Who is the most powerful gamer on the planet?
Who is the most powerful gamer on the planet?
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>tfw unironically love pewdiepie after blindingly hating on him
imagine watching zoomer entertainment
You sell fish
>every video this guy does gets 5-10million views
I do, I'm a zoomer.
>tfw hate pewdiepie after blindingly liking him
Feels good
I kinda liked him after kinda hating him. His "redpilled" phase has endend so I don't care anymore.
Hated him back when I was young and all he did was play amnesia and scream about barrels.
Ironically subbed after the recent controversy.
End up watching his videos and liking felix unironically.
I'm not even a Zoomer.
His redpill phase was so bad. His OG days were better than that cringefest
He doesn't even swear nowadays, kys for liking this unfunny fuck
That's not JEX
I don't need porn because his face and voice is all I need to go all the way
Literally all he does nowadays is talk about how based the gays are because he doesn't want to stick up for himself vs the media anymore. He's just trying as hard as he can to earn as much ad revenue as he can so he can retire to Japan within a year or two.
I can understand it, but it doesn't make great viewing.
How can he be the most powerful gamer if he got murdered by the Yogscast?
Vinny and Joel are godlike entities
Your self
>Literally all he does nowadays is talk about how based the gays are
What's it like just making up random shit?
I watched him for the first time in months this week and it happens that the episodes I did see had the same "were inclusive on this channel" shtick. Maybe it's all a big meme and I'm too old to get it now, but I've felt that since he cried and told everybody to stop the sub to pewds meme, he's been playing things incredibly safe because now he just wants to make his money and get out.
>Literally said: "Brofirst if you are a gay."
Yes, he was being ironic.
Maybe try watching CNN, or Fox News old man.
i want pewdiepie to call my nam out on a livestream twitch podcast while hes smashing my boy puss puss no homophone
What good would that do you whip snapping shit bucket
I used to hate his guts and never even bothered seeing a video. After the controversy a buddy of mine showed me his "basedboy" video and I got hooked. It's hilarious to see how normies react to Yea Forums and other obscure memes. Plus as of late he makes fun of other YouTubers and countries, so he's alright.
He killed millions...
This but unironically
They seem more like your type of content
>implying 2013 wasn't peak Felix
He just wants enough money to retire in japan. I used to think he was looking out for us and going to fight censorship hardcore, but he just wants to quit asap.
Gtfo with your gear simulator horseshit
>waaahhhh pewdiepie save the internet for us!
You have any idea how pathetic you sound?
>incapable of telling sarcasm
You're not old, just autistic.
elaborate please
He changes his formula, which is the smartest thing he could have done. Think of all the youtubers that are still doing the same thing they've been doing since 2012. Hell, he even has a book club. He's doing what he wants.
its just not fair
i don't understand his humor or any other "trending meme"
jokes now are doing fortnite dances and saying that you want to kill yourself
>trying to enjoy a jerma or vinny stream
>tranny emotes being spammed constantly
It's happening right now in Vinny's chat
Kill your self
>swearing = funny
You sound like an idiot.
I hate him now because he keep doing that retarded accent that grates my ears.
With Pewdiepie being the top youtuber, saying the n word AND using Yea Forums memes (pepe), he is definately the most influential. It won't be long before he starts posting vids like this
Good doesn't always conquer evil