literally the most kino jrpg of all time
Literally the most kino jrpg of all time
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I have a lot of nostalgia for this game. I don't know if it's the best anything but it's certainly my favorite JRPG.
Though fuck Chaz' hit rate that shit is garbage.
playing through it again on switch now
the pacing, lore, music and battle system are still the best
What game?
I do wonder how much of the cartridge was dedicated to the sheer amount of art stills it had, given some of them had to use multiple layers/sprites to get the amount of colours they wanted.
phantasy star offline
Phantasy Star 4, don't feel the need to play 1-3, they have value (especially 2), but they can be rough coming from the mindset of more recent games. PS4 on the other hand is quite smoothly playable, aside from some minor hiccups like the game not fucking telling you what its nonsense skills actually do.
>fixes sleep for the party because the original spell is actually Arouse
I like Dark Force's theme in 3. Admittedly I can't think of any other value 3 has, but I'm sure it's there somewhere.
the generations aspect was pretty cool at the time of release.
>aside from some minor hiccups like the game not fucking telling you what its nonsense skills actually do.
>fixes sleep for the party because the original spell is actually Arouse
>Phantasy Star port on Switch
>8 burger bucks
>Only includes the original
>Others aren't even available
This is fucking ridiculous, I'm going to hack this piece of shit
8 bucks for a 30 year old JRPG? Fuck you.
love that old school censorship "flatlined"
It is a shame that's not what Arows does.
FF4 having Swoon as the KO status always confused me as a kid.
I really hope Sega continues to make Ages versions of 2,3,and 4 on the switch. i dont know why M2 is wasting their time on alex kid and wonderboy
My nigga. I’m glad to see this game getting some love on here recently.
Kyra a cute!
it was a 24Mb cart that launched for $100 so probably the majority of it.
they added quality of life changes to it
The mapper was nice.
apparently it was initially developed for the sega cd? do you think switching to genesis was the right move?
If it was 8 bucks for 1-4, it would be fine, but whoop-de-fucking-doo, you get a MINIMAP
That surely justifies paying 8 bucks for it, instead of emulating it
my parents refused to buy me a $100 game so i had to repeatedly rent it from the store
still the hypest dungeon theme ever
>Zio's theme
More...saying it weird than censoring it.
Fuck You!
didn't it come out just months before the Saturn and PSX in the US? Maybe a bit too late.
I think they where just being glib
2 is better
>>Others aren't even available
I fucking hate this. It's even more inexplicable in cases when the games that don't get ported are from the same console generation. Like, why can I download Alien Crush off PSN but not Devil's Crush?
Here everything you ever need to know about this game my lads.
no way. gamewise 4 is leaps better.
if you're talking story or themes, sure, but that's pretty subjective.
the difficulty and grind required make 2 inferior
>muh Aerith
There literally isn’t a faster way for someone to expose himself as a jrpg newfag.
RIP best girl.
you'd have to be mentally retarded to believe that genuinely
in my fanfiction she has a /ss/ fetish
3 months before saturn
7 months before playstation
besides plenty of SNES games released after sold millions of copies
Sup, Rune.
Dungeon navigation in 2 is fucked up and characters and story are almost nonexistent.
The game is still amazing.
fuck you, psiv was good
if i'm not mistaken i think it was the first ever 16-bit JRPG
You mad?
>when you finally beat zio and realize the game is just getting started
this alone blew my mind as a kid
Something like that, people at the time were really hyped for it.
Hopefully the rumored franchise revival in the same vein as sakura wars is happening.
that's a bitchin' cover as is this
I wish these games got more fan art. I swear it's like the only sega fags who can draw only ever do creepy sonic shit
The concept is interesting!
I agree I like the idea of three, but these generational games never get the proper exploration they need.
6'0 and 5'11
Those games were all super kino
It’s on switch? YES!
Man these manga panel cutscenes are still the coolest shit.
>that pso reveal near the end at what the “planet” actually is
Super Fuck You!
this user gets it, OP is a forced meme cock sucking faggot
Why didn’t the genesis have more JRPGS?
Gotta push the Sega CD somehow.
kinda glad it wasn't put on sega cd. it would've had terrible voice acting if it even got released outside of japan at all.
user, I...
Don't bully PSIII it just needs a remake for you to see it's true value.
half of the experience of a JRPG is the soundtrack and the SNES soundchip was more capable for orchestral music.
i want my first sex robot to be modeled after mieu
>Can't marry Miue
Just remember that Mieu can do everything but blink and give birth.
Honestly I think there's a lot of potential for good story and feels from the perspective of Miue and Wren. A pair of androids who spend years loyally serving their family and watching their masters grow old? Right in the feels. All kinds of Asimov shit right there.
If they ever remake the game I hope they get the original artist back for it. They had a lot of fun with the characters even if the game isn't regarded that highly by most.
It is, on the Sega Genesis Classics.
I understand the translation was part of why 3 came off as a bit shallow. At least in the narrative. Like in the English version Lena was your ex fiance you dumped like an asshole for blue haired poon. So getting with her at the end seems less out of the blue.
Though this really wouldn't help the games other flaws. Good god that overworld theme is boring and everything is so empty and drab. 2 was colorful. Why wasn't 3 colorful.
PS IV blew my mind back then. Anime scenes, battles being fast but still good looking, soundtrack is really damn great. There were more than 5 different boss themes IIRC.
Get Sega Genesis classics, the other 3 games are on there as well as Beyond Oasis, and Shining Force.
What are some games that play like the Phantasy Star series?
Phinal Phantasy
Meanwhile, in SMT, every skill has nonsense names and you just have to remember them.
Greetings, fellow humans! How are you doing on this exquisite day?
Hey! It's Seth! Seth the trust worthy! Hi Seth. Man am I glad to see you. I needed someone to hold all these winning scratch tickets and my knife while I turn around for a bit.
It's weird they went that direction too since it has a lot of colorful concept art too. It was a rushed job with lots of good idea and concepts in it and it's a shame that it still hasn't been considered to be remade when it needs it the most.
> My god will not tolerate any life forms in Algo! Everything must be wiped out. And I, with the Chaos Dunk, will do just that!
I gotta feel bad for the staff of three. All of those ideas and concepts just wasted.
Reminder that Chaz scores some ONE YEAR OLD pussy at the end. Let that sink in.
Of course, anything for my dear frieAAAAUUGGGAAAAAPIGAPIGAUUIIEEEEEEEE worry not friend that was my stomach.
Probably correct user, it's just perfect. It's flaws are limited to encounter rate and that it needs to be longer desu, can't think of much else.
Her robot tutor says it's cool.
i didn't think the encounter rate was that bad. one thing i miss about cartridge jrpgs was that there wasn't any loading for ever random battle like on playstation.
Like all the art books scan really paint a very different picture of the game and I would love to see that realized.
Yeah, we complain but compared to PS1 games and later they came and went pretty quickly.
I have some cash leftover on the e-shop, is this worth picking up or should I just emulate it?
Encounter rate was a common problem back then, but battles are so fast, it doesn't tire you as much in this game.
Did you guys use the fusion spells? I was surprised to see that mechanic in an old game.
If 3 got the same remakes as 1 and 2 did with their generation versions honestly, it'd be a fantastic game and probably better than 2, although still not as good as 4.
>imagining the 4 remake in the same vein
depends on how important portability is to you
Give me your jacket cunt, right now. Thanks buddy.
I didn't think the remakes were all that good frankly. 1 was alrightish but they both felt kind of cheap. And 2's remake art was horrific,
sometimes the fustion spells wouldn't work despite having it on macro and meeting the TP/SP requirements.
Oh yeah, some of the earlier ones wreck shit, like Foi/Wat/Tsu, and you can set up auto battle macros in game to streamline fights and have fusions ready to go.
>And 2's remake art was horrific
those ears, man
Hey pal. Oh, where'd you get all this Dark Magic? There's like two fucking wizards on the entire planet. We killed one and the others over there shooting firebolts out of his eyes...
Not even just that. Nei went from cool sci fi body to suit to..some weird bib.
Yeah, but ps encounter rates in particular were some real cancer when you were just trying to get places. You notice it more when trying to run through places for gear that are higher than you, and running away from battles gets you fucked half the time.
It's order dependent no? It works most of the time if you set you macro actions in order of slowest to fastest members.
I thought the art was fine honestly. Sure, it doesn't look as good as it could do, but when all it has to do is be an improvement over how 2 looked it's not very difficult. Battles being more like 4 art wise is a big improvement honestly, for such a little thing all the games before 4 really feel worse because you don't see your characters most of the time in a fight
I'd argue a severe lack of character customization as well, I replayed it only a few years back without the nostalgia goggles and was kind of disappointed at how little choice there is in how you can build your party. Other games made around the same time were FAR ahead in that respect.
I hate how everytime there’s an old jrpg remake they always use that ugly as fuck, mobile looking art. They always look the same.
>I thought the art was fine honestly
Even in your own example that shit is hideous. Everything is flat and boring. And the animations are actually worse than the genesis version.
remember the first time playing this thinking the manga panels were a one time gimmick
fucking coolest shit ever in a pre gen 5 game
also reminder PS5 never ever
>I'd argue a severe lack of character customization as well,
Welcome to console JRPGs.
as apposed to PC JRPGs? I dont remember any porn games having deep character building
>also reminder PS5 never ever
Good. I don't want one. PSIV is the perfect ending. I'd hate to see some shitty sequel come back and shit all over it just for cheap nostalgia.
its the best version of the original game but you would be perfectly fine emulating the previous Ages release as well
nah fuck that, there was still a "great light" that needed slaying
Raise your hand if you fucking hate how blind Chaz is.
Uhh, I dunno user. None of the first 4 phantasy star games had any character customization whatsoever, they were never designed to have that, you got party members that were written and designed, it's not like you could recruit custom created npcs for your party or some shit. There was no leveling system or upgrade paths.
Sure you could see it as a flaw, but it's a bit unfair to include things as flaws that they didn't intend to do just because some other games done it, it simply wasn't that kind of rpg.
It's colourful and vibrant, what are you on about? It looks 1000x better than the genesis version. And lol, the genesis version definitely did not have better animations, animations were garbage right up till ps4 in all the games frankly.
Hell no brother. PSO and whatnot were enjoyable, but it's a travesty that's what the series and universe has devolved into compared to continuing on in the same vein as ps4
It looks like someone left a colorform book out in the sun.
I was referring more in terms of gear, you literally just equip the best stat stick and that's it.
You need to get yourself some Kamidori Alchemy Meister.
>waaaaaah its too hard
PS IV was designed with each character representing a class and sticking to it, like most JRPGs of the time. Customization was not common back then, but yeah it did exist.
I don't see a problem when a game sticks to that. The core team of Chaz/Rika/Wren/Rune are all good at what each of them do in-battle.
Underrated bait
Who is the best fifth character to take to the end other than Raja?
I thought psu was okay, and those psp games were kino, especially in co-op.
I never understood the searing hatred that game got.
Kyra gets you the most combo potential. And she's cute.
in order from easiest to hardest
N64/PS1 generation having memory cards made renting that generation so much more preferable.
I’m pretty sure ps4 cartridge had a memory saving unit inside of it.
If he was lucky he could have rented the exact same cartridge over and over again.
That's not Cosmic Fantasy 2
Everyone praises Chrono Trigger for its spell/tech combo system, but Phantasy Star IV was released more than a year before it and had a combo system.
Get a fucking job or just ask your mom for her credit card faggot, $8 is a fine price for the minimap alone
2 and 3 were some unfathomably grindy shits, I have no idea how 15 year old me could deal with that shit.
> t oldfag
Nintendo, good!
Sega, bad!
>Get a fucking job
Just what I want to do, spend half an hour of earned money for a game I could easily emulate for free
But I guess that's totally valid to Mr, Casual over here that needs a minimap
demi a cute
Chaz? More like Chad
to be fair chrono trigger's system was way more fleshed out and actually bothered to tell you it was even in the game.
>he only makes $16/hour
Chrono Trigger is overrated
Its sequel is better
I have the sega genesis collection on switch, so according to this thread skip PS 1-3 and just start at 4?
The cutscenes for the game look really cool, how are the battles by the way? turn based?
>Get a job!
>I have a job and PS1 is a ripoff
>lmao low wage
Can't even see the goalposts anymore
>there's people who actually played this
Goddamn, I wish playing old video games hadn't been so rare when I was at school.
That's not hard, that's just not fun. Hard is overcoming a tough obstacle and feeling satisfied in victory, but Phantasy Star 2 doesn't have that payoff because it's so dull, and what little dripfeeds of notable story there is gets sandwiched by bad design.
i'm a different person retard.
There are three (3) bosses in the game and two are fought one after another. You can equip two shields on everyone and use equipment for infinite healing so you will never die to random encounters and never run out of resources. It is not difficult, it is just a chore to play through.
The game wasn't old when you were in school.
Wren made a good android.
This marked me more than Aerith's death as a kid.
>Reply to someone on an anonymous imageboard
>lol I'm not the same person dumbass, god you're so retarded
Why even reply
Honestly until it happened I actually thought Alys was the main character
I own it. It was well worth that price for what they did to it.
Still don't know if he was a disguse or a meat puppet.
But what about Rune?
I wish I'd played PS2. I've always heard that Nei's death hit a lot of people harder than any other.
The game is such a grind though. I could play through it now, but I'd have to use some 4x XP patch or something.
a few games did this even dragon quest
finding out all the combos in PS4 is trial and error its completely optional no one fucking tells you about it
Nei's death was a surprise. The whole planet fucking blowing up was a mind fuck.
The real enemy was the citizens of planet earth, called humans, all along.
>animations were garbage right up till ps4 in all the games frankly.
I've got the PS2 Phantasy Star Collection on my PS3, and just played 1-3. The collection has "easy" and "very easy" modes, which increases the money and experience you get from fights, as well as an option to boost walk speed. The game was only released in Japan, but it's got both Japanese and English versions of all games. Pretty much the optimal way to play through the games today.
agreed 100%
You have a very poor sense of aesthetics.
Delete this.
It came out one year before I was even born. That's old.
Same desu. Which shocked me 'cause I thought it was the end of the game. And then I thought it ended again with Zio.
Yeah, they set him up as this big bad threat and then you find out he's just some punk bitch.
This is pretty much true.
It’s the switching betwee floors that fucks me up.
And something like Nei perma dieing was unheard of until that time.
I don't care if you make 80 bucks an hour, it's not worth $8.
Best girl after Alis.
It is.
Now go buy it!
So I hear you like leotards.
I mean, you're not wrong.
Redpill me on Rieko Kodama.
Phantasy Star 2 had the best art, and Shir is the best girl!
She directed and designed some good shit. PSIV, Magic Knight Rayearth. She was the producer for Skies of Arcadia. All in all, pretty based.
I was hoping she getting along with Rune/Lutz at the end even when she was disappointed at first about the true about Rune.
>First get him.
>"Gee, this guy is kind of generic looking but his stats are great and his spells are cool. I think I've found a character to replace alis!"
But I can play it for free.
PS IV is a great game, and has a plus because has a girl with leotard ( sadly a black one ) and Kyra with blue tight skin.
PS4 had absolutely no indication of how to do them. Even then it was a crap shoot if they actually did trigger.
Never meet your heroes.
Most of them are pretty straight forward and stuff you'd probably use in the same battle.
>Oh I should use light magic on this enemy as well as Chaz's only fucking attack.
Also experiment you lazy bum.
Langrassier reminded me of my long surpressed need!
>Even then it was a crap shoot if they actually did trigger.
But that's what marcos were for, though to be fair I figured that out through trial and error.
It's not that hard if you use macros.
By the way, how many other JRPGs have had macros? I can't think of any.
Big pauldrons are always in style
Ths other PS games.
Not really. 2 had a repeat but not multiple macros.
I see that you are also a man of culture. Let the leotard look come back.
What's wrong with black leotards?
Did persona 2 have macros? I vaguely remember the battle system was like an improved version of PSIV when I played it many years ago
Is that the thief girl that randomly steals stuff from stores?
" but it's well known that more than a third of the world's population lives on less than $2 a day. " -
Born and raised USA here, white boy blonde and blue, I make AROUND $12 an hour cash under the table doing carpentry, paid weekly. I have a studio apartment to myself and keep bills paid without financial assistance and still can afford to buy more dumb shit than I should. Not to derail the whole discussion, but $16 an hour sounds pretty nice to me- and you sound pretty ignorant for looking down your nose at it. Or let me put it this way:
I hope user doesn't actually think he NEEDS more than $16 an hour...does he even know how to control his spending?
its the only ps game i ever finished
>no indication
It had a manual. Not the games fault you pirated it 20 years later.
Big sis is cool!
Why do numen girls turn my dick into diamonds?
Space elfs, dude.
Genetically engineered bro
>Phantasy Star IV thread
>shitposting at a minimum
based bros
Sega already does that enough to us, we don't anymore.
I was always bummed out that PSO never let me have black tips on my ears. They where cute.
PS threads are one of the few rare, comfy threads.
Most people have a car note or pay more rent than you, or actually have to deal with taxes, or have a wife/kids/family to take care of (aging parents included), I'm glad you are having a good go of it. I think most people could get paid more for carpentry but since it's off the books you're doing great.
Why do they continue to disrespect the original series like this.
Don't mind me, just posting the best music:
ty respectfully
Daily reminder that classic series revival in the style of new Sakura wars is happening soon.
I have concerns
I just like how they made Myau as the "funny" character of the team in the remake, I was expecting Odin/Tyrone in that role.
Generally speaking, the kind of person who enters a PSIV is higher quality than most posters on this board.
>Phantasy Star revival staring Kubo's art
Well it wouldn't be Tony Taka's so I'd take it, reluctantly.
Just started playing PS4, barely understand what's happening, everything is being introduced at crackhead speed, the pacing seems fucked.
Uh oh...
I wish they remaster 2-4 already.
What is the holdup?
Poor Shining series. I actually think TT is a fine artist but I miss the classic aesthetic.
Tears is a guilty please of mine and Ryuuna is totally waifu material
unironically looks like 'how to draw manga' art
I would love a new Shining Force (that is, if they don't royally screw it up)
It's not QUITE that bad. But close.
Dreadful. Who okays this.
2 was remastered and has a fan translation patch.
It was a dark time for everyone involved.
>This week I beat Phantasy Star 1 ( after playing it like 20 years ago ) , Phantasy Star Gen 1 and PS 4 the first time in this week too.
>Playing pic related because I read that Alis appears.
>Liking the game even when is a grindfest and the menus are similar to Final Fantasy 1, at least the town them is nice.
Still I see why Sega didn't want to put this game in the west.
I don't think the game gear had a huge presence at the time
I'll never get how they messed up this badly with PSII's remake, even PSI`s remake art is more acceptable.
As much as I dislike the direction the went in after Tony became the main artist, I think Shining Tears is alright and agree that Ryuuna is 100% waifu material , I want to buy one of her figs one day.
it stays that way
The Tears X Wind anime was the best kind of awful.
Anyone play refrain? It looks awful but maybe hilariously so.
A cunt wizard is being a prick. What's giving you a hard time?
I mean an M2 treatment
Back than as a kid i loved how in PS2 every weapon had a unique effect, like different guns shooting differently or a different swords\slicers leaving unique trace effect, also monsters having animated even their alternative effects
>Tears X Wind anime
Oh man I almost forgot, I tried watching it as it came out but ended up dropping it pretty quickly. Same with the Shining Hearts anime, but maybe it's time to revisit them just for fun.
I've also played some of Refrain and even though I bought it to support the series in the west again, gameplay wise it plays like a clunky Tales of game. I want to get back to it though since at best people say it's a nice time waster.
If I can't get a remake, then this is literally the second best option I'll take.
These guys tho.
Remakes are shit. Why would anyone want to have the same game but worse? For the sake of prettier graphics? That's dumb. Better to just get the game out there.
Together with lonely kittens and that melancholic music in the laconia mines, arrival to Dezoris wasn't very uplifting.
Well, mines, everything on Dezo was melancholic
I forgot why were ancient weapons called by the Nei's name?
It goes full retard. But yeah, I almost bought refrand on the golden week sale. Just ended up..not.
I would personally want a remake since there's lots of ideas they weren't able to properly expand due to limitations at the time. It's also nice to see characters built upon and get more fleshed out explanations on things instead of it just being that way because it is, though I get where you're coming from.
I can't really think of a lot of stuff that needs extra explanation. I suppose they could give more time to focus on the extend cast but honestly I think that even with their limited focus they all still had very strong character and personality. PSIV may be a short game compared to a lot of JRPGS but it's hardly without meat. It just skips a lot of bullshit. It's succinct.
A remake might look pretty but it would just be a DLC vehicle.
>That quality
>"I'll use both."
Sure looks like it. It'll probably go on a good sale again in the future though so you could always get it another time if you ever feel up to it.
Characters having actual character instead of just their introduction line would be nice.
PS2 characters had personal VNs to flesh them out, not sure how would one even jam them into the main game considering that they happen before main plot.
>T didn't use the talk command
They had plenty of character. They just didn't beat you over the head with obnoxious personality quirks. They have actual character, a remake would just devolve them to Persona esque stock jocks who repeat a premise 50 times a conversation. You can say more with less.
We meet Han as he's fussing back and forth and gets taken for a ride but still sticks it through
Gryz works towards his revenge but ultimately feels like his family is more important
Raja is a constant jokester who takes in thing stride
Kyra is brash and tends to rush head long into things while others around her fret.
That's character. Not 30 extra hours of HAHAHHAHAH trope.
Depends on where you live. Its crazy but in big cities commodities cost more than an hour down the road.
The manual only explained triblast and said to find the rest on your own! Don't you pull that jive!
Alys has the weirdest sleeping problems.
Is that drool
One day we'll have our revenge.
Yeah. So do that.
I liked that about PS2 since it did give more context and interesting tidbits about Algo on top of more info on party members. I think I'd be satisfied with something like that for PS4 since the info about Alys and Rune's connected past together as well Zio having been potentially a rejected candidate for Lutz seem perfect for how the text adventures were.
I like it better not knowing. Not every mystery needs an answer and no amount of official word is gonna come close to what you can fill in your heads.
Don't forget dating segments that enable a stat boost or special attack!
Git gud.
Almost all of Phantasy Star game share this feature which is great, I mean it was very limited for customisation but these were simpler times.
>Daggers can be equipped one in each hand for two attacks, compared to swords which are are two handed only
>Slicers/Boomerangs attack all targets, and you can also equip on in each hand
>Guns aren't stricltly defined, but some act as single target high damage, some multitarget lighter damage
>Staves/Wands have terrible damage but can be used as items for special effects (HP restore, dispel, sleep, etc)
>Even fucking shields can be equipped in each hand
Also PS4 is literally the only game which has decent instant-kill abilities, almost every character gets a "Skill" which is single use and only recharged when you rest at an inn. However everytime they level up they gain +1 use out of every skill, so you can feel free cut lose on trash mobs without blowing through your TP (MP) when in dungeons.
Wtf? How did i miss all of that?
Is that in the original or just the remake?
There is no remake. You're just dumb.
I was like 7 years old when i first played it...
Okay? You still chose to talk as if you knew what you were on about now. Not knowing is fine but shut up. "Better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and prove you are"
When's Phantasy Star 5?
I suppose so, but to each their own.
1997 hasn't been "new" in a long time, gramps.
PSIV always struck me as something special because there's really not a single unlikable party member in it. Not one. None that I can really think of anyway. Even Raja wasn't really that annoying and was more lovable than grating.
When I was younger I used to think Hahn was a bit lame. Until we found out he had a hot fiance and seeing him show up at the end for no reason other than just because? Well I'd call that manning up.
Who are you quoting?
That was Lincoln.
Plus some of his late game skills were really good. He learned an instant death move at some point as I recall. He really buckled down and became a badass.
To be honest, if 3 was remade (and not just a shitty cheap cash-in remake) it could stand to be ok if the ENTIRE GAME was overhauled.
The main problem is the fucking game was never finished, they original wanted to make it for the Sega CD with advanced combat graphics/animations. Problem is they just couldn't make it work and had to rush to make it work with the Mega Drive instead, hence all the shitty and straight up weird battle animations.
They'd need to strip out that godawful combat system though, that fucking combat menu never made any damn sense and I never used that weird technique distribution system (I think I only ever played until the second generation).
I still can’t believe they straight up left the placeholders enemies like that in the game.
Yeah, I was not a 'reader' when I was a kid as well.
>play the game as a kid
>get to the wedding at the start
>a bat monster steals the bride.
>Rhys says he is going after some monster people.
>"No one has seen them in 200 years, off to the dungeon with you."
>Forever think some cirse of forgetting hit the kingdom because they didn't acknowledge that a giant bat literally flew in and kidnapped the princess right in front of them.
>Apparently being upset about this gets you in jail.
I was very confused but it.
IIRC it was one of if not the first example of party member permadeath in the industry.
It came out in 1989 right? I feel like that's a pretty bold claim but I can't really be assed to think up an earlier example, at least in regards to console JRPGs. Im sure they didn't make it a habit of killing the cute heroine on the box though.
I wonder what the people will see in the final days?
What the fuck was evil Nei’s problem?
The realest human bean.
She was an abomination of science that was deemed a failure and tossed away by the very people who brought her into this world in the first place
8 bucks is literally nothing for you, you retarded amerilard, just don't eat your god damn burgers twice and you can buy yourself a good game
people in shithole countries have to pay 4 to 5 times as much relative to what they earn
Are you sure you aren't making that up?
Iirc 4 was the one being made for CD originally and having first person dungeons
3 was just developed by some unrelated team unbeknownst to main PS devs because of faggot higher ups
You fail to understand. I can buy much better games, or much more games, for $8.
He was my friend ;_;
Fuck off, hipster faggot, you don’t deserve to play these games.
I just like this picture.
Cool. I hope you feel better about yourself for paying for shit from 30 years ago when anyone with a brain can download up a ROM. If I was gonna spend $8 on it I might as well spend the $15 and get the actual cartridge.
How come Motavians weren't a playable race in PSO. I know it's not really set in Algo but they still had numans running around so that ain't an excuse. PSU added beasts I guess but where's the hairy ewok birds who hit shit hammers.
Suck my dick, bitch, and get out!
Once you learn them you are golden though. Suffixes make sense too.
Didn’t he have a qt imouto?
Classic SMT was fun, especially in SMT II when if you buffed too much it fucking overflowed and your stats went to absolute garbage. I swear it only took like three or four Tarukajas for that shit to occur, too.
Pana. She's a QT
>take him onto the team for what is supposed to be a brisk 5-minute walk
>teleport out of the dungeon and drag him bird hunting, robot investigating, and every other errand I can think of
>miss all those Death and AoE Corrosion spells once he's gone
>You will never venture into a cavern that leads into a sci fi computer lab and be rewarded with a QT space elf without pants for the first time again.
>Seed, the supervising computer at the Bioplant, foresaw the harsh conditions Motabia and the people living there would undergo in the generations to come. Seed's assignment in Algol's environment maintenance system was to balance the ecosystem with the birth of a lifeform suited to the environmental changes. To this end, Seed began study on how to preserve the human race by improving it. Data on the "Neitype", studied for a similar purpose before the Great Collapse, became the basis for this lifeform. Fal was born under these circumstances, but not just as a new type of human. She was also expected to mix her bloodline with that of a human to perpetuate the new race of humans. The term Numan, then, means to say "the lifeform that will give birth to and become the matriarch of a new human race."
Better get to it, Chaz
He did and passed not long after ;_;.
Why is this thread autosaging?
Anyone played Generation 1 and 2? Are they good?
This opinion is gravely underrated
Only if you like inferior aesthetics.
Was more thinking about gameplay.
Because this series doesn't have lootboxes and jannies and mods do it for free, so they can't have that
it's not tho?
Goodnight anons.
>Okay, I got the Psyco Wand (and Rune, fuck him)! Now I just gotta get back to Krupp and check on--
>ding... ding...
Gen1 has a lot of straight QoL improvements but it's also much easier. I liked it but a lot of purists don't, I'd say give it a go regardless.