>game has difficulty option that's "for people playing a [name of series] game for the first time
>pick it because it's my first time playing a game in that series
>it's actually still pisspoor easy anyway
>restart and pick the difficulty option that's "for [name of series] veterans"
>game is normal difficulty, not too easy, not too hard
Why do companies do this? Do they really think that their playerbase is that incompetent?
Game has difficulty option that's "for people playing a [name of series] game for the first time
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why do companies do this? Do they really think that their playerbase is that incompetent?
Do I need to post the Cuphead webm again?
>game has a mode called something like "very hard" "nightmare" "impossible" or similar
>it feels like normal difficulty and makes you wonder just how easy the other modes are
why are they scared to have difficulty modes more on the bullshit side, if people think it's bullshit they can just change it
>Do they really think that their playerbase is that incompetent?
DSP exists.
Yes. Most people are awful at videogames and trouble solving.
You never know, man. My mom can't get past the first goomba in super mario bros.
I'll post it.
Please don't remind me of Fire Emblem Awakening Lunatic+ mode. I don't want to remember the torture I put myself through.
>Do they really think that their playerbase is that incompetent
I've seen instructions indicating that a recipe/home repair/any set of instructions both cradling, and somehow more complicated than would be required to provide the same set of information.
It's like retention of all information is supposed to be slipping from humanity.
God that's painful. Journalists should all be shot
>game has easy, normal, hard, and very hard
>easy is games journalist tier
>normal might pose a challenge if you've never played a game before
>hard requires at least a bit of effort to not die (not that much, though)
>very hard is nearly impossible and requires insane strategies just to beat the first fucking level
guess the game
are you talking about Devil Hunter?
Because it was also my first time with the series and I had NO problem and it was very easy to learn.
Then again I'm a quick study with a massive IQ so whatever...
Nu Fire Emblem
Fuck off Elbert Enstien.
>pick very hard
>start of the game is insane and nearly impossible
>finally get through that
>rest of the game is piss easy
Unfortunately their perception of the general video game audience are gaming "journalists," who regularly fail to follow even basic directions.
Nier automata
Based Tier
No difficulty settings
Great Tier
Good Tier
Nope Tier
Very Hard
>lower difficulties are actually harder than the higher ones
No, why would start with a trump card?
All of them
Resident Evil Outbreak.
Hard > Very Hard every time
That's just a symptom of video game companies being tech companies. All their employees are rich college educated people who think they're better than everyone else.
>game remove features on lower difficulties to make the game "simpler"
>lack of control over those features makes the game several times harder
>Only difficulty settings are "Supereasy" and "Superhard"
>"Supereasy" isn't easy at all
It doesn't matter what the modes called, only what they actually do.
Any mode that's just a multiplier for enemy health/damage is shit tier.
it's like watching a baby slowly figure out the cube goes into the square shaped hole, not the triangle shaped hole
Well duh. The "super-" prefix means "above", so the difficulty is above easy, not below it
better than not having modes at all, and multipliers are good enough if we're talking about long rpgs and similar and will likely only use for a single playthrough
this is only shit tier if it's in an action game that's meant to be replayed, preferably with a twist to make it different
>tfw someone made a comparison video with a literal 5 year old doing that tutorial
>the kid gets past the air dash part faster, only finishes last because he gets stuck a bit during the parry part but you can tell he's learning and trying out what he can do
>journalist just facerolls everything and clearly doesn't learn a thing
Metro LL
Man it must suck to play video games when you only have a single foot to control them with
>game has a mode called something like "very hard" "nightmare" "impossible" or similar
>let’s you used earned/unlocked gear and skills from easer playthroughts
Serious Sam
Vidya is mainstream now, can't have trendy retards feeling bad.
You're such a hardcore gamer. I want to be as cool as you are.
There's a better version in which a pigeon is shown to be a faster learner
>journo absolutely fucking sucks at his job
>blames gamergate and Donald Trump for the backlash
I fucking wish I was making that up.
>Pick very hard
>Every enemy is a tank
>PC has no health
>bullets follow you
>enemy units construct immediately
>Game pacing reduced to a crawl
It's such a cop out
You forgot
Elder God tier:
Pre-made Custom Difficulties
God tier:
Custom difficulties and traditional ones
RPGs in general tend to play like this. I kind of enjoy this though, adds to the feeling of my character growing powerful.
I was playing Elex on hardest mode recently, I spent 80% of the game running from combat because I couldn't kill anything for shit and they'd one-shot me
going all diplomatic and avoided combat all I could and eventually I became an unstoppable god and went around killing everything
Mostly because EXP and/or rewards scale with difficulty, that's where they fuck up.
Dragon's Dogma is a prime example.
>hard mode only unlocks on NG+
it's often a side-effect of being able to change difficulty mode anytime, rather than 1-time choice at the start for challenge
they feel forced that hard mode has to have perks to be worth choosing, or else it's like having an option in the menu intended to gimp yourself
recently I often get other people save data just to unlock the hardest mode for my first playthrough
assuming I'm not carrying over anything though (I don't want their shit), need it to be a fresh playthrough save for hard mode
I like how Etrian Odyssey does it
>early game is hard as fuck as a casual filter
>the mid game is very manageable but not totally brainless once your builds come online
>the last third of the game starts cranking it up again to challenge your builds
>postgame is rape
if it's NG+ and not a "beat the game to unlock", it's often fine because those modes aren't a hard mode but rather "intended to play with full gear from late game that you carried over"
which site was it that did this? this is hilarious tbqh. its like speedrun gore.
The western release of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance added an easy mode, but they made it using the leftover data from a scrapped lunatic difficulty as a base. They forgot to chage a few of the bosses so some them are still lunatic difficulty and all your guys do like 0 damage and have like 40% accuracy with triangle advantage. Overall it's still easier than normal though.
>get mocked so hard that some irish faggot making fun of your journalism accidentally finds a speedrun glitch
He is probably using a console controller, though.
Can't blame him.
Undisputed GOTYAY Tier:
>Game let's you switch and fine-tune the difficulty at any time
>Doing so often is not only encouraged, but a part of the mechanics of the game
To be fair, playing an FPS with a controller is kinda ass anyway.
>hard mode is DLC
>Why do companies do this? Do they really think that their playerbase is that incompetent?
Did you miss the Sekiro butthurt shitstorm or what?
>not always picking the hardest difficulty of everything right off the bat
also people like dsp are usually the main consumers of these games
The first time I used a controller to play a shooter it was exactly like this, yes.
But I wasn't fucking paid to do this.
And I adapted after about an hour.
shame almost no games make use of the motion sensors in the controllers
motion sensors is shit for full aiming imo but works great to perform corrections (like in this case you'd move with analog to near the target and tilt your controller to be on target). Won't beat a mouse, but that works so nicely.
>Very Hard
>Very Normal
>Videogames Journalist
played it with a controller and had no aim fuck ups like this.
game journos have no excuse to be this bad with aim.
>normal is too easy
>hard is complete bullshit
I've tried that in a few games using the Steam Controller and the DS4 on Steam, and concluded that it's only good if you toggle it, usually with the same button as "aim down sight". It's annoying to play with your controller sideways or correcting for the movement you have to do to get your hands straight again.
Pretty sure every console fps give the players aim assist by default. this guy has NO excuse
>easy is pretty easy
>normal puts up a reasonable challenge and feels like the game should be played this way
>no other difficulty options
>Original Release
>Easy, Normal, Hard
>International Release
>Normal, Hard, Super Hard
>Why do companies do this? Do they really think that their playerbase is that incompetent?
Streaming has taught me that they are. People who have supposedly played games in some capacity their entire lives face tanking every attack from Vergil on easy and dying.
Game "journalists" were a mistake.
>game's highest difficulty means NPCs and you die easier
I really liked that about Metro 2033 and STALKER.
Would be nice for it be enabled when scoping or using ironsights.
Fucking Nintendo perfected it in Splatoon, I can't believe it's that hard for Sony or Valve.
Can you imagine spending years designing a game and then having journalists come in to play and judge it and you have to watch them play like this? Is it like a parent watching its baby being murdered?
I literally refuse to play games with difficulty options. the only game I can think of with difficulty options that's good is DOOM and even then it's play on ultra violence or get ass raped on nightmare and then there's like 4 other piss easy difficulties
I am this bad at video games.
What the fuck is that?
At first I thought it was some kind of rat because they're quite clever
but it doesn't have a longass tail and I'm pretty sure rats don't have back feet that big
He must be playing with a touchpad.
Quick, post what you think hard and hardest difficulties should do.
DMC5 was especially bad about this, even the "for veterans" mode felt like easy mode. At least the DMD was better than 4's but I wish they had a super masochist difficulty above that.
nothing changes statwise, but the AI gets smarter
unfortunately this is impossible because good programming and video games do not mix
The hardest should be designed unbeatable.
Let the AI cheat: Scan player location, see through walls, predict input, have perfect reaction times.
Go all out and watch players beat the crap out of it nevertheless.
Jon Romero really pulled a fast one on us. In Sigil, HMP is UV mode, UV is assrape.
Easy Mode - Enemies generally react slower and bosses have less attacks. There are also more powerups and crutches (Such as blocking off a few more difficult pits, or instakill obstacles/attacks only do heavy damage). Achievements are locked off, and your score income will be smaller.
Normal Mode - The regular difficulty. The entire game is designed around this.
Hard Mode - Enemies and bosses speed up noticeably, but not too crazy. Bosses also have even more attacks or changed up patterns. Obstacles will behave differently or be more difficult to bypass.
Expert Mode - Uses Hard Mode as its base, but the effects are amplified. Enemies will also have their attacks with secondary effects (Such as poisoning, bleed, confusion, etc) will be nearly guaranteed. Less favorable powerups will show up, and puzzles/layout will be changed up to be more difficult to solve. There's a little bit of new content locked behind this mode, along with a boosted score income.
Who cares mate?
In case of Sony, lot of games did it perfect on Vita. But they never really bothered with a normal controller (maybe thought it was necessary on vita due to the smaller analog sticks).
Dude what
>Do they really think that their playerbase is that incompetent?
yes user, video games are 100% designed around this concept because you're like 1% of 99% of the population when it comes to this sort of thing.
Also feel really bad for that poor cat.
Elite Beat Agents comes to mind. Once you get used to the fast paced rhythm of the harder difficulties, playing easy is painful.
>game has a dynamic difficulty that makes the game easier if it thinks it's too hard for you
>doesn't tell you when it shifts the difficulty
>can't be disabled
>game makes the game harder when you die rather than the other way around
UT2004 Assault skirmish is nearly unplayable because of this. Every other mode you can disable the dynamic difficulty, but not Assault.
cracks me up everytime
>95% of the videogame playerbase
>the other 5% watching in disbelief
In the cuphead one I'd be thinking this would have saved a lot of grief. There's no excuse for an adult not realising this is what it wants, but you're also going to have children, potentially young children playing the game and they frequently need things spelled out to them.
>The hard mode is by far the most interesting version of the game to play but by the time you unlock it you're too tired of the core gameplay loop to bother
Such a cancerous system. At least with some games it can be fixed with mods.
>bonus: by the time you unlock it, you're already so good at the game that it's several times easier than your first playthrough
Oh fuck my sides. A pidgeon. A fucking pidgeon figured out the same task in less time and they even had on-screen text telling them what to do.
Why would you have someone like that review video games at all.
>the game has no difficulty options
Best kind of game.
This is too difficult, the game needs to be EASIER
only if the game isn't piss easy to start with, leaving you hoping for a hard mode
>tfw you can't even use the game features like fancy combos because enemies are dying in 1 hit
You know what, I'm impressed. I'm impressed someone can manage to be so bad at video games that they make the tutorial look like the final boss
wtf think about all the disabled people who can't play this game!
What's this about? I'd really like to see this
I've never touched this game before, but I'm assuming you have to jump from the box and dash in the air to get over the cylinder?
>That part where he jumps off of the box but doesn't do a dash
Gets me every time
>implying he didn't know exactly what he was doing
Kingdom Come: Deliverance?
It happens at the very end of a joke cuphead episode of Oneyplays, where they were mocking the other guy. Right at the end, when it seemed like they were going to end the episode naturally, he glitched through the pillar.
Yes, at max height of the jump too. Something anybody who has played video games for a living should have figured out within moments. He isn't attempting to hit the Y button most of the time.
Fucking Nier Automata
>Tutorial is the hardest part of the game, like 20+ minutes where taking a single hit forces you to replay the entire section
>Rest of the game is a completely cakewalk the second you equip your first +hp chip
when they say newcomers, they actually mean "has never played a videogame before and this is your introduction to the medium and the genre"
What game was it where the journalist said the ending was shit, and someone told him that you only get the true ending when you play on normal or higher difficulty, and then the journo deleted the part that gave away the fact he just breezed through it on easy instead of own up to it?
Journalists should be left alive and get fired so they can watch their cats starve to death before they kill themselves.
Was it Sekiro?
There's an element of psychological avoidance to this. Journalist is actually afraid of trying out the challenge of clearing the obstacle, so he persists beyond reason and evidence in hopping up to the side of it and repeatedly dismisses the placement of the cube as relevant. He is determined to resist the conclusion that, yes, you need to ascend the small cube and then hop-dash across to the cylinder because he doesn't want to confront this challenging scenario.
What this demonstrates most is not just the lack of skill on the journo's behalf. Actually, one he actually tries a bit he gets it in a few goes. It's not that far beyond the pale of acceptability - no-one will tell this guy he's good at platforming video games but he's not completely hopeless either. It's rather his determined reluctance to even TRY that makes the example 86 seconds so nauseous to actual players of video games. His very attitude is antithetical to the joy and glory of playing great games like Cuphead. This man has no desire to get stuck in. He instinctively flinches from the challenge, cringing meekly at the prospect of pushing himself and building upon tests until he is capable of succeeding. This man does not want to play a capital VG Video Game. He is not a video game player, and any video game he is able to stomach will 100% fit the criteria of the limp piss non-games that actual video game players despise for diluting the industry, and parasitically earning acclaim and attention for no relevant merit. This man's simple 86 seconds of flailing - not of failing the jumping challenge, but actively not wanting to do it and dementedly trying to push through without it, as if expecting the game to give him an auto-easy route if he keeps not-trying - says to everyone that loves video games for what they are and is sick of people with no skin in the game, no stake in the field, no heart for it at all, that he is one of them. He is one of those daft bastards that needs to go.
>hard mode only unlocks when someone else with a different version of the game completes it and transmits the hard mode code via infrared to your device
The first sentence of this post does not parse - I am interested though in what you've observed.
No, it was before that.
Literally a 'fuck you' to people who were asking for one.
Pretty based.
It's some relative of rats and capybaras that live in wherever the fuck. Look up "showering rat" and you'll find videos and articles with the name of the species.
I'm not sure if that's what you're referring to, but Cuphead doesn't allow you to progress beyond a certain point if you play on easy mode.
Sekiro doesn't have an easy mode. The game can end sooner if you pick a certain choice in the last quarter of the game, but it's only in text and has nothing to do with game mechanics or difficulty.
Here it is. It's for Pixeljunk Sidescroller.
>harder difficulty simply raises the enemy levels and is balanced around grinding stat and weapon upgrades on normal difficulty beforehand
Goldeneye 64 had it right, the 007 mode made it as hard as you want/need
>put game on hardest
>be level 1 and shit
>enemies are level 50+, the level you'd be at if you beat the game and were doing NG+
>it IS actually intended for using on NG+, except it's unlocked from the start anyway
>power through, avoiding every hits and finally manage to get through the first area
>start getting upgrades and levels by cheesing a few enemies
>game starts getting piss easy and finish like it didn't matter
Faake and gay. No way. Who was this?
kek, had forgotten about that
This so fucking hard. I'd love the tutorial section on the highest difficulty if, like every other fucking boss fight in the game, there was a checkpoint before the boss intro. But no, you start the game from the very fucking beginning for getting one shot in a multi-phase boss 20 minutes into the game, down to the opening dialogue. It'd be fun to get that boss down if I didn't have to replay 20 minutes of game EVERY SINGLE TIME you took a hit. It's been 2 years and I'm still fucking mad about that shit.
unironically all of them. even something like EDF when you first play, anything but inferno is 100% beatable with relative ease. but playing inferno with every single weapon unlocked and 7000 armor, you're still going to get fucked up
good post
there is definitely a psychotic air to it, like not only does he clearly not want to even try but it's almost as though he believes if he fucks it up enough times the game will just push him on through
but for any real video game that's not how it fucking works
Yet millions of people can manage but a 'professional' journo can't.
well that's the thing, they're professional journos
they probably wanted to write for a proper journal or something but couldn't get a job and ended on some shitty gaming site and now have to play games to get paid
thank god i didn't buy the switch version is painful to play with a controller
are you talking about the Journalists or the pigeon ?
>space questionmark
No, Pierre. No.
Like this?
sorry user i will make that mistake not again [QUACK]
But they spelled it out with words already. I agree an arrow would have helped, but that player just didn't want to read that they can move in the air. Surprised they knew they could move side to side in the air, must be an expert.
Its because "the demographic" is legit dumb. I wish I had a compilation of footage of the people who come in and buy shit at your local gamestop's gameplay or their incessant complaining, but the modern audience legit wants their hand held. They want to feel like theyre smart, but the moment they cant figure something out, they want that tip to flash on the screen. This is why video game manuals went away. The new crowd has no patience to read them if they need it, so handholding is the norm. Most games must be made so that even a complete retard can finish it, which is why its always a pleasure to see games that lock out content for people who refuse to challenge themselves on the most basic level
Fucking Ace Combat 1
Yoy can't be fucking serious. Any person with normal intelligence should figure that shit out after the first time they realize they can't jump high enough from the ground level.
Who was this? Name and company please
Dean Takahashi from GamesBeat
Decrease delay in simulated reaction-time and/or implement more sound strategies. If this doesn't make the ai much harder then your game is fucking garbage.
>game is easy on hard
>set game to very hard
>still feels a bit bland
>set hardest possible difficulty
>no problem
>try a bossfight
>oneshots me with absolute dogshit instant attacks
>has 10x more health thanks to difficulty modifier, so you'd have to chip damage it for 15+ mins
I didn't not expect this lel
A boomer who didn't review games and focused on the industry side, which he is apparently knowledgeable of.
He has reviewed games in the past and given them a lowered score because of mechanics he's missed, though.
This guy must be pretending right?
Persona 5's Merciless mode is easier than Hard, as crits and weakness do x3 damage instead of x2.
>Ultra hard mode comes as a free DLC
>Play the game for the very first time on said difficulty
>Beat it
>"Congratulations on beating the game! Try NG+ on ultra hard difficulty with all your shit unlocked and still get destroyed!"
Guess the game.
they were making a joke and pretending to be retarded like the journalist, and then they end up clipping through the cylinder and they all just die laughing
it's not entirely surprisingly, lot of journos didn't even want to do work related to video games and just kinda ended up there after failing to get a job anywhere else
this might just be the first game or at least platformer he ever played for what it's worth (still kinda sad that he doesn't realize, but it's not entirely surprising if you didn't even play video games as a kid)
Street fighter 4 story mode
play on expert or get your shit pushed in by the AI on easy for some reason
Metro is the best difficulty I have ever seen. Basically the difficulty is a slider for realism, the more difficult the fewer shots you will need to kill enemies and the fewer shots enemies will need to kill you
Literally just DmD mode.
Nah, I'm better than most people, what's hard for them will be too easy for me.
>Starts Professional on RE4
>Discards all gear except for handgun and a pack of ammo
>Buys and discards gear with merchant until only minimum currency is left
>Didn't consume yellow herbs on last playthroughs
It's go time.
Another reason why games are piss easy. They can't be bothered to balance games properly so they give you tons of health and damage, that way you won't notice the bullshit parts.
I don't understand why assholes need to completely shave their pets. Fur is not like hair they need it to regulate temperature to survive.
he's not, when he was confronted about it all he could compare the game to was mario
that's the extent of his knowledge of video games
You do realize fur-less cats like this are an actual breed, right?
Omg...omfg ...imagine if Everytime you make a game you are creating a whole universe ...and each new game is a new timeline ...and you fucking get THAT timeline...one day..entities out of our reality will invade us and kill us all...and it will be because of "players" like this ...you think this is insane ? Ofc it is ...watching that fried a big chunk of my brain cells ...dear fucking God !
We have a problem when your regular audience needs autistic tier info to understand even the most simple shit.
they need to put an option for autistic retards like you
>kingdom hearts
>difficulty ranges from baby mode, toddler mode, little kid mode to 10 year old mode
>add critical mode which is hardcore autistic pro player mode
I just want to play a somewhat challenging game, why won't they let me
>when a pc neckbeard picks up a controller with his sausage fingers
Isn't Hell and Hell masochistic enough?
>metro last light locked the optimal difficulty behind a paywall
Sekiro approach is unironically the best
"just one (hard) difficulty but you can make it even harder"
Breath of the Wild sort of does that.
These new chests on flying platforms they added give such strong weapons that each of the enemy types being upgraded by one level doesn't even matter anymore.
Same with Trial of the Sword, they give you more and stronger weapons so it feels easier, at least.
I do feel that for SOME games, less options actually make it more enjoyable. If challenge is an important part of your game, the mere fact of giving you an option to trivialise said challenge cheapens the whole thing. When I'm playing hard mode, I'm challenging myself. But there are times when I want the game to challenge me.
>three difficulty options
>Normal is actually Very Hard
>Hard is actually Impossible
>Very Hard is Impossible++
Dear Nintendo,...
>when easy mode is extremely hard
holy fucking shit, does this beat uma delicia? god danm americans
>game has only one difficulty and is piss easy
>devs add free DLC that makes the game unplayably hard as a response
>sequel canonizes the player character as a spamming bitch who abused OP items
When I first played a game with dual analog sticks, I fumbled about like an idiot, barely being capable of moving while also looking around at the same time. I imagine those piss easy difficulties are for “new” players like that.
legend is this guy is not a journalist but some office guy they had on site and told him to test the game
No, he's a tech journalist. Not a video game one.
Of course he doesn't. Why the hell would he blithely assume the cat is shaved if he was perfectly aware that cats can be naturally hairless?
Gonna fix that. He claims to cover video games too among his other things. But clearly this guy doesn't play video games.
you'd have to have actual brain damage to fuck this up so fucking badly