When PS5/Xbone2 release with 20 times the processing power?
What's gonna happen to Switch next year?
the "it's also a handheld" card will get played even more often
The Wii came out well past a decade ago, you have no excuse to expect AAA games on Nintendo hardware.
Why is it that the word TerraFlop is only ever used when it involves consoles trying to appear competitive?
Who gives a fuck
It is a handheld, dock is accessory. Why do you think nips are so apeshit crazy about it?
>”are going to look absurd”
Yeah, but how are they going to PLAY? I don’t think he could have picked four better examples of developers who prioritize shitty “cinematic experiences” over actual gameplay in these fucking video GAMES.
It's not going to affect shit. I feel like we're past the point where amazing graphics is a must have selling point. Then again I've played Baba is You more than any AAA title I've every played and I'm a total boomer so YMMV.
Pokemon SW/SH will have grossed 2 Billion dollars by then, so the Switch will probably have reached at least 50 million sales
Nothing cause we've been in diminishing returns territory for well over a decade now.
They've been trying to come up with some catchy bullshit to replace bits ever since the start of the century.
Santa Monica and Insomniac games play just fine you nig.
Nothing Nintendo has the entire handheld market on locked.
Hell if they introduce a Switch that can play DS-3DS with Gameboy Virtual consoles they win
It amazes me that it's 2019 and people still buy consoles and iphones. Shit just boggles my fucking mind.
They need to make a fucking gamecube virtual console
Except the four devs he named have the best gameplay designs this generation.
gow's combat system is so incredibly unique and special gawdamn, shame i didn't feel a need to redownload it, if i had it on disk, i would've replayed it already.
who gives a fuck about processing power when the games aren't fun?
The switch is going to keep having good games. I'm sure the ps5 will have good games too. Can't wait to own both.
Who cares how "absurd" the graphics will look when these companies can't even make a good games?
What does it matter. Rather than making an expansive game with PS4 level graphical fidelity with solid 60 FPS, the new hardware will just be used to make a game as nice-looking as possible that lasts 10 hours struggling to keep 30 FPS
they're not going to "look absurd". theyre going to waste all their processing power on 4k and the end result will look marginally better than today
>will just be used to make a game as nice-looking as possible
Let's be real senpai, game devs don't make really pretty games, they dump 90% of the polygons on their character's faces and you stare at their backs 100% of the time out of cutscenes.
Holy fuck user.
According to Reddit leak. Revision Switch is powerful as base Xbox one and will get third party exclusives
I'm not surprised if this end up true. I'm sure Nintendo will slowly abandon older model like what they did to 3DS
Hell where’s the fuck GameCube and Gameboy Mirco re-releases Nintendo?
Yes I fucking want give it to me.
The ps5 and Xbox 2 will have no games and cost 400-500 while the switch will be 250 bundled with a game with a huge library of games. Wow I wonder which console might sell better.
>Implying they’re going to double the ram to achieve an extra 0.31 tflop increase
Fucking kek that’s wrong
No body will care. The switch will be the leading platform. Not because of power, but of all the good games by the japanese that left Snoy because of the censorship.
Hell if they play the dockless Switch game right 199$ for the system will be an unbeatable deal o
Nintendo will continue to double down on their shitty hardware because their retarded fanbase enable them to do so.
Nothing, probably. I imagine it'll do better than the next Xbox.
They'll keep making fun games that sell a bajillion copies I suppose
How stupid do you have to be to legitimately believe the next gen consoles won't b9mb? Who in the fuck is gonna buy them when the switch is much cheaper with an all star lineup of games? I'm sure another big 3d Mario game and another Mario kart and Pokemon game are coming next year. Ps5 has no chance.
>The switch will be the leading platform
Nintensoys are delusional af.
No Mario or Pokemon could prevent PS4 outselling 3DS with three less years on the market.
Cause you are dumb consumers.
>How to spot a snoytard: the post
>Consoles bragging about their latest laptop hardware
Who the fuck even is this? The thing is running an APU like the PS4. Stop posting tweets from fucking randos you fat russian prick.
Because we reached the peak of GIGAGBYTES and GIGAHERTZES and those are not progressing further, so we need a new marketing unit that increases.
The switchs library is already way better than the 3ds after 2 years.
Because developers don't even know what the fuck that is. Notice how "teraflops" only started with PS4 Pro and XbonerX. It's stupid marketing. Absolutely fucking nobody ever talked about megaflops or gigaflops until more people were realizing ps4 and xbone are shit consoles with no software.
>Absolutely fucking nobody ever talked about
FLOPS has been a computing term for decades
what's the point of all that power when you're just going to play thumb stick shooters and cinematic gay rpgs?
I've been seeing this argument more and more. When PS5 comes out it's still gonna be an under-powered piece of shit, PC gets the best multiplats, Switch keeps having the best exclusives so nothing changes.
>schizo nincel unironically put that collage together in sheer asshurr
>Switch keeps having the best exclusives
No lol. Soitch has jack shit.
Because consoletards are too dumb to understand micro-architecture, stream processors/CUDA cores, delta colour compression, memory bandwidth, ROPs, TMUs, and all manner of things that directly affect performance. Instead it's MUH FLOPS GREATER THAN YOUR FLOPS for consoletards
I'm so old already that I don't really need better graphics anymore. Nice that games should run better though. But I probably won't buy a PS5. The games I play barely need to use that power.
>An awards ceremony you need to pay to enter as proof
Reminder that GoW has more GOTYs than Bore of the Ubishit. Stay asshurt little nincel.
>GoW payed more money to more places to get more GOTYs
Your point?
Soon the only thing holding consoles back will be controllers and paid online.
No it‘s started with the ps4.
do you not have friends?
Game releases have become so fucking barren recently the most time I’ve put into a game lately is fucking Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
Nothing, because being the cutting processing power has never been the point or goal of Nintendo's games since the jump to 3D.
eight TIMES the MEMORY
all this... and so much more
to watch fucking movies lolloloooo
How the fuck did I forget "edge" for cutting edge? jfc I must be more tired than I thought.
>it still won't be 60fps standard
Why? Why have we gone backwards?
Yet nobody ever mentioned it when shilling their TV game machine for children
How are these images made?
yes user everyone will sell their switch, burn nintendo's HQ and trade their souls for the last wannabe "gamer" laptop, the world will crumble and chaos will reign as ultra realistic nail dirt rules.
not like pokemon is around the corner and that shit prints money on each and every console it has a mainline game on
Graphics appeal to casuals who don't care that games don't need a gorillion polygons to look good.
Very carefully.
It already gets overplayed.
Worse though, mods on all gaming sites eat that shit up, and will ban you if you even remotely criticize Nintendo/Nintendo products.
>i-it doesn't count
Kek, nintenlards sang a different song last year.
I wish. I'd rather pay premium for decent hardware than small change for trash. This is why PS3 was better than PS4.
Nothing. In another 2 years we’ll get a Switch pro on par with Xbone X (maybe a little more powerful) and it’ll still be dwarfed by be Ps5/Xbox Two but it’ll be cheaper and handheld and will do just as well, maybe better, especially with how expensive both those consoles are blind to be at launch.
Nintendo is fine. They keep making slam dunk first party titles sales wise and third party/indie games are selling really well on the console. Hell most games I buy on Switch just because I like the luxury of playing anywhere.
>Its a "beast"
Can we stop with this shit. Its always going to be a gimped version of the CPU-GPU's due to the fact that the PS4 and PS5 have low wattage. If they wanted to run as good as PC they are going to need 400W or more.
As a person who has a job, I can easily afford every console and dont really give a shit. You will hardly notice the graphical difference at this point.
And you think I am one, when I'm not. GOTY means someone spent the most money to get the title. It's like an ebay auction. NO EXCEPTIONS.
>In another 2 years we’ll get a Switch pro on par with Xbone X
Not happening. There isn't a single mobile chip that can come close to an xbox one x. At best youre getting something like the regular ps4/xbox one
>trusting inflated snoy flop numbers
lmao ps5 will be a cut back xbox 2 x
Because people believe in the Graphics rather than the Performance. That is why i went to PC anyways. 1080p 60fps 144HZ is beautiful than some 4k that struggles on 40fps game.
Really don't give a shit how the Switch does compared to the PS5, but does anyone else just not care about their games looking more realistic anymore? I used to back when graphics limited what you could do in games, and affected level design and such. Now, though, it feels like they're just making systems that only really benefit one artistic approach (ULTRA-REALISM), and it's not one I really care for.
It's just the modern-day BIT WARS
Every single one of these threads about new console power just make my eyes glaze over and make me want to ask "okay so what games are on it?" only to be told to keep seething even though I'm a PS/PC/Switch guy and I need more than a bigger number to grease my fingers. I feel like I'm the only rational person in the room when I have to ask why I should be excited only to be met with outrage.
Both of you are partially incorrect on Switch Pro. There is a likely hood it will be better than a PS4 with some good capabilities. But i highly doubt it will be as good as the PS5 will be. Then again if Switch aims for 1080p 60fps it will already win because the combination is what people really have wanted for awhile.
>And you think I am one, when I'm not
It never clicked for me but that's mainly because the way the controls feel are way to stiff and unresponsive for me so I've associated any game with hyper realism to have shit controls and it's almost always proven in gameplay footage. I can tell from the animations exactly how responsive the controls will be and I haven't been wrong yet. I really miss when art style was a thing too. I mean I can't remember any western protagonists because they all just blur together personality and/or looks wise. It's all so lazy.
There were plenty of games on the PS4, if you didn't like any of them then that's your loss.
Damn, so the next generation will only be behind 3 years instead of 5 years in technological advances!
>There is a likely hood it will be better than a PS4 with some good capabilities.
Nah. PS4 is already atleast three times stronger than a Switch. No way a Nintendo revision would make a jump that drastic. And it would also alienate base Switch from games.
>Don't own a switch
>Somehow this makes me a Nintendie
You aren't exactly smart, are you?
>le switch pro
You’re all retarded. This isn’t happening.
There are in fact plenty of games on the PS4, and a lot of them are fantastic. What does PS5 have to rationalize this thread?
Id like a Nintendo handheld with 3ds tier prices. It also lets game be made faster which is why 3ds thrived with nonstop content
Last because it has games.
Because unlike the ps5 switch will have games.
The last time I was impressed with graphics was PlayStation 2. Nothing has made me care since then as far as a games looks go.
there you go, today consumers only want big numbers, 4K/8k 20000000000 TF, etc, but who give a fuck about you know, the most important things, like games, physics, better AI, better light,60 FPS etc.
also if there was a revision, power wouldn't be my first choice for an upgrade. give it a better battery, thinner bezel, glass screen, wired ethernet port in the dock, and a proper d-pad
Who actually gives a fuck about console specs? Do people still get excited over this shit? A midrange PC will still have better hardware on launch day for the new consoles. The only thing that matters are exclusives and the console ecosystem.
Not 3 years into it's cycle. Besides PS4 Pro already came out with better graphics and capabilities nobody else is complaining about that.
By intuition we know the PS5 will have games. The specs will make them look even better. I'd rather my games not look like wind waker in 2020 so it's nice to see that the horsepower is exceptional
>Who actually gives a fuck about console specs? Do people still get excited over this shit?
Yes because our lives are boring.
>A midrange PC will still have better hardware on launch day for the new consoles. The only thing that matters are exclusives and the console ecosystem.
This is true. But its fun arguing about which piece of shit is going to be the lowest piece of shit in the shitpile.
>massive input lag on shitty television panels
fucking awful, I swear playing vidya on some peoples set ups causes my eyes to burn
Like people aren't already used to getting years old leftovers on the thing.
It's a port machine, and a lot of them are not even great ports. People keep eating it up.
Are you even comprehending what I'm saying you tard? Switch revision can't match a base PS4 at $300. Nintendo can't break laws of physics.
>shitting on Wind Waker
>The specs will make them look even better
And play like they haven't upgraded since 2007
graphics and skins are the reason why a game like Overwatch is a horrible cluster fuck. So many colors and random shit going on instead of something like Quake where you can customize it to look really simple and clean
>massive input lag on shitty television panels
Not as badly as it use to be. With HDMI 2.0 and HDMI 2.1 coming out. TV's are slowly gaining to become close to their monitor counterparts. Not a lot of them are do not get me wrong but its not as bad as it use to be about 2 years back.
most people are going to have shit old TV's that are horrific for gaming
Overwatch's visual design is the last of its problems. It's in fact very well done in how much it communicates to the players.
also the Switch is a piece of shit. How can something that doesn't even have a fucking Ethernet port be considered a good purchase.
>just buy the dongle :^)
The blatant samefagging. Atleast mix up your sources
Right now? No, top end mobile chips that could do that are just too expensive.
In a few years? Sure thing
it's decent, but it has no options to change all skins to default, or even better being able to adjust enemy models to a color you like
this is skinbabbies fault though, they would legitimately get salty if they couldn't show off their dress ups.
except my file is named like this, sonyger
I don't count any award for GOTY as legitimate if the ceremony excludes games released in December from consideration (Like Xenoblade 2). The game awards ceremony is just a way for publishers to buy awards and generate hype for their products before Christmas. Sony had two exclusives up for consideration, and the only reason GoW won was because Spiderman was still fresh in people's memories whereas GoW had released in early May. If the Game Awards actually cared about celebrating games, then the ceremony would take place in January.
There's no way it's gonna have an RTX Titan tier GPU and an SSD that can hold more than 1 game unless it's five hundred and ninety nine US dollars times two.
>do something
>slow mo
the combat would go from a solid 7/10 to a clear 9/10 if they removed this retarded feature
seethe more snoy
did you miss last gen? every AAA title i played was sub 30 (looking at you Asscreed) so we've def moved forwards there.
It's entirely possible that the Switch pro will ditch the portability aspect and follow the design philosophy of a standard game console. The pro is aimed at enthusiasts, so it can make more compromises because it isn't expected to be the best selling version. Nintendo would pretty much make everyone happy if they did this, and increase the likelihood of people double dipping.
>Switch mini removes portable multiplayer aspect by being a standard handheld without detachable joycons.
>Switch Pro removes portability entirely to increase gameplay performance.
>OG switch owners can be satisfied their version can do some things the mini can't, like portable multiplayer.
why do people pretend that consoles any more powerful than mid range laptops? My gaming PC that I built 3 years ago is still more powerful.
It still needs to use a mobile chip to be compatible.
This is true unless its a high end QLED, OLED or even a thing with low input latency that is above the 700$ range most are going to have shit gaming and even more so for PC's.
>Not a lot of them are do not get me wrong but its not as bad as it use to be about 2 years back.
You assume that most people have bought a new TV in the last two years.
Continue making games that are actually good. Simple.
Nintensoy schizo on assblast
Yes because 4k tv's were 1k and above a few years back. Now they are sub 600 and easy to make.
>Cant match a base PS4
LMAO surely you are not that retarded to underestimate the greatest fucking GPU maker in Nvidia right? Everytime they release something they will knock it out of the park. It does not require to break the laws of physics its just that Moore's Law exists and you are too much of an ignorant consolefag to realize that.
Nvidia's GPUs are good, but they aren't magic.
their mobile stuff also runs extremely hot
Delusional as fuck
>games are going to look absurd
Indeed they can... But they won't. We have reached the point where development time to make games nicer cost way too much in development time. "next Gen" games are going to look the same but run at 60 fps. Most retard console owners will say, "HEY THIS DOESN'T LOOK BETTER HUUUR" while not noticing game is running much smoother than before. Thus why developers are saying all the time now that making games for consoles is reaching its limit. I will also mention majority of users only use the ps4 as a netflick and blueray machine.
We are going to enter an interesting Era.
They will continue selling in their blue ocean market?
Why are you asking?
The Vita which launched six years after PS3 still had a huge gap to its older console. In fact, Vita was closer to a PS2 than a PS3.
You're delusional if you think Nvidia's mobile GPUs are that good. Nintendo will want to go for something cheap and Nvidia doesn't focus on mobile as much as they used to.
The only thing that could've saved Switch was if they used Thunderbolt and had the dock act as an external GPU. But Nintendo won't do that because they'd rather sell $5 plastics for $100 instead.
If the jump is going to be so big why is Sony advertising with an SSD?
Will the ps5 be worse than the ps4? Is that even possible? The ps4 will go down as the worst console in video game history
The Switch is already underpowered compared to 6 year old consoles, so nothing would change
>nintenfags always mock Sony games for not selling as much as Nintendo games
>Sony decides to focus on fewer games so they can sell more
Eat shit nintenfags. Whatever Sony does, you'll spin it as a negative.
You're delusional af. TVs today can already play Netflix natively. They don't need a console for that. If you said Fortnite, GTA and Spider-Man, you'd be right.
PS3 was a demon souls machine
Oh oh, looks like someone got banned posting from his computer
Delusion. Nintendo fans always made fun of sony for barely having any games and the ps5 will even have less games. Just imagine how bad the ps5 will be
>snoy fragility
Next 3D Zelda and Odyssey 2
The next gen games would look like mid range Pc titles now, sharper res, better framerate (not 60) and better textures.
A few first party games would look better than anything on PC, not because superior tech but for better art direction
Because they know that their shitty marketing will flop so hard it can be measured in the billions. Tera-flop.
Besides the rehashed bing bing wahoo shit for toddlers, Switch ain't got shit.
Sales don't matter, quality does. But quality means "more cinematic" for Sony.
The good news is that cut down current gen ports will end
The bad news is that cut down 7th gen will continue.
Nintendo will have exclusives. The only reason why anyone should buy a console. You have a pc for multiplats and snoy movies are not worth your time
what's going to happen is these shitboxes will still somehow run games at 20 fps while my 2500k toaster runs the same shit at 60 solid
>Sales don't matter, quality does.
>besides games I don't like there is no games
By that logic PS4 still has exactly 0 non-multiplat games.
No one cares. Nintendo has a handheld monopoly so everyone treats the Switch like a "side-bitch". You have a PS4 at home and a Nintendo Sidebitch on the road.
Bad meme. Ps4 is known for having rehashes, not Nintendo
It's way easier to have your ps4 do that than your TV. Even my TV does netflick. But you are beyond delusional if you don't think retards around the world are able to figure out how to use their TV settings.
>Nintendo will have exclusives
Wii U ports you can already emulate on PC. Hardly exclusives.
True. God of War is great but every generation have steadily moved away from player control and gameplay and more about an authentic cinematic experience. Graphics are the least important thing.
>schizo snoy unironically put that collage together in sheer asshurr
>muh hardware
ps4 and xbone brought nothing new to the table in terms of gameplay/mechanics. i would argue that ai even got worse and combat more simple.
Don't kid yourself nintensoy. Nobody rehashes like Jewtendo.
>user score
Embarrassing, post the double 97's. The real score
Both PS4 and Soitch are trash. Only Nintenfatlards pretend otherwise though.
I never get tired of this. It just sums up Nu-tendo perfectly. Scared of taking software chances. Scared of making a powerful console due to the dishonorable flop of the ShameCube.
Switch has the best library. Ps4/xbone can't even compete
Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Steamworld Quest
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
>Omega Labyrinth Life
Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Code of Princess EX
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
And more to be announced
>people's score doesn't count!
>but Polygon's do!
Absolute state of nintenfags
Cory Barlog is fucking awesome
Japanese games will look a bit better but don't use the full power anyway.
Western games will look better but still struggle to keep 30fps because retarded devs can't optimize. They will also have 5 hours of gameplay because gotta focus more on visuals, mechanics and gameplay come later. Oh and microtransactions.
Everything is censored too.
The future.
>Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
You can emulate almost all of those on PC just fine. For free. At 4K.
>Snoycucks still try it after making hundreds of accounts to give zeroes
The absolute state of snoy
Cory is a good guy. He used to post on Gamespot forums back in the PS2 days. Shame that dishonorable nintenfags are willing to drag good people through the mud just to have their console wars.
Sorry but once you remove the obvious paid reviews and Nintendofag fanboyism, it's obvious BoTW and Mario 5 Hour Odyssey are both objectively inferior to God of War.
It's the truth.
>user scores includes hundreds of 0's from angry and jealous snoycucks
Yep, doesn't count. Stay seething. You will never have double exclusive 97's
>144hz monitor arriving today
I'm looking forward to it.
kek, don't throw rock in glass house, fatlard.
>puts DLC as a separate game
>over the course of 13 years
Sony shat out 9 Uncharted "games" in the last ten years, so much for rehashing shit
The best games I ever played came more than 10 years ago, graphics don't mean shit, if anything it makes games worse since costs rise and force studios to reduce the content and play safe, it also makes AA devs unable to conpete and those are the one puting out good innovative games.
>>over the course of 13 years
That just shows that not only is Nintendo rehashing shit, but they're also being extremely lazy about it.
This place is obviously Nintendo favored than snoy. My real question is why don't these snoy fans go to these other forums that are clearly in the same interest in them? Hell won't they fit in better also?
It's because you know those websites are a cesspool of retards wanting an echo chamber. But you have to think if I have similar taste to those retards maybe I should belong there also?
no 3rd party support (again)
nintendo behind the times (again)
ports of old games or shittier versions (again)
>SEETHING this hard
You God of snoy has already been forgotten, Odyssey and Botw are instant classics.
COPE more
You just proved my point why user scores don't matter. Good job
Believe it or not but even AA devs are severely limited by modern consoles. Just go ahead and play Ace7 on PS4 and compare it to PC. The devs wanted more even on a meager budget but couldn't.
As if it even matters unless they start making games, good games. I wouldn't be surprised if they still ran like shit on next-gen consoles too because they'll focus on muh pritty grafix instead of performance, they don't have to put in the effort since it prints money anyway. Consoles are getting so much shittier now, you'd think it'd be the opposite.
So Yea Forums is Nintie's cesspool echo chamber then?
>can only find one
LOL, thanks for proving his point!
>Odyssey and Botw are instant classics.
Maybe for the trannies on Cuckera. For everyone else with sane mental health, they were instantly forgotten.
and what about horizon?
>Rehash BAD
>but not enough rehash also BAD
just admit you think everything Nintendo does is bad, and you're just a butthurt snkyfag
It's fun going to a cultish site and shit on the deluded soýboy fatties. Yea ForumstendoGAF is a joke. I'm just here to rile up the Nintendofag circlejerk.
It's not possible for this website to be an echo chamber retard. Hence me calling you a dumb faggot.
Yeah, sub 30 fps in bloodborne at all times
With no AA
Real good stuff
Nice job ignoringIt goes to show how good GoW is that despite the user score trolling, it still trumps Nintendo's overhyped garbage.
It's still going to be "a handheld/nintendo" platform alongside one of the other beasts.
>Comparisons to PS Vita
>Nvidia is not magic
You guys do not realize its easy to improve on the last release for the Switch. And by the way Vita was pretty close to the PS3 for it's time, it did have better graphics than on the PS2 and was not shitty like the PSP was for it's time.
>But also amusement
Thank user.
Yeah, no, bullshit.
>And by the way Vita was pretty close to the PS3 for it's time
Confirmed for not owning a Vita or PS3. Vita could barely keep 500p resolution in most of its games. Something like Red Dead would be impossible on it.
>sonyfags trying to call other gay
LOL, snoy literally knows you're all fags.
And by the way, the game makes it clear that's a man.
But snoy censors your "new" games to protect trannies
Nothing will happen I'll play the Nintendo games on Switch and the rest on PC, like always.
>When PS5/Xbone2 release with 20 times the processing power?
And with 20 times less games, because games will become even more expensive/time consuming to make
It's no secret that Bore of the Ubishit panders to trannies.
To summarize the Switch Online Defence Force
Does this even mean anything? The fuk is a Zen 2 CPU?
>COPING this hard
Try playing Catherine once in a while, snoy always forced trannies down your throat.
kek, Catherine still isn't on Switch right? No wonder the assblast.
God of war was made for journalists. Most journalists prefer short games where they don't have to press any buttons. God of war is perfect for them. That's why it got a high score on metacritic even though its real score should be something like 60 because it offers zero to barely any gameplay
>God of war was made for journalists
He says while praising a literal cartoon Ubishit open-world game
>Confirmed for not owning a PS3 or Vita
Dude i owned a fucking Vita it nearly was close to console games. I notice you sidestepped the PSP could you perhaps be of the Zoomer generation?
> Something like Red Dead would be impossible on it.
It would be possible.
Either way my point is the next Nvidia GPU Mobile will be much greater than the last and it will be closer to PS4 than that of the PS3. Switch can still play console like games despite it being at a measly 30fps in some areas.
> he defends tranny games
Yep, that's a snoyfag
I only care for japanese games
>he still tries
Your bearded bald man is just there for journos and fags to self insert.
>he didn't play zelda botw
You're missing a lot. Maybe you should stop playing your movie games, buy a Switch and play some real games
>he didn't play zelda botw
I did on my PC for free at 60 fps.
Still sucked horse's ass. No wonder Nintenfags praise it since they haven't even gotten Ubishit games on their irrelevant toy platforms.
>this thread
Take the L, losers.
Wtf is "Bore of the Ubishit" even supposed to mean. Can you faggots at least be creative when you try to insult somethings title
If you have a pc with such high specs that it can run the zelda emulation at 60fps, you would have zero reasons to own a ps4.
More reasons than to own a Nintendo toy.
You do realize this guy owns a Switch now right?
So? He was still right about everything.
>Switch with tons of exclusives + portability
>ps4 with zero games and nothing else noteworthy
What does wasting money feel like? I don't know that feeling because I bought a Switch
>all these buzzwords.
>all it means to me is that its still going to be a weaker PC.
a fucking riot is what these stupid fucking shills are.
>Switch with tons of exclusives
Its only "decent" exclusive (until you play it) is BoTW and you can emulate it for free on PC.
$.02 has been deducted from your overdrafted sony credit line
I wonder how you will try to make that list look bad
because its a fine metric to use for PR marketing. people don't really have to understand THAT much of it.
So what you're trying to tell me is that the average sonyfan is too dumb to understand basic tech?
Makes sense
Nobody has ever accused Eric of being creative.
CPU limitations. thats gonna change for PS5 and their new APU chip utilize Zen2 cpu, which is without a doubt at least 20x faster
>like what they did to 3DS
there is literally only one game that requires n3ds
its just a baseline for every salesperson ever: 'see this number my competitor is claiming? mine is 10x higher, buy my stuff!'
but keep going with your consolewar shit if you want to, idc
not with a goddamn nvidia chip you fucking r*ddit monkey.
I mean they're gonna make a Switch 2/Switch Pro/whatever eventually that will be way more powerful
So can i buy the switch or do I wait for the Switch U/2/Super?
Or will even that be outdated quickly? Nintendo always just throws out these new versions so I want a switch but I'm really cautious about buying one.
Also the huge gap from 1080p to 4K will mean devs will opt for dynamic resolution instead of locked 2016p resolution. Or atleast offer us the option of opting for resolution hit over frame rate hit.
Next-gen will see way more 60 fps titles than this gen, which already had way more 60 fps titles than last gen. With CPU limitations gone, devs can way easier tinker with resolution to offset the frame rate cost. Some games are already doing that this gen.
If you're not going to hack, then wait. If you're going to hack, buy used because the older the model the more certain you can hack it.
Yeah but will they have games? Thats my only question. Somebody needs to make some fucking video games for consoles that aren't "cinematic experiences" or slot machine bullshit.
You even get banned here for it.
'Variable Rate Shading' is the new buzzword for consoles, both Nvidia and AMD gonna adopt it. ofc the latter is more important to 'us'. with that 'new' tech we sure will see 4k 60FPS without that checkerboard garbage.
VRS might also replace dynamic resolution or at least offer a better alternative for devs to choose from a few technics.
I guess it all depends if they can do what they did with the DS. In highschool I bought a DS over a PSP because my friend group all had them and wanted to do multiplayer. PSP obviously had better specs and ran some nice looking 3d games and ps classics. But I dont regret my DS purchase at all. Played tons of good shit over the years, discovered ace attorney, etrian odyssey, ghost trick, contact, Castlevania DoS, ecclesia and PoR. Those games made it more than worth it along with the social shit at school like mario party, mario kart and kirby minigames. I later did buy a PSP late into its lifespan, so I got to enjoy both, but im glad I got the DS first since I might have not appreciated those other games when better graphics is all I knew.
>Or will even that be outdated quickly?
depents on which bottom-of-the-barrel chip nvidia decides to see you. i mean honestly: just emulate that shit. a switch emulator is already on the way, CEMU works very fucking well for months
Hat in time was enjoyable for me. Though im just revisiting it again like year later. Theres old games id like to revisit and try to beat for real like lords of magic or whichever heroes of might n magic was on gameboy. Some are a pain to setup, and things dont feel quite the same without my original carts or discs
Won't happen again with ps5 though. The casual/dudebro market is pretty much gone thanks to the rise of mobile gaming and the "cheap bluray player/streambox" sector is also already flooded. Sony needs to get a new gimmick to reattract the normies
I wonder why
GOTY awards literally mean nothing when everyone who has a game review blog can shit them out as they please... at least in the past you had to have a published magazine
Trust me it is worth it. Do not buy into the 244HZ meme as its not much of a difference.
>Stay asshurt little nincel.
Says the guy who has been having a mental breakdown for more than two years straight because BotW is one of the most acclaimed games of all time, still topping GOAT lists and the Switch continues to be one of the most successful consoles of ever made.
And despite all that, GoW still has more GOTY wins under its belt. Despite going up against a fucking Rockstar open-world game.
I really doubt it will be much better.
PS4 doesn’t look much different from PS3. Highly doubt PS5 will look better than PS4 unless you are comparing side to side gifs on Yea Forums. Sure, maybe the loading will be faster and it will handle more stuff happening, but companies are uninspired and won’t try new take advantage of it. Shit isn’t impressive.
I got a PS4, Switch; all that. But I really think it’s just not worth it anymore. Nobody tries anything new, and if you do people call it a gimmick.
>Switch Pro exclusive
>remind me with new 3DS
How about no?
>Next gen games are going to look incredible
lmao no they wont
Insomniac isn't Sony exclusive anymore, their next exclusive is a VR game on PC
Insomniac has always been independent.
>ultra fast ram
What is the 90's?
>caring about processing power
>playing on consoles
what did OP mean by this?
Switch will have games, not social justice simulators for trannies.
All games are bottlenecked by consoles. Even if you're on PC, you're still just playing console games but at 60 fps.
graphics dont matter when you compare PC to consoles
however when you compare consoles to console it does matter
t. console babby mouthbreather
>Even if you're on PC, you're still just playing console games but at 60 fps.
>someone actually believes this
wew lad
And yet you're still crying every day about Zelda.
Because deep down you know nothing snoy does will ever compete
The only reason I'm excited for PS5 is rumoured backwards compatibility.
I never owned a Sony Console and want to play BB, Death Stranding, MGS4 and P5 whilst still having a console that's up to date getting future exclusives.
Hate Sony for making me buy their console to play these titles, but without Sony these titles wouldn't exist in the forms they are anyway.
I don't buy a lot of games so I probably wouldn't bother with hacking
I just want smash ultimate but honestly don't know how long either the switch/the game is gonna last so I'm just sitting twiddling my thumbs
I wish the nintendo consoles lasted long like the PS and Xbox stuff, I think the vita is like still ongoing
ok retard
Not a consolefag but a pc player, it just means switch will get less and less third party games, some great games this year aren't even on switch like ac7, dmc5, re2 and sekiro, even future ones like ff7 and cyberpunk 2077 but switch user will probably call those games shit anyway.
In any case, switch will just ports of old games, not necessarily good ports but ports nonetheless and switch users will be happy enough.
Considering the Switch will have an install base of about 50+ by that time, you have to be a dullard to think its not going to get support.
The desperation of Nintendo haters has been laughed out the door since the system launch.
>th-this time it's definitely going to flop!
And yet the haters will continue to be baffled and confused as the system continues to go from strength to strength.
>Considering the Switch will have an install base of about 50+ by that time, you have to be a dullard to think its not going to get support.
Yeah ok this was also the argument for Wii and 3DS and nothing came of it.
fucking what? there's like 5-10 games on switch that would be worth getting and most of them are just the mario/zelda/donkey kong games they always put out
Switch really started strong but now it's got nothing. Nintendo need new shit and a more powerful console instead of trying to push their gimicky shit each gen
The Switch will continue to sell and nothing will change.
Where's the support then user? I'm not seeing it.
>this was also the argument for Wii and 3DS and nothing came of it.
You mean two of the most successful consoles of all time? Yikes I guess Switch is fucked, sales will drop off any second now.
You're not seeing it? Really? Thats what you're going with here?
So are these next gen games going to cost $100? Devs are already complaining about the $60 price tag. Development costs are only going up.
>nu-doom, doom eternal, wolfenstein
>team sonic racing
3rd party support seems pretty decent so far.
Games already cost $100. They just strip all the content out, give the bare bones game for $60 and then sell all the rest of the game back to you.
>You mean two of the most successful consoles of all time
In sales.
Not in third-party support (excluding blatant iOS-tier shovelware)
>a more powerful console instead
Generally speaking more powerful consoles have to be sold at a loss in the hopes of recuperating it through the games, paid online services and things like extra controllers.
Nintendo doesn't like doing this though and nearly always sells the consoles at profit.
It would take a refit of management to steer Nintendo into more powerful hardware, but the online would absolutely become more costly as would the already expensive controllers and games.
What's install base of 50 mean? Does that mean 50 million people have switches or something
>Reddit spacing
>Switchy the best!
Why am I not surprised.
There's plenty of western multiplat garbage on the switch for you to consume swine.
Well if you're all happy with these then I have nothing more to say. It's not alot but it's something, I'm just saying after the next generations rolls around, there's gonna be less support for the switch other than Indies or non high graphical games. Just saying you guys will probably not get games like Re3 or dragon dogma 2
hahaha what did he miss retard? All the shrines? because that's the only fucking thing on the map besides ubisoft towers
So? I have a PC. Ps3 sucked and I regret buying a ps4, I am done with Playstation
>the Switch continues to be one of the most successful consoles of ever made.
Is this actually true, sales figures-wise? I've never even seen a Switch in the flesh.
Well first step is going outside
2nd step is getting some friends who play video games.
Why do you asume that every console has to be the same shit-tier PC rig offering exactly the same experience?
Can you not wrap your head around the concept that the reason the Switch has become such a juggernaut success is because its offering something DIFFERENT?
How can you not understand that? It doesn't matter that the Switch is crushing EVERTHING in sales? It doesn't matter that the Switch already has a superb library of Nintendo exclusives and 3rd party hits?
>n-no! Its going to flop!
Ok. You'll still be saying this in 2022.
I'm sure they could do okay if they invested less money into gimicky shit and more into just making a more powerful console. Doesn't have to be a powerhouse that shits on PS and XBox, just something up to standard so they can actually get real third party support. The only pull switch has is the portability and it's exclusives, and it's not looking good for nintendo exclusives at the moment, half of the switch games worth getting were already on WiiU.
Imagine if they actually had third party support and got every other game releasing on PS, XBox and PC that they don't usually get, and with cross play becoming a much bigger thing people would have plenty more reason to buy a nintendo console.
I want a switch but there's like 5 games I would get and nothing else, if they don't bring anything new to the table soon I'm not going to get one, I'm not letting what happened with the WiiU happen to me again. If they don't pick up their game then I'm okay with missing out on some exclusives
Looking forward to Sony friends defending always online ps5
Its already exclipsed PS4 lifetime sales in Japan after just two years and year-on-year sales in America are beating PS4 by more than 20%.
Its doing pretty well.
>nearly 13 TF GPU
So you're telling me Sony is putting a RTX 2080 Ti inside their console that's not coming out until 2020/2021? I'll believe it when I see it.
Same thing that happened to the 3ds when Ps4 and Xbone came out.
impossible to be as up your ass as this guy
It's the behaviour of an educated mind to break up walls of text into easily digestable paragraphs and/or sentences (particularly useful when dealing with the braindead morons on this board).
They teach you this in school, you uneducated simpleton.
The reason information isn't broken up here is because it isn't necessary to. On Reddit it looks better, here you're taking up everyone's space because shift+enter is too difficult for your tiny joy con reddit fingers.
Why can't you bring an actual 'argument' to the table?
>Th-that's not an argument!
Read, you fucking retard.
>muh graphix
that's why western games will never be good, and the better of them are just glorified tech demos.
>still can't produce an argument.
>starts sperging out and resorts to childish insults.
Yeah, don't waste your time replying to me, I have bigger fish to fry.
No, you don't have bigger fish to fry. You're spending your time on an imageboard for video games.
Yes, but they will have games two years after they come out.
>Sony and Nintendo fans are fighting against each other while fighting against PC fans at the same time
This thread is a fucking warzone!
Hey, that's not an argument. Ok I win.
>Sit back and smirk
so much for that master race shit huh pc fags? bow to the king baby
Shut the hell up man, I'm just saying the switch won't have the more recent games. I didn't say it isn't a success or nintendo exclusives aren't good. But that's the problem, Only their exclusives are good and even some of them are actually hitting PC now.
What will you say when a game like Cyberpunk 2077 isn't announced for Switch? Or a game like a new Monster Hunter isn't hitting Switch too?
I go outside plenty, cunt. All my friends own PS4s.
I'm surprised to hear that. I had it in my head as a Wii U type console as far as adoption went.
>What will you say when a game like Cyberpunk 2077 isn't announced for Switch? Or a game like a new Monster Hunter isn't hitting Switch too?
What will you say when Pokemon, Zelda and Metroid don't hit other systems?
>b-b-but I can play a gimped-ass emulated version by the pale light of my monitor.
Fucking Christ, just stop. If you're not interested in Switch don't worry about it. But please stop crying endlessly because you're jealous as fuck about everyone who has one.
Here it's a measure in how hard it's gonna flop because the console price is going to be 500-600 USD
>2 first pictures of uncharted are literally from the same game since they switch his shirt every game
>2 last pics of KZ are both from KZ2
>GT is supposed to be a driving sim
Meanwhile Nintendo's franchises of "creativity" all literally have the same look and art style. Very minor changes from iteration to iteration spanning decades in the making.
Meanwhile guerilla makes a game where honestly only the second and third game look similar due to the fact that they are only 2 years apart when releasing.
>9 uncharted games
hmmmm i only see 4 over the past 12 years.
>Nintendo's franchises of "creativity" all literally have the same look and art style. Very minor changes from iteration to iteration spanning decades in the making.
Thats some top-tier bullshit lol.
Most fun I had with PS4 exclusive was a game with stylised anime/french comics graphics, atrocious combat but incredibly well designed world and movement mechanics.
Everything else was a really cool cinematic experience that I never touched after finishing it once.
From nintendo? yeah
>l-look mom! i posted it again!!!
Cory is a faggot, so much so that David Jaffe looks like a good guy in comparison. At least Jaffe shat on Journos instead of sucking up to them like Cory
It hurts to be btfo hard doesn't it
Shouldn't he be getting dogs flashbanged instead? What a faggot that guy is.
Switch Pro with Xbox One graphics and the same tiny battery life
>different filenames
wow you sure showed me schizo
PS5 isn't getting BC with PS3
I mean he's not wrong about Days Gone and I say that as someone who kinda enjoyed Days Gone. State of Decay at least does something unique with it's setting, whereas DG just kinda felt uninspired outside of the biker flavouring.
Why do you keep making this thread? Are you that one autistically mentally ill Nintendo hater who has wasted more than two years of his life crying about the Switch every day? Is this your new big comfort blanket? >n-n-next year its gonna flop!
Fucking kek, what a loser.
AMD flops are different to Nvidia flops, 13 AMD flops are like 9 Nvidia flops
Do you realise that switch is circa ~0.18 in handheld mode (aka required lowest common denominator) and little less than 0.4 docked while fucking old FAT xbone is 1.31?? Inb4 some marketing lies - fp16 =/= fp32 you fucking mongs. And over the top of this all porting gamesdesigned in mind with new xbox and ps5 will be literally impossible thanks thanks to ZEN 2 that rapes jaguar, which currently much stronger than your fucking tegra. And nintendo won't abandon 35 millions of consoles ever.
Look at the responses in this thread of course it's him.
Those are mothefucking first party exclusives, What the hell are you smoking, going on this massive switch dick sucking parade?
PS5 will fail due to lack of petting tech
LOL the absolute state of this seething Xcuck.
Switch will basically be the new 3DS. It's going to be fine.
PS4 and Xbone are already more powerful than the Switch. We had this discussion when it came out with "OH NONONONO! IT'S JUST A TABLET!" over and over again and now it's TIME TESTED that hardware specs haven't been a hindrance at all of it's success.
Besides, I'm an idort, so it doesn't matter to me
>tfw want to play holo petting simulator
>tfw no vr
>tfw too poorfag to buy one
day of the rope getting closer lads
N-No, its going to flop any second!
>Switch has the best library for trannies/betas/manchildren who prefer to watch dora the explorer at the age of 35. Ps4/xbone can't even compete
Completely agree.
All those games are literally for babies and casuals
>buy zelda
>read a guide how to finish the game under 15 minutes
>that's 70 plus tip and +60 for a real controller.
>130 usd for a 15 minute gameplay.
Zelda is the most casual - baby tier -fisherprice game ever made.
With how quickly TVs break nowadays I kinda do actually.
>and "hardcore" gamers watch movie
>buy zelda
>read a guide how to finish the game under 15 minutes
LMAO what a fucking loser
yet almost every game will run at a silky smooth 15 fps because devs refuse to prioritize framerate over resolution and sick graphix.
>There is a likely hood it will be better than a PS4 with some good capabilities
Dude, there are no mobile chips even coming close those old 2013 ps4 specs as of right now, not even close to the base xbone. Fucking tegra X2 is only 0.75 TF with 100% power enabled, which is still almost two times weaker than xbox one s. Ports of games like Doom comimg to switch were only possible because jaguar processor in 8th gen consoles is a fucking joke and you can compare it more with tablet units - I mean tablet, not even laptop - than real desktop CPU. Without this bottleneck the code of games would be designed differently and porting it to hardware with smarphone-tier cpu wouldn't be possible anymore.
Why user
What BOTW inserts in to the series?
>Be the most plane and undeveloped character who even after 50 games of the same cannot speak or express any motion.
>Same story about rescue the princess from the evil dude who is evil because he is evil and wants to smash things.
>Same story about picking a sword and vanish the evil
>Rise and repeat for more than 30 years
>No real dungeons
>Exploration based on recollection literally poop.
>only 3 types of weapons
>Only 7 enemies in total.
>can literally pause the game at any moment and heal.
I pity on your shitty 8 yo fisher price tier game.
I love how Nintendogs always act like they are in serious competition with Sony and MS. No one gives a fuck about your annual Mario X rehashes.
Nothing because they won't be out for over a year and then it'll be another year or two before developers stop making cross gen titles. Even then Nintendo just need to make their own titles for the system until they release a backwards compatible Switch 2 in 2022.
Enough people do that smash is the single fastest selling exclusive of all time
We are now in YEAR THREE of traumatic BotW Ass-Sting.
I love how seething kiddies like you are filled with jealous rage while the companies you idolise generally get on really well with each other and understand and appreciate each other's importance.
What a baby you are.
That’s how you know an Americuck wrote this.
>Naughty Dogs, Guerrilla, Santa Monica, Insomniac
>good games in the last 7 years
I too think that the quality of a video game is directly tied to the hardware performance of the video game console.
A shit game that looks good is worth dying for!
Sadly this is the actual mentality of snoyfags
Hopefully next gen isnt as god awful as this gen was. I have every console and a gaming pc and the only game I liked was Witcher 3.
>current sony execs are cucks
more news at eleven
based and updooted
Holy fuck kid.
It will continue getting traditional 3DS titles in HD, including a shit tonne of the 3rd party ones.
We are now living in a post Smash Ultimate timeline. This is basically the new 3DS with heaps better visuals that you can also play on your TV.
And if you don't think 3rd parties will make big games when, this holiday season, it will easily pass 40 million units sold then you're not paying attention.
Thanks to GDC research its known that multiplats sell the best on switch and once it's user base passes 40 million and next year heads towards 50 million, and with a rumoured near decade lifespan planned, that all justifies making games purely for the switch.
>they are going to look absurd
>me and my wife's boyfriend can't wait to press x every 45 minutes to progress the cut scenes along
Grafix fags are killing games. You'll never be a PC little console that could. Stop trying. Go back to focusing on gameplay.
Any shit console being a beast. You poorfags are delusional.
You deserve these (you)s oh humble (you) farmer. Bless thee.
Nintendo hasnt been producing games with good gameplay though. Xenoblade 2 is a cinematic experience
>20 times the processing power?
How many generations do we have to go through before you guys learn to understand none of that shit matters and will continue to not matter.
All that matters is the games. The games. The games.
Ports dont count. The Shitch library is trash.
Do these people think graphics are magic?
>awkward body shifting every time you need to change direction
>epic slow down on every single attack
Tank controls are fine in RE but it doesn't seem like a good idea for action games.
The switch will be fine and continue to do well. But the next Xbox and ps are gonna bomb? This sounds a lot like "lmao switch dead on arrival rofl".
If there's a GTA 6 in the first year of release both consoles will sell close to 100 million in their life span (which I think the switch might too if they hurry up and kill the 3DS then put all its 3rd party support on the switch).
>hit red enemy with the red axe
>don't hit red enemy with bue sword
yeah, so great
The people that care about graphics have figured out that pc is the place to go. The only people that are left on consoles are sport sim fanatics.
Fine, after the PS5 launches the Switch will Terra Flop.
>Look what they accomplished
>multiplats sell the best on switch
the fucking madman actually wrote it...
30 fps
All it matters is no third party ports for switch except indie and kusoge (basically japanese indie)
PS5 will be even more successful than PS4.
I hope the ps5 flops
>Making a Switch that doesn’t Switch
That sounds stupid
is this bait?
>4 multiplats
Nintendo has never given a shit about processing power, why would they start now?
Wow 4 games and some DLC over a decade in the making
I love watching consolefags brag about their overpriced shit console specs.
Almost too perfect, especially now that Microsoft has decided to bow out of the market.
What do you mean?
Processing power has always taken a back seat to software and games.
Look at how the DS beat out the PSP, or how the 3DS beat out the Vita.
Games Library > Graphics
People talked about it on forums as far back as the PS2 and Gamecube and Xbox
They need to make a handheld version of the Switch.
switch is already dead bra
LOL, snoyfags are COPING hard
Zen 2 8cores runs at 65w, the unannounced new gpu as well will run at lower power
Amd isn’t intel housefires