2.5 years development

>2.5 years development
>brand new i.p
>an engine the team has never used
>no kojima tier delays
>no ruse cruises

It's gonna be half baked right?

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>It's gonna be half baked right?
Well it is a post-2010 Kojima game.

Let's pretend it's just because he's now fighting konami all the time and because sony said to temper his ambitions

It's literally an open world game like fallout 4 only better.
Looks sweet.

>no release date
>release date announced
Impossible to satisfy your average Yea Forumsirgin

konami was right
he just waste sony money on actors to post pictures with them on twitter

Dont forget

>designed to run on 6 year old hardware

>no ruse cruises
Hey that sounds good to me especially if Kojima realised he needed to make a good game instead of some fucking incoherent nonsense that tries to be so much smarter than it really is

Doesn’t take much work when half of it is done for you.

does this mean you guys havnt pre-ordered yet?

He could have easily said 2020 and we would’ve been fine with it

It's pretty nuts he got all this in that time.. I know he has teams but still, it looks largely done.

Bet there’s 0 replayability or extra modes.

>It's gonna be half baked right?
No, its just going to be very generic mechanically, with oh so witty and funny xD twists like kidnapping enemies with parachutes or whatever the fuck cartoon ideas.

The areas where you can use ladders are all scripted. The trailer tries to cleverly mask this fact by doing a sneaky transition right before the player places the ladder. You can clearly see the player has changed position and the ladder is being proped up against a rock on the ground. The fact that the ladder doesn't even bounce once it hits the top of the cliff gives this scripted charade away, unless you're going to tell me they've added the anti gravity technology that Sam has in his little gay robot things that follow him around by cable into the fucking ladders as well. Also, the climbing device looked like it did the same sort of thing, an unnecessary cut in the video, even though he didn't actually move much, they still did a cut for some reason. This game is going to be "go here, do this" the whole way and will be backed by movie tier cinematic cutscenes every step of the way for every little thing. I just hope I'm wrong because that would be embarrassing.

>no ruse cruises
He doesn't know

shit doesn't have to be physics to not be scripted.

>no ruse cruises

Attached: all aboard.jpg (2920x2970, 1.91M)

>no ruse cruises
They have to reveal something at E3, right?

>no ruse cruises

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It’ll be more like trico where you have to do something exetremely specific.
But this time in an open world with a vauge part of the map being the goal.
This is how helping other players will work you try to help them to figure it out but you can’t communicate very well

>no kojima tier delays
lol wait until august when they announce delay till early 2020

That is a worrying possibility. All of the cool ladders, climbing, tools etc being set hot spot you can use them at like Sekiros grapple hook would be not as nice to play as the general sandbox and toys impression the trailers got. While the no bouncing hasn't convinced me set use spots are confirmes I'm going to keep my eye out for this.

bye bye sausage

It's possible that the company just isn't getting in Kojima's way, and actually assisting in the development process by giving him access to help. Maybe all the issues with MGS were actually Konami meddling. Maybe, Kojima has a worthwhile team who knows what they're doing when they're actually allowed to communicate.

>an engine the team has never used
Not necessarily a huge issue, if the engine tools are good. In such a case it'd be easier and faster than making your own engine from scratch.

Could someone post a webm of the ladder scene? I want to look at it closer some more now.

You really think that something that doesn't try anything and therefore cann't fail is genuinely superior to something that tried to do do a few things but not enough and failed?

They probably borrowed a bunch of people from Guerilla to help use the Decima engine. If the game runs smooth, studios should share engines more often to help reduce dev times. Horizon looked incredible so I have hope DS looks as good too.

Dumb thought but has anyone seen what Caramel and his tin foil hat kojima conspiracies think about Death Stranding?

I'll do one better. I wouldn't be surprised if you only ever use the ladder once. Kojima games are known for having absolute shit zero-effort gameplay that was ten years obsolete on release, but there's a handful of custom-made gimmick setpieces to astonish the goldfish brains of kojimafags. Every once in a while you get that whiskey glass with the melting ice or the guided missile segment or a 4th wall breaking boss that lists your Konami game saves, so that you'd forget that you spent the last 15 minutes playing Pac-Man thinking it's stealth.

and yet it looks and runs better than every single PC exclusive

He's probably still on the train where people think it might within the Silent Hill universe.

Here's a theory I heard a literal nigger babble about. The sea is gone. The area you are exploring is the sea bed. You're literally walking around on the sea floor without the water. The first trailer showing Sam on the beach is not the beach. It's the fucking sea floor. That water is what is left of it all. The bitch named Mama was doing a swimming motion at the white shimmering BT in the trailer and then the same white BT gives Mama a BT baby later in the trailer in that same shot. This implies that the 4th explosion happened on the moon or the seabed and all the water is fucked because of it, since the moon heavily affects the sea levels. The ocean water probably got sent to the alternate dimension, causing these creatures to manifest in our world. Water makes them real in our world. This is why rain makes them show up. We also get a scene on the other side where it's all water. That's how these things float in the air. They aren't floating because they can fly, they're floating because they're technically in water. Soak this shit in.

It looks cool in a trailer but the batshit crazy development led to insane freedom in MGSV and mechanics never seen before. DS looks crazy but realistically how mucb can his tean achieve in just over 2 years with a new engine, new idea, new everything basically. I'm skeptical.

What about that part where he is walking in a river? Or the snow?

They had the devs who made horizon's engine working with them so they learned how to use the engine that way. Hell if the gameplay is anywhere as fun as HZD, this will be kojimbo's magnum opus as long as the weirdness isnt full fucking bore.

What does Kojimas dick taste like faggot?

Another part I forgot to mention is the fact that the backgrounds you see in the trailer show off some seriously gi-fucking-gantic mountains. Like, holy shit huge ass mountains. Almost like they're fucking walls and you're in a big box. But that's because you aren't at ground level with them. You're at the sea floor. The water making BT's exist is also how they can manipulate things into floating upwards, like we saw in that one trailer where that dude gets sucked into a giant BT. It isn't anti gravity, it's just when they interact, the area acts like water.

This. It was probably as easy for them to use the engine with the HZD devs there as it is for most people to use UE4.


I don't know, just repeating what I heard and thought it was a pretty interesting observation since the BT's seem to be heavily connected to water. The rivers could actually be areas of the map that are at or around the remainder of the sea water. Snow would probably still exist since there seems to be a massive brewing cloud of timefall looming overhead at all times. The nigger also stated that the timefall seems to only affect the nature near Sam and around "black sand" on the ground. It doesn't affect anything about 8 feet away from Sam. This is probably just a shitty limitation on consoles though since clearly it would just shot on all of life thousands of times over by now if that were the case.