>pulls out some obscure ass anime game nobody has ever hear of
>"are you guys exited about Dooptie shup 2 Adventure of poopity dup?"
why you do this Yea Forums? you know the 2 people that posted in your thread is the only playerbase of that game right?
Pulls out some obscure ass anime game nobody has ever hear of
based, fuck anime game loving, calorie thieving, munchie having, fatroll carrying, towel asswiper faggots
Yea Forums is just a bunch of hipsters coz being a hipster is no longer popular these days
Gentle reminder that if you are triggered by anime, this website isn't for you and you were never welcome here in the first place.
Dumb frogposter.
Absolutely based!
Reminder that Yea Forums is a video game/anime/politics site
The only based comment in this thread.
Have sex with an anime girl.
Hasn't been true in more than a decade
Anti-anime faggots BTFO in a single comment. This is why I still have faith in Yea Forums.
count the number of anime trash game threads
you need to fucking move on user, anime games never evolved out of the top down jrpgs and visual novels
Yeah dude like Facebook was started as a network for college students only an-.. wait...
some thing never change faggot
Based Gunvolt making Anti-weebfags seethe over anime again.
It is always delightful to see anit anime retards getting rekt.
Hello newfags, can you tell me the name of the theme of this board, and all other boards? What image pops up when you get an error?
have sex while seething faggot
>can you tell me the name of the theme of this board, and all other boards?
>What image pops up when you get an error?
A green button that says Retry For Live version and a 502 Error message.
The fuck are you talking about?
You're not even on the front page anymore.
Anime is reddit tho
> be at a party
> hear some faggot verbalize the title outloud: "Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner"
> be someone who actually enjoyed the game but cringe so hard I had to leave the room
Reddit's Yea Forums boards are entirely larger in subscriber counts than the general anime subreddit though.
Time to go back to social media you summer children.
Who else here only keepa coming because the shit pile has gotten so big that the tipping point for it to all crash down has to be soon?
people say this every few years, it will never be true, the site is self-correcting by nature
the only thing that will stop the site is the gov't stepping in which is looking like a real possibility soon
>facebook frog
>be someone who actually enjoyed the game
Don't pretend you played devil summoner
>vidya friends all watch anime
>pretty knowledgable guys who always seem to know a little about everything
>whenever i start losing an argument i point out they watch japanese cartoons meant for kids, teenagers and pedophiles
>friends BTFO and change the subject
admit it weebfags, your "hobby" is a form of degeneracy
have sex
use reddit
>saying "tho" is a sign he likes r*ddit
seeth more faggot
Everyone on reddit and youtube comments and every other shitty late 2010's social site say "tho". It's all from the same category like "rn" and "af". Most prominently popularized by "blackpeopletwitter" on reddit
Not fooling anyone, you were never invited to a party your whole life
Whites invented the internet and anything blacks do on it is already appropriation so I'm not sure what you think your point is.
>why are you invested in videogames on a videogame board
frogposter need a healthy dose of Zyklon B
you must browse all of them prettu religiously to catch that hmm
>anime website
based and if i say so myself factpilled
Yea Forums was literally founded so we could have freedom to practice anime and weebism. It's the entire reason the site exists. If nobody here cared about anime everyone would have just stayed on SA. Funny how SA is now a flaming wreck after pushing out anime and here you are scraping and begging at our feet. If you don't support anime you're anti-Yea Forums and have no business being here.
Yes retard. It is an anime website where people who enjoy anime can go to talk about things related to anime and things not related to anime.
That does not mean you faggot normals were invited to our club just because it has topics you also discuss elsewhere
You realize some people on Yea Forums actually have taste that isnt extremely vanilla right?
I dont care if only 2 other people played the game, I still want to discuss it with them.
Based and redpilled.
This, frogposters belong back on facebook
>hasn't been true in more than a decade
Meanwhile on Yea Forums only a few months ago
Because cancerous underage frogposters like you stay out.
Mods on IRC are having a discussion on whether they should start banning frogs and wojaks on sight here like they already do on Yea Forums.
>be anime website
>frogposting nigger: "s-stop posting about a-anime"
Obscure stuff is good and liking it makes me better than people who like AAA games. No I'm not being ironic.
Thing's don't change. More people breaking the rules doesn't change the rules.
user BTFO’s tranny phoneposters and newfags ~ circa 2019
What's there to discuss?
anime is for brainlets and the artstyle is shit
fuck weebs
Have you ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.
The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.
For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY
meant for
>muh facebook frog
rentfree weebshitters
The Frogposter is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a newfag, shitposter, underage, cancer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a redditer and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
fuck you Dooptie shup 2 Adventure of poopity dup was great, grow up shithead
This is a late 2010s social site
>Complaining about obscure games being discussed on Yea Forums
Why? Seriously, why?
One of Yea Forums's only legitimate stregnths at this point is that you can easily discuss very obscure stuff. Why would you want that to go away? Go back to wherever you came frogposter.
Holy shit never come back
> Funny how SA is now a flaming wreck after pushing out anime and here you are scraping and begging at our feet.
You are implying Yea Forums is not a flaming wreck. Anime Elitism was not enough to curb Yea Forums and later /pol/.
This, wish I could tell those people how to hide their power levels.
based thread
Because that's what normalfags do. Invade niche communities and ruin them. Everything must be dumbed down to their level and anything they can't understand must be destroyed.
fuck off zoomer normie scum
this site isn't for you. stop infecting it.
The sexually loose are really the worse.
Not only do they spit on natural affection, but the don't even enjoy what they're doing.
look at those based dudes
Based. Sometimes you're allright Yea Forums.
Did you post this on CK? If so, based as fuck.
could you elaborate on how you're coping?
>I know you are, but what am I
Chad response
>most popular weeb crap is about being transported to fantasy world where they would have super powers
have sex fucking incels
So like 99.99% of games?
There has got to be an alternative to this shithole. It's getting dumber every day.
from one legend to another
Absolutely based my dude. Fuck these normies.
If you find one let me know
it's called reddit and you can go back anytime you wish
You'd think the userbase would grow up along with you, but after 11 years here, it's only gone worse and worse.
normies will SEETHE at this post
Since there's always constant doomposting, post some suggestions to fix the board, especially since this shitpost thread is probably going to get 404'd.
>/vint/ board
>unique user id's within threads
>self moderation
>Yea Forums + /r9k/ system
man Yea Forums has been completely unbearable past couple of months
Have you tried getting smarter instead?
>anime club and Zelda parodies aren't anime because
None of that matters, what Yea Forums and Yea Forums as a whole needs are mods who actually give a shit and aren't massive newfags.
>Making this comparison when anime is universally loved by most people normie or not.
Amen. Lots of people forgetting their history, or faggot redditors who never experienced it at all.
>for a decade
W-what about the n words?
honestly, if we just got the IP adresses and sent hitmen to every single /pol/ user we could go back to having a usable site with topics other than DA JOOS, TRANNIES, NIGGERS and TRUMP
I dont know man it feels like shitposting went into an overdrive lately
also tranny mods deleteting the only worthwhile threads on this shithole board like /an/ and horror while allowing frogposters and twitter screencaps run rampant
makes perfect sense
Right is unironically better
>Yea Forums + /r9k/ system
> user posts "that feel i wanaa kys myself"
> This message was blocked. Reason: Unoriginal
> Same user posts "that feel i wanna kys myself jsjdhdhjdksdgsh"
> Post is accepted.
Is this the future you want?
Post screencaps of conversation
>pulls out a frog picture from his phone's photo gallery
Kill yourself, retard.
>blaming all of this on /pol/
holy free rent
fuck off shitty moderation is the only thing this site has left you can go to resetera if you need your mods
Its normalfag, normalfag
How to spot reddit rapefugee.
/pol/ opened the newfag floodgates in 2016, turning /pol/ into the new newfag board. Instead of "4 the lulz" Yea Forums tards who shitpost for fun the entire site got overrun with epic magapedes who thinks they are doing gods work "redpilling" by shitting everything up
Majority of Yea Forumseebs are ironic weebs or sjw tier cancereous faggots.
careful user you're gonna trigger the white redditor brigade
>implying weebs are not faggots
enternal newnigger.
I've watched over 300 shows when I was younger and now with experience I can confidently say that anime is cringe fucking shit, I didn't seem to get the weeb anime brain rot thanfully, maybe i'm just more resistant to retardation
Reminder that if you get triggered by the fags who get triggered by anime, you should get the fuck out as well.
Sensitive retards.
>implying weebs are not version of redditors and tumblrinas native to this site
Any kind of fanatism is sign of normalfagness and retardation.
Your kind never belonged here.
dont act like you dont like anime games, faggot
If there's discussion there's a fan base.
i 50% agree on your statement
god yes
You'd have a point if it was anime faggots opening threads complaining about anti-anime faggots, but it's the other way around, so you have no ground to stand on.
relax turbo-autist
have sex
lmao so what's the premise of this game? press S to smash boipucci
>have sex
Based and truthpilled
yes! i prefer hentai over porn coz its porn is faker than cartoons
i still regard berserk opm season 1 higher than any hollywood shit
but reading constant blithering about some common jrpg#231 is just tiring
There'd be a lot less of this garbage if they just stopped falling for the bait every single time.
But we can't have that.
lets disscuss your mom's next threesome shoot
how to spot the sóyboy
Niggers like OP and the few other trannies sucking his cock are further proof we need to nuke Yea Forums and create the obviously superior /jv/.
> No western shit
> No trannies
> No Sony (California)
The dream indeed.
Based as fuck
OP here
Thanks for all tue (you)s
ill return tomorrow to rustle more weebjimmies
have a great day!
Is Yea Forums excited for I/O 2?
onionsboy would never said that.
Janny status: dabbed.
>muh roasties
he cute!
actually got more replies than you
aren't all trannies weebs i don't see how it wouls help
Vint was fucking great. I don't even remember what we got in the last April fools.
>> No Sony (California)
There effectively isn't any other Sony anymore.
Do you even know who onionsboy is?
onions =/r9k.
Why are weebs such human garbage? Did the anime make them like that or were they born mentally stunted?
Only if you are faggot.
Classic Yea Forums is true patrican choice.
shows over kid move along!
I didn't imply there was another. I just added one of the reason Sony would be an insta ban.
> Classic anything
Keep dreaming user.
The only board on this god forsaken website that hasn't abandoned its roots is [s4s| and even then, that's because no one actually knows what they're doing.
You can't go back in time user.
hi tranny remember to dilate
hi r*ddit remember to go back
This thread is 100% full of retards that believe in the anime=tranny meme fucking hell
To be honest, fampai, faggot and tranny hate isn't as controversial among normal people as you make it out to be.
When did trannies start becoming a meme?
Based as fuck.
They're fundamentally just a fucking meme because they don't actually exist beyond a "title" anyone can assign to themselves.
>t. tranny weeb
It was for Japanese culture in general