It is honestly impressive that Sony has been in the console market for 25 years and they have yet to make a controller that isn't dog shit.
It is honestly impressive that Sony has been in the console market for 25 years and they have yet to make a controller...
every right analog stick fucks up after a few months
That's how they get extra cash. Make shit controller that dont last long so you are forced to buy another one
Based and handpilled.
> Left stick in the wrong place
> Awful d-pad that's basically unusable for anything beyond than menus/item switching.
Slippery control sticks that are so horrible I literally took apart the fucking controller and replaced them so that Bloodborne would be playable
How do people not see how bad this thing is? Is it stockholm syndrome from having grown up on it since PSX?
Possibly. Every model of that damn controller is uncomfortable and flimsy as fuck, shit's garbage. Also analog triggers are awful and I wish companies would drop them.
Nice disinformation agents shit going on here. I'm an engineering fag and the Sixaxis controllers're innards are the best in the industry, every iteration is fucking great. Also, asymmetrical layout is for autistic anyway.
That sounds like a you problem.
Sony has had consistently decent controllers and only retards who grew up on the Xbox think otherwise.
Sega > Nintendo > Sony > power gap > Xbox
They just copied the snes layout and put unergonomic sticks that stop working after a few months.
THIS is what happens when they create a controller.
I much prefer its d-pad compared to other controllers and the positioning as well. Trying to use a small d-pad on the bottom feels like shit.
> Also analog triggers are awful and I wish companies would drop them.
Absolutely based. For some reason this is heresey to day, but analog triggers suck ass and never should have become a thing. They're inferior for literally every genre but racing. But anytime someone suggests removing them you get a bunch of people coming out of the woodwork screaming REEEEEEE MY CAR GAMESSSS. Fuck that shit. Tell those people to get a racing wheel and pedal if they want to have analog input for racing. Let the rest of us have digital input for all 4 triggers
Yikes. Nothing else to do, what? Joy cons are the worst thing imaginable. The switch in general is horrible to hold in your hands. It's weird since the wii u gamepad was extremely ergonomic.
No need to samefag this hard, phone poster.
>inb4 you show your amazing Photoshop skills in 5 minutes
The original PS1 controller was garbage. The D pad was shit, and even if the D pad was good controlling 3D movement with a D pad always feels terrible.
They added two sticks for the dualshock but kept the asspad. They did this for THREE generations for some fucking reason. Long after Microsoft had dropped the absolute standard on the Awgbox.
I like the PS4 controller though.
I like that's it's better than the ps3 contoller at least. Thing felt like a fisher price toy. The dpad on ds4 is okay but it feels cheap. And I wish the triggers weren't so sensitive
I've personally opened up and modded both a Dualshock 4 and an Xbox one controller and the Dualshock 4 is a total shitshow inside. Multiple boards and a bunch of fiddly little wires that are hard to get back together. It's horribly designed and makes it hard to repair/mod anything. By comparison the xbone controller has one large, sturdy board, no fiddly wires, and every button/stick is easily accessible for replacement after opening the controller.
Are there any games that actually use the touchpad feature?
I genuinely like them. I mean, as an adult I find them to be on the small side now, but I've never straight up said "man this shit sucks!". I honestly think the gamecube controller was overrated for what it was (It was the only nintendo baby controller that wasn't fucking retarded in design, so nintendo autists worship it for some reason), and when I'm using a controller on the PC, I use my xbox pro controller. The problem with that is that it was like what $150 for marginally better ergonomics, and doesn't even have blutooth so I had to buy the dongle, which also wasn't cheap, but it feels good enough, and I've gotten enough use out of it to make it worth it for me. I don't hate the PS4 controller though. It's good enough, and on PC I still prefer it situationally.
i googled it and saw hundreds with the same problem, shill
>posts best controller in the market
what did he mean by this?
Holding the Joycons isn't so bad to me but they feel way too flimsy
They feel horrible. You can pretend that they are good for YOU, but their shape is garbage. Same with the switch. Holding a tablets and joycons is terrible. No controller looks like a NES controller anymore, guess why?
Plenty of people have problems with every controller. Kys.
>only hundreds even though they sold millions
I just use the Pro now anyway.
Sony regularly shits out the worst controller every gen and I don't get why anyone defends them doing it.
Are those "people" still 12/ a woman/ a tranny?
Great. Buy one for me as well. So the joy cons feel so good that you bought another controller, what? Lmao
> No controller looks like a NES controller anymore, guess why?
Squares aren't ergonomic lol. That's why I said the Gamecube controller was over rated. It was the only one I've used that was OK. (To be fair I haven't played the wii u with the game pad, nor the switch, except with one of their pro controllers or whatever the fuck they call it, and that was just kinda ok too). I don't know why people look back on NES and SNES controllers so fondly. Sega's Genisis controllers blew that shit out, especially some of the wireless ones.
>car games
What car games? Since the PS2 era we are getting fewer and fewer racing games
For someone that isnt used to that, is that hard to change the dpad or fix it, and change the L2/R2 for something else?
My original DS4 dpad is fucked. Like, it seems it got "stuck" inside so now it is always pressing diagonals and cant use the damn controller anymore.
I prefer this thing over the first three dualshocks
they're kind of all the same now...
They have taste and aren't retarded like you is all.
I bought it for Smash because like I said, joycons feel way too flimsy for that kind of stress. I didn't mind using them when playing other games but once Smash came up I had to switch.
DS4 only good for shoving the two chode grips up your ass and enabling rumble
>pitiful battery life
>useless touchpad that’s just an extra button for most games
>triggers are shit, and chances are you’ll press one when setting it down
I usually don’t give a shit about which console controller is best, but I have never had a controller that’s given me as much trouble as the DS4
Go dilate, snoytranny
I feel more comfortable playing for hours with a MD/Genesis, SNES or Saturn controller than anything else.
>For someone that isnt used to that, is that hard to change the dpad or fix it, and change the L2/R2 for something else?
Depends on why your shit is fucked. He's really embellishing how complex it is.You would have to open it up and diagnose why it's fucked yourself (Not hard to open it up you can youtube that shit).
the ds4 is great, actually. even as a huge sony fan, it's the only controller they've made that i don't hate.
To follow up on that IIRC the buttons on the controller just interact with a rubber membrane that in turn hits the actual switches on the main board (Might be off base here as it's been a while since I looked at the schematics). If that's the case you just have to figure out what's gone wrong. It could be as simple as reseating the rubber membrane (or it's worn so much that there's little padding to prevent pushing one controller button from activating multiple board switches), or the board switches themselves might be broken.
They've been in the biz so long my hands evolved to hold their dogshit
> What car games? Since the PS2 era we are getting fewer and fewer racing games
Which is why analog triggers should be dropped imo
> For someone that isnt used to that, is that hard to change the dpad or fix it, and change the L2/R2 for something else?
> My original DS4 dpad is fucked. Like, it seems it got "stuck" inside so now it is always pressing diagonals and cant use the damn controller anymore.
Yes. You will need a Youtube video and at least an hour or two to repair anything for the first time. Make sure you pay attention when you take it apart because it's hard to put back together. Also, you'll need a small phillips screwdriver and a plastic prying tool. Preferably multiple prying told because parts that you've already pried open have a tendency to snap back together if you don't keep something jammed inside holding them open. You'll have to take out the battery cable. It's in there tight, but it does come out. You'll feel like you're going to rip it, but it is actually supposed to come out. What are you trying to replace the triggers with? AFAIK there isn't an easy way to replace them with digital triggers, but you could probably install trigger stops to shorten the draw distance.
Apparently it was comfortable as fuck to hold but just looked silly
As someone who grew up on Nintendo they are not that bad and I have one I use as my main controller for my PC since the xbone controller is trash next to the 360 controller
Thanks. I should give look later, because if I cant even use it anymore it doesnt matter if it breaks more
But it was odd since it never happened with older DS despite using a lot of the dpads
Something like the DS2 or 3 ones, because I really hate their feel and how wide open they are.
>average battery life is 4 hours
>Which is why analog triggers should be dropped imo
As long as shooters exist and are money makers, this will never happen. I actually get the logic behind being anti-trigger if you hate shooters and racers, but shooters make the bux, and at least on xbawks I imagine racers like forza still generate substantial revenue. I actually like shooters and racers, but most are dog shit now so I haven't played either in some time. If they made racers that were actually worth a damn again, I'd honestly be that faggot with a wheel and pedals, because triggers are good but not good enough. For shooters though the potential is still there. Most games just half ass it (Well I suppose pretty much every current one). The last shooter I played outside of H3VR, which I won't count for obvious reasons, that used triggers in a novel way, was the darkenss on the PS3. They actually coded double action triggers to work as double action triggers (and also made every handgun DA only for no reason which kind of ruined it, because they could have had SA guns that broke instantly too), So your controller trigger would actually control the gun realistically, and your hammer would come back as you pulled the trigger and broke at the peak trigger pull. It didn't add anything to the gameplay but it was nice attention to detail and it was fun as a /K/ fag to start pulling a trigger, watching the hammer come back, and then releasing it before the gun fired over and over again just to dick around.
Literally comparable battery life to the Wii U tablet controller that had a fucking 6" 720p screen on it. How did they fuck up that badly?
Shooters play best on m+kb anyway so that point is moot. Playing shooters on a controller is always going to suck anyway do why go out of the way to keep a feature specifically for it. Shooters feel great without analog input on PC so it's not necessary on gamepads either
Realistically you wouldn't break anything more unless you physically lose a part or end up shorting the board, which is unlikely. I would at least just try reseating the membrane if you get it open and don't see any obvious problems with it. If it's actuating multiple switches, I'd think the membrane is either just out of place or you have a lot of bullshit cheeto dust and what not that got in and is fucking with it, if the membrane itself is really worn, then you could buy a new one if parts are available (IDK offhand), or try to pad it out with some semi soft shit you have laying around, and if the switches on the board itself are fucked, then you should probably just buy a new controller, but you don't lose anything for at least seeing if it's something easy to fix except a small bit of time. It would only take a few minutes to break open and do theoretically. Working with hardware is like working with cars (but way easier) in that when you do something the first time, all of you're time's just spent learning how to do it, but once you know it, you know it, and popping out the screws, pulling the main board off and at least checking the membrane is simple.
I don't know, I like my ps4 cont. The touchscreen and social button shit is unnecessary garbage that drives up the cost but otherwise it's a good controller. I've dropped it several times and I've yet to encounter a single problem with it. Also love the audio jack on it, it's essentially wireless earphones. Great for late night [anything]
Sony has the best controllers to play fighting games.
They aren't that bad for other things, tho.
Being cheap Jews
>They just copied the snes layout
This is true, but the concept for the Snes-like controller was discarded by the CEO of the company.
DS3 feels like cheap shit, but DS, DS2 and DS4 are great. You probably grew up playing Nintendo 64 and Xbox and now your hands are all malformed.
Most games I've seen it just used as a single button to click down on for extra menu shit. I think Spiderman used it for maps
>X as main button
why do some devs do this?
The touchpad automatically makes this the greatest of all time. It will be a downgrade if DS5 doesn't include it
DS3 feels infinitely better than the nightmare that is the DS4.
Nah DS4 is useable. The sticks aren’t too close together and the handles don’t feel like complete shit unlike the entire Ps1-3 gen (seriously why do L2 and R2 go UNDER the controller?) but compared to the Switch pro controller it’s no competition which one feels better to use.
>Also analog triggers are awful and I wish companies would drop them.
I generally like Sony controllers, but I definitely agree with you on triggers. They're terrible, and I hate that they've become standard on even most PC gamepads now.
I would much rather use shoulder buttons for an FPS game.
The only controller that even rivals the DS4 is the 360 controller. They fucked it up with the xbone controller