>is actually really good
>nobody played it because the base game sucks
Is actually really good
I didn't know there was dlc
fuck off gggman
>Caring about Duke Nukem besides 3D and Manhattan Project
I heard it was pretty good but I still have never gotten around to playing the dlc even though I've felt the desire at times
The DLC feels extremely half-baked compared to the base game, IMHO. It's decent enough, mind you.
Zero Hour would like a word.
>is actually really good
It's actually sorta okay. Not really something special nor it's better than the main game.
I loved the hell out of the multiplayer, a shame it died so fucking fast.
I like Time to Kill.
Main campaign had garbage pacing, the DLC is full on pretty much the whole way.
Fuck you sonny jim, you know it's true.
Why so much hate for the guy? He seems okay enough, overall.
I cant trust him after his blood fresh supply and sigil reviews
Didn't he trash it overall though? his opinion boiled down to "People only like it because it was shorter"
His Blood: Fresh Supply review was fine. He was reviewing the game as a game, and wasn't being anal about its issues as a remaster (which were mostly fixed within a week or so). Most people praised the Turok 2 remaster despite it having MAJOR issues that only anal N64 graphics and audio enthusiasts knew anything about. Nothing he said in his Blood review was wrong, per se. He just focused on Blood as a game and how it holds up.
He hates Forever though.
I honestly dont really get why people hate it so much, if it came out when it was supposed to everybody would like it. The gameplay is pretty good. The humor is a bit dated but if you're a boomer you'll get the references. Overall I liked it. Its not the "next gen" Duke game I was expecting but its still good.
But the ideal version of the game was in the 2001 trailer, nowhere near "next gen"
>This was all scrapped for the 2011 game.
It just wasn't going to match the hype of gaming jesus that people thought it was going to be. Good or bad it did make for an interesting little oddity on the evolvement of shooters throughout the 2000's. It's like a time capsule where you can see how DNF mimics popular shooter trends all throughout the decade. I still liked it though even if it wasn't all that good.
Still cant believe they got away with this
DNF Duke had a very mean spirited streak that felt out of place when you compare him to older games and ESPECIALLY when you compare him to Eurocom's version of Duke from Duke 64 and Zero Hour. That version of Duke was strikingly influential because it recontexualized Duke into a man on a mission to save all the babes and have sex with them. But DNF Duke literally doesn't give a shit about women suffering. He even cracks jokes about it. And that was pure whiplash. Anyone who actually understood the arc of the series would have seen that the way DNF portrayed Duke and women was extremely weird. Even Duke 3D Duke wasn't like that, and to make matters worse a significant number of people really liked the more charming and sympathetic version of Duke from the Eurocom games. That Duke would have done some comical Heimlich shit to expel the parasites. Not just stood there and cracked jokes as they died like DNF Duke did.
chill out John
>DNF Duke had a very mean spirited streak that felt out of place when you compare him to older games
By crazy coincidence, the exact same thing happened with Shadow Warrior. SW2013 Lo Wang was a lovable, poon-loving goofball with good murdering skills. 2013 Lo Wang had a big dig. SW2 Log Wang was just a big dick.
Yeah ok but i got a boner so
sounds like horseshit too me
As far as I remember that scene was the only joke that was really out of place in the game, you're right though that it was fucking weird that duke would comment like that when the twins died. Although in the dlc you do get that achievement if you try and play the pimp slap game and duke comments on it about not touching that piece of shit.
This - the saving babes mechanic of Duke 64 (but moreso Zero Hour which added fun sex dialogue) is what I want out of Duke and his future adventures - saving babes should be top priority
Same love the level designs on time to kill. Land of the babes was pretty cool too.
Hey you fuckwads, sign this nigger petition so we can possible get the 2001 DNF build and all die in peace, fuck randy but this is the only chance we got
>online petition
>petitioning randy shitford of all people
I wish Zero Hour was ported to PC with quick save support and the like. It's genuinely one of the best Duke games with really good level design, and some shockingly risque jokes and innendos for an N64 title, but a lot of people have no idea it exists. In fact, the BUILD engine modding community always had a weird stick up their ass about Zero Hour because it was a third person shooter.
Zero Hour is possibly the most sophisticated commercially released BUILD engine game. It goes way beyond anything else with 3D character models and huge levels and such. It's so advanced a lot of people didn't believe it was a BUILD engine game until someone dissected the rom to prove it.
My impression is that Gearbox have the source code for Zero Hour (and of course DNF2001) and they've considered re-releasing it with the other games, but Pitchford seems incapable of actually getting shit done.
Yeah I didn't know that either, thought it was specially built (I guess it is technically, like how they added those 3D effects to Duke 3D)
Also being in third person allowed for them to focus on costumes that would literally mean nothing in first person, so Zero Hour has some of my favorite Duke outfits as a result like the leather jacket post apoc one. I didn't know there was hate for it as it was to me, just another Duke episode, but there's always autists.
And when I say costumes, I also mean his personality and having cutscenes
I kinda wonder whether Cortez in TimeSplitters 3 meeting his future self took influence from Duke.
>not caring about the original platformers
low tier.
I'll be honest, I never liked the idea of being unable to save babes you see across the way. I grew up with the N64 version of Duke Nukem, and I enjoyed being able to pull them out of their slimy green cocoons or egg nests. Being forced to essentially put a bullet in their head always struck a sour note with me.
I started with Duke on PC, and I still prefer the 64's idea (plus it adds a collection goal mechanically, which is always a nice addition), playing the Duke 64 mod reminds me how nice it is that they can be saved
Hell, if you save the babes, why not have a sex scene? That's something I wish modders would look into
Manhattan Project had the best and crispiest oneliners out of all Dukle games
Don't change my mind, cause it's true and you know it
>we will never get a proper next gen dook where you can pov bang babes
Doubt we'll even get a duke game at all the way politics in games is going these days
Nah, Zero Hour has the best
Considering Gearbox was responsable for the last part of development of the game, i'm dead convinced this segment was demanded by Randy Pitchford.
>why can't I rape demolished women in an AAA game?
hi /pol/?
Fuck off retard go back to your console war threads
The one weird change Duke 64 makes is the addition of eviscerated women to various locations in the game. This was a "fuck you" to Nintendo over the draconian content guidelines. But overall the game portrays Duke as a macho babe-loving hero in a way that really stuck with anyone who played it.
Is that so? That sucks. I've been holding off on SW2 because my PC kinda struggles at times with the first game, and I remember hearing that 2 had procedurally generated levels, which I'm not a fan of.
>I... HATE... PIGS.
Shadow Warrior 2 is a bizarre downgrade compared to the reboot. The reboot had such warm, witty writing. Good level design. Good pacing. That all goes in the trash. SW2 does improve the combat, but everything else takes a hit. And Lo Wang's personality is just... wrong. He's mean spirited.
have sex
I think people were really starved for doom clones around that time. So seeing dukey nukey use more modern mechanics made it seem like a betrayal.
Nothing beats original Lo Wang.
Unbelievable LMAO
The reboot was pretty good but damn I couldnt even finish SW2, they totally sucked all the charm out of it
Oh yeah, and I just remembered something else that made me put it off.
In one gameplay demo they showed the co-op and the loot system and I got way too much of a Borderlands vibe from it. Did that hold true?
Duke Nukem Forever is a strange game. It doesn't come anywhere close to the hype it had after being in development for such a long time. But its also a significantly better game than people gave it credit for and has the best campaign of any fps that came out around its time.
Game is a solid 7/10 that everyone treats like a 2/10.
if you just removed
>2 weapon limit (yes dlc raised it to 4 but it's still not enough)
>getting tired of sprinting after 3 seconds
>gun butt melee attack in favor of the mighty boot
>shitty health system
it would've been pretty damn good
Serious Sam 3 came out the same year.
Also Human Revolution if you would count that.
serious sam 3 was unbelievably meh and flawed
It's great once you get out of the repurposed asset city.
I agree. The shrunken duke levels were so fun. But hardly the BEST.
This, HR easily beats it. Such a shame Eidos killed Deus Ex with that awful sequel. I honestly didnt mind the reboot.
don't forget the loading screens every 5 minutes. Seriously annoyed me at release
I actually liked the base game.
You also get an achievement called 'Hedonist, Not Misogynist' for interacting with it.
Thats a yikes from me
Duke loves women, the opposite of misogyny, as if they even need to state that.
And people still say that Randy is a SJW...
Genuinely can't believe I've been on Yea Forums long enough to be contrarian about fucking duke nukem forever god damn
that is garbage and only starting to from scrape
Let me fucking remind you that bullestorm, Crysis 2, battlefield 3, killzone 3,brink and even portal 2 came out that year and you hoesntly think duke nukem forever is better than any of those games both story and or gameplaywise? I'm at an fucking awe
MD isn't awful. There was just too much hubris involved in its creation. They wanted to save too much cool shit for the sequel they were assuredly getting.
What's actually there is good, but you just feel teased in the process.
What makes this scene so bizarre is that there were women held in similar cocoons in 3D but you can save them
Duke fucking goes "LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE FUCKED" in such an unfunny manner and it goes against the babe loving chad character he was built up as
Then Doctor Who Cloned Me tries to damage control this with it's strip club level having you reject a pimp slap game and beat up a guy harassing the strippers
Randy did not contribute a single thing to DNF.
As soon as Gearbox got the license, they just compiled the most recent build and shipped it.
Randy is nothing more than a common scam artist and to imply he has ever been involved in any kind of creative endeavor is to lie.
He is, just a deeply troubled and confused one. As most of them are.
MD is pretty rubbish. Half a full game, rubbish story, developers putting their politics into the game rather than letting the player express their own, Sqeenix microtransactions, and the gameplay was far too easy. Clearly designed for a console audience.
HR had smart level design like the original. Had a morally and politically ambiguous plot that let you pick a side. Thats how Deus Ex should be. Only thing I didnt like about HR was the "cinematic" shit they copied from HL2.
>What makes this scene so bizarre is that there were women held in similar cocoons in 3D but you can save them
You can't save them in Duke 3D, only in Duke 64 and other spin off titles (which was a good addition to the series that Forever removed for some reason)
Not him but I bought SW2 on release and at first it wasn't too bad with that stuff but they kept updating it to make it more like Borderlands and made it fucking unplayable.
hell yeah i fucking loved the underground doom 3 segments
It makes sense in the context because Duke tells the player that he outright refuses to play the pimp game.
That's retarded and shouldn't have been in a Duke game in the first place (like playing with that turd)
DNF is basically Half Life 2 with 2 weapon limit (patched later to 4 which doesn't fix anything since there's no proper weapon pickup balance and all guns are just thrown all over the place)
the multiplayer portion was surprisingly good compared to campaign
multiplayer was absolute garbage
>in the dlc you do get that achievement if you try and play the pimp slap game and duke comments on it about not touching that piece of shit
sounds like dev political statement considering slapping babes is a gameplay mechanic in multiplayer and game got a shit for it in journo media for that
>And Lo Wang's personality is just... wrong. He's mean spirited.
Remember when he tricks those twins (who keep backstabbing him) into taking tainted drugs? Am I remembering that right? It seemed so weird and out of character for him. I wasn't the only person back when SW2 came out who felt that the man who cheerfully sang, "YOU GOT THE TOUCH!" in the opening of SW1 had been twisted into this spiteful little prick.
I played it and I got stuck driving around on the moon with that moon patrol car where you also have to find fuel. It's super annoying and I've tried it many times but just didn't know where to go to or got stuck or something. I really can't remember but I didn't have the intention of giving up.
I actually enjoyed playing DNF online when it was new.
>MD isn't awful. There was just too much hubris involved in its creation. They wanted to save too much cool shit for the sequel they were assuredly getting.
Yea, that's how you write the middle part of a 3 act story. Imagine getting upset because nothing gets resolved in The Empire Strikes Back.
Deus Ex really shouldn't be written with cliffhanger endings - that's not the kind of game it should be
And now that MD won't have a third act or even a DLC third act, it's just a bad game, period
I like 1, 2, 3d, manhattan project, and 2 or 3 of the PS1 platformers though they're objectively not as good. Duke Nukem 64 had some ok levels too.
>As soon as Gearbox got the license, they just compiled the most recent build and shipped it.
That isn't true. Gearbox spent a fair bit of work massaging DNF into the game we got. I think at one point they were gonna give Duke a gay robot sidekick or something. But that got scrapped.
Basically, 3D treated the captured babes as mercy killings if you chose to shoot them. But DN64 introduced the idea of saving the babes and having them thank you, which shifted the tone of Duke in a significant way. This continued with Zero Hour. You'd find babes, rescue them, and they'd say sexy things. And this overall vibe of Duke carried over to the later stuff like Manhattan Project. When people think of Duke and the kind of character he is, there's a lot of Duke 64/Zero Hour through osmosis, basically, even if they never played those games. Then along comes DNF and you're not just mercy killing poor babes Duke was unable save, Duke proceeds to utter probably the worst line in the entire series where he jeers at the impending violent death of two young women whom he failed to keep safe.
It was just fucked up and put an extremely sour note tonally on DNF. Even though DNF is overall not that bad totally, that one scene is so WTF that it sticks with people.
it was 5/10 but probably 7/10 after the patch that lets you carry 4 weapons instead of 2.
also in DN3D you could kill random women for no reason even if they weren't captured
this actually looks a lot better than the game i bought in 2011.
>the multiplayer portion was surprisingly good compared to campaign
I actually liked the multiplayer especially the map in the kitchen where everyone was small
You could do that in Half Life 1 with random friendly NPCs
Games were a lot more free back in the day
but they were aliens possessing their bodies hence why aliens spawn when you kill them
>But DN64 introduced the idea of saving the babes and having them thank you, which shifted the tone of Duke in a significant way.
It recently occured to me that Duke 64 predates Turok 2 by almost a year. I wonder if the babe rescuing mechanic was the inspiration for Turok 2's mechanic where you rescue little girls and human soldiers. "THANK YOU, TUROK!" Again, that little touch was really important for how people remember Turok and Fireseed as a character. He wasn't particularly fleshed out as a person, (not counting the novels), but you understood who he was because he rescued children. What is Duke? He's a tough guy. He hates alien scum, and he loves babes. Saving babes is logically his mission. And Duke games that remember this come across as way more charming.
But that's player choice, not a shitty cutscene that's beyond offputting
>We'll get the weight off in like a week, we swear!
this is probbably the most mysognistic thing in a duke game desu
Sigil on Ultraviolence isn't a good time, but UV is the standard for user content for Doom so of course that's what everyone went for, unaware that Hurt Me Plenty is the non-masochist difficulty for Sigil.
I also agree with Gggman that using Doom 1 monsters only is extremely limiting and just an odd choice for the mapset overall. I know Romero wanted it to be the spiritual episode 5 to Doom but Doom 2's monsters really add a lot of variety to the gameplay that is just missing in Doom 1.
SW2 is truly the "SOUL/SOULLESS" meme.
The levels themselves aren't completely procedurally generated, the missions are, and enemy placements, and what the boss of an area is, but not the level tehmselves.
Its like borderlands but shittier, look up any review about it being a 4 player loot and shoot.
>t the man who cheerfully sang, "YOU GOT THE TOUCH!"
imagine thinking this was good writing or a good opening scene or good character development at all
Imagine unironically defending episodic games, especially ones as braindead as MD
Asian American doing karaoke isn't a bad way to setup a character
>also in DN3D you could kill random women for no reason even if they weren't captured
Yea, and you can shoot children in Deus Ex. There's a difference between letting the player do stuff -- such as shooting children, and putting them in a position where the rugged, ultra-masculine protagonist starts mocking dying women. It was so unbelievably out of character and I can't believe John St John was willing to record that dialogue. Unless of course it was franken-spliced from someone else in the game.
>this is probbably the most mysognistic thing in a duke game desu
Cry about it on tumblr sweetie
imagine hating fun
It's not misogynistic in the tumblr way, just the "guys who like sexy women" way
The opening of SW 2013 from the moment we see Lo Wang driving to the part where Hoji does his "YOU ARE CHOSEN ONE!" thing is pure gold.
Annoying as serious sam 3 started out, the mid-game and endgame is fucking great, and bottom line is even at its worst, its better than DNF at its best. They're both nowhere near their predecessors though.
I strongly suggest you blow it out your ass.
This man is correct.
Then again:
Bulletstorm is bad
Crysis 2 is a huge downgrade from Crysis 1
Battlefield 3 is really the beginning of the shitty battlefield era (2 was probably the last good one)
Killzone 3 is console garbage and just another Halo-killer meme
Brink was total dogshit and failure despite having tons of potential and hype
Portal 2 isn't even an FPS
I'm surprised you didn't mention Hard Reset, RAGE, or Homefront. Even Conduit 2. As mediocre as they are, still better than DNF.
Modern Warfare 3, and Resistance 3 are arguably better than Killzone 3, as far as shit fps go.
Also Fear 3, as bad as it was, though honestly I think I'd rather play DNF over it.
>Crysis 2 is a huge downgrade from Crysis 1
No it isn't. It's a huge mechanical improvement in a number of key areas and is graphically superior in every single way.
What was wrong with the base game? Never played it but want to
Except they turned the multiplayer into a shitty COD clone. I miss Power Struggle, those climactic 2142-style battles that end with a team's base getting nuked.
>bullestorm, Crysis 2, battlefield 3, killzone 3,brink
all trash. Please seek help
Nothing really, its just a let down from what people expected after 12 years of development. It gets a lot of hate that it doesnt really deserve.
>Bulletstorm is bad
I will fight you to the fucking death over this bulletstorm was extremely fun and its a shame history has forgotten about it
I haphazardly just picked a bunch of random games from wikipedia so I missed a lot of stuff
And portal 2 is meme pick but by all means its technically an FPS, it's first person, you have a gun, and you shoot it to both kill enemies (automated turrets) and solve puzzles
All trash yet somehow leagues better than dookie poopem fornever
Mmm, the flavor of polished turd... GRATE sucksess
fair enough
He's a 'male feminist', user.
Maps are like 1/7th the size because it had to be console-ized.
It's fun but bad. They even added duke to it in a recent release.
duke did karaoke in dn3d
lo wang never did that
wasnt that type of char.
Funny thing is I already own it but never bothered
>Maps are like 1/7th the size because it had to be console-ized.
No, because urban environments are more resource hungry. Crysis 2 pushed contemporary PC hardware to its limits. They ported the original Crysis to consoles. Crytek were experimenting with procedural generation for the city to try and fix the tech problems but it never eventuated. It will for Star Citizen, though.
>Except they turned the multiplayer into a shitty COD clone. I miss Power Struggle, those climactic 2142-style battles that end with a team's base getting nuked.
The MP was by a different studio. Crysis 1's MP was by Crytek Frankfurt, while Crysis 2/3's was by Free Radical, aka Crytek UK. Crytek UK's specialty was arena-based combat, ala TimeSplitters.
Also, Power Struggle was a netcode nightmare.
After Crysis 2, Crytek began work on Homefront: The Revolution. Creating open urban environments that paired the urban aspect of Crysis 2 with the openness of Crysis 1 resulted in a game that ran at 15-25fps on the PS4 at launch, required 8GB of RAM minimum, and so on. The version of Crysis 2 people had in their head was literally impossible on 2011 hardware. Back then nobody had the kind of RAM you'd need to create a Crysis game in an urban environment that wasn't constrained. Also, the level design faced huge issues because how do you prevent the player just running away? A big problem with Homefront: TR is that you get into a fight, and you just turn tail and run down the nearest alleyway and voila, you've lost the AI.
Crytek had been making games set on the beach and in the jungle since the late 90s. They were sick of beaches and jungles. But the Crysis 1 fanbase wanted more beaches and jungles. There was a fundamental disconnect between what Crytek wanted to make, what the "muh jungles, muh beaches, muh wooden huts" demographic wanted, and what hardware at the time was capable of delivering.
>netcode nightmare.
Every cryengine game has nothing but netcode nightmare (MWO, MW:LL, Armored Warfare, Evolved, Warface, FarCryetc)
Is there a way to buy the dlc without the base game
>Every cryengine game has nothing but netcode nightmare (MWO, MW:LL, Armored Warfare, Evolved, Warface, FarCryetc)
Yes and no. The Korean MMOs that used it fared okay. Crytek eventually got something workable with Hunt.
I feel like Crytek should have released a PC-exclusive Power Struggle-based game. Focus on the scope of the battles, the large player numbers, etc. After the servers went down, there was a hunger for something that was like Crysis 1 MP-wise and Crytek didn't use the opportunity to fill it. It really sucks how all of Crytek's games got fucked over by Gamespy shutting down. C2/3 are still online on Xbox 360/Xbox One, though, which is a small blessing.
>Korean MMOs
mmos dont need as tight netcode as an FPS for example
That's true.
For what it's worth I actually enjoyed crysis 2
I enjoyed being a tin can of failing organs being alone and hunted, and I actually thought the MP was fun
I'd only call the museum and the turret maze levels outright bad.
Level 1 is a pretty great "learning by doing" introduction level, 3 has the first real horde sectione in the mosque and 5 is where shit starts hitting the fan.
That said, it definitely needs mods like Enhanced and classic enemy stats to be genuinely great.
Sigil fucking blew ass. John romero lost his touch a while ago. I recall when he made e1m8. Shit was fucking "baby's first doom wad" tier garbage. I gotta be honest though, at least sigil looked cool.
This was shitty & shows Gearbox doesn't understand Duke
A lot of these changes were made by Gearbox
Remember when Gearbox on the forums admitted they changed it to 2 weapon limit because that's what Console gamers liked? fuck that company
>They ported the original Crysis to Consoles
No they didn't, they ported a downgraded version with a missing level to Consoles
Those were Broussard's ideas, dipshit, and long in the game before Gearbox got its paws on it.
A lot of the stuff leaked like half a year before they aquired the IP through one of the artists portfolios that included never seen before gameplay footage like the turret section against the mothership or the scene where some pigs storm the construction office you're inside.
Gearbox' input was actually pretty minimal and limited to stuff like Captain Dylan's inclusion.
The mission was removed because it was shit. Crysis for consoles is improved in some areas, worse in others. Point being, most of the design shifts in Crysis 2 were 100% driven by the move to urban environments which necessitated level design that was more memory hungry that copy-pasted sand and grass textures peppered with trees. The Crysis 1 fanbase never really understood that making urban environments requires a huge VRAM budget, a huge polygon budget, and you have to create unique assets for everything. They were so out of touch they thought Crysis 2 was "downgraded" despite it having better geometry, better textures, better everything. Because they were obsessed with cookie cutter beach and jungle scenes, and Crysis 2 wasn't cookie cutter beach and jungle scenes.
seething tranny
I was a modder for Far Cry, Crysis, and Crysis 2. Most of the Crysis 1 fanbase was basically infatuated with the first beach scene in Crysis. That was their level of engagement with the series. They obsessed over ToD-adjusted screenshots of beaches. One of the problems with the Crysis modding community in general was a lack of actual talent or understanding of art direction or anything like that. A lot of Crysis 1 fans will defend Crysis 1's graphical shortcomings such as a complete lack of bounce lighting because they prefer the way Crysis 1 looks. It's like talking to a wall.
Glad to see somebody competently defending crysis 2. That game was amazing and got a lot of undeserved hate at the time.
Good, Dylan was based.
Crysis 2 had worse texture resolution than Crysis 1 until the HD pack came out
Yeah I dont really get the joke
Not that I care about them dying, it just seemed a bit too edgy for Duke
>They were so out of touch they thought Crysis 2 was "downgraded"
It literally was you retard
Crysis 1 still looks better to this day
Not to mention its also a much better game in every respect
That whole section was kind of offputting, especially for someone who was pregnant at the time
>the animation on the babes where the belly distends horrifically as whatever is in it is trying to break loose
>Crysis 2 had worse texture resolution than Crysis 1 until the HD pack came out
Untrue. Crysis 1's textures were often dogshit. We're talking 128x128 smear-fests. People just have extremely selective memories of them. Again, it comes down to one simple fact. Crysis 1 has fuck-all texture variety. It's the same sand texture pasted over and over, the same grass texture over and over. Far Cry 1 was no different. Crysis has unique textures for every surface. They couldn't just slap a single sand texture, a single grass texture, and then copypaste the same palm tree with randomized rotation and size. They couldn't have a building where every single wall uses the exact same texture like the buildings in Crysis 1 do. Everything in Crysis 2 had to be hand-crafted with unique textures. This is the entire root of why Crysis 2's textures are the way they are. Crysis 2 is a game where you navigate crowded streets filled with litter and cars and debris and billboards and so on. Crysis 1 has none of that. Every single car is either a Toyota Hilux or a jeep. There's no debris. No billboards. No magazine racks.
Crysis 2 has better textures than Crysis 1 because it actually HAS textures. None of Crysis 2's textures are as bad as stuff like magazine covers in Crysis 1. None of its terrain textures are as bad as Crysis 1's. None of its rocks are as blurry and stretched as Crysis 1's.
Again, this all comes back to the fundamental tech difference between a bunch of trees and identical huts pasted on literal copy-pasted landscape textures vs incredibly complex and detail urban environments where every surface needs unique textures.
>It literally was you retard
No it wasn't. It is visually superior in every way. It has better textures, better shaders, better lighting, etc.
>Crysis 1 still looks better to this day
No it doesn't. Even the console version of Crysis 1 beats it out in areas like indirect lighting. Building interiors in Crysis 1 look absolutely horrific. Warhead is even worse.
>Not to mention its also a much better game in every respect
Not at all. Crysis 1 is a good game overall, but Crysis 2 is a far more polished, more cohesive experience which places the focus on vertical sandbox combat encounters ala Doom 2016. In Crysis 2, battles are crafted and have pacing. In Crysis 1, it's just some dudes standing around waiting for you to show up. In fact Crysis 1 was a huge step back from Crysis 2 in terms of making the AI feel like they were real people with real goals. Crysis 2 brings back a lot of the ever-important NPC banter. You see, it's absolutely essential in a Far Cry/Crysis game to be able to sneak around and listen to NPCs talk. This was a definitive aspect of the original Far Cry. And it's missing from Crysis 1. Crysis 2/3 have it. Crysis 2 is the most well rounded of the Crysis games.
Nigga where did Crysis 1 touch you?
i wanted to unlock all the sluts in the apartment mode, but multiplayer is long-dead and thus this is impossible
Crysis 2's Ai was really buggy, take off the rose tinted goggles
Also, Crysis 1 has shockingly dysfunctional AI. The reason Crysis 1 fans defend its AI is because they view Crysis 1 as a power fantasy sandbox, and the AI being unable to navigate around things doesn't really bother them. Far Cry 1's AI is by far the best, but Crysis 2 solves a lot of the problems with Crysis 1. The AI can actually navigate, take cover, etc.
Additionally, Crysis 2's animation is way more complex than Crysis 1. Crysis 1 has one reload animation. One punching animation. And so on. Crysis 2 has a super complex procedural system in place that creates dynamic animations depending on context so that when you slam that magazine into your assault rifle, it feels fluid and not canned.
>Crysis 2's Ai was really buggy, take off the rose tinted goggles
It had issues but Crysis 1's AI is flat-out broken. People were so busy maximum speeding around the place that they failed to notice how borked C1's AI really is when the going gets tough. When Crysis 2's AI works, which is most of the time, it is tenacious and effective. It can actually pathfind. It can use cover properly.
Ah, so this is why Crysis was easy even on Delta difficulty.
the peak of PC performance, people, too bad crysis was shit after the first one
I'm pretty sure Crytek were scared of Crysis 1 being too difficult, so the AI has really short attention spans, doesn't engage very well at long range (unless they're a boat then they're fucking Boat Terminator) and the player can resolve most situations by running really fast. Originally the plan was for Crysis 1's KPA to hunt the player if they became aware of them, but this didn't go down well with playtesters.
To some degree, Crysis as a series always grappled with the disconnect of being a Predator homage where you are supposed to be Arnie, but they're actually the Predator. Crysis 3 is a particularly good example. They give you the ability to sprint infinitely, because people complained about Crysis 2's constrained sprint. They give you a bow that doesn't break cloak when you fire it.
And you can just stealth bow your way though 90% of the game. It's a power fantasy gone wrong. And the series always grappled with this because players wanted to feel super powerful. It's the same problem you see with the likes of Saints Row 4, where you have superpowers and suddenly everything is trivial.
Titanfall 2 cribbed a fair bit from Crysis 2, including the cloaking, but it made cloak super short to prevent players doing exactly what they did in Cryis, which was cloak, walk to the next checkpoint, cloak, cloak, cloak. Gee, I finished the game in 5 hours.
There's some irony in how Crysis was a massive ripoff of Delta Force, which was built using a helicopter game engine.
I played it. And beat it.
I'll never understand why people get so assmad about videogames exploring different directions in their sequels. Like those people who are angry that Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is a Wing Commander style game. If that's not your bag, maybe... just don't play it? Not everything has to be for you.
>fallout 76 is fun with friends
On Crysis 3, I just ran past 70% of the enemies in the game, just because it was possible.
>Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is a Wing Commander style game.
The best part of Infinite Warfare is by far the space ship combat.