What game has the worst creepy crawlies?
What game has the worst creepy crawlies?
Other urls found in this thread:
literally inhuman
you are what you eat
Do bugs drown?
What the fuck. What is she dunking them in?
Why do they fucking explode? Why do gooks insist on eating eldritch horrors?
they unironicly taste fantastic, you just say it's nasty because you haven't tried it yet.
It's alot like snails too, look fucked up and taste great.
Bugs are nutritious goy
They eat literally everything
she also looks inhuman
*5 points have been added to your social credit score!*
Looks like hot oil or something
What the fuck is she doing
Why are they exploding
Why is she eating them
God damn chinks are ugly
Post more chink WEBM’s.
Are they dead?
Not gonna lie this is pretty hot.
chinese are soulless
It's from Vietnam, though.
Chinese aren't people
Why do asians look like they don't have a gender and why do they eat their own people like that?
I demand context before the 404.
the taste isnt the issue here
most living things taste good its just wrapping your head around putting these things in your mouth is the problem
at least shes not eating them alive can you imagine those twitching legs stuck in your teeth
This, but unironically. Much more nutritious (and better for the planet) than meat.
asians are just ugly
her face shape is literally: shovel/spade.
also wot
liquid nitrogen
i like asians
at least the japanese the rest are pretty bad
not sure why just that region i like
Lunchtime at EGS
from the exploding I think yes
I prefer hapas if I had to choose, they at least look a little human to me.
Hello I just wanted to say not all us Chinese eat insects (or dogs for that matter). Thank you.
>that gurgling sound one made
What kind of glass doesn't shatter from that heat?
>Bug screams as it dies
Is it bad I'd try at least one?
Fuck this oil torture. If this shit happened to humans or one of your shitty big animals everyone would be crying murder. But fuck bugs right? Vertebrate assholes.
Why does it anger me
Why do all other asians hate Chinese?
Pyrex is dogshit now. It used to be (in the 90s and early 2000s) borosilicate, AKA lab glass, the good stuff. Now it's tempered soda-lime glass. AKA shit.
Never buy pyrex. Always look for the magical word "borosilicate" when buying glassware
Well yeah we'd hate it if it happened to humans. Every other animal is fair game though, just like it'd be in the wild. You think a lion would care? Only we care for any reason that stretches beyond "well shit, hunting will be harder now."
>he thinks "white" actually means "master race" in korean
You people are so dumb it hurts.
why are they taking so much goddamn food?
They're vermin with no sense of empathy
Literal bugs. These subhumans should be wiped from the face of the earth.
does this qualify as cannibalism?
Why can't they stop doing this?
I never understood this when my asian mother did this at buffets
Dude, fuck you. It's your fault for being such creepy crawly little shits
do koreans really have an inferiority complex? why do they call whites the master race?
Do you like eating any crustaceans? This is no different.
They aren't saying "white", they're saying (lit.) "god-foreigners". It's ilbe (korean Yea Forums) talk for "white foreigners"
Part of it is just to have the food available for everyone (it is a buffet), the other part is that culturally having a lot of food implies having the wealth and power to cook and have said food. That and they're just bad people, speaking as a chink.
>tfw you aren't man enough to eat insects for free protein
>chinese tourists.webm
I'm not even clicking that shit, I don't want to have PTSD from having to deal with these absolute fucking cunts. I'm went back to being a NEET recently and I'm mostly glad I did because of them. I fucking despise russian and chinese tourists.
>the screams
kys zipperhead go eat a live monkey or some shit
How would you like it if a korean girl dunked you in boiling oil, huh?
>Anglos are fine~ A Good Chinese is a Dead Chinese (GCDC)
holy shit they have acronyms for hating chinese people
what do russian tourists do? where did you work that you get both?
How does it stay hot?
Eating raw centipedes can give you rat lung worm, let's hope for everyone's sake she gets it.
The way they're all piling on top of it makes me wonder if the webm name is fucking with me. This is more behavior of refugees who haven't eaten in days.
There's some creepy bugs in Hollow Knight when you get to Deepnest
Insects give you stomach and colon cancer.
We aren't meant to eat them. Humans did not eat insects in appreciable amounts while evolving. There is a reason we have a disgust response to them, even if we're hungry.
fuck me thats hot
I'm not a nightcrawler so I wouldn't know.
Geoducks are the strongest argument that we live in a clown world.
>Eating bugs bad
>Eating big mammals good
Err, is that a cock or a worm??
I saw an episode of Dirty Jobs where they ate one. It's apparently pretty good but impossibly chewy.
>Insects give you stomach and colon cancer.
even when you cook them?
I'm gonna say the T word
>mfw that ending
god no not this fetish please
Yes. Chitin isn't broken down by cooking.
It's a clam.
What gurgling noise you fucking tools, are so fucking shut in that you've never heard something getting fried in hot oil or are you being le epic screenshot redditors right now?
it’s the heat escaping from their shells at high speeds
Did it just crunch
I didn't know that, but that's cool info to have
thank you user
In a wine glass? That doesn't seem very practical.
You can go around spending 20 bucks to eating burgers made of bugs if it makes you feel better but literally nobody is impressed.
Considering the theme of this thread, I'm no longer worried about the insects but rather the fact he just added something hot enough to light his cigarette to shit and knocked it back like it was nothing.
There are so many questionable things about this. Like why is the bowl covered in plastic.
if anyone had any doubts that chinese are people..
>People in this thread are so underageB& that they don't remember reality shows in Burgerland where contestants ate live weevils and grubs
Here in bongland some grandniece of our late Thatcher ate raw kangaroo bollocks on live television
>whites being badass
>"Look how many countries I can conquer, how many things I can invent and how many foreign women I can breed"
>asians being badass
>"Look how many bugs I can eat"
So that he doesnt need to wash it.
I can't wait to get my daily dose of bug pellets in the goy farm to save the planet!
that is even more cursed than this, impressive.
you are so full of shit
yes, a new rune of power!!
They forgot making shitty jokes doesnt give them upboats here. Everyday /ck/ gets worse and worse with these retards shitting up the place
>and better for the planet
Who gives a shit about that?
They're still people, you're just thin-skinned. Now go eat another chicken that's been bred to be the size of a pig.
>he just added something hot enough to light his cigarette
>hot enough
Found the underage
But chitin is literally the opposite and has been shown to have anticancer properties. It not being digested isn't a bad thing, it's an insoluble fiber and is beneficial for our gut microbiome.
why do they keep calling themselves "Liberated" lads?
I'm sorry for insulting your delicacy, Chang.
At least fucking clean and prepare it you dirty fucking chink.
The amount of shit that's going to be in that siphon and she just bites straight in to it? Jesus christ.
Thanks for explaining.
ghengis khan existed
I'd rather you get a fucking brain than be sorry
Centipedes are not nice. Also predators that deserved. karma
>better for the planet
Fuck off with this argument, we could easily not "destroy the planet" without changing diet at all by not wasting 1/3 of all the food we make
You are welcome, come back after you have visited a bar or two.
Insects are not even good for the planet. The sole reason insect-eating is receiving a media push is because it causes you to die younger (this is a major issue in the labor force, people retiring and corporations getting less profits as a result)
>There is a reason we have a disgust response to them, even if we're hungry
Other cultures seem to get by just fine?
I'm not an alcoholic. You're just going to have to explain.
dude imagine her breath
Chitin is comparable to Keratin, which is a known protein structure that can cause intestinal dysfunction
Haha look away those tanks go
brutal I love it
if you were an alcoholic you would understand
there's your homework
>(((they))) want everyone eating roaches from the dirt to save the planet*, whilst (((they))) enjoy actual meat
>Yea Forums is falling for it
*save the planet is code for cheaper mass production and higher profits
Chitin is a polysaccharide (a carbohydrate) and keratin is a protein polymer. What the fuck are you talking about? The only similarity is in function, not chemically or as a compound.
Based Mirai poster of truth.
Same shit with lab-grown meat
The whole benefit of real meat is that animals are bio-collectors. An animal consumes tons of nutrients from its environment, and the best stuff ends up in its meat. Lab meat is just a slab of dead protein.
Hey what's going on in this thread?
>I want to eat something that's alive.
Is this a fetish for these "people"? I don't get it.
Isn't this from that Chinese app taking advantage of rural people desperate to get famous, so they do stupid shit like this for views?
I mean, octopus is fucking delicious but she could have found a less barbaric fashion.
>the suckers stick to your throat as you swallow
>tfw it's not dying because its brain is scattered throughout its body
Its not hot retard, drinks with high percentage of alcohol light up in contact with fire, some drinks use it to change the taste, but for most its just for show, like that tough chink.
>She's eating something I'm too much of a pussy to eat so she's inhuman!
lmao faggot
Fun fact: most of the researchers on this study are cancer specialists
Hard liqueur. It makes the insects go into shock and kills them. It's spitting out the alcohol it ingested.
Why is she smiling and laughing? I don't do that while eating let alone something alive
Are there Twitch Eating channels that actually do this shit?
Its like reverse-tentacle hentai or something what the fuck. I thought the octos you had to eat were supposed to be small, bite-sized things not whatever the hell she's eating
Is chinese the worst sounding language ever made?
Nah the octopus girl has an entire youtube channel where she eats different foods. Live baby octopus are a normal dish over there.
Even though they're worse than a beast, don't they deserve to live?
shut up
Now post the continuation where octo-bro fights back.
Chinkposting is the propaganda machine preparing for war. Prove me wrong.
winnie the pooh.
It stuck a tendril into her nostril.
sorry this was meant for
It will happen eventually. If meat isn't slowly replaced with bugs, it'll be with lab-grown meat, legumes, or maybe low-tier sausages. What other solution is there to a growing population who believes they deserve to eat beef nightly?
shes gagging because the octo is wiggling inside her mouth.
I don't see why or how "look at these mad lads eat unconventional meals" is propaganda for way.
Literally what use is recruiting Yea Forums? Just use bombs.
Decimating the population.
You guys are both dumb, but less than the guy you're replying to. The issue is that the cigarette is lit to begin with, it just doesn't look lit because the smoke is faint until he inhales after bringing the shot glass close to the cigarette. OP thought it wasn't lit and the alcohol lit it from being hot enough.
Give me one fucking reason why we should have stopped at the 38th parallel
Later in the video she starts choking because it shoot ink down her throat. If this thread survives I'll make a webm.
Poor little guy.
holy shit you're stupid
There will never be a war between superpowers again. Not a war "as we know it", with guns and bombs. Atomic warfare removed that possibility.
There will be shadow-wars where state-funded AI attempt to destabilize other countries and lead them to ruin from within. No one will be aware it's happening.
Nah she's snickering. You can hear it in the video. She also laughs as she's scooping the octopus that are trying to run away.
>Enter this thread
>Ctrl+F "Video Games"
>No results
You sure showed your superior observation skills
No one gives a fuck, hall monitor.
>tfw it's already happening and we don't know if we're losing or winning because it's a secret war that at the same time isn't secret
How do you want your critically endagered species pham?
I hate asians for doing shit like this but my fetish is bugs being stepped on so I guess my opinion means nothing
The only reason they want us to eat insects so bad is so they can wean us off of real food (which will be reserved solely for the global elite) and get us acclimated to eating bland slave feed made from insects.
It's like you've never watched or read any dystopian scifi, almost all of them have commoners eating soi or otherwise eating the scraps while the upper crust and elites eat the real food.
Well, that's one way to fix those slants.
Yes. Mukbang.
why did this bitch try and eat one alive that fucking big tho, I know chinese buy come on.
Based octopus.
I don't think AI is at the point where it would be useful as a weapon - yet. Give it ten years.
However, here is a fun little open secret: every superpower is engaging in secret genetic engineering and gene-doping experiments for soldiers. It's essentially certain. The declassified shit from just thirty years ago tells you how far governments will go to get an advantage: spending $100,000,000 on determining if ESP is real, etc.
how is that a fetish. do you jerk off every time you step on an ant?
This but my fetish is bugs climbing on chicks feet
Holy shit I'm fucking pissed now
Dead. I need that scale powder to make my dick hard.
>the only way to combat the jewish plot is to enact a jewish plot
How Nietzschean
here, have a cute octopus to counteract this gross gook bullshit
i used to fap to them stuck on my soles but not anymore
Koreans eat food in big bites. They also chew loudly and with open mouth.
>Spiders scare me
>Squids don't
Why am I like this?
You wouldn't eat me... would you, user?
>spending $100,000,000 on determining if ESP is real, etc.
what were the results?
That's an octopus not a squid senpai.
shee shee shiin shiin ching chong sohsosh shohooh sh oh ching chong
China should be nuked
The department in charge of ESP research became a sort of pseudo-cult. It eventually was shut down.
Jesus christ, who hurt you?
>chinks want to torture this
Because squids are helpless outside of the water and don't have the potential of being a black widow or brown recluse under your desk and fucking killing you right now.
>Insects are not even good for the planet.
That's too bad, well forget that then
>The sole reason insect-eating is receiving a media push is because it causes you to die younger
This sounds like a dumbfuck conspiracy theory
Is this the product of mass censoring skeletons?
Another approach I see them taking is to say that you simply shouldn't eat meat.
They disseminate this message through various forms. There's the old reliable "It's bad for you, we swear" and also the "It's bad for the earth" one. They try different tactics to appeal to different people.
>chinese housemate chews with his mouth open
Drives me up the wall tbqh. It's basic manners.
I knew it was going to happen but I watched anyways
thx for the read
What is ESP?
none of your ancestors have been killed by squids or anything that resembles them
You sound like you have an IQ of 100.
Work your retail job quietly and let everyone else discuss important matters.
>animal consumes tons of nutrients from its environment
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, it's not like our current system is any better. And organic is now a label to up the price and assuage consumer guilt. Regardless of how much the proletariat complains, anyone who ain't rich is being feed shit that'll kill em sooner rather than later
fucking based
Are they sprayed with something? How do they not just run out of dish and off the table? I thought these fuckers were fast. We have these tiny grey ones in canada and they can dart around like roaches.
Search remote viewing
You know Chink royalties used to say that they have "Dragon's blood". So according to the bible, where the "dragon" is another title for Satan Chinks are literally of the devil. And seeing shit like this it totally makes sense.
Extra-Sensory Perception. Things like mind reading, "remote viewing", astral projection, etc. LARP stuff, basically.
The only seemingly superstitious thing that has ever been scientifically observed is a few studies where they told people to try to consciously affect the outcome of a random number generator, and seemingly the RNG was affected a small amount.
so does red meat, you retarded fuck
just when i thought i couldnt hate these insects anymore
Can't tell if this is a parody post or not, good job.
Hey stop judging their culture dude. What are you, a racist?
That reminds me of Japanese villagers who jumped off cliffs with their babies during the invasion of WW2. What the fuck, was the mother bear doing the exact same thing? Holy shit
>That stuff that humans evolved eating frequently? I-it makes you die, we swear
>Just like we swore with eggs
>And fats
>W-well, yes, those were studies funded by the sugar lobby and turned out to be bullshit, but it's different this time
you have autism right?
Cup game.
>"and seemingly the RNG was affected a small amount"
>manipulating objects with our minds is still within the realm of possibility
imagine pouring a cup of bleach in there and just observing quietly
The new female monks have arrived at Senpou temple. Very nice.
a ching chong ping pong to you too, young man
There's absolutely nothing wrong with eating with your mouth open.
Why are chinese women so beautiful?
Except red meat has basically always been stated to cause various forms of cancer, and depending on your genetic predisposition, other sort of problems. This isn't emerging science and it literally corresponds with what we've seen across history with dumb royals and nobles from centuries past.
chink detected
Are japs the only worthwhile asians?
>tfw remote viewing isn't as great as it seems
It's more intuition than anything.
Unironically kill yourself, please for the love of all things good.
>not tossing it in hot grease and eating all of them
>Insects give you stomach and colon cancer.
So you got a source for that? Not even a /pol/-tier infographic?
why do they look like they are having a hard time eating that? because the jawbone surgery?
Yup. Being isolated from the rest of these insects really helped
Don't fall for their memes, Japs also eat dogs.
the chinese people aren't even aware of many practices in their own country, and wouldn't support them if they did.
citation: most didn't know shark fin soup actually had shark fins, most don't actually know about the bear bile scheme
>he doesnt know
You've never seen combat, user. Stop this "we" bullshit. You sound like one of those dummies that talks about nuking Japan like you dropped the bomb personally.
Probably not hungry, just forced to eat for the camera
>literal insect everyone-for-themself culture
>ultracorporate ultrafeminist super-america culture
>traditional, spiritual, sexual, artistic, selfless, antijew culture
Yeah, I think I know the winner.
There is everything wrong you fucking animal. Do you think people want to hear and see your fucking food in your disgusting mouth? Have some fucking shame.
You what.
yep, pretty much
chinks are the niggers of asia, gooks the jews
and nips the caucasians
poos in da loos, indogs, malashits, pignoises and other subhuman races are irrelevant
on the edge
of the crater
nice attempt, as they say
It sounds like you're just seeing what you expect to see.
God this race looks so inhuman
>he doesn't know
My SRV is telling me you're full of shit. Confirm or deny.
Only if you're a cute Asian girl. Otherwise fuck off.
Obviously I can't know because I can't remote view what you're thinking.
Until 4 years ago, Korea was governed by a feminist shadow-cult who brainwashed the president into doing their bidding. Yes, that is really true. Google it.
Feminism is also on a level in Korea that it's at no-where else. Pic related.
yes, they're also responsible for shit like this
shrimps are bugs of the ocean. They look fucking gross too, but taste good.
That being said, I wouldn't eat insects with shells and wings and shit.
IMAGINE getting #metoo'd in Korea.
Chinese are both in the Jew/Nigger category
They literally banned porn a few years back, lol.
Not an age restriction or something - it's banned. If you're caught with porn it's 4 years minimum.
>so unfathomably cruel that even simple-minded beasts would rather abandon their instinct to survive than endure it
there is no fucking way they actually castrate people for taking pictures of women, even by accident
>Life expectancy for humans below 60 years old up until the 1900s
>health problems related to diet tend to appear after that age
really makes u think
>vertebrate assholes
sounds like an insult an insect would say
hey Emperor's New Groove made rolly pollies look delicious
Post a picture of yourself, user. It's been a long day, and I could use a laugh.
>shitty worker culture for those who live there but they are highly beneficial to the rest of the world with anime, waifus, and vidya
>cunts who may look like japs but produce nothing of value and are a general nuisance for everyone else
Fucking subhuman cannibal insect.
Gook idols are always hungry because their "diet" is just long-term starvation.
>"I won't eat bugs because they're grosss ewwwww!!!"
>"Maybe it could be good for us"
>Have class in college
>Chink classmate
>Breath smells like his entire mouth is rotting
>Offer mint
>Oh no no no me no can have sugah sugah bad
>Explain they're sugar-free mints and he should try one
>Ahhhh no no no no mint
I fucking hate chinks so goddamn bad
>produce nothing of value
What's all those things that say Made in China about then
Life expectancy has been the same for the past 2000 years as long as you made it past infancy. It was high infant mortality that brought down the average.
neck yourself.
Damn look at that guy. He probably has some British ancestry.
>at :30 a tentacle starts moving up her face INSIDE her skin
what the fuck
I like Tibetan people
>bowl covered in plastic
he probably got it from a take out resturaunt
It's just the same color as her skin
>good for us
You're more than welcome to eat all the sewage grubs you want.
fuck you, buddy
That girl looks far cuter than all the top models weebs post in yellow fever threads.
Chemical castration, take a pill once a day and can't get a stiffy, suppresses libido greatly too.
Despite being pretty fucked up, Worst Korea probably only does it to repeat offenders who they don't want to bother locking up.
I'm the girl in row 4. We all put up with your body odor, so stop bitching.
had a job where the office was in HK. Boss and upper management lived in HK off and on. They told me that there is an adage in China: If you can eat it if it's back is to the sky.
Ironically China has a rich history of cannibalism so that adage isn't quite true unless you count babies.
>"I won't eat bugs."
I simply cannot believe this thread has lasted this long, this is awesome
Most bugs just get oxygen directly into their blood through their carapace, and will have extra ridges and pinholes in their body to make airflow faster.
So it isn't so much that they're suffocating as it is they are instantly absorbing all of the alcohol in that glass in one huge swoop and immediately dying from chemical burn.
SK is what happens when radical feminists get into power and it's a dire reminder of why the west must NEVER allow that to happen at any cost
>itt whites and niggers jealous of chinese
Mad cuz a chinese girl turned you down?
>"Ahhh, you were at my side, arr arong..."
Anyone have the video of that Korean MMA fighter who is afraid of the ring girl & runs away from her, because feminist groups doxxed his family and sent death threats after he touched a ring girl's waist
Consider it a tradeoff between your wants/needs vs others. You could probably live off of nothing but rice and beans for the rest of your life, and it would be good for you and the environment, but it's also miserable af
That's weird ass shit they were eating in Atlantis: The Lost Empire too.
And Kida bits the shit all animalistically
Nice try Lao Mein
That isn't alcohol you dumb fucktard, it's been said 30+ times in the thread that it's hot oil. The original video is here
Asians are smart but at the end of the day they are cannibalistic bug people
This. Cheap and good food everywhere, alcohol is dirt cheap, stay at a 5 star hotel for $50 a night, lady boys every where.
Does Yea Forums hate chinese-americans?
the only asians us whites and niggers might be interested in are japs, even then that's usually a stretch
Cockroach milk is a superfood, faggot
Games and anime are a niche product while the chinks are one of the main reasons why manufacturing and electronics are so affordable.
South Korea was run by a literal all female cult called something like the 7 goddesses or some shit
Wasps are actually very important scavengers and predators of other pests. The fact that they happen to be insufferable little cunts is unfortunate, but it would be bad if they all dropped dead one day.
>those japanese wasps with the necrotizing sting can burn in hell though
This was pretty much my logical conclusion for the worst possible scenario of 'pro-choice'.
Very interesting how such a seemingly innocuous thing can have repercussions of this magnitude.
Two nukes weren't enough.
That's Lisa, she's from Thailand. Maybe she looks cute to you there because she's not wearing makeup on that show? Otherwise she's pretty caked in makeup. And her body is that of a skeleton lanklet.
You actually have to use it, user. It isn't enough to have a picture saved to your computer. Jesus Christ, did you Title IX your way into school?
>lady boys
dont you mean thailand
Let me guess, soy is a (((superfood))) too?
I'm half black and half white and like chinese women, they're beautiful
japanese are cool but also overrated
Rolly pollies aren't bugs, they're crustaceans like the lobster and the crab.
I don't doubt the bugs in OPs pick are much different, but using giant Rolly Pollies isn't really a helpful analogy.
if there's ever global widespread calamity whether nuclear or environmental, I have no doubt that the chinese would outlast everyone else. they have a steady diet of arsenic vegetable soup, lead candy, and insects, yet they're still alive and has one of the oldest aging populations on the earth.
japs are the least degenerate in asia retard
>in a culture heavily dominated by men and patriarchy
>where men run essentially every major corporation and board
>where young girls (and boys, to be fair) go through various trials and camps to be famous and are groomed and literally are used in sex trade
This seems interesting, but it's pretty /pol/-slash-conspiracy theory to think they'd brainwash the President over President Park just being a shitty, corrupt politician (like she proved herself to be). Scanning the posts, it sounds more like the Daughters of Megalia probably fooled a bunch of retards into thinking they're benign and not literal misandrists and people are siding with them thinking they're just a feminist group.
Thought that's been the case since the 90s or something, which is what help fueled the insanity that is their entire KPOP and idol culture. That's less feminists and just stupidly conservative, like China's complete ban of all potential drug use.
Japan has that heroic spark the other Asian cultures lack. Probably due to their ancient sino-roman heritage.
Probably the lack of makeup.
I've grown indifferent to girls who look like dolls after seeing so many of them.
That article is such disingenuous bullshit. The reason the cockroach "milk" has higher nutritional density is because it isn't milk (with water content, you know, what a mammal needs to grow) - it's a dry crystalline hunk of protein the cockroach shits out. If you dissolved it in a size-equivalent amount of water, to make an actual "milk" solution, the cows milk would win by a lot.
Labor arbitrage has totally fucked up the world economy and the faster the trade war bricks international shipping the better everyone will be. (except the ones who forgot how to grow their own food)
It's not hot oil, it's alcohol.
>literally poojeet scientists
thanks for the blog post
Depends on where you live. PYREX and pyrex are different brands by different companies using the same license, the all caps one is sold in Euroland and still uses borosilicate glass, while the all lowercase one is in Burgerland using soda-lime.
Begone from this thread bong kong
One look at their porn says otherwise. For all these china china china shit, I never saw a chinese porn with women having cockroaches inserted into their pussy and asshole
good lord, imagine being misled into eating some fat goobers moldy fleshlight
give me (you)s
give me (you)s
give me (you)s
give me (you)s
please before this thread gets killed
>Dont know what a thing is
>Probably lets you live forever if you eat it.
maybe that's their plan, eating all this random shit has given them immunities to all types of shit
Not giving you (You)s
>we're unironically moving towards time-release nutri-goy pellets
Give me one reason the world population shouldn't be capped at 1 billion.
it's why all Slavs hate Russians.
superior culture, economic power, best food, smarter people from sheer numbers, etc.
can i get one real quick
Yes, unless they're cute girls. Actually even the men seem ok since they're excluded from the sexual marketplace
Even 100 million is pushing it desu
She's eating bugs dude, it's not that bad; save your tears for when someone posts a dog being tortured by them because they think horrible pain makes it taste better.
I didn't realize we had mind control nanobots now.
Is this a joke? Russia is an alcoholic shithole. It is one of the most corrupt countries on Earth. All the money lies with 12 rich people, but the commoners don't say a word. They just keep sipping their vodka and injecting their meth. It's beyond pathetic. Russia went from a country of intellectuals to a country of chemical-crutch weaklings in 50 years.
Thank you Satan, very cool.
And another thing, the professor knows you only sit next to Lao because you're trying to cheat off him. Signing your tests in Mandarin is a dead giveaway, retard.
Убeйcя, хpycнявыш.
Meanwhile white people get into fist fights over crab legs, none of you people are okay.
If I could blow the entire SEA I'd do it with a grin on my face, fucking insects.
Good luck, they got russian protection and own the US.
What went wrong?
You forgot about AIDS. Russia is AIDS central. And I don't know how. Neighboring even bigger shithole countries like Ukraine don't have as much AIDS as Russia does.
humanity needs to go extinct
>nutri-goy pellets
Chinese women>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>other women
keep raging fags
I had a chinese roommate who'd claim to have never had a cold in their lives and he'd eat chicken gizzard, feet, and only drink hot water (not even tea).
lo and behold, every flu season I'd get fucking sick while Ming was scarfing down tiger dick.
你打算去匿名的狗肉节吗 ????
But you can't. Focus on becoming housebroken before indulging in delusions of grandeur.
they are the niggers of asia and commie bastards
But mutts aren't European. And moon landing is a hoax anyway.
This is how it is with people who have chronic bad breath. They can't fucking take a hint. I've never seen even one of them accept any kind of palliative for their sewer mouth.
All of your cons for Russia apply to every other Slavshit country but worse, except for maybe Czechia and Slovenia.
cuz russian women are sluts?
> from powered flight to film special effects
Based Korea, BTFOing the incels
Chinks can’t meme
All women are sluts in this day and age. Especially in western Europe. Yet AIDS is not prevalent there as it is in Russia.
And AIDS is more distributed by fucking men in the ass.
Jews figured out that the only way to take down a superior race is to guilt them into destroying themselves.
probably posted by a salty polack, they have the biggest hardon for russia bashing
any other language and she'd sound cute
Czechia here. All cons apply.
Centipedes absolutely fucking terrify me.
So this is absolutely horrifying.
I worked at a buffet that offers lobster and crab legs and this is pretty accurate some days. We sometimes have to watch them carefully, because they sometimes stuff crab legs in whatever place to take home. A guy once had his whole sweat pants filled with lobster and crabs legs.
Except AIDS. And suicide rates. And krokodil. Russia is the top dog there.
>mfw people from 1st world countries are showing interest in Russia and russian-speaking countries
Every sane person who was born here want to get out of this shit hole.
Never, listen to me, never think about going to Russia. It's a horrible, poor place full of bitter people, racists and homophobes.
They almost lost for good 80 years ago.
It'll happen, don't worry. It only has to happen once.
> islam bad
why do you like gays and kikes so much?
well when you have a country that doesn't believe in the ghey then you've got all these uneducated gays and no one's none the wiser
that's rude user he probably comes from outworld
chinese sounds sexy on the right girl, listen to chinese girl whisper asmrs
>violent pedophiles bad
Yeah pretty much.
Just because Cancer #1 hates Cancer #2 doesn't mean I find any form of cancer acceptable.
someone post a picture of their feet
Nong dong wong bing wang chong bong xiao wao bao wow!!!!
Oh we're talking about expulsions here?
>63 years
66 years retard, fix your image
As expected of pasty sheltered Yea Forumstards flaunting their ignorant faggot ass like always.
Anyways if you like alcohol, especially tequila, consider these. I think they taste like that with cooking oil.
Remember to remove the wings!
ah.. aaah....
Subhuman phoneposter.
It's hot oil
then listen to nip girl whisper asmrs and reconsider your words
No, not really.
Better than the rest? I guess. But they got their own problems.
Yeah white women sound so much better right?
Fuck shit fuck my fucking arse cunt hole shit bitch fuck goddamn fucking motherfuckin dammit shit as hell fuck!
No it did not you bog person
Dutch exists.
It was literally impossible to fake the moon landing back then. Special effects barely existed.
it's funny how racist liberals are towards asians
constantly calling them ugly insect gooks
but say something about niggers and they start screaming
>racist! alt-right! nazi! drumpf!
>that game where the true enemy is hidden and uses pawns to do his bidding
>Know all about geoducks
>still find this ridiculous
>Fuck shit fuck my fucking arse cunt hole shit bitch fuck goddamn fucking motherfuckin dammit shit as hell fuck!
>not a single "like"
>White women
I think you mean brits?
Legalized faggot marriage.
why are slavs not white?
Why don't you redcoats do something about it and bring back praxis to Russia then? You have a crypto-capitalist fascist who just wants to fuck everyone in the asshole while going ahead and trying to spread vitriol into yurop and amerikkka.
You're in line for the pendulum to swing back already, what's taking so long?
Eat up Yea Forums
I'm doing my part!
If Muslims were any match for kikes they would have eradicated them millions of years ago.
Muslims think they can defeat kikes but they are simply too dull and too weak. They always get frustrated and take their low IQ rage out on random non-combatants.
Only whites and MAYBE the Japanese have what it takes to defeat the Jew.
Feel stupid now?
Is that a fucking ispod?
Are those subs real? It sounds too horrific to be true but you never know
> impossible to rotoscope out wires (if even that) and slow down the film
lol, both techniques exist since the early 1910’s
Did the janny get fired or something?
Because "muh Hitler, muh Aryans". When the upper echelon of the Nazi party all look like subhumans and the slavs have more actual Aryan blood in them than Germs.
Nigga what the fuck?
Yes. It was censored by French police.
Retarded pagan larper weeb
A lack of empathy on a genetic level is what allows them to do shit like this
Chinky gookys little psychopaths
Why do we bother trying to help them? What benefits do the offer?
>Pinker was born in Montreal, Quebec, in 1954, to a middle-class Jewish family.
What a coincidence
Uhhhhhhhhhh food.
Your Christian ancestors are rolling in their grave, chinlet.
Not him but what's wrong with posting a source, buddy?
You aren't just making shit up, are you?
Aryan as in coming from Iran? Most Russians are Iranian if you track back their lineage far enough through the Caucasus.
Where do I get all the Korean porn guys?
>that first comment on the post
Seriously, what the fuck. Japan had the right idea with xenophobia.
Nice reframing
Its not about being scared or not
If your not an emotionless gook you are disgusted by insects as you should be
They racially divide white countries. Which also introduces ideological fracturing - people "for" and "against" immigrants, etc.
It's all about destroying cohesion of whites. Jews learned from 1940 that the only threat to their existence is a white ethnostate that has a united national mind.
The truth about the Koreas is that its denizens are highly susceptible to mental illness, especially Worst Korea. Couple that with their track record of treating mental illness and you have a literal island of increasingly mentally degrading mentally ill people, and many of whom are functioning psychopaths. Cause? Aside from environmental factors, no one really knows. Probably genetic? Maybe Best Korea is messing with biochem weapons that literally turns people insane and they just made everyone in the Koreas fucking crazy, whether by accident or by design. I dunno. So it's not surprising that cults (with mentally ill adherents) would just spring up from that 'poor man's Nipland' from time to time. Remember the Moonies? The way they behave is also mentally ill and quite "low born".
If they are to accept a candidate of every ethnicity 1 black applicant versus 500 asian applicants is an easy way to bias that chart.
We're a little over 10 years between the 1st plane and the 1st moon landing and we haven't advanced that much.
what happen if the back isn't to the sky?
Its cause its full of the most needle junkies
it really sucks these fucking soulless robotic alien insect people will end up taking over the world and passing everyone else in science
tweet says
>Please do not restream this video. To report illegal content on the web, go to the platform
>Southeast Asians
No they won’t, libcuck.
Humans have grown to instinctively avoid and to be disgusted by insects due to the danger they possess to us. Chinks and Gooks lack these instincts we've earned over the years to protect us. Instead the fucking slants eat them. They don't have empathy like we do.
Niggers are the sacred cows of the left. American niggers are a creation of the left. Prototypes of the ultimate permanent underclass.
They were bred for a single specific purpose. Like David's Xenomorphs.
Schools needing racial diversity is so stupid. I had a friend whos Chinese and smart apply to Berkley and didnt get in while this black bitch who barely had good grades got in.
ive seen a few of these tough guy drink videos and they are kinda finna based.
>russian tourists
unless you live in russia you're full of shit. Russians aren't allowed to leave their country unless they have a full time job, own property and own a car.
You had your chance gweilo.
Uhh... how do I get intact with these fine gentlemen...?
The great thing about having 1.5 billion people is you have lots of worker bees.
The bad thing about 1.5 billion people is you're never more than a week away from mass rioting and total societal collapse.
This is why China is so ultra-authoritarian: it's very afraid of its citizens.
Wrong, retard. We can fit the world's population in Texas. There's no population problem, you blathering fucking idiot.
Korea isn’t an island...
Lol, nope, just because they steal western science doesn't mean they actually know their shit.
Their women are sexy?
>are those subs real?
>yeah here's an unsubbed video
Am I supposed to speak French or am I missing something?
Flood your own lands and down yourself, Chang.
>said the increasingly brown western man
Doesn’t mean we should, chink.
Are you fucking retarded? You can hear him say "pussy" a half dozen times to the child. What else can he be saying?
White libs love nigger cock.
Chinese porn is way better, korean porn sucks, its all cinemax style shit
they're gonna have fusion reactors before us.
granted, the first ones will probably explode, but they'll still get them working well before us.
China's leadership has a tiger by the tail. It looks like they are terrifyingly powerful, but if they make one mistake they'll have their guts ripped out.
But Jews loved Hitler. He shipped off the best and richest Jews to Israel before the war started and then he killed a record number of white Europeans.
I dated two Koreans before, they weren't unhinged crazy but the societal pressure of both of them from when they were living in SK to coming to the states was gradually lifted off revealing a lot of trauma from being abused in school to their parents neglecting them. I'm pretty sure SK now takes the cake when it comes to suicide rates from overwork, that or China.
One thing that freaked me out about one of them was that they wore these eyelids to make them look like they told, instead of their monolidded natural eyes. It was pretty weird.
KPOP is becoming more and more of a front for Korea's sex industry (run by either that shadow group or just some wealthy gooks) to "pimp" gullible KPOP aspirants to wealthy gooks and other moneybags all over the world. Essentially legitimized sex trade the likes of with beats the shit the Jews set up; Jews usually kidnap bitches and sells them to (mostly) wealthy Arabs and other rich Semshits, whereas gooks willingly whore themselves out for what is usually (very) short term fame.
mainland chinese provide perfect example of a what happens when a population is allowed to remain ignorant
half, if not more, of their population is comprised of retarded, inbred and superstitious individuals who make up the most idiotic of ideas for the sake of health and/or immortality
most of the planet's endangered species are in china and the reason for it is because they are hunted to extinction because so many of them believe eating these now endangered species will give them longevity
that's the only reason they do the things they do - pure, unbridled selfishness and massive ignorance
says the yellow subhuman
>Chinese lack empathy
My chinese gf doesn't, now what?
>implying that I could ever bring myself to eat an isopod
We don't need more niggers chinks and poos walking around retard
They're already creating deals with other countries and expanding their infrastructure. It's really only a matter of time.
Don't worry our boy President Donald Trump is putting them in their place. R-right...?
We can fit 20 cocks up your ass, doesn't mean it's gonna be good for you.
All this video makes me think about if how there's a guy on the other side of the camera. Disgusting.
Except it's not you fucking chink.
tick tock cuckboy
Everything you think you know about nazi ideology is false and was dictated to you by their enemies.
Because unlike niggers asians actually represent a threat to them. If the average chink was a shoplifting gangbanger you bet your ass they'd be bending over for them just as much.
As if American commoners aren't also retarded in all subjects? Lol.
porn is illegal to make in korea, so tik tok and other nontraditional unregulated streaming/user-submitted platforms.
search Korean BJ on pornhub, it stands for broadcast jockey in korea, all the best porn is gonzo stuff made by streamers.
apart from the mao revolution, what else was there for the chinese? they had the brits invade them, mongols, cossacks, uighurs, etc.
>tfw no one will believe this because they don't care about the greater good
>land area
Maybe he was talking about a cat
another hard working day
keep up the good work jannies
I want to go to one of these countries and just bleach an entire tribe of negresses. Aids be damned.
Poor maltese tiger.
> le debt
So come and collect it
Oh wait, it’s internal debt
Stupid gook
China aren't the only ones who can do industrial espionage, you know. If they want to make fusion workable at scale for us, bully for them.
(protip, they won't, tokamok reactors have been around for decades and they suck dick, thorium is a meme, commercial fusion won't happen in our lifetimes)
big if true
I'd like to see someone trying to collect said dept from the sole superpower in the world.
My fucking nigga. Long and his dumb clone brother were the best.
That’s true for all porn (except 2D)
China's about to implode anyways. Their economic descent is happening as we speak.
KPOP is just another soft power that they're currently using to win the culture wars in asia, the same way they weaponized srarcraft and league they're doing it to skincare, soap dramas, movies, etc. they're the americuh of asia now.
>meaning anything
Literally the joke is on anyone who thinks that the US cares about debts. Try and collect on it see what happens.
dont worry, trump is working on that
Chinese housing crisis is prolly gonna destroy their country before long.
All asians do that kinda weird like my friend had a hot sister but when it came to table manners it's like they had no concept.
massive advancements have been made in telecommunications and information transmission aka the internet
The suicide rate of trannies is very high. Japanese Moot tries to hire a lot but all he gets are suicidal trannies.
/ck/ as fuck
Why is drumpf such a weak beta cucklet? Hillary would have nuked the chinks long ago
What happens is WW3 will be the entire planet vs the US and you learn the speak mandarin as a result.
Canada and Australia are already bought out and conquered.
Ban Huawei all you like, you're still getting enslaved.
at least under communist mandate, all the people living in n. korea and china have free education and are literate.
The mainland really needs to be nuked it's a literal hive of insects.
why lie tho
>learn the speak
Eat some gutter oil fried dog and drown yourself, Zhong.
>entire planet vs the US
Imagine believing twitter headlines.
>says this
>ignores that as lone animals we are incredibly weak to basically every other mammalian predator (and non-predators like elephants)
There's other reasons we're disgusted by insects, the inherent danger by some is not it. The closest thing to this attempt at reason is insects looking completely different from anything we regularly interact with, except when you live in forests and jungles where, surprise, it's not disgust that humans have evolved to express towards insects.
Maybe constantly dabbing on their fucking graves was too cruel after all.
Meanwhile Australia and even rural parts of the US have internet that buffers playing 480p YouTube videos.
Underrated post
> liberal feminist shitholes
We’ll be okay
I worked at a sushi bar, seeing someone eat an octopus without cleaning the slime angers me to the point I actually want to return there and prepare one in a normal non-insectoid way.
the beauty of communism is that you can artificially inflate the housing market however you want. currently in china, they're having a nationwide economic relocation of moving out the poorest people from villages into cities where they've constructed housing units they weren't able to fill.
Kinda cute though?
Are you literally slow? Like a sub-normal person?
>leftists actually think our planet isn't overpopulated
I don't want to live in a storage container and eat onions paste you mental cripple.
Chinese truly the sub humans of this earth, worse than jews
pancake faced gook with unsexy communist spectacles
Not really.
>he thinks this slant is anywhere above a 2
imagine being an octopus and dying an absurdly slow and painful death as you're chewed to mush in some chink woman's mouth
>bought out 2 pieces of wilderness
Good for them I guess if they want to have a house in the middle of fucking nowhere.
It's a shame the japanese didn't finish their job back in the 30's.
>round-faced, potato nose slant is considered beautiful by insects
Advancement in telecommunications =/= advancement of corporate greed and sociopaths out to make a buck with the least amount of loss
why do I get the feeling this is from some chinese version of The Onion.
>worse than jews
Don't get carried away
haha that would be crazy
uma delicia
oh yeah
makes perfect sense they are gonna be the huge players in the end times
t. Kike
Pointing out the Jew of the East doesn't make you anything but a Jew.
1. Chinese
2. Singaporean
3. Japanese
4. Korean
99. Philipinos
I remember Jesus living in the prehistoric age
You don't have to want, you will for the best of mankind.
Good luck when your old Bible thumping boomers die out and all you're left with are bunch of fatherless zoomers voting for gibs and abortions.
lmao dude try buying a house in Canada
Based spaniard
if she looked at us head on her face wouldn't fit in the fucking frame
I got that reference
it only works for animal fuckers
just post white people doing retarded shit if you want to counteract it
Chinese women will always shit on your garbage white sluts
Maybe if you exclude mainlanders.
Gog and Magog my brother. WW3 soon after a falseflag "attack" from Iran.
Stay safe.
I’m from Europe, we’ll be left with warlike muslims
Indians are pretty high up there, their women are also really hot too
speak for yourself chink you wish you were a jew
>posts a turk
laff that's one way to get the black heads out
>responsible for almost all of the bulk worldwide polution rates along with india
>constantly depletes its ocean's and invades other coutryies' to consume their food next like a virus
>completely subhuman behavior
>fucking commies
>breed like insects and are destroying the planet
Can we nuke the chinks already?
That’s a Uyghur, ie. not a chink
Crawl back into the oven Schlomo
Dilraba Dilmurat is not a fucking turk, she's Chinese
Your average mainlander will smarter than any layperson/low caste in any other country, though.
By that standard so does the US
Not him, but life expectancy is measured at different points in time and does not typically include infant mortality because, as you said, it can skew results. The one often mentioned is life expectancy at birth, which specifically skips the infant mortality issue, but the older people get, they pass certain age-related causes for death. Once someone gets to fifteen or thirty, for example, life expectancy for that individual jumps up quite a bit because outside of freak accidents, they're going to live longer.
As far as life expectancy being the same as thousands of years ago, reminder that we're concerned about the average, not outliers. You need to look at the percentage of people in the 13th century who lived past their 40s, which is going to be relatively low, compared to the majority who aren't going to have access to a lot of modern benefits or even contemporary luxuries that would allow for longer life expectancy.
It's too bad they can give birth to males. It's the same problem with blacks and asians.
Turkic, not chink. Cope, eyelet.
>will smarter
Grind yourself into cat food, Ching.
Wasps are also just as helpful to plants as Bees are.
Plants can detect what species of insect is eating them based on their mandible bites. When under attack they will respond by sending out a pheromone signal to summon a parasitoid wasp species specifically designed to fuck up what ever pest is currently munching on them.
>indians are asian meme
Dilraba Dilmurat دىلرەبا دىلمۇرات better known as Dilireba, is a Chinese actress of Uyghur ethnicity
You realize you're talking about subhumans that walk into elevator shafts right?
They're an ethnicity in China, not a separate race
>One thing that freaked me out about one of them was that they wore these eyelids to make them look like they told, instead of their monolidded natural eyes. It was pretty weird.
That's a pretty big thing. There's pushback now and a trend against it, but those eyelids and surgery to get double eye-lids is still somewhat huge.
Which continent is India on?
the world would sooner end than china ruling the us
I rather be in a oven than a insect
it's not good to watch people eat because it's observing someone doing something inherently disgusting that no one on earth can avoid doing
Yeah but that's not a fair comparison. Muttistan is huge and has all cultures melted together so you can prescribe any behavior onto them.
Japs have no excuse. Insectoids are all the same.
Not if the people around you eat like human beings.
Sorry chong, you got BTFO.
>the india is inside asia so therefore asian meme
They're south asians
The best are Tibetan women
If you could either nuke china, africa, or the middle east which would you pick? Assume you're given the requisite number required for each area, to account for different landmasses.
The difference being that Japan isn't a thirdworld country where people have to eat anything that moves to survive.
Close your mouth you loud fuck
you are retarded because you would kill the bears as well you dumbfuck
central and south america
>600 replies
That's nice. He's wrong.
Oh no it's the foxfaced freak. Don't you have another Cyberpunk 2077 thread to shit up?
the middle east, africa has resources at least and blacks hate each other so they'll just breed their genes out eventually
stop watching me eat faggot
the jews.
China is the biggest threat. Nuking muslims is tempting though.
Africa. UN population models show their pop at 10 billion by 2100. They were at 100mil in 1900.
Even as a chink, the person you're referring to is basically a Turk. She was born closer to the middle east and Mongolia than anywhere most people would associate with China.
still a slant tho
She's beautiful. Cope more faggot. I need to go in Death Stranding threads now.
Weird thread, not gonna lie.
tibetans have the best momos, not sure about their freakishly slackjawed women.
What about Tibet, is that china?
I accept your concession.
Turkoids are not a race. They're the turbo mutts. You can find a tiny Japanese looking turk and a 6'0 blonde looking turk.
Chinks ruin everything, even video games
I never knew I had a fetish for skinny sluts feeding each other food until now.
Looks like elon musk
What do I look for or where do I go for Chinese porn?
> blacks hate each other so they'll just breed their genes out eventually
what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?