Yeah so how's that backlog coming along?
Yeah so how's that backlog coming along?
How the fuck is he supposed to get to the back of the room, does he just walk on all the cases like a fucking animal?
You're implying he plays any of those games to begin with.
I don't think you pick up those back titles, it seems like it's only use for storage/collection.
Few collectors play every single game when they have huge collections like these.
They mostly emulate for pratical reasons.
Collectors that DO collect to also play their games, usually don't have these huge collections, but more modest ones, where they play everything they own and their layouts tend to be more pratical.
What is even the point of having so many games since there is no way you will even be able to play them all.?
There is no point in owning most of the things you own.
It's purely psychological for the most part.
You want to have the thing for the sake of having the thing, rather than the pratical purpose of it.
At the risk of getting called a commie, it has to be said: this is the quintessential end result of unregulated capitalism.
Memes like these will be used as pro-digital arguments. They'll take pics of hoarders and meme it like that's the majority. Watch it happen.
>look at all that stupid waste. you're damaging the fucking environment! stop living in the past! old man and cloud should start using the cloud, not shout at it rofl
Gonna happen. Like with the eating meat is destroying the ozone meme. See it a mile off.
Sorry but I played all the games I own I don't buy billions of games I will never finish that will just sit on my shelf I don't see a point in it.
I have a backlog of over 100 porn artists that I have to lookup and download their artwork and up to 15 games I have to play.
Honestly I can’t find the time to do both
But then you can just resell to the next capitalist because free markets you commie, what you're talking about is hoarding and that's what trashy people do, not capitalist chads
At which point does a collector become a hoarder?
I mean looking at that image it seems the only thing that seperates the crazy ones with rooms full of old newspapers and garbage from collectors with rooms full of games they'll never play is the value of the things they hoard.
Nigga just because you own your stuff digitally, doesn't mean you also have to be subservient to major corporations telling you when you can, and cannot download said titles anymore.
If you're scaed of thos elimitations, support the pirate scene.
Make it so the games that you obtain digitally are preserved forever, and freely shared amoung enthusiasts.
Isn't this inevitable?
Isn't all physical hardware going to turn into dust eventually?
Thus, doesn't it make more sense to have a digital library, but making sure it's not under the control of anyone but the gaming enthusiasts themselves?
>At which point does a collector become a hoarder?
When you don't play most of what you own anymore.
A shame we dont have vidya libraries like this in our actual libraries. Given the value of some games theyd get stolen instantly though. I guess I just have to make my own private one someday, I wanna preserve history
As many 40-100+ hour games I've got in my backlog and the small amount of time to play them during the week now, I've got probably another five years.
That's probably correct but you need to be able to reach them to reorganize or if you simply want to look at the collection.
There's "gaming bars" in japan that are a mix of collections, and a bar where you can drink (video game) themed drinks.
But they're having a serious crysis because Nintendo keeps shutting them down.
Seriously, Nintendo can be a bunch of cunts sometimes.
>look at the collection
I don't think the people who dedicate entire rooms to something like a video game collection care about reorganizing or looking at their collection.
At that point they just fill a shelf, never touch it again, and move on to the next shelf they can fill.
There are probably hundred if not thousands of collection like the one in the OP that will never again see the light of the day or be played again. They'll be destroyed in a fire/tornado/flood/earthquake, rot away, be thrown in the trash after the owner dies and their family/new house owners/community workers mistake that dusty pile of boxes for worthless trash, or be sold to another compulsive hoarder and end up in another storage room.
It's a disorder really.
Its all about having to protect their properties. I forget where I read it, but if they arent actively challenging certain shit when they're aware of it, then they will lose future legal battles where its actually important because they can bring up all the times they didnt act against some people but did against others.
Also gj based japan. Having a huge library like that would require a lot of space and be really expensive. Not to mention it needs some level of security to keep it safe from people and housefires. I wonder if there will even be a place on the planet remote and comfy enough by the time I could assemble that
At one point in time I had a sizeable collection of Vidya and had to sell everything off due to unforeseen financial problems and I was very upset, but, once I started getting rid of them I felt a lot better. I've since bought back a few of the older games that I really enjoyed but really for those older games there is absolutely no reason not to emulate, very few companies are still getting money from those old titles.
Based and emulatorpilled
Play games, not just jack off to plastic on a shelf.
>I have a backlog of over 100 porn artists that I have to lookup and download their artwork
ugh same. I'm so stressed out.
I´m on my 4th attempt of DaS2. Anything I should look out for?
It's not, probably just going to play through Baldurs Gate 2 again for the millionth time
It's been stuck around 300 for a couple years now, mainly because I don't have a lot of time to play games and it feels like a ton of games want to be THE game that you waste all your time on. Whether it's Western open world AAA nonsense or Japanese "ohhhh oni-chan u need 2 beat the gameru 3 times for the TRUE ending" I'm kind of getting sick of it.
At least I barely buy anything anymore and have been making good progress on my Steam library.