At what point does it get fun? The fucking text speed and unskippable cutscenes are unbearable.
At what point does it get fun? The fucking text speed and unskippable cutscenes are unbearable
retard sjws wont find it fun, sorry
Pretty sad how each new generation has less and less patience and attention span
>The fucking text speed
You can press buttons to make it go faster
>unskippable cutscenes
I can barely remember any cutscene that was so long, have some fucking patience.
play OOT3D instead. Don't listen to the memes it fixes most of the issues of OOT
zoom zoom
>The fucking text speed and unskippable cutscenes are unbearable.
Have some patience and try the B button.
>shitty aspect ratio/scaling
>compromised style
pretty sure they did the slow ass text just to mess with impatient retards
>deku tree telling you the story even if you say you don't wanna hear it
>the owl retelling you stuff if you just keep spamming a by switching the yes and no answers
>zora king taking a long ass time to move
It is kinda funny to think about it, but a lil annoying in replays.
>skipping cutscenes during a first playthrough
about the 3rd dungeon then it picks up
Fucking zoomers
Go back to Fortnite
the story isn't particularly good anyway
try the game ocarina of time is a ripoff of, mystical ninja starring goemon
Says the anal retard who has the attebtion span of a goldfish. By the way, every other 3d Zelda has 100x more unstoppable cutscenes so I assume you haven't played those ones. Maybe Fortnite will work out better for you, lilzoom.
Zoomy here. I found a working N64 in the trash the other day but no controller or games. Should I just sell it on Ebay or buy some shit to play?
>you can press buttons to make it go faster
only applies to the owl
upscale it on citra
>compromised style
yeah, well...
>the story isn't particularly good anyway
Game has a little too much waiting for my tastes.
It doesn't.
I don't know, I always get bored after gathering the three elemental stones or whatever
play better games
my problem is it puts you through some boring shit to get back to game play that isn't particularly engaging anyway.
If you can't get into a story with some mental investment in the words, it isn't for you babby.
get better taste
>Zelda, once one of the most mainstream and accessible franchises is now a casual/pleb filter
What happened? Did the IQ average drop that much?
I have, grew out of zelda years ago. When will you stop being under 18?
Yes. This is a market of constant streamlining for decreasing attention spans. The future is fucked.
>hurr underage
>when the thread is underages trying to justify their bad taste preventing them from enjoying OOT
stay consistent
ok egoraptor
If its in the trash its probably broken you tard
So the same as N64? Unless you're emulating, in which case why not just go with Citra?
>b-but muh dark atmosphere
At the point when you stop having ADHD
>The fucking text speed
There's an OoT mod that skips cutscenes and has instatext, along with quickswap boots
plenty of that here too
Its more sad that people actually had any patience for videogame cutscenes in the first place, the arcades and the 8 bit games had maybe an opening text crawl and that was it, it was all gameplay after that.
It turned on shit head. I don't know what else you can consider working to be. I guess I can go try to find a cheap game to see how well it works other than that. Anyway, here's a pro tip for you, sometimes people just throw things out because they're old or they don't want them anymore.
Hey lads where do I go to discuss video games with people over 18 years old these days?
In the case of emulation, Citra still suffers from the compromised style. Both my other points still stand as well.
how to spot a zoomer tranny fgt : the thread on the boards Yea Forums,/vg/, and /vr/. :)
Haha no seriously
oot is shit because the combat is too shallow and the puzzles are braindead
>a post on why OoT is bad, giving specific and true reasons
That's a first.
because i don't feel the need to either fit in or lie about my opinions
Name a game in its same genre with deeper combat and puzzles released before it.
Why does release date matter? I don't gauge a game's quality on firsts, I gauge it on how fun it is to play right now today on its own.
t. Arin. Did you ever beat that piss easy Grim Reaper miniboss?
Zelda 1 and 2.
Because it set a new standard. The standard hasn't really evolved too.
I don't care.
>I don't gauge a game's quality on firsts, I gauge it on how fun it is to play right now today on its own.
Those aren't even 3D and bullshit at either of those having better puzzles. Zelda 1 also has worse combat than pretty much every Zelda after it.
Why do you guys insist on baiting for replies. I don't understand. There's so much legit trash out there to complain about yet you persistently try and waste time here trying to bait for attention. Fuck off and die.
"fun" is just a buzzword.
zelda 1 barely has puzzles. more like cryptic riddles here and there. it's primarily about exploring. the dungeons are combat gauntlets shaped around a simple system. not particularly deep, but well designed.
but "the combat is shallow and the puzzles are braindead" are not
MGS, Half Life and OoT are all precursors to the kind of movie games that Yea Forums hates. Its funny watching nostalgiafags try to deny this.
>but "the combat is shallow and the puzzles are braindead" are not
Right, those are just objectively incorrect statements.
/vr/ is actually pretty comfy, much slower far less shit posting.
New games aren't worth discussing anyway
Zelda 1 has better combat than nearly every other game in the series simply by virtue of it not being completely braindead. Having more complex basic mechanics means nothing in a single player game if no enemies are actually capable of fighting back.
Figuring out what all the hints mean is also more of a puzzle than anything in OoT.
>non-humanoid ground enemy: hack away
>flying enemy: shoot with arrow
>humanoid enemy: lock on, wait for shield to lower, hack away
damn so deep
and none of the puzzles are challenging, fucking name one that is
>different strategies for different enemies
Already miles ahead of most games.
play a non-nintendo game for once
>actually praising simple procedure combat
>it's wrong to hate cinematic cutscenes in a video game
>people are wrong to want gameplay instead of movies
What the hell happened to this website?
None of those are required. Waiting for an enemies shield to lower is sub optimal, swinging vertically at flying enemies is usually faster than projectiles.
>Weave in and out, stick and move, use special weapons wisely
>Attack when the opponent is ready for you to attack
>defending cutscenes
I don't give a shit about the story and I shouldn't have to sit through them
The correct use of moviegame is a game where you have little input in the character actions, where you're often watching scripted events and long animations. It doesn't apply to any of those games.
Zelda 1's enemies walk around aimlessly and the controls are ridiculously stiff. Zelda II is where it's at.
>Waiting for an enemies shield to lower is sub optimal, swinging vertically at flying enemies is usually faster than projectiles.
It isn't required in gameplay and doesn't make any difference but in time.
how did they get away with this?
>no cutscenes allowed
You'll look back in a few years and wonder how you were so wrong.
I'll look back in a few years, when every game is a movie, and wish for more cutscenes?
I'm nearing 30, chum. I'm looking back right now and cringing at how I wanted Mario to tell a deep story, and how I considered final Fantasy to be the peak of narrative. That was cringe, and I've since learned to appreciate actually good stories, like kirby, yoshi, Metroid, and those others.
You are 20 years too late to the party
Then don't fucking play it
notice how you said play and not watch
a game is for playing, not watching
Yeah, have been playing these games for years until they started to feel like cheap fast food for me.
Then dont watch and dont play it
It wont change anything and some people like it the way it is
So you agree that oot cannot be the best game of all time
I wouldn't sell Zelda 1 too short. The enemies' behavior might be simplistic, but their overwhelming numbers and the cramped environs make things interesting. In the later dungeons, you have to plan your movement pretty carefully to avoid getting hemmed in or otherwise caught in a vulnerable position.
That said, I do think Zelda 2 has the best combat in the series.
You got memed bro. Zelda games are made for children, women and fags. So that explains the depth and difficulty level. Also this game looks like shit and nincels cling on to a journalist meme score but claim to hate jounalists when it suits them.
>normalfags like cutscenes
Yes, thank you for this startling revelation.
>tfw legitimately have ADHD and love slow games like this
I think it's more that later generations are getting more impatient because of the advent of faster technology or some shit.
Real shame because OOT has some of the best atmosphere of any game ever made, it's really a great experience if you just enjoy the ride.
What does this have to do with what I said. Also not best just because youre nitpicking with something? no.
Unironically once you hit hyrule and talk to the owl. After that, incredibly amazing game. My personal favorite of all time. If you're playing it for the first time ever though it won't be as great to you of course.
The beginning is a bit slow but once you beat the Deku Tree and talk to the owl that's when the fun really begins.
You seem to agree that if you hate cutscenes then you shouldn't play the game
many people hate cutscenes, so the game must not have wide appeal, by your logic
>If you're playing it for the first time ever though it won't be as great to you of course.
What? Shouldn't your first play through be the best experience?
You're dealing with an infamous shitposter whose only goal is to pollute the thread with his stale arguments that always get bites because there'll always be someone new to him.
How were you actually supposed to fight him? It feels like RNG.
you are literally stretching to try to reach your change of subject. Many people probably dont care which is why the game got the status it got
Shut the fuck up retard
my opinions are my own and 100% my beliefs
Never. Puzzles are shit, overworld is empty, hardly anything optional to do, most stuff in the game is railroaded story nonsense. Just play BotW instead.
>if you hate cutscenes in a sony game you're "based and redpilled"
>say anything negative about a nintendo cutscene and suddenly you're an "infamous shitposter"
That's gonna be a yikes from me, dude.
>hating cutscenes is shitposting
fuck off please
Seriously please fuck off, I am begging you.
>If you're playing it for the first time ever though it won't be as great to you of course.
That's because OoT only appeals to neckbeards with nostalgia boners.
gaymergate ruined this place forever
Name one challenging puzzle and enemy encounter in oot
Gotta think two steps ahead.
The fucking hand in the Spirit Temple
What does that even mean? I had to get into just the right pattern of jumping and slashing on the fall just to hope to hit him.
Your "opinions" are an assorted list of canned phrases you pluck and assemble into a post designed to fish for (you)s solely for the purpose of derailing the thread into your repetitive stale "arguments" that are just more of your prewritten sentence algorithms. Every time I see you in a thread, I am increasingly convinced you're not even a human, but a bot that mistakenly still believes it is human because you've been doing this exact same thing with the exact same arguments, with the exact same sentences for so many years. You don't even have a goal in this madness anymore, it's like you just come back to do this because you can't escape your own forced routine.
>doug deflecting criticism from Sony completely unprompted like usual
Makes one hmmmmm.
I've only been in two oot threads dude and they were both within this month and last month
You're a fucking paranoid nutball
What, where you play the song on the statue's hand?
Is the game improved if you go shieldless?
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
you're a cretin
a dolt
an invalid
a nincompoop
an imbecile
Oh, you’re talking about acfag
which is fucking funny because I type nothing like him at all
and I'm american
and I fucking hate super metroid
It gets fun about 20 years ago you fucking teenager
So you're saying that it doesn't hold up?
If I mistakenly (you)'d you while you're not him then I apologize but this shit's some pretty tell tale ACfag behavior. It starts with the same small subtler posts before breaking out into his typical autism. Though he also may be distracted by the current Blaster Master Zero 2 thread since he sure has a big fucking hate boner for Kanna.
More like
>someone thinks that all cutscenes are bad, and it shouldn't be relegated to one company
Makes one hmmmmm indeed.
>What are RPGs?
Most of us were happy when Video games started to get a semblance of a story arc.
>only applies to the owl
not true, iirc important text can't be skipped but unnecessary npc dialogue can with the b button
>controls were stiff
what the fuck does this mean
if you press a direction, you move in that direction
I think he's talking about the 4 directional movement and the way the sword just appears for a few frames instead of having making an arc motion.
It doesn't. It's a bad game.
I dropped it before the water temple. I don't know why this game is so memed, it's just OK, nothing to go crazy about.
meh it's boring as shit, you're not missing much.
play aLttP.