Soooooooo I loved Sekiro but I felt like it was not fast and flashy enough for a ninja game. Anons on Yea Forums told me Ninja Gaiden is basically Sekiro+DMC so I bought a used PS3 to play it.
And boy, oh boy, this game fucking sucks.
>Ryu has only like 3 moves and they're all done by mashing XXY ala Dynasty Warriors
>Everyone moves at speed of light so you can never tell what is happening so u just mash in hope u hit someone
>Camera......Just camera............And I thought Sekiros was bad
>stuck on the first stage
>the only path availalbe for me is a hole that loops back ot the entrance of the temple
>walk in circles for 40min
>check walkthrough on youtube
>then that fucking room full of retarded white ninjas that made me waste all pots because FUCKING CAMERA SUCKS ASS
I swear to gods all you retarded faggots who recommend this piece of shit never played an action game made after 2000 or you just never played NG but you recommend it anyway because it's le hardcore and old.
Soooooooo I loved Sekiro but I felt like it was not fast and flashy enough for a ninja game...
Other urls found in this thread:
Aren't Black and 2 the ones people like (both for xbox)?
Lol imagine being this shit at games
Izuna Drop: The Game
NGfags will defend this.
bait threads are against the rules
I want to see this loser's reaction to the first Alma fight if he ever reaches it.
Not a bait, sorry. I don't understand how you can defend such shitty camera. Does Ryu at least get a counter move later so I can just stand in one place to not deal with that retarded fucking camera and just parry everything like in Sekiro?
idk I'm considering quitting and moving to NG2
Are other bossfights like this too? Nunchuck guy reminded me of Drakekeeper Knights and Boreal Valley Knights from Dark Souls. Retarded balls of damage with infinite stamina... There's nothing fun about just running away and spamming swallow cut(?).
Imagine being this bad at video games.
>"Bought a PS3"
>"mashing XXY"
>Y button on PS3
Fuck off fag.
This is the most plebeian thread I have ever seen on Yea Forums.
What am I supposed to write?
Mash SQUARE SQUARE TRIANGLE? Everyone knows the buttons you sperg
You need a big cup of get good
>I swear to gods
When will the pagan filth finally be eradicated?
Why are there ninjas there? Are there more enemies on higher difficulties like in DMC?
I also first gave up on Black because of the camera and getting my ass kicked. Then after a while I decided to try it again and now it's easily my favourite character action game out there. It's more about movement, dodging and countering and being as efficient as you can instead of doing flashy combos. Overall defending and positioning is more important than in other games of the genre and the game is better for it. Roll and jump and roll and jump and recenter the camera while doing it and you'll have a jolly good time.
The one big flaw in the game is that UT spam is way too good as can be seen on the video. The game goes from being fast and movement based into a button holding simulator even on master ninja.
Can we get one single fucking NG thread that's not autism or bait?
>not Black
NGfags has been shitting every character action thread for years now. Including autistic discordfags. What did you expect, no backlash?
>NGfags has been shitting every character action thread
This is code for "I'm a buttblasted DMCuck who can dish it but not take it".
See, you're the exact type of fucktard who brought this on NG threads.
You're a subhuman and also
t. Ninja Dog
>can only compare things to games that came out after 2010
>too stupid to figure out a simple level because there aren't indicators pointing where to go
>not even playing Black
>probably thought Sekiro and Dark Souls were "omg so hard nr1 hardest game voted by Reddit!"
End yourself zoomer Redditor.
>not flashy enough for a ninja game
Isn't "flashy" like the exact opposite of a ninja?
Not that i needed it but thanks for confirming it buttboy.
>not even playing Black
Aren't Black and Sigma 1 pretty much the same?
>not even playing Black
Ninja Gaiden Sigma is the definite version of NG1, it's literally a better version of Black. Not that you would know.
I remember when Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox released. It was my first taste of "Oh shit games can be hard". I loved every minute of it and I think it shaped my tastes in video games
Ninja gaiden black is good. Ninja gaiden 2 has some really bullshit enemies/encounters tbqh. I still beat the game on master ninja but I didn’t really enjoy the experience.
No, Sigma added a few shitty things nobody wanted and removed others. Puzzles and some cutscenes were removed, quite a few mechanics changed. The game was completely remade too down to the basic code and logic, and is janky in places.
>Ninja Gaiden Sigma is the definite version of NG1
This is only said by Sonyfag retards who didn't own an Xbox original. Fuck off, the one who would not know is you, because you never played Black.
Someone who is uploading a no-hit run shouldn't look like they're struggling with the controls. Why did he have trouble walljumping when trying to reset the crow so many times?
Also, the bit around 2:49 where an enemy throws a shuriken at him from offscreen, with an audio cue happening not before the throw but synonymous with it, seems really shitty.
Also, having played the game up until you beat the pink demon and then suddenly tanks start showing up and I lost interest (I think that was the furthest I played it since it's been a long time and I was only playing it when a friend brought it over, but the bosses I remember the most were the pink demon, Alma, and a big bone dragon), I'm kind of sad to see that it's much easier if you just spam these AoE charged attacks.
try that shit on Awakened Alma MN and then you can come back, you gigafaggot
You don't understand, console wars faggot. This is not a debate. Sigma has better graphics, more content and better gameplay. it is FACTUALLY the definite version of Ninja Gaiden 1. You can seethe and lie on the internet about it all you want, it won't change the truth. You manage to swindle some mongoloids into believing you instead of checking themselves but those souls were lost from the beginning,
Get a life, open your fucking eyes and stop living your life around brand loyalty you loser.
Kill yourself, faggot.
>worse balance
>no puzzles
>rachel levels
>"b-but muh grafeex!!!"
kys snoygger
You can feign indignation all you want, I was around when this happened so I know exactly what Sigmafags are. Answer truthfully: did you own an original Xbox and clear NGB on it?
First of all stop judging the game by meme challenge runs, or speed runs or god forbid Karma runs, any of that garbage. This goes for every game.
Enemies in NG are not neutered, the game doesn't stack the odds all in your favor. It's about dealing with the enemie's shit on the spot and not have them be trivialized (for the most part). If you got hit with the shuriken then you were not defending properly, it also creates a new situation where you have to deal with the now about to explode shuriken that's stuck on you.
Pink demon is Alma.
Explain to me how to counterattack
I just don’t fucking get it bros, do I have to let go of block then hit square after blocking a hit?
Is this a pasta? I can some what understand being stuck on the first boss, but to call a wall with a hole a "illusory wall" and being stuck there for 40m. What an idiot
Can you even Izuna Drop any boss? I've never tried because I'm not that much of a bitch.
>but to call a wall with a hole a "illusory wall"
a hole appears only after you attack it
The first Sigma is almost the same as Black.
I don't know what you mean by judging the game by meme challenge runs since I wasn't judging the game based on the fact that it was a no-hit run, but made a comment that someone who is attempting to showcase "skill" by doing a no-hit run (which I doubt actually happened because of the awkward cut where he saves before the boss, so I'm guessing he got hit and just reloaded the game multiple times), shouldn't look like they're wrestling with the game's basic movement.
And we're going to just have to agree to disagree since some people are going to find "dealing with the enemies' bullshit" an engaging experience while I think enemies offscreen being able to throw projectiles at you without some kind of audio or visual cue bad design since the player doesn't get a chance to react to the attack, the expectation is that they need to proactively avoid the situation happening in the first place. I just think this is bad design for a fast-paced action game and we're never going to agree that it's good design that you weren't "defending properly", which I take to mean "you should be blocking before the attack even comes out and acting on the assumption that there is an enemy offscreen who will throw projectiles at you." Like I said, proactive vs reactive.
And yes, I wasn't making a list with Alma as a separate item, I was naming the pink demon. She was very striking because she took many attempts to beat. It was also right around where I stopped playing since the tanks that came right after her felt really dumb.
>This is not a debate. Sigma has better graphics, more content and better gameplay. it is FACTUALLY the definite version of Ninja Gaiden 1.
The only thing Sigma has on black is the visuals. You are fucking delusional and probably should kill yourself.
Dumb faggots can't even hide it.
No, i never owned a single Xbox console. I had access to a 360 where i beat all of NGB and NG2. All the main game, all the missions, all the trials, everything on all difficulties minus Dog. I also did the same for Sigma, Sigma 2 and Razor's Edge. The only thing i have left to do in Ninja Gaiden is get 1000 kills in 4 out of the 9 Sigma survival challenges.
Dump your system wars autism at another doorstep. My motivations are true and my assessments are based on facts or my honest opinion. Which quite clearly cannot be said about you. Fuck off
On NG original? Just attack after blocking a hit, I don't think you need to let go of block, timing it key. You're better off using a heavy weapon like the Dabilahro since it's got a sturdy block and its single hits are very strong (counters can stagger or even one-shot certain enemies). It's much less forgiving in NGII, if you get the timing wrong you're basically fucked.
When the pc port gets announced this E3
Sure, and it's revealed that Valhalla is merging with Team Ninja to bring the old team back together and Itagaki is back on form to direct NG4.
We can all dream, I suppose.
and when it finally releases its some kind of monkeypaw port with shit performance and denuvo crap plastered all over it.
Hold guard and press the light or heavy attack button AFTER the attack you want to counter makes contact with your guard. Watch for the visual and audio cue. You must acquire the counter attack skill before being able to preform it. You can't counter attacks that would otherwise guard break you or grabs.
Same as 1 only you can now also counter attack just as they are about to hit you thanks to the new counter stance that happens when you press the buttons while guarding. You cannot counter attacks that would otherwise guard break you or are unblockable, because of shenanigans you can technically counter some guards but this is top secret tech stuff, for all intents and purposes you cannot counter grabs.
Exact same as 2 but now guard breaks are prolific and fast so it's a more situational technique that requires good enemy moveset knowledge. Ryu, Kasumi and Momiji have a new all purpose dodge/block counter that costs resources. Ryu's dodged all melee attacks, Kasumi dodges everything (even bullets) and Momiji blocks, interrupts and stuns everything.
Yes, in all 3 games.
If you complain about enemies moving at the speed of light then NG2 is going to literally kill you, it's everything that NGB did but turbo charged to 11. Literally the first second of gameplay is a group of enemies jumping on you
Microsoft are going to let xbox one games run natively on Windows 10 (but you have to buy Xbox game pass). It can't be a bad port because you are just running the xbox one version
Not him but you'd be better off just saying you didn't play NGB, it's better to not have played it than to have terminally bad taste and preferring NGS.
Now that i know about how autistic nips have gotten over censorship i don't believe there will ever be a NG4 or re-release of the games. Sorry.
>not playing Ninja Gaiden Black
>Button-Mashing in Ninja Gaiden
>An action game that has specifically designed to not be about button-mashing since you have recovery frames that you can't instantly cancel out of as opposed to most other action games were you can instantly cancel with a dodge or block
Ninja Gaiden Black is a masterpiece. I really get amused when all you kids think sekiro is so hard but you can't even beat Murai on Ninja Dog mode haha
you don't have a single fucking clue of what you are talking about.
Which one has the boob jiggle dedicated button?
>after all that
>you haven't played it lol
Honestly, i hope something awful happens to you today. Not major but not minor either, something like getting a tooth knocked out from a fall.
The first boss is the perfect tutorial, it tests if you understand the basic mechanics and are capable of playing the game beyond the first level.
If you can't beat the boss then you have no chance because you don't understand the game at all
But it has nothing to do with koei tecmo, it's purely microsoft
You can button mash through NGB/S and NG2/S2's normal mode.
To OP and anyone else who's confused: try this guy's tutorials and it may help figuring things out:
Boss tutorials:
Weapons tutorials:
General walkthrough stuff:
Defense and stuff:
He's probably posted some other guides but that's all I can think of offhand. And no, I'm not jtb, I just think he's really helpful.
I really don't get why people shit on Sigma so much. I think it has better item placement and some really nice quality of life upgrades like item shortcuts, easier running on water etc. I don't like the ps3 era bloom riddled graphics so much and the Rachel missions are pointless padding with a less fun character, but it's still just a slightly different version of the same great game. They are both worth playing.
That being said the version to go for right now is Black on Xbone for those crispy 4k graphics.
>Ryu has only like 3 moves
Stopped reading right there
>snoykek is disappointed that shits to fast in NG
no comparison to your favourite cinematic experience movie franchises, hm?
git gud.
when a zoomer plays a real action game for the first time
Sounds like you need to git gud
Literally git the fuck good
NG's approach to enemy design is what sets it above every other action game series. It's what keeps the fights engaging ever after the thousandth time instead of it devolving into a replicable and monotonous flowchart, unless you got out of your way to try and make it so.
They did go overboard with some elements of this in vanilla NG2 and Razor's Edge though.
Wow, this thread is cancer. No wonder this franchise died, non of you fags stand each other, and all you do is debate each others ports
Wish he wasn't a speedrunning Karma autist and actually put out worthwhile content besides these tutorials.
Is there a huge difference between Alma in Black and Sigma? Because I didn't have much trouble with her in Sigma.
I actually posted something helpful though, see .
And it still bewilders me that people keep arguing over which is the worst port when the Vita version has the most cancerous control scheme in the entire series.
There's 37 posters here and i can guarantee that less than 10 played a NG game and less than 5 finished it. There is no NG community on Yea Forums
Like what, exactly? He does good commentary on his speedruns and karma runs.
>Ryi has only like 3 moves
>walk in circles for 40min
>check walkthrough on youtube
>Dark Souls style
>so I can just stand in one place ... and just parry everything like in Sekiro
Get off of my website
The Vita Version being shit is common knowledge so it's not worth bringing into the discussion.
The only port I think is substantially inferior to it's original version is Sigma 2 on PS3
git gud
Black on Xbone still looks worse than Sigma.
git gud
Like anything besides speed running and karma running, the two worst ways to play NG. Why would anyone want to see or even care about someone spamming UTs through the whole game? Where's the entertainment value? What do you learn from it? It's the most autistic thing i have seen.
>buying a PS3 for Ninja Gaiden
If you want the answer to a question don't post the question, post the wrong answer. OP is smart.
OP the way to play Gaiden is to take heavy advantage of your movement. Roll has lots of i-frames. Jumping has lots of i-frames, wall-running and jumping are insanely fast and give you access to extremely powerful forward and downward slashes, timing your Y press correctly as you land lets you instantly collect essence to do a fuck-you-I-win essence attack without having to stand there like a retard
If you're playing the first release the best weapon is the main sword and the most fun weapon is the vigoorian flails (after upgrading)
If you're playing Black the best weapon by far is the staff, it's nuts.
If you're playing Sigma stop playing Sigma because they fucked up the game
Well yeah, Black is made for the original Xbox. It's still a better playing game.
>If you're playing Sigma stop playing Sigma because they fucked up the game
are all blackfags braindead?
Didn't see the PS3 bit. Yeah, OP is a retard, nothing to see here.
sigma>black>2>sigma 2
Black > Sigma > Razor's Edge > 2 > Sigma 2 > 3
I don't care for his karma runs, but his commentated speedruns are neat and they aren't purely UT spamming.
He does a mixture of other runs, too. Including challenge runs where he doesn't use UTs, among other things. Like here for example:
>It's still a better playing game
It's literally 100%, factually not. It has worse camera controls, worse bow controls, worse 3rd person bow action, no bow while in the air, no healing and ninpo recharging in real time and there's probably more that i am forgetting. Literally a worse playing game than Sigma but here you are pretending otherwise.
What's a Karma run?
Now that is the seethe I have come to know from Sigmafags, stay mad.
someone's tripping over save points to have said something so stupid
Secondaries posing as NG fans
Seriously, KYS autismo.
Basically maximizing score runs.
So you just UT everything?
It's OK to be stupid, user.
I'm sure you're a huge fan of the stripped-down and retard-proofed Sigma version and I'm glad they considered your accessibility.
>Black is worse because it has none of the crutches I leaned on to get through the game!
oh no they removed braindead filler puzzles
Yes. It's awful.
This is what happens when a souls drone plays a game where his reaction is actually tested.
Ninja gaiden is not too fast.
Souls shit is just slow & unresponsive by design for retards like you.
What was the thing with the crow/raven for?
>played through all of razor's edge
I can forgive people liking 2, it's not for me but I can see the appeal, but jesus christ man NG3 is just fucking awful.
Opinion discarded.
I beat this game when I was like 8.
Git gud you fucking scrub.
Reminder that NG and NGB sold 1.5mil units on a console considered to be for shooter bros and such. NGB was released in 2005, most of the people on Yea Forums were barely even in elementary school then. The percentage of people who are opining on this and have played Black is actually very low.
The vast majority of Sigmafags are Sigmafags because they never played anything else, with a small minority of people who just have fatally bad taste.
Razor's Edge is good.
>Sigma 2 on PS3
That's the only NG I have and I still can't beat the red and blue demon bosses
Any list that puts 2 above Sigma 2 pleases me greatly, though I really like 2 more than the others.
>No, i never owned a single Xbox console.
Stopped reading there.
>muh difficulty
Hilarious, Sigma is actually slightly harder than Black thanks to the changes made to some of the AI and the extra missions but it's exactly the kind of thing a "muh difficulty" poser would not know about.
Generating essence for instant UT at the start of the start of the next fight.
Why can't we all just get along and enjoy an ancient franchise? Except for OP, OP can drop their phone in the ocean and suffer a mild itchy rash.
Good, don't reply to me ever again.
I'm still stuck on this guy. Any tips?
>Red and Blue
What the Tengus? Say it ain't so user...
Ahhh I see, thanks user. I am not an expert at the 3D NG games.
razor's edge improved a bit from base NG3. much harder. the difficulties still not the same kind of difficulty as the fist 2 games & quicktime events, no essence abortion ect are still there. but the game has some merit now.
>look at this scarecrow I'm beating up!
>no ez aim, no bow while in the air, no healing and ninpo recharging in real time
that was the worst camera i've ever seen in my life
you can't see your character because enemies cover the camera
sometimes he even get's out of camera
how can I play NGB on PC
are there any great xbox emulators
>Sigma is actually slightly harder than Black
Please stop, this is just painful now.
>Nothing to say or to show
Fuck off back to discord
Yes, these guys. Blocking attacks and their movesets seem almost random to me. Then there's the tank controls that makes you attack in the direction you are facing instead of being able to turn after dodging. Next moment you are getting hit again mid attack in the opposite direction you wanted to go to.
you'd be pretty shitty ninja senpai
because not everyone here cares about the franchise outside of ammunition for shitposting
>d-dont make fun of m-my game
>y-you cant t-take it
>you HAVE to spend time of your day to debate my stupid mouth diarrhea
No, I do not, I'd much rather just call you an idiot.
Murai is tough, but Alma is truly bullshit
>when you're coming home tired and drunk from the bar after a shitty day of work but you have to walljump to get in the house
Microsoft is going to reveal during E3that you can play xbox one games natively on windows 10
I replayed the game a few months ago, shes not really that hard now that I'm not a retarded kid. As long as you block, roll, and use techniques its easy. Took me 2 tries and the rest of the game was pretty easy too.
Yes, it was Black
The real question should be Who should Ryu have ended up fucking because Irene is boring.
The only answer I can give you is that it would have not been Momiji.
And yet not a single game worth playing on any iteration of the xbox family
I played Ninja Gaiden black on every difficulty like a decade ago and have to consistently be reminded that this bitch is even in the game. I'm convinced she was just a huge filter for people who still hadn't really learned to play that late into the game. I had more significant trouble with the penultimate boss iirc
Irene (old) > Irene (new)
I’m playing on vita
I’m hitting square right after I block a hit so maybe I’m just fucking up the timing. Are you sure I don’t have have to let go of block?
Also this is during the Hayabusa village and I know I got the scroll
>Then there's the tank controls that makes you attack in the direction you are facing instead of being able to turn after dodging
What in Gid's name are you even talking about? What the fuck...
Anyway...outside of scummy shit like the one you're not facing doing a grab from off screen hey are actually very easy. All you have to do is stand in front of them blocking and counter the first melee attack they do. If you attack them more then ounce then they can counter you which can mean big damage if it's a grab. So learn to recognize the melee attack, counter it, let them finish their string and then punish with a single move, one that hits hard. Dodge their grab, listen to the audio and watch the visual cue, their aerial stomp is free to punish every time. If they cast Ninpo quickly get out. If you hear the other one charging up a grab fro off screen cast ninpo, this is very rare though.
Knowing how to guard reset makes this fight even easier.
so is the answer no? I just need NG in my life again
cope emulet
>I’m playing on vita
Oh shit. Good luck on the fucking Military Base missions.
What’s wrong with the bita ports? Don’t say framerate because 1 is locked at 30 and 2 is the same on a hacked vita
you can emulate Sigma1
>win 10
I'm pissed. It might be worth dual booting but I'm still pissed.
Kill yourself stupid avatarfag, you worthless fucking parasite
Personally I found the bow controls to be unforgivably bad because of . Other than that it's not that bad a port, but it's a pretty obnoxious aspect.
>He bought Sigma
You deserve this
Open Xbox and 360 emulation never got anywhere
You can buy an old Xbox, I hear they're cheap and easy to flash. You can get a 360 and just buy the game or flash the DVD drive. You can buy and Xbone and play the game upscaled to 4k on there.
There are rumors that you'll be able to play any Xbone game on W10 soon which would allow you to buy the digital Xbone version of Ninja Gaiden Black and play it on PC
I didnt
I pirated it
>One of the best mech games ever made
Keep seething
play Tenchu. it's better than any ninja game ever.
You can just use the stick to aim though
You should not be letting go of block. Does the Vita version run at 30FPS? That might mean you have less frames to do it. The timing is fairly lenient in the 60 fps versions in my opinion. Listen to the pling and watch the visual effect of the move hitting your guard. You can see Rachel do it in this webm, maybe that will help you with the timing.
The fact that it's this much trouble to buy a game and play it boggles my mind.
Since I'm in Nippon my guess is it'll be much easier/cheaper to get a PS3 + Sigma, but I'd really prefer the OG Black.
Life is just cruel sometimes.
Tenchu is amazing, but it's not the same kind of game at all.
Dunno if it sounds any better, but you could see if Xbone's are cheap out there and pick up Game Pass Trial since Black is included in it
In principle, yes, but the motion control can't actually be disabled, so even if you're aiming manually if you physically move the Vita even slightly it fucks up your aiming.
I’ll keep practicing. I can do it 1 out of every 10 tries so I just need to get good.
You really think it'd be that much easier than getting an old-ass original Xbox?
I could have sworn there was an option to disable it. I’ll check again tonight.
Regardless, your vita should be hacked at this point to fix NG2, so you can disable the accelerometer that way.
checking on craigslist, some dude is selling an xbox360 original for $20... even if it red rings that might be worth it
i suspect it's the lower frame rate cutting the active frames in half my dude. I never played the vita version so i can't say for sure.
OP you just got casual filtered. Didn't even get to the higher difficulties huh? Basically like only beating Sekiro once
actually it's spam UT: the game
I wonder why all those moves and movechains are even in the game when in the end of the day you are going to spam UT and pray you don't get interrupted, and that's the whole game
>Regardless, your vita should be hacked at this point to fix NG2, so you can disable the accelerometer that way.
Perhaps, but it doesn't change the fact that the game shouldn't have it in the first place, it's really annoying.
You needed it,and always will since NG is dead
Because UT required essence in the original game, you couldn't manually charge it until Black.
using essence is what makes it broken in the first place brainlet
>runs worse than black
>easier due to more checkpoints and shops
>entire sections cut for no reason
>awful rachel missions
I mean they did some things right like being able to use consumables without going into the menu but it isn't a straight up upgrade
After playing Dark Souls 1 & 2, NG is almost a cakewalk.
Are you seriously telling me that you're literally so fucking braindead that you can NOT advance in the first stage of NG without a walkthrough?
hurr durr your braindead becus u cant see tru wallz~!!!
Why is hard mode such a crazy spike up from normal bros
Level 1 is stupid hard without counterattack and I feel dirty just Izuna dropping everything
Ninja are not supposed to be flashy. That's why Sekiro focuses on quick, precise instant kills.
Ninja aren't supposed to be anything other than peasant spies, so that doesn't mean much either.
>Sekiro focuses on quick, precise instant kills.
>focuses on quick, precise instant kills.
>10 mins later
Quick and precise for sure. :)
just play nioh bro
it's ninja gaiden for thinking people
I already played it and finished on all difficulties. Im really really hyped for Nioh2. I swear I had more fun cosplaying Ryu Hayabusa in Nioh than actaully playing him in NG.
>Played Nioh alpha
>it was awesome
>Played Nioh beta
>it was significantly less awesome
>Bought Nioh
>didn't even fucking finish it because I got so fucking bored
You can also spam guillotine throw
See , learn the mechanics and get your head out of the Souls/Sekiro mindset and you'll see why it's so highly acclaimed.
>diablo loot
I probably would have liked it more if your damage output and defense weren't determined by RNG drops
Sigma is Black but with better graphics in its core ,there are changes but not as extreme as NG2, you could argue its in fact better
>Ryu has only like 3 moves and they're all done by mashing XXY ala Dynasty Warriors
did you try pressing triangle in weapon select menu?