ahead of you
>isn't a game because it's just not a fucking game
best argument ever
of course Yea Forums isn't a game, the question is why we call walking sims or kinetic novels games and not Yea Forums
>100+ posts
>ctrl f
>Zero results for eggs
Very disappointed, Yea Forums. Very goddamn disappointed.
because clowns want their "interactive experiences" to be coded as games, to sell like games, and to be lauded as games, because they are brood parasites
>watching television
>press button to change channel
it's probably my favourite video game
>And no, pressing a button to pick a choice is not gameplay.
>cyoa novels
>have to make choices to advance the plot
sounds like a video game to me
>of course Yea Forums isn't a game, the question is why we call walking sims or kinetic novels games and not Yea Forums
Because they are played as games, even kinetic novels have the limited gameplay or clicking your mouse and the implicit main "gameplay" is through experiencing the story, which involves reading, taking in the visuals, and taking in the sound, again which is in the context of a game.
You could argue that there's a scale of "videogame-ness", if you want to be a turbo autist, where bing bing wahoo is on the far "videogame as hell" side, danganronpa is on the "totally a full game" section, VNs with choices are on a "a game" area, and kinetic novels/walking sims are on the far other side labeled "arguably videogames through relation to the rest of the scale's videogames".
So, does that mean books are games then?
Your logic would imply turning pages is gameplay user.
you haven't made a distinction you shortbus
"You have to eat all the eggs? have nothing to do with the context of OPs post. Please understand the meemees you're trying to use before spouting them.
can't make story-altering choices in most books
choose your own adventure books are games, just not video
>implicit main "gameplay" is through experiencing the story, which involves reading, taking in the visuals, and taking in the sound, again which is in the context of a game.
Jesus Christ. Experiencing stimuli is not the same thing as being an active player in a video game. Watching television or reading a book on your kindle or watching a music video does not make you a video game player.
The problem is that "games" are very poorly defined, and have been for a long time. This vagueness spreads over to video games.
Essentially it's a Loki's wager problem.
We can all agree that reading manga online isn't a video game and Persona 5 is a video game, but how much interactivity do you have to add/remove from each respectively before they become the other?
If you remove all non-linear choices from a game you can reasonably argue it's still a game, and adding "choose which route main character goes down in this novel by clicking on book A or book B" to a novel doesn't really make it a proper game.
The point is that VN's are some point in the middle between novels and video games and there is no hard divide of mutual exclusivity between those two groups.
>read VN with deeply developed romance
>game ends
a common criticism of detective fiction was that it was more of a cheap game than real literature, so calling umineko a game still fits in a sense
Games have choices or interaction, on top of the general concept of "made for entertainment" that games require.
Learn to read, the factual "gameplay" is the input the player puts in, even if the main reason to play is to experience the game's content.
>seven years later
>still in love with Hanako Ikezawa
It's real, shit's really fucking Jewish in its shekel snatching though
shh, don't tell Yea Forums that because autism makes vague concepts hard to process, they need clear guidelines and rules or they can't understand the topic. Autism makes it hard to understand subtleties or nuances, they need everything in black and white because telling someone with autism that they can't have a clear box or label to apply to everything in life triggers them.
Bitch, turn around and show us your fucked up face
whadyu mean?
is it free
>click anywhere on the screen 100k+ times
Riveting. People will be talking about this for generations.
Desert Bus is one of the greatest games ever made and a true piece of art.
It blows modern "art games" out of the water.
how's the phantom pain, bitch?
The Arcana. It’s interesting and expensive as all fuck.
Sadly low on cute girls but if you like DRAMA and weird magic shit it’s fun. You can F2P but miss a lot of CGs.
Yeah I really shot myself in the foot with that example, because I agree wholeheartedly.
In any case I wouldn't call "click to advance text" gameplay.
Let's say I'm playing the story mode of a fighting game or something, and that story mode is in visual novel form. What do I think of as gameplay?
Because it certainly isn't "Click to advance text", I would call that "a means to get to the gameplay"
And if your """game""" consists of nothing but "a means to get to the gameplay" and that's your excuse for "gameplay" that makes it a "game", I think you're not standing on solid enough ground to call the thing a game.
F2P but there's a catch, there are 21 chapters based on the arcana with the first 5 being common route, and the rest being your specific choice's story.
To play a chapter you need to pay a key, you can have three keys at a time, and they regenerate every seven hours, though you can pay a dollar to get them back at once.
The real problem is that the chapters all have special choices which costs coins to unlock, and generally have the CGs hidden behind them, but each one is like 3 dollars a pop, and there can be 2-3 of them per chapter.
You can skip the keys business and prepay for those choices by just buying the chapter, but shit costs like 10 dollars, all to buy just one chapter for one character.
>it's already been 7 years
what the fuck
Desert Bus is literally a videogame made to show how boring realistic games would be though, it's not designed to be riveting.
I feel sorry for autists who can never comprehend the joy of reading a good VN.
don't forget user, you're here forever
can I pirate it
>check out the Arcana's fandom wiki
>want to see more art of the characters
>they all have manjaws and Tumblr faces
I guess OP's picture is angled in such a way that it conceals the manjaws, because that's probably the best picture of Nadia.
I want to lick her bacon bits.
>falseflagging so hard you need to pretend every single book is trash just to get your point across
Shitpost all you want but people DO talk about visual novels for generations, Fate is almost 20 years old and there are literal constant discussions on the 1st game to this day. You'll be dead and gone and people will still be discussing Fate, autist.
Yeah, of course they are. People who say they're not have to make up some weird definition of video games in order to discount them
manjaws are my fetish
user I think you missed the point of that post.
Only if it ends with her getting Jenson augments like that follow up picture someone did and getting revenge on her kidnapper
The (poorly made falseflag-filled) point of the post is irrelevant, if you want to claim VN can't be good because the gameplay isn't riveting enough for you you're claiming no books can be good because they're even lesser concepts than VNs.
Calm down child. Instead of making yourself look any worse go ahead and reread the reply chain.
no, they're ''choose your own adventure'' book novels with digital interface
>Fate is almost 20 years old and there are literal constant discussions on the 1st game to this day.
Disingenuous much? The franchise (because it's what is now, a franchise) is still talked to this day because it's still milking new titles, spin-offs and fucking gacha otakubait. It's not as if people are still talking about a stand-alone VN that is still influential and memorable 20 years later, if anything the only time it's brought up is to highlight how atrocious the writing is. In any case, this does nothing to advance the argument that VNs are video games.
>turn page of book
>it is now a game
Nook is my favorite console.
There is no "argument", just purist autists screeching when people call things they don't like videogames, since they can't comprehend both "I like videogames" and "I dislike visual novels" in the frame of "visual novels are videogames", it appears to autists to be a contradiction so they can't comprehend it and shut it out.
nvm, apparently it's on smartphones as well and I found a hacked apk
go look up the definition of "game"
>load up seeds of chaos 2.4.5
>keep trying to ally with the Orc camp, but keep failing every check
>reach day 60
>get killed no matter what I do
Literally impossible.
a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.
synonyms: match, contest, tournament, meeting, sports meeting, meet, event, athletic event, fixture, tie, cup tie, test match, final, cup final, playoff; More
"he broke his leg two weeks before the big game"
a meeting for sporting contests, especially track and field.
"the Olympic Games"
sports and athletic activities as organized in a school.
the equipment for a game, especially a board game or a computer game.
a person's performance in a game; a person's standard or method of play.
"he will attempt to raise his game to another level"
a complete episode or period of play, ending in a definite result.
"a baseball game"
Can't wait for Barnes and Noble at E3
The vast majority of VNs are not video games. Some branch out with gameplay and are video games, as mentioned several times ITT (but then they were probably never VNs in the first place). Kinetic novels or VNs with superficial choices to be made are not video games. This is the consensus and to disagree means you think you're smarter than everyone else and should probably explain how you see something no one else does.
damn... how will user ever recover?
>Kinetic novels or VNs with superficial choices to be made are not video games.
You can gatekeep Kinetic Novels if you want, but literally any choices make a VN into a game, as that's legit gameplay impacting the flow and course of the game as a whole.
>It's not as if people are still talking about a stand-alone VN that is still influential and memorable 20 years later
People still talk about the original VN all the time
>if anything the only time it's brought up is to highlight how atrocious the writing is
Not only is the writing not "atrocious", you can't possibly judge the quality of the writing based on a translation made by some random chinese ESL student during his free time.
Your already on the bed, you might as well cuddle her
Thread ended here.
Video game is all encompassing, literally anything can be turned into a game and literally anything that appears on a display can thus be turned into a video game. But this definition is too broad to be of any practical use.
Visual novel should be it's own spectrum.
Sengoku Rance? Strategy game. No explanation required.
Phoenix Wright? Puzzle game. You're thinking about how the clues relate to each other in order to solve the case.
Tsukihime? Puzzle game. You're trying to weave your way through choices in order to get to the light at the end of the tunnel without dying. If not Tsukihime, then definitely Kagetsu Tohya, and if you don't believe me, try getting a full clear without using a guide.
Grisaia? I dunno, whatever the hell Heavy Rain is having, it's probably having a piece of that.
Umineko? Mystery game. You're not making any choices, but you are attempting to decipher what has happened in an attempt to solve the mystery.
The problem with this picture is of course that this definition is retarded, and not actually useful for any sort of categorization. If you press a button that places the words "This is a game" somewhere on your screen whenever you press a target or something, that is still a game.
A more useful categorization is asking "What is a visual novel?" What all of these visual novels have in common is that they present a text based narrative with accompanying everything else.
TLDR: Game is a shitty term with a shitty definition that stretches to fit the circumstance of autists who want to claim such high intensity gameplay as "click anywhere".
You fucks better not revive this god damn thread.
No, morons like you can't understand context or read between the lines, your example picture is the literal perfect example of that. "People die when they're killed" is 100% fitting and logical within the context of the scene, it's Shirou basically thinking to himself because he has Avalon, an artifact that makes it so he DOESN'T die when he is killed, but in that scene he's giving it up and from now on, he WILL have to take care of his body.
It's an extremely contextual scene that perfectly elaborates around the complex ways Shirou has to change his actions, he is used to jumping in the way of danger to protect others even if it ends up with him bleeding all over the place, but in this scene he's reminding himself that he can't do that anymore without risk because, oh yeah that's right, people die when they are killed.
It's essentially similar to a scene where an immortal being becomes mortal, for a little while that character has to remind themselves of the new limits they have, because remembering that getting hit with a sword might kill him is new to Shirou, similar to if Superman lost his powers and had to hold himself back the next time a car was about to run someone over, because oh yeah I can't just jump in front of that car anymore because people die when they are killed.
The porn scenes are funny because Nasu isn't a porn writer, but the action and plot scenes are all fine, even with a shitty translation holding it back you.
>Umineko? Mystery game. You're not making any choices, but you are attempting to decipher what has happened in an attempt to solve the mystery.
There is a game in one of the episodes.
Shh, the kind of people that try to use Umineko as an example but don't realize it has actual gameplay aren't worth arguing with, they can't even cherrypick right honey.