can we talk about this masterpiece yet or are casuals and consolefriends still seething?
Can we talk about this masterpiece yet or are casuals and consolefriends still seething?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's shit
>double the content
>recolored red phantom bosses
fucking epic
Kek, it was mediocre
get a pc or go to reddit
no u
If I install daughters of Ash can I still elect to play original DS?
first i've heard of it, kind of curious now. does it have any bullshit ganks? because that's an immediate dealbreaker
boring trash with shit bosses
Its pretty much Dark Souls 2 on NG+
I like it, some people don't realize that it's a mod made by amateur, not an official game made by professionals
Half the new boss battles are gank fights. the new O+S shit is like a bad joke.
well fuck that then
Is this the one where Sen is Gwyn's Trap Waifu?
>SotFS but for DS1
It's alright. Yet to finish it though.
Prepare to Die Again is the SotFS for DS1, DoA changes much more that SotFS did
Yes but she's not a trap but rather a buff blacksmith of the gods
>Sen's Fortress has a lot of traps
>*Sen's* Fortress has *a* lot of *trap*s
>Sen's a trap
Read between the lines
It's okay to like traps, but there's no need to impose your fetish onto others, user
Who are the daughters of ash?
they are funny
i just finished it in NG+ and actually managed to not break the velka quest so i got to experience super gwyn. i like it despite the mod having lots of jank. some of it is stupid like the red phantom gargoyles or how you can't heal when being invaded. it does a lot of neat little things though like the alternative artorias quest or havel's thing. it ranges from pretty cool to fucking stupid but i have a special place in my heart for game mods like this.
>dumbed down monster hunter for retarded westerners the series
I couldn't stand it for some reason.
Exactly my thoughts
Fanservice is often considered bad, but I am a fan and getting services to this degree is completely fine with me
Anyone know if they made the Runic weapons any better? They were super obscure and kinda shit last time I tried
i beat the game as a knight twice and a sorceror once and i never fucking found out what those runes even did lol
Yeah only found out from the wiki/discussions
You use them with a Runic weapon (you probably found some, should have definitely found the Runic Scythe at least) and using the correct rune with the correct weapon buffs it, giving it some special properties, stuff like every 3rd hit deals extra damage, heals per hit for a duration etc.
oh okay. i do remember picking up one or two weapons with the name runic on them. but i was too much in my unga big sword/big soul spear mode to really bother.
Daughters of Ash is emblematic of many Soulsfags. They're so desperate to convince everyone their game is hard that their attempts at redesigning their favorite games ends up being just boring artificial difficulty.
I thought it was bad enough back a couple of years ago when someone made that "aggression" mod that gave each enemy insane aggro range, but now this has come out.
How are you even comparing the aggression mod to this?
It literally just adds new content while also having a slight twist on the progression, just to make it a fresh experience, not an artificially difficult one
it will never beat this
This isn't a Monster Hunter World thread...
I keep dying on the bridge drake because he spams his fire charge over and over, not sure if it's glitched or intentional from the mod makers to get you to take another route to Parish, please help.
Absolutely boring and convoluted (yeah, time, blabla). Who would have guessed that taking away the freedom of exploration from DS1 would make it shitty?
Also absolutely retarded and cringy name and lore changes.
intentional, find another way
bridge drake was put in hyper mode to force you into going down havel's tower, which you acquire the key for when you beat taurus demon.
>Also absolutely retarded and cringy name and lore changes.
I couldn't give any less of a damn about muh lore but the name is pretty much on par with the official ones desu
That's intended, go back
>but the name is pretty much on par with the official ones desu
i didn't meant the name of the mod, but literally every area/weapon/item description. the guy changed every single thing to fit into his retarded fan-fic.
Freedom of exploration was not taken away though, it was just changed. In fact, the special Rings from the statues (if you want to get them) and the Velka quest require you to take advantage of said openness
That's what the mod does, it takes you out of your comfort zone with a game you've been playing for years
Thanks, I never got the key names memorized so I wasn't sure where it went
the game is literally more linear than normal DS1
>taking away the freedom of exploration from DS1
despite the mod's jank you unironically have more freedom. you can beat every lord soul boss before even fighting OnS. only path it really locks you out of that was in vanilla was the normal way through blighttown.
Sen is a girl?
roll around
kill stuff
soulsgames are the most boring games i've ever encountered
In this mod yes
Sen is a blacksmith that had something to do with Gwyn (probably an affair)
It's fan lore obviously, which applies to a lot of lore in this mod as it changes the story, while keeping the overall theme the same
Sen was never a person to begin with, just a translation issue
oh okay. What was Sen supposed to translate to?
I didn't enjoy it very much, but I only gave it one play through, there were a lot of events I missed. I think the only weird thing I saw was going to some memory in the painted world with Ariamis (who is a dragon apparently) and getting a ring. Most of my run I just couldn't help but think I'd rather be playing OG DS.
Reading about the black phantom bosses and the other bosses I missed did make me want to fight them though, even if they aren't the most interesting optional bosses, so maybe I'll go through again.
>just a translation issue
I doubt it, considering the game only has English voice acting which mentions Sen's fortress and it was made with Japanese and English speakers working together
Also the Japanese name is センの古城, セン clearly meaning Sen as in name instead of thousand which would be 千 (if that's what you mean)
>haven't played the DOA mod
>watch some YouTube guy play through a section
>he reaches New Londo Ruins
>the difficulty is literally just SOTFS, with more ghosts, exploding heads and even a ghost version of the gargoyles boss that can phase through walls
>skip on over to the section where he fights Gwyn
>instead of having a fire sword he now has a lightning sword, but all his moves and patterns are literally the exact same, and instead of fighting him at the Kiln you now fight him in the O&S boss room
>go to him fighting Artorias and Sanctuary Guardian
>it's the exact same fights
Meh. Seems underwhelming. People talk about this mod as if it completely changes and revolutionizes Dark Souls 1, but all it does at most is add sprinkles of artificial difficulty here and there. Please tell me there's more. I'm doubtful that this is the game changer people say it is.
>Sen was never a person to begin with, just a translation issue
Stop with this fucking meme.
it's still impressive considering how Dark Souls has no official mod tools and the modding we have now is possible only because of many hours of reverse engineering
I mean, many years were needed in order to make stuff like adding new items to the game possible
Yeah I was referring to which translated as "of a thousands traps" which I guess is not the case anymore(?)
Regardless, making Sen a cool blacksmith goddess is far better than it just being absolutely nothing
>it was made with Japanese and English speakers working together
then why are their numerous examples of bad translations and liberties with the english text?
>the game only has English voice
>look it up
>it's true
Huh, that's actually pretty cool. I also liked Sekiro having the japanese voices as the default and even a popup saying it's better not playing the dub.
I mean, you did just judge an entire mod that takes roughly 30-40 hours to fully complete by skipping through a video, I don't think anything anyone tells you here will convince you otherwise
In regards to the Gwyn fight, it is a far harder version of the boss, even if it does just look like he only has a lightning sword (you do fight him in a "memory" which is why he's not at the kiln)
The Artorias story goes far beyond just his fight in the DLC too
But to answer your question, yes, there is far more to it
I wonder if one day we'll see new models added as well. If we could get enemies with a custom skeleton, mesh, animations, hitboxes, etc we could really shake things up. New geometry would be cool, too. If these things ever become possible I could see someone trying their hand at making a full dlc sized mod, with the popularity of this series there's bound to be people out there who have the passion to try and realize something like that.
But I guess that's just wishful thinking for now.
>new models
there are already mods which change the player character's model, new weapon models etc.
>New geometry
looks like the modders are making a progress on it
The biggest problem is probably PtdE not being available for purchase, it apparently has better mod potential and of course no anticheat, I have a feeling that this might discourage modders
>PtdE not being available for purchase
I'm still mad about this fuck.
Making the remaster is one thing but doing that on top of it is just scummy.
>install game
>Start new game
>Get the Gravelord Sword
>Unlock all doors available (Drake Valley and Dark Root Basin)
>Get the Ring of Favor and Protection
>Activate the elevator to the Firelink Shrine
>Get both Twinkling Titanite
>Get the red ring that boost attacks while low HP
>Get the Dark Knight Sword and/or Halberd
>Get the Grass Crest Shield
>Go back to Firelink Shrine
Install DoA mod
>Continue my game with DoA, shitload of items and few doors unlocked
Still nice to have a 2.0 version. I wish I knew how to make some, I would add areas too
Is it better to use PtDE or Remastered for DoA? I noticed he has versions for both.
Why did you install the mod exactly?
Guess why
Just to make that post?
It was originally made for PtDE, don't know how up to date the Remaster version is
What a fucking subhuman moron you are...
What are you even talking about?
I don't get why you decided to install the mod while circumventing the new progression it provides
Why not just play the original game without the mod?
lmao what a retard
it‘s terrible
Did all of that before knowing about the mod, just installed it and noticed I've kept everything from the original game. I have expected my save files to be deleted
Why would you expect them to be deleted? Do you even know how mods work user?
It's obviously intended to start with a fresh character
what is it?
a mod exclusive to pc master race
>more enemies = artificial difficulty
Is there a faster way to reveal that you're trash at Souls games? And slightly retarded?
no thanks
>Do you even know how mods work user?
I've been modding games before you were born
t. Quake 3 veteran
They why in the world would you expect it to delete the saves when you're only changing the native files of the application, mister Quake 3 veteran?
I don't even know why I'm still replying to you here, this is pretty pointless
Why have you spent years installing mods that delete your saves?
because quake 3 didn't have saves ;)
>thread about mod recently released (I assume?)
>no one talks about said mod instead talk about retardness
pc master race indeed. bunch of neckbeards should just hang yourselves with your fedoras on
moonlight butterfly now has a yellow crystal golem that slowly walks across the pathway. You cant cross it's path. its basically a damage race while dodging standard moonlight butterfly attakcs and avoiding golem attacks. It's the worst type of gank fight and caused me to quit playing.
It was released quite a while about, which is why the thread is just about praising or shitting on it, as the mod itself was discussed thoroughly before
>complaining about damage races and ganks
>in the same game where 4 kings exist
Just because the game already has one gank damage race doesn't mean I want more of them.
It's literally a boss that lets you know that you need a better weapon, that's it
The aim is obviously to make it doable but challenging, while also tell the player that you need stronger equipment to progress
Seething consolefag who will never know the joy of mods
>look it up
>watch some retard play for like 10 mins
>literally nothing is different
Faggot shills
It's awful.
It's a free mod, user, there is nothing to shill
All of that sounds cool as fuck on paper but actually watching someone play the mod it's like, oh okay so they put this item here instead. Cool. Ah yeah the bosses are harder? Okay.
>half the content is just an enemy with a different property in a new location
how long until this game is going to get actual mods?
Tbh the whole Xanthous sequence was pretty well done and novel in Dark Souls. The Tit Demon boss also has a nice, unique fight.
I do get what you're saying, but in my opinion there are quite enough unique and fun encounters added that the mod can be called good.
Of course since there's no actual modding tools for the game. This is by far the most extensive mod anyone has done so far, including creating whole new boss fights and even making the unused assets fully functional (not sure if you understand how tough this can be, considering they only had models and animations left over)
Jesus fuck why do people endlessly jerk off to Artorias?
I can't fathom how fools like you function irl. I guess you either have a very shit work like retail, or were born rich.
prepare to die again doesn't change anything though, it just comes with artorias of the abyss.
sotfs atleast changes a lot of stuff
Could someone around SL54 on the PC drop a Vordt soul for me? If that guy from last night is somehow around, my DS3 is functional now.
some stuff he changed just for the sake of changing where a change was completely unnecessary, I agree the mod was cringe af
And you call others the retards...
you're thinking about prepare to die edition
>10 minutes of a 30/40 hour game are indicative of the changes
>shilling a free mod made by a fan
Why are you inbred, user?
What is this? Some kind of mod I am assuming?
the entire shitshow revolving around the idea that "Sen" is a person
Opinion discarded, holy hell what a retard
muh Guts, muh corrupted hero, muh abyss, muh Sif
>you can't shill free things
you are the reason shampoo comes with instructions
tch... i know right?...
he made me use.... like, ten percent of my bandwidth making this post.......
It has a super boss version of Gwyn, DaS1 really lacked that super difficult boss that the sequels had & From should have added something like this in the remaster
>It has a super boss version of Gwyn
Which was fucking shit.
>why isn't this mod on PS4? reeeeeee
Flesh is not your enemy, unwashed one. Flesh is the means to apotheosis. After all desire is the measure of all things. You should give us your blood, flesh, and bones. We can use it and you to reign over yaldabaoth and revel in glorious scarlet theophagy!
>no response to judging a 30 hour mod by watching 10 minutes of random YT gameplay
>covert advertizing a Dark Souls 1 mod that came out 6 months ago
Are you genuinely retarded?
1. These games aren’t about difficulty, quit jerking off over beating hard bosses
2. Kalameet already exists
Nobody on Yea Forums wants a conversation. He just wants you to be mad. All they'll ever say is "no", because they don't have any valid criticism. He just watched an eceleb play a video game instead of playing it himself at best, downright lied about watching it to begin with at worst. Ignore him.
>Dark souls isn't about difficulty
Nice meme
Kalameet is a joke
God, I hate nexusniggers.
>hey guys, check out my sick mod with garbage design, double the content :^)
At least Todd's piece of shit games get some good mods sometimes.
Just because it's amateur work it doesn't mean you should excuse bad design.
it's just salty sonyfags
If I wanted to play a shit version of DaS, I'd play DaS2 and DaS3, no mods required.
>Muh enemy compositions of more than two shitty soldiers is le bad design and that's totally not me being a fucking scrub who relies on backstab fishing resorting to the "Souls is built around 1v1" argument popularized by scrub YouTubers as a justification