Are there any other games that perfectly capture the weird "pure video game" feel that Furi has? No additional enemies, no bullshit grinding, no gimmicks, just satisfying 1v1 boss-rush action with extremely unforgiving difficulty.
Are there any other games that perfectly capture the weird "pure video game" feel that Furi has? No additional enemies...
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>Can beat all the other bosses just fine
>The Strap STILL gives me issues all this time later, had to beat my head against a wall for god knows how long to beat it originally
The rest of the game is great but fuck the Strap holy shit.
Metal Gear Revengeance but to a lesser extent
Alien Soldier is a classic
there's more to videogames than pressing a button in reaction to a visual/audio pattern
No additional enemies is supposed to make a game more game than the others? Cringe
any fighting game
I think you just described 99% of video games
Yes, there's hundreds of boss rush games
>had a good point
I was thinking about Dark Souls when I was writing this. You do react to enemies, but you also explore the world, and without this I doin't think I would have liked dark souls if it was just bosses.
Dozens maybe
Yeah believe it or not that's how video games used to be before rpgs and cinematic shit took over, look at any arcade game.
another shitter filtered by the scale lmao
>no gimmicks
The walking sections between bosses are a pretty big gimmick lad.
Other than that, yeah I agree with you. It's one of my favorite action games and deserves far more praise than it gets. Aside from a couple of very specific moments, the battles are perfectly fine-tuned and are always fair to the player; I never once felt that the game was at fault if I died.
Aside from occasional mentions to the soundtrack, NOBODY talks about this game, and it's a big shame. It's one of the best indies of the past few years.
Also I want to FUCK The Beat
I get what your reaching for, but you said it in a way that made all the gatcha game players freak out and out themselves. Ignore the haters. Furi is perfect and we need more difficult games.
>implying The Line isn't the real casual filter
Furi got a lot of threads around release, and plenty a year after release. There's just not much to talk about since it's gameplay oriented and simple so there's not much room to give advice it's literally just about getting gud.
If you think a game like Furi with long walking sections, an emphasis on story and cinematics for every boss is pure I wonder what you'll think of
I wouldn't call the walking sections gimmicks. They are the post fight cooldown when you can sit back in the bliss of having overcome a challenge before the next challenge is put in front of you. The game wouldn't have worked as well if the players had no quiet moments between the fights. Also it was a chance for some pretty good exposition.
That's not Burst
You mean almost every game up to gen 5?
What I mean is that whenever discussion of the game crops up, it's usually about the artstyle or the music.
Which are both godlike of course, but rarely do I see people discussing how expertly-crafted the encounters are which is the game's biggest strength in the end.
There should be a dozen video essays on YouTube dissecting the combat system and bosses by now, but there's nothing. And I find that disappointing.
This game is great.
Imagine a game that's just a game and no bullshit.
Last boss is hard as fuck.
Anyone who used a guide for this should be shot. Robbed yourself of one of the best gaming experiences in recent history.
What is there to look up in a guide?
Like all you have to do is dodge shit and stuff
Matthewmatosis and Joseph Anderson both did reviews of it, the latter being pretty indepth. The game's good but it's not THAT impressive in all honestly, and the combat has a lot of flaws like the shooting being degenerate due to high DPS, how you can skip pie chart phases entirely and a bunch of other things. If you want a game with expertly crafted encounters look at Ys Origin and Ys Felghana, those games are carried pretty much entirely on the strength of their boss designs yet nobody gives enough of a fuck to actually analyze them.
Just about every platformer up to the 5th Gen should satisfy your envy, along with several other genres. The list's practically endless.
This must be what boomers see when they look at regular games
I guess it appealed to me because I don't like menu-ing and keeping track of different things.
>Matthewmatosis and Joseph Anderson both did reviews of it, the latter being pretty indepth.
Yeah, one of them mentioned you can parry while shooting, I had no idea. I asked my friends later and none of them realized that either.
>Come on, give me something memorable! Something that I can learn from, that will make me better!
>Excellence is not an art, it's pure habit. We are what we repeatedly do.
Is there a more kino boss fight?
Akane. But I hate it for the same reasons that I hate Furi.
I actually don't mind the gun DPS that much. It was really cool to learn halfway through my playtime that you could parry while shooting and working that into my playstyle.
Also the melee phase skipping could be chalked up as a reward for the player to be more aggressive. Instead of waiting around for the boss to attack, you can interrupt them with good timing and gain an advantage.
In addition to Nex Machina check out Shock Troopers, Red Star (ps2), Cannon Spike (dreamcast), Neo Contra and maybe the classic boss rush games like Hard Corps, Shattered Soldier, Alien Soldier and Gunstar Heroes
Nah they should’ve been skipped by the second playthrough shaddup
any good ones on ps1/snes?
titan souls
this was good but the old man was my favorite personally
>extreme and inforgiving
the telegraph for the parry is the same across all bosses and you dont have to stop shooting to parry
nigger what?
Not many, for PS1 Gunner's Heaven comes to mind, SNES has Contra 3
hmmm how did i not think of that?
Wait, they're not skippable on subsequent playthroughs? That's fucking lame. I can understand them being unskippable for your first playthrough, but there's no reason to force players to these slow walking scenes. That shit just hurts replayability. You're always just checking your cellphone while waiting for the scene to end.
>No additional enemies
How the fuck is this a positive?
To be fair, parrying while shooting isn't something the game tells you about and a new player might not learn about it, especially in the default control scheme where it's awkward to pull it off smoothly.
Though the game is very far from unforgiving. The way the lives work is actually quite easy on the player.
And of course there's promenade mode.
Just play any snes game
To be fair, a lot of the dialogue gains new interpretations on repeated playthroughs, so it's worth suffering through them anyway.
Also there's a speedrun mode that skips all of the walking sections and just takes you through the bosses one after another. So unless you're going for specific achievements or endings related to the story, you can just stick to speedrun mode.
Skipping phases was intended. Why the fuck would anybody complain about something that gives the player more power if he's good, that's the goddamn point.
>A master of time so they say
Well that's good to know. I played through the game once back on launch, so if I ever replay it again, I can just go to the speedrun mode so that I don't have to deal with the cutscenes.
Good for them for including that. I wish games like NuGod of War and Max Payne 3 had similar options.
tyvm fren
Except it's not "if he's good", skipping phases requires less skill and is easier than dodging them, which is retarded. Skipping phases like that should require some difficult execution at least, but it's just handed to you on a silver platter, as soon as you figure it out, the entire part of the gameplay becomes a joke without you needing to practice it or anything. Same with shooting, instead of requiring you to space yourself and look for melee openings for more damage, maybe using charged attacks and what, you just stand and hold down the shoot button and get rewarded for it. Degenerate strategies.
>space yourself and look for melee openings for more damage, maybe using charged attacks and what
You know you can still play the game that way if you want, right? Just because one strategy dominates in terms of speed-kills doesn't mean you can't enjoy different strategies.
I have a friend who's playing through Furier mode relying a ton on charged Melee strikes and dodges, and he's having a good time anyway.
Just because you can stop using an obvious degenerate strategy as a self imposed challenge doesn't mean it's not bad design to have such a strategy in the game. Besides it's encouraged by the game with the rankings which take time and damage taken into consideration, encouraging killing shit quickly and not taking unnecessary risks.
Sure if you want to be competitive and try to get the best rankings then you're gonna be shooting a lot. But even then you can choose to not partake in that and enjoy the other aspects of the game. You don't have to be q speedrunner to get enjoyment out of Furi.
Also I think you're giving too much credit to the complexity of melee in the ranged segments of battles. Parrying 3 attacks and then hitting the attack button 4 times in retaliation isn't so massive a gap in terms of player execution. Especially if you're new to twin-stick shooting and might find it hard to keep your aim on-point throughout the whole fight in order to maximize DPS.
The problem with shooting isn't that it's easier than melee, it's that it lets you skip boss phases that would be more tricky to deal with otherwise because of how huge the DPS is, just lowering the per shot damage would fix a lot and make it just an alternative for regular melee. The problem with skipping the pie chart segments is that it's much easier than dealing with them, significantly so, you don't even have to learn the sequence of attacks or pay attention, you can just attack the enemy and force them to skip to the attack that you can counter. There's very little reason to not skip them.
How the fuck do you skip phases?
I never deliberately skipped the pie chart segments because I found that doing so made the bosses' patterns during those segments far less predictable, and I didn't have the necessary reactions to always avoid whatever attack they threw out next. When I was going for S-ranks on all bosses in Furier and couldn't afford many mistakes, ensuring the bosses' patterns remained predictable was key for my success.
I'll agree that if you're good enough (better than I am) then it might make combat too simple, but I'm not really sure how you would go about fixing the exploit. Making the bosses arbitrarly become invincible or otherwise not react to attacks during certain attacks would only lead to frustration IMO.
If the boss is charging an AoE attack during the melee phases, you can strike them real quick to make them cancel it and retaliate with a strike that can be parried and capitalized on.
Attack bosses during their wind up when youre dodging their pie chart attacks to make them skip to the next attack. Do enough damage by constantly shooting to go to their next big phase to avoid dealing with later attacks of phases.
Hyperarmor during windup makes sense, and some bosses like the tutorial one already get invincibility during pie chart phases anyway
Also you suggest that gun DPS being too high let's you "skip" phases, but I completely disagree.
All of the boss "phases" are strictly tied to the amount of HP pools they have left, which are impossible to "skip" in their entirety. When you say "skipping phases" you simply mean that the higher DPS means that the boss has less time to put out attacks, henceforth making the fight easier.
But I don't see the problem with that. Every video game combat system in existence revolves around maximizing damage and minimizing incoming damage, and Furi is no different. If gun DPS was nerfed then you would just wind up with another equally degenerative strategy. The entire point of Furi is that your controls and toolkit is relatively simple. The game is actually quite easy-going in terms of execution, so having melee be stronger than the gun wouldn't really make the game more or less engaging if complexity of combat is what you're seeking.
You are wrong. Video games only excel at gameplay. They are not very good at anything else.
Hell the REASON Dark Souls is so highly regarded is because it understands this. It doesn't try to tell you a story, it contains a story, but it doesn't try to tell you it. You can play through the entire game without knowing shit about anything and everything will be fine.
Well bosses have phases within those blocks, attack sequences and such. Outputting a lot of damage to skip attacks isn't inherently a problem, it's a problem in Furi specifically, because it's too easy to do and doesn't require you to vary up your combat tactics. Someone who knows about this will do much, much better at the game than someone who doesn't with less effort put into it which isn't good for an action game. Usually to do a lot of damage you need to take advantage of every opening, manipulate boss AI, change up your attacks, and so on. In Furi it's just too simple, you're always shooting, the melee and charged attacks become extremely situational, and because of parrying and dodge iframes it doesn't quite have the depth that, say, Nex Machina would have when it comes to movement.
I think you're over-exaggerating how simple the shooting is. You still have to dodge AoEs, shockwaves and un-reflectable bullets. Positioning is still an important part of the game and it's not like one finger on the shoot button and one on the parry button completely trivializes everything. And like I said earlier, your aim still has to be fairly precise for it to be a true DPS increase, especially on Furier where many bosses are much more mobile when attacking.
You're asking for more complexity in regards to player execution but that's really not the point of the game. Like I said, you have a very simple toolkit. Furi is not Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden and it's not meant to be. Nerfing the gun really isn't going to make the game that much more complex in terms of execution. It seems to me like you want the game to be something that it isn't.
Plus, nerfing the gun would make fights that are centered on its use (The Line and The Song) take longer than necessary. If it REALLY needed to be well-balanced, then I would suggest something like making the gun stop firing for a split second when parrying.
>unreflectable bullets
I meant to say "bullets that can't be shot down"
Literal brainlet
The excellence of the story comes from how it interacts with gameplay. You have to actively seek it out and put it together yourself. The story is as interactive as anything else. Yeah, you can ignore it, but you're missing out on significant thematic elements that are backed up by the game meghanics. You have no idea what you're talking about and using an awful vehicle for it lmao.
I like how everyone focuses on the gameplay and just lets it quietly sit that the story is actually really well-executed and built well for the premise
>I think you're over-exaggerating how simple the shooting is. You still have to dodge AoEs, shockwaves and un-reflectable bullets.
You have to do that either way, except with melee you don't get the opportunity to damage bosses, with shooting you do. You work less for better results, you know? Aim doesn't have to be that precise, the game has pretty decent auto aim iirc and most of the bosses have pauses standing around even on Furier. I'm not asking for more complexity either I'm simply asking for the shot damage to be nerfed so that when you can attack them with melee it's always better go for it, damage-wise along with the pause in shooting when parrying you're suggesting. It wouldn't hurt The Line or The Song because the things that are really balanced around guns are the mirrors/pillars they spawn, which can either take the same amount of damage they do right now, or have less HP to compensate. Might give more reason to use the charged shot too.
The ost in this game is god-tier
>get given the exact life advice you need in the clearest way possible by a game
>still be shit at life
The game doesn't have auto-aim. The hitboxes are pretty forgiving but you do still need to aim.
And yeah, of course you want to be shooting when the bosses are attacking at a range. The game is half-twinstick shooter/bullet hell after all, and during the ranged segments of the fights you should always be shooting anyway just like you would in those respective genres.
Also the Song is absolutely balanced around using the gun. Most of the time she's attacking from off the platform and can't even be reached by Melee attacks.
this boss was my favourite my first playthrough, but he became a pushover on my subsequent playthroughs.
although I never tried him in furier mode, last stage of that sniper bitch one shots you and made me Ree quit furier.
I still haven't beaten it. How do I get gud enough to beat the AI grill in space? That boss is really fucking hard to me.
The Song is a good example actually, you're shooting her when she's out of the main platform yes, but you'll also be shooting her when she's on the platform instead of closing in and attacking her melee which is risky and should be rewarding, and you'll even be shooting her when she's right next to you. Melee pretty much becomes irrelevant because of the damage your guns do, and even charged shots are useless outside of the edge case situations where you know you're about to dodge. With so few tools you'd expect to be constantly switching between them based on boss proximity and situation but that's not the case. Even pure bullet hell shooters incentivize risky play by making damage proximity based because things like an on screen shot limit, so hanging back gives you less DPS than playing aggressively. For a game with melee mechanics to not do this is a pretty big failure in my opinion.
Use the charged shot (the fuckoff huge laser) instead of normal shots.
There are situations where Melee is still useful. For one, it clears up all bullets on screen if you land a charged strike and do the finisher animation, which is useful for fights like The Strap or The Song who tend to leave lingering bullets all over the place. The charged slash is also great against The Burst when you're approaching her hiding spot, since you can charge behind a pillar then strike her to start the closed-off part of the phase with a damage bonus.
I will agree that charged shots are useless and maybe it would be better to have bosses occasionally block regular shots at a distance and require you to charge a shot or go in for melee to break their guard. The Chain does this (blocking shots) but I don't think any other boss does.
Nex Machina
Sure but you're still shooting almost the entire time so you see my point no? Hard forcing use of charged shots isn't the best idea IMO but I guess there's no better one since they're fundamentally boring, lacking any interesting properties and just being a variation on normal shot.
Been a while since I played it but one thing that helped me dodge some of her wave attacks is moving into the attacks right before dodging instead of trying to dodge from a stand still.
This has potential if the devs don't fuck up what is a pretty interesting concept
Well yeah of course you're shooting the entire time. It's half-twinstick shooter after all, and half of all the fights revolve around ranged combat with the other half being a dedicated melee segment. Which of course brings us back to the issue of attacks being interruptable during the Melee phase, which I'll agree is a bigger issue than over-centralizing gun DPS. But as far as the gun goes I think we'll have to agree to disagree on whether or not it hurts the gameplay at all.
>a company that made solely squid related media bile games made this kino game.
Not really sure how I feel about their next game though. Not really into co-op.
He was fucking cool but he is also one the easiest bosses in the game. I beat him in my second attempt.
>unforgiving difficulty
I honestly wish it was that way the games way too fucking easy if you actually play bullet hell games
The strap is easy.
The star is a fucking odd design choice because he has such a different flow compared to every other boss in the game. I can't fucking beat him at all.
If I remember there's a boss rush section that can be unlocked once you beat the game. It skips all the walking sections
Why is the Star boss so fucking hard? How do I beat him?
I ran a second playthrough after a long time to revisit the game and I could blaze through every other boss very easily except for him.
Go watch people on YouTube doing it and copy what they do.