Why isn't Yea Forums hype?
Why isn't Yea Forums hype?
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A re-release of a 20 yo game. What is there to be hype about?
But I am hella hype user! Already worked out who will be playing what with the bros. We are going home.
because Private Servers have been out for a while now. cucks are just waiting for one with Blizzards shit all over it
they could release it right now but they chose the end of summer and left everyone dry of a good summer playing classic. now its just fucking watch a streamer play content we know is working but because shekels lol.
everyone is hype but you don't need to validate that by having threads about classic all the time
Have you missed the 10 threads a day, every day for the last six months?
vanilla was shit
wow peaked during TBC
tapered off during wotlk
and then never recovered.
this cannot even be debated.
I enjoyed vanilla alot more than tbc even though that was also good. it was wotlk that I got bored in
As someone who has never touched WoW, I'm assuming it's essentially impossible to invest time at this point, isn't it?
I don't get the hype.
WoW has been out for 15 years. Why are people so excited they're releasing it again?
It’s already failing and it isn’t even out yet
>twitch numbers halved in less than 2 weeks
>general audience already complaining about “”“issues”””
>blizzard intervening to deal with one player because “muh e-celeb honour”
>STILL 80+ days to go
It’s over, you never got to go home.
Burning Crusade made most speccs viable while still keeping them somewhat unique.
Because I beat everything vanilla had to offer except naxx40 15 years ago.
The beauty about private servers is that they're free, and they actually have an achievable endpoint and lets you move on with your life once you reach it. Even if retail were a good game, maxing out a character only to have the carrot yanked away every time a new expansion comes out just isn't worth your time or money.
Been there, done that. NEXT!
wow has been dead for years, why get hype for a reanimated corpse?
TBC also introduced a lot of bad things and essentially removed the world from the game with flying mounts.
>nigger attacks a random person
Kill yourself, subhuman enabler.
fucking niggers
Oldschool runescape is better
Sure, but let's be real here champ. RS3 is undeniably better, in terms of gameplay. OSRS is just filled to the brim with zoomers and streamer wannabes.
I wish we still did lynchings.
WoW Classic is literally the new Marvel movies of video games. Watered down shit for the brainless masses.
launch/p1/aq gates/kiting is fucking RUINED
>>blizzard intervening to deal with one player because “muh e-celeb honour”
whats this about
Why do people sucker punch? Too much of pussies to begin a real fight?
>all the friends I used to play with are going to play
>wife is going to play, her first MMO
serves him right for relaxing around blacks
Why is it that every time I see this face I get a real feeling of disgust and cringe? Is it the eyes or shape or what?
Did you reply this last I posted the webm?
Niggers aren't people. They're cowards that attack in groups.
it's the first time I've seen it on a board that wasn't /gif/
Black people don't hold patent on sucker punching though.
You should see his desk. It's not as bad now, but still fairly disgusting.
TBC was the beginning of the end you brainlet. Heroics were a mistake. It was the first step to turn wow into what is now bfa
Oh, and:
Because if I wanted to pay for a character boost I’d do it in retail
>It was the first step to turn wow into what is now bfa
Heroics was the best thing they could do. So was mythic. Mythic+ on the other hand is fucking garbage and makes people lose interest in raids.
Isn't he like a millionaire from all the pathetic friendless autists donating him money? Can't he hire a cleaning lady?
>all those sugary drinks
It's like he wants diabetes
Heroics were great, they turned dungeons into something actually difficult.
I bet her son is very happy for her.
How often do you see people getting sucker punched?
>let's make 10 difficulties of the same content, that is what players really want
>beginning of class homogenization
>welfare epics
TBC was the first step in WoW's downfall
I think he does now since it looks better these days.
He ain't dead yet.
Yes, I watch him from time to time. His Dark Souls run was pretty fun. His acting is pretty spot on.
did you even play tbc? heroics were actually difficult and in no way put you on a level playing field gear-wise with people who raided. still needed kill orders, CC, tremor totems,pull backs, offclass healing and saving the groups assw... it was WOTLK that introduced the heroic as you seem to know it, retard retailbabby.
All the time on the internet and predominantly by blacks
why? its part of his 'character'
>tfw childless
we can play wow as much as we want without needing to care for little shits
One autist was griefing the fuel tournament for 4 hours straight, people think he is banned.
>he doesn’t know
>TBC was the first step in WoW's downfall
That was Naxx having the first "modernized" gear. Oh, and "hard mode" in AQ40.
More often than you think.
>be obnoxious autistic disgusting loser living in moldy trashdump
>hehehe silly user it's just pretending
>fuel tournament
Mobile posting, not even once.
Never relax
Context of the picture?
>He’s never been to a fuel tournament
Global midlife crises
Most of the bad shit introduced worked fine in tbc and only became terrible later.
30 year old boomer the MMO.
There you go, then. You're talking about "people" that have absolutely no honor or backbone. The kind of pussies that kick someone while they're down.
I've played the game before. It wasn't as good as you think.
What did he mean by this?
I already played that shit when it was new and a little bit a few years ago. Im over it.
Your wife had your wife’s son
>we have no kids
>He still doesn’t know
>terrible MMO that was fun only due playing with your friends and the internet community
>friends are busy and the new internet is zoomers
Is shit.
remember not to be racist, bros. around 99% of blacks it's ok to walk right by them with your hands in your pockets. these were just bad eggs!
ofc not, all the homefags should fuckoff and spam their shit elsewhere
Heroics were an introduction to real punishing mechanics to prepare people for raids. Try to faceroll SHH or SL or AC heroic.
Arenas rewarded skill and OP comp instead of mindless grinding which was excellent to break the unskilled poopsocker dominance.
Flying didn't kill wpvp, it just moved it
Ways for less farm efficient classes to make catch up on gold, which was needed because of high reagents prices, made rep grinds a little better while not trivializing them
Which ones
Badge gear is protection against bad luck and is generally a side grade to raod gear, which was simply badly done on patch 2.0, and you still had to do heroics or KZ
What's up with the obsession with streamers?
Normally when people don't like a thing on rational grounds, they simply avoid it. They don't concern themselves with it, it just gets ignored without any conscious effort to do so. But with Yea Forums and streamers, it's full blown obsession. Streamers this, streamers that. Keep spamming the pictures of some streamers. What exactly causes an obsession like this? Don't try to explain it away with the rationalizations these people tell themselves, about how streamers affect the state of the game. While these observations aren't exactly incorrect, they don't cause such emotional reactions under normal circumstances. There is something deeper behind the emotional outbursts.
Jealousy is something that gets mentioned sometimes. It's definitely part of the answer, and can be clearly seen in some people when they vehemently argue about streaming not being a job. They don't like people making a ton of money doing something like that. But I doubt it's the only reason.
So why are you obsessed with streamers?
Horde Tourney was a massive flop and killed any hype I had left.
15 years of destroying a games mmo and rpg elements.
it's just like with /pol/ and jews
>Have a classic summer, they said
>Launches when it's almost fall
I personally think that it's a new thing that shitposters can latch onto and say that Classic will be new TORtanic because of streamers. Since people started ignoring shitposts about nostalgia and layering streamers became a new and easy way to get (You)s not just from Classic crowd but in general.
I am, though.
To the point where all I can play these days are short bursts of Binding of Isaac and Knights & Merchants Remake... August can't come quickly enough.
>Group A and Group B are interested in game
>Group A is obsessed with streamers
>Group B is not
>Group A constantly go on about streamers
>Group B eventually gets fed up and tells Group A to fuck off with that shit
>"Why are you obsessed with streamers though. Just don't watch if you don't care! :3:3:3"
>Group B is now pissed off
>Both groups are certifiably spergs
>This will now escalate eternally
See how this works?
I mean that one's fairly easy to explain. The very things they blame jews of are also those that understandably cause emotional reactions. Humans react strongly when they perceive someone is cheating, when they think someone is trying to destroy them and their people, and whatever.
This thread has been done many times now with the same answers. You are just making the shill thread successful by responding. Let it die just like Blizzard
This is definitely one factor as well, though it only really extends to those people who don't like the game.
You'd expect people in /vg/ to be interested in the game. I don't think people particularly go to those generals in other cases. I took a look at the place yesterday and the streamer obsession is massive. The only thing they manage to talk about are ecelebs, trannies and some /vg/ guild drama.
There hasn't been a "positive" obsession with streamers, at least in classic threads. Barely anyone has posted about how streamer x did good thing y, expecting others people to care about that garbage, so trying to explain it as a counterreaction is a bit off.
Yea Forums is the ultimate home of the reactionary who tries too hard to fit in, though. So since hating the streamer is expected, everyone will do so.
I imagine they bump into Group A elsewhere (Twitch, Reddit, other forums) then come here for their (You)s..
Guys Trollgodx got banned from beta for disrupting the special snowflake streamer tournament.
Reminder that classic will be ruled with an iron fist, the streamers will be a protected elite who have infinite wealth and power on the server, and if you gank them you will get thousands of reports and be blacklisted by the players.
>The only thing they manage to talk about are ecelebs, trannies and some /vg/ guild drama.
That's /vg/ in a nutshell. I remember that the moment sane people left LH the same moment LH general became nothing but guild drama.
Trollgodx was too based for this world. RIP
Same faction griefing has always been a bannable offense.
God bless that beautiful cow, he was the hero we don't deserve. RIP in peace ;_;
>implying he would have been banned for it if it wasn't a streamer event
So let me try to make sense here.
You say retail WoW sucks because of the lack of community
But you'll actively shit on any attempt to foster a community
Am I getting this right?
He's really popular for being really bad at wow, but he doesn't think that's the case.
Not out for another 84 days
>He ain't dead yet.
That's a shame
If the beta has proven anything it's that streamers and their cancerous little fanbase will ruin it and hold servers by the balls until they eventually get bored.
Also the fact it's not 17 years ago.
I'm saying that people these days are way more emotional and believe that authoritarian powers should be brought down against people who say and do mean things which aren't technically illegal. This applies to real world society and also video games now it seems.
>aq gates/kiting
Haven't they announced that layering will be turned off before the end of phase 1?
how is he not 100kg heavier than he is?
Good metabolism and he probably doesn't eat all that much. He just doesn't clean up after himself.
I'm not 13 anymore. I can't farm spider legs at 7 in the morning 10 minutes before the bus comes so I can buy an Executioner Sword and just not feel like I'm wasting my time.
Ah, it's a "my right to be a cunt trumps your right to have fun" thing then.
>I'm not TECHNICALLY doing anything wrong by waving my hands 1 millimeter away from your eyeballs.
He would've been. People have been banned for griefing fishers during fishing tournaments, for example, for constantly being on top of their bobber.
>I'm not TECHNICALLY doing anything wrong by waving my hands 1 millimeter away from your eyeballs.
You're allowed to hit me if I do that to you, if you have the balls. Don't get the authorities involved like a bitch though.
More than one raid difficulty is a dumb idea unless it is done well like Ulduar with its possibility to make bosses harder within the same difficulty
Mythic+ in legion was pretty good but bfa not so much
Because its at the fucking end of summer. Could they have chosen a worse time?
>im a fucking teacher and i can only play for 3 days before school starts
Fuck you blizzard
What are the odds they come out with a Classic only sub option?
Zero right?
I agree Mythic+ in Legion was decent while still keeping players interest in raids, but BfA is just dumb. You can get better items than normal or even heroic raids without entering them.
Because World of Warcraft is Reddit: The Game.
I hope asmon and soda play on the same server so I can be sure to not play on that one.
I hope they don't. That would probably kill the game.
Their shitty servers couldn't handle it back then. Why do you they could handle it now? Fucking AV still lags the shit out of the servers. Remember tarren mill vs southshore event?
>im a fucking teacher and i can only play for 3 days before school starts
fun fact, if your school network blocks the ports for it (which they likely do) you can buy a $50 raspberry pi and leave it at home, then run all your data through it on port 80, unblocking your ports and letting you connect to the game servers
>I know jack shit about server infrastructure: the post
Dumb analogy, streamers will mainly be isolated to their own servers with most big ones planning on all being on the same server together
Adding more depth to 5 mans is what WoW needed, unfortunately they didn't go far enough and instead decided to drag raiding down the shitter to appease the tourists.
Wrath adding hard/easy modes to raids was one of the worst design ideas they put in the game, you're allowing the lower ranks of players to waltz through zones getting loot without any sense of accomplishment while making higher end players slog through easy modes just to do somewhat challenging content, again robbing them of any sense of satisfaction when they kill the easy mode final boss. You didn't get that same feeling as when you finally toppled Illidan because you weren't getting to fight THE boss, you were stuck fighting a baby mode version and all the tension and lore setup just wasnt there.
>10 man, 25 easy, 25 hard all give the same gear in slightly different colors
Remove raiding modes and put 25 mans back to just being one raid with one difficulty, at the same time 10 mans have to go back to being unique zones and not copies of the 25 man raid.
Why? It's not like they are using your sub fee to make new content, they are simply re-releasing 15 year old content. Why should you have to pay a full sized fee if you only want to access Classic?
Just because dumb zoomerfaggots and redditors are old enough to post here now doesn't suddenly make playing/liking this western normalfaggot casualfest okay.
Where do you think you are?
Go away.
jesus fucking christ
lol just dont be a wage cuck
I was speaking of how this comes across on forums. The idea of containment servers with ruined economies doesn't actually come into play for me because we don't seem to have any big time streamers on this side of the Atlantic. Must suck to share a continent with these fucks and their legion of fans.
I say that, and suddenly Pewdiepie finds out he's gonna hop on the Classic bandwagon and ruin everything. Forever.
they aren't layering phase 1 for server stability though
how would you feel about older raid from the xpac receiving a harder mode that it toggleable from inside a raid similar to ulduar?
Back in the day you'd only have what, 3-4k players online at a time and everyone beyond that was stuck in a log in queue. Today they can fit something like 15,000 people on a single server at a time, the problem is the game world itself can't handle that, especially at launch. Lag is an issue yes but mainly its to allow people to actually play the game and to not have 4,300 people standing around a single quest mob trying to kill it. Unfortunately this system does cause issues with world pvp, grouping in general, and might even have a big effect on the economy but what can you do really.
nice, you failed at the one single reason you're actually alive
to propagate the species.
Was surprised that most people didn't seem to do anything during the tourney. Well except for that one tauren sperg that probably destroyed his fingers /sitting for 6 hours straight
But lol did he make streamers get upset
Forums are always going to be shit desu, if it wasn't for streamers they would be shit in a completely different way
There are a few big EU streamers, but most of them are Method members. I'll be fine with my server as down under has no big wow streamers
Nope it's gonna be an all new everyone starting from zero release. Perfect opportunity to get in.
>Remove raiding modes and put 25 mans back to just being one raid with one difficulty, at the same time 10 mans have to go back to being unique zones and not copies of the 25 man raid.
At the same time, this is the game's smallest issue.
The issue WoW has which impacts exactly everyone is the character and gear progression being next to non-existent. At least in Vanilla, TBC and even WotlK you felt good getting new items. Day 1 gear was still usefull in the expansion end game raids, like the shadow damage craft set in TBC.
Leveling up doesn't give you any impact at all anymore. You get one skill with one rank and a talent every 15 level.
On max level you get loot like it's your birthright without any effort, and at the same time, you are locked out from getting any real progression in the form of Mythic and raid lock out.
People are getting bored. There is no excitement at all in the game, since the welfare loot is too high. Another issue is how they backpedaled on the raid finder. From the start it was supposed to let casuals see lore within raids and gain som experience playing with bigger groups. But then they started adding mythic only lore which made raid finder almost boring in comparison at all.
The lack of set gear is also a factor, since you don't gain anything different from raids in terms of loot compared to the world quests.
While trying to please the majority, they made the players more frustrated.
I play for free with in game gold.
Also, if they separate the both of them, they'd probably both cost the same amount.
Stop shilling for chinkdale
Reminder if you see anyone beginning their argument on why TBC was garbage with ''Flying killed world pvp'' and ''Arena was a bad idea'' is a fucking larper who is probably a wrath/cataclysm baby who pretends they played vanilla and shouldn't be taken seriously.
If you get hit by the usual ''l-lore got worse'' argument, go read wow diary and realize that WoW's lore has always been and will always "whatever seems like a good idea now" and the writer have straight up said that they'll ignore the old lore if some new idea makes better story
>In this fluid state of indecision, even major lore objects like the Dark Portal bounced around. Chris decided to move it out of the Tree of Life area (no one on the team called it Teldrassil), letting “the World Tree” become its own area. He planned to move the Dark Portal to Azshara because the game designers were thinking of making it a high-level area anyway, and it was also cool to have the Dark Portal submerged in water. Eventually Chris decided on putting it in the Blasted Lands because there really wasn’t anything else interesting going on there.
So yes, caring about WoW's lore beyond "this looks cool" is terrible idea because writers and devs themselves don't care beyond that
That one tauren sperg was based. Better than the 100k zoomers watching a bunch of literal whos dueling
Personally I'd hate it, I did not have fun in Ulduar for the very reason that it had dual modes. If you want to make harder content then make something new, doing the same fights over again and again with one new mechanic isn't exciting.
Algalon was fun because there was only one version of him but the rest of the zone bored myself and my entire guild to tears. You don't really have anything to look forward to when you've already sped through the easy mode version of the encounters.
Reminder that deflecting criticism by launching an ad hominem does nothing to support your argument
>I am just going to place these goalposts here so that the most legit and objective reasons TBC was shit doesn't apply, and further I am going to call anyone who points it out a kid
i am hype af
bc babby
>Doesn't like Marvel universe
Kill yourself
Ruining raiding with multi modes, homogenizing classes, removing unique 10 mans, and giving everything the same loot models is a big issue but the root of the problem is the lack of secondary content.
Really all you have to do is raid or pvp, they needed a very long time ago to find other avenues for players to explore in terms of pve content. Without this ever being addressed Blizz decided to take raiding and make it more accessible, thus ruining the experience.
Thanks for proving my points also how you clearly don't understand what a goalpost and an ad hominem are. Be sure to study up next time from reading old wow archived posts kiddies
>Watered down shit for the brainless masses
I'd say the older marvel comics are more watered down than the movies. At least the movies felt like someone gave a fuck while creating most of them.
mad bc babby
Just stop. Go back to /pol/
Contrarianism. Also, MMOs are only fun if you have friends and most people here are lonely losers.
Go back to sucking off blood elves faggot
because the class makeup with be 1000 mages for 1 every other class.
this is what layering apologists actually fucking believe
btw they used dynamic respawns during original vanilla launch
cope harder blizzard lie shiteating layer apologist scum
There is a reason why every single modern, stable state has a monopoly on violence. Without it, your state is unstable, with honor killings, blood feuds, duels, revenge killings, private "security" companies running rampant.
Your tough guy act is the same as that of anarchists' who say "fuck the police" but are the first ones to call the police when someone does something to them. You'll be in good company with them.
i just want rs3 without the fucking horrible combat system
i love the fucking stupid amount of content and the huge focus on pvm but it feels like playing wow on 200 ping and i cant get over that
also the fact its pretty much dead makes playing it feel like an even bigger waste of time than it should do
another retard that doesnt understand vanilla design has you making friends along the way
you go in without friends but you will come out with a few guaranteed if you level past 35
I also think another issue Blizzard has as a whole is having way too many projects and developing games at the same time.
Heroes of the Storm
And yes, even Diablo 3 since they started patching the game more again.
They don't have a real focus for their creative teams for each game and move professionals around more often than necessary. They will also have Diablo Immortal soon enough added to the list, probably replacing Diablo 3 for good.
Stop defending that fuck.
>another retard that doesnt understand vanilla design has you making friends along the way
Good luck making friends in today's classic. Its either zoomers, toxic dota-eqsue retards, or even worse, tryhards who only care about perfect gameplay.
Ive played on all major vanilla private servers and "making friends" is nigh impossible, if you have standards of conduct. Hence, why Im still friends with the same people I play every private server on.
>killed factions
>killed pvp
>killed wpvp
>killed the world
>doomed future were everyone is GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO because of flying
>started bliz chink cock sucking tried
Fuck BCucks
[Laughs in Druid]
It's like watching a train crash. You just can't look away.
/Pol/ is back the way you came. Go there and never return.
Nigger it's because of content recycling. Making people play the same content on various difficulties over and over again instead of providing new content.
then roll a non-cloth wearer and reap the loot m8
Why do you care what device someone is posting from? Not all of us are chained to a desktop in our mom's basement.
based. the whole "flying mounts ruined wpvp" argument is fucking stupid. anyone who actually played back then knows thats a load of shit.
You forgot:
>due to epic flying mounts, all the valuable resource nodes are camped 24/7 and you essentially cannot farm motes yourself and good luck farming khorium if you dont have an epic flying mount either
Most problems with WoW stem from the fact that they took most of their top guys off the project and put them on Titan. Very quickly it stopped being an adventure and turned into a theme park where everyone lines up to get on the same rides.
>Moving the goalposts
if everyone you meet is an arsehole, its not them its you
I played on elysium, I played on chinks hope. What do I care now? It's the same game again.
Give me TBC
It was me replaying to my own post as a sign that everyone should proofread their posts. Autocorrect is too aggressive at times.
i made plenty of friends on nostalrius but yeah you're probably right
a lot has changed since 2015
oh yeah i forgot how all the things that killed wow that BC added only really killed it in WoTLK
Go play on Netherwing if you want TBC and okay with PServers.
at least try to make sense you insufferable retard
Youre misunderstanding me. Im not talking about not meeting nice people and raiding with them, while having fun in gchat. Im talking about making FRIENDS. As in "hang out in discord playing different games aswell" and keep in touch.
>hang out in discord
>vanilla, now THAT'S when they showered us with constant content updates!
lmao, ask me how i know you're just some little zoomzoom
Which is why you dont wanna play Classic, since you dont have friends.
Imagine paying Blizzard AGAIN to rerelease a previous version of their game. Sorry but no I'm not a corporate bootlicker
i hang out on ts and irc with my friends, faggot
So youre playing Classic with your "friends"?
>bro i've got more efriends than you
the absolute state of Yea Forums in 2019
You playing Classic?
Of course you do. I believe TS part since I personally have backup TS3 server in case Discord shits the bed that day, but IRC? Nah.
I wish I had friends to play classic with. Sadly I can't even meet people on Yea Forums cause these threads always blow.
I don't have friends
not sure if ill even play in the first place if blizzard keep up the castration
stay mad discord tranny
You think you but you dont.
>The Forums
Vanilla is garbage compared to how the game is now! Take off your nostalgia goggles.
But vanilla doesn't have blood elves how can it be good?
>Years later
Literally every BfA player/streamer who played the classic beta proclaimed it as being the superior game.
Yep, it's going to be great.
Youll meet nice people in Classic. Alot of people are in the same boat as you. Just avoid the obvious nonos like guilds with drama, guilds with zoomers and guilds that tolerates "n-word spam" in gchat.
Good retort. No wonder you have no one to play with if you sperg out the moment anyone talks to you.
They banned him, he was a good cow.
saying nword is functionally the same as saying nigger
t. discord tranny
it doesnt matter what i say even if its the truth cause you just say im a liar anyway lmao hurf durf
kys you'reself
Im too tired nowadays to drama, I just wanna play, don't even care about loot.
This is a good example of the people to avoid in Classic.
t. nword
Because I'm not a zoomer, and I don't like Twitch Streamers.
I played Vanilla when it released and I honestly didn't think Classic would do well. I told my friends I thought it was a waste of time because modern WoW players would fucking despise it. Boy was I wrong, as it turns out even the casuals who still sub to retail are hopping on the bandwagon, I was wrong in my assumption because I drastically underestimated how disillusioned the modern playerbase was with current WoW.
It's really THAT bad now, it's amazing.
I've already played vanilla all the way through the open betas etc. I'm looking for something more PvPish atm. Hoping...
I am
> i judge people on what program they use for voice chat
i wish your mum hugged you as a kid
no friends to play with
shut the fuck up discord tranny go back to your spyware and grooming simulator
Nobody genuinely thought this at the time, 99% of people enjoyed the fuck out of it, you've just read the same shit parroted in these threads a million times and now you have this opinion 12 years later in hindsight. Fucking kill yourself nigger
>he is a /g/tard
I hope you don't use windows.
How much of a brainlet are you nigger?
Classic is popular, because its a closed "system" with clear rules and clear mechanics. You can excel by putting in alot of effort and practise. Furthermore the world is your playground and all zones matter to an extent. The best gear (status and fame) in only accessible through team work and dedication. The reward is making a name for yourself and camaraderie.
Many of us (myself included) looked back at vanilla and thought "If I had known that, I would have done things differently". So to summarize, Classic appeals to boomers who played vanilla, it appeals to zoomers who want a new more "social" experience and it appeals to casuals who just wanna log in and have fun with their friends.
You really think heroics were the worst thing in TBC? How about flying mounts?
t. pvp or pve babby
imagine not being a pvw (player vs world) lord that can do everything
Wanna be friends user?
Spoken like a true virgin
its /g/entooman to you faggot
>stone guard who cleared MC and ganked lower levels larps as a pro
>female shaming tactics
Back you go tranny
what tourney
>flying mounts
>"no fun" items nerfed
>muh esport Arena
t. raidlogging scum
go queue for your arenas you fucking loser wagie lmao we all know you only have time for a few before you have to go sleep so you can wake up for work in the morning
female is a sex, not a gender
dont give them an inch
>seething pver turned off PVP after a full xpac of getting farmed by SL locks and warriors detected
stay casual dear
sorry i only play actual mmos and not your shitty 2 lane instanced zoomer dogshit games
>comes into threads of games he doesn't play
>most likely plays weebshit final fantasy
the absolute state of you lad, pathetic
>comes into threads of games he doesn't play
no one in this thread is playing classic wow because it isnt even out yet lmao
cope harder and throw some more shit at the wall
go to school
>implying were not playing retrowow, kronos, elysium or lightshope
nigger rigged private servers are not the same game as classic wow
fuck your corrupt thirdie shithole jank servers
nost was good until chinks
>dont give them an inch
as if u could lmfao
Why has this thread turned so uncomfortable?
The Perfect WoW
>vanilla + northrend zones
>tbc classes/specs/abilities
>draenei and ogres are added(no faggy belves)
>tbc talent trees
>death knight added because it should've been introduced during naxx
>death knights start at level 1
>keep shaman horde only, paladin alliance only
>no dungeon finder, no raid finder, no buying armor with dropped/dungeon currency
>original pvp system that requires rank to purchase pvp gear
>gold kept at minimum to encourage grinding and a healthy community
>no faggy arena
>tbc armor values
>level cap kept to 60
>ulduar and icc the only two raids from northrend
>final raid is ICC with heroes taking down arthas to save azeroth
>no faggy flying mounts
>no crz, layering or whatever gay shit they added to connect servers
>the only people you see in battlegrounds are people from your own server
>raid size kept at 40 for all raids(40 of you niggas have to take down arthas and yogg)
>streaming officially banned and blizzard will deactivate the account of anyone caught streaming
because its full of blizzdrones
>nigger rigged private servers are not the same game as classic wow
Yes, genius we know. That doesnt mean its not almost the same and a place to kill time for classic.
>tbc classes/specs/abilities
Stopped reading there.
i was merely refuting the retards autistic screeching with simple word play
but yes you're a dumb faggot for even risking burn out on a nigger rigged jank
>it's another 'the expansion i first started playing wow on was the best expansion' episode
Truly Druids are the big brain class in vanilla
>but yes you're a dumb faggot for even risking burn out on a nigger rigged jank
Yes, playing casually on retro wow will burn me out. Why are you so angry?
>playing wow casually in any capacity
nevre gonna make it
it's weird to me when people say druids can't tank. when soda and his friends were doing sm, he literally pulled threat just from having thorns up. he stood there and they couldn't pull off until he dropped thorns.
I had 3 60s in vanilla wow. I have a 60 on Kronos 3 and Elysium. Please stop being so angry and contrarian.
i bet you had sub 50 days /played on all of them put together lmao
My 60 on Elsium is 40 days. My 60 on Kronos 30 days.
no one ever said druids cant tank 5 mans
druids however can only tank CERTAIN raid bosses when overgeared on a dying server with stagnant content
Success breeds jealousy.
exposed yourself
so easy
pathetic casual numbers
Druids are fine for 5 mans, but in raiding a warrior is superior. Warrior has the option to go mitigation for progression and threat for speedrunning, druid only has threat. They're great off tanks and help the warrior tanks get geared up faster by soaking feral loot, but they're just the worse option as a main tank.
fag. go play cata
>casual numbers
And yet enough for full t2 on my hunter and rank 11 on my Kronos rogue.
Yes you do
>dude tbc killed world pvp
How to spot somebody who never played tbc.
he's so gross
wow full t2 on your huntard congrats little man
>How to spot somebody who never played tbc.
I played TBC and world pvp existed in the sense that youd see someone killing a mob, so youd swoop in with your epic flying mount, kill him, then fly off again.
Thats not world pvp btw.
the only thing tbc got was nagrand
>pulling kazzak and doomwalker to sattrath was ruined
fucking battlemasters killed world pvp but lets pretend it never happened
Thanks bro. How many days do you have on your fully T3 geared character?
too much to post about in this shithole
I wont be playing it but I wonder how the dynamic will have changed over the years.
I fear everyone who had played vanilla is just going to minmax, even retail players would minmax because that's all their peabrains know is icyveins and parsing on mythic+ :DD
Shit, I remember seeking a dwarf in judgement armor before they updated it and went "holy shit this guy is a god". Same with a young undead me seeing a level 60 Dwarf warrior in full valor
Thats a shame. I was hoping youd teach me T2 scrub how its done.
Sure you did, wrathbaby.
I’m getting really tired of seeing this thread every day
90%+ of zoomers/retailfags wont make it to lvl 40
the remaining 10 percent wont make it past ony attunement
>flight form
>Dude World PvP is alive and kicking
Simply put, it's fun. BfA is more balanced, has way more content, more classes, more things to do, more challenging content, and yet it's just not fun. People just don't want to play BfA despite what should be its obvious advantages, because it's not actually fun.
I think people are underestimating what min/maxing in vanilla entails. Sure, youre gonna see alot of dwarf priests and human rogues, but that doesnt mean these people will get (literally) full bis in every slot.
Lets assume alot of min/maxers will go rogue and warrior. Every single one of them will want Ironfoe, or Dalrends, and even Felstriker.
Now imagine the amount of time required to farm these things. My point is that you can min/max your character selection and try hard about everything, but that doesnt mean youll actually be top 1% of players, since youll never get the BIS gear that profits from said min/maxing.
Thats why vanilla wow is so great. Sure, you can try to be the best, but you wont if youre not dedicated and a tiny bit lucky with drops and rolls.
>shadowmelt in combat
Wrathbabs are cute.
I played closed EU beta of vanilla wow back in december 2004. TBC is garbage. and I quit WoW 2 weeks into Wotlk
I was a big supporter of druid raiding tanking based on private server info, but the latest news that raid bosses have a 14% parry chance and 6.5 dodge is fucking brutal on bear tanks. No wonder no-one used them back in vanilla, it wasn't that people hadn't figured it out, it was that you straight up couldn't do it.
How is that different from shadowmelding and mounting up? If you're far enough away to mount up without getting interrupted then you're already far enough away to just leave on a ground mount.
honestly i wouldnt even recommend grinding t3 content unless you're a caster
by the time you get that might of menethil/kingsfall/whatever the servers gonna be dead as fuck and there's very sparing use for it
>Thats why vanilla wow is so great. Sure, you can try to be the best, but you wont if youre not dedicated and a tiny bit lucky with drops and rolls.
This LITERALLY describes the legendary system in Legion, yet you zoomers also cried about that.
I was being facetious you utter cretin.
>tfw blonde but get a ginger beard
and this is why I never let it grow longer than stuble, ginger beards are fucking disgusting.
I stopped playing wow in Wotlk and Im 32. But thanks for making me feel young kid.
Also I highly doubt what you write is true.
i know i just thought you deserved a (You) :)
>I stopped playing wow
>I highly doubt what you write is true
How would you know? Don't tell me you get all of your video game related information from Yea Forums or imaginary narratives you create in your mind?
I played it already
Guys.. remember?
The Horde have no idea what's coming for them
>playing ascension wildcard servers until classic comes out
>build up a warrior/shaman tank w/ cone of cold for close range AoE
>sinister strike, defensive stance, pally taunt, sb, earth shock & some nice buffs
No, Im merely suggesting that the likelyhood of vanilla wow gameplay being similar to expasion 25 gameplay, might be quite low.
>no item stat progression
>cross-server battlegrounds
>zoomers everywhere
>"influencers" ruining whole servers with their fanbase
>requires me to pay BFA monthly fees to play Classic instead of being a separate entity
Imagine being hyped for the bastardization of a 15 year old game.
The vocal minority is what ruined the strides forward Blizzard made with Legion, and led us to the shitshow that is BfA.
These are the people who cried for a system so that finding groups for dungeons was more convenient, then we got LFD.
These are the people who cried for a way to raid "more casually, without having to be a virgin NEET lmao who has time for that", then we got LFR.
These are the people who cried (EVERY expansion since WoD) for flying, even when Blizzard specifically said the zones weren't built to accommodate flying mounts and that world PVE/PVP is infinitely more engaging and rewarding long-term if you aren't able to fly (they are correct, btw).
These are the people who cry for ways for people to immediately get alts up to raid level in terms of gear with little effort mid-expansion when they decide to switch to the latest flavour-of-the-month class, then we get """"catchup epics"""" on Timeless Isle/Tanaan/Argus/Nazjatar coming in 8.2™.
These are the people who cry about RNG having a say in what loot they attain, in an RPG, and then we get token/currency for main pieces, weapons and trinkets instead of just off-pieces or meme gear.
Blizzard can (even now) make a good game, but they give in to the demands of mount collecting, cheevo hunting, transmog obsessed normies who screech on the WoW/MMO-Champion forums WAY too easily. I am fucking PRAYING they are able to ignore the braindead suggestions that no doubt will start getting traction after Classic release.
>1.12 av is retail av
>cross-server battlegrounds weren't in vamilla
spotted the larping zoomer
Well no, that's not what you were suggesting, but go ahead and move the goalposts if you want, I can't actually be bothered continuing this.
>i wouldnt even recommend grinding t3 content unless you're a caster
not who you're responding to but this is a shitter defeatist attitude. a talented hunter who knows how to kite and keep casters out of their dead zone you can crush clothie casters w/ ease. Frost mages can be tricky if they know when to use their blink to inch in on you, frost nova you and your pet and already gg you; but a good hunter knows how to use traps and maintain distance effectively to avoid this. Especially if you know how to manage your pet, rotation, and all utility available.
It's true hunters are usually dumb as shit and it's a piss ez class to lvl to 60 solo but in PvP they have a high skill ceiling unlike rogues where you memorize one stun lock rotation and spam the same 2 abilities in almost every situation.
>vanilla started in 1.12
neck yourself retard
First it was "but this isn't like vanilla" and now it's "1.12 ruined the game".
Im considering trying it out with a few friends, We're all burned by the game for played like hardcore no life retards since launch (over 365 days played on my /played. What a shame) and quiting after clearing Cata's first tier content.
Its probably all nostalgia and we'll end up quiting shortly after, but we want to see how things will turn up.
I dont really care about this "Fuck classic, TBC was the peak of this game" bullshit, as I dont really miss the game itself, I miss the friends I've made and all the fun we had all those years. I hope to find some of them again in classic. Its sad to see to log on bnet and see "XXXX last seen 8 years ago"
>>death knight added
Immediately stopped there. Just fucking no
AV wasn't like this during most of vanilla so your strawman isn't working brainlet.
x server bgs were for 2 weeks at the very end
>Well no, that's not what you were suggesting, but go ahead and move the goalposts if you want, I can't actually be bothered continuing this.
Bye then kid.
>retail av started at 1.12
it didn't
I literally just got done cleansing, but this makes me want to clean again. DISGUSTING.
>"I know that everybody SAYS my class isn't competitive, but in Vanilla nobody pushed my class to the limit like I will. I'm a pretty big deal in Mythic raiding, you know."
Retail zoomers are in for a shock. Hope you are prepared to play support.
Who are you quoting?
Because calories in-----calories out.
It's just basic human biology. The guy sits at his PC all day streaming WoW. He doesn't eat that much probably, it's all just junk food. You could make a hambeast of a person lose weight while they eat Micky Ds and Taco Bell each day, as long as they eat less than they use. Though that's unhealthy as fuck, and very ill advised, it's easily done.
>all these faggots that say they hate streamers yet know exactly what they’re doing at all times
You need to fucking kill yourselves. The only time you should give a fuck is when servers are announced so you can avoid them. But the lady doth protest too much if half the posts in the thread are about “Wow I hate streamers, oh did you see what that streamer did?”
Fucking kill yourselves, if you’re that desperate for a fucking human connection go outside, fucking retards have sex.
Watching the ret and balance community in particular make the switch to Classic is going to be amusing as all fuck. They are full of some of the most egotistical, proud and self-righteous people on the internet and they are going to have to get used to playing a purely backup role in PVE, despite how good they believe they are.
Also shadow priests, since they are a major flavor of the month in retail at the moment.
That was literally welfare legendaries. As in, you could get a legendary at level 98 by opening some random crate. There was no dedication involved, just pure luck.
Ironically the advertisements that they are using through streamers burned me out and made me lose interest in the game.
>tfw prot warrior chad
>tfw not going to invite a SINGLE fury warrior or meme spec into ANY of my prebis dungeon runs or ANY of my MC/Ony/ZG/BWL pugs
I think I’m gonna make a compilation of all the angry messages I get from assmad rets and boomkin
private server gremlins really think that warrior damage is correct?
>not inviting the best dps spec in the game to your groups
School Jannie here, i'll probably have more time playing at night and shit than you poor teacherfags, but i feel you. One whole Summer of fucking nothing and then school starts and Classic comes out. Classic Summer my fucking ass
No, the ""welfare legendaries"" came much later in the expansion in the form of being able to purchase any particular legendary you wanted for a new currency, after people like you complained that you didn't have your 2 BiS legendaries after a month of raidlogging and doing 1-2 mythic/+ dungeons per week.
At the top end, almost everyone was able to grind out decent legendaries in the first tier by actually doing content outside of their designated raid times. Even those few unlucky top players who didn't get their 2 absolute BiS legendaries for EN still were able to perform in the top 1-2% with what they had (unless you were an unholy DK).
It was entirely shitters and mid-tier raiders such as yourself that put forward the false idea that you couldn't be competitive without good legendary RNG.
>best DPS spec in the game
>not actually good until BWL/AQ40 gear is out
The entire point of warrior is that they’re supposed to scale better than all the other classes. Why would I bring any fury fucking shits while they’re at the absolute floor gear-wise? Also, I would just run the risk of having them roll on my tank gear because “need for OS haha ;)”
>nooooo why don't you get one shot by my ambushes I farmed bg for 400 hours non top I'm supposed to be better!!!!!!11
As someone who is going to play enhancement shaman and is guaranteed a raid spot (for my WF totem, I know) with a group of friends, I am actually pretty happy with true hybrid/support roles coming back with Classic.
Support literally doesn't exist in retail the only genuine hybrid would be disc priests (which are still 95% healer).
Fury is shit DPS.
Private server babby
Return to chinkdale
Is 2h Fury viable in pve?
>Is Fury viable in pve?
It's hard to be excited about you have to wait 3 months and watch others to play for said 3 months
The game itself suffers from few bugs and that's it, they could've easily released the game today and postponed raids if they thought they needed tweaking
Instead we got told we'd get it "summer" and nowhere in the world is it actually summer release
I was really hyped early this year, all up to the actual release announcement and watching retard shits like asmongold play the game only as shown how little i've grown to care about the actual game considering the ethics of the company today (Charging 15 year old game, lying about release, letting retards on twitch play it, banning people for griefing some e-celeb tournament.. etc)
they're still the best single target DPS spec in the game going into MC with flurry axe and edgemaster's memeguards as an orc
Man, I almost want them to make you go to the entrances of BGs to queue for them. Sure, now you have 30 minute queues so you kinda have to go do something else like farm for materials while you wait, but once BGs get introduced in the live game, with cross-server, queues are going to be fucking instant and we're just going to have people in the city doing the PvP version of LFD
Because WoW hasn't been relevant for at least 10 years. Personally, I can't find the appeal in MMOs, but that's another story.
The good fury warriors will find a way to get in
The weasels will die off
Darwinist theory was prevalent in the wow community for a reason
>they're still the best single target DPS spec in the game going into MC with flurry axe and edgemaster's memeguards as an orc
>he thinks going over 8 weapon skill will do anything on a non-chink server
>best single target
>without DFT
>without onslaught girdle
>without chromatic boots
>without OTP
come on now, everyone knows warriors are out DPSed by rogues and mages until mid-late BWL
Imagine, if you will, a server where you have to prove that you're over 30 to be allowed to create a character on.
So a server that is completely dead save for 4 hours a day?
You underestimate the amount of NEETs on social security/disability fraud over 30 who populate vanilla pservers, but I'd rather deal with them than with streamers in their 20s and streamer fans in their teens.
You should talk to somebody about this man. It's not healthy. There's like 10 streamers with any following out there. Just avoid those servers. They're probably only going to populate like 3
ok boys, report in. what kind of server, which faction, what race and class will you be playing
>confusing reason with purpose
>implying humanity has a "purpose"
>Prot Warrior
I like orc more but I can’t pass up +5% total HP as a tank
nigga, it's you who'se confusing shit, you fedora tipping maggot. there is no reason behind the existance of any species or individual organisms, but the purpose of any memeber of any species is to survive and reproduce
But I am
>I like orc more but I can’t pass up +5% total HP as a tank
Then you'll be happy to hear that the poopsocker meta is actually to be an Orc tank for higher threat, especially since Horde doesn't get Blessing of Salvation like Alliance does.
Jesus Christ
>not wanting to play vanilla in the dead of a Midwestern American blizzard while getting drunk and making delicious stew.
It's almost like you are a homosexual
No, troll tank is 100% poopsocker meta, since faster autos means more heroic strikes, which beats out the threat gain you get from weaponskill
Come at me, rogue gankers
You're right, but between Tauren and Orc only for PvE, Orc wins, and guy wants to be an Orc (but was willing to play Tauren anyway)
He should follow his heart and play Orc.
>he will not be playing vanilla in 4:3 and locked to 20 fps
why even bother?
don't forget that edgy mohawk haircut
>Guys Trollgodx got banned
this post brought to you by:
>night elf
>white hair
*teleports behind you*
Pssh, nuthin personal kid.
*eats corpse.
he looks deformed, normally you don't want to associate with cripples - hence why I'm out of this place, bye.
I played Vanilla when it was new. I had a lot of great experiences and some damn fine memories, but I know that Classic won't be the same.
>tfw everyone in Barrens Chat is getting banned.
Vanilla WoW saves them as shitty low res TGA files, I don't know if I can change it.
BFA is the pinnacle of streamlining a game to death.
It saves them in your game resolution. I have 1440p screenshots from Vanilla client.
>Goes to Gurabashi Arena
>Chest spawns
>Someone beats him to it
>Accuses them of ninjaing
>Duels them
>Says someone else helped them when he got destroyed
>horde class poll
>alliance class poll
The everlasting cycle repeats itself yet again in a continuing downward spiral
>MoP is announced
>everyone was HYPED, weren't you, pal?
>had saving graces here and there, yet it's inconclusive if people liked it or didn't
>WoD is announced
>everyone was HYPED, weren't you, BOI?!
>turns out its awful shit, half finished, horrible story, lack of content etc.
>Legion was announced
>everyone is HYPED, weren't you, CHAMP?!
>turns out it's grindy as fuck with built in treadmills everywhere to keep you occupied
>BfA is announced
>everyone is HYPED, weren't you, POGCHAMP?!
>turns out it's atrocious all around with no saving grace, slot machine loot, boring gameplay
>Classic is announced
>everyone is HYPED, aren't you?!
It aged terribly.
>new game release vs re-release an old game
you're right user it's literally the same exact thing
A shame MoP was the last xpac that exceeded expectation. 7 years and still haven't topped it.
I can see your sarcasm, but I'll counter anyway.
Please tell me how this hype about Classic is different than the hype for a new expansion, considering that to many who will play it it will be basically a totally different game from what they're used to. Neither everyone of them has played on private servers nor are those 100% accurate to what Vanilla truly was like iirc.
It will be a new game to many, just like an expansion, quit being so delusional.
You can see signs of this with streamers who from what I've heard are terrible at playing Classic but are decent on retail, even if those streamers claim they were playing Vanilla back in the days.
there are hourly threads about it, people here seem pretty excited.
>no cc
>high miss %
>lvl63 mobs 14% parry table
>no threat reduction skill
>probably just a thrashblade and a fucking greed dagger offhand
Yeah no. If youre a try-hard you can make any spec work, if your friends/guild will carry your ass. The truth is that fury warriors in pre-raid-phase are selfish and as useful as a ret pala.
The tank guy who posted he wont take any with him is right. Unless you tank your own 5-mans, there is no place in a scholo/strat/lbrs group for a fury warrior. He brings NOTHING to the table.
Everyone talks about lights hope, should i try? I never played wow classic and im sure ain't going to pay for a game and sub like a sheep, im coming from ffxiv but i played everquest 2 and ffxi and FUCK ton of runescape back in the game, is there skilling in wow? like fishing cooking etc
You' have to be a complete retard to let other warriors in your 5man groups or any kind of hybrid into any kind of group/raid, but no letting furies in your raids will be an imbecilic move since 1. they don't compete with tanks for gear 2. they're among the top dps 3. you need like 30 dps for a 40man raid, how will you fill your raid up, 2 hunters 1 warlock 14 mages 13 rogues?
Sorry, I meant not inviting furies to dungeon groups, and not inviting meme specs to both dungeon groups and raids. Clearly furies are still needed for raids, but they bring absolutely nothing to the table in a dungeon group.
I'd be posting about my hype but I got into the classic beta.
No mobile port, it'd be ideal, honestly
They need to hurry up and add videogame addiction as an illness so I can get my autismbux and play carefree again.
a classic wow player
get fucked white boy
>week later after launch
reeeeeee why mobs kill me reeeeeeee i want retail
How well can Furies tank 5mans like UBRS, Strat, etc etc? Obviously in their tank set and with a shield ofc.
>Kiting a warrior to death in WSG
>Frost nova
>Catch a low HP rogue out of stealth
>Kill them both with my huge CoC
Why is cone of cold the greatest spell in classic?
100% perfectly fine
because theres a containment thread
and a containment board
>Couldn't contain the urge
>Tried a instant 60 donator server
>Got PTSD from being constantly rekt by warriors with that overpowered mace that drops from Kel'Thuzad
At least sps are godlike in pvp
>falling for bait this simple
A lot of people think SP sucks for some reason, SP is god tier and easily destroys most classes 1v1
No, it should be more
>He got banned
God is real confirmed
Ah..well, what's the problem then? Im going Warrior in Classic and plan om Tanking 5mans/offtank in raids and eventually fully transition to Fury DPS Warrior.
I can only play a little bit of CS 1.6, and dream about WoW Classic. I'm a total boomer
His eye brow are very low and close to his eyes. Thats why he looks so weird
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
How do trick my guild to let me raid as arms so I can pvp with the same spec?
Fury isn't good until after bwl?
This way fury warriors and rogues get geared faster?
Become a nightfal bot?
>Guys Trollgodx got banned
I've read online that he didn't even get banned, just had his layer changed so he wasn't harassing the people anymore
This is true, people just like to overreact
Hopefully there's another huge moon in crypto so i can pay off my house and retire so i can focus on vanilla pvp. Ideally I'd like to pull a no lifer and play 10 hours a day to become a rank 14 warlord and maintain it.
>Roll a warrior on a private server
>Tactical mastery doesn't work
>Imp execute doesn't work
>Flurry does nothing
>Lore breaking cashshop npcs in the capital entrance
Private servers truly offer the vanilla experience
Better than prot. Coz high tps.
Go fury pvp
C'mon we are on Yea Forums can we stop pretending that we have "lives" to go back to
Coz those retards want to dps instead of tanking on only tanking spec in a game.
Will this give me the feelings this game gave me 12 years ago?
only people who are going to make a shitload of money streaming and/or are legit mentally retarded could be "hype" for classic
I don't know, private servers are pretty fun even with fucking awful ping.
This is how the Nazis started
>When the trolls got banished to another layer I did not speak up because I was not a troll...
He was harassing people for 5 hours and just got moved to a different layer.
>Reminder that classic will be ruled with an iron fist, the streamers will be a protected elite who have infinite wealth and power on the server, and if you gank them you will get thousands of reports and be blacklisted by the players.
good thing im an eurochad
>Europeans don't have streamers
...But you do?
I never got the chance to seriously raid as a warrior since I rolled on a dead server so my main will be warrior.
What should I level as an alt? This character probably won't get past level 40-50
I'm torn between druid/mage/warlock.
Druid should be pretty easy to level and can farm stranglekelp faster than anyone so he should be a decent money maker even at low level plus he can heal and tank dungeons so easy groups but druids boring as fuck.
Mage/Warlock would be a better change of pace, they can do cool shit like portals+food and summoning but cloth gear is super contested
What are you rolling Yea Forums?
Druid isn't boring as fuck.
>original pvp system that requires rank to purchase pvp gear
you never played vanilla
>Stabs everyone
>Does all teh damage
>Can't even see him, fuck
>He's behind me isn't he?
>I'm too scared to sit and eat
He did nothing wrong, streamer events should be ruined at every opportunity.
Druid leveling is pretty terrible senpai
>He did nothing wrong
And he didn't get punished for it, so what?
This is one of the most retarded arguments ever
>90% Chance to remain in stealth after using sap
enjoy clenching your anus every pull
>When that 10% kicks in
not if i roll on a non english server
I highly doubt there'd be no streamers. Almost every language has streamers
What do you think the other classes are like? It's all about resource preservation.
True, but that statement support what I said since OW is kind of boring too.
If he's banned this will really set a bad precedent
There is no problem. I tanked until prebis on my fury and then applied and got into an mc guild on a pserver. The average warrior is a cowardly cuck too scared to tank for some reason.
They did, they had the largest amount of significant patches out of any expansion to date, those patches often included raid tiers and major content updates. Making dungeoning a linear experience that you have to repeat multiple times over with heroics was a terrible design decision. That being said heroic dungeons sound like an awesome idea, heroic raids on the other hand is a shitty idea.
v is hype, just nothing to talk about except for autistic streamers and class/race combos which Yea Forums limits to alliance only warrior/priest/mage
WoW is more enjoyable when you meet randoms in game and stay as far away from Yea Forums losers as possible
He wasn't banned though from what I can tell. Just moved to a different layer after trolling people for a while
I think heroic dungeons was a nice idea but the token loot system was retarded because it meant you had to farm the same heroics over and over again and that sucked donkeydick.
Playing the beta I'm not anymore. I get just as bored with it as I do with retail.
>just stop
I hope you remember that when you see someone get jumped by a pack of them.
>Druid leveling is pretty terrible senpai
are you kidding? druid are literally fastest levelers in game
But at the same time, deliberately ruining other peoples experience without any reason other than being a retard is dumb.
I did find it hilarious though and Sodapoppin went salty as fuck after losing against Snutz.
>WoW is more enjoyable when you meet randoms in game and stay as far away from Yea Forums losers as possible
True in my experience. Misery loves company and there's lots of miserable freaks here who just want you to be as miserable as they are.
>Dude World PvP is alive and kicking
you can do this with any class in any expansion faggot just pop a disengage and then mount up and ride away, are you retarded?
After level 20. 1-10 is horrible.
good thing that 1-10 is easy as piss for any class and only makes up 16% of your levels in Classic (and really it's less than 16% because of the way XP scales)
Horrible =/= hard. It's just boring and slow.
resto shamans can also put the down the totem np, and if you mean the imp totem talent that shit is pretty minor and not worth carrying deadweight around
Who cares, if your group can't react within the 8 seconds it will take for the mobs to kill you, you deserve to wipe.
Becuase it's still like 3 months? Why would I be hype when it's so far away.
hunter and warlock
90% of the people trying classic are going to quit when all their quest mobs get farmed by chink groups and streamer guilds zerging starting zones and they can't level up. standing around waiting for mobs to respawn just for some pug warlock/mage group to steal all the mobs is hella exciting, especially for the zoomer audience that's going to try classic. and you know these kids are all going to be playing solo, everyone of them has anxiety and will be too afraid to invite people to a pug. can't wait for this shit to be DoA
It's funny cause I plan to play the same way but instead of being a non GED lacking brainlet I'm a Harvard privileged kid with a rich family.
It's weird to have common ground with such scum.
This is what vanilla players think when world pvp is mentoned
TBC players on the other hand call random ganking world pvp.
Ah i see.
Then my choice will stand. I wonder why you'd roll a Warrior to only DPS anyway. Just make a Rogue? Then you can DW DPS to your heart's content.
I've been told it's ok as horde since wind fury totem is just that strong but I'm not sure
Oh you poor boy, rich but not smart so you couldn't go to MIT. A shame bro. Poor brainlet with no intellect.
Wrong. He got his BETA ACCESS revoked. Im sure you can corpse camp a streamer without problem. Just like all these zoomer e-celebrities have been in the beta.
This guy got his beta access revoked, because he disrupted a tournament of 100s of people FOR HOURS.
Also, here in Europe we luckily dont have a streamer problem.
1-20 really isn't that slow for any class, the beginning zones are the *most* optimized of any area in Vanilla even though they're worse in terms of optimization than the new TBC and Cata starting areas.
Like seriously a dull 1-20 experience is a small price to pay when you're going to blow past every other class from 20-60 by a mile
Should i play astrologian or scholar?
Good thing your family is rich, since Harvard isnt a quality education anymore.
Everything I've read online says he wasn't banned.
In fact I have proof right here
hunter is probs 2nd or 3rd fastest & warlock is up there too but besides their free* mount have poor mobility
Again, he didnt get banned. He lost his beta invite.
The pvp tournament is the anthesis of hype. I forgot how stale and mundane the pvp is.
>oh man, did he just fear him and drink water? woah!!
>oh no! sheeped!
>oh no! he got frozen in place!
>oh no!
No, he didn't. He just got moved to another layer.
Nice proof.
Wasnt that tournament cross-faction? Cross faction coperation is forbidden by ToS.
Yeah, he got put in a different layer during the tournament, then he lost his beta access.
>Posts proof
>Heh nice prof bro, also I don't need proof he was just banned believe me
>Cross faction coperation is forbidden by ToS.
Wait, seriously?
That particular tournament was horde only with Alliance audience. Next week will be Alliance only with horde Audience. I have no idea if the horde winner will face the alliance winner.
It wasnt cross faction. It was all Horde. The guy griefing erased his alliance character and created a Tauren. Then he ran around the tournament for HOURS. They even moved the venue to avoid him (lvl 1) and he showed up again. Then after HOURS the GM showed up and removed him.
I meant nice proof as
>Whoops. Something went wrong.
>We could not find that clip
>watching tips pov
>Guys, its good thing I'm a European, there aren't going to be any streamers on our serve-
>ROIT, this is BongoloidTheWittyBrit coming to you live from twitch, this game is LIT-TREE so much harder than BFA!! So keep feeding me those pounds so I can get my epic gigi rollingham-"
>Spend 1hour making a group for UBRS
>waste half an hour getting everyone there
>turns out nobody has the key
>HS back to orgrimmar and look for someone with the key
>pay 10gold and summon the guy thank god we have a warlock
>wipe 3 times on rend since the tanks are a couple mouthbreathers and can't handle shit
>everyone leaves the group
Can't wait
Just get the key yourself.
I'm playing a warrior and my bro will go priest, should I roll dwarf or gnome?
Gnome would help us vs mages and druids but he can dispell roots off me while dwarfs stoneform would only help vs rogues blind and cripling poison.
>tfw I am a girl gamer on twitch
>tfw being hunted
Try it kiddo.
Name a single EU streamer.
>The guy griefing erased his alliance character and created a Tauren.
being stuck at 30 is so fucking boring
>have 4 good player friends with predetermined roles
>do 10 LBRS runs
>get key on the most active of your friends
Problem solved
fuck off Jammku
Rofl. Nice try.
Id personally go dwarf. Your priest buddy should be able to dispel the nova/sheep. If he gets sheeped, youre fucked either way.
If your IQ is low it isn't fault of the game.
people back in classic were literally retarded, this shit has all been solved for ages now, vanilla isn't hard. you forget how many of the players back then were 30+ year old goobers and fat females
Dunno how new you are but he used to post pics of that girl pretending to be his own girlfriend
>Wiping in UBRS
I know who Jammku is and I know he fucked a lot of cunts over the years.
DESU that mlg chick is like a 4/10 anyone could fuck her if they tried.
If they don't raise the lvl cap soon it's gonna be a snorefest
Not him, but you guys do realize that in classic you remain in combat throughout the entire Rend-event right? Its not like on private servers where you get to drink after every pack.
Where to even begin?
>Re-release of nearly 20 year old game
>Everyone knows everything
>No feeling of adventure anymore
>Private servers have been a thing for over 10 years now
>8391283921 addons and guides already written for Classic
>Plays exactly like a reskinned BFA on beta
Played the fuck out of beta and first thing I thought was "This isn't vanilla..." it feels nothing like it, looks nothing like it, my hype for it was killed the second I logged on.
It was actually exposed he was faking it
Where to even begin?
>Re-release of nearly 20 year old game
>Everyone knows everything
Nope. Everyone THINKS they know everything, because they watched a 5 minute tanking guide based on private server info.
>No feeling of adventure anymore
Thats your fault, not the game's.
>Private servers have been a thing for over 10 years now
>8391283921 addons and guides already written for Classic
Again, based on faulty private server info. Not sure how addons are a bad thing.
>Plays exactly like a reskinned BFA on beta
Not even sure what youre trying to say.
>Played the fuck out of beta and first thing I thought was "This isn't vanilla..." it feels nothing like it, looks nothing like it, my hype for it was killed the second I logged on.
Sounds like you shouldnt be in this thread then and in a thread for the game you want to play.
I dropped WoW for GW2 and never looked back.
Bringing back classic won't emulate the same feel you had when you played it originally, take off your rose tinted glasses.
No he wasn't. He proved it. He even posted pics later of him making porn with two girls on pornhub reguarly in Britbong's Discord.
That bitch just pulled the "we never fucked" card cause she felt shamed but he posted pics of them together.
>Everyone THINKS they know everything
>You think you do but you don't
what dogshit server are you playing on? there's plenty where all of that works fine.
you didn't get into beta larping faggot
Theres a difference between knowing something (understanding something) and having access to information that someone else provided.
The only people excited for classic are underage zoomies who didn't play the original and have a desperate need to prove themselves.
Yes I did, and it feels nothing like vanilla, it's way too easy, there are videos out there showing they toned down classic for new players
Beta is boring as fuuuuuck, best part is I barely even play WoW and my account has only been active for a month and I got invited kek
By failing to prepare you preparing to fail
See ya in 3 months fellow zoomer.
lets see the screencap buddy
no thanks, I played the original.
t. 30 year old boomer
You know, come to think of it, the beta felt really weird compared to vanilla servers, like the gameplay seemed off, it really did feel like just a reskinned version of retail, not a bad thing, but it didn't FEEL like vanilla at all.
Im 32 and Im going back home. See ya in 3 months fellow boomer.
MoP is unironically my favourite expac desu lads, shit was so fun as a Hunter/Warlock player.
Have a classic though
Where's Manrkiks wife guys?
It won't be the same.
You're not a kid anymore.
Damn. This man is right. Call all the 50,000 people playing private servers. They will change their minds once they hear of this news.
Sure thing Jammku
I've been in EVERY single beta, including all the employee ones because I'm that fucking awesome, where's YOUR beta invite, huh cuck?
wtf I hate vanilla now
Sad to think people like this got into the beta and not real gamers.
I can't believe you're trying to prove me wrong by pulling the extremely low, negligible number of 50,000 up.
Vanilla had 8 million subscribers right before the burning crusade released.
What is 0.625% supposed to prove? Don't bother responding "b-b-b-but it's a private server"
Those 8 million were registered accounts, NOST alone had 2 million registered accounts, let's see what those numbers add up to across all the private servers in existence you 40 IQ mongrel?
It's shit, layering like crazy, LOTS of Chinese for some reason, only goes up to level 30, for whatever reason the game feels insanely easy able to take on multiple mobs without coming close to dying
I don't know what it is man, but it feels nothing like actual vanilla.