Healers should just stop complaining and reroll to dps if they want dps rotations desu. I'm going to remain a WHM.
FFXIV Shadowbringers
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ur redarted ,fag ass helaer shut up dick hed
Those hands are fkin huge
Yoshida: We believe trying to heal as little as possible and DPSing instead isn’t what a Healers role should be, so we adjusted all 3 Healers to be more balanced while keeping their original characteristics alive. Content can be cleared on any of the Healers, but Scholar in particular had a much bigger toolkit for attacking and player feedback on Healers always focused on the ease or difficulty of putting out DPS numbers. This is why we wanted to precisely redefine the role a Healer has while balancing all 3 and then giving them characteristics through their attacks. A big part was that we sorted out the remainders you had as a Scholar from being an Arcanist first. Please try to look at the changes as us trying to balance Scholar as a Healer and not just trying to lower the DPS output of a Scholar.
they should just give every healer a blood lily type mechanic for dps
>This is why we gave SCH even more tools allowing them to do as little healing as possible
>male healers
healers are chain-smoking psychopaths who are well aware they're the only thing keeping the party alive desu
Yoshi said in an interview the job quest at lvl 80 is the length of all of the previous ones you would have got out together.
It's meant to put all your iob abilities to use that you learned prior to them, and also because in SB it was noticed that a. Majority of people wanted until max level to start job quests.
I really hope they don't bring back some of the abilities.
I was able to fit both damage and healing abilities in one cross hotbar set for all three healers, and if I have to redo them in 5.1 I'll be upset.
>I hope they keep the braindead toolkit because I'm too stupid to use a keyboard
How is it that you people don't forget how to breathe?
Keyboard is not comfy and I can't play on my couch while my gf sucks me off.
>try to level a DRK for the story
>miserable and bored out of my mine after one dungeon
why do YOU play as a healer?
I prefer tanking but healing almost always feels like you're playing an entirely different game from everyone else, which can be fun
Easy + fast queues + guaranteed commendations
>Yoshi said in an interview the job quest at lvl 80 is the length of all of the previous ones you would have got out together.
Shit nigger, do you have that interview handy? That's some great news to have a confirmation on it.
i click 80% of my skills
Five all 3 healers a different resource mechanic of some kind that can be used to deal dps or heal
ishgard... really feels like home...
I remember reading it when all the interviews dropped but I legit couldnt tell you which one. I read so many fucking interviews on the embargo drop.
Because I can't trust anyone else to do the job. Whenever I playing melee dps I get to watch a retarded healer eat a mechanic and then waste 6 minutes of the groups time with every time.
>bored out of my mine
dont run copperbell then
Ishgard remembers, Warrior of Light!
>level up monk only because of TK rotation
>I'm actually very bad at TK rotation
>but still like MNK's visual effects for attacks
Is SAM similar to MNK?
Holy shit, when I was watching the Live Letter, I was really hoping that's what they're doing, and I really hope that you're not lying to us.
I hope they dont remember that time when i fighted myself.
>DRK, MCH and AST will no longer play like they were designed, replaced with mutilated versions of themselves
I-ishgard remembers amirite
thanks for the ugly ass WHM AF4 yoshi
end urself chink
Superficially SAM is somewhat similar to MNK's TK rotation, revolving around building up to Midare Setsugekka and then building up again. Once you start generating kenki on all actions, though, it becomes about consuming all three of your sens whenever possible to fuel a crippling Hissatsu: Shinten addiction.
>Healers will seething for the next 2 years
Oh boi
what said
i tried tanking but the healer wouldn't dps
>replaced with mutilated versions of themselves
Good, MCH got replaced by the fucking Six Million Dollar Man. DRK's design seems clumsy to me and I'm going to miss Abyssal Drain's current function a lot but it's not a dealbreaker for me. AST I couldn't care less about.
SAM is baby's first melee job that will become impossible to fuck up when hagakure becomes ikishoten.
Instant queues with no effort. This game has too many antisocial aspects to gain friends. Then there's also the issue of the community being dogshit unless you're in the Japanese datacenter, but the issue is they all speak in fucking Al Bhed. Finally it's impossible to convince new friends to join in since the road to level 1-50 is a suffering nightmare of cutscenes and limited skill set. So i'd rather have instant queues than 30m-2 hour queues
Imagine actually complaining about them reworking a trash barely functional job
But does Holy still have stun though?
I may have done the TK rotation but I hated it, it was not fun.
Yes it does, according to media tour tooltips. Assize kept its damage also. Holy's potency was lowered to 140 in return for no damage falloff, but we don't know if the lower potency is a nerf or not yet because of the damage calculation changes and potency changes.
>reworking a trash barely functional job into a trash barely functional job
How does he justify completely neutering the main mechanic of AST
>I'll heal you
No way fag, Change your spec to dps or get fucked, I don't need a healer. We're speed running this god damn M+
>media-tour goblins that actually played the changes all love the jobs
>The Balance goblins and Yea Forums armchair-developers are preemptively putting them into the trash bin
mages me tink
>prease unsubscribu from my game
No matter what he did to ast people would bitch. It was either removing the damage on balance or making everything balance.
Was the DPS gain so important that it was worth forfeiting fun, or was it autistic parsefag minmaxer tier?
Mathematically it's enough to well be worth doing it, but it's just not fun.
That would be a dumb idea, because not always using your resource on damage would be a loss. It would just become what tank stance is to tanks now where people desperately want to avoid using it and will shit on players who use it where it's not needed. It is saying "here's a choice you can make, but if you choose the option where you do less damage then you're playing the game fucking wrong."
Fuck off back to your dead shitheap.
I have a great suggestion for something he could've done that wouldn't have made me bitch. Not ripping out the core aspect of the class.
Probably because everyone who gets invited to the media tour is a certified shill, which is why they get invited in the first place? You couldn't even pay someone like MrHappy to say something negative about XIV, he loves slobbing on Yoshi's cock that much.
>getting shit cards is the core aspect of the class
I regretted it.
so then who do i believe, media-tour shills or Yea Forums armchair-developers
It's around 500-1000 dps as I understand
I'm glad yoshi is catering to all the fucking retards like you who somehow couldn't manage the old card system
Is this a MMO?
>couldn't manage
What was there to fucking manage
TP MP cards -> Royal Road
Bole -> minor
AOE the balance or the crit card if you have to settle
You can also AOE the speed card but literally nobody likes the arrow except for black mages and fuck those niggers
remember when people were saying
>lol dude chill we still haven't played the game i'm sure WHM's lily mechanic will be useful lmao
and then the mechanic stayed useless the whole expansion?
Action RPG with multiplayer
so then everything will be hunky-dory because Yea Forums is always wrong?
>literally nobody likes the arrow
MNKs and SAMs love the extra speed. And arrow helps SMNs fit an extra Ruin in their DWT.
Shit, that's too bad.
Then it becomes more of knowing whether you play a game for fun or not (though it can be argued that minmaxers find optimizing shit fun).
The problem isn't forfeiting fun for optimization, it's that minmaxers end up getting the playerbase to think you're shit at the game for not minmaxing too.
Look at what's happening to MCH and the new changes.
Fuck The Balance and fuck FFLogs, they're the ones responsible for all that autism and sperging out.
Is it on steam? Is it free?
It's Yea Forums screeching about trannies that don't understand that the job will be fun despite actual raid experience demonstrating that it will have issues so no, it won't be hunky-dory.
>And arrow helps SMNs fit an extra Ruin in their DWT.
Or screw 1 wyrmwave if Baha summoned
Old card system was bad, arrow and spear were lesser damage buffs but only useful for some jobs, no ninja would want arrow. No need for spire as no tp and ewer wouldn’t work due to new mp and only piety affecting healers.
Can someone link the full TK rotation? I've been doing a custom but still decent rotation this whole time.
Yea Forums is never right about anything
Even Happy came out of the Media tour saying that SCH is the one job he thought was in trouble and that it needed at least some of its old tools back.
When the shills think you've fucked up, you've probably fucked up.
Im afraid to play healer because i will suck doing solo-related conent, i know i can level another class but you know, not having gear and such....And then im afraid to play dps because i just get bored while waiting in queue for dungeons...
What would you recommend to do anons? Should i just play my WHM, it just felt really dull that outside of healing it's basically 1 button (stone), or should i play some DPS (thought abotu bard) to just have comfy life but not seeing dungeons? I know there is SUM/SCH but it kidna seems weird to me, especially hearing about what it do be in next addon.
I suppose since new addon is soon i just go some dps, but then again...i wanted to try gun and dancer when i can and don't want to get bored of a role, so healer seems like my choice?
I would have preferred removing the damage on balance honestly. The different card effects and stuff like spread/royal road was interesting and fun. The new card system looks super boring and monotonous where you easily get three different seals within a minute and then the rest of the time you are just auto-burning every card for lord/lady until you use Divination and then repeat. It is basically just a rotation now instead of having variation where you have to play according to the random nature of drawing cards.
The 1% of parse autists crying about only ever wanting one card and the differences in optimization caused by the RNG made them ruin the job for everyone else.
No, it's poor game design that's responsible for it. For all its faults, WoW never had such issues.
>despite actual raid experience
we're number-crunching based off of unknown damage-calculations, unknown potency-values, tooltips with typoes from an early distribution build, and a big "DEVELOPMENT FOOTAGE; SUBJECT TO CHANGE" watermark on every media tour attendee's plugs for the expansion
>Fuck The Balance and fuck FFLogs, they're the ones responsible for all that autism and sperging out.
SE would never try to appease Western raiders, all changes exist because they're a response to some kind of JP feedback. Look at MCH. Why do you think they made it more flashy and visually appealing yet kept rapid fire mechanic in? Because it's an answer to #1 JP complaint about MCH which is not "MCH is hard to play" but "MCH looks boring". Same with healing. Do you think healers are getting boring because they want to counteract healer optimization? No, it's to make JP shitters not feel bad about playing honest healers. The West literally never once mattered for SE. Shit, they think Europe just does ERP
>it just felt really dull that outside of healing it's basically 1 button (stone
stupid gaijin can't appreciate the art of mashing 1 button
うぜえな 失せろ
>They'll totally change how animation lock and ability confirmation works between now and July even though they never did it for six years!
healers want to dps?
the whole dps autism is the reason why i didn't want to heal in xiv.
i mean, i don't think there's anything wrong with healers being able to dps, but it should be a bonus to kill bosses even faster, not a requirement. being a healer is already the most stressful job without needing to go through a dps check too.
>JP shitters
Best western clears are on the level of average run of the mill casual JP player. Shut the fuck up you inflated ego waste of space.
>oh god oh god he figured out raider opinion means absolutely nothing on a development build that only reflects the game at that point of development oh god oh god uhh... cope!
No it’s not free, yes it is on steam.
Angry ragetard healers are just as bad as healsluts.
Oh ok
>monthly subscription
never mind then
The way I see it, the choice is yours use your training wheels or play normal mode. You should take them off when you feel ready
Monthly subs are the only things keeping undesirables away. Not a single russian subhuman in sight.
how is chocobo so much farther ahead of everyone else
I'm not going to miss all the chad healers that made me do all the work in pugs. Please just unsub. You don't have the braincells to use an actual DPS job so you'll be worthless.
SCH already did that and it worked fine. But whoops that's gone now lol.
TK before coeurl > SP/Demo > FoW > Wind Tackle > BS/DK > Wind Tackle > FoF
>dude just wait lmao
jesus christ how can you not understand that so far SE has NEVER substantially changed ANYTHING right before dropping an expansion? you literally have zero(0) arguments
the big ass watermark was put there to make brainlets like you """"""defend""""" their trash changes by saying it's just a beta bro
I see SAM players not touch Gurren/Shinten once the entire fight. Even ignoring Hagakure/Third eye Seigan you have to understand just how fucking bad the average SAM is. They'll find a way to fuck it up.
It's the hardcore JP raid server. Gilgamesh except without screeching retards that don't actually raid and want to pretend they are tough on the internet. Those people actually play the fucking game instead of talking about it all day.
>gilgamesh-style faux apathy
Just don't respond to this bait any more.
>Not a single russian subhuman in sight.
This is fucking wrong. Russian play on EU. And they don't speak russian in chat
This. You can always just not dps if you don't want to but you can't dps if they take all your damage abilities away.
>playing on EU
Because whenever I try to play anything else I'm immediately reminded that I can do it better than them. Then again, just reading your tooltips somehow puts you ahead of at least half of the game's NA/EU playerbase.
>me no like in-progress build, represent final game because i say so
bet you play on gilgamesh
I dunno man, still better than playing on Crystal...
>Healers with ego thinking they have a say
Just follow the tank and do your job
Your posts make no sense. Why someone will play on US servers with ping ping? You will never see Russians in other games too as US player.
>buying into asshurt normalfag memes about "weirdos that roleplay"
Nah, Crystal is better than dealing with ESL subhumans.
That's why I raid on healers, but I do almost everything else as DPS.
>Play as Tank, all teammates die from the dumbest shit
>Play as DPS, outclass teammates and they also still die to the dumbest shit, including the tank
Am I cursed to suffer in this game?
thought you guys said rdm was easy. like 2/3s of the time I can't get a proc from holy/flare because I already have one or both procs
The game is balanced around being played on something like 200 ping unless you're MCH, anyone whose internet isn't hillbilly garbage can play on US. With VPN it can be further reduced to about 150.
It actually amazes me that someone at SE thought removing Energy Drain was a good idea after they buffed Dissipation to be usable and added a skill that makes aetherflow abilities free and critical.
What the hell are we supposed to use all that Aetherflow on?
I would sooner lower myself into a fucking Quicksand brothel for four hours sustained than spend five minutes in an instance with an EU data-center French or German player. Do you hear me? I will take a prostate-pummeling before I go back there. I've done my time on Moogle. Crystal is absolute heaven compared to what Chaos used to be, hell all the NA data-centers are more similar in general behavior across the board than anybody in any one of them would ever admit.
Don't go on EU. If you do, God rest your soul and I hope you find English-speaking players.
what the fuck are you even talking about smoothbrain
i don't give a fuck about your retarded server lore faggotry
>t-they'll surely change core mechanics of jobs 30 days before an expansion guys, b-believe in yoshida!
absolutely hilarious
>Please try to look at the changes as us trying to balance Scholar as a Healer and not just trying to lower the DPS output of a Scholar.
>Please try to!
its mostly because of JP raider mentality, like they use less optimal strats for uptime, but rather use safer and easier to do strats, and everyone there knows what strat to use, where us gajins have like 10 different strats for raid tier
Use it on your oGCD heals so you can spam broil longer
>losing track of what your own post was about, then crying smoothbrain
Doing the job of the role you picked.
>The game is balanced around being played on something like 200 ping
No it's not.
Put down more Sacred Soils, that shit is broken now.
at which gcd tier does it become impossible to not clip single weaves
Am I the only person that wishes they would add a couple denser zones with no flying?
It's the difference in attitude. Japs prefer to work as a group around challenges and support each other. Westerners, if someone fucks up, will be left to die to "teach them a lesson", because most mmo players in the west are spiteful asocial rejects that get off on any opportunity to torment someone other, less fortunate than themselves.
There is no content in this game that requires as much healing as they want healers to do now
Forcing you to spend it on your fancy new 50% uptime, 10% defense buff, 700 potency heal, of course! Because indom/whispering dawn/tether being enough to heal 90% of all content in the game wasn't "pure healing" enough for yoship
It really is. AUS players in NA servers regularly do savage and ultimate, and many of them score high on fflogs.
Part of RDM's job is manipulating rng as much as you can. You can use acceleration on holy and flare.
>we had to gut SCH in order to balance healers
>instead of bringing the others up to SCH's level
>smoothbrain still can't defend his cum rag tier opinion
Min has so much clipping issues now, between having to raiton, all these charged kassatsu, and needing to bunshin when mudra recast at full so you don’t lose any weapon skills as that’s only thing affecting bunshin damage. It’s hell.
>healers are the only class that is actively being punished for other roles' fuck ups
>people are surprised healers are typically stuck up and autocratic
Truth to be told I wouldn't mind dpsing IF I didn't have to heal people who get some random bullshit damage, because they're watching a movie on a second monitor during a boss try.
Normally the way you combat this is by introducing beneficial scenarios for a different class. E.g. ranged class does less damage but boss forces melee class out often, so ranged class comes out on top on the encounter, whereas the next encounter the boss doesn't so shit to melee so the ranged lose out. And this is just the simplest example. But XIV has always had the issue that jobs aren't different enough to warrant looking for these different scenarios, and some jobs were often flat-out better than others in every aspect (e.g. WAR during HW, SCH during most of HW and SB), or at least every aspect that mattered. The other way to combat this is simply making it much more difficult to play class A than class B in a context, like how BLM is much harder optimize than most other jobs due to its reliance on knowing raid mechanics to push out Fire IV. But SE has never been great at balancing this game for how stupidly similar the jobs are. Any capable player can quite easily play every job in the game given a few days of practice, so there's no reason not to push towards playing the OP jobs if you raid hard, and then idiots make it trickle down to the casuals. Add to that the fact there's zero performance indicators besides checking how long you took on SSS or on a dungeon/fight (still lacks comparisons with others), and the "near-zero incentive to improve" mentality among NA and EU.
Inb4 "but the balance is great and you can clear everything with every comp" yeah that should be a fucking baseline when your classes barely differ, not an achievement. That's like saying you're good at algebra for solving x+3=4.
What can I do to achieve this look in the game?
>Excog is now a free Benediction every 90 seconds
>Soil is now a 500 potency regen on top of 10% damage reduction
Anything extra and you are overhealing, which is a waste of a resource. So now you use aetherflow even less often on healing but have nothing else to spend it on.
so i can just meld all the sks materia on sam like a retard, thanks
Killing trannies and dabbing on their corpses
wait for gunbreaker to be released
We'll set up fflogs overheal leaderboards so the healers can compete in shitting out as much unnecessary healing as possible.
what the fuck Nero is fucking gay
Seething scholars WW@
The website says you can get the base game and all three expacs for 60 bucks, but when I try to actually buy it its only the base game and first two expacs. I only have the base game, I don't want to dump 100 bucks to get "up to date".
>You want to do nothing but dps, eh?
>Now you can do just that! We made SS and your other abilities so strong you'll never have to hard cast a heal again
>Press Broil to your heart's content! Literally five minutes straight of Broil and Biolysis!
Because being the Pokemon master of onahole fairies on top of a green DPS is the shit
When are we getting a new luckybancho census
war and gnb should be the dps tanks, pld should be the self/party physical mitigation tank and drk should be the magical mitigation tank
fuck off war, you're in the shed this expansion
Hey delete this YoshiP can do no wrong.
GUN? more like
Gompletely unnecessary nclass.
Probably have to wait for 5.0 to actually release for the bundle.
no it's GUK
Rng on cards suck regardless if you are parseautist or not. Bole, ewer and spire are absolutely useless most of the time you draw them. The cards did need a complete rebalance, yoshi just took the easiest way out of making them all balance.
How, they're just storm blood war with bloodbath, better defensive cool downs and better DPS abilities. It's like all they did was buff the most broken tank for no reason.
>spiteful asocial rejects
that's also the reason I don't say hello or goodbye in DF. because I have to project an image of a no nonsense tough guy who doesn't have time for pleasantries
I wish healers could dps, but not with just 1 button holy shit, i hate when healers just stand around there doing nothing until i take damage but then i remember how i had to just press 1 button over and over and i understand. I hate them but i understand.
Retards would rather spam 3 different dps combo and a dot once every 30secs even if the three combo total
Potency was the same as using one skill 3 times.
In this game that just means that WAR/GNB is the only useful combo and PLD and DRK are garbage.
I started with two friends who picked tank and DPS so I decided to play healer. It was fun back then but now it's just Stockholm syndrome.
Yes. Finally somebody gets it.
as long as SE doesn't fuck up with another Raubahn EX I'll be happy
i know, fuck fflogs
But more skills means I’m more skilled!
People told me MNK was a low tier dps, but I'm dishing out more dps and faster as MNK than I ever did as BLM, it's insane
I like helping people :3
Because I...Liked having lower queue times than DPS so I played Scholar to do as little healing as physically possible
You Scholar fags need to realize that your logic doesn't apply to the other two healers. You want somebody to blame ? Blame the niggers who are playing in the same ballbit as you because they're tired of you getting to stay in all the time so they pissed and shit in it so yoshida would have to come and clean up and take you out.
Think about how I explained all that. THIS IS ENTIRELY your own fault.
It's certainly more fun.
This. Healers dpsing was a mistake. Like, STOP CASTING STONE ALREADY CAN'T YOU SEE I'M FUCKING DYING
The Trust System is one GIANT Raubahn EX.
How many instances do you think SE will have to deal with when people are doing Solo Dungeons with Trusts rather than grouping 4 players all at once?
>good news everyone, we're improving the healer toolkit by pruning ALL their abilities except 1
>now you can heal by just spamming a single button, isn't that great?
some people can't wrap their heads around the fact that more buttanz sometimes is better
>going from pre-level 50 healing to hard dungeons/trials level activities
Well then, that ramped up by a fair bit, really need to learn to stop being so cheap on the mp, and use them Medica 2s for extra regen
at least you don't have to worry about WHM spamming stone, now we get to spam light
>because SCHfags prefer a certain playstyle everything has to be dumbed down into playing exactly the same
Not quite sure what you're getting at pal. Pretty sure different jobs exist because they're supposed to play differently.
With 10k mp, how many of each spell can I cast if we don’t include refresh ticks?
s-stop user, you're scaring me
About as many as you were before, the change to 10k MP is effectively just removing MP scaling.
No it is not.
t. DRK main who leveling AST and SCH
this. Hell, I loved the challenge of having to swap to cleric stance to do dps. Although I can see the reason why they're streamlining all the abilities to prevent skill bloat, it feels like they're making it less fun to play
let me guess, homeschooled?
The duality of man.
I'm glad you agree DPS is for shit breathers too and healing and tanking are the hardest roles.
Why does DRK get a 1-2-3 and GNB gets a 1-2-3, a 1-2-3 gauge combo that weaves in oGCDs and a Dot?
professional bootlickers.
you are playing a kiddie game where 98% of the players just do expert roulette as hardest content
stop trying to force your stressful game design on us
I think at the end of the day it's dependent on the job. Overall more jobs needed to be streamlined than not, so it was the right call imo
It was made fresh for this expac whereas DRK is a Frankenstein patchjob they had to put together because people were pissed about dark arts.
Because DRK players don't actually want to press buttons Please understand.
cause it feels good and makes me feel like im making someone happy
Which lead to severe butthurt because they were taken to raids more to pad out the damage. I already told you that the dissent within the healers was that because you guys did more damage. People complained and this is how square and yoshida went to fix the disparity while heightening what separates you all the most which is how you all heal and the mechanics you all deal with.
I'll repeat once more. This is entirely your own or to be more specific AST and WHM fault mains fault.
Whats that you said? "Dying"?
That means your still not dead, so shut up.
DRK has more resources of MP and Blood Gauge
GNB is for advanced players
>don't press skills
so predictable
If you want to press buttons, just go play SMN or NIN.
where do y'all find your statics
real life friends
>I already told you that the dissent within the healers was that because you guys did more damage.
>Started leveling AST because I think their job aesthetic is cool
>The upcoming changes rob me of all motivation to ever use it again
Id like to play healer but gameplay outside of healing is jsut abysmal as one.
Going strong for like 5 years already.
reddit recruitment or raid discords
>Good players are invited to raids more often than bad players, this is a bad game design
This is the only game in existance where people are being elitist about being shit at the game.
Sounds like it's the fault of people who refuse to play more than one healing job. I'll never get the autistic job allegiances people have in this game. You can level everything on one character for christ's sake.
just talk to people lmao
That's when you whip out the patented "You don't pay my sub" technique.
Judging by the raid DPS utility the three jobs bring, that chart is in the complete wrong order.
Man SE fucking sucks at balance.
Cards doing the same thing is half the problem.
The other half is that Seals are copy-paste of Samurai's Sen, but you can only do a Midare with them.
Hey now, some of us played back in 2.0 and shit when the first weekly tomestone gear was job specific.
>playing as SCH was easy mode
Fucken based
>Summon Bahamut is 20s
>Dreadwyrm and Firebird Trance are only 15s
>Can't do a extremely clean 20s of Dreadwyrm into 20s of Bahamut into 20s of Firebird every minute
>remove one single skill from SCH
>SCH is now barely stronger than WHM because neither supply raid buffs
>alternatively give WHM one raid buff
>actually okay with all the changes except having a separate button to play cards
AST finally gained instant aoe heal, 2 stacks of essential dignity is a godsend, making all cards balance is easy way out, but i don't mind it that much. AST will still be the only fun healer around.
Is Sam fun to level? Thinking about getting back into the game and leveling a new main job and SAM seems to get a lot of praise.
What can they do that isn’t just a weaker version of balance that gives some kind of damage increase.
Since parsefags want the damage from dancer buffs to be applied to the dancer wouldn't it make sense for them to do that with all buffs? Those high parsers did actually earn it and didn't just get fed balance and dragonsight right so even if buff damage was applied to the person that casts the buffs they should still parse high.
when will they increase the glamour plates' amount?
outdsping shit dps on healer is FUN
>>alternatively give WHM one raid buff
And thus balance is STILL fucked up for 5.0 because they steadfastly refuse to give WHM rDPS.
Ays players are on Elemental you twit, on kujata and tonberry
I thought that's how dancer's buffs worked?
Us fat inbred westerners also don't realize that FF14 devs base nearly everything off their Japanese audience's experiences and we're fucking aliens in comparison.
If you already have the base game you can just buy shadowbringers to get everything (when it releases in 25 days)
It is but the job will be even more brains off once they remove hagakure next expac
Dragon sight is cancer, ain’t nobody got time to choose another for the tether.
You outta your fucking mind? How long do you think it took them to add additional inventory space, the thing everyone was losing their mind over? You'll take your ten and be happy with it. Forever.
Good news user, in 5.0 you can apply Dragon Sight even without a target.
99 percentile is like the only group where AST does more than SCH. Not even counting the fact you're a shitter that doesn't check healer combined parses where SCH always does more than the SCH & WHM at 95-100 percentile.
Because some jobs just play like shit. You shouldn't be forced to suffer a shitty job for autistic parse faggots when all content can and is repeatedly cleared by any raid composition imaginable.
You can play the stormblood and heavensward content with just the base game and shadowbringers?
Nothing. Cards that give crit or dhit ARE the correct solution to this problem.
Only retards and mentors want to get Bole back.
Use a mouseover macro.
Good, no one will give to anyone else lol
I wouldn't, let me educate you. Imagine, if you will, an encounter with a bitchbreaking Roe, standing one or probably two fulms taller than you, her abs ironclad enough that you could break your jaw if you tried to bite them. Imagine getting that heavy palm planted on your head as she shoves you between her thighs so you're face-to-face with a bulge that's bigger than your fists. Imagine her forcing the tight cloth down and freeing it all in one fell swoop. The first thing that hits you is the smell, an acrid, pungent stench made up of a combination of dried cum, salty sweat, natural musk, and just a hint of stale piss, all having built and broiled together for who knows how many hours to create a nostril-searing, head-fogging wave of scent. Before you have time to comprehend the beast before you, your face is against it, nose forced to drink down the impossibly obscene atmosphere that only exists around her cock. Your lips open on their own, your mental defenses overridden by a primal desire for service, and you begin to slather her sack in spit. Nothing you do gets it any cleaner, but neither of you care, as she is far too amused by your desperate arousal and you're too consumed with desire to notice. Once she's done forcing you to do your best impression of a jock strap, she buries her fingers in your hair, yanks your head up, and presses the tip against your lips. She'd be willing to pry your jaw open if she had to, but she doesn't, as you're already wide open and diving forward. Her meat is impossibly large, the largest you've ever taken, but the thorough muskbath you received has ensured that your gag reflex is nonexistent. The hours pass in a blur as you kiss her base countless times, until at last your belly is left bloated with her virile spunk, the overflow leaking down your chin. Content with your performance, she permits you to rest on her, letting you sleep with your face buried in her crotch to reinforce your newfound lust. Imagine.
Still better having a whole separate developer localizing a Korean game in the west fucking up the monetization and keeping the game months behind the main version.
Use a proximity macro.
>choose a party member
>they run away
Oh, gee, I have almost half my HP left! That means I'm perfectly safe, huh! Sorry, sorry, my bad, I didn't mean to interrupt the sacred rite of casting Stone all over for nothing. Wait a second, the boss's next move does damage MORE than half of everybody's HP, doesn't it? Which you might have noticed after the three previous times? So maybe you could OH WOW, I'M DEAD NOW, THANK YOU SO MUCH, I'm so glad we have healers in this game
We're getting 5 more in 5.0
You're getting ten more plates and 200 more spaces in the dresser in 5.0
Use Second Wind you fucking greylet.
why do you care only they lose the buff
switch to M/KB
LOL, pop a cooldown moron. Im not your mommy,.
Why would anyone want crit or dhit when increase damage is overall better.
You keep your eye buff even if tether breaks.
When people screw up mechanics they just fucking die from full health which is solved with a swiftcast raise, unavoidable raid damage is healed by a single ogcd, there is absolutely zero room for healers to do anything other than heal which is why you can look at raid logs and see hilarious stats like physick being cast 0-2 times in an entire Savage fight
If you want to encourage healing you need less dumb one shot mechanics and more penalties that affect the health of the entire raid, also remove in-combat health regeneration since once you know what you can get away with not healing you basically never hard cast spells
Yes, shadowbringers comes with the other expansions. But you won't be able to access that content until early access if you preorder.
If you're still on ARR now though it has plenty enough content to last you until then.
I could name a few, which one are you referring to.
SMN isn’t as button heavy as it was. This isn’t 3.0 SMN.
Ruin III for single Target
Outburst for AoE
Bane your Tri-Disaster if AoE
Fester a single Target
Painflare multiple
Use Devotion and Enkindle on Cooldown
Press your Trance button
Use Deathflare before it ends
Summon and Enkindle Bahamut when ready.
Energy Drain to get stacks against a single target
Energy siphon to do the same in AoE
Press Egi Assault one and two on cooldown
That’s literally all you need, and most of them aside from Ruin are on 30+ cool downs.
Because muh flavor.
>tank in level 60 gear does the biggest dick pulls in doma
>bitches at the healer when he dies
You could have at least upgraded your shire gear to 270 fucker.
So maybe the developers could fucking adjust the values until the are roughly equal.
lala cun cun
If you don't care about parsefaggots why whine about jobs being balanced? Like you said everything is clearable by every job. No job is so out of balance that bringing just playing it is tantamount to guaranteed failure.
Don't you also lose your part of the buff?
Can DRK use ethers now that darkside is gone?
I *want* to believe that the direction they're taking healers means that more raids will be designed like this going forward, since they obviously won't tweak every single encounter retroactively.
It's unlikely, but I can hope.
what the heck i thought collectables was fast
SMN has the least buttons to push, but it always feels constant.
did they make MCH fun yet?
They could do it with skill speed maybe, but crit works in a retarded way so they'd have to adjust them in 5.2 and 5.4 again.
>We believe trying to heal as little as possible and DPSing instead isn’t what a Healers role should be
And yet, both AST and SCH got their oGCD heals buffed, and now SCH will be overflowing with Aetherflow stacks can only be used for healing with oGCDs.
Firebird Trance is 20 seconds. At least at 80. Doesn’t matter though because Dreadwyrm and Firebird share a cooldown.
You’ll have 15 seconds of Dreadwyrm, 20 seconds of Bahamut, 25 seconds of filler, 20 seconds of Phoenix, 40 seconds of filler and then do it all over again.
Having the Trances share a cooldown absolutely kills the pace of the job.
Nah that happens in smash too.
Fast for what?
Oh no, the devs might have to do work?
SAM is trash , any other DPS is way better.
don't mind healer changes because I could never be bothered with more than 1 dot anyway. it was a pain in the arse
They can't make healing more intensive because the general playerbase won't be able to clear regular content. I had a SCH in a leveling dungeon let me die today because I pulled two packs instead of one.
>Does the lowest exp collectable
To have.
We both know expecting the devs to do some work is a pipe dream.
>We believe trying to heal as little as possible and DPSing instead isn’t what a Healers role should be,
But if you spend every GCD healing, you'll probably end up with 200%+ overheal, especially since healing kits are not getting any weaker this expac.
anyone that told you they were faster than leves is a retard
I wiped in stone vigil today because the healer accidentally moved his heal when he clicked on it. He was a level 70 whm.
Take the Hrothpill.
The average DF healer can barely heal the last boos of the Burn, why would you think SE is going to up the outgoing damage?
Technically it's faster than just mass crafting, though if you have the leves to spare, it's obviously going to be faster to use the leves.
I play what i like regardless. Problem with parse autists is that they warp game understanding for casuals, so while you can clear any content with 2 WHM and 4 RDM people will actively try to force parse meta in pfs.
>end up with 200%+ overheal
And that's a good thing.
last boss*
my bad
>Ivalice raids were in development years ago obviously, most popular Ivalice races are Viera and Moogles and we already have the latter
>Viera explicitly introduced in patch 4.3 with Fran
>game gives plenty of lore on how there are more of them but they're reclusive
>next expac known for months to be set on The First which allows an easy excuse for playable Viera since their culture would likely have evolved differently
>actually literally more buildup towards playable Viera than there was towards Au Ra
>there are as of yet literally zero mentions of Hrothgar ingame, 100% of their lore comes from sources external to the game and there's nothing to imply they exist
>literally the only proof of Hrothgar at all being a thing is the benchmark and official statements from Yoshi
>Yoshi's official story is that Hrothgar were planned this whole time and Viera were the ones they had to rush to create due to fan demand
I don't get it.
Firebird Trance IS the Phoenix summon phase, numbnuts, hence why in the job action trailer he summons Phoenix almost immediately after using Bahamut. You can look at the Summoner trait list and there's literally a trait which improves Firebird trance so that it summons Phoenix
The rotation is DWT > Bahamut > Phoenix > Nothing > Repeat
Quick question - did they remove rapid fire on mch or not?
That shit is cancer in low ping
You say that but I've only ever seen that once and it was just a farm party that refused to let any SAMs in.
>level 50 leve
get to 51 first
Why are you guys so angry? Almost every post i've seen the past week has been angry, surely some of you are looking forward to something the new expansion is offering?
Any reason why they got rid of execute attacks?
They made the rapid fire phase 4 time worse.
im there
They did but now they have a 1.50s recast weaponskill you're supposed to spam when overheated.
You now have a 1.50 sec GCD window where you have to weave in at least one of both oGCD unless you want to overcap on charges.
Leves were buffed massively in late Heavensward and Collectables are useless for anything other than scrips. Anyone telling you to use Collectables over Leves is severely outdated.
It's worse.
I think if they made that skill 2.5s as normal, suddenly all MCH problems would be fixed.
Give Wildfire more potency to compensate.
Bunbreaker is what I'm here for, I'm just spectating the anger at this point.
Even if GUN turns out to be crap, I'm still gonna play it because it looks like a blast. Also, pun.
do pyrite then
Ok lads, after leveling NIN and SAM i need the third and last melee for ShB, which is the most fun and usefull between MNK and DRG?
It's just filler dps ogcds which aren't very complex or feel good to use since they rarely ever actually execute something so they're off to join Mercy Stroke in hell.
Personally I'm just pissed about healer changes. That's about it though. I'll probably just main a tank instead and enjoy the expac.
I think it's more a case of "people have been calling us cowards for having pretty and humanoid races in game for a while now and we've been wanting a more beast-like race for a while"
The idea of hrothgar probably existed for a while but they didn't actually start making them til they realized that if they were making viera they couldn't put males in under the lore they were going to inherit
Who gives a shit about a middling damaging move you can typically only do once before any boss dies
they removed basically everything on MCH and remade it completely. Mr. Happy did a video on it that goes pretty in-depth, if you can stand his voice
I am very excite I love XIV.
The whole "hrothgar were the ones planned all along" shit is just blatant fan misinterpretation. They have been talking about adding Viera since fucking ARR. They were planning on adding them as the new race in Heavensward but decided against it because Yoshi thought having male Viera would be "too weird". In interviews he said that they'd still consider it but probably do a different race for the male counterpart.
Both Hrothgar and Viera were decided on for Shadowbringers at the same time, but the decision came down to genderlocked races or Male+Female Hrothgar. This does not mean they've had Hrothgar on their list forever or some shit, they still just made them up on the spot. The only reason Viera got any lore in advance is because the Ivalice raids gave them the perfect opportunity.
I'm on the gunbreaker train.
I dont care if it ends up being suboptimal, I played mch for years already.
>Good chunk of jobs is less fun to play
>The First Shard story will be resolved in 4.0 and then its back to Garlemald and the Ascian fuckery
At this point, the only thing I'm looking forward too is the soundtrack. Soken is the only person working at SE I'm still willing to trust.
lol matsuno was all don't put that shit on me, I don't give a fuck if they put male viera in xiv, it's not my lore there
Do people actually think glowing weapons look good?
>Mr. Happy
>doing depth coverage of something
am i reading this right the node spawns every 4 hecking hours
non tk mnk is the mind-numbing boring trash in the game
>Yoshi thought having male Viera would be "too weird"
>cute catboys are fine but not brown bunny boys
Fucking Yoshi-P
Some of them look alright. The majority are pretty bad unless you're working them into a very specific theme.
Yes, I know. That doesn’t change a single thing that I said. Firebird Trance is 20 seconds long. You start with Dreadwyrm, that is 15 seconds. Then you immediately Summon Bahamut, which is 20 seconds. Then you can’t enter Firebird Trance because it shares a Cooldown with Dreadwyrm. You can see this on ANY of the Media your videos. After waiting 25 seconds for the cooldown, you will then enter Firebird Trance for 20 seconds, then you will need to wait 40 seconds for the Dreadwyrm Cooldown to reset so you can enter DWT and start the whole thing over again.
This is how the job works. Watch the videos, see with your own eyes how long Phoenix/Firebird lasts and how Dreadwyrm Trance puts Firebird Trance on Cooldown and vice versa.
I could use that time to level up alt classes to the end of ARR content, but its kind of a tease that I won't be able to touch anything past that until shadowbringer is out.
Can you not use the expac classes either?
Delete Hrothgar tails
I can kinda believe it. He said they already wanted to put in a beast race but Viera was undeniably all because of player demand. Lupin may have been a gauge to see if players were interested. If people didn't go apeshit over Viera we'd probably have at least one Hrothgar npc already and both playable males and females in ShB.
do people actually think blush, lipstick, blonde+blue eyes, face tattoos look good?
I'm tentative on listening to anything MCH related. You either have people who only know of MCH issues second hand and talk about it in a broad sense, or people who stuck with MCH and know everything wrong with it in 4.x and splurge about trick attack windows for 5.0. I'm going to wait and see on ths one for shadowbringer.
tk? is that a oGCD that got prunned in Shb? i mean.. but at least the gameplay is more faster than drg?
but im almost out
>We believe trying to heal as little as possible and DPSing instead isn’t what a Healers role should be
Is completely irrelevant to
>so we adjusted all 3 Healers to be more balanced while keeping their original characteristics alive
And the rest of the paragraph.
Yeah, I'm gonna say this is a shitty bait translation. Their only goal was to simplify scholar to the level of the other two.
>No healer
Please don’t tell me you think m+ starts at 2
are they adjusting any of the DoH/DoL jobs as well?
so if things stay similar to the benchmark the meta is going to end up being pld/war/sch/ast/nin/dnc/drg or brd or smn/blm or sam
i'm looking forward to invading the home of unsuspecting not lalas and plundering all the cunny
I'm personally waiting to be disappointed by Yoshida's oversell on Shadowniggers MSQ.
>what is cronus/lux
Then do Miner only, that's enough, fuck.
I play xiv healer because I need extra long dilations so I can play and dilate without being a burden UwU
I like a few of them. Certain ramuh weapons and a few of the animas.
theyre talking about that next live letter
I am legitimately very pissed about SCH. But that kinda just means I'll play more tank and caster DPS jobs in the future while me and my friends suffer in the care of Duty Finder healers.
but i need to do it all
Played AFK Cleric/Priest in Ragnarok and it just stuck. Just like the idea of getting easier groups for less effort. It also allowed me to get into Black Temple with stamless tailoring gear so I just knew It was a free ride.
These are the only people who are going to be left to player healer in 5.0. Please look forward to it.
You have two options. Buy stormblood now and shadowbringers later, or just buy shadowbringers later. It is up to you.
We need more side content with them
it's probably going to be NIN/DNC/DRG/SMN
Buy stormblood now if you have the money. Starting a new expansion with the rest of the playerbase is the best part of MMOs
you supposed to do them at the same time as the botanist ones, once you're 70 you rotate, just do leves, you will only need scripts at 70 to unlock maps
Shouldn't have waited until the last minute to start working on them.
spam leves, farm collectibles inbetween, 60+ start doing namazu. buy exp scrolls for scrips, grind shit. 2 days for each, leveling gatherers is easy mode
They were borderline useless, but I'll still miss Ageha's animation.
>stab the enemy with a spray of red mist
>take a step forward
>give a nice weighty kick and pull the sword out, swinging it back in a wide arc
>Implying he has a choicce
sam will never be meta
I heard from an user that GunBreaker might be good if you stack skillspeed.
they should use it for shinten god damn it
Is it even feasible to be an omnicrafter? Feels like it would take a million hours.
Why did sieging a garlean base comprise of two different 8 man dungeons with 45 minutes of cutscenes but sieging the mhigger capital was a 20 minute dungeon?
Yeah, so? What else do you think the translation is trying to imply? They're not getting rid of healer DPS, just saying that's not the focus of healer jobs and because of that SCH is getting adjusted since it's seen as the "DPS healer" by the playerbase. SCHfags are basically the only ones that are crying so hard about their changes.
Because who gives a fuck about mhiggers
i'm not angry
i will just switch to whichever healer has more things to do
not one of those people that are defined by just one role (which i dont understand why people do)
>he doesn't know
would look pretty dumb as a spammable ability
speed it up a little bit, maybe replace the stabby part with shinten and keep the blood
I think a lot of people are very keen to show how hardcore they are, and that's why they want difficult rotations. fun for them is being better than others so they don't want easy jobs because there's less of a gap between them and the average shitter. I think this is also part of the reason a lot of players bandwagon new jobs. because they want to be the guy who comes up with the opener that everyone uses
Currently on the reconditioned step for an anima weapon. What’s the best way to farm for crystal sand?
The first line implies they don't like how healers currently work, healing as little as possible (and with ogcds) and doing damage instead. AKA, healers should heal not dps stuff.
This is not the same issue as Scholar being a DPS-lite, which is what the rest of it talked about and what the actual changes they made to the game reflect. White Mage and Astrologian are simpler but still do the minmaxing stuff just like Scholar. Healers got even more tools to continue minmaxing their actual healing so they can dps more.
Makes sense when MCH mains will perpetually continue to say that its an unfriendly class and you should fuck off.
No it takes millions of gil
consider that the male miqote we actually got are 3x manlier than their original concept art
I want to make my NIN look like a clown or a Jester
any suggestions for glam?
I'm also considering making /shout macros for each of my mudras because i'm a twisted cyclepath and it'd be funny
>started playing a month ago
>finally got to Heavensward and unlocked AST
>keep hearing that Shadowbringers fucked AST over
I just want a job that doesn't put me to sleep. Can't stand healers anymore after what SB did to them.
not much beside setzer
Cant wait for "MCH mains" to cry how the job is ping dependant while you can still orange parse wt 150 ping
>fucked AST over
More like streamlined.
You still have the same shitty potencies and a new seal system. If anything not having muscle memory would be a boon.
>making /shout macros for each of my mudras
Please, no. Realize you're fast shooting 1 to 3 of those in less than 2 seconds every 20 seconds.
yeah life without old cleric stance clipping itself just isn't worth living
I want to be fem highlander but people say they they most awful race?What happened? I thought they were just lesbians.
The cards are being simplified. Just about everything else will be there same.
Well what they did was reduced the rng dependancy
I know I know, it'd just be to piss people off in roulettes
Oh no, all that hard effort of walking to the guild and initiating the quest was totally wasted because the job is surely unplayable now that it isn't a disgustingly overpowered slot machine.
AST is fine. Your cards are a lot less flavourful but actually have consistent effects and buffs. You can still throw out AoE party damage but only every 3 minutes. You're also losing all the flavour of a Time Mage you had before.
Your AoE Regen is better and you have another oGCD AoE heal for when Earthly Star and Collective Unconscious are down. Your new big healing cooldown look cool as fuck even though it's kinda shitty and massive overhealing in most circumstances.
can someone explain to me why no one is noticing the insanely low heal numbers in comparison to the huge amounts of hp everyone has in the media tour videos?
shadowbringers will be an expansion we'll be spamming medica as if thats any different from spamming stone
why can't you vote kick while you roll for loot
I was so fucking excited when I heard they were getting rid of it. I never realized how much it added to the healing experience.
How about instead making it so you must heal instead of 1-2 spells topping anyone o-
>Queue based content
No that's how you interpret the line with your raid-addled mind. The whole paragraph is specifically in reference to Scholar and that line is in the context of talking about Scholar. "We believe trying to heal as little as possible and DPSing instead isn’t what a Healers role should be... (and that's why we're changing Scholar because that's what they do)"
It's elaborated on in the rest of the interview where he says that groups with a Scholar usually leave the majority of the healing to the other healer so the Scholar can focus on DPS and that's not what they want. They are fine with healers trying to DPS when they can they just want them to all to have equal ability to DPS rather than having one healer that's much more DPS focused than the others. The fact that they brought Scholar down to the level of WHM and AST rather than bringing WHM and AST up to the level of Scholar is also a pretty clear implication that they would prefer if healers focused on healing.
Would you rather have gunhammer or gunarmblades?
i noticed the tanks being trash, like not using cooldowns often and not using sheltron and shit like that
Doubt it. Otherwise you'll be going oom constantly.
Some anons told me that I should never augment any of the tomestone sets (ironworks, shire, etc.) unless I care about glamours, as it is an outdated practice. I guess the 10 iLv difference isn't worth it. Are those anons talking out their ass, guys?
hammers, no question about it
There's literally no reason not to if you have the Tomestones to spare. Both the augmented and unaugmented gear gets replaced by the midway dungeon regardless, but having it augmented gives you a little more wiggle room - especially on tank.
doesn't really matter as dungeons give gear
Because that's completely not true
dual guntowershields
I'm still miffed that Nero's Mjolnir isn't an equippable weapon or a glam option
Regular hammer.
embraces were healing for 3k in the media tour videos
everyone has 70k+ hp
Don't JP players exclusively run the safest, easiest comps though?
That's true in some cases but there's a limit to how much you can dumb down a job before it just becomes incredibly boring to play. Rotations aren't there just to have flashy animations. The game's fight mechanics aren't interesting enough by themselves to make playing them fun, you need to have the job optimization on top of that or else it's too boring. I dropped DRK in Stormblood because it was too clunky, but I'm not going to pick it back up in Shadowbringers because it's been dumbed down so much that it doesn't even look engaging to play.
Nah. The opposite. Take blood lily, and reverse it. Instead of casting 3 cures for a super holy, cast 3 stones for a super medica. That way healers are healing while dpsing instead of JUST healing or JUST dpsing.
what am i looking at
fast queues and easy as fuck
They got pleb filtered.
Is the katana-wielding soldier Zenos? I just finished the MSQ
>No that's how you interpret the line with your raid-addled mind. The whole paragraph is specifically in reference to Scholar and that line is in the context of talking about Scholar. "We believe trying to heal as little as possible and DPSing instead isn’t what a Healers role should be... (and that's why we're changing Scholar because that's what they do)"
All healers do that, not just Scholar. All healers will continue to do that because the didn't change that aspect of the game.
>It's elaborated on in the rest of the interview where he says that groups with a Scholar usually leave the majority of the healing to the other healer so the Scholar can focus on DPS and that's not what they want.
Well this just isn't true. Good players don't do that. You can't force a bad player to actually play the game and heal.
>They are fine with healers trying to DPS when they can they just want them to all to have equal ability to DPS rather than having one healer that's much more DPS focused than the others.
They all are. They can all do this. They all still do this. The only difference was that Scholar had more different abilities to use while dpsing.
>The fact that they brought Scholar down to the level of WHM and AST rather than bringing WHM and AST up to the level of Scholar is also a pretty clear implication that they would prefer if healers focused on healing.
They gave Scholars MORE free heals to dps with.
This is why I'm trying to illustrate that simplified DPS =/= healers focusing on DPS. It seems that many people straight up completely conflate the two.
i usually will augment the weapon and 1 ring so i can get 2 of the tome rings
nothing will ever be as awful as femroe
aka elizenos
What do you mean
What do you mean with elizenos?
The Elezen one? If so yes
Elezen + Zenos = Elezenos.
No that's some bullshit spouted by people in these threads trying to make it seem like it's Japan's fault that healers still aren't green DPS. You can go to fflogs and see plenty of JP groups in the top rankings for every fight.
I am Neo Exdeath.
They're too weak and scrubby to realize that female Highlanders are literally the most powerful force in the game.
Don't go out of your way to upgrade them but if you have spare tomestones it can help get you a bit more mileage out of them.
I am Neo Final God Zurvan Prime Justice
but is that a single pair of legs in the pic
Thanks Neo Exdeath
>they would prefer if healers focused on healing
the problem with that approach is that you only ever have to do enough healing whereas you can never really do too much DPS. once damage is effectively mitigated there's no point healing more. the only way they'll make healers focus more on healing is by having more incoming damage, not by giving them more healing spells and taking away dps spells
You sure they're not just using an elezen body cause they didn't have a model for him at that length without the armor and he's still supposed to be a human?
It'll probably still be a buff overall because holy is insanely cheap to spam now.
anyway his soul possessed a dead elezen
>khloe with suncat eyes
I've never seen a female highlander without the pissed off face
Really nigger, are you gonna correct me for not say Hyur?
There's a lot of reasons to be angry:
- Story is filler-tier, distracting us from finishing an arc that has been going on for years
- Healers have been standardized, the specificities of both SCH and AST have been heavily neutered
- Same for tanks on a smaller scale
- Most other jobs will play the exact same with just one extra button or sometimes even less buttons than now
>whiner mage that ruined the better healers is going to keep playing his shit job
No way
They're upset because everyone is playing cat girls and lizards instead.
>whiner mage
scholars are the biggest crybabies in the game though, literally every expansion has been filled with scholars crying at launch and sqaure giving in to them
standard buttmad wowfugee who can't understand a basic ass kids plot
Zenos is a Garlean though. It would be real obvious if he was still the same race because he'd have his third eye.
>receives 300 upvotes
Found the ass blasted SCH
We believe trying to heal as little as possible and DPSing instead isn’t what a Healers role should be. Please be sure to use succor and adloquim.
At least they actually play the game instead of erping
Mainly because YoshiP keeps listening to WHM to remove or nerf anything from other healers until they're just WHM reskins.
I don't recall Shinryu getting a third eye when he took over the primal.
havent kept up. i-is warrior a-alright?
>final story mission
>about to be murdered by evil light god
>Estinien and elf Zenos come flying in on his little helicopter to save us
We also believe that encounters should be designed with massive stretches of healing downtime for some reason, even though we also don't think Healers should be DPSing.
Please understand.
WAR's fine. Basically it's just 4.2 Stormblood WAR with a couple big dick attacks and some amazing personal mitigation. Bloodbath is back.
That just means you're a better MNK than you were a BLM. Nothing to fuss about.
The main difference between JP and the west is that JP doesn't have snowflakes insisting on playing subpar jobs.
forever the best
all the jobs are fine, and if they aren't fine their potency will be adjusted by 5.05 anyways
despite what morons keep saying their vision for how combat should work looks the clearest it ever has since 2.0
You mean like the world first JP UCoB group with a Dark Knight who chose DRK because "it's fun"?
Pretty sure most of the parse faggotry that makes people deem certain jobs as "subpar" comes from the western servers.
>JP doesn't have snowflakes insisting on playing subpar jobs.
They really don't care whether a job is "subpar" or not. They just play what they want.
>healers are the only class that is actively being punished for other roles' fuck ups
You've clearly never tanked when some fuckwit healer just leaves you to die to autos because he's too braindead to drop any kind of heal over a 15 second period.
It kinda sucks that the only way to make bushy eyebrows is to put makeup on them
How can I project myself onto my avatar if I can't give him bushy eyebrows square enix?
Could you weeaboos at least keep your story about the honorable japanese samurais straight
Just use your cooldowns lol
It's really not. If you want to know the difference - your average JP player just wants to clear Savage content. They don't care nearly as much (or at all, I'm not sure of the nuance) about DPS uptime and whatnot. Clear strategies are entirely designed with raid safety in mind.
Your average JP raider is just way fucking smarter than NA 'tards, too. Typically JP busts out some macros with their PF strategy and everyone reads it, confirms their position/understanding of the strategy and then does it. Have you tried getting people in NA to respond to a macro strat? When O11S was still decently fresh, I tried using a JP macro (that was literally the same strategy as NA PF strat btw) and on average 2 players per party would either vocally refuse to read it or just ask me what to do instead.
You can literally queue in the DF for Savage content in JP and expect to clear with minimal wipes.
Thank god they made sure to homogenize the jobs so we can pick what we like and don't need certain jobs in a group. Now don't forget your mandatory dancer and ninja.
yeah and? its not like he was playing sam or blm
whats the name of that website that shows you each armour set from each instance in a little list of photos? its not garland tools
still out here tryna make my NIN look like a clown and/or jester
The main difference between JP and the west is that our region is ridiculously larger than their tiny island country so they all play with next to 0ms while most of us suffer.
as opposed to mandatory bard and dragoon for years
Dragoon is still mandatory, as is SCH.
so what does piety do now?
Increased mana regen.
I want some thicc eyebrows too and an ass too for my femroe
kind of depends. If it still holds up like when HW first launched, Augmented Ironworks gear should basically be better than dungeon gear until you get to the Vault (i think). At that point, leveling gear for the current expansion matches the ilvl of end game raid gear from the previous expansion
>can no longer force bitch tanks to play at my place
>can no longer say fuck you to tanks that do ready checks for braindead content like CT
>can no longer say fuck you to cunt healers with god complexes throwing a hissy fit
Please, Yoshi. Don't do this to me. Please keep it in the game. It's the only joy left in this stupid class.
thanks pals, that was it
Increases the amount of mana you regen per tick - it is absolutely fucking pitiful at the moment however. Like, 52 extra mana per tick with like 1.3k Piety.
God, that reminds me of Tsukuyomi Extreme. People in the West kept using a shitty strat on the moon phase because MrHappy used it, while Japan figured out the proper way to do it within a couple of days, and had macros explaining it.
Use ffxivcollection.com
Don't use ffxivstyle. It is shit because they stopped updating several patches ago and didn't even get all the gear from when it WAS still updating.
they're fine but because PLD is theoretically above in potential damage at the moment, WARbabbies will bitch until they're on top again.
I bounced off of 14 hard, should I try to get back into it?
who poverty here
I just watched the Shadowbringers cinematic trailer, why is the WoL getting grey hair?
rip scholar dots you where a fun mix of dps and heals wile it lasted
its either that or trick attack getting gutted choose.
Will it really matter though when Lucid Dreaming is on a 60s cooldown now and only has 39s of downtime?
I started playing yesterday, I went with Warrior because they are pirates and wield a two handed axe, that's pretty amazing if you ask me.
Now I was wondering, if I should take all the side missions or not, seeing as Story missions seem to be level gated I don't wanna end up being 2 levels too short at one point
Unless you haven't played SB at all, no. There's nothing to do right now.
I think you're mixing up wol with thancred
how little gil is considered poverty? i have 6mil i dont really use it unless i buy crafted gear
Same, I'm barely over 20 millions.
Abbreviated _TEFU
Just do the sidequests wherever you happen to be. They're super short anyways
they unlock skills and give free gear so yes
Leave them for when you're levelling other jobs. Just do MSQ and if you ever get level gated then you turn to them or better yet, run a couple dungeons. The best option by far is to just be running dungeons at a healthy pace ALONG with MSQ and you won't be level gated ever. If you haven't unlocked dungeons yet, then just keep playing MSQ.
Leveling via sidequests is awful. Just do msq and daily roulettes should suffice
Why'd you leave? The endgame content is still basically the same as ever so if you got bored of the constant Tome/Raid gear climb then you'll still be bored when it comes back.
Give Shadowbringers a shot, at the very least the story should be fun and new Primals/Raids are cool too. Maybe your favourite job is getting some neat skills.
Probably not - it's the Tenacity of Healers with its current scaling. Ignore it and get as little of it as possible. It might actually fuck over shitty healers though, since you now can't stack Piety to overheal.
The important side quests have a special quest marker with a + on them, always take those and complete them as you can. Otherwise, the rest of the side quests give negligible and can be ignored unless you want to experience some lore and do boring fetch/kill quests.
side quests aren't really necessary for levelling, but they do add to the lore if that's your thing
for exp early on, make sure you unlock the challenge log, and do hall of the novice for a ring which increases exp gain
why would anyone choose light?
"""""people""""" like you deserve to be killed to death in real life honestly
Embrace got nerfed user, it's listed as a 150 potency in the media build (down from 250 potency currently, which is already not actually 250 potency because the fairy's stats are worse than yours)
>Warriors are supposed to be pirates
>there is STILL no anchor-looking axe
The sidequests give kinda pitiful exp, you do them not because they award exp but because they either unlock something or you enjoy the tidbits of lore they may or may not provide. If you want exp fast (and you may run into that very problem you described around the lv45-50 mark), you just run some dungeons or Palace of the Dead.
All darkies should hang.
Pleasant to look at when it's bright outside.
anyone else looking forward to play or play with dancers
They don't value their eyes very much
To go with theme that the world you are on is flooded in light
presumably that's what their doing, all though i don't really trust that... This is why ast cards were fun; it rewarded the raid dps by doing something other than healing or a garbage rotation, i legitimately don't understand Square's hatred for buffs, why can't we get something new, innovative, and fun?
my condolenses to your eyes
I'll wait for blue, the ultimate color theme for FF.
so do scholars have to cast their pets heal now?
Isn't that just the colors of the current PvP UI?
yes but also no
Not really, they look like they're going to be the easiest DPS in the game by far. Yoshi describes them as "the RDM of physical ranged".
>Why'd you leave?
When I started, it was just as SB came out and there was nobody at the early instances or leveling areas. It was a ghosttown.
So when I needed to do instanced content, guess who was waiting in 40+ minute queues as a CNJ?
not to mention overworld content was slow and I wanted to play in a party. I think my main is on Leviathan at level 35-40. Last I checked I was trying to make the decision between WHM and SCH and abandoned the whole thing before I could
I want to go back, but I'm not sure what exactly has changed from when I quit the last time.
where is the 1.0 theme?
Wait does the dark theme cause more eye fatigues? Serious question bros
>he doesn't dark theme in dim lighting, light theme in bright lighting
Helps to move out of the basement and open the curtains from time to time to let some light into your NEET den, user.
Parse autism. If we have innovative things then some of those things might end up mathematically less strong than others which means they are worthless garbage that needs to be kept out of groups at all costs, even if it makes zero difference in ability to clear.
no they will be new DRG floor tanks because they are locked on place while doing dances for 4 seconds
"Auto attacks" from pets are still done on their own, Egis will attack, Fairies will heal. However their cooldowns must be managed yourself, so in otherwords they're basically on perma-obey but without any possibility of waiting on them to do what you want.
I don't think it's been a big problem anymore but remember the times of trying to get Eos to use Whispering Dawn and she just wouldn't fucking listen
Thanks bros
Macros are garbage walls of text.
They don't describe strategies well and are bad for reserving positions.
If JP had a shitty popular macro it would have the same effect. Many of their strats end up being worse (safety and uptime) than NA ones.
Well, if you start playing when everyone else is doing brand new content, you're obviously going to feel a bit lonely.
it causes less for me, i was saying rip eyes to using light
They aren't locked in place, you can move during standard/technical step. You just can't use other actions.
I'm pretty sure DNC isn't pinned in place when dancing
You just suck at macros.
Just think, we're never, ever getting a dungeon as engaging as The Vault again because Square thought it was "over designed" for casual players.
Well, now's a pretty good time to get into the MSQ. I just leveled an alt the other day and never had to wait more than 5-10 minutes for a MSQ dungeon, even the last two which are notoriously long. I would argue now is the best possible time to level, so you can catch up to the current content and not feel left out (there's also quite a few people leveling at the moment).
Not a whole lot has changed that relevant to you - if you preorder Shadowbringers you get an earring that gives you 30% extra exp up to level 70 which is nice.
You can move while dancing.
That's true, but at the same time I thought I could have been with the people who were trying to level up for SB.
Unfortunately I didn't realize at the time that they were trying to blow through 100+ hours of content to reach SB before it came out and I was trying to take my time doing it.
Is it worth coming back now or am I just going to have a repeat of what happened last time?
Is DNC padding enough to push BLM/SAM to be meta?
I've never tried MSQ before when I played. Can I do it without having completed the main story yet?