>vinny skips through another "trash rights" art
Vinny skips through another "trash rights" art
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf I love vinny now
What are you talking about? trash rights?
kill trannies btw
Oscar the Grouch deserves rights too, shitlord
Burn it all down, Vinny. Reduce it all to ash.
That's because that art was for rev you turbo retard
Is he ever going to purge the furfag mods?
Someone post the art
jerma > vinny
did anyone watch jerma's colonscopy stream? it was pretty cool
uh, what?
Why does he hate him? He doesn't sound any more annoying than Desert.
I still can't fucking believe what he had up there, christ.
You missed it?
Desert only talks in chat and is far easier to ignore.
I'm usually at work when jerma streams.
Anyone notice that Vinny's been a bit more dead inside lately?
But you can not click on him though.
I'm pretty certain this thing is actually voiced by a woman doing a goofy country clown impression. I don't get the hate either, it really wasn't that annoying compared to other unfunny gags Vinny has memed to death.
wtf i love vinny now
Frog talks when you pretty much do anything in those games. The only way to not hear the frog is to not play the game, which defeats the point of streaming trash. Plus he prob plays it up for humor.
He's probably dealing with the fact furries fap to him after the Vappy debacle.
Vinesauce is fucking retarded. I know you still browse Yea Forums vinny, and your "group" is fucking dumb
For one, why do you have all your members label themselves vinesauce? the website is long dead now and most of your fans flock to a fucking subreddit. You DON'T need your group members to brandish your shitty Yea Forums reference name.
On top of that, the Vinesauce name does absolutely NOTHING for the other members. Fred and Jen are still totally irrelevant, Varg is practically his own brand at this point and honestly I have no idea how you hold him under your shit brand, and all the actually entertaining members of vinesauce left years ago.
Seriously, this isn't 2011 anymore. Vinesauce has mutated into a weird pseudo-Yea Forums tumblr furrfag conglomerate and you + varg are the only relevant ones anymore. Give it up my man, focus on your band or something.
you would be too if your fanbase consisted of diaper wearing furfags and non passing tranny faggots who spam owo
>havent watched jerma for like two months now
I think I just burned out on him fast which sucks because I really do like jerma
the guy who built a gamer birdhouse live on stream
>That time during one of the last few times he did Splatoon 2 streams where a tranny flag plaza post came up and he yeeted the camera view away from it as quickly as he recognized what it was
the guy that beat dark souls 3 on stream
the guy that flew to vegas in a hot air balloon
*perforates your innards*
On a side note you'd be surprised at how often this happens. I process medical claims for the VA and a large amount, probably 15-20% are for colonoscopies (lots of 40-70 year old male vets) and out of the 80~ of those I process a week there's always 1 or 2 that ends poorly and they have to get rushed to the ER and have complications for the rest of their life. To all you boomers out there make sure you research your doctor.
jerma has almost the same fanbase and you dont see him getting annonyed or downed about it
What's that song again that played during that smiley horror game?
Yeah, I did. As I was talking in a thread week ago or so, I decided to shoot him a rather concise e-mail about it.
Don't care much for the man, but hope he's alright with whatever shit is happening in his life. I think sometimes people just need a little bit of vain support to give them peace of mind or some shit I guess.
the guy who built an entire strip mall on stream
He needs to stop caving to chat. If they don't like some shit and start a shitstorm, just tell the fuckers to deal with it.
Its not Vinny. Its his mods. We report everything that happens there to him, be it real or not.
Is this post even real? Maybe. Maybe not. You figure it out.
not fappy
I'm still really confused on the Vappy debacle, I've seen people post fake shit about it. Vappy made it sound like he threw a tantrum on Discord and then Vinny decided to let him go after that.
What's this porn rumor? I've already seen 1 fake post about it, does anyone have a link to the actual offending image? Or can at least describe what it was?
I'm also curious. These days I only watch fullsauce vods as background noise.
The guy that can't stream without a booster seat
Private porn.
Also public vaporeon dick with Vinny in background.
>Vinesauce has mutated into a weird pseudo-Yea Forums tumblr furrfag conglomerate
Cryaotic as new vinesauce member when, bc hus fanbase is exactly that and worse.
It was just an edit that was thrown in as a joke. Vinny didn't take kindly to it as some anally devastated people wrote strongly-worded e-mails/DMs to Vinny.
A vaporean anthro jerking off with a poster of vinny in the background, also a vineshroom nearby.
What, like someone commissioned a furry OC of vinny for one of his furfag mods?
How tall is Jerma again? Is he really a manlet?
Nah, it was a poorly photoshopped Vinny's face in the background pic.
nah, vappy comissioned porn of his character with Vinny staring at him disappointed in background
Can you even say you don't agree with tranny rights on twitch or do you get banned for wrongthink?
5'8, which is the average height for men
you would absolutely get suspended at least. you can't even say faggot without getting in trouble on there
Why the fuck would you commission porn that has your boss in it?
well, you can stream gay porn, the NZ mosque shooting, Avengers endgame, and hot dancing french girls for hours on end, so no
^This is the information I was looking for, thanks. Vappy still has that image up btw, just without the poster. That's what got me confused.
what the fuck do you think
That's not too bad. People make it seem like he's 5'4" or some shit.
Only an autist would commission art of someone they work closely with and think nothing would go wrong.
Then again: furry
I know, because I am the Vapster.
Thats all.
Literally more autistic than normal furries
No, this isn't it. It's to give you an idea of what he commissions.
Why the fuck are Yea Forums threads full of weird ass stalker tier obsessive types when it comes to Vinesauce? Either oddly specific complaints about him or his community or insistences he secretly is still a Yea Forums regular. Shit like I watch Vinnys stuff almost every single day and I don't see why the discussion here is so focused on his furry mods or on how his stream was posted here a bunch like a decade ago.
Furries are nothing if not autistic, and vain about their OCs. He probably thought vinny would be flattered, or at least think it was funny.
I found the version with the blank photo frame.
At least link the picture so I can see it.
What drives someone to be like this?
AGDQ is chock full of trannies, of course not. Twitch loves trannies.
All to crash the stream. With no survivors.
Oh god. Trannies are so weird.
>Getting triggered over transgender people
What a pathetic person, I know I won't be watching anymore of his streams.
e-celebs are not videogames
Should send him a strongly-worded e-mail/Tweet about it. Would make him have a panic attack. He easily gets freaked out by stuff like that.
kek get fucked vinny.
I remember some thread ago some retard suggested raiding the booru by posting tons of tranny flags and pepes. Did that ever happen?
why do trannies have such disproportionate influence to their percentage of the population
do we need a final solution to the tranny question
no. but check the booru you'll see how much transhit is in there
Censored & uncensored
Hope you're doing alright man, even if this is a LARP.
>having opinions
Sorry can't hear you.
All furries are autistic, my dude.
Why the fuck do fags and other mentally ill people feel the need to inject their bullshit into the comepletely unrelated things?
anime is also not video games yet Yea Forums is constantly full of Yea Forums's leftovers. fix that problem first, thanks.
I know I am, but at least I hide my power level unlike vappy the fappy cuckoleon
But why though
I'm doing alright. I was actually starting to get bogged down by rl stuff and was holding down a full-time job on top of it. I'm actually doing much better now. Was thankful for having worked the time I had with Vinny and have moved on.
I knew it was coming but I still laughed
I already plan to message him, maybe then he'll give us actual respect.
>he doesn't know what a tripcode is
>calls a namefag a faggot
OwO !!!
fugging do it bro
he might even make an apology on stream or even on twitter
This is a tripfag retard. That was a namefag.
Because it gets your titties in a twist and the tears are delicious
They remind me of gamur grills but even more cancerous.
gay retarded baby alert
Where were you the past decade? This has been ongoing ever since the "check your privilege" memes started surfacing.
semper fidelis to all are armed forces
Dichromatic lotus butterfly from seihou/touhou
>le gets triggered by SAGE
Worse than a nigger.
It's all their existence, identity etc revolve around
Cry also has a lot of fujos in his chat, made the Yakuza 0 streams unbearable sometimes
>hiding power levels on Yea Forums's Yea Forums
top kek
Why doesn't Vinny just skip these submissions where its just political signaling? No one would give a single shit. He can just ignore it, there are maybe like 10 people who would even notice, and unless he responds to those people on stream no one else would even know he skipped it.
Or maybe it's the only part you care about.
This reminds me of that 2am Mario 2 stream where it’s completely obvious that Vinny had a bad day and is on the verge of crying so he stops playing every 10 seconds to show chat photos of Luigi to keep his mind off something and not burst into tears
Because he's a sperg that tries to be a crowd-pleaser but ends up digging himself a bigger hole. You don't know it, but he's pretty beta and is too afraid to just stand up for his own beliefs.
faggot furfag
No, fags and trannies are pretty shallow people.
this is why i only watch fullsauce
All leftists, SJWs, tumblrtards, fags, and trannies are shallow. Just pushing their own agenda as they see fit. That's how it works for them.
Glad to hear it, sincerely.
I gotta say, as a viewer since the old days when Vinny was fine with saying "retarded" I'm starting to get kind of uncomfortable with how much psuedo-censorship is going into newer streams. The whole bobs/robs/roberts/robertsons thing was funny for a while when it just seemed like a gag towards gratuitous titties but now it feels like any breasts, clothed or not, are getting that treatment and the community is getting this sex-repulsed attitude I'm not fond of. Reminds me of the tumblr fandom content crusades from years past.
I'm happy for you and I'm glad you're escaping what I feel is a potentially sinking ship ahead. Especially if this thread got attention and people started trying to call Vinny "transphobic" to further shit up the community.
he says he is 5'7 5'8 on a good day which means he is probably like 5'5-5'6 you would not believe how often dude lie about their height. it was eye opening to me
He's a retard, his chat has had a no politics rule for a long time. Why the fuck does being a gay tranny furry who submits art suddenly make you immune to that rule? Fuck you Vinny you fucking faggot.
They really aren't. Maybe if you got to know one, you'd realize that.
Wow, didn't expect a response. Thank you, user.
So i gutted a fish today and the only though running in my head was about how much blood the fish was spewing. Then i thought to myself humans are like way bigger than fish and much more nutrient dense. Then i got really curious on how much blood would spill if i gutted a human. This turned me on immensly.
>go to fullsauce and go to the Mario 2 stream and click on a random place in the video
>Vinny’s voice Is cracking with every sentence
Oh no
>Any plans for a Pride Stream since it's pride month?
>tfw all life exists to take energy from the planet and dissipate it into space according to the second law of thermodynamics
>tfw humans are the most numerous species because we're the best at doing that
like what the fuck is this shit? has vinny said anything about this? i dont watch his art segments anymore
user, all of their joke's punchlines are literally "I'm gay/trans" or "I'm gay/trans and me being a loud shithead about it makes someone mad". That's all there is to their ""culture"".
And they carry this shit with them like plague rats into other communities, along with their shitty flags.
why the fuck are you so autistic and had to pull something retarded like this? cant you keep your fur faggot shit away from vinny's shit or do all of you fur fags have to shove your shit everywhere they are not welcomed like tranny and pride shit?
good fucking riddance you were fucking terrible at your one job and you have been replaced by those much more competent than you will ever be
I'm honestly just want Vinny to have a Felixian Slip already.
If this is real im so glad you're gone
New guy is so much better. He can actually upload streams on time you fucking loser
He doesn't say anything about politics. Two times there was tranny art on his art segment and he said nothing.
LGBT identarians are annoying and obnoxious. I can't imagine how much more frustrating they must be to straight people or trans people that just want to get on with their lives.
It seemed like Vinesauce in general had gotten more tense since I've left. I've talked to Joel about what happened and he totally understood. I could post some Discord convos, but I have to respect his privacy.
Yeah, the whole censorship bullshit with Twitch and YouTube's demonetization route is just a complete dumpster fire. Can't say "fuck" and "shit" too much or you'll lose your partnership nowadays.
I lurked way back around 2011 when things were a lot more chill and with a lot less retarded chat. I still remember the serious talk Vinny had with Chatango chat because everyone kept saying "RAPE" while KY was playing Tomb Raider at that one part.
Link me this right now I need it
You're about 6-7 years too late. He's already said faggot, retarded, and other shit long before, just as many other streamers had.
>You see Chowder, you like food and I like the lllladddies right? Well some people enjoy mutilating their GENitals. So you see, they're no different from you or I no matter how disgusting they may look.
What was the Felixian Slip? I don't watch PewDiePie.
>it's another "trannies try to get Vinny/Joel to acknowledge them" episode
I swear these mentally ill freaks pop up every time DK is merely shown, I can only imagine what it was like during aHiT.
Jesus christ.
how did Nickelodeon get away with this?
>comfy hobby thread gets fucking deleted
>this celebrity trashfire is still up
why do you have a gif of my husband?
the world we live in, eh?
>actually seething
calm the fuck down faggot lmfao
based, plus we get no more "bappy bls gut"
oh yeah man such normal well adjusted people who arent in no way fucked in the head. i am sure they are just WONDERFUL to be around
bottom text
The media basically called him worse than hitler for a month
Oh shit user
Read it in his voice.
No, I mean the CURRENT YEAR Vinesauce Felixian Slip.
Of course it was a different time back then, I even remember Joel referencing Sam Hyde.
Christ, at least Tagg is okay with his inner furry.
>gets killed by some stream sniper in pubg
>goes "ah you fuckin nigger"
its funny cause everyone does the same thing but PDP has to apologize for it
Why are so many people involved in Vinesauce furries?
Multiple mods are furries, two of the streamers have fursonas
And in the discord there's a brony/furry mod that draws animal porn
I don't think he ever found the flag anyways.
Cringe. Sonicfox tier.
i'll always love fred because during the charity marathon I ended up waking up at 5 am after watching till like 3 AM & he was doing just dance or some shit in a charmander onesie and it was the funniest shit ever
Jens streams are kinda boring but she's fun to play with
hootey & rev best streams. Joel is for children & Vinny tend to play boring games and his fanbase is literally gutter tier
Holy shit. And people are getting anally devastated over furfag art with a some e-celeb face in it?
Fucking top kek.
When did DK become a tranny meme? Did I miss something?
Was thankfully just Vinny ignoring chat spamming Lime emotes and useless comments.
Maybe average height in Ironforge.
speaking of Vinesauce, why does Direboar sound significantly gayer than he did like a year ago, did he become homofied?
can't martyr them or they'll become powerful like the kikes, aim for their enablers instead
I feel like there is a small group purposefully spamming tranny and pride shit just to be obnoxious and create a breaking point. More people should start spamming it and just make chat as insufferable as possible
>everyone does the same thing
Yeah uh maybe speak for only yourself here dude lol
>He's already said retarded
I refuse to believe you, this can't possibly be true. What could bring a man to say something like this?
How much of a goblin is this thing? Post a picture of him.
God they are pathetic creatures
Because furries are so mentally damaged that they’re okay for doing shitty jobs like moderating a stream for free
Because if you let them in they always take over.
I think I'm bored of this guy. I don't really know what Yea Forums sees in him. Is it just a friend sim + you can pretend like you've played the games he's played?
>in a vinesauce thread
it checks out
Furries attract other furries, and drive out non-furries until they have usurped a community.
He doesnt stream any more after that.
>notice me senpai 2.0
>this time with added blackmail
Chat is insufferable as it is. Literal parroting everything that happens or is heard and spamming like no tomorrow. r9k mode doesn't do shit.
furries tend to flock together
furries tend to be EVEN MORE OBNOXIOUS in discord because it's literally perfect for them to thrive due to profile picture being large & with every message, global emotes, etc.
If one or several of the mods are furries, that leads to furry shit being accepted most of the time, and that leads to the shitstorm you're talking about
The bar for livestream entertainment is so low that anyone who isn't a complete spastic seems like a reasonable alternative. Vinny is that dude + a dry sense of humor.
You think Vinnys Dad ever expressed his disappointment considering vinny is close to his 40s with no gf/wife, playing video games for a living?
And also he doesn't want kids im pretty sure
>rev has to deal with that tranny art now
I know he leans pretty left but at least he's straight, married, and both him and Tilde are comfortable in their own skin.
You can watch one of his Yoshi's New Island streams where he talks about one of his friends' getting that "Think Critically" tattoo.
Think critically, faggot.
>mentally ill
>oftentimes have shitload of money so can do this stuff for free
Yea Forums is outrage culture, where the board is dominated by twitter caps and reddit posts. Its always going to be focused on dumb drama shit. If it weren't for Yea Forums I wouldn't have even seen that dumb furry porn image.
Does that mean our quest to conquer the stars is all in a feeble attempt to feed the univeres's undeniable code. In fact all our human advances aren't for the sake of humanity, it's so we can burn as much energy as possible from our planet. Because it has and will always be.
Holy shit user
>my husband
i honestly wish i knew how vinny and the others managed to recruit faggot furries and trannies as their mods. its like a tumor that can never be fully excised once you get that shit on you. i suspect it will only get worse for vinny and the others as time goes on if he does not acknowledges this problem
hbombergay streamed DK64 and Grant Kirkhope said tranny rights so now a classic 38 year old video game character is associated with fat hairy men slicing up their dick
All I said is I don’t think most normal people drop hardcore racial slurs when they die in a video game lmao
Maybe the fact that you think that’s weird says something about you
Literally the only reason I’m scared to stream. I feel like if I ever get somewhat successful some furry is gonna dox me and send my family death threats because I accidentally say the n word on stream
Where does Joel lean on the whole "no fun/politically correct" spectrum? Is he all for sayin shit like fag n retard and all that?
Who is C?
What? Please add more information in your posts before posting, otherwise shut the fuck up and bend over.
stay mad poorfag
Sounds like you've never met one in person then.
I have a couple of friends who fall into one or both categories and they are chill as fuck.
Well you see, Vinesauce has its roots in Yea Forums lol
Make me bitch
To be honest, I haven't really asked about him about that. But I'm sure his stance is pretty similar to Vinny's. He doesn't want to lose his Twitch partnership nor be demonetized on YouTube.
I think at one point he almost decided to transition but didn't make it public, that's why he started growing his hair out and changed all his emotes to some anime girl shit. He has since reverted his emotes.
Dire has always been a homo though.
>a classic 38 year old video game character is associated with fat hairy men slicing up their dick
If it was a mario game it would be about pepperoni pizzas.
Nobody gives a flying fuck what you feeeeel like. If you wanna talk about feelings, go to Tumblr, faggot.
He had advertised his channel way back on Yea Forums in like 2010 or some shit. I think he mentioned this in one of his Super Mario Bros. X streams from back in 2013.
always looked to me like he was lusting for some of that seal pussy
he was the only streamer i could tolerate that did not do facecam or obnoxious sub callouts or bit callouts which i can respect him for still keeping with that. other than that it has been getting harder to put up with his shit lately. he feels so diluted and "safe" now
Have seen how the most popular streamer of all time (Ninja) has literally negative charisma? People like vinny are just making money out of how everyone else is worse than them.
Tell that to Vinny. He gets his feelings hurt if you whine about shitty stuff to him.
been a long time since I've been able to take out this one
So basically "don't care what other people say, as long as it doesn't affect me"?
>b-but I know a...
Shut the fuck up, dumb nigger.
We are talking about how they present themselves online at large.
I don't give a shit about your "assume-to-be-real" cool friends.
I don't remember streaming and going AH YOU FUCKIN NIGGER, user.
It is hilarious that since he said nigger though, Pewdiepie has shitloads of fans on Yea Forums calling him based and redpilled.
which is a shame if you ask me. why would you throw such decent looking genes like that down the shitter?
All da male streamers going for dat seal pussy.
No, Limes did not fuck all the streamers.
Oh Christ, shut the fuck up, you furfag slave.
>someone says one negative comment in chat
>Vinny gets passive aggressive for half an hour and starts going on about "but hey thats just my opinion you know"
Pretty much. Just don't be a complete shitlord.
This really is a society
He has absolutely done facecam shit. He fucking REACTS TO TRAILERS, that is bottom of the barrel.
Did you even see how dumb that fucking Death Stranding shit was? The dude was just trying to rush out a video for the views and it was embarrassingly desperate.
once you realize that we are much like a virus or a tumor it will make much more sense
Yea Forums is defending him because little faggots who care what the fuck an eceleb says like you are upset about it. I could not give a single fuck if a streamer says nigger. There is nothing I care less about. You people act as if he is being broadcasted on daytime television.
Based. Fuck politics and the fags who keep pushing it on them.
Literally proving me right.
got a clip of that?
in the first part of the a hat in time dlc that was also a tranny flag and he didn't react at all
Pfff and you guys actually fall for that shit?
People don't even get timed out or banned if they do stuff like that in chat. Hes doing it to create an easy joke and maybe make the shitposter in chat think a bit more before shitposting
His SPM stream was pretty insufferable because of this
>Hey Vinny you're playing pretty poorly at this baby easy child game
>You know this level kind of sucks, don't know why you guys defend it. That's just my opinion though.
>I could not give a single fuck if a streamer says nigger.
Then you are complicit in racism.
Literally this every time, and it makes me laugh. I see insults all the time and I never let it bother me because of the nature of my full-time job. I've grown to have a thicker skin and not sweat the small stuff. Vinny never had that experience which is why he gets passive-aggressive. That was another reason why I became turned off to Vinesauce in general when I used to work with him.
>look it up
>it's real
Fuck me, I hate this planet. Thanks for breaking it to me gently.
>does facecam once this year for the sonic trailer
>literal years beforehand never did it unless V-Dub came around
>"absolutely does facecam shit" "REACTS TO TRAILERS"
I still remember the VinesauceIsFags incident back during the first Tingle streams. That was some gooood shit.
Yeah because the few you've seen posted on Yea Forums are an accurate representation of every single person in those groups.
I don't agree with the tranny push but you're just as bad as leftists if you want to presume all people are the same just to fit your narrative.
Falseflagging is the way of the internet. If you want to make a group you like appear shitty, you just act like them and be as obnoxious as possible. Every SJW is a /pol/tard roleplaying, every /pol/tard is some tranny SJW roleplaying. Its so tiring at this point.
I never said he was based, he is a fucking faggot watched mainly by children. You are a bigger faggot for caring about what words an eceleb says on the internet though.
You wouldn't know racism if guys in white hoods hung you from a tree and lit you on fire.
gotta get dat YouTube revenue
he's mine you DIRTY tankie
I still remember limes and jen nudes. i think one or both of them and some nasty looking cunts
Am I wrong? Does he not react to trailers? Because I'm pretty sure that YOU'RE the one who is wrong, user.
Yeah maybe if it went on for 30 seconds I could buy that. But its when he just goes on and on you can see that it genuinely upsets him
I think the Fred nude is photoshopped. Because his head just looked a bit too big for his body.
That's it come here!
*fuck your vag and fills it with lubericant(i'm a car)*
*fucks your butt until it rips and you cringe from pain and pleasure*
*you learn your fucking lesson and post quality content instead of worthless nothing posts like the worthless nothing you are*
>go into his chat
>people just spam transpride for no reason
These people need to seek help.
are you actually retarded?
He also had an incident with a chat member during his Chrono Trigger stream and started calling him out by username. Said chat member even got death threats. So yeah, cancerous as fuck, bro.
How can one creature be so cute?
Reacts to trailer (singular).
gentlemen, please
You've done an excellent job of making all trannies and fags look insufferable, friend.
Point out the part where I'm wrong, fucktard.
We live in a world of hyperbole nig, everyone is categorized by the extreme vocal minorities in their groups because it's so much easier to just dismiss groups you like instead of acknowledging that things are never a simple case of black and white.
Oh he reacted to Death Stranding?
>he's only pretending to be a passive aggressive little bitch about it
if you see a lot of his stream you know when something starts to bother him and wont shut up about it
The fuck are you on about? Who the hell is vinny?
See i wanna call you a fedora tipper, but this isn't even fedora tipping. What's so pretentious to say that us human beings, creatures of matter will share the same fate as the rest of the material universe. The ultimate fate of all things is nothing. Energy is finite and so are we
if you want to mutilate yourself you need help
Oh no, on a Yea Forums thread I've made an insufferable response to an insufferable post
Yeah, who the fuck is this Vinny guy? Some faggot?
>you will never get to explore your new fluffy body like K did
end me desu
Pick only one
Why is Vinny swarmed by these spammers? He doesn't put off the gay vibe, he doesn't speak his opinions on politics and completely avoids any type of gay shit. He's just a normal dude, why him?
Vinny seems to fall for the dumbest shit possible. Like this dude apparently used to browse Yea Forums and he falls for the most obvious bait there is every time
Dude you niggers must have a miserable June every year. Your brain has been rotted by LGBT shit.
Meh you're right but an incel.
That was a fandom ship, he is definitely gay now.
What is fedora tipping about acknowledging that we don't actually have a purpose? you don't have to put all your faith in religion to give your own life purpose, acknowledging what we are doesn't automatically mean we're also surrendering ourselves to nihilism. i'm more inspired to do something with my life knowing how futile our existence is in the long run
>get help
>transfolk gets help and undergoes surgery
>He doesn't put off the gay vibe
I'm gonna have to disagree with you there.
>fiddles with quality settings for half the video
>laughs at Die-Hardman
>"huh, well that's a game then"
>"norman fetus lol"
Go back to VRchat
Giga cringe
big oof
still gettin dat utube rev
Vinny has openly said he's over the "team vinesause" thing. He's thought about changing his name but the Vinesauce brand is too big and too closely tied to him. and didn't jen and fred change their names?
Wanna have sex with me?
>Vinny should stop acting all centrist and actually fight for his beliefs
>OMG why is he acting mean. Someone just said that thing he likes sucks, why is he acting all defensive? Just a joke a bro, he should get thicker skin
You retards are funny.
If those types find someone who doesn't immediately push them away, they'll infest that person's stuff until they catch even a whiff of anything "problematic". And even then they won't leave unless expressedly told to.
>kills themselves anyway
woah that was definitely worth it
>See i wanna call you a fedora tipper, but this isn't even fedora tipping
I meant i agree with you
Are you on crack, user?
I don't care about your cool friends because they are not the part of the problem.
Stop a defensive fag.
>there are still people that believe the "no politics in stream means all vinesauce streamers are based and redpilled" retardation
Steaming on Twitch was a mistake.
Stuff like this pisses me off. Fanbases are fucking cancer
For example there was this one incident with Game grumps where they were playing sonic adventure with a written walkthrough and then getting pissed off that the walkthrough didn’t include the locations of the master emerald pieces (which is random btw)
They said the name of the guy and he got doxxed and receive death threats. they refuse to apologize to the guy. Imagine getting doxxed for a walk through you wrote almost 20 years ago.
Cool it with the tipping, edgelord.
how does creating an open wound between your legs "human rights" lmao
>trannies seething every time somebody tells their mentally ill asses to shut the fuck up
>there are even some ITT
There was literally a single mentally ill dude repeatedly spamming tranny rights over and over during Joel's twitch interactive Mario 64 stream and when it popped up Joel didn't acknowledge it and the faggot continued to spam it for the rest of the stream
oh i thought you were going for an exaggerated insult, my apologies.
transfolk only kill themselves because of people like you who don't accept them
have fun with that blood on your hands
>cut his dick
>have a wound that tries to close itself because it's not natural
>all the shit that comes out of that wound
>ends up killing himself because of regret
if that's the case then I'm sorry for jumping the gun, I'm just sick of seeing generalization being the norm in this place just because it's convenient. Then again it's political discussion on Yea Forums, not exactly a gold mine
based user wiping out trannies with words on the internet
And I bet the chat was moving at light speed so the mods couldn't even do a goddamn thing about it.
See, I know this is bait. This is super obvious fucking bait. But the thread will continue to discuss this as if you're being serious.
Like I said, man. Falseflagging really shat things up for actual conversation. You shits and your grudges made everything about politics.
Who the fuck is Vinny? You still haven't said yet. Don't reply to me.
One of these days I need to ask a sonyfag if they can do squats like that.
You did get proven wrong. Openly denying it and desperately grasping on to your black/white views instead of knowing that it's a grey area means you've already lost. Check your replies next time. Bye.
In my own experiences Joel and Vinny are very chill and try to keep things professional, not in terms of being PC or SJW or whatever buzzword you want to use but in terms of trying to keep things chill and avoid controversial stuff, including politics and shit.
A lot of the stuff here in this thread is just false and wrong assumptions.
The big issue isnt even the hur dur furry mods or whatever, Personally I think some of them are pretty gross *cough* Mythi *cough* but some like Norix are very chill people. The big issue I see is there's no common professionalism among the streamers
No one wants to enter a stream where they talk about Furries, gay rights or politics, Like ignoring views, people just want to watch video games and shit. Even if the streamer doesnt mention it on stream its allowed to continue to exist in chat. Imakunis and Jen's chats are perfect examples of this.
Where people will openly lust about fucking pokemon in chat and Ima just feeds into it or doesnt do anything to clean up her mess of a chat, which just ends up spilling over into the rest of the community and creates the environment we have now.
And this isnt even mentioning the discord.
>why is he acting all defensive
if by defensive you mean being a wishy washy faggot with no real convictions for anything then yeah you're right
>expecting Yea Forums to play games
Neck yourself avatarfag tranny
Why do you think they do it? Trans people receive so much flack from all sides while the only people that support them are usually people who don't give a shit about their health and want them to be trans to push a movement. These are actual people that have issues and they need help, what led you to a point in your life where you actually take pleasure in ridiculing people's suicides?
i wish
Oh shit btfo
>You did get proven wrong.
Vinny has streamed with facecam before - FACT
Vinny has reacted to trailers - FACT
He's bottom of the barrel. You guys like the shittiest lets players (talk about a redundant phrase!)
stop avatarfagging
when is bondaddy's movie coming out
tl;dr lol
Poor Vinny
aren't his facecam streams ironic though
>when is bondaddy's movie coming out
Never ever
Thank you for your insight Vaps, it's much appeciated. I know myself and a few other content creators I watch (well beyond vinesauce) aren't happy about these changes either. It wouldn't be so bad if the kind of folks that can't stomach adult language and humor weren't so, extreme. To say in the least.
Again, I can only hope things improve and I do wish you well for the future. Thanks for dropping by here, feels really lucky to be ITT desu.
the only solution is to have an all out civil war here in america so we can finally settle our differences once and for all
Well i refuse your apology. I've decided how i wanted to live my ultimately mundane purpose, and that's by BTFO'ing dumb trannies like you user on a mongolian ice-sculpture board. Go to hell
Glad you enjoyed it~
>(i'm a car)
keked and whatpilled
>but some like Norix are very chill people
>completely ruined Vinnys CUBE stream by talking about how he takes it in the ass from his "husband" and got an anal fissure
Yea, nice try Norix.
your sudden cool turn-around has left me smitten user, I wish you only the best on your journey!
Fucking hell
>whole chat starts spamming the trans emote during a mk11 steam
>Vinny had no idea why
>The big issue isnt even the hur dur furry mods or whatever
>Where people will openly lust about fucking pokemon in chat and Ima just feeds into it or doesnt do anything to clean up her mess of a chat, which just ends up spilling over into the rest of the community and creates the environment we have now.
It is very much a furfaggot issue as well as tranny shit. You can only ignore something for so long before they get uppity with you and try to force you to acknowledge gay pride or your a bigot.
Best post ITT
As a joke. (Rarely)
Trailer. (Singular)
So we have a janny in here deleting posts, and yet the thread is still up. You guys really are fags.
Did you fags really just get done jacking off to each other? The inept furfag is also a regular fag. Who would've thunk?
does anyone have that tron bonne pic from the android stream?
Hey no problem man. It's nice to hear from someone who is understanding. You are a very kind user!
He's done at least two trailers.
I don't even remember that to be honest but I'll stand behind saying Norix is alright though.
Also I don't even think Norix posts on Yea Forums. I do know Ima lurks and posts in the sonic general on /vg/ Also a certain cool cat does lurk in these threads
Yes, perfectly mentally sound individuals.
Cry about it and dilate, tranny
Sonic and Metal Gear Survive
2 trailers
jannies are vinesauce fans
>say trans rights vinny
>final solution
Oh you
>dude like, they're all bad, look at these pics I got from Yea Forums and twitter of epic ugly trannies! And like, if you disagree, YOU'RE the tranny!
Dilate and have sex
Friendly writing tip: try not to use exclamation marks so much, it makes you seem feminine or mentally unstable.
>reddit spacing
I dont know how its so hard to grasp that the whole point of Vinesauce as a team was to create a community where you could come home, sit down, watch someone play video games and forget about everything else.
They dont bring up politics for the same reason they dont bring up any other world event, because the real world is depressing and nobody wants to hear that shit when they're trying to relax.
Vinesauce, its streamers and its community have always been accepting of everyone. The fact that retards take the idea that they refuse to take a stand in real world issues on a video game stream means they believe in your retarded nonsense is absurd. People actually fucking believe that Vinny voted for Trump due to this shit.
Thank you chad! After much meditation (and you lubricant vroom vroom) I have learned the error of my ways. I will now and forever post to the best of my ability up to standard posts.
Why couldn't you just be a normal person and not have to shit where you sleep? You could still have your job that you half ass at it and still be part of the community. But know you could not have a second without shoving your shit everywhere and now he had to let you off. Being replaced by someone much better and way more timely than you lol. You have no one but yourself to blame for your retarded ways.
anybody got a video? I need a chuckle.
So trailers. I'm right, you're wrong.
>any plans for a pride stream
Vinny should play horror and WW2 games
I hate tranny/fag posters so much. Diana ditch.
Vinny said that back before he was a streamer he met this cute female bartender but something happened to her and he never saw her again (I dont remember what exactly happened and in which stream, but he mentionned this before 2016)
That probably made him lose interest in relationships
And now that hes popular its probably even harder to find a gf who genuienly likes him for his identity rather than being a fan
This, imagine having furries as mods l m a o. At least trannies PRETEND to be human, furries are the most mentally ill people there are
hey, are you still here?
if you *really* are vappy can you answer some stuff
who replaced you in the fullsauce channel, and why do they sometimes reply to your name.
and, was that the reason why vinny said "there's gonna be some delays in the fullsauce channel for a while" a few months back?
wtf user I was literally backing you up
wtf man... that hurt
If Vinny ever said anything pro gay you guys would get triggered as hard as the SJWs you bitch about.
Still looking but about 5 minute into this, Vinny talks about how walking into the plaza is like "walking on eggshells"
I forgot he did the DLC, this all happened before the octoling dlc.
Just for you, i will.
I unironically love you user and hope the best for your life outside of these repetitive threads. I'm also stealing that last bit.
Friendly writing tip: try not use period on the on the net, it makes you seems like a grampa, faggot
This happened to my uncle and it has made me fucking terrified of getting old.
Not shocked, it's a literal wire they jam up your ass with a camera on the end.
>get triggered as hard as the SJWs you bitch about.
Dilate, but also vinny just not even mentioning it makes trannies mad.
Ah thats fine then user, you can be co-right.
I think you are talking about the story of how he started smoking which was to impress some bitch who was bar tending or something. That was way way longer ago I think.
posting anime outside of Yea Forums is not off-topic, since the main topic of this entire site is anime and jap culture
He's perfect!
He's TOO perfect!
This is what happens when we try to play God!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnd that's a good thing!
>Yea Forums wants politics out of western games
>won't allow a random guy on the internet to not act epic and redpilled
Tranny/furry shit is cancer but wanting streamers to pretend to have life figured out is the most stupid shit ever too.
About the person who took over, he kept that bit quiet. He was actually planning on doing that several months beforehand but paying him half as much since he was a literal NEET from how he was explaining it. I trudged through it but it was really starting to take time out of my schedule. I figured the decision he made was the right one by the time I left Vinesauce. I really hope he isn't lowballing that dude. It's quite a lot of time consuming work for half of what he used to pay me.
Is OwO still banned on Joel's channel? I pray for the day that Vinny does the same but knowing his current audience it'd cause constant atomic anal annihilation. I hope Vappy and every single one of Vinny's furfag mods kill themselves, and God bless all the based dudes who got banned by the seething furnigger mods during TGA.
>Yea Forums would get mad if streamer would try to push something unrelated to vidya on his vidya stream
some gay
i dunno
He apparently was in emotionally abuses relationship that made him lose interest in dating, it was so bad for him that he had to be giving mental help.
Do you guys think Imakuni is fine with her sonic fursona or whatever being next to gay dog porn
>constant nsfw content in the miiverse
>because he said "walking on eggshells" he clearly means something that agrees with my agenda
This website fucking sucks now
I wish it was 2006
so i guess having chat be nothing but is just fine eh? no one wants to see this shit. if you claim to not want politics in your stream you need to go both ways on this
I don't think she cares. She knows what she's getting being on FA.
Mods are deleting post here but keep the thread up, so you’re shit out of luck
>you can "push" human rights
>try to help an esl turd-worlder write better
>they stammer in their shitty hovel in their smelly favela in their awful country to try and deflect it
Next time South America gets fucked by an earthquake, we won't send relief packages.
Where did you hear this from?
Geez, who called the hall monitor
Why don't you suck more janny cock fag?
Show me the politics. Last time I checked basic human rights and respect weren't 'politics'
>muh human rights
trannies aren't even human lmao
they shouldn't have rights
Seeing as how Ima is pretty much on the spectrum I'd say so.
He's holding a spear though.
He briefly mentioned it when it was mental health awareness day.
Kill yourself subhuman
i dont think you even seen a second of that stream. also in splatoon 2 you post through twitter and not the miiverse
Yes you can, you mong.
Not giving a shit about a group of people should not be something you'll get persecuted for.
Not supporting faggots, trannies or anyone else is not a crime.
You don't have blonde hair and blue eyes, you're not even white.
i kinda wanna fuck that deer[/spoiler
Lol what delusion. That's the exact same kind of "Yup" he gives when he sees weird shit on a sunday stream or anything that will kill the chat. He's clearly avoiding saying anything while still being respectful to the artist.
Trannies aren't humans, dude, what the hell. Miss me with your kind attention seeking pleas.
Tranny and fag shit are politics whether you acknowledge them or not.
did you just assume my eye and hair pigmentation you shitlord
Privileges aren't rights and trannies aren't human.
Yeah i didnt watch a stream of a trash game, regardless admitting its twitter proves my point even more.
>not giving a shit
>the same as claiming that people shouldnt have rights because of your retarded opinion based on shitposts
Are... Are we entropy...?
Vinny did the day he allowed his furry mods to have any kind of power.
A 34 year old italian-american twitch streamer who plays dumb as well as awesome games.
Hes fresh with the memes too
Doodle Dip
I'll never understand what sort of rights you faggots don't have.
why the fuck are you here though? I'm sure most other mods didn't like that you post here. didn't that create some friction in the back scenes?
Kill trannies
haha what do you think puro's latex tastes like haha
If you hate gays this is an odd board to spend time on.
There is no miiverse in Spla2n, or on Switch for that matter, it's all linked to twitter now. He was talking about the random surges of furries and trannies in the plaza that took place during the game's first year of release.
>t. /ink/ veteran
Vinny just kept calling it "miiverse" as slang since Splatoon 1 did use miiverse.
reddit spacing invalidated you so nobody replied to you sadly.
just letting you know. weird meme. think people are starting to take it seriously. think it's a thing.
So day one then? Cause Jen is a furry and shes the oldest of the viewers lol
>did not see the shit posted on the plaza
So you literally have no say in this argent retard.
>sucks e-celeb dick and shills for them
>calls others a fag
>The inept furfag is also a regular fag.
Part-time regular fag.
licorice probably haha
>defending lgbt and sjws
no u
>putting the words into my mouth
Go back to your Tumblr blog.
You are not entitled to anyone's time or attention because of your lifestyle choice.
The least you could do is not be an eyesore about it.
You guys are all pussy fags and I dare everyone in this threads thats in the vinecord to type F @ G
You really don't think sexuality should be more of a personal matter that you don't try to force other people that isn't even you to share?
Opinion on the Tiananmen square massacre?
>r-r-reddit spacing isnt real
Lay off the enter key buddy, maybe next time you wont be so obvious.
His community having a bunch of trannies and furries are literally his fault, he could have skipped the furry art, he could have asked people to not be degenerates on his discord or even better, not make one, but he ignored all of this and now you get this. You also see some trannies on Jerma stream nowadays because of his discord, sooner or later Jerma's community might end up just like Vinny.
Both of you fags are stupid
They can keep not liking me if that's the case. They sure are doing a good job not saying it to my face or talking to me about it. Either way, I pretty much don't care at this point. It actually feels good to spill the beans every now and then.
what do you think it's like to be kissed by a snep haha
This but unironically.
Nobody is capable of disproportionate outrage shitstorms like the Yea Forums alt-reicht
Vinny didnt make the vinecord, hes not even in it
Skipping over art would be pretty obvious and cause drama, which he doesnt want to cause
Like someone smooshing a teddy bear in your face.
No one likes attention seeking whores, even worse, trannies that think that they can pass as one. Shut the fuck up already and go back to your discord.
His site kind of went to shit when he fired Tame.
>TGA 2018 vid still has comments disabled because everybody was calling out the disgusting furfag mods for banning anybody who dared to mock them
Can you fur fags shut the fuck up and go back to the real topic.
Supra mayro Cart was peak vinny
Oh, he's in the Vinecord. He sets himself to invisible so you don't see him ever, but he's there.
probably yeah
too bad he hates egg likes and shit like that now
Oh god. Poor Ima.
He comes and goes though
why were people mocking him user
Go back, newfag. Yea Forums is super gay.
>screencaps of shit in the splatoon 2 plaza dont get shared around Yea Forums
You're objectively retarded
>extra time or attention is needed to provide basic human rights to people
You're saying it yourself.
Its got nothing to do with sexuality, and how is asking for the same basic rights and common courtesy that you'd give anybody else "forcing" something on someone?
have sex you disgusting virgins
How dare you speak to me
Ew, no wonder Norix is gay
You do realize that they will only berate him more and more until he acknowledges them more right? It's never going to stop unless he puts down clear defined lines about it. Him ignoring it or being as passive about is as possible only asks for more garbage like this to happen.
I think that was more of Norix and the other mods doing. I was kinda looking forward to the cringe when I saw that shit live. I knew people were gonna flip their shit and Vinny told me not to upload that shit to YouTube. But oh well. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Kinda understandable. Imagine being sent games that are “shit as a joke Xddd” every day by random people that miss the charm of the original egg likes would make anyone hate the genre
Doesn't fucking matter, he acknowledges the discord and considering he is the streamer he could have asked the admin to enforce rules so people would tune down a little. Skipping obvious softcore furry porn that were posted in every single AC stream wouldn't have been deemed drama worthy, especially because of Twitch ToS.
They want extra rights like how woman can get free gibs for raising a child.
Quality response.
>God, aliens, superdimensional creatures or whatever did not create us to enjoy life, the universe and existence
>the universe is big
>but we grow exponentially
>and we'll grow even faster once we figure out FTL travelling
>this is our meaning
>to sap the energy stars give out
>to release it once more into the cold, empty chaos of vacuum
>we are just cogs in the machine of entropy
It better to weather the storm than fight it
I though Norix has a wife.
What's your language like in general? You're obviously less likely to say words you don't use as much, so if you're afraid of accidentally slipping in a nigger then you could always try cutting back on it.
It was the South Park "Niggerman" episode almost stroke for stroke repeated in reality.
>extra time or attention is needed to provide basic human rights to people
It seems like it does, since you retards won't shut up about your problems.
>appealing to emotion THIS HARD
The fucking irony, lonely faggots wanking over vidya men doesn't equate to your trannies rights, kill yourself already.
What do you mean "poor"?? Immediately after this she said she was extremely happy she got to meet him. Ima is an unironic furry putting on a "self-aware" cool kid act.
Everything is numbskull. Why is such an entry-level topic so new to you all? I knew you fucks were underage but this is ridickalick.
She also lurks these threads when shes not streaming at 7 am in the morning, senpai
I dare speak to you.
Come at me, nigga.
I don't think you get it. This "storm" will never end and will only get more and more intense as time goes on if you do nothing about it.
you call it inspiration but really its just dressing up the fact that its desperate escapism in the face of the fear of death and the inability to act rationally, all nice and self gratifying like
What rights don't trans people have? Don't they have all the same rights as normal people? Also I'm not certain but going by people like Chris chan it seems like some transsexuals have other mental issues going on that probably won't be solved by them trying to change their gender. I know your life sucks but is this really the best way for you to share your pain? Maybe therapy isn't as advanced as it should be for modern society.
fucking destroyed
How short is that girl? Chris is only 5'10 and yet still seems to tower over her. Is she a midget?
kill yourself as soon as possible, you retarded furfaggot
Nah, all this shit will eventually just move on
wahmen are smol
how do you know?
god women are so fucking disgusting
no wonder only the mentally ill want to be women
no thanks, looks gross
>trannies trying to push le tranny rights are human rights meme on Yea Forums of all places
You've proven time and time again that you're not human when you literally beg to have muh daddy streamer reinforce your cringey cope meme, please join the 40% today.
i see vinny's mods are here in full force
I asked her in the past in the vinecord though its also obvious when its her posting.
She keeps mainly to the sonic thread on /vg/ though.
Not a midget but extremely smol
>women being small is abnormal
tf am i reading
Ew why the fuck is it so sticky?
>that white shit on her leg
Literally sloppy seconds holy fuck
not really, everyone's scared of death, that's just natural, for me it's the fear that I don't know what the fuck's gonna happen next.
but knowing your time is limited is enough to get me thinking that you shouldn't be wasting your time when you can be doing something you find fulfilling instead. the world may forget you but people won't, if you live on in people's memories for positive reasons that's more than enough for me to feel like I lived a good life.
Any examples? I kinda wanna see the stuff she posts.
Or they're baiting, you sperg.
Everyone in this thread is fucking retarded
I wish Vinny grew a pair and fire every fucking furry from vinesauce.
He's too soft. There will always be worse people to replace them.
So Ima and Norix?
underrated kek
You guys really overestimate how many furry mods there are by the way.
Joel is the only one worth watching
Don't forget Jen, Direboar, and Limes.
is she into sonic foot art?
wtf is that inkerton haha
pride is worse than furries honestly
>since you retards won't shut up about your problems.
Its almost like people are publicly abused for doing nothing but dressing the way they, speaking the way they want to and picking a new name.
They cant serve in the US Military anymore and they're actively having their health insurance rates increased.
Cry "tranny" all you want, its just fact that the people irrationally mad about people wanting to live their life the way they want affecting nobody but themselves are fucking brainlets.
Merely pretenders should also kill themselves
Needs more baby games
I'm 6', I dated a girl who was 5'3'' and the top of her head was at chin level to me. Considering Chris' height and how he is slouched, she seems like she is 5' at the absolute most, probably shorter.
Dire and Limes aren't furries, Jen is though.
>everyone's scared of death
lol grow not everyone is a pussy
>the world may forget you but people won't
They most certainly will. If not, they die and your legacy in a universe of nothing(according to you) is now nothing. Idiot.
>because I accidentally say the n word on stream
Why the fuck are you even saying it in the first place?
Joel's audience is annoying as shit, no thanks
Nah, DaiGaijin.
I wish, I only see tranny dicksuckers everywhere that isn't 4chang
You're there to watch Joel not the audience, silly user.
this thread is a dumpster fire. just a bunch of poltards and mentally ill furrys screaming at each other. just delete this thread.
also, the only based and compactpilled streamer is jerma
I asked if he was bald once and I got timed out. Lol.
Imagine if we actually just talk about his vids, memes, inside jokes, vinny lore, compilations and shit like that. But Yea Forums has to ruin everything.
That's not the fault of Yea Forums, that's the fault of furries.
>a thread about some faggot hit 500 replies
Yea Forums is dead
>lol grow not everyone is a pussy
if you can feel the same moments before you kick the bucket I'll buy you a drink if there is an afterlife
>They most certainly will. If not, they die and your legacy in a universe of nothing(according to you) is now nothing. Idiot.
You underestimate people. I've got friends I've known since I was a child that I still keep in contact with today as an adult. but being alive in the memories of friends and stuff is alright, with my limited time i actually want to make a decent impact, it's why i want to be a teacher. I still remember my grade 6 teacher today for how much he helped me at a point in my life where I needed guidance, if I can offer the same or something similar to other people out there that's all i need to feel like I did something good out there
That’s an autistic trait, being unable to understand social cues. Autism and homosexuality are also very linked :o
>OP tries to force political shit into Vinesauce yet again
>Thread turns to shit yet again
Who could have thought
Because I’m black and it’s a funny word
How long until Jerma's community consists of 50% furries and trannies?
Those overlap more often than not.
>Its almost like people are publicly abused for doing nothing but dressing the way they, speaking the way they want to and picking a new name.
Just because you decided to use your genetalia wrong/chop it off altogether doesn't mean you'll get everyone to accept it or even bully people into saying stuff they don't want.
Once again, fuck off and no one cares.
>people who need supplies of artificial hormones to function should be allowed to join the military
The US doesn't enlist people with health problems. Trannys having to take pills to be happy is a risk. It's also clearly rooted in other mental health problems for many of them which is demoralizing to have to depend on. Maybe their rates are increasing because they are a medical liability?
>Limes isn't a furry
>was into mamegoma for a long time
>had mamegoma emotes before this current set
>continues to talk in "uwu" voice even today
>always talking about her ferrets
It's not the fursona kind of furry but it's still a form of furry nonetheless. Feral is still furry.
Part of me wants to get popular at streaming, and then publicly mock the fucking smoothbrained subhumans in the threads eventually made about me.
You’re on Yea Forums. Wtf do you think?
>heh both sides are rong, i, the enlightened centrist is above all this
You can actually see which mod timed/banned you. So if it's by Vinesauce, you definitely struck a chord with him.
Which is why cancelling pride will solve both problems and deter furries too. Cancelling furries will still leave pride as an separate issue.
>cant talk about this anywhere else or get banned for it
Dude shes just trying to pull the whole UWU CUTE GIRL
Bullshit thing, shes not a furry lol
Unlike Jen and Ima theres no art of limes related to furry shit lol
Well a good portion of his fans are also Vinesauce fans so it's probably already nearing that point, you can clearly hear how uncomfortable he is when he interacts with them.
People have done that, it violates Twitch's ToS. Youtubers will leech drama videos from you. Everyone loses.
She is disgusted by fetish stuff
Such as that one time she played Sonic Forces and Sonic said he got really sweaty or whatever, she got really disgusted
>affect nobody
Except those children that can't like something the other gender does anymore without woke adults wanting to change their bodies.
baka Vinny is a tranny fucking spaghetti nigger desu roflmao
How do you check?
Not if I’m clever about it
You can do the whole "uwu cute girl" without using animals as the basis for your online persona and emotes. Even if you don't want to consider it furry, it's still furry-friendly and that's the issue.
Once again, people should not get shit for not wanting to support any cause.
Especially the one which won't do jack shit for you if your rights got taken away.
what if i asked her if i could give her a foot massage?
>You can do the whole "uwu cute girl" without using animals as the basis for your online persona and emotes
Dude how new are you? whats Limes is doing has been the staple of crapply streams like hers for almost a decade.
Shes playing the cute girl card which means shes suppose to like cute things and go XD SO CUTE
You say this, yet her top mod draws vore, inflation and feral porn
I'm assuming the art was a shitshow this sunday?
>mfw I remember back when gays were constantly commenting on his old youtube videos lusting over him and hoping he was secretly gay
>then he talked about his gf and they all disappeared into thin air
You missed the point entirely. I hope one day you actually do grow up and learn more about life.
>missing my point entirely
His chat is actually not that bad, his mods do a pretty good job, the owoing could be worse. but his chat has other problems then furrys and trannys
Its almost like you're seeing people in places where their names are actually attached to the shit they're spewing and claiming that people shouldnt have rights because of the way they choose to live shows that you're retarded
>straight back to genetial mutilation
I honestly cannot imagine being this fucking brainwashed.
The fact that you think that you can disagree with what someone tells you or the way they choose to live just to attack them for choosing to be comfortable in their day to day life and be justified in that just proves how much of a fucking brainlet you are. You actually had the audacity to claim that i was putting words into your mouth when you just spewed that shit.
>supplies of artificial hormones
They dont "need" hormones in the same way someone with diabetes would "need" insulin, though. Its a choice, a choice that has no side effects on them if they have already passed every other military fitness or psychiatric evaluation.
>mental illness
Its not a health problem, its a choice.
>except shit that ive made up
Good argument
>people should not get shit for not wanting to support human rights
Incorrect as it proves you're a brainlet. You dont get to claim that only certain people get rights and actually believe others shouldnt.
>/biz/ wojak
Give examples then.
Vinny from vinesauce real name is Vincent Franzetti Palmieri
I knew his last name. Didn't know his middle name. Pretty cool tho.
What was the point I missed? If you're going to act like you've got it all down at least shed some wisdom. I do want to learn though so i'm genuinely interested to hear your perspective on the world.
trannies and faggots are no politics, why rights do they even need?
>trannies and faggots are no politics
>why rights do they even need?
is that actually his name? big if true
Who of you guys did this :--DD?
did not answer my question so i am still right
>shit that I've made up
Literally everywhere you are told that you should watch out for everything your kid does so he can join the 40% in the future
>ever comfortable
Reply to this post when they get to 30%
It's much worse than 'just' politics. It's identity-politics.
>You dont get to claim that only certain people get rights and actually believe others shouldnt
I didn't claimed that though.
I just said that it's not a hill anyone has to die for unless they choose to.
My problems are mine and yours are yours.
This is how adult world operates.
And you being an immature, scummy faggot won't change it.
based brainlet btfoing the entire thread
Truly the most Italian
i wanna see ima's bare feet