What are your specs Yea Forums?
>going from 4k, 4ms, 60hz to 1080p, 1ms, 240hz
What are your specs Yea Forums?
I've told myself for years that I will eventually just buy a monitor for my PC but here I am still using a Insignia 5ms LED TV with HDMI
1080p 144hz definitely-not-1ms
Dude get a monitor
>1080p 144Hz 1MS
>1080p 60hz 1MS x2
I've got a GTX1070, so I jump between 1080p@120Hz and 1440p@60Hz.
You can't tell the difference between 1ms and 5. Please stop being delusional that these marketing terms are real.
so I was always a gm and not just gold? it was all imagery?
You'll notice it if you strain or sort of force yourself to. In general it doesn't really matter though.
>ryzen 3 2200g
>8gb of ram
>1TB hdd
i dare you guys to tell me some good games i can't run with this setup.
You cant see more than 30fps anyway amirite
Now you're just being silly.
It's alright.
1080p60, 1ms. Don't feel like upgrading to 1440p or 144hz anytime soon
I can't go back to 1080p. It's so blurry, and jaggy after 1440p. Just as hard as going from 120Hz to 60Hz.
>1080p 60hz
I haven't experienced a new resolution in 7 years or a new framerate ever
I was at 768p on a toaster laptop until late 2016, 1080p still feels new and huge to me. I also couldn't fit a 24" screen on my desk, it's all full with the 22" and 19" ones I have.
I'm so used to laptops that I think I actually prefer small screens and resolutions. The 1440p screen would be for gaems only if I had one, I already hate browsing at 1080p since I have to zoom into everything and it looks awful. I much prefer the 900p screen I have for non-gaming activities.
No bully
I bought a 1080p 1ms 240hz but I regret it and wish I would have just bought a 4K instead, even if it was only 60hz
95% of this board is
GOOD LORD! You scrubs have such shitty computers, boggles my mind how you're able to play ANY games at all
If you're nice to me I MIGHT share my secrets on having a godly computer like my own ;)
Yikes what the fuck user.
>13+ firefox tabs
>laptop keyboard is missing W key
>bought usb keyboard that i have to put on top of the laptop keyboard
>they heat eachother up
>live in a hot state
Unrelated but i can't even run clip studio paint or photoshop. I'm stuck with SAI whether i like it or not.
Post some real specs
Ryzen 1800x, GTX1080, 16gb ram baby
Dude...just get a job work for 2 months then you should have 3000 which you can use to build a high end pc and have enough to buy 3 hentai figurines and some delicious prima taste laksa ramen . Problem solved.that's exactly what I did
I have a job, but I've been spending it on literally everything else but my computer. I really should though, i desperately need an upgrade.
is this real???
Bros rate my build while I'm not a home
Based glow in the dark user
>256GB of RAM
pclet here, what should i prioritise upgrading first? cpu?
That's like people who have 32 gigs, such a waste.
Amd A8-7600B
MSI R7 240
1280x1024 VGA Monitor
I'm slowly upgrading it so I can have a proper idea about computer building. I mainly play Indies and old games, so the turbo cheap video card is not a problem. I'll be adding space and an SSD to it later, and the last component will be a ne monitor.
AMD CPU's since Ryzen are fine. AMD GPU's are fine too as long as you don't use any OpenGL emulators.
Your CPU and Mobo are literally useless, dead socket. Your GPU is decent for its age. You need to sell/throw out your CPU, mobo, and ram. Get Ryzen 2600/x, 16gb dual channel 3200mhz RAM, and the cheapest mobo that supports the CPU.
whats up with all the rich niggers in here
thanks user, ill get right on that.
What better way for nerds to flex on people than to pimp their PC?
the 5ms or whatever isn't input lag you fucking retards, it's grey to grey response time which is an almost completely useless stat for vidya, and is measured by the manufacturer meaning half of it is probably just lies and the rest is measured in an environment designed to get the best possible result
but hey buy this good monitor, it only has 1ms of this thing you don't even understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all that wealth, all that performance on their rigs and they use it to post on Yea Forums and get mad at stupid shit.
the more i browse this place the more i realize its a place full of loaded suicidal shitheads.
Are you just poor in general or are you a third worlder?
If you're used to 1ms you can see that 5ms creates a blur.
I own a 300$ monitor with 1ms and a 2400$ tv with 5ms, and I can barely play games on the tv.
And that hurts to admit