Judging with your vidya experience and by their appearance alone, which of these bosses is likely harder and easier as you can gather?
Judging with your vidya experience and by their appearance alone...
Infection is probably the hardest
Polygon is a toss up
Old War God would be hard at first but will quickly become easier after you gain some experience
Infection is probably weak to fire or some shit.
Infection's easiest since it'll just be a generic aggressive enemy that you can strafe around.
War God dickstomps you and is the hardest boss in the game at first but after you learn him he becomes a total pushover.
Polygon's only on the mid-high end but does so much stupid random bullshit that it always remains difficult no matter how many times you play the game and you never fully understand how to deal with it.
I would assume polygon is the hardest; dev team cheaped out on the art so they could spend more time programming bullshit moves into it
>war God is literally a God and level 100
My vote is him, Polygon is a close second because it probably has weird resistances and powerful magical attacks. The infection is low level and likely extremely weak to fire attacks.
Polygon Overlord is some weird, badly designed puzzle boss that is half luck based and full of repetition.
Infection Embodied is the boss that is really hard the first time you play but then becomes easy the second time. He's half way through the game.
The Old War God is the hardest boss in the game.
Polygon, it problably has a shitton of moves and phases and half of them are cheap as shit.
Old War God seems well designed and hard at first but can be parried to death so he's actually a joke.
Infection flails unpredictably with no windup so it's actually the hardest despite being earliest in the game, because the designers lacked ideas.
Polygon is either some meme puzzle boss or a bullet hell boss.
Scared as fuck of polygon overlord. Abstract enemies in general are scary as fuck. Like infection embodied will just eat you or claw the shit out of you. Old war God will impale you or incinerate you. What the hell does polygon overlord do if you succumb? That not knowing is terrifying
If it has levels, whatever levels highest is the hardest, unless you're asking relative to when you fight them.
This nigga scared of shapes
The Old War God looks to be the final boss, so you should have the most tools by the time you fight him.
If there's an infection, it probably has an important role in the world/story, so Infection Embodied should be a climactic encounter.
Polygon Overlord is clearly either a hidden superboss, or a glitch.
Easiest to Hardest:
Infection, War god, Polygons, (You).
She sends you to the Backrooms.
Infection looks like he'd be annoying, but not particularly hard. Medium overall.
Polygon would be the puzzle boss and easy as hell unless you're retarded.
Old War God will be the hardest lad because he's the hidden high difficulty boss that everyone keeps crying about dunking their asses.
Polygon for the sole reason he might be one of these 3 (or even all 3 at once)
Puzzle boss, bullet hell boss, sponge boss.
infection seems like the hyper aggresive one that gets shut down, and war god looks like the one that will test you, but you will overcome as soon as you learn what everything he can throw at you
Polygon looks like he should be the most difficult being some abstract unearthly being but from his design is probably a gimmick fight thats a breeze when you figure it out.
Infection looks benign at first because its just a big beasty but probably pulls whack shit like shifting forms and having at least 2+ phases where it ramps shit up to filter out shitters at that point in the game, under the assumption 100 is endgame.
Old war god will be complex and difficult enough to test your abilities but will be an honest and straightforward fight. It might have different phases where he changes things up and uses different weapons but he won't be pulling shit out of his ass just to fuck you over.
Infection > Old War God > Polygon
This cause fuck status effects
Polygon is the hardest most likely, it'll have bullshit attacks with stupid hitboxes
Humanoid shaped bosses tend to be the hardest so my guess is old war god, also polygon looks like a cheap bullshit boss and infection looks like a boss with cool desing but a forgetable fight
>Circle Polygon
>Get Soulbound damage on War god, then gtfo back to the rest of the group.
>Cry because Infection has so many fucking phases where melees can't do shit and the one phase you CAN do shit has a bullshit quieting shot that sets your mana to 0 so you cant even get optimal DPS in like every other boss created by the current devs. fuck you deca how the FUCK am I supposed to get soulbound on Nightmare colony as a knight/warrior? I fucking whaled out to get a good mheal pet and you treat me with a turret that gives me pet stasis effectively fucking over my mana regen? God I hope you stop making melees worthless.
Polygon overlord = Absolute radiance
Infection embodied = Moss charger
Old war god = Pure vessel/nightmare king
Polygon overlord by far.
You already know its going to consist of being attacked from multiple angles, combined with shitty camera controls and the inevitable AoE blast magic.
And everybody knows it is going to have 3 phases and shapes. With the 1st being somewhat hard, 2nd being piss easy and 3rd is absolute bullshit-tier.
Old War God has Gwyn's sword so you can probably parry the shit out of him easily.
Polygon Overlord will be beyond cancer and where the developers slap really stupid status ailments on.
Infection Embodied is that boss you encounter early game and are supposed to run from, in reality can be cheesed at level 20.
The Old War God ends up being cheesed the easiest but is stupidly bulky for no reason because
>big number = good
just feed your pet more food :^)
unity port when
polygon is the fairest but not the hardest
infection is either complete bullshit or piss easy
old war god is hard until you figure out the pattern
Infection embodied looks like the kind of shit that fucks you up in lower levels because you don't have any of the crap it's weak against yet.
Infection would be a annoying piece of shit full of status effects, probably the hardest because of how soon you fight it. Polygon is some gimmicky puzzle fight, not challenging, but will punish mistakes heavily.As for the God, he is puré skill, might not be the hardest but requires a good understanding of the game to beat
Going with my Dark Souls knowledge...
Polygon Overlord is definitely pure cancer,
Infection Embodied will also be a pain in the dick with poison,
and Old War God will be piss-easy and parryable all day long.
You should have taken the other branching path, the ring that nullifies his damage is down there. You absolute moron.
The old war god < lvl 87 polygon overlord < infection embodied
Polygon over lord would instantly level you up if you kill one of his adds, the old war god has obviously telemarked attacks, infection embodied probably has bullshit attacks that require frame perfect dodging.
Alright, what about this guy then?
Polygon spams debuffs and is annoying as fuck to hit, super fast as well.
Infection is a mid game boss that serves as the casual filter
Old War is the "hard" boss that gets cheesed easily
God > Polygon > La creatura
Unless is a slow game in which case Polygon is the hardest
absolutely fucking bullshit
fuck this boss
Polygon Overlord is probably the clunkiest fight of all of them, with the method to defeat it being pretty rote no matter your style because of the boss's special mechanics.
Infection Embodied is probably the hardest for the player's current gear spec at the time.
Old War King isn't that particularly difficult at the time you fight him when you're gotten good at the game and understand it, but will give those who rely on cheese a much harder time. His second phase however is rushed and much easier.
Kula Ahi is a notably difficult fight at the time that can be cheesed. Some play styles get it even worse than others, but for others it becomes the funnest fight of the game.
Polygon probably has some sort of bullshit gimmick that makes it the hardest boss in the game. Infection is tanky, but too predictable to pose a real threat. The Old War God is built up through the whole game as an overwhelmingly powerful opponent and he has an amazing introduction, but the battle ends up being incredibly anticlimatic and he dies before his awesome theme music can finish a single loop.
Polygon is some gimmick fight that no one likes and which is skipped if possible
Infection is aggressive and slays noobs but is fine for vets
Old war god is disappointingly easy
Infection becomes a regular enemy in the second to last zone.
What this guy said
Polygon Overlord seems like it could be very fun or very tedious depending on the player/player party's build, which itself may vary with the player's choice, the options available at the moment the Poly is encountered, and what the game has encouraged players to move towards or expect to do.
Infection seems relatively easy but potentially very scummy and frustrating. You'd hope to get this fight over and done with quick and easy, and not use loads of potions fighting off its negative status spam.
The Old War God is undoubtedly rock hard by virtue of its alrounded skillset, unpredictable abilities and sheer stats. It's a fullsome challenge of the "Final Exam" variety, not introducing anything new but rather expecting you to triumph over EVERYTHING that's been introduced previously and jacked up to 100. Worth it to cap off the experience if you've loved the game, nothing you haven't really seen if you didn't so skip it.
Infection is easy Tier2 raid third boss fight which is mostly tank'n'spank, moving out of poison pools and running away from group when you get infection debuff. Easy to overgear with just the items from the same raid, can ignore pools longer and dps it down faster, only infection debuff can still wipe you if you ignore the damage since it's hp% DoT instead of set damage.
Polygon is penultimate Tier4 raid, cancer incarnate with overturned damage, tons of ads, one shot mechanic, and was bugged for first 2 months after release. Not fun to fight even after returning to the raid with much stronger gear.
King is the last boss of Tier5, designed to be a challenging fight, but fair, has 4 phases so it's easier to remember when he uses certain skills, can hit like a truck if you mess up some strat, but gets much easier when you return half a year later with better gear to farm the mount he drops.