Is Windows 7 still the best gaming OS?
Is Windows 7 still the best gaming OS?
for me yeah
next year im going to untether my W7 gaming box from the internet and play single player 2000s games
yes. Microjew is making their new games require windows 10 though so theres that
Windows 10 was always better at gaming, it's like the ONLY thing that it does better than windows 7
I work at a PC repair shop. I'd say about 5% of PC's are running 7 when they come in.
If a PC repair doesn't seem something than that really sends a different message.
If only Windows 7 could be installed on newer hardware :(
So windows 7 is the best
Not since 10 came out
it literally can, dumbo
Probably. I started using Linux instead as I can't be fucked moving to windows 10 and gaming on Linux has seriously improved in the last few years.
anyone smart enough to still be running 7 probably is smart enough not to use a pc repair shop
>it literally can, dumbo
>no Windows 7 drivers available for latest hardware
Especially painful with laptops.
Not on modern mobo's and CPU's it can't. I've got an i5 8400 and there's literally no Windows 7 support.
Going to be sad when I have no choice but to upgrade to 10 like I had to from XP because of all the DX10 required shit that came with 7.
I'm still upset I missed the rise and fall of Shattered Horizon because I was on XP.
I need these things from Windows 10:
>let me PERMANENTLY disable updates
>let me PERMANENTLY disable defender without installing another AV
>NEVER change a setting / default app / driver / install or uninstall a program unless I do it manually
All 3 are 100% non-negotiable. If we get to the point where I actually need Windows 10 to run something, I'll run it with all internet firewalled off other than specific port/IP whitelist for whatever game I'm playing.
I literally have W7 on my 7700K, get bent
works flawlessly
you probably haven't been looking hard enough
I'm 95% sure there's a premade iso or iso maker for all the modern and mobos CPUs
Yes you can get these.
fuck microcuck drones and win10dditors
I'm still using pirated windows 7, can you even pirate windows 10 or does it have too much bullshjit
> I'm still upset I missed the rise and fall of Shattered Horizon because I was on XP.
Which was literally your own fault you brainlet. I swear, you people who stick with a decaying old OS then have the nerve to complain when shit isn't compatible. Fully self inflicted problems.
IIRC the exploit where you upgrade from a pirated Windows 7 to a legit Windows 10 still works. You can get a real Win 10 key.
I'm not a piratefag though, I just used my Windows 7 key to activate Windows 10, it accepts all 7/8 keys.
The real question is when will Steam drop Windows 7 support, as it already did with Vista and XP. Fucking everyone will upgrade then.
Enjoy your telemetry up the ass, you fucking retard.
win10 is actually slightly better for gaming but has 10 time more spyware
Gabe fucking hate win10 though, hence why they heavily invested in linux.
Enjoy your botnet and enjoy trying to play games 2-3 years for now when everyone drops support for your prehistoric OS
>Which was literally your own fault you brainlet.
Not really, I was fresh out of high school with no money and couldn't afford neccesary upgrades to run it much less buying or upgrading to 7. The game died so fast though despite being cool as hell looking.
Windows 7 is the last version of Windows where the user has 100% control of everything on it. Every. Single. Setting. And they actually stay that way, without reverting back like Windows 10 sometimes does. Plus, Windows 10 is butt ugly. The flat gray and white look everywhere is just awful.
Looks better than the gaudy faux glass shit in 7. And no shit sherlock, nothing ever changes because it's a dead OS that doesn't get patches. That's like saying the PS3 is better than the PS4 because it doesn't get updates and nothing ever changes.
>nothing ever changes because it's a dead OS that doesn't get patches
Nice strawman
True, I guess it's a little more understandable because it wasn't a free upgrade. But these people who rejected the free Win10 upgrade then complain about not being able to play DX12 games piss me the fuck off
It's true though. Modern OS's are dynamic by nature since they're constantly being patched and updated. Windows 7's design of getting only a few support packs rather than continuous updates is a testament to how archaic it is
Windows 7 is ALREADY UNSUPPORTED. It only gets critical security fixes. It is not in "Standard" support which means W7 doesn't get "updates", it gets only things that keep it from being a fucking botnet in
>playing Fallout 3 and Dragon Age Origins on W7
This takes me back, shit was comfy af. True boomercore OS.
Press F.
everyone should get on passthrough
8.1 is better.
>Microsoft doesn’t want you to disable Cortana. You used to be able to turn off Cortana in Windows 10, but Microsoft removed that easy toggle switch in the Anniversary Update. But you can still disable Cortana via a registry hack or group policy setting. This transforms the Cortana box into a “Search Windows” tool for local application and file searches.
>Cortana has become increasingly restrictive since Windows 10’s release. It was previously updated to ignore your default web browser. Cortana now always launches the Microsoft Edge browser and only uses Bing when you search. If that sounds like something you wouldn’t want to use, here’s how to turn it off.
>Can't buy 10 LTSC
I guess MS hates money
Japanese Windows XP is obviously the best.
Why does microsoft knowing what you look at on the internet matter unless you're doing something illegal?
WTF are you using this for? Ancient VN's/doujin shit?
The best gaming OS is DOS
I guess you enjoy geting ads for Minecraft and Candy Crush Saga, I don't
>nothing to hide
Neck yourself
I see targetted ads on Facebook, does Windows 10 even have built in ads? I've never seen one.
Please give me access to all of your accounts, I'll only be watching them in case of something illegal happening.
give me all your email addresses and their respective passwords then
you're not doing anything illegal anyway
Yeah, old eroge. The kind that is forbidden to EOPs.
Admittedly most works on Win 7 too, but some doesn't, e.g. the original White Album.
They probably meant Microsoft Store apps that show up in system search results.
You would do something malicious with them though. Microsoft has no reason to log into my accounts, or anyone else's for that matter, and if they did for malicious purposes, they'd have a massive lawsuit on their hands.
I forgot about those. Not really sure why'd you'd be mad for searching "candy" and getting an ad for CCS though.
>You would do something malicious with them though.
I have no reason to do so.
how is infringing on somebody's privacy not malicious?
They just track everything you do
>You would do something malicious with them though.
I would not, I'm not Microsoft or a government agency.
Every citizen has privacy rights, Microsoft is doing something malicious by spying on citizens.
>Microsoft has no reason to log into my accounts, or anyone else's for that matter, and if they did for malicious purposes, they'd have a massive lawsuit on their hands.
>Not really sure why'd you'd be mad for searching "candy" and getting an ad for CCS though.
Something tells me that you're retarded.
>characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm.
Not sure how showing you targeted ads is harmful.
emails and banking records
That's news to me. I'm on 10 right now and I've gotten much better experience on 7.
this user gets it
just because it is official doesn't mean it isn't also malicious. this is the key thing w10 fags just don't seem to understand, something doesn't have to be made by some autist in their basement in order for it to be malware.
Computer Brainlet here, how do i get compatible driver for W7 nowadays?
>Microsoft News app on Windows 10 can redirect you to phishing site with ad!
Can you show me an example of microsoft using someones bank and emails for malicious uses?
are you fucking keeping up?
the act of invading someone's privacy is already malicious
Me calling you a fucking retard is malicious too, but how does it affect you?
if you're stupid enough to want W10 get LTSB edition
PS2 is better than both of those
stay mad zoomer
you have the right to your opinion
I don't believe that is malicious
>get new laptop
>cannot get back to w7 due to no drivers for the hardware
>open start menu
>bunch of adds
>everything is called an app
>requires you to fuck around in the register to turn off everything
Why does Microsoft need to know what I'm doing?
You could be a collector...
I'm still wondering what the fuck is the one in her hand supposed to be. Candy?