Who hyped?
Doom bread
Other urls found in this thread:
i hope hayden returns
Pretty hyped.
Alright Yea Forums, based on the footage we have currently been shown, what is the:
>Best case scenario
>Worst case scenario
Is there a release date yet?
best scenario
the sword doesnt have ammo and be used freely to hack shit to smithereens
worst scenario
its a chainsaw reskin
are those actually painted on,
I always assumed they were pasted sheets
What do you reckon the middle figure that takes up the three buildings is?
depends, can we disable the kill animations
God i'm so pumped, I can't wait for all the epic QTE glory kills! Canned animations that allow me to teleport through walls and endless sources of health pickups are my fucking jam!
He'll most likely will. The last game ended with a cliffhanger.
Soon to be announced at E3 this year.
I wonder how much backlash this would get after it's done? Especially this being displayed in LA.
I'm more hyped for the meme bethesda conference itself
No Starfield no hype
It's probably the only thing that could make bethesda's e3 seem like less of a joke
Why would there be backlash? Nothing about it looks overtly Satanic. It's not like it's covered in pentagrams and goat heads, there's just a bunch of monsters that the average person will think belongs to some horror game/movie.
Why is he suddenly a "Slayer" and not doomguy? Sounds like some cringy story mode for fags.
Doomslayer is what the demons call him.
Ain't 'Doomguy' purely a fan name.
I'm hyped but I really feel like the dash dodge was a mistake.
I hate everything storyrelated. Its completely wrong here again.
I also really dont like that whole capeshitlike supersuit.
He needs to suffer and bleed
Still hyped tho
Why are the guys on the left such lazy pieces of shit?
>Doomguy has armor as good as his guns
You should be happy for him.
What is this? A new Doom game? I thought it already got a remake.
Its supergay we dont have his face but this halozoomerhelmet. This was so awesome in Quake and Doom 1+2.
Doom 2016 was not a remake, it was either a sequel or a reboot depending on how you look at it. This is a sequel to 2016.
He is obviously returning, maybe he is the robot angel in the pic
>when they switch from controller to mouse and keyboard
Not suddenly and why are you triggered by this?
>posts on the video game board
>is completely ignorant about anything related to video games
The posts in this board are worse than youtube comments
You didn't even play the last game, did you?
I think he more means why is he the Slayer, not why is he called the slayer. As in why does it feel like I’m playing god of war instead of doom?
doomslayer bro
This but unironically
UT2K4 up in here
>I also really dont like that whole capeshitlike supersuit.
I have good news: He has become too buff for his armor.
This is nu-D44M's sequel, but at least they aren't calling it "DOOM 2, hell on earth"
>Best case scenario
You can cause infighting as a demon invader
>Worst case
You can't shoot other demons at all, only at Doomguy
Why would anyone have played that piece of shit?
>cuck champions model
When did Quack get Praetor suit 2.0?
>not making it a water gun
so close yet so far
This game looks great. Time to pick it up.
Is this gears of war?
>Still no Doom 64 skin
The fuck are you talking about? That was the concept art for Doomslayer they showed at Quakecon last year just before the gameplay demo.
Not him, but it absolutely looks like something straight out of quake. That is a bad thing, of course.
At least it looks like something out of Ranger's Quake instead of Strogg Quake.
Quake sure was cooler when it was more Shub-Niggurath and less Borg.
Left side is really slacking off
Feels like a mixture of gears of war and god of war.
Why are you in a d44m thread if you didn't like it?
Because it's a great game, and you have sorry taste.
My only hope, if there's going to be glory kills, make them in a fashion that doesn't stop you from moving, or make them feel less mandatory. I know they were supposed to stop people from hiding behind cover and shooting from a distance but I seriously doubt anyone would play like that.
Should I read all lore Intel, before new game?
Shit's fun. You've just gotta turn your "OLD GOOD, NEW BAD" contrarian filter off
Yes, it was fun. When it was called god of war. The fact that they branded this qte monstrosity as doom is sacrilege.
Oh come on. Yeah glory kills get in your face sometimes but they are no as prominent or egregious as God of War's finishers.
Pro-tip: If you don't need health it's usually faster to just shoot them instead of Glory Killing them, faggot. Git gud. Turn off the Glory Kill aura.
The fact that you are using glory kills that much tells me you arent playing in a hard enough difficulty setting.
That means you are a faggot.
This but unironically.
I'd hate it a lot less if it was just called something else.
The whole game feels more like a sequel to Requiem rather than Doom.
Quick question, are these painted by hand?
Doomguy has been the unofficial name since the 90s. You can find maps created in the mid 90s that describe the player character as Doomguy in the text/readme files. Also John Carmack called him Doomguy on twitter recently.
Yea, so why not stick with that?
Classic looking Cyberdemon better be in.
>>Best case scenario
It's Doom.
>>Worst case scenario
It's Doom (2016).
>Best case scenario
after the 11th they touch up the picture to make that circle in the center the Smash logo
>Best case scenario
It's fun.
>Worst case scenario
It's not fun.
Fucking perfect post really.
Doom games don't even have a story.
No stopping to chat with Hayden style sections please.
He's "The Doom Marine", actually.
The new one does and it sucks.
No that's the one from Doom 3, not the same guy from 1, 2, and 64. nu-doom protag is same as 1/2/64.
This is not cool anymore niggers. Bethesda just does it for every trash game (including fallout 4 and 76). When rockstar did it it was cool because that game was a 10/10 and they knew it. Bethesda do it to create fake hype to collect pre orders.
Truly soul vs soulless
GTA Yea Forums may be the worst GTA but it is still better than any beth shit.
Have they ever confirmed that Doom 64 was canon?
They do, it's just that it's not something that's important to most people. The story of Doom is basically the same as Half-Life - science base accidentally unleashes horror and one survivor fights back.
GTA V was fun but in no way was it 10/10. I'm almost certain I will enjoy Doom Eternal more. The GTA ad did work better because of the three characters, though.
This design needs to go.
>game makes you laugh non stop while still having a story
it was kino pleb
Dude on the left is slacking
Thank god i dont live in US. Still like doom
what do you guys think about SIGIL?
That doesn't make it 10/10. I honestly got the most enjoyment out of it doing stunt races. Never even finished the story, got to that bank robbing mission where you had heavy armor. It was pretty cool but for whatever reason I just clocked out at that point.
Not me
Why they waste so much cash on this shit? Why CD Projekt Red don't do it with Cyberpunk 2077 if the game suppose to be GTA V in future?
they should bring back his face, the master chief shit doesn't work
The games would be a lot more successful if they had a good story.
Pretty good, fags don't like it because they don't understand that it's supposed to be doom 1's episode 5
I hope we kick his robot ass
>worst case
its 2016 with a grappling hook, more cutscenes, and new unfun enemies/mechanic (the sword)
>best case
it's 2016 with a grappling hook and fixed gameplay (less emphasis on spawning arenas, more pre placed enemies/simultnaeous enemies) and new fun enemies/mechanics (the sword)
I wanna see that the Doom guy can still be badass withot the suit.
>more cutscenes
please god no there were already too many in 2016 and they were the unskippable "interactive" walk around while some asshole talks kind that are the worst
Cry me a river, there were like five or six. I'm not saying there should be more, but it was a complete non-issue in the previous one.
it's an issue when you have to sit through it for the hundredth fucking time you little shit they shouldn't be unskippable
I like you can move around while they talk, I HATE you have to wait for them with nothing to do
Try not having either A) the attention span of a gnat or B) such shit skills that you die and have to rewatch them.
it's called replaying the fucking game dickstain and skippable cutscenes isn't a hard fucking thing to implement
You're a feisty one, huh? Quit gettin' mad at video games. There are barely any cutscenes in the game. Should they be skippable? Sure. But you idiots act like your lives are over because you have to wait for a minute. It's not a big deal. Also who the fuck is replaying Doom this much? I really like the game and I've only replayed it once. There are other games, especially considering the cutscenes get you all butthurt.
>still the same slow movement system from NuDoom
>instead of speeding up the default movement, they gave NuDoomguy a dash (WITH A FUCKING COOLDOWN FUCKING IDIOTS).
>enemies are still tame and harmless
>the enemy counts also significantly are fewer in number compared to classic Doom
>There are still unskippable story sequences of NuDoomguy being le epic badass
>pointless Dark Souls invasions that have zero impact on players like me who play entirely offline
Not hyped one bit. If I wanted new games that are throwbacks to REAL oldschool FPS gaming, then I have games like Dusk, Project Warlock, Amid Evil or Ion Maiden, or upcoming shit like Prodeus, or even remasters of real oldschool FPS games like Blood: Fresh Supply or Turok 1/2 HD.
I can also enjoy endless classic Doom mods like the recently released Sigil, by the guy who made Doom himself. Or Brutal Doom or Project Brutality. That's 100 times better than NuDoom while having all the things people praise NuDoom for, like actually good gore and gameplay that truly makes you feel like a badass.
How the fuck do you paint something so big like that? I can draw/color stuff pretty well if it's in front on me in full, but a giant-ass mural like that is beyond me.
1/10th the fun of the original game!
It's a trend that emerged about 20 years ago now, with bloody Half-Life and it persists even today with devs still forcing you to fucking wait. Which is a bloody irony since it was supposed to do the opposite, make you feel like you're NOT sitting there watching cutscenes but soonafter traditional cutscenes became skippable and these piece of shit things still aren't. I've been pissed about it for the better part of my bloody life because it's such a fucking pain in the ass every time I've played a new shooter since they started pulling this nonsense of course I'm going to feisty about it when you act like it's fine that despite how easy it is to fix this not one single fucking game I've played since their inception has bothered letting you skip them.
Explain this to a yuropeon who has no clue about handegg.
is this a pasta
Maybe they keep doing it because the majority of people like or at least don't mind it. Take a xanax or make your own game.
>If I wanted new games that are throwbacks to REAL oldschool FPS gaming, then I have games like Dusk, Project Warlock, Amid Evil or Ion Maiden, or upcoming shit like Prodeus, or even remasters of real oldschool FPS games like Blood: Fresh Supply or Turok 1/2 HD.
>I can also enjoy endless classic Doom mods like the recently released Sigil, by the guy who made Doom himself. Or Brutal Doom or Project Brutality.
So go do that and shut the fuck up, sperg.
it's a king of the hill rather than a handegg reference
Is now hayden now the ultimate robo nigga who controls hell and demons? (middle poster shows doomslayer and something that is mechanical in white so therefore protagonist and antagonist, also it has similar shape to hayden body without the shoulder pads and head)
Nah I'll stick to complaining about it, with that said though I've gotten everything I've wanted to say on the topic off my chest. I hope you choke on a dick by the way.
Isn't doom4 cyberdemon is just a touched up doom 3 cyberdemon? the figure looks like shit compared to the actual game
I live in LA. The SJWs are fucking livid. Of course when I see them meltdown about this epic as fuck mural I tell them that they should dilate. Their tranny rage is pretty fucking awesome
Yeah looks like not touching doom 3 for years really did wonders for my memory
I hope ID can resoooooooooooolve this situation.
excessive marketing is a surefire sign for a bad game
Was this in the expansion? I don't remember this at all.
I hope the file size isn't 60 gigs
No, it's printed in small blocks.
The more the better. Suck my cock.
This is ugly as shit
I hope the music doesn't suck ass. I mean Who the fuck hears the old badass At Doom's Gate and think the 2016 version of At Doom's Gate is nothing else but fucking trash.
Its better than anything any other modern fps game has put out. One of the best soundtracks of this decade.
How can anyone like this shit
or think it was an improvement over
doomslayer is fucking cringe
literally just to make the braindead retards that play the new games feel epic
>they spelled 'warriors' wrong
jesus christ what's wrong with you?
I love nu-DOOM but I wish the demons looked more like demons and not weird aliens
If they’re staggered, this usually results in them dropping health anyways. It always weirded me out that ‘glory kills’ didn’t emphasize shooting considering the whole game, but then I remember
Actually really concerned that the success of the previous one is going to mean that this one is gonna flop due to meddling.
Doom 2016 was a hipster shit for shooter newfags, no way Eternal is going to be different.
Even Doom3 made it much better both in terms of kicking demon's asses without these boring "gloryholes-kills" and well done infernal designs. At least, it doesn't feels like some family-friendly nu-Blizzard stuff, that is actually Doom 2016 was.
It's the final boss of the base game where your guns don't actually do anything to him so you have to use the Soul Cube. I can see how you'd forget one of the most boring bosses in any video game ever though.
>that simple scene where Olivia is just using UI stuff
It is so boring there has to be more going on here. Like are they doing something behind the scenes with handling assets??
yup actually painted.
>no naked women
>no violence against anyone that looks to be a minority
>a gun that doesn't look like a real-world gun
I don't know where you've been, but these days, the people who complain about video games aren't the overzealous Christians.
god knows, the fact that you can't skip it is ridiculous. it just completely breaks the pace of the game and doesn't fit in a doom game at all
reminds me of what bf3 did to the battlefield theme.
that aside, the OST has some really good tracks and some real shit tracks. thats one of the real shit ones.
do you even understand the words you're typing?
>the "I can't aim vertically or hit anything with a hurtbox smaller than a city bus" crowd" had arrived
There isn't a single goat-faced enemy in DOOM 1 / 2
>the i love sucking dick and doom is BADASS EPIC BRO add me on fortnite btw crowd was here all along
Based retard
pretty based and uncommon opinion among Yea Forums. it's good to see a fellow virgin who hates zoom 2016.
there was outrage over the eternal trailer because people were comparing the demonic invasion to immigration issues. so now people are defending the demons as they would immigrants.
What a time to be alive
>mortally challenged
>the world is a melting pot
Those still aren't the butthurt Christians. And any Bethesda game gets manufactured outrage these days because Bethesda has started blacklisting video game journo websites.
>I don't have any real comeback so Im just gonna say you like fortnight
Lmao you got nothing
My favorite Metroid DLC
Remember when Doom was based?
>doomslayer is fucking cringe
>says fat neckbeard playing as sir comrade mccluckinblackburnnightyrangervanbethoven
>boomerfags vs console doomkids
No one wins
doom 2016
>walk into a room
>push a button
>less than 12 demons spawn in
>kill all the demons
>more spawn in
>enemies are too busy dodging and doing fancy repositions so they hardly shoot at you
>kill those too
>door finally unlocks
>walk into next room
>door slams shut behind you and makes you wait a minute for a cutscene to finish before you can proceed to the next room to push a button to spawn enemies
doom 1993
>run into a room
>shoot dozens of enemies
>only stop once youve reached the end of the level
Buy the dip
answer him
submit to him
give him everything
doom 1993
>run into a room
>shoot dozens of enemies
>only stop once youve reached the end of the level
doom 2016
>run into a room
>shoot dozens of enemies
>only stop once youve reached the end of the level
holt shit are they both shooters??
Are you retarded or just pretentious?
>enemies are too busy dodging and doing fancy repositions so they hardly shoot at you
They make imps go faster then occasionally have them stand still to charge their fire ball.
Revenants got it the worst: Nowhere near as fast as they were, nowhere near as loud, and sometimes they have in place going “FUCK MEEE” for easy shootin.
I absolutely love the aesthetic they're going for this time.
Still don't care about MP though so I really hope the game is longer this time around.
the difference is the pacing, not the fact they're shooters
I hope they reference Daisy considering all that teasing they've done on twitter.
All the expanded universe shit they added in the last game was shit and actively made the game worse.
But some shit is some good shit.
There is no E1M1 in nudoom. Just a homage. Lets see what he does for the next one.
>All the expanded universe shit they added in the last game was great and actively made the game better.
It’s not even more interesting than the borderline throwaway plots in OG Doom
>doomguy getting shoved to phobos waste labs for refusing to mowdown civilians
>deimos straight up vanishing from space
>doomguy presumably gets slaughtered and finds the ‘way’ into deimos - which is in hell
>fucks hell up so much demons are like ‘okay fine here’s a gate out now FUCK off’
Reminder that old id is dead and anyone who thinks 2016 doom game made by Bethesda's puppet studio used to cash in on id's name was a "return to old school shooters" like I saw few people saying have either never played a old school fps or are retarded as fuck.
bitter boomers booty blasted
>”..but its still the best shooter in yeeeears”
Kind of just reminds me of where we’re at with them, really.
Right here.
It's fun as fuuuuuuuck.
Same, him and VEGA
I hope Hayden will be on our side.
That or decided to become a daemon prince.
demon looks just like cover art one
>feel like replaying nu-doom
>don't remember file size
>maybe 10-15 GB?
>dude 70 fucking GB lmao
the joke is that Hayden never was on you side, for him the doomslayer is a maniac whom he let loose only because it was the only way for him to get rid of the demons
he is always annoyed at how much doomguy disrespect his work and how little care he has for UAC equipment.
Hayden trully is the bad guy in this story because he's the one who decided to literally go to hell to get his power supply and there is no way that the doomguy won't be fucking pissed at him for being an iresponsible ass
Boomers are seething.
Seethe consolefag
Imagine being so bad at games that you complain about them
Boomers on suicide watch.
the plot points should always lead to killing even more demons
Hayden is evil, just in a pragmatic "the end justifies the means" kind of way. There's also the whole word play of
> S. Hayden --> Satan
I'm gonna add that to my list of "shit that won't happen"
Kill demons > get so good at killing demons that someone else becomes a demo and gets u to square 1 > kill demons
This is unironically the best thing about this game.
release date?
> S. Hayden --> Satan
I think that shit makes no sense. posted by people who want our actual hero to be evil.
>Hayden trully is the bad guy in this story
But he literally said he wasn't. surely he will turn up in Eternal leading the Non-cultist UAC against the demons, sword in hand.
I assume November.
wait for e3
>the plot points should always lead to killing even more demons
>activate switch
Not too hard, probably adds on to why they saw no need for story - still not much need.
Something between august or october. Supposedly there is offer for doom eternal statue for october and on microsoft store for the game in august.
>walk into room
>demon spawns in wall
>you are here forever
10/10, would reaload again.
DOOM 5 is a launch title for the Google Stadia, so November, probably.
Hope it has a good ending. I loved LOVED Doom but the ending/final boss was so incredibly underwhelming just like every other Western developed game out there
Just your average sequel bait. I expect the same shit, you never know when you will need to milk famous franchise some more after all.
>he literally said he wasn't
and you believed him ?
the guy who started the whole operation on Mars who let his underling run a Satanic death cult in an experimental lab ?
the guy who as he speaked chained the slayer because otherwise he couldn't retry to pump energy from fucking hell itself ?
Is it because there are fewer enemies that are stronger?
Bruh the 404 girl is Yotsuba.
i wish enemies just died instead of flashing when they're ready to die
>And those that tasted the bite of his gameplay named him...the Boom Slayer
Kind of mad that they confirmed the Crucible won't be a selectable Melee weapon and will only activate under certain circumstances because they wanted to make it super powerful. I hope it isn't our new 'chainsaw'.
Poorfag it is then.
The game failed user, the servers are up but no new content.
*heavy metal intensifies*
Where did you get this information?
as a zoom zoom, the 12 enemy limit is gay and should be removed cos it makes the game too easy
>vega wasn't boss fight despite the fuckhuge dome his core was sitting in
>they keep mentioning one of the big ass demons slayer fought at some point only to have you walk around it's skeleton
Wasted opportunities everywhere.
I'm excited for DOOM 5. I liked DOOM 1 / 2 but I can't be bothered to play it because it's boring as shit these days and I prefer to play them with Brutal DOOM.
DOOM 4 was okay, but it only got good after you got through the 3 or 4 tutorial levels that have nothing but zombies and imps being thrown at you, those were fucking boring.
Do you understand what a set-up for a sequel is?
Since this game is a sequel to the last game it would make zero sense for him to not be there. No point in hoping, he'll be there.
Goatse edit for the middle pic when
He's a mongoloid.
>and you believed him ?
>the guy who as he speaked chained the slayer because otherwise he couldn't retry to pump energy from fucking hell itself ?
Yes, I think Hayden is was simply being extremely cautious, doing anything to best secure Humanity's future to survival and greatness.
I don't think I can understand the sacrifices he made, he obviously didn't like Elizabeth's death cult, but allowed it to continue so he and the UAC can better understand Hell as he recognized Hell's resources and power went beyond researching it afar scientifically, at least at the time.
I am sure he was beat up that his employee's died, especially VEGA, VEGA had regrets after all.
>and I prefer to play them with Brutal DOOM.
Brutal Doom just makes them easier when you already said that they were boring as shit.
The hell is that red dude with the weird helmet and scepter supposed to be? He looks like a regular dude in a weird costume
the only thing im interested in is the dark souls style invation stuff
Yes, thank you for repeating at me what I had just said.
Original demons.
>being extremely cautious
I wonder how many people bitching about it not being like old Doom checked out Sigil.
Sounds like God of War 3 in the way that he whips it oout the blade of Olympus to deal the final blow on the gods and titans
I am beyond excited. I am playing through Doom 16 right now and it is my new favorite game. Throw on a pair of headphones, crank it up to ultra, get 144fps. Fuck it’s fucking AWESOME
>Yes, thank you for repeating at me what I had just said
So you realize it doesn’t make sense. “Doom’s boring so it needs to be more boring”. It also highlights how much these “NuDoom” fans emphasize spectacle and not gameplay - or at least so it seems.
>Samuel Hayden
>Sam Hyde
how does he keep getting away with it?
At which difficulty can I be considered a man
I need to know, girls won't date me, I gotta man up FAST
I don't agree with this guy but are Doomguy and Doomslayer not the same person?
I thought the sequence of events was
>Hell invades earth
>Kills a space marine's bunny
>Space marine gets so fucking angry that he goes on a rampage, the demons shit and piss themselves because he's stuck in hell now and killing the fuck out of him
>at this point Demons brand him the Doomslayer and seal him away
>He gets better though, and that's when D44M starts
>The demons eventually defeated doomguy by building a knee high wall around him
doesnt matter
"doom slayer" is for marketing to the people that never played the old games but know that they exist
they would say that doom is brutal despite it being fairly tame in terms of gore and violence relative to other games
its just dumb consumers consuming
Sacrifices, friend, SACRIFICES.
Humanity was was already on death's doorstep had Samuel not stepped up. Had things not been ruined by the weak minded humans Samuel would have Ascended Humanity and made them great, in fact this is another conflict for humanity a great chance to grow if they come out on top, which is far better than the circumstances pre-argent energy. His strong indomitable Will alone allows him to continue despite knowing that if he succeeds in his plans he will be hated by all of humanity(sacrifice).
I mean this is all only if he is still on Humanity's side, PLEASE BETHESDA I NEED THIS.also a cute portable VEGA
Who is that techno-angel?
who cares
its doom
One of the only few things I'm genuinely looking forward to. From what they've shown so far it looks like they tweaked it in all the right places, e.g. getting rid of the grenades and replacing them with the flamethrower and the arm thing.
I just hope they don't overdo it with the jokes and references.
Grenades are still there, you just shoot them with the same shoulder cannon.
Can we all stop and appreciate Mick Gordon and how committed he was to the Doom soundtrack?
>breaking the pace of the game is ok
Swallow your wench of a mothers used tampon kid. Some people like to play games not sit around and watch them.
Take a moment, write out a theoretical fanfiction in your brain and call him "Doomguy" out loud. Slayer may be autistic, but no one should ever officially call their protagonist something like that which is why only the fan community does. The closest he got to an official name that wasn't from the shitty books was "Doom Marine", and by the pseudo-reboot he's no longer a Marine.
The closest to an actual official name he's gotten is William Joseph Blazkowicz III (Source: Doom RPG).
it's a full on reboot
The future is now, old man
too bad they ruined him and made him a faggot
Who. Billy Blaze?
not canon and trash game
the name doomguy is based fuck off
>Who hyped?
>sips Monster
Ahhh, can't wait to play Doom Eternal through arenas, just like in the old games.
brutal doom has enhanced gameplay i don't know what u mean.
it gives you more tools but you can pick the Correct Difficulty to make it more insane and crazy.
I wouldn't say that since they dance around the subject with Doom 64 references (the "blood keep" temple dropped on his head to contain him lines up with a map in 64 sharing the same name), and leave it ambiguous. Given all the references and circumstances, it could be a full reboot, but just as likely Eternal could flip it into a full on continuation.
>complains about having to sit still and not play game
This future sucks
Dude it's literally the prequel to Doom '16. It's been heavily implied throughout the game.
>a few moments of exposition
Baby boomers badly blundering
>complain about size of game
Did you suck on glue sticks as a child
>hurr durr why do aliens look like aliens
Weapons are stronger and monsters get tuned to do gameplay altering “BUT TOTALLY COOL” things like Hellknights pausing to roar at you when seen. That and it makes bullets projectiles, so the only thing interesting glassy hitscanners had going for them is out. Classic or otherwise the game balance is borked.
forced meme cock sucker
I'm only getting it if it's on steam.
you are legitimately retarded
>a few moments of exposition
>in a DOOM game
Even posting this is a a more valuable waste of time
It'll be on steam.
DOOM 2016 is the most complete game made since the advent of micro transactions. It is a masterpiece.
If you genuinely honestly think the fucking devil would name a marine (better yet a MORTAL HUMAN) that's been scaring all of hell for likely decades to the point that there are campfire stories about him, "doomguy", then you're fucking retarded. Fuck off with your unofficial boomer shit.
Its a Bethesda launcher exclusive
bawling boomers anally annihilated
No it fucking isn't. Quit lying.
Me, I'm hyped.
Based. I hope Todd uses it to steal my personal data
>that's been scaring all of hell for likely decades to the point that there are campfire stories about him
And the best they came up with is “DOOM SLAYER”? Like in English? Fuck now I’m trying to see why the Demons speak in english. I bet there’s a dumb log saying “now see, Doomguy’s been in hell for awhiiiile of COURSE he understanda demons”.
dont mind me. just saving a bunch of cool Doom pics from this thread and not posting any in return.
What's that nigger on the bottom doing
It's ok. Getting a bit gadgety though with the wrist blade and the not-predator shoulder gun. The rivets and lumps are kind of overwrought too.
dont we get like all the hell lore from that disembodied voice. do we know who/what that is thats talking?
Not just "Doom Slayer". THE "Doom Slayer."
This is hell we're talking about here. The place that's about eternal damnation and endless despair. Do you honest to god think hellniggers think and speak like humans on earth? No you faggot. Doomguy would be a fucking retarded title to be given to him.
Why did Doomguy break that Q3 Machine Gun?
They can't argue for DOOM's outdated 1993 gameplay so they have to pick apart smaller things instead.
Also every word of 'Doctor Samuel Hayden' has six letters.
It's the devil himself.
Game play needs to be more smooth also the guns need to be more fun give me an LG PLEASE
aaaand that's all I got.
He wasn't a bad guy, but he wasn't good either.
Wasn't he called that way by one of the Johns?
They always did. What do you think were the screens between episodes?
>Not just "Doom Slayer". THE "Doom Slayer."
Oh that changes EVERYTHIIIING no. I can see it easily as some sort of easily digestible marketing push to add on to that humongous power fantasy trip they’re manufacturing, but when taken seriously at face value its laughable.
>Doomguy would be a fucking retarded title to be given to him.
You thinking every user is the same or something?
I’m not sure but it gets quieter when you move from it or leave the room, so presumely it’s coming from the device.
Plain boring words like "guy" are not in Hell's vocabulary. End of story. Now shut the fuck up boomer.
>Plain boring words like "guy" are not in Hell's vocabulary. End of story.
But “DOOM” and “SLAYER” are. I’m also not a “Doomguyfag”, you stupid dumb dopy cunt, and was curious why something like Doom slayer was okay.
3 reasons.
1. He's hell's nightmare. Their own doom and imminent demise.
2. Him being titled as a slayer is extremely fitting because it describes "someone who kills a person or animal in a violent way". Which is perfect.
3. All of Hell gave him the title "Doom Slayer" simply because he was simply too much of a beast for them to handle. From Hell's point of view, he's their rambo, john wick, billy blaze, etc.
Hell simply calling him "Doomguy" would just feel.. weird.
Shut the fuck up boomer
I just want full confirmation that the Doom Slayer and Doom Guy are the same person.
It's pretty much confirmed that he returns (would make zero sense for him not to) and that we kick his ass somewhere early in the game, since doomguy has the crucible for the very first archvile encounter: youtu.be
It's basically the only hype-worthy game the West has left this year. I want it to be good.
Part of me wishes it could snag GOTY, but if GoW, Overwatch or DA: Inquisition have won it, I'm not really getting my hopes up.
>since doomguy has the crucible for the very first archvile encounter
nah bruv. if you look closely between the last game and this
its a whole new one
Why do people act surprised at this?
id's writing on both Doom and Quake was always edgy as fuck. Do you not remember the paragraphs at the end of Quake levels sounding like John Romero reciting at you from across his DnD table? They just couldn't pull shit like this because of tech limitations.
Why don't you post an unmodded screenshot you disingenuous boomer?
>Hell simply calling him "Doomguy" would just feel.. weird
my headcanon goes like
>soldiers across time and space fight demons
>all eventually go "were doomed"
>doomguy shows up to slap demon ass
>they refer to him as that guy who showed up when were doomed
>shortened it to doomguy
I think it's just a visual redesign, quite a lot of stuff from D44M looks different in Eternal
I'm not believing that shit game. I need it confirming in Doom itself.
>3 reasons.
Then lists the most barebone reasons.
If the title ‘DOOM SLAYER’ doesn’t impress or ‘scare’ me, why the fuck would the demons? Why make it possible to hear their speech period? DOOM SLAYER is just easy marketting fuel for the drones actually wanking it to these power levels.
>Hell simply calling him "Doomguy" would just feel.. weird
I’m going to assume you’re an idiot who just now realized this, because there’s no way you missed the part of my post showing how much I don’t care about the ‘Doomguy’ title.
IIRC idSoft were totally set on having more bits of story and exposition but said “fuck it” and had the game start immediately.
Lets wait fot the eternal there, they already said there will be a lot more lore but not in the face in the same time. Lets wait and we will see.
this even applies to Doom 2016. It was an absolute mess of development and a lot of people remember that Call of DOOM leak shit. The game not only got rebooted twice in development (the second time, a Bethesda exec had come in and saw the mess and went "this isn't Doom"), and even then there was gonna be more story, more plot, more lore and standing around. Just look at the changes from the Quakecon/E3 demo to the final product to see how they only just barely ended up speeding up the game significantly and trying to make it more of an arcade-y shooter compared to what it was before.
2016 had no clear direction until the last half-year. As much as I liked it, I could feel the struggle of the directionless devs trying to solidify into something greater. It's why i'm hyped for Eternal, since they definitely have a more solid vision this time around.
Yeah Hell doesn't play by that rule. They gave him a title/nickname. What you're describing is just fucking retarded. If you've listened to the testaments and how the devil talks about how the doom marine is things like "Unbreakable, incorruptible, unyielding" and "the beginning, and the end" then it's likely all the demons have a similar mindset. It'd just be ooc for them to call him doomguy.
What the fuck more evidence do you need? Hayden pissing the guy off by bringing up Daisy?
>power levels
Uh dipshit. That's the point of Doom. You're an unstoppable force of nature. You're supposed to feel powerful. And now suddenly being given a title for being an unstoppable force of nature is a bad thing?
>What you're describing is just fucking retarded
>hell calls him doomslayer
>people call him doomguy
y cant they be both? y u so salty bro?
>Not ONE person will be moved to buy this game based on this shit
ID never said it couldn't be both. He just has a canon alias now.
Didn't Doom '16 sell like 3 million copies?
Do you also get mad at the Covenant for calling Master Chief "The Demon"
>he doesn't have fast internet and a terabyte hard drive
Aforementioned nudoom bitcher here. What's sigil?
thank god they're getting rid of that shit for Eternal. megatextures is cool on paper but impractical in execution period
A John Romero-made mappack that acts as an extra Doom 1 episode released just last week.
Interesting, did he learn his lessons from fucking E4M2 or am I gonna deal with another fuckfest
What if they do a new colossus 2 and make the game mostly about the things we didn't like about the game?
Its absolutely not. A complete game would have level and encounter design apart from shitty spawn arenas with only a doze monsters at a time.
id be livid. i doubt it highly tho.
new colussus was marketing the story the whole time.
doom eternal said jack shit about story and has been pushing only gameplay related stuff
You're right, I can't wait to use the grappling supershotgun and kick demonass
What I want more than anything is to USE THIS FUCKING SWORD
Look at that pic and tell me they didn't at least shell out a bit to hire some guys to shill on here.
the absolute state of underage modern Doom """""""""""fans"""""""""""
he's likely going to be the first boss
What if he takes over hell after you kill the current ruler? He could pull the Illusive Man "I can control them" trope. Then he can be the final boss of the third game. Or he could be the co-op character your bro could play as if that isn't the Marauder. This game better have co-op.
I would think they have the painting already done probably by an id illustrator, he gives it to these dudes, they overlay a grid on top of it that also fits the buildings dimensions. Then they just fill in the boxes of the grid.
Sorry not all of us live in the past buddy.
>Meanwhile Doom wads are still alive and well with some of the most ambitious and creative being released the past 10 years
>it's a full on reboot
It's works as a reboot for people who have never played the originals, but it's still technically a sequel to 64.
>I'm not believing that shit game.
The character bios for Quake Champions are handled by id Software. There doesn't need to be any more evidence. Internally, they're considered the same person.
>Implying modders can't enjoy nudoom as well
Don't believe it. Don't want to believe it.
One of the ID guys confirmed it wasn't the same crucible.
I'm not hyped but I'll play it since nudoom was pretty fun.
Well literally WHO fucking else could the doom slayer be?
>Still can't argue without bringing up WADS
Why? Quit being an autist.
nothing about that is modded retard
.... yeah. that's what classic doom is afterall. try thinking next time will ya?
Should I play DOOM 2016? Everywhere else I hear it's a great take on modernizing DOOM and is the best FPS in ages, but here, of course, everyone says it's shit
Bethesda sure like to buy those 3 blocks for marketing
Always do the opposite of what Yea Forums says. Engrave it into your brain.
It's pretty good.
Yea Forums is wrong 98% of the time
Most Doom fans who still play the originals are looking forward to Eternal and liked 2016. Just a few contrarian boomer fags on her try desperately to hate the new games for some reason.
wtf? I use glory kills quite a bit for pacing in ultra-nightmare on PC and I'm in the top 100 on the first level on arcade.
getting good at ultra-nightmare arcade runs is satisfying as fuck by the way, massively underrated way to get replayability out of the game.
Him being the same Doomguy is literally the most awesome thing ever, gayboy. It would be retarded if he was just some other guy.
yeah. it's still a good game. the problem is the reddit crowd who love to scream >muh rip and tear epicness!!
>Requires 3rd-Party Account: Bethesda.net (Supports Linking to Steam Account)
>Requires 3rd-Party Account: Bethesda.net (Supports Linking to Steam Account)
>Requires 3rd-Party Account: Bethesda.net (Supports Linking to Steam Account)
Source or you're bullshitting.
They did it with Rage 2 and they will do it with DE since both got announced to be on the Steam store
this and BANNERLORD are the two games I have hype for
Its good. There's things that old Doom does better but the reason why its good is that it actually modernizes the game, rather then being either a generic CoD clone or just the exact same game as the first two.
yes it gives you an easy avenue to install Quake Champions which is one of the most fun arena deathmatch games you can play right now aside from classics and open-source. the mobility is fun, the maps are great, the id lore stuff is great, Ranger is the best character, and the rocket launcher is tops.
why aren't more people playing Quake Champions?
How to gets quads like this, Yea Forums?
Fuck off Todd no one but a handful of boomers care about Quake these days
Even boomers don't care enough to play Quake Champions
I'm pretty positive the guy in the middle is Samuel. You can just barely make out his head now.
I would jizz continuously nonstop for a week if this was real. I think QC should unironically become the Smash Bros of arena shooters
>Master Chief
>Joanna Dark
>Duke Nukem
>Lo Wang
just for fun
>JC Denton
>Max Payne
>take 1200x900 pic
How does that look like a rabbit foot, it looks like a chicken nugget
>Jumping around the arena with the Tau Cannon
>Using the Crossbow to pin people
I wish.
Would Micheal Shannon be a good Doomguy?
>slowly fading transition to a scoreboard
>paragraphs of text
>"this is fine"
>camera moves a bit to press a button
>listen to haydenn twice
It's a Minecraft Launcher exclusive
Have we seen much that indicates if they're going with the arenas again? I really hope they don't, it was my only real complaint with 2016, but it dragged the game down a lot by the end.
i thought it was the rock-button-skull thing
like the way they record history in hell is just by possessing some rock with a soul that is cursed to say the same few lines forever
>JC Denton
hed have some cool powers but ive never really thought of dues ex as a shooter
Singleplayer is awesome, Snapmap is kinda garbo and multiplayer is fun if you can get past the unlock system. I say it's worth it.
it used to be 100+
>Samuel Hayden
>S. Hayden
Don't think I don't see the aliasing of those perspective-distorted vertical lines.
so the fov is higher than normal. how is that a mod?
>I live in LA. The SJWs are fucking livid
lol no they are not
>Making Doom Slayer into a Flanderized parody of Doom Guy
>Silly flashy weapons shits
>Probably no open stage environments like the classics
Who cares
And then the train driver clapped.
Please stop lying to get some attention you pathetic sap.
kys tasteless naustalgia baiter
Don't forget that I also clapped
You don't understand. Doom does not have perspective distortion. All vertical geometry can only ever appear vertical in your vision. That screenshot is fully 3d rendered. Not raytraced like in the original Doom.
>best case:
Doom 2016 but with way more variety/challenge and longer/more levels. Option to disable glory kills, competent multiplayer, real modding and not whatever snapmap trash they had in the last game
>worst case
Heavy focus on co-op/invasions, game tries too hard to be a flashy/edgy brutal doom copy and feels overdone, too many cutscenes, snapmap 2.0, bad level design
Walking down the street?
Give me a quick run down.
Finally some post with fucking sense, thanks.
and what does that change exactly in regards to the original post?
Epic tvtropes buzzword bro. Why dont' you go write some more Unfortunate Implications in the YMMV pages?
>thinking Yea Forums has taste
Only rarely has Yea Forums taste user
Doesn't speak too well of the one labeled SOUL when one feels the need to use a 3d sourceport screenshot for it
watch one of the WR-speedruns. ~40minutes of them are just cutscenes
>samuel hayden
>samuel hyde
>sam hyde
I wonder who's behind this post...
>game tries too hard to be a flashy/edgy brutal doom copy
Brutal Doom was a Call of Doom copy. id took the flashy gore slaughter from the retarded comic and then either coincidentally or after having seen the behind closed doors demonstration, mark4 made the garbage that is Brutal Doom
Shit on me all you want but this is my favorite cyber demon, the one from d44m looks too much like an alien and the ones in 1&2 are just regular enemies instead of bosses past a certain point
Hayden pretty much proved he has none of humanity's interests at heart, Since he forced demonic immigration to earth and even put up propaganda for demonic acceptance while they slaughter the entire planet.
The first game I ever played was the original Doom, in my jams, eating cereal. I still love it.
I also enjoy new DOOM as, unlike some of you underage faggots, I understand that something new existing, doesn't make something old worse.
>people arguing about why he's called doom slayer and not doomguy
have you considered: because it sounds cool, and no real reason beyond that other than a handwave of "the demons gave him the nickname"?
>mark4 made the garbage that is Brutal Doom
Brutal Doom no matter how you shake it is just giving you more of what Doom already advertises.
You'd be happy if Doom was less gory, less intense and had worse effects and graphics?
Okay... suit yourself.
Doom wasn't a horribly balanced mess of feature bloat and ear-rape, you fucking queer. Go suck off Sgt. Mark and his shitty mod somewhere else.
none of the people in here are even doom fans
Doom Guy, Doom Marine, and Doom Slayer are all different people.
just sit back and watch them argue about immigrants and whether or not they are indeed similar to demons
The suit is only good for air conditioning, Hell is pretty hot.
It's not just a visual mod you mongoloid. It changes weapon and enemy behavior with zero regard for balance or how levels were structured. You can't just add reloads and special enemy attacks into an existing game and expect things to work. Just play Plutonia on UV and compare it to vanilla. Parts that were supposed to be hard are trivial and parts that should be easy are near impossible. Brutal Doom needs its own level design. It's not compatible with what the games normally come with.
>Doom Guy, Doom Marine, and Doom Slayer are all different people.
No they aren't. Doom Eternal is just going to make you deniers look even more retarded.
it might have cooler stuff and it will probably still be a fun game for mindless violence, but the core gameplay will still be shit according to pic related.
>Doom wasn't a horribly balanced mess of feature bloat and ear-rape, you fucking queer.
lol, I'd almost think you were serious if I believed anyone would put this much effort into hating an OPTIONAL mod with OPTIONAL settings in it for all of its OPTIONS for a videogame.
Then there better be an epic sword fight.
Imagine D55M reinventing melee combat.
>Doom Guy, Doom Marine, and Doom Slayer are all different people.
>doomguy and doom slayer are different people
is this bait?
the game does all but slap you with the fact it's the same doomguy that stayed behind in hell after Doom 64.
>people didn’t like arenas
>so instead of designing levels with monsters already roaming them, we just try pretend that the arenas aren’t actually arenas
damnit, and the footage where the player is moving throughout the level looked so natural, guess I fell for it
Stronghold is better anyway.
So in the Google Stadia footage, it seemed there was an enemy near the end of the video that was flashing like it was able to be glory killed, yet it was still moving around. Do you think that they’ll change glory kills so enemies still fight instead of being staggered? I hope so.
The Brutal Doom baby shows their retardation yet again.
to a certain point he is right, anyone who truly loves Doom games would absolutely love Brutal Doom, saying you don't like brutal doom while you like vanilla doom is just being an edgy contrarian.
brutal doom is nothing more than classic doom with crazy turned all the way up to 11
>OwO what's this
>Doom Guy, Doom Marine, and Doom Slayer are all different people.
The denial is real.
One of the earliest constructive criticisms of glory kills in Doom4 was to make it so that executions basically trigger when an enemy's health is one hit away from death anyway. So instead of harmless staggers it would be just a low health state with full function and one melee attack would trigger a glory kill. Alternatively, one normal attack that is as powerful as your melee would kill them too.
his passive would be being able to strafe jump faster when traveling backwards
>brutal doom is nothing more than classic doom with crazy turned all the way up to 11
and we know how great crazy turned up to 11 is.
New update.
is that an exposed brain on the "angel"?
some people don't accept that the naming has been changing towards a more "diverse" fanbase.
in 2019 people can't handle the main character being called literally "guy" because any form of obvious male reference creates chaos and mass confusion amongst the unwashed filthy masses of nu-gamers and general snowflakes.
Doomslayer opens the door to trannies and females extremely narrow imagination making them believe that there could be a female or transexual inside the armor.
Welcome to Doom LGBTQ+
He has our fucking sword we're getting that shit back!
its very good. But its not literally old doom so contrarians use it as an opportunity to demonstrate their fine tastes
That fact that you said that proves you probably didnt even clear UN
>so instead of designing levels with monsters already roaming them
They've already stated before that they tried doing that when developing Doom 2016 and having demons already roaming levels and potentially chasing you as you run through said levels caused the game to chug on consoles. Their arena-based game design is what allows to them to control how many enemies exist at once, although the Quakecon gameplay they've already shown off demonstrates that they've gotten better at making it seem like enemies are pre-placed instead of constantly teleporting in, so I imagine the final game won't feel as arena-focused as 2016 did.
>tl;dr blame consoles
Literally the same fucking melody with some simple as rhythms. Only difference is the production. Jesus Christ. I do like the old one more. It’s more upbeat and energetic instead of just sounding like harsh noise.
>Brutal Doom needs its own level design. It's not compatible with what the games normally come with.
...and that's why Extermination Day is a thing.
to be honest the game would be perfectly fine if they didn't have the arenas, it's still fun but it seems made for people with short attention span.
i don't even mind the takedown cutscenes simply because they're completely optional.
it's a good game but could be much better with a classic level design.
Somebody call an ambulance. I think my erection broke.
>designing a fucking DOOM game of all things with consoles in mind
But why? The game could be so much more. Drop those antiquated pieces of shit and make the great game it should be.
Things that should be fixed
>armor functions as armor, not extra health
>guns should be tools used for certain situations, not just “pick your favorite and use it forever lol”
>glory kills should be able to be turned off, or at the very least, enemies should still be able to fight back while in that state
>the large, new amount of enemies should be unique, not just strafing around and lobbing projectiles
>the amount of half life styled “cutscenes” should be severely reduced
>lore should stay in the background, people shouldn’t be forced to care about the story if they just want to murder virtual demons
I genuinely dont understand the problem with arenas. They were so much more interesting to fight in than classic dooms levels. I hope between arenas doom5 has more exploration like classic, but i dont understand how arenas are bad for the intensive combat sections. They were a ton of fun.
What is actually wrong with them? Can anyone explain how they are flawed besides the fact that your locked in which is an essential aspect to the fight? And before anyone says that is the problem, why exactly? Please use examples and be specific.
Sam Hayden.
>But why?
Because Bethesda's the boss and it's what they want.
They want to sell games on all platforms you fucking idiot.
>>guns should be tools used for certain situations, not just “pick your favorite and use it forever lol”
>>glory kills should be able to be turned off, or at the very least, enemies should still be able to fight back while in that state
I dont think you played on ultra nightmare. But i agree with everything else.
More copies gets sold on Console.
>enemies should still be able to fight back while in that state
The Stadia footage sort of implies that. There's a Gargoyle flying around and attacking while flashing.
That's a destructible map entity.
You’re right, I only beat it on UV and a few of the early levels on NM. People have said the Gauss cannon was busted as fuck though, and completely overshadowed the plasma rifle except for the rare stun bomb, but I wouldn’t know from experience.
gauss cannon is fucked. They need to rebalance it.
>plasma rifle except for the rare stun bomb
Stun bomb is also extremely broken and you can use it all the time.
Classic Doom maps were essentially one large arena, which you could approach in several ways. Resources like ammo and health were placed purposefully, which can change the entire nature of the next encounter, depending on what sequence rooms were visited in.
Doom 2016 wasn't completely lacking in this regard, but the presence of glory kills makes the map itself a less important element of the gameplay loop.
tl;dr new thing bad
No it's fucking awful. How anyone derives fun from this is beyond me. I beat the game four times and and still can't figure it out.
By the time you get the Gauss, you're better off 1-shotting 90% of the enemies rather than wasting time stunning them.
Pick up that fuckin chair RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
Looks like they're trying to rebalance it by turning it into a different gun entirely: the ballista. Shoots charged exploding bolts instead of a railgun style weapon that just fucking annihilates everything.
How can you not like a game but play through it four times? Especially a game like nudoom whose campaign I recall being quite long.
Why are people acting like there are no enemies already existing in the map?
arenas break the fluidity of the game in separate parts all along the game and gets boring after the first 5 basically, rinse and repeat, there's no surprise effect to the game anymore, the suspense dies completely since you always know what comes next, all while making sure that the dumb players don't get lost or even slightly confused because searching for exits is scary to young people and everything needs to be handed in a golden platter.
tl:dr you're a faggot and everything wrong with gaming these days.
That's the joke senpai.
the absolute STATE of boomers
The generic zombies don't count as enemies when they go down to a single punch.
Please gain a few IQ points so you can start recognizing and ignoring bait.
I wasn't counting them, you get every kind of enemy save for the bosses.
Dunno, seems like a lot of the people in this thread haven't actually played both.
Although in most cases I think the game actually spawns the enemies just before you open the door, achieving the same effect as if they were present all along.
It's fundamentally a different game is all.
DMC uses arenas all the time but nobody ever complains about repetition, lack of suspense, or surprise there
Why is that?
the more important question is: why the fuck are you comparing DMC with Doom?
>tl:dr you're a faggot and everything wrong with gaming these days
I played doom on a floppy disk that i copied from a neighbor. I'm not new to this.
arenas as a concept of level design transcend genres, now please answer the question
because DMC is an entirely different genre?
>ruined him and made him a faggot
wat, how? in the new games hes practically a homicidal maniac.
you asked on your original post to be specific and use examples and yet you reply to the tl:dr
nice job at making your opinion irrelevant, dumbass
you are mad
no they are not and they will not be just because you want them to be, there, question answered, deal with it.
It's gonna be.
There werent any examples though. You claimed they ruinted the pace without any actual support. Give specific instances that occur in game where the pace is broken by and arena and explain why.
i'm right, YOU are mad.
double deal with it B^)
they aren't really demons in the biblical sense, they are interdimensional 'demons".
so them being hellish aliens is exactly par for the course.
>they're not comparable because they're not
How is this not circular reasoning?
Let me put it this way, why is it that when Doom locks you into an arena and spawns enemies around you any different than when DMC locks you into an arena and spawns enemies around you?
Do you want confirmation that Doomguy is Doom Slayer or not.
do you also want a step by step explanation to why 2+2=4 ?
learn 2 basic understanding and conversation.
Who the fuck is that angel i wonder
Hayden should be fully mechanical at this point, right?
basically it is not different, and that's what's wrong about it, because two completely different franchises and games should not play the same way.
there ya go, that should be simple to understand even for you
Too be fair I mean like what you want I personally don't like many Doom mods including Brutal Doom. The graphics added often look out of place and allowing the player to jump never works in Doom because the level design is based around movement and progression without it.
I thought he put his brain in a robot body
then just don't press the jump button, nigga
But that's bullshit.
nuDoom especially strayed away from the roots of the original by focusing less on enemy placement and enemy amounts in levels designed around relatively slow enemies placed in spots where they can be an actual threat, in favor of more mobile and adaptive enemies capable of utilizing the environment the same way the player does.
In the original the challenge came from being stuck in a tight part of the level surrounded by enemies, in nuDoom the challenge comes from unpredictable enemy behavior. Which I should add is much like DMC. Like they even went on record saying that Glory Kills were inspired from games like MGR and Ninja Gaiden.
Is the movement speed faster than Doom 2016?
>the sword doesnt have ammo and be used freely to hack shit to smithereens
Sword has complex two-button combat a la Shadow Warrior and basically Bethesda is about to make you his bitch
>why is it that when Doom locks you into an arena and spawns enemies around you any different than when DMC locks you into an arena and spawns enemies around you?
From a surface level standpoint it's not different, but being locked in arena to fight enemies is a part of DMC's identity, not Doom's. Doom 2016 was the first Doom game to focus on constant, arena-based combat. The original games had arenas, but they were mostly used as level design gimmicks and didn't make up a majority of the combat scenarios found in either Doom 1 or 2.
People prefer how combat scenarios were handled in classic Doom to Doom 2016's attempt. That's it.
Brutal Doom a shit
>But that's bullshit.
not really since it's basic logic, and that's why i'm not even reading the rest of your comment.
>People prefer how combat scenarios were handled in classic Doom to Doom 2016's attempt. That's it.
>muh identity
So from a objective point of view, there's actually nothing wrong with arenas inherently, but because everyone's just aching for the classic again there's absolutely nothing id can do get people to accept arenas save for providing the illusion that it isn't an arena?
That's fucking gay.
>People prefer how combat scenarios were handled in classic Doom to Doom 2016's attempt.
I didn’t. I liked the original Doom games plenty but honestly I thought the pacing in D44M was much better. It helps that the actual combat gameplay of D44M was much better than Doom, which in singleplayer was essentially a survival horror game.
>That's fucking gay.
said the doctor when you came out of your mums cunt.
Arenas suck because it makes the game predictable. You know at what exact point an extended encounter will happen, and oftentimes are in control of exactly when one will begin.
stop replying to the DMC arenas faggot, he's clearly not well versed in the art of videogames and has a very basic understanding of the whole concept.
But then again, nobody ever complains that arenas in DMC made the game predictable. So are arenas just inherently bad, are they inherently bad for first-person shooters only, are they inherently bad for something that calls itself Doom, or can arenas in nuDoom have been potentially good? Again, what are you trying to imply here?
Did our /based/ third world Brazilian god-like modder make you mad, tranny? Go dilate.
I've never played DMC so I don't give a fuck. lol
It's a robo spider, I forget the actual name. You see them in the quakecon gameplay. Not an angel (shame).
brutal doom modder is br?
that explains the ridiculous amount of violence and brown monsters everywhere