Why is mobile gaming so looked down upon in Yea Forums? It's just another platform for video games desu senpai
Why is mobile gaming so looked down upon in Yea Forums? It's just another platform for video games desu senpai
Too many jealous poorfags who can't afford a phone.
Explain what happened in that webm
Shit touchscreen controls by default. Aids storefront fill of more shovelware than ever thought possible.
No good games. And yes, ports and emulators doesn't count.
You can't tell by looking?
>numbers go up
>numbers go up more
You're fucking hopeless if you don't know what that means.
Reining meme moneymaker in Jeopardy was dethroned.
I don't know
Literally the most minimal amount of quality control possible. The bare minimum of effort necessary to not get sued.
Also phones are a shit system for games. RPGs like pokemon would work well but that's about it. Phones are also bloated as fuck with their absolute shit tier operating systems, and there's no standardisation of hardware (infinitely worse than on PC even).
>It's just another platform for video games desu senpai
Literally the PCfags 2.0
Get your own board fag.
Wow its great i have to watch an ad every 5 minutes
>controls take up screen real estate
>controls are limited by what can be pressed within a reasonable amount of time on a touch screen
>widespread accessibility and adoption of smartphones led to a race to the bottom in terms of quality
>games are extremely simplistic to cast as wide of a net as possible
>complete crapshoot in terms of what catches and what doesn't
>prior point encourages low-effort high-volume game creation to try and strike lightning
>low-effort games can't be sold for money so instead they're overloaded with advertisements
>if the game has any semblance of effort and no ads then it's overloaded with time-gating and microtransactions
What does that sentence even mean. They all got virtually the same answer why did she win.
kill yourself, brainlet
>why did she win
>i can't read, i REFUSE to read but i want you to tell me anyways
I just watched a video of him last week explaining why he is winning so much and he'll likely never lose for a long time.
And then he loses the next game.
I still genuinely don't get it
she had more money
>who is marlowe?
>who is kit marlowe?
>who is marlowe?
Is this shitty Yea Forums meme?
Are you a third worlder? Serious question here, even europoors and huehuehues usually know what the fuck Jeopardy is and how it's played.
No, reading is not a meme.
Why the fuck does this webm even exist then? They all got the same answer, she had the most money, therefore she wins I guess. What's even the point of posting this? What does this have to do with a reining moneynaker.
are you fucking retarded
why was it posted though?
I can't believe it took you so long to actually ask this instead. The answer is that OP needed to post something. You were too busy not reading, though.
The previous winner, the guy on the left, was a professional gambler who found a way to "beat" the system by wagering huge amounts at DD and in the end of the game.
The webm shows some the woman the execs decided to overthrow him because he started to win too much money and had no sign of stopping.
Trebek told the producers that he doesn't want Ken Jenning's streak or grand total to be beaten so they had James lose, it's as simple as that. All game shows are rigged, by the way.
Ok, so, the end-question is a write-in, and you bet your end-game winnings on being right or wrong. The game is to have the most money at the end. Anyway, they all had the same answer, but bet different amounts. The one dude in the middle ended up having the 3rd highest, the guy next to him, the reining champ that was winning for a streak of episodes, had the right answer and had more than he did. However, it was then revealed that the woman, who was also correct, bet an amount that would give her a higher total overall, so shes the winner. If she was wrong, she would have bet almost everything and lost it.
I hate stamina system and timegated content. I'm not even touching the subject of microtransactions and ads.
Simplistic controls is also a minus.
Overall mobile gaming is an ocean of crapware.
>All game shows are rigged, by the way.
jeopardy is sort of a classic, but it's ok to not know how the game is played. But damn, you don't even know that you don't know. You're looking at jeopardy and going "this is too complicated, I shouldn't need to have to figure this out" when a three word google search would teach you
>man shows up randomly
>starts winning
>it's unbelievable someone else would just win as well
Yeah the woman's "win" seems shady as fuck, was this the first time in however long the guy was on his streak that he didn't bet more than his entire amount at the final Jeopardy question?
No, he had a couple of close calls already
Your tinfoil hat is on too tight dude
>>it's unbelievable someone else would just win as well
But the point is that James has won doing the opposite of what everyone has been doing for years and it wasn't a "starts winning randomly" but a professional gambler going against the wishes of the execs and doing the opposite of that (going in reverse answers instead of lowest to highest for example) and was shown that if he wasn't dethroned he would surpass Ken Jennings as the most winningest contestant in the history of the show and cost the show a ton more money in prizes.
>basic addition
Holy dumb fuck, this is what people expect from Yea Forums.
The worst monetization and pay to win bullshit that weren't invented in chink MMOs originated from mobile gaming. Literally a blight on the hobby.
>going in reverse answers instead of lowest to highest for example
did he beat ken jennings score?
Winners get to come back the next episode to win more money.
Like Ken Jennings who had a 70+ win streak.
The dude in the webm who came in second got his 30+ win streak broken.
>I can't believe it took you so long to actually ask this instead.
I'm a completely different guy, user.
>going in reverse answers instead of lowest to highest for example
people have been doing this for as long as I can remember.
Yeah take that tin foil hat off dumb fag
I thought this guy's whole shtick was gambling with the daily double and maxing out his bets. Why did he bet so little on this one?
you bet before you hear the final question. without having seenthe episode and gauging solely on how close their totals were going into to final jeopardy he wasn't confidant in the subject and worried his opponents were too close to risk a big gamble.
This wasnt a daily double
he does play it relatively safe with the final jeopardy. You kinda have to, yeah he took some chances that paid off big, but iirc he said even those were too risky for him
That makes more sense, there's no way that dumbass would think to ask the right question.
I'm sure he's incorrect, but I'd have to imagine if someone was winning over and over then him making such a pointless wager for something he totally knew the answer to is him throwing in the towel. She deserved the win I'm sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if they gave him an offer if he'd forfeit and she was doing well enough for him to consider it.
its 2019 user.
everybody has one.
He bet enough so that the second guy couldn't get enough to overtake him. Since the girl came into the final round with more points, whether or not he beat her was almost entirely out of his own hands. He could only bet low and hope she self destructed, which she didn't.
I hope Trebek pulls through. The man is an institution and all around great guy.
What game is this?
Looks to be that shit harry potter game where this meme came from
>The previous winner, the guy on the left, was a professional gambler who found a way to "beat" the system by wagering huge amounts at DD and in the end of the game.
Isn't that the entire point? High risk, high reward. He'd lose it all if he didn't know the answer.
>send emails
zoom zoom zoom
90% of jeopardy contestants will go from the questions that offer the lowest amount of money to the highest, with a few irregularities. My mom loves jeopardy so I have watched it for years with her.
It is but no one bothered to beat him at his own game until the producers of the show realized that no one could beat him without 'beating him at his own game' and also did the maths and saw that James would overtake Ken Jennings overall winnings in far shorter time than ABC was willing to lose by letting him continue. And they obviously couldn't just remove him from the show outright.