>game has 10/10 character design
>you can't date her
Game has 10/10 character design
Other urls found in this thread:
what kind of loser plays games that involve dating?
>player is able to date her
>gets drafted into Korean military
it's no fair bros
>character has 10/10 design
>all her doujins involve her getting fucked by pokemon
name of the artist is in the damn pic you lazy fuck
>game has 10/10 character design
>barely gets any fan art
the mightyena doujin is fucking goat, faggot
there's also the one with MC as well for boring shits like you
there's a new chapter lads
why do people who are into non vanilla things feel the need to attack others for not liking it
where and when
literally anywhere you'd read manga like oh say mangadex
almost 4 months ago now
Anyone know which character is this?
probably should have thought to check there i read the original on sadpanda
thanks anyway
>main character has a 10/10 sister
>you can't date her
The modelling reminds me of Falcom's games, could it be Sen IV or Ys IX?
It's literally in the metadata
It's a Falcom game. But which character?
Can't find. I'm retarded.
Bless you user
Now if I can only find the title again
I've found that, Emma Millstein, I believe.
But I can't find this exact character. It has nothing to do with Emma Millstein.
may and flannery are the hottest hoenn girls
It's literally Emma. Go play Sen IV.
Don't forget the rocket grunt
What form is that, is it in the game?
I knew what this was before I even opened it
holy shit my image didn't attach
The artist’s Twitter handle is right fucking there. Do you have brain damage?
The post they were replying to cast first stone.
i don't think complaining about lack of vanilla equates to namecalling
>having that worthless shit
My sides, only classic Yea Forums with its classic /frames/ matters.
always passed over this because of the tags but
>her hood falling off
there's no objectionable tag there though
I will never get people who lust after 10 year old NPC characters.
>But they don't look like they're 10!
Anything can look like any age if it's in a stylized anime art style meant to remove the blemishes and imperfections seen in real people and look as sterile and mass appealing as possible. Go outside and talk to actual girls
for you maybe
>having easy access to sauce and numerous other features bad
>shitty base website and modern captcha good
Nostalgia really is cancerous, this site just keeps getting worse because of it.
>game has cute girls
>can't play with their milkers
Why even fucking bother.
No way fag
But real woman use makeup to hide the imperfections and blemishes and want to appear as sterile and mass appealing as possible.
Your pic really doesn't help your argument.
Oh boy you're on Yea Forums too now? Nobody respond to this bait, he does this crap on /vp/ too with clear adult characters as well, he's retarded.
Just ignore the bait lads.
>implying real western women arent NPCs
Not that user, but you have a point, both man and females have unrealistic expectation of beauty
Of course he's on Yea Forums, we stopped biting on /vp/, he needs his (You)s.
Wait for the gacha game.
cute art style
but he said he got bored/tired of it and may not do any more. or so ive heard.
hug your mother you underage reddit frog
This is what perfection looks like
she has milkers but isn't as cute
I've been wondering that since gen 5 myself
poor guy got his soul sucked out in his service years
how to use noscript captcha on firefox? Never works
assuming this rando from sadpanda isn't lying this was the post, which is two years old now, so unless that new chapter was also two years ago I assume his situation has changed in some way.
Anyone that isnt a cuck
>game has a 10/10 character design
>the character is absolute irredeemable shit
she has two parts that are 10/10, the rest not so much
more of a 2/10 if you think about it
Tell me I'm not the only one who likes Shelly
i couldn't stomach oras past mauville. what was wrong with her?
You called?
Shame that he ended it off on a douchebag-level cliffhanger but oh well, real life hits hard.
donut steel that ruins everything for no reason because she's a retard
Disable Java.
I tried, it disables Yea Forums X as a whole if I do.
>game has dating elements
>date girl
>other characters in the game dont acknowledge it at all
>y-you can't like 10 year olds that have the body of a grown woman, p-pedo!!!
>b-but you also can't like this 10000 year old loli or you're a pedo!!!!!
Which one is it, fags?
I forgot what a treasure this doujin was
>no reply
she's good but Courtney is way better, sorry nerd
dumb loafposter
based loafposter
But we can like both
>game lets you date multiple girls at once
>none of the girls ever interact with each other or get jealous
>at most they casually mention another girl
>no orgy ending
Looks like Sara from Trails of Cold Steel IV. I still need to play those games though.
literally velma+sabrina
This is why I'm trying to learn to draw, myself. Got a looooooong way to go though.
sauce an interested user onegai
pic not related.
>10/10 design
dating a team magma grunt
ah fuck i thought it was a mango/manhwa about dating a military girl
I could never beat Ruby because of her. Everytime I got to her I got horny and restarted my save.
Seems like cucks would especially want to play a game where they can have a chance at talking to a girl that wouldn't leave him for a guy with a better penis.
>bites his dick off because of her sociopathic jealously that fug chose him over her and then runs away
Anything else would be completely out of character, and by extension a better character than Zinnia.
Did you have a stroke while typing this?
well she's got one of my favorite mongolian nudie mags of all time at least
>That doujin
It's clearly the first that's acceptable.
>draw an adult
>say it's two years old
>passes the harkness test
Perfectly fine.
>draw a child
>say it's 5000 years old
>not mentally mature enough to pass the harkness test, doesn't even understand puberty
Bad pedob8, avoid at all costs.
Pokemon is kind of a gray area
>draw preteens and young adults like teenagers
>age range 10~40
>only some characters seem like they would pass the harkness test while others are just children playing with their magical pets and want nothing to do with romance or sex
You would think for the latter some people would have common decency but it is the internet and it's generally those that think 5000 y/o pedob8 is acceptable that go after that crap.
are you autistic? it reads just fine.
>harkness test
Fucking fag lmao
Not an argument
thanks for reminding me e-hentai is garbage and prunes old shit
That girl looks like she's full of hepatitis and issues.
Thats Emma from trails of coldsteel
Of course not, ORAS Shelley is a goddess.
I want to lick Shelly's well-defined tummy
Because she is your mother.
(Miranda, Grandia 3)
Better than willfully wanting yurishit as a male
>bangs Shauntal first
>then Skyla, Hilda, and Bianca in that order
damn dude, is that author me?
Nah. I prefer 10 year olds.
As it should be
if they are, you're an absolute legend and you need more pokegirl content
Buongiorno reddit
That meme is older than you are.
Why are Americans so terrified of teen sex? Most parts of the world allows it even with adults
Pick one
Gladly, thanks bro
Struck a cord, eh cuckboi?