
>Kojima: *makes death stranding*
Who else is hype?

I'm ready to get on Kojima's ruse cruise with Norman Reedus and his funky fetus

I'm thinking this is going to be kino surpassing MGS2's ending

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Other urls found in this thread:

No Switch, fuck off, shill.

And one last thing

I’ll give it a shot, could be kino



>twitter meme
kys my man

I really wished this twitter meme format would die but knowing Yea Forums it will probably forced to death for the next 5 years

What do twittertards even mean by this?

Aight you really need to go back, I wish we could give you upvotes but we can't.

Why is this a meme? It's not funny in anyway

This is a Yea Forums meme tho

uh huh, sure it is kid.

Well as soon as normies use it, it's out of style

you really have to fuck off back to ledit, memes were a thing 11 years ago before you normalfags killed them, we only do image macros

Is this the easiest way to farm (you)s?

You're trying too hard to fit in. Fuck off

Fuck off with this youtube comment bullshit.


please see the following post, normalfag

Learn to spell you fucking nigger.

Do you ever get tired of putting fag at the end of literally every word, moron?



Fuck off and die

>Nobody: Meme

Take your meme and return.

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this isn't ledit, you seething faggot monkey, you won't get downvoted for using le big bad words, retarded amerimutts

I like the nobody meme. Don't @ me.

I wish they would start using pepe and wojak then

This redditfags can fuck right off
This is Yea Forums
We don't a give a fucking shit about '''slurs''' faggot, we believe in something called free speech
And just remember, we do not forget

Me too! By the way I love twitter and reddit.

>By the way I love twitter and reddit.
This is pale of water tier stuff
Low quality

You don't need to add it to the end of every insult regardless. I hate fags but I also hate repetitive language.

don't at me ledit

F*ck off incel xP

>twitter memes

otherwise yeah let's go I guess

have sex xD

Shut the fuck up faggot.
Go suck a faggots fag cock you fag loving faggot

>so new he doesn't remember the nothing: meme


I can't tell if this is a bait thread or just a bunch of retards

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Nah faggot. I am going to stay wherever I fag loving want and your faggy self cann't stop me.

The instantly derailed threads are the funnest ones desu

cant wait my redpilled kino bros :DDDDDD

not everyone is a teen or a retard like yourself op. lmao

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well, OP was either baiting or is a legit twitter-nigger so the thread was fucked from the start

You're not using the joke correctly

I'm not using you correctly?

What the fuck ishe talking about

I would be up for a shitty fucking thread like this if it actually made sense. 0/10 OP, I expected better (not really).

literally, LITERALLY zoomer instagram meme. on top of that used completely wrong, so you used just for the sake of showing us your epin meme.
go the fuck back and/or kill yourself

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Kill yourself.

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idk he is just a failed film maker.

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>Kojima: *makes death stranding*
Fuck off back to plebbit. I'm pretty sure you have only played MGSV and circlejerk over how weird Kojima is like 90% of hypefags.

what is this
facebook meme
i don't understand it

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>reddit memes
unironically kill yourself

they were called image macros before normies started calling every image with a caption a 'meme'

you have to be a normalfag to truly understand it.

funny how you claim to hate this "normie" meme, but you need to browse instagram to even know this meme.
you just confirmed you are normies.

that's comforting

duh, no shit moron, nobody develops current and worthwhile games for that glorified tablet with shittier specs than a mid range phone.

Yeah only people who have had sex get it

what? I only know what this is because of people like you ruining Yea Forums

I only know it because normies post twitter screencaps on Yea Forums

>mass replies
go away to whichever shithole you crawled out from. Nobody cares, you fucking retard.

>Literally nobody:

>No.464545307: funny how you claim to hate this "normie" meme, but you need to browse instagram to even know this meme.
you just confirmed you are normies.


>>Kojima: *makes death stranding*
What did he mean by this?

You aren’t impressing anyone normie

Virgin confirmed

Go back to your Twitter hug box and drink some bleach

>>Kojima: *makes death stranding*
saged, reported, called the cops

honestly in the future people are gonna look back at Kojima the same way we look at Shakespeare today

hahaha wew how new are you?

but Tomokazu Fukushima wrote all the good games.

>hurr durr but stan lee didn't write that comic book
Thats what you sound like right
Dont be that guy

This thread is a reminder of how downhill this shithole has gone

just the codecs
aka the SOUL of MGS

What the fuck is this
>ass: shit
thing and how does it work? I started seeing it fucking everywhere not too long ago what gives?

not an argument

>I’ll just post a non-specific condemnation to make everyone mad
okay reddit

I see another one fell for it

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you're supposed to laugh when you see it. isn't that how memes work? just keep repeating it

One of the worst meme in years.
Please go kill yourself OP also saged

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>normalfag twitter memes
please delete your 4channel account

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Confirmed newfag.
Yea Forums doesn't have accounts.

jesus christ you're a retard

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fuck off normalfaggot cunt

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>he doesn't have a 4chin account
man you're missing out


Thanks for proving my point


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i can tell a tranny made this

its the tumblr artstyle, all their drawings look the same

so, OP posted something horrible, I think this is fact. how come though even worse shit like "yikes" and "cringe" is accepted? I don't feel at home in this site anymore

>you should go back
Or what? You are going to ban me or something, you filthy incel? Fuck off, reddit and Yea Forums were enemies a long time ago, but now we are together.

would you stop this fucking gay horrible Twitter meme. don't post it here

no, you don't, you dumbass faggot
go back there and then kill yourself


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Piss off, boomer. Nobody's going to leave.

because niggas iffy and hoes mad. we'll never make peace between the two unfortunately.

>go back
>go back
>go back
>go back
I don't understand this meme. Who the fuck are you, bitch, that I should listen you and "go back"? You are nothing, but an autistic insect who hates everything popular. Do us a favor and kill yourself, retarded boomer Yea Forums scum. We aren't rivals with social media anymore. It's not 2007, or 2008, or 2009. Get over it.
Everyone in this thread are using twitter or fb apps and only are incels are mad because of it.

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They do but no ones going to let go of those sacred cows

OP you're a colossal fucking faggot. Kill yourself.


if you're not an autistic insect who hates everything popular you need to go back

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Make me lol, or even ban me, if you can. I like twitter and I like Yea Forums. And I won't leave


End yourself, enraged incel.

Stop listening to these incels and start posting stuff you like, who the fuck cares about opinion of some enraged degenerate.

Sorry, clearly mislabeled/misgendered the shithole you came from.
It's also too bad if you yourself have sex since you'd spread those weak genes.

OP and you are the cancer that kill Yea Forums. Kill yourself.

Not listening to you, blah blah. Go back to Pol.

Fukushima wrote some side content on codecs and that's it. Kojima wrote all the plots, the main dialogue in codecs, and cutscenes.

Yeah sure, debil
It's gonna be the same shit as TPP in terms of story.

I won't, I like Yea Forums and I prefer some of the Twitter memes. Please, deal with this, or find another hobby, enraged incel.

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>how come though even worse shit like "yikes" and "cringe" is accepted?
Because newfags and ironic shitposters (the vast majority of Yea Forums nowadays) normalized it. Same thing with incel, based, have sex, or any of that shit.
Give it time and the same thing will happen with this shitty meme.

Seething tranny in the wild.

Cancer is as cancer does. Suicide is pretty hip too, do us all a favor and neck yourself.

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my hype for death stranding was ruined by that fucking youtube comment thread.


>Please, deal with this
And you should deal with us not dealing with it

>youtube comment thread.

>letting others influence how you feel about a thing
time to grow up, zoomzoom.

Sorry boys, too many tumors in this thread. Some of you were alt-right.

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is it like "aftermath of the evangelion: the game"?


that is what they allude to, yes

no, dumbass, Fukushima is the story writer in the three games that matter, and wrote Ghost Babel solo.

Reminder faggots like this is why goreposting was and is necessary

I don't care about you nazi

yes, Stan Lee did in fact steal most of the shit he's famous for. Steve Ditko created Spider-Man among others.

Going to use this shit thread to ask.
Does anyone remember what the text people posted when they wanted people to vote for a thread to be archived?
I want to use it to shit post


Agree wholeheartedly, fuck these niggers.

This is the new generation people, make sure this isn't your brother or sister, don't let this era belong only to the fragile.

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There is literally no proof of this, it only gets circlejerked because the games happened to have gone to shit after he left.
Kojima also happened to have gotten sick of MGS by the time he left too.
Maybe he just didn't have more in him? He made 3 amazing games,and that's actually fine, he went on to make mediocre ones after that, it's not that odd that he wouldn't steadily improve and write better and better stories, he was at his most inspired when he was younger and was just getting these opportunities, but also had a ton of limitations put on him.

Stupid meme kys.

>OP: *sucks my dick*


You need to be over 18 to post in this website zoomer

>there is no proof of this

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>the text people
I believe they prefer the term ASCII Americans.

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is this thread really the only DS thread we have going right now?
there was such a good thread last night, I was hoping for better.

Yes, when it's this early in the morning, there aren't enough kids awake to wank over AAA crap. Come back in about 9 hours, there'll be 5 threads each for shit like this and COD and whatever other shit you like to eat.

Hideo Kojima (story planning)
Tomokazu Fukushima (written by, setting design/research/justification, Codec, mission log, Demo Theater scenario)

Hideo Kojima (story planning)
Tomokazu Fukushima (script director, written by, setting design/research/justification, Codec scenario, VR and alternative scenario)

Hideo Kojima (director, producer)
Tomokazu Fukushima (game design credits are omitted in the game)

This is according to the Metal Gear Wikia on MGS2. What the fuck is going on lads, why was he omitted from the credits? Why did he seem like he played a massive role in the games writing prior to MGS3 only to be wiped from the records and then vanish? Did the two of them have a falling out?

Attached: Hideo.jpg (273x332, 20K)

There was an actual good thread last night discussing the game, you retarded zoomer. Probably because the adults were awake and not at work. Fucking go eat actual shit.

because Kojima is the nip John Romero, a glorified ideas guy and a third rate Clancy wannabe hack who stands on the shoulders of a dead colleague and the localisation team.

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>Norman Reedus and his funky fetus
haha that's pretty funny OP :)

>Kojima: *makes death stranding*
dumb fucking nigger. you are the worst kind of poster. back to resetera, you mouth breathing fucking imbecil worm. crawl back there to suck some tranny dick before those instable little shit do something good and off themselves for a better world without them.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here given they're both in these credits. Kojima wrote most of the series, the reason you don't hear about Fuku is probably because the Japanese tend to be more private in general.

So what is the source of him being responsible for that if it's omitted from the credits? Some random wiki editor's ass?

he's dead. 'Missing' to be exact.

Kojima sure isn't. Kojima was there from day 1 to be the face of Metal Gear Solid.
Maybe Fukushima just had no interest in being in the public eye. But it would be interesting to know more in depth what he did write on these games.

Fukushima was actually credited in the early trailers for MGS4, but at some point left the development team, although I guess we'll never know if he left or just had his credits omitted again?

I see it on YouTube all the time.

If Hitler was alive, what would his favorite games be?

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Ask your wife's boyfriend to get you a ps4

Hunie Pop

Alright, I've been convinced. Fukushima definitely had a huge influence on these games. I can't believe they replaced him with that fucker Murata.

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The series doesn't really fall off that much in quality with 4 when Fuku left. I think most of the faults of that game are from Kojima just trying to explain fucking everything and please fans. The game still has some awesome moments. Snatcher and Policenauts are great too and were written by Kojima alone. This conspiracy that Fukushima is the mastermind behind the series is fucking stupid, he wrote some side conversations on the codec and was probably helped Kojima in ways and I'm sure they were a good team. But it's mostly Kojima, if Fukushima was as good or better he would be doing something bigger but he isn't.

>The series doesn't really fall off that much in quality with 4 when Fuku left
> 2 hours into the game and I've already encountered Johnny's diarrhea 5 times
MGS4 was awful.

Does this sound like "side stuff" to you
>(script director, written by, setting design/research/justification, Codec scenario, VR and alternative scenario

I just made this image, I never contributed to these ruse cruise things before, what do ya think?

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tl dr

That shit is edited or wiki is wrong but in MGS2 I know for a fact Hideo is listed under written by, setting justification, story, game design, and planning. Fukushima is only listed under written by along with kojima and setting planning/justification. Again stupid fucking memery the man wrote some codecs and not even the ones with the main plot.

Also again with MGS1 for some reason Kojima is left out in wrote by section, clearly bias faggots. You can go look at the credits yourself to see this bullshit yourself. Not sure if you are baiting or what but it's a little pathetic.

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>tfw I'm replaying MGS1 and I chose to save Meryl
In the blast furnace now, I kind of regret my decision, I like the Otacon ending way more, I think it fits Snake's journey as a character more, and I also like Otacon and Snake as a duo way more. Going to feel hollow as I escape and leave Otacon behind.

on another note, I love MGS1 so fucking much.

Attached: otacon000.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

I love going directly from the ending of MGS1 with Otacon into MGS2, Otacon and Solid Snake are so well written in that tanker chapter, it shows such a growth in both characters, they're so much more confident working as a team, both know what they're doing, Snake is sure in himself after having grown in the first game. One of the best pieces of continuity in the series.

Attached: snakeotacon.jpg (276x209, 9K)

Reminder that these wiki entries were all edited by one salty faggot and leave out the majority of Kojima's credits to support the Fukushima meme.
Some of the credits are total lies too, the script director of MGS2 was Yoshikazu Matsuhana. Surprised no one's latched onto him and started calling him the real genius behind the series since he was also assistant director for MGS1&2.

If you want some accurate credits use this site or just watch a video of the real ones.


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>epic reddit wojack image
>epic numeme response
donate to charity you dumb underage bitch

Thanks for this.
I always knew the Fukushima thing was overblown, people try to make a whole narrative out of it when the far more logical answer is that sometimes you simply just run out of great ideas and inspiration with time.

MGS went to shit not because Fukushima left, but because Kojima was tired and had run out of inspiration to write them. And other factors too. DS is at least looking like the most inspired project by him in a long time, so here's hoping its good. But I can't help but feel like the guy has completely lost it, he's far too focused on rubbing hands with people in hollywood, its getting kind of weird. You don't see fucking any other game developers do this, and it just seems like he's doing this to make his transition into finally making a movie at a later date easier. I don't know though, I could be wrong, but Kojima seems like the success got to his head. I miss his humble days.

>Actual shill threads

Trash meme only used by literal 9 year olds.

i'm fine with those actors. Mads is just awesome. couldve replaced the rest, i wouldnt care

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I doubt Organization XIII asked for Death Stranding.

It's more than the actors, man. Why is he meeting with J.J. Abrahams, why is he in Refns film? why is he meeting with Avi Arad? why is he doing all of this? Just make your games, Kojima.

yeah fuck you Kojima, stop having friends and a life and make me more video games. i know i don't have a job and do nothing with my day but that doesn't mean you can as well! absolute faggot of a post

This game will be forgotten in a month after release.

More like stop paying for celebs to be your '''friend''''

you'd be right if this wasn't Kojima. the fanboys here on Yea Forums are tame compared to people I saw who genuinely believe Kojima is a genius. this game will get its dick sucked for years, it doesn't matter if it's good or bad.

I'm fine with him hanging out with directors like Del Toro and Refn because they're actually like-minded creative types, who do make some big movies but are very critical of Hollywood. They're probably good to bounce ideas off of because they have experience successfully getting their weird shit made without ever compromising on their vision, which is what Kojima tries to do in video games. I doubt he'll ever make a movie, if anything he'll probably get those two to do something video game related with him at some point.

It's worse to see him hang out with the typical Hollywood jews like Abrams though, but I don't think they've actually met more than once or twice.

You know, you don't have to falseflag every single time a Sony game comes out.
I know it gives you a nice little scapegoat for criticism but in the long run it just means not being able to talk about it.

Reminder that Kojima is a fucking hack and Fukushima was the brains behind MGS

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for comparison

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>Kojima retweeted that long ladder to the top of the mountain pic

reminder to read

hes still working in the industry, did some stuff for freedom wars if I remember correctly

It's a shame there won't be much of a ruse cruise since the game is coming out in 5 months and there won't be that many trailers

>thread started with ironic twitter meme
>200 replies
impolite sage, eat shit and die


why did we stop making public bans


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mods gave up on Yea Forums and it's very easy to see why


Point out the rule-breaking content

low quality posting

The fuck is this meme.
It's no even comprehensible.

Attached: so confused.jpg (563x348, 30K)

Which rule is that?

>everything I don't like is bannable low quality content

hello _____


>You will not post any of the following outside of Yea Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
Which one buddy?

Its nothing but artsy incomprehensible 2deep4u bullshit and I can't wait to see it crash and burn.

uncalled for catchphrases but you can argue its "undecipherable text"

>Op: I love posting twitter memes and sucking cocks!

This meme is so fucking retarded. If nobody says nothing then that means somebody said something.

dont like the topic? piss off SJW
dont like the content of the thread? piss off SJW
dont like to read bad words? piss off this site SJW