Why world had soul in 2000s and is so soulless now?
Just look how happy they were to get a new console
Why world had soul in 2000s and is so soulless now?
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You were a kid when it happened, and you're now nostalgic for it.
because you get called soi when being happy about something these days, haven't you heard that being le ironic stoic ebin is the new cool?
true, world is angry now, everybody is fighting everyone. Thanks social media
videogames are too mainstream now
Why world had soul
Look happy new console
le edgy normie posting edgy posts WOOOOOOW
Because that's the way the video is intended to make you feel.
Why new world less soul
Old world much soul
Sad. Wow!
We live in a cringe culture.
A culture that Yea Forums helped estabilish.
If you're happy about anything, or show creativity, or emotion, you'll be called cringy and turned into a meme online.
So now everyone tried not to stand out these days and to be as private as possible.
You did this, Yea Forums, as usual you're the cause of your own misery.
yikes my dude. major cringe.
Nah, you get called soi for being an adult who pretends he's excited over children's products.
tell me user, do you consider all those people in OP's link as soi for being excited about a children's toy?
Most of them are late teenagers, very young adults. Certainly not the same middle-aged men who pretend they are excited about Switch Mario you see today on Youtube.
So basically after 20 you should just stop getting excited about video games, period?
Or is it specifically nintendo games, for some reason?
There's a difference between being excited for a video game and being a middle aged man who is obviously overplaying to pretend he's just as excited for Mario as when he was 7.
Playstation brought out the casuals.
It was before social media took over so you had to actually have a personality.
At least females are easier to fuck now.
I really do hate to break it to you but what happened was that it all got popular.
The PS2 was the perfect balance of cost and creativity. Being creative didn't cost you your entire studio if it didn't sell. There was plenty of room for experimentation and creative license. Because of that people could do whatever strange but promising games they wanted.
Now? If you want to sell well you have to make a very pretty game and that costs. Games are too big a market to be experimental, whatever the popular thing is is what people make to sell to the masses. Genres are established and controllers have a set layout.
The PS2 was the tipping point between niche and popular and that's why it had soul. Why do you think it's still the most popular console in history?
Every single new game from 2000s to the present was called the equivalent of soulless when it came out vs things before it. People like you are not new.
Ps2 is probably the most overrated console ever. It was the worst console that gen for any type of multiplayer gaming and had the shittiest versions of multiplats by a country mile. Lonely weebs here love it tho.
I was happy too when 3 years ago i bought the ps4 and played bloodborne. I am 41 but i dont sperged around in social networks or in this damn place. Happiness is something you dont share with everyone cause you are a fag but only with closed people.
Post-modern shit. Now cool retards have to be "ironic" for everything. This site got fucked up for the same things
I personally blame twitter and this era where if you're not an incel, you're a tranny. Based and cringe, wojak galore, pretending to be retarded, etc.
It's an awful time to be here (on the internet). A solar flare can't come soon enough
yeah this is true. PS2 era was really flexible and devs tried lots of things. Now the market is globalized and massive and you can't take risks because your competition release a generic zombie/shooter made in unreal/unity or any generic shit and it will sell more than yours
Games also probably make more money with microtransactions than with actual retail/digital sales so there's that too
And yet it got a gaming system into more houses than any before it. People played games because of it.
>muh soul
You got them nostalgia goggles on thinking of all the shitty jap shovelware. There are lots of games trying new things. Don't be such a jaded faggot.
>and you can't take risks
You can but you cant expect all the brainwashed cawadoody \ fifa \ fortnite people would buy your shit. There are shittons of indie and sometimes even some AA which cashed good if they satisfied their niche.
>jap shovelware
japs have unironically released better games than any western dev in the past decade
The Playstation casualized gaming. Their first attempt at a console doubled sales of any console ever made. Of course the ps2 was going to be a smash hit despite being overpriced and underpowered. The spice girls sold a lot of albums too. I know its every europoors first console tho
my first console was a SNES tho
>t. Spaniard
>If you want to sell well you have to make a very pretty game
uhhhh no.
It was the economic crash, and the following pyramid scheme of immigration. Labor is so inexpensive and consumers are so numerous that corporations now longer even attempt to hide their evil intentions.
>i know it's every europoor first console tho
where did you find this information ?
you're part of the problem
9/11 was the start of the end, prove me wrong.
Because whenever you get excited for something these days you get called soi or cringe. The internet ruined everythinh
9/11 and the Internet.
still the 00's were pretty nightmarish, especially from the mid-point on.
Apple killed soul
If you get mad about the onion taster comments, you must be an onion taster
you're joking don't you?
I hate apple but they didn't do jackshit
hell, they used blessed royksopp as a intro song for Panther
nintendo buyer's remorse still in effect
Also, PS2 had almost 4000 titles made for it.
Nintendo and Xbox ain't got games
normal. people are just insecure and they realized that irony lets the deflect all criticism. like haha I watch anime its pretty cringy but I do it ironically haha and their profile picture is some flavor of the month anime show full of dumb memes like maga hat shopped on a character etc. normalshits are pretty fucking pathetic.
Remember when it was dude bros that everyone hated and thought they were ruining gaming with thier obession over graphics and realism? Do you miss them?
I mean that mindset led us to the current market of snoy cinematic shit
it's a trade off
The internet. You have everything at your fingertips and are permanently connected through your phone. News used to trickle down back then, now you’ll get 5 stories a day until it comes out. I was literally sick of GoW before it even came out with the way it was circlejerked.
were there sjws back in 2000
nope, gay and trans was something so rare people were laughing when it was mentioned
Because ESLs like you took everything over.
Imagine being in year 2000, bringing home that fresh PlayStation 2, unpacking it, and witnessing that true next gen gaming experience
There's like a thousand things with this acronym, which one are you talking about.
gears of war obviously, it's the only game with GoW acronym
>the same bland ass sanitized artificial fake ass corporate sphincter-licking drivel
>...but with a different aesthetic!
nostalgiafags deserve the rope
how can you be excited to get a new console nowadays when all we'll get is another outdated on release locked OS watered down PC?
If you actually believe that you're underage as fuck. Vidya was a thousand times better back then hell all you have to do is examine the PS2 and it's first year's worth of games compared to the PS3 and PS4. Free online, no DLC, no installs, even the console menu had a lot more thought put into it. Casuals who use vidya as a gap between their real interests are what killed this industry.
Underrated post. You don't have to make a selfie showing your fake open-mouthed weird retard face to enjoy something
what do you mean? people still get excited for corporate marketing.
This. Take s look at the Japanese eShop on Switch vs the American or European one.
The amount of shit there is on the west eShops is infuriating
How'd they do it? Every single game a classic.
The "de-souling" of the gaming world today was planned, its part of the new world order agenda of "dumbing" down the population through media.
You think its just a coincidence that the movie and music industry has also gone to shit?
Theres a simple solution, DO NOT BUY any products of all the companies that put out purposely made shit, they all think we are idiots that can be simply programmed and with the current collapse in sales in the movie, music and gaming industry they are finding out differently.
what is God of War then?
Each generation of consoles was a massive leap that changed the way we played video games. The last time they tried to push things was with the 7th generation but it wasn't as big as a change, they also started drip feeding weird changes that only felt like money grabs, they were, people didn't like them but they weren't the worst thing ever. They were pushed hard like it's just part of the medium now or something. It didn't need to be, but they wanted it to be, so they got it. Next gen just saw those practices embraced from the word go and was more focused on expanding them.
9/11 was definitely a major point but I'd reckon the dissolution of the USSR was the start of it.
>consumers are so numerous that corporations now longer even attempt to hide their evil intentions.
Digital distribution and allowing normalfags access to the Internet were a mistake.
I had a first year ps2 and there was shit all to play the ps2 didn’t pickup steam till the following year.
>free online.
It was shit and you had to buy the network adapter
>no dlc.
I am pretty sure one of the socom games had maps. mgs3 and rockband had that shit too.
>no installs.
Nope just longer loadtimes