>breaking the iron code
I seriously hope you guys didn't do that.
Stuck on Isshin's second phase. Pls help.
>breaking the iron code
I seriously hope you guys didn't do that.
Stuck on Isshin's second phase. Pls help.
Be aggressive on Ishinns second phase.
Third phase start jumping alot.
I just beat him for the first time a couple minutes ago. Use the umbrella shield and learn how to use it, it’s crucial for that battle
>there's a 3rd phase
Should've expected that by now. 3rd phase is lightning I'm guessing?
>stuck on isshin for 45 minutes
>stuck on memory Owl for 45 minutes
>otherwise every boss is pretty not bad
i do wish there were more big bosses and less humanoid ones
>>>>>>>>>>>>using the shield
Firecracker is your friend.
There is no 3rd phase on Isshin at Shura ending
Gonna copy paste my thoughts since that other thread was just a shitpost.
I just reached the Shura ending and I’ve never been more blue balled in my life, that ending was way too abrupt. I was wholly expecting the game to punish me for choosing the Shura path and abandoning Kuro by having him side with Genichiro and fighting him with new moves in a wrath of slaying his family.
But instead we have to assume he was one of the anonymous millions slayed by Sekiro as Shura. Big disappointment.
Yes, using the only tool at your disposal to counter attacks that will break through a guard and damage through deflection to follow up with your own counterattack. Brainlet.
That user is talking about Sword Saint, old Isshin only has two phases
>falling for the iron code meme
Owl literally made that shit up so Wolf would obey his every command
>wanting yet another Jobichiro fight
Isshin's second phase is easy if you run around baiting his jump attack and punishing. But if you wanna play like a chad, you have to learn the timing to all his attacks. Usually he has a fast sword swipe as a direct counter to your attacks so expect that, then he follows up with very slow naginata swings. Once you learn that almost none of his naginata attacks are quick, the phase should be a lot easier to understand.
I like how Ema's Ashina Cross is different from the rest in the game. Didn't realize there was a tell until later.
I can imagine Genichiro-style enemies being mooks in the DLC.
>But instead we have to assume he was one of the anonymous millions slayed by Sekiro as Shura. Big disappointment.
Are you retarded? Owl literally shows up with the black mortal blade and genichiro’s fucking head
I have his standard attacks down, it's just the fire ones that trip me up.
I did. Perhaps I’m the only one but I genuinely sympathise with Genichi, he just wanted to save his country and all of its citizens from invasion and inevitable slaughter. He didn’t want Kuro or Owl or even Sekiro to die, he was just doing what he had to do.
You talk about the wrong boss here.
OP asked about old Isshin at Shura ending
Can someone give me a rundown on how to get the 2nd Hirata Estate? Like starting NG+ from the beginning what exactly do I do? I know you're supposed to evesdrop on Kuro, but I've never activated that or I'm just retarded in finding it.
That wasn’t in my game. It just showed Owl from a weird POV angle from below. And he already had the immortal blade, was that not the black one that was on his back? Or is that a similar looking one
If you're stuck on the fire Isshin, then, whenever he's charging his big fire attack use mortal blade. Even if you don't have spirit emblems it still staggers him out of the attack. During the fire 3 hit combo deflect the first two hits and then unlock and run around him during the pause before the fire attack.
Like I said, Firecracker is your friend.
Throw it at him when he charge the attack, you can get 1-2 free hit
>beat owl 1
>talk to Kuro about it
>eavesdrop on him
>talk to Emma about what he said
Everything else should be basic quest lines
This is cut content
Owl has the black mortal blade. That’s why sekiro has both after he kills him
actually not cut content, they just hid it by using camera
>beat owl 1
>talk to kuro, exhaust his dialouge
>go around the wall screen divider thing, hug the wall and eavesdrop on him until his dialogue repeats
>talk to emma
>sit at an idol
>talk to emma again and exhaust her dialogue
>go to the old grave idol and talk to emma near the grave to the left of the idol
>exhaust her dialogue until she mentions orangutan
>go to the dilapidated temple
>go around the temple, find the hole in the wall, hug the wall and eavesdrop
>talk to emma, choose the option to talk to her about what you heard
then she gives you the father's bell charm or whatever it's called
Wasn’t that he blade that was already on his back from the prior scene? He reached for it when Emma walked in on them.
Then how am I retarded for not seeing it if they hid it using a developers tool in a pretendered custscene
No you autist. You can clearly see his normal sword is still sheathed. Here’s the black mortal blade for reference. Compare it to the one owl is holding
So why does the stage get set on fire when Isshin shows up?
>Stuck on Isshin's second phase. Pls help.
Sure thing, bro. I'll drop you a summon sign.
Shura I guess
Fuck I hate burn status.
>try to run to the side
>fire explodes giving you burn status
>stand still and parry his attacks
>get burn status anyway
>try to heal or use an item
>hits you
Use the fire-resistant gourd
Looking forward to the DLC reveal at E3. Can’t wait to finally meet Tomoe. Hopefully we get to fight prime Sculptor alone and not with as a double boss with his wife.
>destroy Ema flawlessly
>get killed by Ema in 3 seconds
Anyone else get these spikes and drops in ability while stuck on a boss fight? Maybe I've been playing too long.
Yes happened to me too. Her patterns are attack sequences are just extremely erratic. Genichiro is a fucking CHUMP compared to her, I could drop him 10 times without getting hit but not Emma.
Yeah, a small mistake fucks with your momentum. It's a dance and sometimes you just don't get your groove back.
What am I supposed to be seeing here
It's usually case of second-guessing my timings for no reason and fucking up.
All codes are made up.
How do I get arms like Isshin?
Join the meta of the game, faggot.
By swinging your oversized naginata around and sticking to a healthy diet of monkey booze.
Wait why did he stab him with the immortal blade, he could have used his normal sword.
How can such a small man be powerful enough to deflect any attack?
It's symbolic. He abandoned the Kusabimaru(the blade entrusted to him by Kuro), thereby solidifying him abandoning Kuro.
>need to cheese when you fight against owl
>oh you can go back to hirata for updated memory
>there is owl again
>now with 2hit ko
T-thanks and I thought the ape and the monk were annoying
I broke the iron code bc owl reminded me too much of my abusive father.
Did you get ONE/HITOTSU-ed?
Is Ema the only character smaller than Sekiro? I guess there's the Mibu villagers, dogs, and hat wearing midgets.
you can jump over the fire
yeah it sounds stupid and it is stupid, but simply jumping avoids all damage even though the flames should hit you since they fly up
sekiro: hitboxes fail twice
he didn't abandon it tho it's still in his sheat
I think I found my problem, I'm too focused on parrying so dodging behind him is foreign to me. And he really punishes that playstyle.
Owl 2 doesn't do nearly as much posture damage despite your deflects as Shinobi master does. His fight is incredibly fun if you go for posture, give it a try
>it’s crucial for that battle
Literally no. I didn't use the umbrella once on a boss in this game.
Anyone else deflect the ashina cross and ichimonji? All the guides I see say to run behind it but I'm too used to the timing. Maybe the risk/reward is too high, potentially losing half your healthbar for one free hit.
>Ashina Cross
The easiest one is deflect trough Iron Fan. You can try normal deflect, though its harder.
Just dodge aside. The key is 1 second still animation you must wait before step aside (because said animation is homing on your position)
I dodge the Ichimonji and use nothing personal feathers for the delayed Ashina Crosses.
It's been a while since I've beaten it but is NG+ worth doing? Sounds like fun with so much shit unlocked in end game
Yes. Take off Kuro Charm and evoke Demon Bell.
If there's a few bosses you missed it's worth it. Enemies do double damage but NG+ isn't too hard unless you take off Kuro Charm. Once you cleaned up everything you missed then all that's left to do is challenge runs.
How's NG+7 no kuro charm and demon bell?
hmm owl puts another head next to isshin and emma, and we know it's not kuro... i wonder who it could be.....
use floating passage
or you could glance at the ground and take maybe 1-2 steps to reach an area without fire
dodging ichimonji can land you like 3 solid hits to his health though
The general on the gate path is killing me lads
Deflect and attack
you could ignore him or defeat him with the power of violence
I feel its fitting for a Ninja to be a manlet, with all the sneaking they have to do. I'm almost certain Owl would be the worst ninja ever, such a huge guy could never stay undetected.
he is at an ideal blowjob height