How did skateboarding games and skater culture die off so suddenly...

How did skateboarding games and skater culture die off so suddenly? It was such a huge scene and it all happened not even too long ago.

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Because the new generation stopped giving a shit and the old one grew out of it

nobody goes outside anymore

1-skateboarding was a 1993-2003 fad
2-as graphics improved, they went for realism instead of arcade

>the fingerboard game the dev left because not enough people played his alpha
>the latest fun "skating" game is made by crayola
Not really dissing on the crayola game because its actually good but that SKATE successor needs to hurry up and come out

Because its too dangerous. Im lucky i didnt break anything back in highschool when skateboarding.


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killer soundtrack


1. Makes no money, even as a "pro"
2. High risk of injury in spite of this
3. The usual weirdos who ruin everything invaded, preaching communism

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What's the best nostalgia fuel for the early 2000s skater feels? Should I just marathon jackass?


Kids literally do not go outside anymore.

Zoomer here. They still do. Skateboards have been replaced by longboards and pennyboards this decade, and are mostly for just getting around, like to school. You won't see kids visit skateparks with them, or at all.

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1. It was always somewhat of a niche, but prior to this decade publishers were happy to publish niche games.
2. EA monopolized the skateboarding game genre with Skate.
3. After Skate 3, EA went from being happy with studios dedicated to specific niches to expecting every game to penetrate the entire market, or it was considered a failure, and studios not reaching beyond their niche were axed. Marketing showed that even with Skate 3, their most successful Skate game, Skate was never going to get the deep market penetration they wanted, so sequels were defunded and the studio assigned to something EA hoped would gain market domination.
4. No publisher has been willing to bankroll a niche game, especially a niche game in a niche genre that if it actually sells well enough EA will steamroll with their IP.
5. Modern games are significantly more difficult to make, meaning a startup studio of passionate people cannot make a game that lives up to modern expectations without a publisher bankrolling it, which is why startup skating games are stalled.

Yeah, this is was the only kind of board I saw in college a few years back. Makes sense too, I mostly used my regular skateboard for getting around.

Love this song. I have a playlist full of songs from the tony hawk games.

Skateboarding is bigger than it ever was the only thing that died is the terrible videogames. Skateboarding is in the 2020 olympics.

This. Used to be a skater, almost busted my drawing hand, had this little realization that I might not be able to be an artist if I keep skating.
And then I became a worse artist than Dobson

What happened to that not Skate game that was announced? Feel like I've heard nothing about it since announcement.

But that's fucking wrong on every fucking count.

A Way Out is a niche game.
Fe is a niche game.
Unravel 1/2 are niche games.
Alice Madness Returns is a niche game.

All published by EA in just the last few years.

It may be in the olympics, but it's virtually none existent in the cultural zeitgeist. You have to be pretty delusional to think skateboarding and the culture are alive today like they were two decades ago.

Sessions, it's still plugging away, will probably get picked up by Microsoft soon.

>no cigar

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Session? It's indie game apparently. Not sure if it got publisher backing though. Maybe we'll see it at E3 like last year.

Yeah that was the game. Looked promising from what they did show of it.