Are there any good video games out there that will improve my life?
Are there any good video games out there that will improve my life?
No, go to the gym, go for a run, read a book.
No such games exist
play tabletop games
slowly they can teach you how to talk to people and overcome your low-tier anxieties about social interaction
>go to the gym, go for a run
i dont like having a routine
>read a book
i think i have ocd because i cant read a book no matter what
This anime just made me more depressed because I know I’ll never be approached by a girl.
*adhd fuck, but i also have ocd
Force yourself to
Nobody said self improvement is easy
Sounds more like you lack self discipline.
Its all about maintaining your will to see things through.
>i dont like having a routine
Then don't have one, Jesus Christ. Go for a jog spontaneously, hit the gym any time you want, enjoy it. It's not like all of that is some kind of strenuous and extremely toiling activity. Well, if you're not a landwhale, that is.
>tfw above average intelligence and good physical genetics but 0 willpower and motivation
Feels like I can do well in anything I try but then I just drop it after getting a taste. If things were about how putting maximum effort I'd do well but consistent effort is much more important than intensity.
>"damn if I had a qt girl like Misaka in my life, all my problems would be fixed"
Imagine missing the point of the show this hard
Are you me
It's too hard to do things every single day
Even just a little bit
But it's easy to do things a lot once in a while
Stop making excuses for yourself and just do it faggot
>le misaki-chan really cared about satou meme
almost everyone in the anime/manga is a sociopath
>Tfw leave my apartment regularly and work 4 days a week
>Tfw this means I don't qualify as a hikki
>Tfw therefore I don't qualify for Misaki
It's always the working class that gets stiffed
I was the same way until I found what was right for me, what I had to do no matter what.
The means justify the end
I think you would appreciate suicide. Give it a shot why don't you.
Exactly, I can easily do some new thing I find fun for 15 hours in a day but then I will drop it completely after a week. Shit sux.
I'm not making excuses and I know I should just do it but for some reason I just end up dropping stuff, even if it something that I really enjoy at first. The only thing I do consistenly is jacking off every fucking day since I was 10.
And what was it? I'm trying to find my thing too, hopefully I'll like wow classic enough to stick to it for some time when it comes out.
More power?
Yes, basically any trend of the month.
I'm not doing any homework for college, I've missed all classes two weeks in a row, and my dad is quite literally yelling at me to grow up and be a man when I'm not even 20 yet. I feel like trash every day I wake up and with each passing day I want to do less and just play vidya.
I was not made for this world.
>I can do well in anything
Yet you are giant failure.
You can never have enough
I'm the exact same way, but the only real advice is what this user had to say Just do it. Whenever you get that fleeting "Ehh, never mind" feeling, turn that into "I'm GOING to do this". After enough times, you'll learn to start giving a fuck.
>actually go outside for once
>end up so fucking drunk I can't walk and spend the rest of the night in a police station
Exactly that, I can easily grasp anything and I progress very quickly be it a physical or mental task but I cannot keep at it for long enough to become actually good and I hate myself for this.
>>tfw above average intelligence and good physical genetics but 0 willpower and motivation
sure thing bud
>I am special
>I am different
>I am better
With none of the characteristics that make you any of those.
Your not fucking smarter than all those around you, you've just ingested different information. I used to think like this is HS too. While I played total war rome and because autisticly well understood at post-republic history, all the other kids were ingesting basic maths, advancing social skills and learning discipline.
Your not better, clearly, you're worse. And thats why your failing, accept your superiority complex. No one who browses this board is a giga chad or mark zuckerberg.
I see this shit all the fucking time in nerd youth culture and it kills me, being a teacher truly is suffering.
I just woke up and already gave up on this day
Fuck yourself
Piano. Not just an ok level either.
Eating well to feel good to play
Sleeping well to have time to play
Study hard to have time to play
Don't work to have time to play
>I can easily grasp anything and I progress very quickly be it a physical or mental task
No you cant. If you could you wouldnt be such a loser. Stop trying to make yourself feel good about being just another low IQ trash.
see this artifact right here? this is evidence of a shoop. some user had to shoop himself next to a pretend anime girl. she's not even real and he has to mash up images to make it look like they're together. have sex
My stomach hurts around 18 hours a day now.
It unironically feels like i've eaten something bad most of the time.
How is one supposed to game with the onslaught of physical decay
See a fucking doctor you unashamed retard
same except with my hair, i have alopecia areata. big chunks of my hair fall everyday
All you fags do is fuck up kids and go on strike anyway.
>Just blow $120 dollars for some boomer to tell you you're fine since further diagnosis would require tests you can't pay for
I once shared many of these sentiments, but eventually I found purpose that keeps me going. Shit I actually wanna wake up and do. That in combination with my job that allowed me to pay off my student loans have cleared the way for me to start a career based on that passion I had been cultivating has me feeling extremely positive about my future. I hang around here cuz this is the community I developed the most connection with.
Sound like you're stuck on step one. My advice: keep trying shit outside your comfort zone until you find something that you are interested in, even if its not a career. You need something to give a fuck about, find it, no one can do it for you. That's what made the difference in my life. Now I have a good career I'm CHOOSING to live to pursue my passion, which I'm able to do having achieved financial security, and I got a gf I love along the way.
Don't give up, m8. Keep trying new things. Push yourself. We're all gonna make it.
Have you been eating right user? You don't have to do this big healthy thing to eat better. Just avoid clearly unhealthy shit. Cook your own meals, or at least start trying to.
>Your not fucking smarter
>Your not better
>Your not fucking smarter than all those around you
Are you really retarded enough to think everyone is born with exactly the same intelligence? None of our science says so.
Who hurt you?
did a student in one of your classes call you a faggot recently or are you just normally this butthurt
>mixing wojaks with Misaki threads now
You can not be salvaged. This has to be the most pathetic shit I've seen newfags like you try to do attempting to fit in.
>go to the gym
>Actually, literally, non-figuratively, unironically wasting time on that shit
I dunno I try new things all the time but nothing ever sticks. Only thing I haven't really done now are the hobbies you have to spend money to try out.
I'll never have a passion
Cool, I'm looking to buy a digital piano and try to learn some music. I really enjoy satie and would love to be able to play the gymnopedies and gnossienes but this shit is hella fucking expensive here in BRland.
I'm not better, some fucking low IQ monkey gets to be my boss because he kept at it for years while I quit everyhing I do after a couple months at best and I know he deserves it more than me. I know I'm not smarter than all around me because I have some very smart friends, some of which are in a similar situation. And I know I'm not special at all, I'm just some random guy trying to not kill himself out of boredom and depression. But I am also very self aware and aware of my sorroundings and I can tell that my innate abilities are far more advanced than most people at least here in brazil, but consistent work always beats out "pure talent" without work.
But that is exactly what always happens, didn't ever have to even try at school and had people jealous that I got good grades while sleeping through half of my classes, last time I tried lifting I was deadlifting 3 playes in 3 months while losing weight, when I tried to actually go on a diet I lost 20kg in 4 months easy peasy. But for some reason I always just go back to my default which is jacking off, eating a lot of shit and lurking on Yea Forums all day. I envy people who try hard and suceed no matter how long it takes, I'll always be a failure on the brink of suicide If I do not find something that I can dedicate myself to.
Only ugly people have to go to the gym or people with a mental illness.
>All this projection
>being a teacher
You realize you're nothing but trash intellectually speaking, right? I mean, you're not wrong, but you shouldn't be one to talk.
What are some “””deep””” and pretentious anime like SEL and NHK?
>Wanting a Misaki
Way to miss the point of her character retard. This is why you're a fucking loser.
Like pottery
I feel this way because I became a teacher in the first place for my belief in a better future for youths. I grew up in your usual dirtpoor abusive family life, and made something of myself despite that.
I knew it's all a big fucking excuse, I was once the /pol/tard fascist larper, who vehemently believed I was better than my peers. Some of those slack jawed retards couldn't even point to belarus on a map but that doesn't fucking matter.
I'm not some high functioning genius otherwise I'd be leading a fortune 500 company by now.
I came to realize that those same kids who wern't versed as I was in my fields were fantastic in ways I couldn't imagine. Like Imogen, who doesn't even know what 9/11 is but is the best most majestic flute player I have ever known and has awards to show for it.
Your not fucking better, you've just ingested different information, and spent your time on the things you enjoy. There's nothing wrong with that, but theres everything wrong with looking down on yourself and others because of this false ego you build up over years.
I hope I can convince kids this is a shitty line of reasoning to be prejudiced.
The “Hang yourself you stupid nigger” game helps out a lot you should try it
Texhnolyze comes to mind. Couldn't even finish the first episode.
rocksmith improved mine
some people may find the talos principle would improve theirs
mirror's edge actually had me looking at buildings in the world differently
snipperclips may have gotten me laid
OG boogiepop phantom
Your intelligence is worthless if you don't do anything with it. An idiots who keeps on trying and never gives up until they succed will have a much better life than the genious who gives up after half a try and then goes to their room to sleep more.
there literally are not. except for maybe some very small educational benefits a strategy game would have, there is nothing.
What the fuck is this retarded blogpost? You didn't even respond to any of the posts.
Were you seriously expecting everyone to start clapping as soon as you said you're a teacher? No one gives a fuck. You chose a dead-end job for women who don't know what else to do.
Those who can't do, teach.
>try to learn
That's the thing I love about it, it's not enough with just trying. You have to put in hours of conscious effort to practice and learn. I saved up by eating shit or not eating at all to buy a good digital.
stop eating anything that isn't meat
That's nice, but it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with my post, though.
You said everyone is equally intelligent, I informed you that scientifically that is 100% wrong, you changed the subject. You're one of those people on the left side of the bell curve.
Describe your diet.
Fuck has it been 10 years since I watched that?
Doesnt it turn out that the girl is suicidal or something?
And im saying being smart doesn't mean you will have a successful and/or fulfilling life.
The whole idea of Welcome to the NHK is that Misaki is a bitch, and you are the only one who can change your way though. What's with all these faggots who think that she is some sort of angel or something.
>American "healthcare"
if you're drinking caffeinated beverages more than twice a day that might be your problem
either that or you got tapeworm
Why make a cancerous wojak edit of NHK?
You know what's funny?
I can snap and kill every mother fucker on this board if we met IRL.
Seriously, think about it. I'd have your windpipe crushed and your eyes gouged out before you would even know what's happening.
You guys talk big shit. Watch yourselves.
Yeah. She's not any better off than the MC. Having someone lower than her felt good.
>go to the gym, go for a run, read a book.
Done, when do I get my QT asian GF?
>some fucking low IQ monkey gets to be my boss because he kept at it for years
How do you know that? He could be as smart as you but way more disciplined.
> I can tell that my innate abilities are far more advanced than most people at least here in brazil
Again, how do you know that? There's a condition called "Dunning–Kruger effect" which can easily fit with your description. In my younger days I felt the same, I felt I was better than everyone but in the end, I was just average. Most things I found "easy" was actually quite hard when I put effort.
You never found things hard because you never really tried.
speedwatcher retards
>any of these
>making someone approachable or charasimatic
stop giving people bad advice.
Probably anime fags. The LN was fucking depressing as hell, the Anime was pretty light hearted honestly
Hell yeah, whatchu playing? I'm about 1 minutes into la campanella and those jumps are killing my wrist
if you're actually a teacher then i look forward to the day you wind up in the headlines for assaulting one of your students
>Me strong, me immune to bullets
Calm down grug
user, I bet you're that kind of shitter that thinks that studying is just reading a text book and doing exercises. You don't teach, you're just a parrot.Go fuck yourself and socialize the means of producing knowledge (studying) you propaganda spewing fuck.
The entire point of Misaki is that she hangs around Satou because he's more pathetic of a person than she is and she can feel better about herself as a result. Is Yea Forums retarded or do they just want a girl around so their already brittle self esteem shatters into a million pieces?
I never said anything about being better than anyone. I just said you fags go on strike and fuck up kids.
Nice pre-scripted response though, fag.
Imagine being an adult and actually typing this out with a straight face. Yikes.
At the moment, nothing. Have to wait until it's fixed. It's painful to think how I wake up everyday without being able to play. If you're mentioning La Campanella you must be pretty advanced right?
>is Yea Forums retarded
You can try, but some of us are has guns and you aren't bulletproof, now sit down and shut the fuck up, internet badass.
Yeah I'll make an effort to stop spending so much in shit food for a couple months to buy this bad boy here. I've been spending far too much in mcdonalds (which is actually expensive as fuck here) and big ass hotdogs from this place close to my house.
I do know well about dunning-kruger and even so I know that I have an advantage compared to most people, is it really THAT hurtful to you that someone could be naturally better at things? I'm fucking retarded when it comes to drawing so even if I enjoy it a lot I won't even bother because it is completely wasted effort, meanwhile I did not study at ALL and had better grades than everyone else when I was in technical school to get my electronic technician certificate, I learned to program microcontrollers with minimum effort while people who were conscientious as fuck about studying had a fuckton of trouble. And what did I do with that? Fucking nothing, went on to become a neet for 3 years and now no one wants to hire me as a technician. Having natural talent did not help at all because I am unable to put consistent effort in anything.
you don't have to be a body builder to go to the gym. being slightly stronger than the average hamplanet is a huge improvement.
>Your not fucking better(...)
Let me guess, YOU ARE a teacher in the "US of A", right? Please, kys.
I mean, it works. Wojaks are garbage, and Misaki was a garbage person using the MC to feel better about herself.
It made me depressed because it's exactly the type of shit that would happen to me if I wasn't jaded as fuck and pushed everyone away due to trust issues, but the girl would probably be a lot more dumpy looking. She's just using him to make herself feel better about not being as big of a fuckup as he is.
>Imagine missing the point of the show this hard
Was there a point? he wouldn't have changed without her.
Motivation and repition are a muscle.
You don't suddenly pick up good habits if you never had them, you have to work at it like everything else.
I got approached by a girl last year and ended up in a situation similar to Satou's, we dated but she kept me around for the whole purpose of lording over me and using me. You think life is depressing now, it only gets worse if you develop feelings for the person abusing you and then they leave.
I have the PX-160.
Didn't go for an acoustic one because my dump of a house has humidity issues.
>Teaching as a job
That suck, I had a similar problem when I shipped my piano cross country. A few of the keys were damaged and I need to wait to get them fixed.
I'm extremely advanced in only one area of piano, which is memorizing and playing complex pieces. I can barely play my scales and know nearly nothing of music theory, but if you ask me to play moonlight sonata 3rd movement I can bang that one out no problem.
nice catch
Cool, my memorization is alright. Have a decent amount of theory and know the 12 major scales on both hands. Only been at it for 3 years, no teacher.
>this meme again
if it wasn't for misaki his life wouldn't have changed, it didn't matter if she was more fucked up than him
I posted (spammed) this on Twitter and i got suspended for it. So much for pride month
>start watching welcome to the nhk
>this gets posted
the same the shit happened with fate kaleid
>above average intelligence
The real redpill is realizing you're a self-aware brainlet
Gee who'd a thought.
fuck you twitter leave
Ah, I've been playing for about 20 years now. Started when I was a kid with a basic piano teacher, and then even after I stopped being taught I just kept playing the songs I learned and trying to learn more. I was never really taught at piano lessons beyond the simple lesson books and the proper techniques for playing pieces, so there was a lot of stuff I literally just never learned. I was only taught what a chord was in a proper sense like 3 years ago by my cousin, but thankfully that kind of thing comes really easily when you're used to playing mozart and chopin
The real survival skill is knowing how to tell the brainlets from the megaminds, Even if you are a brainlet yourself.
>I do know well about dunning-kruger
Good, why do you believe you are not feeling a superiority complex?
>is it really THAT hurtful to you that someone could be naturally better at things?
Trust me, I know what is talent, but I also can differentiate from disillusionment.
> I'm fucking retarded when it comes to drawing
You probably never tried, you are feeling the inverse of dunning-kruger. I also thought I sucked at drawing, but once I learned the core concepts, I lost the impression of drawing being really difficult(and many other things too!).
>I did not study at ALL and had better grades than everyone else
If you really never studied and you actually got good grades, the exams were flawed from the start. The point of an exam is to test "knowledge" not intelligence, unless that is different in your country. You also believe that you were the only one that didn't study and actually got good grades.
And btw, all of those top of the class kids always study, some of them are even 4 to 5 steps beyond in the curriculum.
>I learned to program microcontrollers with minimum effort while people who were conscientious as fuck about studying had a fuckton of trouble
Programming is one of the skills that really don't require much talent(unless actual comp.sci), did you have a computer when you were growing up? that could explain the reason you feel "superior" to others.
>Having natural talent did not help at all because I am unable to put consistent effort in anything.
It's very rare for people with natural talent to become NEETs, but it's way more common to have superiority complexes when you are a NEET.
My advice: Try something you thought was easy or hard.
morphogenetic fields
Joining the military helped me
Friends, motivation to work out, and living in Japan now.
Didn't even have to give up my vidya hobby.
Yeah I'd figure its easier to pick up things once you played enough. I couldn't afford a teacher and I didn't wanted one anyways, never had much luck learning from those instead of doing it by myself. And I guess I did good since I've seen some shitty teachers and terrible hand forms they impose on students.
Does it have to be a gym specifically or can I get away with some free weights at home?
Just stop. If you ever post here again, I will fuckin’ choke slam you into a coffee table, with any luck it will be one of those old school antique coffee tables that was made out of the really good wood from deep in the fucking forest and not that Ikea bitch that explodes like a fucking stunt table. I will put you right through it, and pull you up by your god damn larynx and then right through the dry wall, my hand would be disappearing into the wall like I just fisted a fucking horse. Then I’d pull you out, you’d have plaster all over your fucking hair, you’d be deprived of 3 quarters of your oxygen, and you’d start to cry. Then I’d just whisper into your ear, really calmly, like one of those bad guys in one of those great 80’s movies with Mel Gibson, or fucking Stallone or whatever, where once the goons would get him tied up and the head bad guy that’s running bitch would come in all relaxed with his dress shoes and suit and would just come up and put his face like parallel to the other dude’s face and just come in and whisper in the guy’s ear nice and calmly. That’s what I’d do to you, as you’re struggling to breath, I’d put my head right next to your ear and just be like “If you ever post in this section again, I will fucking kill you. You understand me? The only reason you’re not dead right now is because I haven’t figured out how to get away with it yet. If you even come in this section again, I swear to god, I will grab you by your fucking baby fat and the top of your fucking head and I will throw you upside down through a bay window” As you sit out there in the rain, picking the glass and the wood shards out of your body, I’m gonna take a tray of hot macaroni and throw it right on your fucking face. That’s what I’ll do if you ever post here again.
Anything that gives you an excuse to get off the couch and exercise for once is good enough, user.
>tfw above average intelligence
Wii fit? Or maybe play a game you find difficult and learn to overcome it and then apply your newfound willpower towards making your life less shit?
I'll never understand u fags, if ur so unhappy with ur life's, why don't u actually do something about it?
3 years ago I had a tough breakup followed by failing my last year of highschool. I felt miserable, but instead of just whining I started working at my dad's workshop, while studying at night, and working out while trying to do a bunch of dreams like writing, drawing, music, etc... Anything to keep my mind of my previous two failures.
I worked really hard that year and at the end fucked up my math exam due to nervousness and didn't get to attend the college I wanted, i cried like a bitch, but I had enough to pass and I didn't give up so I just entered some other college, started going to the gym of the class college and took every opportunity I got from that college
Fast forward to now, and I'm in a foreign country studying, while having 2 "girlfriends" pretty much, 1 casual fuckbuddy, a bunch of hookups in this last 3 months, and a 75% average in my grades
Whine all u want but atleast do something about it if u actually feel miserable
>above average intelligence
do you fags actually think this?
I was in the thread this image was made. He made both pics separatly and squeezed them together poorly. Lurk moar, retard.
I had some free weights sitting around and live somewhat close to a park so I've started going on walks or a tiny bit of lifting during shows a few times a week.
It's not much but I figure it's better than nothing.
I thought of joining the military but that would mean I would have to join the Canadian military
depression hits some folks harder, sometimes it's a ditch you just can't climb out of without extensive help
and depression really kills motivation very fast
t. depressed person, still clawing their way up
Yikes, bet you think you're super good looking and funny too right?, 7 inch dick at least?
Get a grip on reality please.
Grow up.
>had a breakup
Not everyone is well adjusted and normal like you, it's way harder to improve without a support network or the capability to get one.
From personal experience:
1) This one is basically a game, just not a VIDEO game. I like to run a 10k--16k every other day, and trying to beat my best times and/or being overly-competitive with random runners can be rewarding.
2) Something like duolingo is more or less a video game. Suggestion: learn Spanish or French or something. Japanese gets super tough and you'll almost certainly give up.
3) Find a constructive hobby, like an instrument, or writing, or drawing, or coding, or-- shit, even stand up comedy, it doesn't matter as long as you can improve, because the key is this:
All you have to do is try an fail as many times as possible. Every single time you fuck up, as long as you do it again right afterward, that's another 'win' you can jot down in your pocket.
or kill yourself lmao idk
>I became a teacher
My condolences.
Weirdly enough sometimes you just gotta be positive and do something good to improve yourself, trying not to think about all that bad shit, that you'll get better. You'll only improve if you try improving, duh.
I had just as many reasons as the typical Yea Forums user to be depressed, I also wanted to hide from all the mistakes I did and still do, and whined just as much about it to my friends and myself at how useless I was, yet I still managed to do something about it
I know we're not all the same, but I refuse to believe that attitude is more than a coping mechanism
I won't deny that the breakup was the thing that really jumpstarted my shift in attitude in regards to life and opportunities, but I can't understand why some people on here put relationships in such a pedestal that they refuse to try to better themselves, or allow themselves to fail at a relationship with someone just because they haven't had it and their in their 20's now
Life is pretty good for me.
Not defending him, but when you are alone/NEET for more than 2 years, your mental health starts to decay a lot. You start to create your own reality to explain why you are like this or that with "motivation" being the main culprit in those superiority complexes.
Would you learn fucking English before you dump your shitty blog here you mystery meat motherfucker.
Sandbox MMO
How do I learn to be more social without going to bars?
I feel like randomly talking to people in public won't go well.
>blame me instead of taking my advice
That's why you are like this.
don't you mean 'your' lmao
get fucked, asshole
And take your fucking pills, schizo.
You can sometimes tell how good a teacher is by the most difficult songs they can play. Some of lizst's harder pieces are pretty impossible to play without good form, so good on you for making sure to learn it from the start.
I don't get this, did I trigger some NEETs?
People aren't whining because they are failing relationships they are whining because they can't get into one in the first place. The fact that someone found you attractive shows that you had the social aptitude to begin with.
You aren't sleeping around because you unlocked some hidden potential, you're just a normie.
whatever helps you sleep at night
I want to learn a martial art but am out of shape. Should I get in shape before starting martial arts, or do martial arts to get in shape?
And you too, my dear NEET.
Have fun with your depressive lifestyle.
>try to be objective about myself, recognize I'm not special, I'm perfectly average, I sperg out around attractive people, suck ass at math, have bad taste in video games, and can be stupidly defensive
>yet I keep being treated like I'm special for no fucking reason
>then constantly read people using shit like "irregardless" or hearing my friends pronounce "nausea" and "flaccid" wrong
>99% of folks I see on tinder have flabby-ass bodies, I work out constantly
I really, REALLY try to think I'm dumb and ugly, but holy shit is it hard when other people keep fucking it up for me.
I know I am the quintessential self-centered bitch. How do I fix this, short of blowing everyone in my friend group?
just pathetic to see you flailing about, trying to find an in
you're not making a better world, you're perpetuating this one
This. escape while you can OP.
I bet you're also one of those "stronger than I look" types.
I don't think that's how literacy works, but ok.
They wouldnt be gone,i just think that maybe if i had someone to love and be whole with,be it the bad and the good,tjen maybe i could be a better version of myself for that person
Very much true and I know it, I'm not really looking for advice because I know exactly what I have to do to make things better but I just won't because I'm a depressed fuck who can't be assed to actually go out of my comfort zone. I guess I'm just venting my frustration.
I wish I was some simple brained monkey who is satisfied by drinking alcoholic corn syrup, eating some shitty cheap meat and shagging some hag on the weekends like most people here in brazil. Unfortunately I'm not.
Holy shit you are annoying as fuck, most teachers are scum and you seem to fit the bill.
>Tfw intelligent enough to not be happy with a normie life but not intelligent enough to be a genius at something.
I'm not bragging here bruv, I'd rather lose 15 IQ points and be able to enjoy life than continue like this.
>I had a tough breakup
You were already a total normie then? You faggots don't seem to understand that some people are fucked from the start, I haven't seen my father since I was 3 years old and my mother would leave me at home to go fuck some chads and do drugs while the rest of my family (like 6 women, sometimes my druggie uncles who kept stealing shit and even got my grandmother killed) "looked afte" me. If I was normal in any way I'd have turned into a druggie or criminal.
No, I said I'm above average in intelligence and physical genetics (all men in my family are strong as fuck), I'd be average looking If I wasn't a fat fuck and my dick is a very average 6 incher when hard. It's really grating how you fucks really can't accept that someone could possibly be above average when the average human intelligence is that of a fucking retarded simpleton. When I say above average I'm not saying I'm "better" than other people, I know in fact that I'm worse off than most.
Yep thats a massive YIKES user.
if you like your friends, just bottle up your feelings
if you don't just call them all brainlet faggots and let them dwell on that
either way the way you see yourself is super important
have humility, accept that you're not as intelligent as you think you are, but not so that you lose faith in yourself going through something right now that is a grave repercussion for trying to suppress my ego too much
I'm confused, how's telling an advice wrong?
I don't know if you are the same guy, but you are here attacking me when I was just helping someone out.
your advice is gay
I see. What do you mean by difficult, something like the Henle system?
how do i get happy Yea Forumsros? i don't have any motivation to do what i really want to do.
>Holy shit you are annoying as fuck, most teachers are scum and you seem to fit the bill.
I'm a teacher now?
>attacking me
I'm telling you to learn English, you thin-skinned brat. No one wants to see page upon page of gibberish.
These threads are pretty pathetic. Wish you'd all frick off back to r9k.
I share this board with legit retarded pieces of shit like you.
>tfw i'm just a fuckup and there's no excuse
i work
but it takes me so much longer to understand things
they give me simple tasks and i find ways to screw them up because i have some sort of moron brain
and at the end of the day people do shit for me half the time because unless you give me really specific instructions, i won't know how to do it
drop the porn. It is literally ruining people's lives. Oh user listen to your uncle anonymous. Feel my spirit. My glory. And most of all my shame.
what's a hikikomori?
My mental health is fucked for other reasons, I actually enjoy being alone since I'm a total schizoid (thankfully did not inherit my father's schizophrenia yet), which I most likely got from abandonment issues.
Any way why the hell do you guys have such a hard time accepting that someone might have more intellect and still be fucked in life? A good chunk of my trouble comes from being an autist with very low EQ.
I'm not "stronger than I look", I've been told by people that I look strong before and my quick progress at the gym proves it, doesn't really matter though because I've already given up working out and I can't really fight since I haven't gotten into one since I was 10, at best I can throw a decent punch from the few months of boxing I did.
Sorry fren I just feel like venting today.
Oh I thought you were the teacher guy, you're still annoying as shit
FTFY, calisthenics and cardio can be done from home easily.
Keep in mind that Misaki had no interest in improving Satou's life, she just wanted to have someone to look down upon. The whole point of the show was that self-improvement does not magically show up at your doorstep in the form of a cute girl.
japanese traditional massage on saunas
You’ll never be anything worse worthwhile because you can’t be self aware even.
getting out is the first step from being a shut-in, user.
The problem isn't that I think I'm better, it's that if I say something retarded, I want to be called out on it so I can improve and not make the same mistake again. Yet, when I do that (what I consider a favor) for my friends, it's treated like I'm being a pedantic bitch.
I'm dangerously reaching blogpost territory at this point, but the fucked up thing is I used to date a person in the friend group, and I can't tell if he and the others talk about me when I'm not around, or if that's just me being a self-centered cunt again.
I hope you get through what you're going through and are better on the other side because of it.
Gotcha, you identified yourself with what I wrote and now you are triggered.
Also, do you really expect for someone to write in perfect english in a basket-weaving forum? especially with that amount of words?
It's easy to tackle the use of language instead of their argument, amirite?
japanese term for the Yea Forums collective
I mean I guess so? I just watch the hand movements, speed, varying tempo and length of justmps/repetitions. I didn't even know there was a somewhat standard method of grading how difficult a piano piece is. Makes me wonder what level a Cziffra piece would be on. Of all the piano I have ever seen in my life, only Cziffra has ever made me think something is impossible for me to play.
what's a basket-weaving forum?
>want to do what I'm passionate about
>what I'm passionate about is a one-in-a-million chance at success while everyone else languishes in obscurity
>if that's just me being a self-centered cunt again.
Sounds about right.
Please do not, they die young just as they are. Don’t encourage them.
On the contrary, I understand my flaws very well after all I spend most of my time in my own head. I really can't understand why people have such a problem with someone saying they have above average traits, I've never said "I'm perfect and flawless", I am not bragging here, these attributes are a complete waste in a being so devoid of willpower like me.
it aint easy getting confidence again lemme tell ya
I think if you think that they're saying things behind your back, you should probably be up-front with them on what you think, but not like antagonistically
tell them what's on your mind and they may tell you something that would ease your mind on things
at least that's what I think, I think clarity and truthfulness is super important
what are you passionate about? content creation?
LN still ended with a light hearted tone like the anime
Learn English.
have you considered suicide? because you're a waste of oxigen and source of carbon dioxide for all of us.
Fiction writing
Did really well at it in university and got a lot of praise but fuck if talent is what gets you recognized in that business
Learn to argue.
can't. I get horny with no outlet and I just seek out more degenerate porn.
Unironically Katawa Shoujo after a couple months/years of depression
Well, I can just tell them to play any Liszt etudes or some Chopin.
because he said your instead of you're? jesus, you're an obnoxious little shit aren't you? I'm not him by the way before you use that argument. Also, I'm not projecting and I don't know you personally.
I'm not arguing. I'm telling you to learn English.
Oh my brother. I know exactly what you mean. I fell into the same trap years ago and paid for it dearly.
>I'm not arguing.
At least you're admitting.
kys faggot
Most other men out there are trying everyday, and some are better looking and had a head start over you, yet they're still hopeless. You can see it on their face, how they adjust the obey hat on their head and try to think of the wittiest thing to say to get a laugh out the girl nearby. Improving your life means fitting into the status quo, watch only the most popular crap, only listen to mass produced dance music, and for God's sake don't play video games that have more than one word in the title. Of that word is Japanese then forget it. Everything that falls under self improvement will circle back to female approval, that's the ultimate goal all men strive for. Its up to you if you want to go down this road or to enjoy your life as it is.
Emi inspired me to run.
Hey user, that's actually a really great choice. I think what you can do is avoid trying to focus on trying to get famous from it and making a career and go for what you want to write. Writing's pretty cool cause you can combine it with some other shit.
If you pick up a Loomis Art book and spend a few months learning how to do digital art you could put together a solid webcomic. Less than stellar art can be forgiven for good writing. Look at MS Paint Adventures for example. You'd be surprised with what you could be capable with doing.
she has the best route of the game. it's so good that I never bothered with the other cripples
I do go to sleep every day wishing I wouldn't wake up the next only to be disappointed every time, If I had access to a good and guaranteed method of death I wouldn't be posting here today, unfortunately I do not have acess to such and I am too much of a pussy to do it in ways that might be too painful or fail and leave me a cripple.
>Everything that falls under self improvement will circle back to female approval, that's the ultimate goal all men strive for.
You lack purity user and will never make it.
False. He changed because his mom stopped giving him neetbucks and he had to go out and get a job.
Seconding Texhnolyze.
Neon Genesis Evangelion and Kill La Kill have elements of it, mostly the former, KLK is pretty explicit.
But thirding Texhnolyze, shit's great, watch it, same people that did SEL.
I couldn't bear to do the other girls routes, knowing she'd be stuck alone dealing with her nightmares. Alone.
>tfw IQ the same as my shoe size in US measurements and face looks like shit, but 0 willpower and motivation
google suicide pills. you'll be surprise how easy it is, specially if you have access to a doctor and I wouldn't be surprise if a depressive faggot like you didn't.
Its true, whether you like it or not. That's what all animals on earth care about the most: sex. Food and shelter are means to achieve more sex.
Recommend me a routine then. I want to be lean and toned, not bulky. Like a bruce lee if you will.
>there are people that STILL don't understand NHK
Jesus Christ, just end it, you pathetic waste of skin.
Because he's two-thirds of this thread by word count and writes like some twelve year old russian kid.
>I'm not him by the way before you use that argument. Also, I'm not projecting and I don't know you personally.
Ok? Nice to know. I had muesli for breakfast.
>At least you're admitting.
Jesus fucking Christ, nigger. Do you just type out random words and expect spellcheck to fix everything? And of fucking course an imperative isn't a fucking argument, you stupid sack of shit.
what if I'm gay, huh? you didn't think about that did you.
I don't, I'm a Brazilian suicidal faggot and doctors are very expensive, no "free" healthcare doesn't work.
Then come to papa user. I can't wait till the night of the 28th. I'm gonna make you my girlfriend!
>shoe size in US measurements
Are you saying you're ugly and have less IQ than a chimp? that's a tough life fren.
That's what I like about you guys. You don't fuck around and give me that kiddy gloves bullshit.
That seems like very good advice that I'll have to process after I get better sleep, because as it stands, my brain is still fighting me toward thinking I'm a casual-ass nuisance to the group or not.
Confidence seems like a great thing to gain when you have none and act like it, but having none and also acting like (and being treated like) I'm better than that really fucks up my thinking. See? Even that, I'm making how others respond somehow about me again.
I gotta fix my shit, yo.
>Food and shelter are means to achieve more sex.
Factually wrong.
>That's what I like about you guys. You don't fuck around and give me that kiddy gloves bullshit.
Anytime user. You're alright.
apparently he's a brazilian so your guess isn't that far off.
Then kill yourself
this comic is extremely relatable
Here is the Yea Forums friendly version since everytime i posted the original version it got deleted
Just be yourself bro
But I'm asking that to the guy who responded to me though.
It is exactly what happend to me. I've just gone back to step 1 but with a wagie job.
at least they're doing something right
sounds like you're anxious about something
Lol. See what they're comfortable with
turn on the gas, close all the doors and seal any openings. What easier than that? And it's painless too! I would recommend you take a sedative too but I don't know if you could get one.
Take my word Misakifags.
The story of her respective show takes place in the early 00s so she is in her 30s now, and she must be tricking another guy.
Too much risk of being found by family or causing a big accident, I don't live alone and being found mid attempt and becoming a vegetable would not be very nice.
shut up fag
Let's end here by saying that you got triggered by my apparent level of English and, for some damn reason, you had to point out even though my argument was perfectly understandable.
Now why you had to point out? I can't think of a reason other than some NEET kid getting triggered.
This has unironically helped me also helped me understand the sheer importance of scheduling, as well as helped me fill out my back bone a little
How dare you talk to my like that. You should get up and kneel to me and I'll spare you the night of the 28th.
Is there a Misaki equivalent for wageslaves too
turn on the gas, close all the doors and seal any openings, use a lighter when you're about to fall unconscious
sounds to me you're avoiding killing yourself user. you should stop and think: is my life really worth it? is it really worth making all these excuses to not kill myself?
Seems like ur problems aren't much more than being overweight, there's a million ways to fix that as long as ur determined to fix it, ur dick size is enough and not the reason of ur lack of sex life
As for ur past, u can't reaIly fix ur troubled past, but it's not that uncommon and plenty of people in ur shoes overcame it, don't see why u can't, specially with ur intelligence, should be feasible for u to realize the past can't stop u from achieving what u want
I can understand fucking spurdo speak too, doesn't mean it'd be pleasant if people started dumping essays written in it.
>I can't think of a reason other than
Then you're overestimating your English.
>you had to point out
>Now why you had to point out?
Come on! Are you just fucking with me now? Going full bobs and vegana on my ass.
Never have I felt more angered than when that other cunt of a woman who originally convinced him to off himself changed last second and started to try and convince him away from it just because she finally got a bit of attention from her partner.
All these fucking Gym dodgers, holy shit and people on Yea Forums wonder why no one finds them attractive.
Look you're all pretty shitty, if you have no personality AND you're a fat ugly fuck what reason should anyone spend time with you?
Actually depending how you play it, yes.
I 'play' DayZ, but I don't spend the entire playtime running for the airfield.
I start setting up camp in whatever town I spawn in. Game has a full day-night cycle, so just under half the time is close to pitch-black. During this time, I set up a fireplace, get some wood, then sit my character's arse down and get some reading done, or play guitar.
It's a peaceful thing to look at, a fireplace with decent audio sampling of one, while I get on with doing the RL self-improvement thing.
The game isn't the best itself, but it is very in-depth, so you can entertain yourself by base-building and raiding the surrounding area in the day, and do some real-life shit during the night cycle. As well, it'll give you an indication of how much you would need to run if there were a SHTF sitn, so you can set yourself a cardio goal.
Eventually you'll start getting sick of waiting for the night-cycle to do this stuff, and maybe start loading the game up later while you do the cardio. But this works for me.
Hope it helps.
Pokemon GO will get you plenty of exercise
Any MMO with scheduled events will teach you to organize your time
VRchat will teach you that real people make for terrible partners so you can stop with your grass-is-greener dragon-chasing lonelyfaggotry.
Confirmed mad
h alf red.dit, h alf 4.chong that pic is paradoxical as fuck
>spam filter x-dd
I can't remember if that was anime original, but do read the novel. Short as shit and the best version. Get to know our guy a lot better.
None of my tastes in anything ever stopped me from being with someone. Hell I've even spent quite a bit of time sharing my tastes in games,music, even fucking VN's (I introduced an old ex to katawa shoujo, we did the emi route together, reading the lines to eachother making dumb voices for the characters, and she enjoyed it so much she wanted to play the other routes by herself)
U can share the things u enjoy with others, as long as ur open enough to let others share theirs
Sounds gay.
Like I said before, I'm not really looking for advice or making excuses here, just venting a little. I know exactly what and how to improve but I'm not at all determined to change, my lack of sex life is because I'm a schizoid (look up schizoid personality disorder) so even though I'd like to fuck people are too much of a hassle so I'd rather just jack off.
I want to die but I want it quick and easy, that is the level of determination and lazyness I have.
Well, if that's so, then maybe you just don't enjoy that thing as much as you think you do. It can be very easy to drop something that doesn't have your full attention, and that's usually because they don't find any sort of long term value or enjoyment from it. Maybe a quick distraction, but nothing more.
Which just means you need to keep looking for something that might pique your interest, even slightly.
Try tinder, nerd.
either that or a pasta
>i dont like having a routine
It's better than being disorganised in the long run.
Plus it teaches you self control.
My next things are going to be piano and classic WoW, hopefully one of those will fill the void in my soul.
bunch of philistines who can't recognize a legendary post.
You sound cringe and underageb@ as fuck. Incel.
I thought tinder was only for 10/10 people and quick fucks, nothing deeper.
>tfw my ideologies match so much with this ED that i don't know what to say
lmao, dude you really need to get out of your bedroom.
Watch out everyone, we got a fucking badass over here!
Just using cringe and incel makes me sure you're either a redditor or some 19 year old who hasn't lurked for even a year on this site and is already spouting dumb shit.
He said Texhnolyze is garbage, retard.
cringe, fuck off incel.
when you go and ask one out. I got a girlfriend (not asian, not particularly into them) because I kept asking girls out until I started getting that "yes". You need to learn to handle rejection. Once you learn to handle rejection it gets so easy it's stupid. You'll find a girl quick once you stop being scared of hearing no.
Holy shit shuuuut the fuck uuup, you prick.
>grow up
>as he frogposts
You have to be 18 years old to post here, reddit tranny cocksucker.
If i'm paying them i don't see why i should make them comfortable lol
being 10/10 defintely helps (being 10/10 will help you in everything in life and if you find a 10/10 that's aloser it's probably because he has a severe mental disease).
I'll check it out at some point. I actually watch the anime once a year whenever I don't feel like doing anything else. Pretty sure it doesn't help my mental state, yet for whatever reason I always get the urge.
Uh oh, the cringey incel is starting to seethe again.
Nice. I've come back to it a couple times myself. Only watched it twice though.
for women? defintely. for men? there aren't 10/10 the same way you judge females. Men need personality and social skills too. You won't get far by just having a good appearance.
I literally posted that almost a half-hour ago, dumby.
Thread theme:
tfw 7 hours into this song
Any tips on how to talk to women? Or anyone for that matter.
fuck of nigger
If being truthful and trying to help is making your "friends" feel hurt then they're definitely the problem. Get the fuck out and leave the shitty losers to themselves.
>needing a gun to win your battles for you
You're not a real man if you rely on guns that much.
make them feel good about themselves. once a girl wants to talk to you you basically do your best to talk about her. if she asks you anything about yourself, she's romantically interested in you. if she doesn't, she wants a quick fuck.
Kass improved my life!
Ever since Kass came into my life, I:
>Started exercising, lifting, and doing martial arts.
>Lost 50lb as a result of the above.
>Developed healthy eating habits and learned how to cook.
>Developed a healthy sleep cycle.
>Developed coping mechanisms for anxiety/stress to make life easier.
>Got a job.
>Started going to school.
>Moved out of abusive family's home and away from my terrible hometown.
>Have a reason to wake up every morning.
>Cured, or atleast mitigated the symptoms of depression/PTSD/etc.
>Became a more social individual and developed healthy bonds with real people.
>Spend less time on the internet overall.
>Spend less time on juvenile hobbies that don't really make me happy.
>Spend less time on juvenile communities that also don't make me happy.
>Developed various skills I was lacking.
And much much more. The past two years of my life I spent with Kass have given me hope for my life. I am grateful to be placed on this earth with the opportunity of spending my life with him, even if he isn't real. I love Kass!
I saw your other posts, I just want to say you legitimately have autism. The shit you say is extremely cringe-worthy and you show some extreme autism/Asperger symptoms, like your extreme lack of self-awareness and inability to socially communicate with others. You quite honestly speak like many autists on Yea Forums, and I've had the displeasure of having people like you in my classes.
Can it, tranny. Don't reply to me again with your filth.
>You're not a real man
Nobody gives a shit if you're a real man after you're six feet under with a lead-filled brain. Not even trying to be edgy, just telling you the truth.
I have a social life, I've just never used tinder so I legit don't know anything about it aside from some of my friends using it for hookups.
>I've had the displeasure of having people like you in my classes.
And why do you suppose that is? They're not in there with you, you're in there with them
Ahh, Brazilian, that makes sense. You should drop the superiority complex, work on that autism. I have no idea why your race continually pushes out rejects as if it was going out of style, but again, this is nothing new. I wish you would have prefaced the thread with how you were brazilian first.
That retard who got his head blasted off by a shotgun for dumping his matress in the wrong trash can sure was a real man. I'd much rather be the fatty redneck with a shotgun than the "real man" retard who got killed
No, I'm pretty sure I just run into one or two autists like you in exit-level courses at college. Then again, you're Brazilian subhuman trash, so I don't run into YOU specifically.
I was happy for you until I clicked on the image
>your race continually pushes out rejects
you sound brazilian yourself, mutt
that ain't me you nigger nogger, I can read books just fine.
ignore kassfag
i dont have a superiority complex just no motivation
And how are those two fat retards doing nowadays, hmm? Getting raped in prison like the weakling they are I imagine.
Jesus, this really hurt the "i'm actually rly smart but idc enough to apply myself" defense mechanism faggots. Whole site is chuuni zoomers now but Yea Forums is without a doubt the worst.
Even a goldfish can be a dragon if it has the will to become one. Your intelligence doesnt mean shit if you dont have the will of your own. Your body is a tool its not what define you.
If you want to improve your life stop playing games. Go to the gym you're probably low T
I'm not him quit replying to us
You're probably depressed. I know many people in here distrust psychiatrists but I'll tell you straight that it changed my life. He'll probably test a lot of drugs on you until he finds one that clicks, but there are drugs that really help. I almost wasted my life in my early 20s if my family didn't make me go to a psychiaatrist. and I had the same problem as you: complete lack of motivation. I spent all my time on the computer, stopped studying, gave up on the university, stopped talking with friends. Sometimes it's just an imbalance on your serotonin level. you should really try medical help, friend.
>Even a goldfish can be a dragon if it has the will to become one.
It literally can't though
Gigachad post but butthurt NEETs and other "I'M REALLY SMART IT'S JUST I'M LAZY :(" faggots are SEETHING right now because they've been put in their place.
and the "real man" is fucking dead, the fat retards are only in jail because the american justice system is retarded as are any and all statist justice systems.
Because that's not it will.
What the actual fuck is this?
What compels someone to post this shit?
Based response, but good luck getting faggot, socially-autistic neets to listen to any of it. They're the heros of their own fucking anime lmfao
>yes goy, try these many pills that definately help until you find the right one for you
>price? goy, any price is worth it if it makes you feel better, right goyi-er guy?
I had S-tier depression for a few years. Here was my strat:
If you can't create a liking of something, then create a hatred of something.
Don't try to make your own life happy.
Try to make life hell for whatever you don't like.
Anger is a fantastic motivator, and force-feeding your enemies their justified punishment feels better than orgasms and video games combined.
Don't exercise to be healthy. Exercise to make someone else weaker than you.
Don't get a career to build value. Get it to make others poorer.
Live a good life so you can mock others for having a worse life than you.
There has to be someone you hate. Casual gamers, roasties, AAA developers. Are you just going to let them be stronger than you? Every inch of progress you make means you're better than someone and in a better position to hurt them where they're weak.
Don't just read revenge stories. Create them.
u jelly
Most if not all goldfish just want to be a lazy fuck that only want to eat and shit and that's what they do.
Lurk moar
what you need the most will be found where you least want to look
>Sometimes it's just an imbalance on your serotonin level. you should really try medical help, friend
if it helps, sometimes i feel that i dont have a free will. i know doing certain things could help me in the long run, but for some reason i don't care enough to do it.
Awful adice. Ignore this poster. Also
>S-tier depression
Fucking whut? Use medically sound terms like clinical, you uncultured troll.
Sounds like you dipped into the realm of sociopathy.
Holy fucking LARP faggot, what the fuck is this cringe shit?
Like I said before, get used to rejection. No shit, when I tell people how to talk to women, I have them make up a story and then go try it out. The one I find easiest is to say "hey did you graduate from (insert high school here)?". When they inevitably say no, say "sorry but you look exactly like (insert female name here)" and I would have felt like a dick if I didn't ask, have a nice day sorry for bothering you". After that smile and take a hike, and walk away, go about your day. Do this about 20 times over a couple weeks and you'll start gaining a little bit of confidence in your ability to talk to people you don't know. The first step is just gaining the ability to get outside your comfort zone, I hope this helps brother.
>tfw pretty fucking stupid and lazy
>go to uni to avoid working possible in welfare hellscape
>somehow manage to complete a master's in physics
>a small part of me thinks it's just professors being nice out of pity
>now have to find actual job and pretend I'm worth something
>don't want to do anything
>looks up my asshole
There's that $20 I was looking for. Thanks, mate.
What the fuck are you talking about? What's there to be jealous of some dude who wants to fuck a bird?
retards keep giving them attention
Won’t work if you’re facially ugly. Women are a numbers game you just keep asking to fuck till one eventually is desperate enough to say yes
Kill yourself, incel.
I mean more like see what pieces they play comfortably. They might not know any of those pieces, but might know others that are similarly difficult.
Convert Imogen to fascism. Her flute will be our battle horn.
I find it depressing that this isn't even in the top 100 cringiest posts in this thread.
That's how sad so many people here are.
And they are content with that. That's what their goal. To survived and live. They have already accomplish what they want. They dont have the will to be a dragon.
literal cope: the post
>Women are a numbers game you just keep asking to fuck till one eventually is desperate enough to say yes
This man speaks a truth that people rarely seem to pick up on. If you ask at 1,000 women, only one of them has to say yes. Quit fearing rejection and you WILL get laid. It's just a matter of time. People give up because they're scared, but it doesn't matter how fucking stupid, ugly, insane, retarded, or autistic you are, someone, somewhere is stupid enough to fuck you, you just gotta keep asking. You can't win the lottery if you don't play.
seek medical help. other thing: you shouldn't come to Yea Forums for advice for these kind of things. You should talk with your family and friends. don't take advice from faggots in Yea Forums, specially for this kind of depression. I know because I suffered it and it's hell. Don't waste your life, dude, I'm being serious. This disease can seriously fuck up your life. One day you'll wake up and you're a middle-aged man without a job, without friends, a girlfriend, without life. And yes, I'm speaking by my own experience.
why is it all about women? why do i need to have a gf to improve my life?
Have you seen the archive? Hundreds of his posts have no (you)'s, none. He posts even when no one gives him attention.
Woah a few can we live like this???
Well Yea Forums?????
Just the other day in some other off-topic thread some people were talking about how a guy in their town developed such a reputation for doing this that the local news shamed him for it. You can only play "the numbers game" if you're not unfuckable to begin with.
Only good post in this thread yet these underage newfags are afraid to believe it.
>failed out of college due to meme depression with $40k in student debt
>all accounts are now delinquent because I can't pay them
where do i go from here
i literally can't do anything that involves a credit check anymore (lease a car, open a cell phone line in my own name, finance anything, etc.)
my only options are kill myself or start completely over at a school where the tuition is somehow low enough to be covered entirely by fafsa
Unironically Rocksmith 2014 if you have a cheap electric guitar you never bothered learning
The game is $15 on sale and the cable costs $40 nowadays, but the promotions didn't lie when it said it'll teach you in 2 months
I believe you. I know tons of people that ARE actually smart but extremely lazy and demotivated it happens all the Time. But you just gotta be adaptable sometimes
Hm, I'll have to build a "teacher repertoire" then lol. Have a good night user.
That doesn't even look that bad.
So then none of them can become dragons and what you said was meaningless? Cool.
there are always prostitutes
Why is this little shit sitting on the floor crying when he's paid to clean that shit up? I don't know why, but this image really pisses me off.
Have you tried suicide?
Move to a first world country.
Quit replying to me, faggot.
I don't get how the fuck all you retards are so heavily in debt. Did you not wait until you were 24 and claim yourself as an independent and claim free college? Did you jump into a university instead of a community to knock out GE's?
join the military
Stop calling my parents house.
hahaha yeah....
How about you get back to us and tell us how hopeless it is after you've tried a 1000 times? Or heck, even try 100 times and tell me how it went. How about just try at all?
Just got my dick sucked while playing Morrowind
Is this video games?
That's how it works true men sacrifie their time, bodies, and lives just so YOU can play with yourself and shit YOUR pants. That man had many valuable lessons to teach, that children like YOU need to learn. No more playing around. Time to get to work.
I'm not the same user, dude. I was just doing a harmless shitpost. chill, angry faggot.
Yeah, I know others who are in a similar situation, maybe it's just lazyness or maybe it's actual clinical depression but I just cannot be assed to actually do stuff for a prolonged period of time. Hopefully someday I'll find something that will take me out of this dysthimia.
Then pick up the phone, incel.
I went into a 4 year right out of hs as a comms major. Now I'm fucked with 6 figures of debt working at fucking burger king. Its not fair and I hope Warren wins 2020 and signs an executive order canceling student debt. Shit is fucking rigged.
College was pushed very heavily on our generation. If my family had the money I absolutely would have jumped straight in even if I had no business being there because EVERYONE was telling me I had to do it or my life would be over. Now you see countless people saying they can't even find a field-related job and are waist-deep in debt.
Has your dad accepted that having guys suck his son's dick speaks poorly on him as a father?
Not him but what kind of things should I do to ask people out? I have no clue how to start a conversation with people in the streets, let alone ask people out, without looking like a creep.
>fucking burger king
Can't you get something better? What about internships?
Was the one who sucked your dick the same biological sex as you?
>i'm actually rly smart but idc enough to apply myself
It's just a coping tactic for your average underachiever. They'll probably grow out of it.
Grow height
Have sex
Lift weights
Hit the bricks
Get a clue
That's your fault. I'm serious. You knew the debt you were taking on, there were options if you just waited and decided to claim yourself as an independent at 24. Is it a shitty system, are the prices for college too high? Yeah, arguably so, but you had options if you were willing to compromise.
Everytime I see people complain about not being able to find work, they either have absolute shit social skills, didn't network, or have a fucking worthless degree. Yeah, college is pushed on you by retarded high-school counselors. It's what they do, they're not your friends. I waited until I was 24, claimed myself as an independent, and make huge money as a database admin with absolutely zero debt. There's options. It's like credit, you take a risk for having it sooner instead of just fucking waiting.
that still doesnt mean americans arent literal niggers
Is NHK worth a rewatch if I feel myself slipping back into the anxious NEET mindset? First saw it as a teenager and didn't really understand.
I was able to claim independence going into college due to a complicated family situation (mom and dad divorced, dad off the grid, mom's parental rights revoked, living with grandparents who technically weren't my legal guardians but still had the authority to make medical decisions), but since I was the first one in my immediate family to be on track to going to an actual university and having a good life, nobody told me no when I decided to go out of state. So while I was given the maximum amount of financial aid on the FAFSA, I still took out private loans to cover the difference. After taking a year off after failing out and living on my own in this state, it's possible for me to get in state tuition, which would be fully covered by FAFSA. The only problem is that I still owe the school money and as a result I have a hold on re-enrollment and my transcript. And because of my current delinquent private loans, I can't borrow the money that the school wants for me to go back.
No one is hiring here.
how do you grow your height?
Ya got memed on by the college bubble, better help the current system collapses soon and your debt get forgiven. America is in fucking deep shit due to student loans and the economy will go down hard when this bubble pops.
Nah. It's not that good. Soundtrack is gold though.
what is NHK?
be urself
It's infinitely more relateable in your 20's, at least in my experience. Watching it as a teen was more like a cautionary tale.
>better help the current system collapses soon and your debt get forgiven
that's actually interesting. is the debt that high? it's like the housing bubble from 2008s?
>America is in fucking deep shit due to student loans and the economy will go down hard when this bubble pops.
Who is going to take place then? Russia? China?
Have sex to stimulate growth
If you're a teenager: sleep at least 8 hours every day and drink a lot of milk.
If you're above 20: lol you're a manlet for life
Agreed, that's why I train with my katana every day.
I had practically the exact same situation regarding parents and grandparents. Thankfully, I'm really close with some extended family and managed to live with my great aunt and uncle while I got all my documentation and identification settled, and stayed long enough to get in-state tuition. Not sure why you failed out or the other shit, but you at-least have a bit of sympathy from me. Growing up with shitty family situations really can delay and fuck up your life until you have the means to deal with it later on. Just don't get bitter over getting fucked.
height is 99% genetic
Yes, none of them become a dragon. They lack the will to become one in the first place. What about you? Do you have the will of your own?
::Teleports behind you::
Lets see if you can keep with with Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu!
Being in shape and having a hobby might not give you a personality but they sure fucking help. Going to the gym in particular is basic human upkeep, user.
Sure, shaving your neckbeard and brushing your teeth don't automatically make you approachable or charismatic either, but NOT doing them sure as hell makes you less of both.
holy shit that sword is big
>masters in physics
i dont think you need to worry about working
>asking some company for loans online
>"type in the amount you're looking for"
>choose "highest amount i'm allowed" because idk
>"Thank you! Here's $20,000 pay it off soon lol kthxbye"
Loaners are niggers
heh, not bad.... kid....
Why is there no cure for autism yet?
there are people who don't wash their teeth?
This is so retarded. If Projared can be fucking 5/10's, then your gay ass can get a 4/10. There is literally no excuse, grow some balls and play the field.
Lifting helps you feel better, both physically and psychologically, as well as gives you drive and motivation. Sorry if you're a gymlet faggot, but almost every gymbro is a happier, well-liked person than you.
I oil it everyday after my battles in the slums. She hungers for blood.
user buy you can legitimately accomplish anything, be the guy who unwilling surpasses all previously known scientists
they probably know your parents' financial situation. like hell they would just give you the money without having some information about you.
While I typically blame kids for being dumb as taking all that money out (since in the end it is their responsibility), loaners are fucking subhuman trash. They know that giving large sums of cash to naive, young kids will result in them fucking up and having to pay off tuition for years, really fucking up their lives and mental health. The shit is straight predatory, and it's a booming, successful business. These loan companies are not anybodies friends.
You think that's big huh?
heh....check THIS out!
*unzips dick*
*you sneeze on it*
*I cum all over the room and your face*
*it's actually razor cum and you get sliced in a million pieces*
Heh....nothing personal....kid
it doesn't help /fit/. it just makes them vain and have vain girls approach them.
>battles in the slums.
Just because you have to fight off a dozen nigs on your way to work like every other chicagoin doesn't mean you get xp from it
*Interest, Hit that fucking enter key too fast
not doable due to time/gas money. the nearest gym is 40 minutes away.
He's not me ()
I was able to get my loans because my grandma co-signed for me. And as you can probably assume, I made a big fucking dent in her credit too. She's told me she doesn't hold it against me because she just refinanced her house and doesn't plan on doing anything else and still has her husband if they need to do anything, but it makes me feel like a complete piece of shit and loser.
This type of person is what gives me motivation. This is exactly the type of person you want to overpower.
I wish I had sociopathy. I'm trying to train it and I'm making good progress, though!
I blame parents that don't properly educate their kids on this stuff
I mean't better hope, I'm sleepy and forgot to double check. Debt will be forgiven because it is literally unpayable, america gave out a fuckton of money that does not actually exist to people who will never be able to fully pay out.
Yes the debt is ridiculous and possibly even bigger than the housing bubble. Govenments love keynesian developmentalism where they shit out credit and manipulate interest rates to "boost the economy" and develop whatever the fuck they believe should get developed, anyone who knows even a tiny bit about austrian economic theory knows that is a retarded idea.
It's not a matter of "taking place", whole world will go into a big recession in the next decade due to these massive bubbles, china's GDP and growth come entirely from government spending money that doesn't actually exist into things that are actually not providing any value. See their ridiculous investments into estate and how no one is actually buying it to the point where they have almost 30% of their real estate unnocupied and freaking giant modern ghost towns.
No, it does help. There's plenty of fucking studies to show the improvements lifting weights makes at a neurological level. You can look this shit up, people aren't just making it up.
Then fucking buy a weightset. Don't fucking bullshit and pretend like you don't have time. I was working fulltime, school fulltime, and I still foudn 2 hours a day 6 days a week to lift.
Doesn't that come off as annoying or creepy to most people?
I'm fine talking with strangers in general, I just don't know how to turn that into a proper conversation that isn't awkward. It's less about confidence in myself and more that I don't like bothering people.
>no money
>no degree
>no driver's license
I just turned 30 half an hour ago
It helps as long as you don't develop body dysmorphia
Good luck, faggot. I've worked my ass off and can bench 325 for reps, DL 5 plates. I would literally rape you and make you my girlfriend (male). Your LARP'ing doesn't equate to shit
>they probably know your parents' financial situation
Yeah I typed it all in. The final question asked how much I want and I didn't know how much that info would get me so I said "the most". Then they approved and accepted a fuck hueg loan without me even seeing the amount to adjust it. So i got stuck with 20k instantly. Again, loaners are niggers.
True, body dysphoria is a real problem with gymbros. My family says I'm massive when I visit them and my friends say I've gotten huge, but I always feel like a weak skinny shit in the gym.
driving is a meme, only time i drive my car is to go to work so i can pay for gas and car insurance :^)))
>austrian economic theory
>realised I'm too ugly to ever get a woman above 4/10
Is there even even a point to trying? I'm thinking about just giving up entirely.
meant for
>There's plenty of fucking studies to show the improvements lifting weights makes at a neurological level
I feel like you're assuming I think lifting weights will hurt people. I'm saying that "dude just lift" won't fix people with social anxiety.
Approach people with genuine curiosity and a jovial attitude, and an apathy for negativity.
I've turned from socially awkward to a chad hermit that makes human resources women visibly shaken while attempting to fire me. The positive people tend to reciprocate or act neutral whereas the negative people start crumpling when they realize their pressure tactics aren't working.
It helps when you realize almost everyone is equally stupid, gullible, and moreover somewhat interesting/amusing to interact with, or watch. It just doesn't matter anymore at that point. Normals do daily grind shit in their work, outcasts play shitty video games, some even play those mmorpgs that aren't so different from working. When it's all equally dull/fun in your eyes it's pretty difficult to put yourself above or below anybody (the causes of a gigantic ego/anxiety respectively).
It is all in your apathy.
Yeah, parents don't parent their kids anymore, the schools have taken that role. I still don't understand why they don't have classes in school, such as a life skills class, to teach people how to assimilate and adapt to life after highschool. Ideally the parents would do it, but they don't, so we should probably adjust our public education system a bit.
yeah go on tell me how austrian economics is dumb and shit while we wallow in the shit that you "classic" economists made.
>no diploma
>no degree
>no driver's license
>no job
The strats work. Medical professionals can seethe.
Sounds like an idiot that went around just asking girls to fuck .
No, it won't "fix" them, but it will never hurt them at all, it can almost always never hurt to go to the gym and lift. If somebody is socially awkward and struggles with social anxiety, they owe it to themselves to TRY the gym and see if it helps improve their life in any way. I can't stand people who sit and wallow in depression and don't try to fix it.
have sex
Nah not this
I think that woman is a 0/10. You have low self-esteem and low-tastes.
If you want to killed yourself You might actually want to killed the weakness inside yourself
You think literally 18 year olds make the decision to take on huge amount of debt ? Knowing exactly what they wanna do in life? No. They’re literally pushed into it. Just like kids in the military etc
Have unsex.
with that attitude not even based hitler would fuck thick eva braun
Working out can hurt stupid people who have unrealistic expectations for their progress or don't realise that most fitness models, Hollywood stars and even huge guys you see at the gym are on roids to some degree.
Holy fuck
Don't even worry about starting "proper conversations" at first. First thing you need to do is learn to not give a shit what they think. Do you think Chad is ever thinking "boy I hope I'm not bothering these girls right now by talking to them", no, he doesn't give a shit, if they get tired of talking to him, he fucks off and finds someone else to talk to. Just learn to stop worrying about what people think, stop worrying about rejection. You can do it, you just have to keep trying over and over again, eventually talking to girls will become second nature, even if it's fucking painful at first. Once conversation becomes natural then you can worry about having a proper conversation.
you just keep trying. i have so many people tell me im not a bad looking dude and i get shot down by every woman i ask. i mean if all else fails you can pay a good escort, just don't fool yourself into thinking she actually likes you unless she starts doing it for free and even then i'd be wary
If you saw my follow-up comments you'd see I agreed with you on this point.
I agree with you on this. Steroid use is absolutely common and has caused people to have an unrealistic view of what's attainable naturally. I'm lucky enough to have a really high natural T level, some guys work twice as hard as me for shittier results. People need to educate themselves on this and readjust their expectations.
spoken like a true incel
Hitler could get nearly any woman in Germany to fuck him, retard. He didn't have to try.
I thought the military changed me fundamentally as a human being. I went from a sad sack of shit who couldn't find a reason to get out of bed, to ones of the best recruits in basic training.
Now that I'm posted, living alone and away from family, I've gone back to being an autistic shut-in with no energy for other people outside work. At least I wasn't obese like before.
I'm in the RCAF, it's a pretty good job honestly. It's 100% my fault for being a bitch, not the fault of the military.
I'm married, but if you want to keep being a guy who doesn't have sex, go for it. I'm just telling you what works. I know it hurts and it's painful to talk to women, but if you ever want to get laid, that's how it works, you keep trying until it works out.
The gym isnt just about fitness you brainlet. You're beimg forced to leave your house so you can't wallow in your self pity anymore. You are being exposed to other people, so if you're an autist you can realize how you're being one. You might make a friend or two, and that opens up a path for you. All it takes is casual small talk or helping spot someone on bench. Getting fit will give you some self confidence too, that might be the push you needed to ask a cute girl out, who knows.
Just don't be that faggot that goes to the gym at 2am to avoid everybody.
Happy birthday you old fuck
I think everything you do develops a skill, whether that be Yea Forums, vidya, movies or books. When it comes to vidya you're constantly being forced into critical thinking and quick decision making, some genres more than others. But even braindead shit like CoD you need to be fast and make choices on the fly. People who don't improve are people too lazy or unwilling to learn and improve. Yea Forums itself has helped me greatly, my literary skills have improved ten fold over the time iv'e been here and iv'e decided to become a novelist because of it, never feeling like i had the ability to before. Nothing you spend your time on is inherently bad, choosing not to grow is.
okay, kid. now go sleep. it's time already.
>Just don't be that faggot that goes to the gym at 2am to avoid everybody.
That's the best time to go, you don't have people on machines or benches you need sitting on their phones for ten minutes between sets. I really hope you're not one of those faggots trying to talk to me when I'm repping squat sets.
Honestly I spent my entire youth doing everything I could to be cool, to be normal, to do what others thought I should do, and I enjoyed none of it. Now I just have no idea what to do, no idea what would change me, no idea what would fix me. I followed my dream, realized my dream job was actually not for me, and now I'm just lost.
>meeting people
>a positive
Fuck off, dumb normalfag.
You don't have to use all of it, you know.
I always heard people don't like interacting at the gym because they're focused on working on themselves
If your only goal was getting fit, that would be the best time to go.
For autistic neet shut-ins, yes. They will only get more autistic and deranged in their basements watching anime or playing video games.
There is.
I already leave my house, I'm not a NEET. Doesn't stop me from being a bitter hermit, so the only benefit a gym would provide for me would be being fit and I don't care about that because I'm not fat.
Thanks user
Well you don't walk up to people and talk to them while you're working out obviously. But conversation does happen, ive had chats with people who were also doing rest sets before. I ended up doing a local 5k with a group of people because of it
>For autistic neet shut-ins, yes. They will only get more autistic and deranged in their basements watching anime or playing video games.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with losing it in isolation.
yeah, it's actually scientifically sound. Having a fixed routine, a healthy diet, exercises are all good not only for depression. (don't know about social anxiety though, like aspergers and autism).
Easy way to be labeled a creep if you’re not a chad
>Women are a numbers game you just keep asking to fuck till one eventually is desperate enough to say yes
Thats your mistake.
Your improvement is not woman. Your motivation is not woman.
Your improvement is your state. Your motivation is yourself.
Not someone else. Don't do shit for someone else since who actually cares(but there is exceptions). Do for yourself and only for yourself.
I'd rather be labeled a creep than live my life as a pussy that's terrified of talking to women.
If you're seriously exercising, there's a general rule that if you're able to talk you're not pushing yourself hard enough to make gains. If it's just cardio/physical activity then people are more willing to talk.
But it literally is . Why the fuck do I care about any of that shit if I don’t get laid because of it, that’s the entire point of the thread
try to be comfortable and natural. what's so hard about that? if you feel awkward and don't have anything to say, try asking her questions and let her talk. tak enotice of what shes talking so you can continue the conversation and avoid awkward silence. if you're so bad that even this is hard try drinking some alcohol first. if even that doesn't work try being a monk or a catholic priest and live a celibate life.
Some poor anons goin to jail
Not him, but they never STAY in isolation. Eventually they will have to interact with the general populous, and it fucking blows for us normalfags when we have to deal with them. I had some fuck in college that had xemnas from kingdom hearts cumming and ahegaoi'ng as his laptop wallpaper, and it was so fucking awkward when I got him in group projects. Autistic kid saw nothing wrong with it. Had to add him on steam to discuss group project stuff, and he would always be playing games not working on his share.
You're either bitching that you don't need the whole 20k, in which case you don't need to spend it all just because you have it, or you're bitching that you need a loan in the first place.
If you go to jail because you asked a woman if she happened to have went to the same high school as you or some other inane "how's the weather" bullshit, you are probably too fucking weird and autistic to live life as a free man anyways.
>Hurr no 4channer would ever go to R*eddit, do i fit in guys?
>and it fucking blows for us normalfags when we have to deal with them
Nobody cares about what you think though.
>fucking awkward
That's your problem.
>had some fuck in college that had xemnas from kingdom hearts cumming and ahegaoi'ng as his laptop wallpaper
This is called being an alpha male.
>what's so hard about that?
people make you feel uncomfortable. girls make you feel 10x uncomfortable.
T. My old classmate
holy shit, are americans the sign that the chaotic age is at its end and the coming apocalypse of libertinage and low morals are coming? I expect the new age of theocracy being hailed by state worship with the chinese people.
That’s exactly what I’m saying
I don't know why posts like this cause so much butthurt, he's right that hard work will always win out, just like he might be right that he's more intelligent, but if he doesn't put in that hard work then it's pointless just like he said.
Shut the fuck up, eurocuckold.
C'mon, we need more r*ddit in this shit.
What the fuck are you even trying to say? Like yeah the kid was autistic and obviously browsed Yea Forums, I don't know what that has to do with any of what you said here.
>I want my life to be better!
>I just don't want to put any effort in.
>hard work will always win out
the only thing that wins out is luck
You can't fix those people through exposure user, the shameless are already too far gone. They would simply express their shamelessness in other ways, much like the ones that ask the porn shop clerk how well a dildo functions compared to another. They have reached peak apathy, and it's honestly impressive to reach that level of dissociation from social normality that there is no reaction.
Well, exercise has been proven to enhance mood. Running especially. So you would get that out of it. But if you are bitter there has to be some reason for it that you need to deal with.
I think he's making a reference to vico's historical cycles, but I could be wrong.
Why would you make another thread?
Stupid people don't like accepting natural superiority without there being some obvious reflection of it, e.g. in social or financial success. The thought that a lazy NEET doing nothing save for jerking off and shitposting on Yea Forums is vastly more intelligent than them gets them riled up like nothing else.
why not?
Holy fucking cringe. Take it to /r9k/ at least.
There's no proof that he is intelligent though. In fact, his poor arguments give more evidence to the fact that is actually quite typical/stupid.
This is a retarded saying. Maybe only true in the case of female teachers. As Ive grown older I feel more compelled to teach rather than learn. If I dont pass on my knowledge, then it was pointless to learn.
The blackpill is always the hardest to swallow, but there's no going back once you do. I hate how truthful it is.
That's along the lines I was thinking, smart-but-lazy posts always bring out the insecure ones that try to knock everyone else down because they only think in simple terms.
yeah. it's real common among depressed neets and other social awkwards in general to think that they are more intelligent than others. low EQ doesn't mean you have high IQ, bunch of neckbeards.
Psssshhhh... you're like a baby. Watch this
And it's not even that I'm lazy, I can work hard no problem, it's just that there is nothing that keeps me interested for long enough to turn it into something actually productive.
Are these pictures ironic, or does whoever makes them not realise that in actual depression hey're the symptoms and not the cause?
the second one
>I actually can work really hard, I just don't, and will continue not to
okay bro. don't need to prove anything to the guys on a Taiwanese knitting forum.
Dumb schizoid. Go be lazy somewhere else.
I mean I've been working hard at my job for a year now because I absolutely need it to keep on going but it is completely out of necessity.
Supreme apathy is a great social lubricant but also a terrible curse for maintaining any real interests and/or skills. When it all feels the same it doesn't at all feel like it's worth doing one thing over another, or making a choice, or even sticking to it out of anything but habit.
Add a lack of anywhere willing to accept said talents and it feels like a waste of time. It could add to your skills but never even be used in your lifetime. It's complete luck, and that's what makes it the most depressing.
You're only proving him