Shouldn't have made it a third person shooter, Kojima. At least CDPR knows that FPS is superior and is far more immersive. Cyberpunk 2077 will be way way more immersive and a better game than Death Stranding, and better designed.
Shouldn't have made it a third person shooter, Kojima. At least CDPR knows that FPS is superior and is far more immersive. Cyberpunk 2077 will be way way more immersive and a better game than Death Stranding, and better designed.
Other urls found in this thread:
Jack and Rich have actual boomer opinions
so these are the basedboy cucks everyone's always talking about
Rich Motherfucking Evans. That's who.
Rich is way worse than Beard and AIDS combined
>morbidly obese manchild
>always wears comic shirts, but cant answer ANY comic question Jay or Mike have
>has a video game show, but says stupid things like 3D mario games shouldn't have controllable cameras and is blatantly bad at video games in general
>thinks being a cynical, nitpicking autist is the same as intelligence
>flat out didn't understand basic character motivations for Civil War despite being a huge MCU fan
>starts REEEEEEing when chat constantly BTFOs him
>nostalgiafag who only likes shit from his youth
>has an obnoxious "I fucking love science" attitude
>can't pronounce words
>forced catchphrases
>meme laugh
>actual plebbitor
>confused by Yea Forums
>has a tranny fiance
>allows Mike to bully him on a daily basis
>doesn't oppose people being tracked by the government with chip implants
>only ever funny by accident when he fucks up and gets made fun for it, his real sense of humor is "lel so randumb XD" tier
>claps at the end of films
>has never had actual fruit in his life and is convinced he'll hate it because he doesn't like sodas with fruit flavors
When did you realize Rich was actually worse RLM and is the embodiment of amerifat retard?
I'm gonna go ahead and say that I personally think Rich is the worst member of the crew. Even though Beardfat takes things too seriously, he always sounds like he knows what he's talking about and he showed several times that he has technological knowledge and AIDSmoby offers insightful commentary many times. Rich manages to be both an embarrassing nerd and seemingly have no real input into the movies they're talking about and is only there because he's Mike's friend. When Mike isn't around to put him down, he acts like an obnoxious prick and the only real value he offers is that he does the grunt work for them (buying merchandise for videos, building props, etc). He's basically their employee and is only in videos because Mike likes him.
is he one of your youtube babysitters? have sex, idiot
Love how you can't dispute his points, Kojima fags
One of the few times Rich and AIDS were right about something.
He's not wrong
I love how you can't form your own opinions about video games, you need a disgusting z-tier e-celeb to form your tastes for you. You're not even a real human being anymore, you're just a receptacle for unfunny manchildren hot takes
I don't listen to bald youtubers
I also write things off completely when they're currently popular or trendy, that's how you know I have sophisticated sensibilities.
No, my opinion was already formed, he simply did a video showing it. Now again, how is he wrong? Take Kojima's dick out of your mouth.
And I don't buy games from Japanese hack game developers.
Rich works because he's the "everyman slob" of their group. Without him to be the butt of the jokes, the jokes either wouldn't happen, or would fall flat without a good target.
absolutely correct on all points.
thread is full of asshurt consolefags who think their cover shooters are actually good
>wanted cyberpunk 2077 to be thirdperson so that I can see my own custom character
>stuck in first person
it would be awful not being able to see sam's suits as you upgrade them, or the packages on his back.
Shut the fuck up Rich.
Their opinions are so shit they literally cancelled the show.
isn't metal gear third person? Why should it be different?
I don't understand how you guys can post opinion pieces from literal who's on youtube and think that's an acceptable way to present an argument. If there was any justice in this world, you'd all be banned for a month so you can rethink bringing that garbage here.
I was thinking the same since a decade ago.
Cyberpunk 2077 shows your character in cutscenes. You don't need to see them all the time. The game is more immersive for it.
Last I checked, Death Stranding is a new IP, not "Not Metal Gear Metal Gear".
Kojma should have done first person, but he didn't because he is a hack who doesn't care about gameplay or immersion.
Isn't MGS more of a stealth game than a shooter
I mostly agree but I don't want to come off as defending Kojima so pretend I told you to fuck yourself
AIDSMoby gets really virtue signally and it drives me insane and Beardfat is a fucking fag most of the time. I enjoy watching Rich get BTFO partially because he's like me but older, bald and with less of a real personality and I loathe myself.
The fact that these guys are still posted here amazes me. There's really no avoiding it, I've grown up, and Yea Forums simply remains infancy. Look, RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos. What do I mean by this?
Well, I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.
They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.
They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.
Please, Yea Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely and pathetic road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.
I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.
>inb4 some retard (incorrectly) goes hurrr reddit spacing, as though RLM threads weren't as reddit as they come.
Black Nationalists are right, white women really do look like cave beasts.
I also prefer first person for immersion purposes as well. But I don't really think that video supports what you are saying all. They really are just complaining about lazy gameplay and poor mechanics, but for some reason they are wrongly blaming 3rd person games for this. They don't even say what they feel is lazy that is specific to first person games. For example, the complaint on cover mechanics can be and are also used in first person games, but typically aren't used because it takes you out of the action. So to keep you in action they give you regenerating health, shields, health packs etc. Whereas third person allows you to take cover for strategic purposes, plan your next move or move to a better vantage point, but just give you a regenerating health pool that punishes you for making bad strategic decisions.
Regardless, Death Stranding works best as a 3rd person game because it is story based, character action based, and works best with Kojima's cinematic sensibilities. But obviously Kojima understands how beneficial first person is some situations, and you can see this in the trailer when it shows a first person view when in the battle field.
Fuck off trying to tell people how to think.
I wonder what these 2 lads think about Max Payne 1 and 2.
"You take cover then come out and shoot, it's a game!"
I honestly enjoy some of Rich's commentary but does he honestly think that fps games or any shooter is any different?
What shooters do these guys like?
>enter the film industry
Maybe they don't want to have to suck and fuck a bunch of old jewish men to "enter the film industry", ever think of that?
Tons of first person shooter games have auto-heal and cover based combat. For guys that played enough video games to have a show about them they sure as fuck don't know what they're talking about.
turd person is trash, first person is superior
Grow up dude
Sauce my man
i find it really amusing that in both rlm and pre rec rich never knows what he's talking about. does he know, like, or have a passion for anything? serious question.
Even if they use the same exact mechanics?
The only logical complaint for TPS games is that you can see around the corners.
Modern first person shooters have been just as bad if not worse than third person shooters, dumbass.
>Max Payne
>cover shooter
glad you let us all know you're as dumb as Liam
Jack and Rich are garbage players and their opinions are known to be shit.
Some first person shooters have magic arrows or outlines that let you see every enemy in the entire game. Their criticisms make zero sense.
I think they're just trying to say that a 3rd person cover shooter is a mark of laziness nowadays. Yeah its just overgeneralizing but there is some truth in it.
>grow up and take this dick up your ass goyim, you want to work in the industry right?
cyberpunk and death stranding arent even the same genre of game
what the fuck are you on about
Remember when Jack was completely against anonymity on the internet until Rich pointed out having a permanent identity would instantly out and endanger faggots in third world shitholes so Jack changed his mind?
First person shooters mostly ditched regenerating health ages ago, for what it's worth.
Exactly, Cyberpunk 2077 is an actual good game, Death Stranding is dogshit.
>give Uncharted 4 a genuine try
>get so bored they're playing blind
>worst rated video on their YouTube
Why were people so upset about that?
Life involves catering to the whims of others until you are in the position to have others cater to yours, if you get that far, which requires not being an immature shitter like you're being right now.
this is some bad shitposting
.... Didn't Pre:REC end like a year ago? The fuck are you still talking about it for?
Two guys don't know much about games. The end.
You're advocating literally letting old people sexually assault you to get into Hollywood. Are you fucking high or an Illuminati shill?
They also don't like Kojima because he's a hack.
This triggers the Yea Forums
>failed filmmakers hate another failed filmmaker who got lucky and still got to make his shitty films in another medium
Just envy
typical konamishill response
After the failure that was previously recorded, i won't ever take anything they say seriously
imagine how much of a pathetic raging virgin you have to be unironically use the term "snoy"
Why did they quit? Were the Twitch mods not tonguing their balls hard enough?
I don't think death stranding would work as a first person game. A lot of the gameplay seems to be based on environmental interacting features.
Wanting this game to be a first person game would be fucking retarded because this game needs to be third person more than anything.
They got a lot of shit for their absolutely garbage viewpoints which was deserved
Seeing those fucks suck ass at Nioh and then compare it to Bloodborne practically non-stop was pathetic
Is Death Stranding even mentioned in the video, or just bait because you knew no one would reply to your thread otherwise?
>separate twin beds on a vacation with your gf/wife
>gf/wife is down shopping while you're up in the room watching movie trailers
Max Payne came out in 2001, it doesn't apply to modern gaming trends.
>I don't think death stranding would work as a first person game. A lot of the gameplay seems to be based on environmental interacting features.
Explain Cyberpunk 2077 then, it has tons of environment interaction as well as interaction with npcs using first person.
>cover shooter
Kys Rich you fat fuck
I like sony and I just find its general usage funny, ironic or not. It's so dumb.
snoyboiiiii !!!!
he has a passion for xcom
I never noticed the separate bed before.. I have no idea if that is funny or sad.
I leaned toward funny until I realized at some point they were booking a room and had to manually click "twin beds"
Rich is the embodiment of the oldfag that praises old PC games. I like him in that regard but much like Jack, he overgeneralizes modern games and takes too much pride in his opinion. The appeal of a RLM member streaming Jedi Knight 2 was enough for me to watch until they started reviewing newer games they were already inclined to hate.
>Not having to take cover in the harder difficulties on all 3 Max Payne's
Glad to know you didn't play the games fucker
god I was that was me (the woman)
That's strange considering it's still held up as the greatest TPS series on this board
Does he have kids? They could all be sharing a room across 2 beds
you say more immersive, i see easier to do.
lazy develloper often go first person.
when was the last time you left your comfort zone?
hotels are like that you have to ask to have a room with a big bed
>thinks being a cynical, nitpicking autist is the same as intelligence
He would feel right at home on Yea Forums.
I feel like AIDSmoby was WAY FUCKING WORSE a few years ago but now he's vastly improved. He's still not my favorite but he's come a long way, he's not aggressively annoying but is now the generic straight man character which complements Rich and Mike well because Jay has become less of a straight man over time. I fucking hate beardfat and wish hipster VCR man would replace him entirely.
This has never been my experience.
Aids has kids though which is why he's only fun when he's too drunk to think "they could watch this someday"
So that means they're right. Good to know.
says the guy who didnt know hotels are like this
> Cyberpunk 2077
Examine the gameplay and imagine it being first person. It doesn't work.
Cyberpunk is completely different.
I'm a not a woman, so no, I don't have those kinds of problems. My gf does. She had me put the milk back at the supermarket the other day because there was an employee stocking the milk area and she didn't want to have to interact with them to put a gallon of fucking milk back.
>Hey I got an idea about a game where you shoot the enemies with weapons
>Ok, What kind of game should be?
>Idk FPS?
Why are you fags acting like FPS is innovative all of a sudden.
Why is his voice so high pitched?
Their analysis picked apart MGSV into shreds.
is this the guy from blizzcon?
looks like him, the "out of season april fools joke" guy
>It's more immersive
Isn't RLM against geek culture?
Because he's a modern day beta sioboi.
I hope they do an E3 stream this despite them quitting.
this thread is trash. I'm not even going to read anything here, I just finished this semester of Uni, have no summer job, and I'm just kind of here.
Why are Euro hours so horrendously godawful compared to American hours? Why is this shit allowed?
don't ask about the fake leak thread. I think I accidentally put that image in my filter before somehow
Is that Richard William Thomas Evans III from the Ellen Show? I know who that is!
>tfw I'll never shoot jizz like this again in my life
Didn't know hotels are like what? You search "1 room for 2 adults" and a list comes up of either king beds or twin beds. What exactly am I not understanding?
As they stand in a room of 8-bit platformers, lmao. Literally the equivalent in the 80s and hipster games today. Not to say that 8-bit platformers aren't fun, but they're all playing off each other in the same way third person shooters do.
>literally who
1st person is less immersive you stupid fuck
Being a floating camera with a gun attached to the corner of the screen is not more immersive. Your character does not even move around like a real person; nobody strafes around in real life like you do all the time in nearly every FPS game.
This is why the FPS mod for GTA4 is more immersive than native FPS mode on GTA5: because the camera is just mounted to Niko's face and all his cinematic animations and movements are the same as normal, whereas in GTA5 it changes your whole animation set so you are always facing the direction you are looking. You can't strut around with your pistol out anymore like you can in third person, you have to hold it out forwards like it's Resident Evil 4. And no games but mods use that GTA4 mod type system because you can end up with issues like this webm
Agree with Rich
None of these games have ever impressed me because they're all flash and no substance. They're wannabe movies with gameplay as an afterthought but plebs still eat them up because muh storytelling in games look ma games can be art too!
I love RLM for their film opinions, mainly the people who actually know film (Jay, Mike, the Canadians). Rich is fun to have around but he is dumb, he doesn't know about film, and from watching their video games channel he and Jack definitely don't know shit about video games, or at least don't have any meaningful opinions on them.
>tranny fiance
>Rich Evens
the same fat piece of shit faggot that likes Nu star wars but also shits on fans of old star wars and virgins (despite his less than stellar fuck record). Nah. Fuck that bigassed faggot.
>tells me they did not give a shit
>pause for laughter or effect or something
god he is the worst at this shit.
>This is why the FPS mod for GTA4 is more immersive than native FPS mode on GTA5: because the camera is just mounted to Niko's face and all his cinematic animations and movements are the same as normal, whereas in GTA5 it changes your whole animation set so you are always facing the direction you are looking. You can't strut around with your pistol out anymore like you can in third person, you have to hold it out forwards like it's Resident Evil 4. And no games but mods use that GTA4 mod type system because you can end up with issues like this webm
This is the most intelligent and actually accurate thing I've ever seen posted on this website. As the man who uploaded this video a decade ago
>Rich Evans
this is a guy who thinks rey is a good character and mocks people who dont like her for being anti-women when really her characters just has zero motivation or development at all
Good point. I'd like to add that Jay and Mike also shat on people for criticizing Nu Wars until their position became indefensible.
That mod (and that video of it) made me replay GTA4.
So I guess this is the bing bing wahoo equivalent then
Mike, Jay, and Jack are genuinely the only funny people from RLM and even then there is a noticeable gap between Mike+Jay and Jack
is that cosmo
When future generations sift through the smoldering rubble of postmodern America, they would do well to locate a hard drive with RedLetterMedia content on it. They could study Mike and Jay and, with that thin slice of information, fully understand what it is that killed western civilization.
Those two are bitter, cynical nihilists. They have devoted their lives, the prime years of productivity, to pithily lampooning cultural ephemera and implying "we could do better than these idiot filmmakers, but we're too cool to actually try."
They are every strain of societal AIDS melded together into a super AIDS of cultural death...
Well into middle age, they're still obsessively analyzing adventure stories for children. They're childless, unmarried, stubbornly avoiding an actual profession, opting instead to beg for Patreon donations. They are subsisting on the patronage of even more embittered, more lonely, more cynical losers who need virtual friends to swim in their vast Petri dish of misery with them.
Look in their fucking eyes, man. It's a joyless, pointless existence they're living.
They are so afraid of sincerity or honest artistic effort that they'll leave behind hours of footage of them chuckling about Tommy Wiseau. They are artistic cowards and abject failures in every respect.
Each time you catch a glimpse of them, you're reminded that we peaked as a civilization a long time ago. We're done creating. We're done feeling real emotions. All we can do now is analyze, criticize, and ironically pick through the dessicated corpse of our once great nation.
Glad to hear, yeah it really is such a game changer for being immersed in the NY Rockstar created all those years ago. It's still the best complete city simulation that allows you to get down to an on-foot level and interact with as much stuff as possible in a very believable way. Shit like the animation for changing radio stations, totally overlooked by the 99%, suddenly is in your face and you're just like "wow, they really cared when they made this game." What a shame 5 is such shallow shit in comparison. Everything about that game feels like plastic, right down to the FPS mode they made for it.
Congrats, most hipster comment in the thread.
Having level geometry doesn't mean it's a cover shooter. Having a cover mechanic does.
I doubt 30 minutes of watching a video once every two-three weeks is why everything is bad.
It's the New York vs. LA dynamic. I don't think LA works for GTA. That's ironic considering the huge difference between LA and New York regarding cars.
>>This is why the FPS mod for GTA4 is more immersive than native FPS mode on GTA5: because the camera is just mounted to Niko's face and all his cinematic animations and movements are the same as normal, whereas in GTA5 it changes your whole animation set so you are always facing the direction you are looking. You can't strut around with your pistol out anymore like you can in third person, you have to hold it out forwards like it's Resident Evil 4. And no games but mods use that GTA4 mod type system because you can end up with issues like this webm
I had no idea this was the case for the GTA 5 first person camera, that sounds like ASS.
Moving or crouching behind walls is no different from having a cover mechanic dumbass
>youtube babysitters
It's really different. The ease and viability of sitting behind cover changes the gameplay.
>a guy who dosnt even play video games gives opinions on video games
The fuck does this retard play, 1 most popular game a year?
I watched their game show twice, and both time they seemed like clueless boomers who know only Mario, Cod and the hot popular game of the year, Uncharted, Halo or Last of US.
that's fucking perfect
liked and subscribed
Id cum in that mike
thanks and thanks for your video. I see there is a mod for GTA5 that lets you keep the third person animations and it looks like this:
But unfortunately no AAA developer would use that system, and Cyberpunk 2077 certainly isn't. Their movement almost looked on-rails at times in the trailer
Here is my "review" of Reddit Letter Media
>posting in a friend simulator thread
>idolizing an aging group of youtube vloggers from Milwaukee
>he gives his real-life "friends" money every month
>an unemployed construction worker, the trick monkey fraud of the group. knows two tricks: forced laughter and becoming violent. brava, rich! brava!
>a failed viral marketer with an ugly wife and children with terrible names ('myson packard?'). he knows he's the least popular cast member and desperately tries to fit in by making fun of reddit on stream
>an over-the-hill "director" weighed down by his talentless friends. only makes "ironically bad" videos because they're immune to criticism. his latest production 'Space Cop' has exposed him as a fraud and proved a spiritual and economic disaster. he will eventually go the route of orson welles, balloon up to 500 pounds and die at the ripe age of 50.
>the curdling definition of a parasite. ditters on her phone while the men do all the hard work. got caught buying jewelry with actual Patreon money.
>the only cast member showing any self-improvement or growth. still has a long way to go, but has already outgrown RLM.
I like how Reddit Letter Media is a company founded upon criticism, insulting and berating others and their works, but HEAVEN FORBID that anyone criticize them! They'll even ban you from their stream if they catch a whiff of dissatisfaction. It's amazing how creatively lazy the group has become. They were better when they were a starving group. Now they can sit on their fat asses, drink beer and make fart jokes while you throw money at the screen. Amazing.
The only difference is being able to peak, which multiple FPS games already have mechanics for that and any TPS, just because of how the camera is.
Not him but you're comparing two completely different games here. In Cyberpunk the kinds of interaction are more about talking to other characters and examining small details in dark, narrow rooms besides the shootan and action that has obvious advantages in 1st person.
Death stranding's thing has a lot to do with how physically can you get from point A to point B very much like Botw, so seeing your character in relation to his environment helps to measure obstacles and distances. Plus some of the HUD information seems to be displayed on sam's physical equipment like in dead space. 3rd person view seems more than appropiate for death stranding so far.
shut the fuck up Joey
Wow this mod is amazing, I should have known the PC modding community would unfuck Rockstar's mistakes again. Thanks for this link. And you're welcome for the original video.
im posting it
i fucking hate these neanderthals
Mike Stoklasa has become the very thing he once ridiculed. Look at the Avatar review: he spends 90 minutes going on about Cameron's blatant pandering to the lowest common denominator, marveling (no pun intended) at Cameron's proficiency for manipulating the audience to make them feel how he wants them to feel, how he wants them to think.
Fast forward a couple of years later. Jurassic World is released -- its heavily established to be a soft reboot operating on the hype of faux-nostalgia and Pratt's recent Guardians of the Galaxy success.
Mike loves it. Hits all the right buttons. Really gets his inner manchild going. He basically reveres the film to Jay Bauman's utter disgust.
This is the first sign of Stoklasa's downfall, his immediate descent into the anti-thesis of Mr. Plinkett. He's become lazy, brainwashed, unwittingly indoctrinated into the modern Hollywood machine sculpted by the likes of Disney executives.
It's October 2015. Disney gets in touch with Red Letter Media. They offer him a deal he simply can't refuse; he's instructed to praise Disney's numbered Star Wars episodes while taking critical albeit nonsensical liberties with the standalone films, all the while consistently spewing a casual commitment to every Marvel film that is released. Mike and his goons are heavily compensated for this, successfully turning the likes of the internet's pseuds into DDs (Disney Dudes).
The real enemy isn't Collider, or Loot Crate boxes.
It's Mike Stoklasa.
Sorry I misspelled something you fucking faggot
Weird cope but ok
>nu-Yea Forums not realizing this is a pasta
No surprise there's a gigantic influx of little teen-age wanna-be niggers the past few days, I completely forgot it was summer
> calling people niggers whilst struggling with basic orthography
> pasta means untrue
He's actually not wrong.
He's right and that's the biggest reason why I didn't bother buying a PoS4 or any other console this time around.
I don't disagree with him, in some cases the GAMEplay part feels like a afterthought
like your daddy's sphincter
I like third-person shooters because I like to see my character and their interaction with the environment. I actually prefer them over first-person shooters even if they're technically easier because I can tell if my ingame hitbox is sticking out around a wall or not which is hard to replicate in first-person shooters because so many devs are faggot retards who want their game to be boxed in at a small fov with no ingame body for the player to see even if it's a multiplayer game where knowing what parts of your body are sticking out behind cover would be important. Third person more often than not at least enforces a good fov.
Severe cope ITT
judge for yourself
in the three days you are gone, I hope, at time point, you get raped and your throat slashed, OP.
>this shitty realism simulator would be better if it was first person!
Literally who cares it’s garbage either way
God dammit, and I tought I couldn't love Rich more.
Praise mah nigga
More like cute like your guts spilled on the ground
welp, his sister is officially more fuckable than his 'wife'
It's true but replace TPS with open-world RPG-lite towerclimbathon.
I like the systems like in PUBG first person where you can turn your head independently from your body / weapon when you hold ALT, but only turn your head a limited distance based on how much your neck can turn.
If they could have a system sorta like that that also kept third person style animations and only automatically made you turn to face the direction you're looking very circumstantially (like when necessary to not limit the player's camera controls, or to make sure their head doesn't turn 180 degrees on their body), that could work pretty well I think.
Best post.
Nothing wrong with not liking a genre of game/movie but dont be like these people. Gaming culture is infested with them. They push their insecurity and lack of ambition on anyone and anything else.
is this stale pasta or are you ignoring the massive amount of shit TLJ got on their channel?
>game where you carry cargo around on your back that can be knocked/fall off
>in first person
Great fucking idea.