Why is the gaming industry so infested with SJW and beta males? This is especially obvious at the forum ResetEra. Good source for video game information but absolutely filled with pussies. WHY? Practically every major developer is filled with feminist propaganda. I dont like it.
Why is the gaming industry so infested with SJW and beta males? This is especially obvious at the forum ResetEra...
Because they're the primary consumer. They buy more games than you faggots. You just pirate shit.
>trannies first falseflag
You think enthusiasts video gaming is an alpha hobby? Really?
Because they’re mentally ill and emotionally unstable, and hobbies like gaming, comics, anime, attract those types of people.
This. Pirates have no input on what video games should be.
>have to have an account linked to either a business or a university to get into ResetEra
>it's full of mewling pussies
Who woulda thunk it.
>have to have an account linked to either a business or a university to get into ResetEra
I literally do not get this bit. For what fucking purpose? Gatekeeping?
>>have to have an account linked to either a business or a university to get into ResetEra
Wait what is that actually true?
It's so you're vunerable
So if you say something that the female/tranny mods there find offensive, they can contact your business/university and have you destroyed irl
Sounds pretty based desu
>Why are nerds trying so hard to get laid?
I don't know they can just jack off at any time I really don't get it, it's much cheaper too.
Because gamers are just spineless and weak cowards. I haven't bought a modern game in 2 years because of this. This is the only hobby where men have reaction formation when comes to interacting with women. Gamers are now letting ugly no-life women control the development of their games. How the fuck are people ironically accepting censorship in PS4 games and feeling uncomfortable with seeing women naked or ass cheeks. I can't stand the faggots in this industry at all.
The biggest American gaming franchises, call of duty and battlefield, are basically republican neoconservative militaristic propaganda
People who buy games have no right to complain about them, they're at fault for supporting shitty practices. Don't like it don't buy it.
is that actually the official reason?
no but it is their reason.
I say the same thing about voting.
Sitting on the couch playing videogames turns boys into women as it leads to obesity and hormonal disorders. Exercising turns boys into men with high testosterone. There are many effeminate videogamers but most gym guys are very masculine. It's just the effects of lifestyle choices and lack of exercise. If you got gamers into gyms they would become more manly.
They'd never admit that
I'll bet the official reason is it's to avoid troll accounts
whites are a dying breed.
The sincerely do not, the people on places like resetera and twitter are just delusional political parrots who circle jerk a single central view point and force out anyone that doesn't think like that, like true communist faggots who have no ability to actualyl defend their dead and baseless viewpoints made up from thin air.
They dont buy games so much as they are just using them as a platform to inject their regressive hate filled politics.imagine being this fucking delusional, seriously.
Of course it's not official, who would even say that? But we all know that's what it is.
>say word
>not even that word, just disagree with someone once
>lose job
Imagine willingly putting yourself in that position.
Are you that user with the big PS4 collection that always posts it?
The difference is some asshole can't outvote you because he has more money to spend, you still need the majority of votes to win an election or pass a bill. The process of "voting with your wallet" is asymmetrical. It doesn't matter how many people chose not to buy something as long as enough people do to make it profitable. As such, something that has a pure negative impact for 95% of the market can still come to pass, and your "voting with your wallet' will do nothing to prevent it.
It's because nerd men are insecure and desire validation (especially from women). The term white knight has fallen out of favour but it's still basically true.
The whole point of alpha/beta males is that the beta's make up the bulk of the pack.
>The sincerely do not, the people on places like resetera and twitter are just delusional political parrots who circle jerk a single central view point and force out anyone that doesn't think like that
sounds like Yea Forums
They don't buy games but I've realised why so many have an interest in the content other than virtue signaling.
A lot of them watch youtube friend simulators play these games.
communist future is inevitable.
You can't force anyone off Yea Forums and there is an army of people to call you a retard, retard
>and force out anyone that doesn't think like that
on Yea Forums it's the exact opposite. Everybody who Yea Forums used to hate now makes up the majority of Yea Forums
God just hurry up with the WW3 already. Can't wait to die and free from all of these suffering while take some faggots with me to hell.
>Has never succeeded once 100 years
Its the future guys, t-t-that wasn't real communism. Communism failed because capitalists sabotaged them etc etc
Being a weeb was on the level of being a furry at one point. furries still have no place though so it's not all bad.
Unfortunately so. Once the site got infested with normalfags from quadrupling in size in 2015 this place went from pretty much shit to total shit. This place is unrecognizable from 2006 to 2010. It's more like browsing a fox news comments section than anything
And yet Yea Forums is full of furies, just proving my point.
Better put a bullet in my head first then, because I don't miss.
We can all look forward to our countries becoming like Venezuela you mean
they all went to school for writing and journalism and shit like that, and ended up in those positions in whatever industries they settled for. they're not the ones actually "making" the games in terms of art, coding, original overarching ideas, etc. they're just shitting it up with awful writing and translations and character development and shit.
Unironically based.
gamers as a population are beta and accept being trampled on
for many of them it's the reason they got into gaming. instead of rising up to the challenge of life, they flee to imaginary worlds and invent convoluted rationalisations of superiority
once you've convinced yourself you wanted the predicament you're in, it's easy to accept more and more. "oh i don't care if every character is gay, i just want to play video games"
vulnerable people invite abusers to take advantage, path of least resistance and all. feminism (essentially women angry they're not getting fucked right, want to lash out at men for not desiring them enough but still want to be loved by the right man) and gamers (wimpy manchildren repressing their real desires) are a match made in heaven, and it's doubtful the situation will ever change
>muh right wingers
The only people alien here are cryholes like yourself who spend their time whining. Yea Forums is safe as fuck these days
It's not, get off the internets dumbass.
Sounds like Yea Forums post /vg/ to be honest with you family.
Fury(ghost) reporting in.
>be me
>be tranny
>help other trannies with voice work on reddit for free so they dont sound like men
>still get flamed and called a nazi because I dislike identity politics and post on a rightwinglgbt subreddit once in a while
>these people would rather still sound like manly men then talk to someone who disagrees with them
They deserve what they get.
It's actually just completely random people that will blacklist you and spend exorbitant energy trying to destroy your career if you offend them.
He's not wrong.
>Why is the gaming industry so infested with SJW and beta males?
Because they'll support each-other and heavily favor people with a similar set of beliefs, using what power they have to ensure their guys get more power. Very clannish. Would be admirable if their views weren't self-destructive batshit.
As to how they got started in the first place, I expect it was some ideologue somewhere.
They're countered by either another clan, or by people who are against the idea of ideological clans altogether.
so you want to be lynched? I can arrange that tranny
lynch me daddy
the day of the rope is coming
You know that the day of the rope isn't actually happening and that it's just wish fulfillment for people like you to imagine one day taking over when in reality you're about as powerless as the rest of us right?
Relax buddy.
>O'Sullivan's Law
>All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing.
soon tranny
you will die
You shitpost a lot, but you're cute and I like your voice so keep it up.
nah I think I will stick around. thank you for your concern though user. I hope you have a good monday
Only until a "right wing" (right and left wing are a meme btw) group becomes clannish and starts using their power to get power to their own guys rather than to the best man for the job.
GAMERS like other GAMERS, and gaming favors individual work and individual freedom. As long as you're not playing DLC matchmaking AAAshit lootboxes or something.
Because of rejected Hollywood hacks.
oh. thank you user.
they're actually in every single industry, video games are actually quite conservative in comparison since gamers still have the balls to backlash against major SJW moves. If you look at other industries, it's slowly turning to shit everywhere.
Based mentally ill faggot
Based edgelord
I'm not going to say it's the only time but I see it more here than any where else. Like a constant reminder.
Because these women hear that something like this hobby is primarily a male drive thing and they demand in, then overtake it and finally claim it as their own. The same thing happened to comic books and other male driven hobbies.
No problem, just keep saying cute things so I can occasionally smile k?
My general perception is that there's actually a fair amount of trans people who, while not totally against social justice stuff/progressivim, find SJWs to be cancerous and find the current state of LGBT activism and trends to be total bullshit.
I have two friends who are trans, and while both are definetely politically progresive, both are pretty chill people who would roll their eyes or point and laugh at hardcore or even moderate SJWs and one of them has said that they pretty much find the entire state of how the LGBT community tries to categorize and define shit to be bullshit and that they just don't say anything for fear of getting ostracizied.
If you need dysphoria to be trans or not in particular seems to be a big cause of contention
post more of your voice work
That's correct.
t. furry
It's kind of scary how pervasive and wide spread this cult of identity politics ideology really is. There is no escape from it and its effecting a very large portion of the population
a lot of sjw's are male though. like a LOT
Why in fuck's name are you getting in bed with the radical extremists that hate anyone with different opinions than them?
Join the /pol/ lads instead. Most diverse group of white supremacists on the planet.
Based reddit tranny Yea Forums poster.
The future is now and it's more wacky than satire we wrote 6 years ago.
Found your hoodie bro
oh wow user I dont know what to say
For people that criticize the left for safe spaces, right wingers sure are triggered by lefties existing
>is the gaming industry so infested with SJW
You misspelled murican education and culture
this but unironically
fuck trannies and niggers
because i like helping people and the trannies on reddit need a lot of help.
You got a nice female voice, you must have taken a lot of practice to get there. Good work user
>tranny thinking anyone else needs help
What belong to girls? Nice voice btw.
it's one of those "lesbian" trannies that goes into girls washrooms to rape little girls
mommy gf's. like milfs. its a shitpost
>muh communism
In what way is “circle jerking a single central view point and forcing out anyone that doesn't think like that” a communist trait and not a nazi/alt-right trait?
It’s almost like you’re the same kind of retard with a different boogeyman.
pls, its too early to be aroused, just let me be sad.
I see thanks
>debate me reeeeeee
most people who play/make/review games are loser nerds
loser nerds are easily influenced and threatened
loser nerds think being a "feminist" and doing anything women tell them to, will get them laid
>for many of them it's the reason they got into gaming. instead of rising up to the challenge of life, they flee to imaginary worlds and invent convoluted rationalisations of superiority
You're not wrong you know. Escapism is a cancer but it's a popular cancer.
>vulnerable people invite abusers to take advantage
Not wrong about that either, look at Team Creme.
>roasties and cucks are a match made in heaven
Not wrong about that too.
Guess we need a gamer purge of all the lonely sad faggots that have escapist fantasies and low self esteem.
"Weeb" has become less of an insult at this point, kind of like "nigga". As long as you don't say the full word "weeaboo" in this case.
>c-china isn’t REAL communism!
Oh the irony.
>implying that complaining about feminists on Yea Forums will get you laid
you know it user. im in your local womans bathroom RIGHT NOW diddling little girls.
On a side note, i dont understand pedos. Women are attractive because of their wide hips and large breasts. little girls have none of that.
Holy shit. I wish more places had this. Ideally if we could still remain anonymous to the common eye. That way we’d at least keep underaged kids out and we wouldn’t have threads like this.
Back to your cesspool tranny.
of course you don't tarnny pedo
It would never happen, sites like this are fueled by NEETs blaming the left for society leaving them behind.
Sounds like you all not sjws desu
Even people here are unironically better-adjusted than these spineless fags
Is this supposed to be ironic? Aside from “literally” forcing people out, you just described Yea Forums down to the t.
>pot calling keetle
unironically you are the cancer killing the internet
you're right, i dont understand why pedos find little girls attractive because im a pedo.
In fact, i spent years and years practicing my voice, growing my hair out, taking hormones and living as a girl JUST so i could use the womans bathroom. And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling autists
They are not the primary consumer.
They are the primary target demographic.
However they don't buy games.
it'll be fun to string this one up
Damn thats hot, can I watch?
This place really does seem to concentrate the otherwise thin field of egregious examples. It's to the point where I basically disregard anything posted as "proof" as simply cherry-picked
Because they're agents of chaos to lower birthrates and explain why you need more nigerian engineers in your country.
>it's all brown people
yeah, from the closet
I'm not sure about that, there's all of those those infamous threads where posters are revealed to be actual basement trolls with onions in cages.
Also Yea Forums is just the leftover cancer once people who want to discuss video games went to /vg/
I mean thats cool, watching is better anyways
brown people are 5/8 billion people in this planet
Numales are the literal biological equivalent of fake geek girls. Neckbeards are not, they are genuine nerds.
1. A lot of tech/gaming companies are based out of the west coast which is ground zero for SJW retardation.
2. You get mobbed on Twitter if you're anti-SJW and people will harass your boss until you're fired or he tells you to shut up & apologize.
3. Retarded publishers still think clickbait sites like Kotaku/Polygon are relevant so they try to appease them instead of the market.
4. ResetERA is run by the same unemployed 400 pound neckbeard socialist trannies that caused NeoGAF to crash and burn.
What is your favorite video game user. Also, do you have any personal stories of a time when sjw's ruined something related to your gaming experience?
The main problem with the current """diversity""" propaganda is that it thinks different demographics shouldn't have to git gud.
Rather than expecting people to live up to society's expectations and work to make themselves or their groups better, they intend to lower society's standards and make everyone worse.
Anyone who even implies that, for example, the niggering of niggers or the fagging of faggots is a real thing and not just measurement bias, is attacked because the SJW are allergic to the idea that one person can be better than another person.
This ideology brings down every group. Women can become better people if you stop making excuses and enabling their bad behaviour, but instead start rewarding and encouraging good behaviour.
Homosexuals can learn monogamy, loyalty and willpower rather than being a life support system to spread the bacteria in their colon to as many new hosts as possible.
Niggers can be encouraged to NOT steal or assault people if you just fuckin try.
But no, the """diversity""" crew utterly hates the idea that a person can become a better version of themselves, and a group can become a better version of that group.
Fucked if I know why.
I get why the Jews would want to discourage an attitude of self-improvement because self-improvement might result in a populace getting stronger enough to resist or oust their banking bullshit.
But why would there be a grassroots movement of people who legitimately do not believe in the concept of a group overcoming its stereotypes? What do they gain from aggressively attacking the concept of getting good? I do not know.
I'm not sure how much of the rage in these threads is directed at me, a left-leaning half white guy. I don't have any social media accounts and I mostly just play Anno 1800 at the moment, switching to TF2 and OW occasionally. I don't mind diversity and progressive themes in video games and I don't think they detract from the plot. I enjoy anime-themed games like Puyo stuff as well.
I understand the annoyance with identity politics but obviously I don't like a lot of the /pol/ alt-right mentality, being liberal myself.
What about you Yea Forums?
that doesn't make them "diverse"
Video games need better representation.
>Stop bitching and make your own.
It never ends.
I mean there are more languages in India than all of Europe combined
>fox news
This has to be bait.
this post is based and redpilled
Why are you so obsessed with them?
No, the “left” is not blamed for their position in life, it’s blamed for being obnoxious and omnipresent, invading what little peace they have in vidya.
“The left” is literally what Americans are to Euros, nobody actually gives a shit about em, they just want them off the internet.
they still look brown
all of them
china is a mix between capitalism and communism. It's not pure communism
>because i like helping people and the trannies on reddit need a lot of help.
You're right, but is what you're doing helping them?
Probably Dark Souls 3, worse combat than Bloodborne but I like the world a lot better, plus I enjoy magic being viable.
I didn't like the outfit censoring in #FE, but other than that I haven't really encountered sjws destroying my video games.
How about you user?
Why is the alt-right too stupid to make videogames?
>im in your local womans bathroom RIGHT NOW diddling little girls.
I checked and they're still where I left them with no net gain in diddle, you must be in someone else's local womans bathroom.
And there are more toilets at a McDonald’s than all of India, but you don’t see me promoting McDonald’s.
still diverse even if they look the same 2 u
Tell me what’s wrong with keeping underage kids out. You lot have a better solution? I’d kill to have a board where no one under 18 could post.
voice is a cause of huge distress for a lot of them. I understand, it was for me too until I sounded like this. The amount of sincere thanks I get from those that I help makes me think its a good thing.
I know what you are saying, but, i do not believe the transtrender sjw's pretending to be trans for attention would go through the effort of voice training because its fucking hard and like 99% of trannies cant seem to manage it which is why they all sound like fucking men.
Real communism doesn't have money or black markets, but putting that aside, China is also largely racially homogeneous.
there's no such thing as "alt-right" it's called being normal
Probably because the alt right is like 500 people
what do toilets have to do with diversity? holy shit you're dumb
Exept that didn't happen, retard.
>Stop bitching and make your own
Fuck that i'll just subvert all the current game makers
>retard thinks communism means no currency
Because the first time they invaded, people didn't take them seriously, and didn't think they needed to actively work against them. Live and let live, if you will.
Turns out, that was a big fucking mistake.
this makes no sense fuck off
Ban phoneposting.
I feel like a lot of the SJW boogeyman is more present at resetera and forums like that instead of in vidya itself. The other threads where SJWs get blasted are the ones about the whole crunch time controversy, but even then it's not actually affecting the vidya.
I dunno, it comes across as a lot of fearmongering.
>Good source for video game information
Greetings, fellow normal person.
>gaming industry
you forgot comic/movies/journalism industry
>Euros don't give a shit about America
>They just consume American television, music, movies, games, travel to America for vacations and eat at American chain restaurants in their own irrelevant country
>They buy more games than you faggots
They really don't.
>all the reddit trannies in this thread
>Stop bitching and make your own
yeah it does, just because they look like "2 indian ppl the exact same" doesn't change the fact they probably speak different languages, have completely different genetics and look very different, just not to you
I piss off /pol/ with this too, because I keep reminding them that Supremacy is a temporary phenomenon and you need to constantly work to improve yourself in order to stay supreme.
That includes telling your girlfriend to learn to shoot, rather than just promising to shoot on her behalf.
>Probably Dark Souls 3,
thats one of my favorite games, but my alltime favorite is probably dark souls 1 just because of the feelings it gave me the first time I played through blind with no help and no guides. I got lost in the hollow tree on my way down to ash lake, i was cursed so my hp was halved and I couldn't figure out what to do. But i didn't give up and eventually figured it out.
>I didn't like the outfit censoring in #FE,
They did the same with xenoblade chronicles x, though I can kind of understand since it was literally a child's model they didn't want having extremely lewd clothing.
Probably the worst case of sjw's ruining things for me is when I was banned from a wow private server after playing for like 2 years for saying I thought illegal immigrants should go back where they came from or immigrate legally. 2 years worth of memories and characters just thrown out the winder instantly.
No, but it's interesting that you try to make yourself feel that way.
What? No they're not. It's been an extremely well known fact that SJWs don't buy shit except AAA garbage, and EVERYONE buys that. What they "do" do is censor a shit ton of games to be more applicable to their sensibilities and then proceed to NOT buy it, quite literally thought policing for OTHER people. They're selfish myopic self destructive cunts and their websites often destroy themselves when they group up, often due to pedophilia.
you're just as bad as him
two faces of the same coin
kekistani tards aren't alt-right. You look like an idiot when you collect everyone you dislike into one label.
Weebs were always a notch or two above furries in the social pecking order. Unfortunately people have blurred the lines of what an actual weeaboo is versus someone that likes anime, manga and nip games.
That being said Yea Forums is full of retards that unironically defend faggots like sonicfox, this place has gone downhill without a doubt.
imagine not being a pedo in 2019 and posting on Yea Forums
you have to go back
Even the underage cringe brings a distraction to the stagnant nature of the board at times. A more active moderation of Yea Forums to keep underage newfags out would kill Yea Forums in the longrun. If some people dont discover Yea Forums young they never find us at all and get stuck in Plebbit.
ironically there is a very strong correlation between the quality of the content on the internet and the point where doxxing yourself in front of everyone became a normal thing
is this your definition of diversely? filling video games with Indians?
sounds like a typical leftist to me
>Real communism doesn't have money or black markets
So every single communist system that failed was communism even though it had money, but the one that didn’t isn’t communism because it has money?
I came into Dark Souls after the community had already been established, I couldn't imagine trying to navigate without the knowledge of people before me.
I'm sorry to hear about the wow server tho, I do hope that you'll be able to find a better MMO experience down the line.
this is true. I started lurking Yea Forums in grade 10 and it changed my life for the better. now i look and sound like a cute girl
Then why do trash snoy games sell so well regardless?
What do languages have to do with diversity, retard? You don’t magically become a racial minority by being a polyglot.
Silicon Valley and California.
That's the only reason.
People don't realize it, but Silicon Valley is a very, very tiny community. Everyone knows everyone else, and even major tech competitors are just a short walk away from one another.
And guess where all of the major video game companies are?
That's why you usually have all of the same rot and stink get tossed from one company and then immediately get hired in another company. This is why Sony is having the problems they're having right now. The problem is that they're in a cesspit and keep trying to find nuggets from the turds that float around them.
The only way any of this will change is if Game companies start leaving. But the problem is: Not even people in California want to live in California. They leave when the companies leave, too. So you have the same rot follow these companies from California to places such as Texas and Atlanta, and thus spreads the problem further.
Austin Texas is apparently a popular migration route for Californians who realize that they turned their state into trash, and then want to bring the trash elsewhere.
I'm just deconstructing the fuck out of your arguments user, don't put words in my mouth.
Like I said, those "indians" are more diverse than the entirety of modern Europe but because they're brown its not diversity? Hmm..
China is state capitalist anyone can see that and if you do call it communist you are obviously arguing in bad faith.
>people that played Witcher 3 give a shit about poland
Language is culture you retard. Two different cultures won't always have different languages, but two different languages will never have the same culture.
>implying you won't meet the same faggots in hell
You're here forever. Not even death will save you
No I mean THEIR websites are often kneejerk and against loli and stuff but allegations ALWAYS come to light that they're always against FAKE pedophilia but alway end up being ACTUAL pedos. This causes a domino effect that ended up completely destroying its source website then they abandoned it and created resetera.
If you have a problem with Loli you unironically don't belong here, that much is true, but there's no requirement to be an ACTUAL Pedo on Yea Forums, it just isn't THAT MUCH of a big deal.
>people aren't buying our games
>why wont they just consume our dogshit propaganda and pay us for it too?
>guess we'll just force compliance in the industry through cronyism
You really ought to consider how pathetic an excuse of a human being you are.
I remember my sister used to prank me like this when she knew I wouldn't let her use the PS2 lol
I don't think you should stan a country on its anniversary of them driving tanks over 15,000 protesters. Remember when the left was all about "free tibet" but now you stan for a government that literally commits genocide lmao
> I don't have any social media accounts and I mostly just play Anno 1800 at the moment, switching to
No rage whatsoever my good man
>TF2 and
Okay, maybe a little rage. You know that game is horribly balanced and is basically gachashit with its cosmetics, right?
At least it has custom maps, a server browser, and a decent tickrate though. At least you're not a
> OW
This is why racism fails. It distills many, many different cultures and attitude into one thing.
Europe is an extremely diverse place, but if you listen to the Americans they'll tell you, it's just "white". But "white" was never even a category in the history of Europe. It was always about being German or French or Spanish or Austrian or British.
This is a concept Americans can't understand because their country is so big and so homogenized culturally.
I mean, aren't several conservative states fighting to keep child marriage legal?
I live in California and personally enjoy it.
They're too busy pretending to be offended by whatever "Milkshake Duck" of the day they see.
Well at lot of Europeans are also pushing for a "pan-European white identity" so you can't blame it all on Americans.
USSR was socialist and not communist, then?
>because they're brown its not diversity?
they all speak English anyway, i have yet to see the multi langues bullshit argument you're pulling out of your ass in video game ever
They make videogames, buy they're not wildly popular, and no platform wants to host the most offensive ones
NYC and Canadian devs are also part of the problem, mostly for the same reasons.
This is a typical day for ERA with typical comments. Because the right is so violent!
(About the dragon quest composer)
>SEETHING /pol/incel
stay mad
Not for long.
Why yes they are.
I see, so a room full of white euros and anglos is racially diverse?
My point is that they're often so anti-pedo that them being actual pedos causes a chain reaction of self fellating bullshit.
what a fuckpig
We know, you embarrassed yourself enough the other day.
Because Snoy cucks just wanna watch movies.
nigger what are you even talking about, you raged about how diversity is only "brown" but brown is the most diverse colour of people on this planet from literal mayans to fucking okinawans
Except that communism is dead and SJW are capitalist even if they deny it
What can I say? I just get in different moods depending on what kind of game (city builder, fps, puzzle).
TF2 balance is kind of off but I mostly play casually. At least it isn't pay to win.
>rage detected
Wait so are you the enraged one or are you just detecting it? I'm confused.
At what point did USSR abolish private property and currency and consolidate all production under the state?
no it's not because European culture has been homogonized and killed
30 years ago a room full of Europeans from across the penninsela would have been a culturally diverse room yes
>brown is the most diverse colour of people
yeah this exactly what is diversity is all about, more of the same but slightly different. eat shit.
And at Valve, who censor loli.
And at Sony, who censor everything.
And at Ubisoft, who ban you outright for Mean Word.
And at Blizzard, who hire entire teams of diversity representation staff.
And at Naughty Dog, who have gone full, FULL pozzed with lesbian jewish interracial goblins.
And at CDPR, who fired their twitter guy for ""transphobic"" jokes.
And at every single Facebook minigame, which to be fair might not even count as games.
Cmon son. Just search fireden for "ERA, BAY BAY".
It's definitely a vocal minority pushing for that.
The big problem with the internet is that being in these isolated spheres just leads to echo chambers where less extreme opinions get shot down. Most people don't care about white extremist terrorism or the antifa blackshirts. Most people just care about their next paycheck and whether or not the Raptors beat the Warriors.
On the internet tho, we join these communities where all that matters are whatever entity will destroy western civilization next.
What a non-response you fucking 2 IQ excuse for a human.
How would a game with a Hindu, an abbo and a fucking native not be diverse?
Polish mythology and folklore was pretty much the sole interesting thing in Witcher 3.
>never mentioned anything about currency
did you were in china? did you saw how their economy works? did you visited chinese companies and talked to the "important" people? I bet you only think about china as a communism because you saw it on the internet and not in real life. First visit this country then talk with me again, you mouthbreather.
who this?
Okay have this then.
There's hundreds of these. I just went for the one with the funny picture.
larkin love pisses me off because sometimes she looks good and sometimes she looks really bad
Well, these are very fringe groups, usually heavily influenced by American attitudes. It's not really something original.
Usually the extreme nationalists are still heavily, heavily focused on cultural identity, rather than "I don't like brown people", because the concept of a white identity hasn't really been popular in Europe until the internet and even then, those people are fringe groups.
>I know what you are saying, but, i do not believe the transtrender sjw's pretending to be trans for attention would go through the effort of voice training because its fucking hard and like 99% of trannies cant seem to manage it which is why they all sound like fucking men.
So what you're saying is ...
That there are trannies who put in the hard work and effort to Git Gud at being trannies? Rather than making excuses for why they can't, or why they didn't, or why they shouldn't have to,
they get out of their comfort zones, learn the strategies that they regard as "unfair", overcome their weaknesses, and get good?
I respect that. But why is this attitude so rare amongst them?
>hurrrr how game with 2 shit skins not debers duurrr
You sound exactly like someone I used to know. I wonder if you are them.
You talk to a chinese person in China they'll tell you they're a communist country that cares for the working class
You misunderstood, I’m not a “liberal” or what you mutts think liberalism is, and I don’t give a single fuck about genocide. I’m just sick of you fat retarded larpers spouting bullshit. This place is the same as resetera, a bunch of fat genetic dead ends simulating life through a boogeyman.
How is it not obvious to you that a hobby like gaming would not attract weak beta males? I imagine its the same with other nerd stuff like anime and comic books.
Larkin Love
Yes, 16-17 isn't a child. It's literally just a few esoteric and objectively made-up numbers away from what people consider an adult.
>17 and 364 days
>Oh god she's so hot
Fuck outa here.
liberals get the bullet too
brain dead subhuman
sauce my shit up so something good can come of this awful thread
>not legally old enough to vote, smoke tobacco, or drink alcohol
>legally old enough to get married
You're an idiot.
I don't know about you, but when I was 16-17, I made some fucking awful decisions. Even if the children actually had agency in these marriages (they don't), I still wouldn't trust them with the ability to get married.
Here's the thing tho, the games are still fun.
All you gotta do is learn to not say nigger on the internet and you're golden, enjoy the best era of video games we've ever had.
So there is a market for SJW shit in vidya then.
Sarina Valentina, it's a dude by the way.
stay "diverse"
>t. seething illiterate mutt
Nice try trying to switch to diversity being about culture and not skin color, too bad that’s obvious bullshit.
Your entire arguments were taken out bit by bit and this is your reaction
Lol its fucking easy faggots back in the 90s if you liked video games you were the turbo loser. The bottom of the food chain. People bullied the fuck out of those people, so they either became low test fedora tipping faggots that will lick boots in order to maybe get some pussy or they turned into blackpilled incels.
All of those companies make shitty games, Valve hasn't had anything decent in 10 fucking years.
yes, they are children.
>All you gotta do is learn to not say nigger on the internet
Or not say any of a million other things which might be considered exclusionary, bigoted or unwelcoming. Such as saying "? lol" or "gg ez" at an inopportune time, or posting an emote of streamer Trihex's face, or being at a Runescape event and telling the devs that you don't want them shoving politics into the game at all on any side, or posting "I don't see what the problem is." on a Ubisoft forum.
Again, cmon son. If all you had to do was just not say "nigger" you'd just not say "nigger", but their express intent is that you cannot be in the same vicinity when some faggot gets butthurt about not getting enough adoration and respect for being #sobrave.
Yes. What's the problem? You can't claim objective morality or a highground in this situation since marrying like, 10 year olds was legal in America less than a hundred years ago, and we're constantly importing people that outright rape young girls from the middle east. Have you seen what happened to the UK?
Yeah it's young, but if you want to raise the age of marriage to 18 you need to raise the age of consent to 18 as well, because a lot of places, not even in just America, but across the globe, sex and marriage are the same thing.
Protip: The people striking the bill down aren't pedos, and your hamfisted reaction against a board of directors whose entire decades-long careers have been to decide laws like these. You can be an armchair politician if you want, but the world isn't so black and white. If it was, this wouldn't be a problem.
sniffing your own farts is not "taken arguments a bit by bit"
most people don't consider 18 year olds adults.
I'd fit in anti-extremist centre-right somewhere. I like the ostentatious offensiveness of /pol/, it reminds me of simpler times when games were much less popular and had little to no chat moderation, though I wouldn't support any /Pol/icy. I've been playing Outer Wilds lately, as well as Dota 2 and Escape from Tarkov. I don't like seeing progressive elements in games, they remind me that so many people chose "freedom" over duty, and are now on some sort of social engineering crusade, fucking with the poorly understood fabric of society just to let people get away with doing disgusting things.
I think you're a communist because you defend communism, it's not a hard sell man.
>But why is this attitude so rare amongst them?
Because the community is set up to coddle those who put in minimum effort. I was literally banned from some random server the other day because when they asked me what i thought of trannies with voices who dont pass, I said they should voice train more. Aparantly that is transphobic.
Any criticism you might have of them putting in minimum effort and demanding special treatment? Transphobic.
Ah, another subhuman shoving words into my mouth. Go jump off a cliff you loser. You will never be smart enough to beat me in an argument, just look at how badly you lost this thread.
Running out of sfw ones but the jannies clearly aren't around anyway.
The only bullet you’ll ever use is the one that will get you into the 40%, faggot
The sexual tension in this thread
>bros 2 brown ppl not deverse upboats 2 the left
>actually you don't know anything about anything
fucking hell you're a disaster
everyone can see you getting btfo ITT
You know what the funny thing is? They're not. They've reached the age of consent. They can fuck and marry who they please. Once you're 18 you still can't drink-
Are 18 year olds not adults?
And you base this on what?
Remember those ugly betas that worshipped girls in school in hope they got some action?
Well, they are online now.
actual sjw here, i buy all my shit bc it’s easier than pirating on consoles
>mutts are seething 56%ers
deal with the L user
because they went to college and got jobs in the games industry while you stewed in your bedroom whining about how women wont go out with you.
maybe you should start with yourself then??
The age of consent is arbitrary. So is the age you can drink it. Most age limits are.
In my personal opinion, people are children until well into their 20s.
you're the only civil tranny i've ever met
>>actually you don't know anything about anything
how ironic
>everyone can see you getting btfo ITT
take off your retard goggles
The age of being considered an adult is also arbitrary, what's your point?
hes probably one of those dudes who jerks off to my voice and then feels shame after. it happens.
I wouldn’t say that they are infested. They are a minority but really fucking loud and many of them are zealous.
Media in general is a favored target of these groups. They’re also sneaky and clever in a way that would make those older evangelical Christians blush. Both groups are very sex negative and push for censorship, but only one of them had any success. They basically state that if you aren’t a tru believer of their ideology you’re a bigot, sexist, mean towards x group, or whatever and normal people are horrified by these accusations so they don’t push back. Society as a whole is going to have to develop a kind of immunity to what is ultimately a secular religion. If it doesn’t things aren’t going to end well.
Also for some reason wealthy white boomers are particularly taken with this stuff, and that translates to businesses being affected: theatlantic.com
>Why is the gaming industry so infested with SJW and beta males?
Its a niche media were they can push their agendas an liberal nonsense with barely no problems at all the good thing is that all the entertainment terrorism they do crash and burn in terms of sales its been 10 years of this shit i can count like 5 AAA/ips they have buried while on the other hand the beta devs think they will get laid just by doing stupid shit appealin to them like "hey look i just destroyed this beloved videogame serie by just injecting your dumb political views please im so lonely" and the pride factor is really strong here so they think they made the world a better place just by pushing degenerate assfuckery subhuman propaganda to say "im sooooo PC look at me" like their life were an unstopable sissy morning day soccer mom tv talk show
So they can dox you and get you fired if you step out of line.
okay retard, you being mad at brown people isn't a solid argument you 2 IQ subhuman
You seem horribly angry at the implications of free market capitalism, but you refuse to accept the alternative, revolution.
What's up with that?
>covering the manjaw and the manhands
every time
>implying you aren't a complete pussy too
Confident strong people don't feel threatened by the existence of women in their proximity.
Voting with your wallet is about what should exist, not what shouldn't exist.
>People don't realize it, but Silicon Valley is a very, very tiny community. Everyone knows everyone else, and even major tech competitors are just a short walk away from one another.
Would they all be within the range of, say, a hypothetical device that one man might create with a centrifuge and which would have a weight that could fit in a truck + trailer, and which might have a theoretical energy output ranging between 1 and 10 Terajoules?
Mods literally used this to blackmail at neogaf.
Stay out of my vidya homos and dykes
>i'm mad
stay btfo
It's weird you guys parrot this but time and time again sales figures prove you wrong.
learn to take an L
Yeah, I stand against racism. But I stand against the SJW shit even harder, because I believe that every race on the planet should have to Git Gud before they get respect.
thats because i grew up on Yea Forums and not some crybaby safespace echo chamber like reddit or tumblr.
This place will teach you how to be civil with people you disagree with if you let it. Because you can't make their posts go away, they are just there and you have to deal with them.
Before SJWs people used to mock those who played videogames.
Videogames have always been for weirdos and betas, it has never been a manly thing.
Literally post 1 non-AAA, Non-Indie sales figure that shows an SJW skewed sales numbers.
>thinking every problem in the world comes down to a race puppeteering the world
You're part of the problem you nigger. Once you stop categorizing people into groups that fit your narrative and realize literally everyone is just another person you can actually help solve the problem by treating them like a human. The reason why politics are such a shit show today is the dumbass us vs them mentality that marginalizes and stereotypes opposition instead of actually trying to seek some understanding to bridge our differences.
i'm preaching on Yea Forums, this is dumb
fuck off redditor
my own fucking opinion that i've formed by being around 18 year olds, idiot
His face is actually very attractive, but it definitely doesn't look feminine.
imagine thinking you have a moral highground when grouping billions of people together to determine wether or not you respect individuals
Women are allowed to exist.
Why would I have to deal with that bullshit when there's none of them where I live?
Just because your countries are multicultural shitholes doesn't mean you should punish everyone else to experience that torture.
Do you happen to be cistits?
>My opinion is worth more than an entire board of directors.
Cool. Take your opinion and fuck off.
Ironically, apathy keeps you alive.
Avellone BTFO
Shitpost aside I am not wrong.
That is why I said "in my personal opinion", but I'd like you to show me some of those "adult" 16-17 year olds.
Child brides are aged before puberty. 12 at the latest.
By age 14 your sex drive should be acting up and you should be getting married so you can direct your sex drive at one person and build strong pair bonds.
>But they don't know enough to consent
Neither do adult women and they get married anyway.
fuck off underaged
Trannies out
Yes. Id say exactly so. Of course one would need to put together a team for one last job.
the left can't meme
It is actually.
but it's okay when /pol/ does it?
Being totalitarian isn't unique to any political ideology, but the fag reseteratards do openly support communism and often use "nazi" as an insult and accusation.
>board of directors
what does that have to do with my post
No, you only think like this because you're white. Whites are the only ones who transcended tribalism and now they'll die for it.
>sneaky abortion language tucked in
>legislative body says NOPE
pretty typical out west
where do you think you are?
>free market
Are you retarded? That’s literally a “true full communism” tier fanfiction.
Literally every single person lives in an alternative economic system, including you.
nice deflection retard keep replying or i'll win
looks like he got you
Because they disagreed in an official capacity and decided, at least in idaho, that this case of sexual morality, that you're wrong.
It's not, actually, but you already know this.
oh no
I've already won, you cannot do anything to turn this situation around user
it is
my opinion is the only one that is worth anything
Are you calling yourself a pedophile pornographer?
>mfw everytime I see politics discussions on the internet
Imagine being a stupid m*llennial.
I know, but that guy was different, I was really suprised, because I thought that our business group will be greeted by those standard "we care about the working class" suits, but they were pretty "woke".
yes? this is Yea Forums you normie
you consume media made in those "multicultural shitholes" daily so you have no one to blame for yourself.
you could make the choice to be culturally isolated like your shit country, but you choose not to. so what are you complaining about?
Freaks are a very marketable demographic right now
if that's the case what's your opinion on better dinner options? i'm thinking of ordering pizza but some burgers sound good too.
I've found Eastern Europeans really get angry at the idea of minorities living a lot better than them in the west, so they rage online about it
Your opinion is only your own. Idaho's is about 25 directors who bipartisanly decide on complex social issues. Your singular, 1 sided personal opinion means nothing in an official capacity. They make laws, you don't.
>I've already won
keep them retard goggles, for your own safety
>2 brownies are diverse because they speak different languages! (they never fucking do)
How is being a pedophile pornographer pro-woman?
You mean Jews my friend.
sauce on that?
>consolidate all production under the state
They where close to that
I'd advise you to cook a meal your grandmother would be proud of.
You have the internet at your disposal, you have the means to prepare anything you might wish for.
You horseshoe retards arent helping at all tho at the end of the day the damage its done the red camel theory is shit you centrists mouthbreathing subhumans are worst that any of the sides you sperg youre in between
Gamers have always been the wimps of the world. Now there's just a group of people weaker than you, rejoice and move on with your life fag.
Don't remember.
>lose argument
>set up strawman
based teenager
>Because the community is set up to coddle those who put in minimum effort.
>I was literally banned[...] I said they should voice train more.
>Any criticism you might have of them putting in minimum effort and demanding special treatment? Transphobic.
Sounds like you have a mentality typical of the "right wing", of earning rewards through effort. Have you considered trying to find common ground with other meritocratic groups of people?
Also, a question. What is your stance on the people who are lonely, and who try to have sex with a lots of different partners as a way to cure their loneliness?
Why are you a tranny? You seem reasonable enough to realize all the downsides that come with being one, why do you think it's healthy to cut off your dick?
My shit country?
Look at all the "multicultural" countries in the world.
Look at the USA, the biggest of all of them.
Despite being the biggest superpower in the world, it's a complete shithole full stupid, uneducated obese people, full of crime, with the most stupid political activists ever and with some places where it almost looks like a 3rd world nation.
Why the fuck would anyone want to be like you?
>you consume media
Not much, honestly, most of the stuff to come out of the USA in the past 20 years has been complete trash, specially regarding videogames.
America is cultural poison.
I never said I was pro woman you retard
>have no argument
>resort to name calling
why the fuck would i care about some literal whos in idaho? why would i care about laws in idaho when i dont live there? why do you want to fuck kids so badly?
that would save me on money too actually
Thank you user
never got so much satisfaction from winning an argument online as I have had today
thanks user
because it is a mental illness, there is no choice involved.
You either do it or you join the 40%. Dysphoria is unbearable, long term.
Sounds like the solution is to send in the military to eliminate the manchildren.
sad to admit but this post is true. I haven't consumed american media in years now, just realized it
its mostly shit
is there no cure for dysphoria? Surely if you forced yourself to you'd be comfortable living as the gender you were born right?
You're consuming american media and talking about them RIGHT NOW in a multicultural website.
It's your choice to do those things. Fuck off if you don't like it.
>black people everywhere
imagine thinking this is an accurate depiction of either side
good job "winner"
how pathetic
are there people who really believe this?
Why are leftist cartoonists so fucking trash at what they do?
>stopping literal Nazis
Like doxxing a kid because he smirked at a guy? ok
the treatment is literally transitioning
idk why dumbass cuckservatives have such a problem wrapping their head around this
This is 4channel, dumbass.
transitioning has negligable effect on suicide rates and the chances of any particular tranny having "dysphoria" are worse than winning the lottery, the only thing you got right is the mentally ill part
its not a choice. its not like I wanted to be like this. theres something wrong with my brain that makes it think its the wrong sex. There is no cure, that would require like insane brain surgery from 20 years in the future. All i can do is take hormones to have my body more closely resemble how my brain thinks it should be so it stops feeling so uncomfortable and depressed.
And it worked, im a functioning member of society now. I know im not a real girl, but thats ok. I just wanted to be happy and survive.
What american media am I "consuming"?
And please, stop using "consuming", we are not corporate mouthpieces despite the fact that you Americans have nothing more in your lives beyond "consuming".
>in a multicultural website.
So basically the examples of multiculturalism we have are America and Yea Forums?
Why do people keep pushing for this?
>he doesn't know
oh boy
pic related
I'm fine here in Finland.
>get banned on 4channel
>can't post on Yea Forums
Because they decide what is legal or illegal. What they decide controls what you do.
>This is all about fucking kids
Once again, not only are 16-17 year olds not kids, but that's literally the age of consent around the country, this entire political """debate""" has been about marriage, not sex. They can already legally get fucked by me, so in that case, you already lose. The difference here is that aside from a few states, you can't really marry them because ?????
Honestly marrying a 16-17 year old is WAY healthier and more constructive to them then being a cumdump slut, and attaching to a more experienced adult can (and often do) improve their lives down the line. Girls look up in age, boys look down in age, that's why the age gap is almost always Male over Female.
I can go on explaining all the really small reasons you're wrong but I think this is enough for now.
because the USA runs the fucking world and Europe fell miles behind despite being an ethnostate for all of the 1900's
maybe that?
Gaming is for beta males.
There was some twitter post claiming that the left only doxes neo nazis who work in schools while the right wing only ever dox innocent feminist the other day, with like 70k rt's so yes.
Are you retarded? There are posters on this board of every country, religion and skin color.
Talking about american video games. That they play. And I assume that you also play. Otherwise why are you even here talking about them?
I think he meant white eastern euros, not you asians
you got fucking problems dude
>One side displays an opinion and exercises legal use of laws to display their opinions, such as gun ownership and free speech.
>The other literally assaults people, riots, ruins property and throws molotov cocktails through store windows
>The same
Not only is the comic hilariously wrong, the bad guys are actually reversed.
you know there's worse things than doxing people right?
>get banned on PS4
>can't play on PS3
Whoa WTF?
"Progressives" might as well believe it. Shaming is one of the only tools in their kit since they're convinced they're always on the moral high ground and anyone who disagrees with them just doesn't know any better. The hilarious thing is it always has the opposite effect and they can never figure out why. You'd at least figure they'd have made the logical connection from their aversion to religious prosletyzing but I guess in order for their worldview to remain intact they aren't allowed to see those kinds of connections.
this one got the /pol/incels good
This tbqfh
I just need 20 good men.
Well you just proved that they buy that kind of games
I accept your surrender.
He didn't say otherwise.
Sure, the USA has a great military.
And that's it that's where the greatness of America begins and ends.
Take away the military power from the USA and what's left?
A society of idiots who unironically believe putting minorities in movies is political activism and that it will save the world?
A poluted shithole getting more and more poluted by the day?
Crime rates at the level of third world countries?
And don't tell me it's because guns are legal, Switzerland also allows people to carry weapons and you don't get daily school shootings.
The most stupid, violent, uneducated and manipulated people in the west, that's what the US has left without it's army.
i'm not a conservative, i've never read into this sort of thing and the rise of tranny shitposting's only skewed things one way so i'm genuinely curious mate.
i never guessed that dysphoria would work that way. I thought it was a condition or something instead of an actual disease you have no control over.
do you have any advice for people suffering the same? i know someone who's been unsure about this sort of stuff for a while, you seem like you've got a good head on your shoulders
>Honestly marrying a 16-17 year old is WAY healthier and more constructive to them then being a cumdump slut
The point is that people internalise their sides causes and actions as righteous while condemning others for the same actions.
>And I assume that you also play.
What are you talking about?
Yea Forums has agreed for years that, not only American games, but that western games in general have been trash for years.
What you are doing is basically telling people with depression to just not be depressed. It's chemical imbalance in the brain, there is something physically wrong inside the head of these people.
Giving them the proper medication helps to some extent, so you can engage in therapy and sort out the chemical imbalance, while the medication provides a stable base to do so.
Why should more complicated mental illnesses like gender dysphoria be any different? The only thing that really changes is the medication and the therapy, not the medical approach to the issue. It's obviously not ideal and we are many, many years away from it being as workable as other mental illnesses. And even with those we are still not doing too well.
But demonizing the people who are doing their best to get better probably doesn't help them, but actually harms them. This would explain talking points like .
Doesn't matter, it feels fucking good to live in an ethnically homogeneous nation with low crime rate. Our only problem here are Somali niggers.
You have the best healthcare in the world, the largest collection of wealth in the world, hundreds of powerful megacorps loyal to the US, they are the dominant exporters of culture in the world and the best Universities and science programs in the world
Yeah, JUST the military
I'm not a burger btw
I said 16-17, the most common age for marriage less than 30 years ago. Not 10 years old, like pedophiles. Keep importing those Muslims, yo.
You constantly throwing completely factually incorrect insults around doesn't change the fact that boards of directors and lawmakers disagree with you.
>There are posters on this board of every country, religion and skin color.
And that's why Yea Forums is a shithole, much like America.
>Talking about american video games.
Shitting on them, you mean.
>Otherwise why are you even here talking about them?
To discuss japanese games and celebrate the death of the western videogame industry.
>US runs the world
Laughs in Hebrew
We aren't triggered faggot. We don't care about your safe spaces and we don't try to change them, but you control freaks try to control our speech and where we congregate. The difference is stark. Of course it also doesn't help that anyone right of stalin, even centrists, are right wing to you. Go make false equivalencies somewhere else.
Having sex is not a life affecting decision like marriage, even making the comparison is shockingly ignorant.
if me calling you a weird pedophile for typing out a paragraph on why you should be able to marry 16 year olds to me on Yea Forums then yeah, i fucking guess i surrender
yeah but I don't get why "don't kill minorites" because a partisian issue suddenly
>do you have any advice for people suffering the same?
its 6 am, im supposed to be up for class in an hour but i couldn't sleep all night. Any advice i give right now is going to be stupid.
I will say though, that we should strive and do our best to pass and to blend into society so that the people in our lives who know us will see that not all trannies are fucking crazy lunatics. We can just be normal people with an incurable mental ilness we can't control.
Do what makes you happy but also be mindful of the people in your life. Don't try to force things on them, be patient with them, be empathetic and understand that they are going to have a hard time adjusting to your changes too.
Because videogames are the trannie/nigger/woman of hobbies.
Why do you think dnd, videogames, cartoons, movie blockbusters and comic book were infected? What do they all have in common? They have in common the fact they are meme hobbies for bugmen like you. Get real hobbies and you wont see women succeeding at ruining them.
>best healthcare
That's why it's filled with threads about the latest releases?
I think you're thinking of /vr/
>primary consumer
>all leftwing social justice diverse garbage games bomb like nagasaki and hiroshima
>You have the best healthcare in the world
The one that charges you $4000 to tell you that you have a sprain in a leg?
>the largest collection of wealth in the world
Owned mostly by millionaires and billionaires.
Otherwise there wouldn't be so many cities that look like something out of Brazil.
>hundreds of powerful megacorps loyal to the US
The same ones who offshored everything?
>they are the dominant exporters of culture in the world
And we've already seen where that culture has lead the world to.
>the best Universities
The ones who teach you the greatness of marxism and put you in a debt that you won't be able to pay?
its not just the gaming industry, they are in EVERYTHING now, i cant turn on my tv without being remembered that women are being abused all the time and they are special snowflakes that deserve protection and privileges
I'll stop demonizing trannies when they stop acting like demons
Depressed people don't actively seek out kids and pressure them into mutilating themselves so I don't tell them to kill themselves
Fuck off trannitard
yeah poor people can't afford it but the best doctors and medical facilities in the world are in the US
all the rich people in your country go to the US for care
Balkaniggers are among the top world ranking in legal guns per capita and even they have like 8 times less gun murders per capita than mutts.
Yes, proving nothing I said wrong and reducing your argument to an insult instead of- you know- an argument, means you give up.
Not everyone thinks that way. In fact I'd say that the whole "sex before marriage" thing being an extreme rarity outside of the past 50 years is somewhat telling. You're acting like marriage is some ultimate bad thing when in reality it gives the more vulnerable of the two parties extreme power and social status-
Why do you think they opt for it? Do you think all the 16 year olds in America are being forced into this? It's a choice, they've chosen this, because they've reached the age of consent. They have made the consenting opinion to do this, and lawmakers, by majority, agree that they are allowed to.
Why do you keep fighting me on this based on your own personal opinion? Your opinion doesn't matter. This is already done. You're talking about an event that already concluded with a result counter to your opinion, and has for 50 years, and may continue for another 50.
How many of them are about western games?
How many of them aren't talking about how much of a piece of crap it is?
braindead weeaboos have decided that
thank you both for being patient and informative about all this, figures things sound different when you get a take from the other side
Damn do you feel good next to that strawman you created? You sure showed those minority killers
I'm sure your shithole country is better, so good you don't even have the balls to name it
Obsessed and he doesn’t even realize it.
Because one side has been mass importing them for votes and trying to make the other side pay for it to boot, it's already an invasive war.
Fucking ban Americans. They post nothing but shit.
I'm sure you'll recover, unlike the black people in that church :)
yikes, and this is why you're gonna fail at life
I have a networth of 500k right now get fucked you loser
i can't believe americans as dumb as you actually exist
But people without citizenship can't vote and getting citizenship is usually a rather difficult process at least in Europe.
Because you didn't ask, but since you did, it's Switzerland.
same psn account made by THE SAME company
unironically literally have sex
have sex with someone older than 20
The USA already runs the world before you guys became 56% and failing. Now the US is more divided and weaker than ever due to identity politics and multiculturalism that will never work. You think niggers, spics, chinks, Jews, and whites are loyal to US? No, they fucking hate each other and live at their own segregated areas.
>they are in EVERYTHING
Expect a major backlash in the future. We'll go right back to good old hardcore conservative values, like back in the days when gays were tied to back of trucks and dragged through the desert.
>some asshole can't outvote you because he has more money to spend
and leafs and brits and brazilians
just ban everyone
You already gave up. Why are you still here? You don't have an argument, that's why you won't make one. All you have are incorrect closed minded preconceptions and memes.
Even if you assume that's strictly true it's usually much easier for their kids to get citizenship and vote. It only takes a few years.
Totally gonna happen, like the "day of the rope" right?
Dumbass boomers actually think the world's just gonna snap at some point and revert back to the "good old days" of senseless killing, based retard
I have a net worth of 17.9 billion and a string of successful high-tech companies and I'm not ignorant to the truth and still tell it like it is.
>t. never got prime pussy
you just aren't worth arguing with.
please send me money I'll pay you back in like 20 years when I'm done finishing my ribcage surgery
Yes, I understood that already.
Remember when Emanual Samson tried to commit a revenge church shooting because of Dylan Roof. Your side is so righteous man. You're really above it all.
Based and marriagepilled
Unironically have sex
>Weeb is also a pedophile
Checks out
Most places don't have birthright citizenship. And just because someone is a kid, they don't get citizenship any easier than their parents.
That would be an extremely long con, even assuming birthright citizenship exists in the first place. Honestly, it just sounds not very viable.
Also wasn't it the good christian "conservatives" advocating all this stuff?
Antifa, recorded police executions, and Muslims are already forcing that day closer. Do you really think nothing is going to happen?
Not him by the way.
No that's not it, it's that you literally don't have an argument. I've given you citable sources, historical anecdotes, interpretations for lawmaker decisions, with a small dash of what I personally think about the subject.
Why is it that you don't have problems with people fucking teenagers but you have problems with people marrying teenagers?
it's almost like both sides have retarded people in them and that blaming an entire group of people for the actions of the few is stupid or something?
Muslims, fren. They'll be the ones to reset us. It'll be horrible, it'll be bloody, we'll lose all technological luxuries and go hurtling back to the pre-medieval. But it's still better than dilating trannies.
nvm found it
Looking at Japan(or East Asia in general) or western slavs, being multicultural has no positive impact on your products.
But it sure does develop negative effects fast.
Basement dwelling retards that are ridiculed by everyone
>recorded police executions
Which get scrutiny like nothing else
Are slowly being recognized as the retards they are for following such a barbaric religion.
t. former muzzie
It's painfully childish to assume that there's going to be a day where everything just breaks, that's not how the world works, that's a dumb anarchistic fantasy neckbeards like entertaining because they're too slow to actually go out and work to make a change in the world they keep bitching about 24/7
Muslims can't even organize a fucking church dumbass
you grossly overestimate muzzies. They're shitters and people are starting to realize it, just you wait until people start to want to actually push sharia law in non-sandnigger countries.
i've been telling people since day 1 that Islam is a fucking cult and nothing more.
>Why is it that you don't have problems with people fucking teenagers
when did I say that
>implying your "communism" will not be some sort of retarded capitalism modified to fail and disguised so you can fap your little egos while every country goes to shit
You don't even have to wait, you can travel to Venezuela today
Yes that's what i've been saying. People are incentivised to demonise their political rivals because that has high value in-group. The worse people look relatively to you, the more heroic you and your politics seem. The beauty of the system is that it costs nothing not even your time, you don't have to do anything but catastrophise your political enemies.
>people are starting to see muzzies for what they are
It's too late. Also, are they really seeing the truth? If they admit they were evil and chaotic all along, they admit to their prejudice. It's one step on the path to conservatism.
That varies a lot by country, and many of the european countries that don't have it anymore only abolished it recently.
(((They))) caught wing that video games are a bigger medium than tv, music and film and it was unacceptable that video games had until now been relatively free to provide content unadulterated by the progressive agenda.
Good point, let me rephrase.
There are no problems with people fucking teenagers. Having sex with them is legal in pretty much every single state. If you personally have a problem with the age of consent being enforced, then you do you- your opinion doesn't change the law, and I'm not wrong for telling you it doesn't.
Now I'm extremely tired of repeating myself, so if you could just "get it" that would be great.
a revenge shooting failing isn't as bad as the original act
People realize this shit when they actually look into islam, which usually happens when they meet muslims.
The people aren't bad, genuinely, i've met some of the most hospitable people alive that were muslim, but the religion is nothing but a cult of no-fun-allowed and dark-age thinking.
It's not too late at all since a lot of people are still in the grey on Islam, but as soon as you look into the practices of the religion it's clear that it's something even die-hard SJWs fundamentally oppose
incidentally, just before the whole supposed "importing people for votes" thing happened.
So your conspiracy theory doesn't work.
You can flip your conspiracy theory and say the people who hate the refugees organized this to gain more votes and it would make more sense, especially since it matches what is happening.
you mean children
da [[[[[j00s]]]]]
Get woke Go broke in the name of the Hitler, the Donald and the Capitalist system AMEN.
SJWs are well known for refusing facts. Their tactic seems to be to put their hands over their ears and scream louder.
This, ban America politics.
That's not flipping it at all. Of course it was abolished as a reaction to shifting demographics.
It is flipping it in the sense that I am claiming that the other side is profiting off it
Its extremely well known because a guy on youtube said so.
did this bitch change her instagram? I can't find her anymore
I'd call you out for exaggeration but it's actually true. they'll also refuse to listen to you unless you're actually from that group too. I sincerely doubt i'd have actually managed to convince as many people i have that Islam is a shit religion if i wasn't an arab
Not really, since the damage has already largely been done. The only thing left is for people to escalate to open conflict.
you don't actually think politicians care about the damage they do, do you?
I love how lefties don't even understand the concept of the safe space meme.
>Think a place of learning should contain differing viewpoints
>Well why are YOU scared of a demographic with much higher rates of murder and rape moving to your vicinity
>no no, no more talk, is time for FIGHT. me FIGHT!
I'm glad cavemen subhumans like you spend all their time on taiwanese drawing boards instead of actually doing things outside.
>loli marriage
If you were trying to comfort yourself I hope it worked.
You'd realize that fucking kids is a small reward for all the other bullshit being a Muslim requires you to do.
>it's legal therefore it's good
big brain takes
no they are not, they want free gibs. but capitalists also want free gibs, which makes the whole communism vs capitalism thing pretty pointless.
but hey, details! gotta vote for the guy that wants free gibs for his clients and not for me, because thats capitalism, right?
Protip: Morality is subjective and what is "good or bad" is often based on your upbringing, usually from your family, friends, school, state, country, and/or leader(s). After a while you have to decide for yourself what you think about the world. You can just obey the law and say the law is good, you can defy the law and say the law is not good, you can perform a grass roots movement to change the law? Regardless, the law is the law.
Is it good? Maybe not, but privy me a question. Is it bad? What's worse, threatening violence, or violence itself?
Being male in Islam is like being a christian 100 years ago, better than western degeneracy.
Nothing 100 years ago is better than Anything in America right now. A lot of shit is going wrong right now, sure, but the modern era is the best era and every day it gets better. Technologically at least. You will never improve your way of life by going backwards.
there's an inbetween on the epistemological scale and it's called normative, it's the feeling of morality which is subjective
What isn't infested with these harpies any more? They're cultural warriors and they live to denigrate every subcommunity that doesn't conform to their standards.
The western civilization is dying user
Why do companies continue to pander to them even though they don't buy games? Do they really think a normal person won't buy a game because an sjw reviewer said it was bad?
Companies move by trends and now social justice puritanism is the biggest trend in the West.
Companies want money.
Sometimes you need to take action if you think your values are threatened. If the goverment doesn't care what else is left to do. Let them spread their shit and wait for people to get killed as a result for the satisfaction of being a better person? Focusing on the methods instead of actual goals is dumb centrist bollocks. Once they gain power its over, they wont care.
Videogames are a low IQ hobby, just look at this shitty board. Also it doesn't matter if you're a commie, american, black, white, a spider or some other shit. You can just enjoy vidya.
And also
Most importantly though, more often than not those kind of people are a vocal minority. Not exclusive to SJWs though but currently it's often them.
That's the point, they get easily influenced. No difference.
You are aware that they crave the freedom dicks, right? It's why they are "fleeing" their countries, to get away. Especially from shitty places like Saudi-Arabia.
>preemptive action against muslims good
>preemptive action against stormniggers bad, you are actually the real nazi if you do that!
Faustian civilization is ending but we can make something new and kill every leftist weakling and their pets in the process. The cancer tumors have to be ripped out for good things to grow back.
Art and tech academies are filled with sjw ideology and they make the games
>This shit again
There are shifts of power, sure but not only do values carry over but even the "loser" can have a big impact on the culture of the ruler nation, like Ancient Greece did to the Romans.
Also technology turned the world into a different place
>technology turned the world into a different place
Yeah, technology wasn't a thing until yesterday
This. Just look at the history. You can find many examples, like how the cuck cult called christianity managed to spread around like a sickness
>enslaving your individual will to the spook that is society
Of course they had technology back then but they weren't even able to cross the country within a few hours
I don't really watch her shit but there's this one video of her sucking a dick, she starts jerking it and makes him cum then she starts sucking more and he cums again while she's sucking and after she's done she says something like "oh my god, you totally just came down my throat"
and it gets me off every time